
Schemes for remote control of a deep-well pump. Autonomous heater Webasto. Features of air and liquid systems. Equipment and installation features. Do-it-yourself automatic well equipment: instructions

The owner himself is on personal plot and he needs to organize watering. Using the keychain, you can control a submersible pump, turn on irrigation, draw water into the bathhouse, and turn on the fountain.

Using wireless control in the country.

The convenience of wireless light control is obvious. Now you don’t need to look for the switch, rummaging around the walls in the dark, illuminating them with your cell phone.

You can turn on the lighting from anywhere in the house or area, and even on the approaches to the dacha. There are several options for using wireless control of a country house.

The main ones.

Wireless control of the pump (on and off) using the remote control.

The owner himself is at this time in his personal plot and he needs to organize watering. This mode is especially convenient if the nearest well with a submersible pump is located at a certain distance from the house and plot (100-150 m or a little more in the line of sight). Having this system, you can work on the site without leaving it, and you can get as much water as required. The pump operation is controlled via a radio channel. The stated range is 200-250 m, but obstacles in the form of bricks and concrete walls, as well as interference from power lines and cellular antennas can reduce it.

Example of use from the company Zamel (Poland).

Remote control + wireless relay.

A waterproof box is provided for outdoor installation.

Additionally, you can program automatic shutdown of irrigation; the relay has a timer. For example, set the value to 30 minutes, after half an hour watering will stop.

Irrigation and pump control kits.

Wireless control of electrical appliances can be carried out at various frequencies - 433 MHz, 866 MHz and 2400 MHz. Relatively recently, the standard signal transmission frequency was 433 MHz, but recently, remote controls operating at 868 MHz have increasingly been given preference.

We list the main advantages of working in this range:

  • It is less used, so there is less interference and "false positives" that often occur at 433 MHz;
  • Up to 32 transmitters can be connected to one receiver, so remote controls can be distributed to all family members;
  • Increased range (200 m in line of sight);
  • No permission required for use;
  • Transmitters operating at 868 MHz consume much less power than their higher frequency counterparts.

Many owners country houses They try to equip them so that living is no less comfortable than in an ordinary apartment and there is centralized heating and water supply. And if you want to make everyone work autonomous systems yourself, then you need to prepare for long and painstaking work. And even when a water supply system is installed, it must be ensured that it operates automatically at the level of the pumping system.

Today we will talk about how to create automation for deep-well pumps.

Features of modern submersible pumps

Before you start creating automation for a submersible pump, you first need to understand what types of pumps there are.

Submersible pumps are divided into two categories:

  • vibration;
  • centrifugal.

Each of them, having an automatic control unit, placed in the liquid itself, which will be pumped. Even the name itself suggests that the pump operates on the principle of immersion in liquid.

Submersible and surface pumps have the same specific operation, but their mechanism is different, and the conditions of use are also different.

So, for example, Submersible pumps can be used in deep wells, where with their help it is necessary to increase the water pressure so that it can be pumped upward. However, the maximum depth of application submersible pumps is only 10 meters. For deeper wells, professional systems are used. It is worth adding that surface pumps cannot pump water from deep wells.

Vibrating models are more popular than centrifugal ones. They are used in water wells, but centrifugal ones are more suitable for use in the agricultural sector. The operating principle of the vibration pump is as follows:

  • the key element of the design is the membrane;
  • it is deformed under the action of a vibration mechanism;
  • this leads to a difference in pressure, as a result, water is pumped in the right direction.

The most popular models in our country work on this principle:

  • "Gardena";
  • "Baby";
  • "Aquarius".

When purchasing a submersible pump, you need to check whether it is equipped with a so-called thermal switch. Also, be sure to check whether it has the ability to absorb water with its lower part.

If you are working in conditions where the soil is heavy, then you need to install the vibration device lower so that when the pump operates, the well does not collapse and was not contaminated with foreign bodies from the soil. Vibrating models should be installed exclusively in reinforced wells to avoid problems. And the dismantling of a submersible device under conditions of immersion in sludge should only be carried out during operation.

The models listed above are convenient both in terms of installation and dismantling, both of which can be done independently.

In centrifugal devices the working mechanism consists of several wheels connected to one shaft. When the wheels rotate, the blades produce a pressure difference on them, due to which water is pumped in the desired direction.

The popularity of centrifugal pumps in our country is due to the following factors:

  • versatility of application;
  • the ability to connect with your own hands;
  • savings when arranging a water supply system at a summer cottage.

Automation for deep-well pumps and its types

Automation for submersible devices is divided into three categories:

  • automatic control unit in the form of a remote control;
  • press control;
  • a control unit equipped with a mechanism for maintaining stable water pressure in the system.

The first option is the simplest control unit in the form of a standard remote control. This the block protects the pump from voltage surges, as well as short circuits, which often accompany the operation of pumping devices. To ensure full automatic mode of the device, a control unit of this type is connected to such devices as:

  • pressure switch;
  • level relay;
  • float switch.

The average cost of such a control unit is about 4,000 rubles, but remember that This control device will not work without additional devices, in particular, the same pressure switch or additional protection of the device against dry running.

Of course, some models of such control units are already equipped with all the necessary systems for full operation, but their cost will be about 10 thousand rubles. You can install such a control device yourself without consulting a professional.

Press control

The next version of the automatic control device is press control. It is equipped built-in systems for automatic pump operation and passively protects against dry running. Control in this case is determined depending on the orientation to certain parameters, in particular, the level of pressure and water flow. For example, if its flow rate in the device is more than 50 liters per minute, then it will work continuously. And if the water flow decreases or the pressure increases, the press control will turn off the pump, and this will protect against dry running of the pump.

If the fluid in the system does not reach 50 liters per minute, then the device starts when the pressure drops to 1.5 atmospheres, this is very important in conditions when the pressure rises sharply and the number of on-off switches needs to be reduced. The device is also provided for automatic shutdown in conditions of a sharp and powerful increase in water pressure.

The most common press control devices on the market are:

  • BRIO-2000M (cost - up to 4 thousand rubles);
  • “Aquarius” (4–10 thousand rubles).

The cost of a backup hydraulic accumulator for both devices most often ranges from 4 thousand rubles. And remember that when purchasing a control unit of this type, installing it yourself will be more difficult than the previous one.

Pressure support block

The latest automation option for submersible pumps is a control unit, which includes a mechanism maintaining stable water pressure throughout the system. Such a mechanism is indispensable in those places where it is impossible to sharply increase the pressure, because if it constantly increases, it will increase energy consumption and reduce the efficiency of the pump itself.

All this is achieved by rotating the rotor of the electric motor of the control unit, but the rotation speed is controlled automatically. The most famous models of such control units:

  • "Aquarius";
  • Grundfos.

It is worth noting that the brand “Aquarius” is the most popular in Russia and neighboring countries on the market of control units for pumps. Devices of this brand attract buyers for the following reasons:

  • relatively affordable price;
  • good quality blocks;
  • ease of installation.

Price different models may differ significantly; naturally, devices equipped with subsystems and additional functionality will cost much less than conventional ones.

What you need to know when installing automation for a pump

If you purchased automation for the device and found out that the selected control unit is easy to install without the help of specialists, do not rush to install it. First make sure is it equipped with an electronic kit, or you need to buy it additionally. So, if you have a vibration pumping system, then in addition to the automation you will need to buy additional expensive equipment, but for centrifugal pumps it will be enough to install a tank with electrical contacts.

Also, when working with a submersible pump, remember that it will work properly only in clean water . If the water contains solid impurities, they will get into the blades, and this can cause damage to the pump motor.

Now you have an idea of ​​what automatic control devices for submersible pumps are and you know how they differ from each other and how to choose them correctly.

Spending weekends and part of the vacation at the dacha, in addition to the summer vacation, there are responsibilities for watering the planted plants. Under constant supervision, the beds should be watered only with warm water from rain barrels. There is probably truth in this, because before, when there was no electricity, we stored butter in a bucket lowered into a well (the water there is about +12° in July), and even now we cool drinks there that do not fit in the refrigerator . In short, plants grow worse when they are watered with ice water. Well, you need to water, naturally, by carrying water from the barrels with watering cans. To facilitate this work, in the last century a three-cube barrel was installed on supports. From where the heated water could be drained through a hose by gravity. I noticed that depending on the financial situation, with decent incomes, the number of plantings is reduced to a minimum, and, conversely, with a decrease in living standards, the “planted area” increases. In one of the periods financial well-being in addition to the reduction in the area of ​​beds and global gasification, there was demolished and this barrel. In 2010, the area of ​​the beds grew a little and watering with watering cans from barrels in the dry summer began to tire. I wanted to somehow shorten the time spent doing summer bodybuilding and mechanize this process. Nowadays stores sell radio sockets controlled from a remote control. Also found in the trash was a beautiful twistable hose, given to someone for some reason, with adapters, a universal nozzle and threadless connectors. My wit suggested that I could connect all this with my own hands to a pump lowered into a barrel, and I wouldn’t have to run around the garden back and forth with a watering can.

How to make a radio controlled pump

The pump used was the cheapest, “trickle” type. We attach a piece of hose about 1.2 meters long to the pump with a clamp. Since the adapter on the beautiful imported hose has a thread with a diameter of 3/4, before going to the store, I rummaged through the trash from repairs and found an adapter tap for washing machines and dishwashers. The faucet has a 3/4 diameter thread at the outlet; at the same time, to protect the sprayer from debris, a mechanical filter was installed, and a fitting was screwed to the filter to connect the pump hose. FUM tape and tow were used to seal all metal threaded connections. The adapter turned out to be bulky, but it was assembled in 15 minutes and did not require an hour's trip to the nearest store.

Radio socket

The pump is the heart of the system, the automation is its brain. Launching on your own will not happen: either you will have to do it personally, or transfer the worry to smart devices. As for installing the simplest automation with your own hands, there is nothing complicated about it: the components are on sale, instructions are attached to them - all that remains is to mount the automation for the well pump according to the diagram, that is, simply connect the parts.

If you can turn on an external pump yourself, water the garden, fill a barrel and turn it off, with a well pump it’s different: installing automation is necessary - this is a stage of constructing a well. The devices are not purchased in advance, but are chosen together with the pump: you need to know what protective circuits are already integrated into the equipment (protection against dry running and overheating is already available in modern models; as a rule, a float is included).

Automation installation diagram for a well pump

Like any electronics, automation comes in several generations (three so far), but the principle of its operation is the same. A generation is chosen based on its tasks. The simplest automation ensures timely switching on/off of equipment depending on the pressure in the storage tank and emergency shutdown (if there is a lack of water at the source). Modern electronic devices not only protect the pump, control its startup, but also optimize the operation of the entire system, which does not require a hydraulic accumulator.

First generation of automation

The first generation of automation is the simplest devices that automate the water supply and protect the well pump:

  • dry run blocker,
  • float switch,
  • pressure switch.

The dry run blocker is simple: if there is no liquid, it turns off the equipment. Almost the same role is played by a float that reacts to a decrease in water level. The devices are simple, but the pump is protected well.

Dry running protection connected to relay

The pressure switch is installed on the storage tank (without it, generation 1 automation makes no sense). Relays come already with a pressure gauge (if not, then a pressure gauge will also be needed).

Hydraulic accumulator - component pumping station. It is here that the required pressure is injected, which is distributed throughout the entire system. The pressure level is monitored by a relay.

The principle is simple. When opening the tap:

  • water leaves the tank,
  • pressure decreases,
  • the relay starts the pump,
  • water enters the tank and the pressure rises,
  • When the set value is reached, the relay turns off the equipment.

When setting up the relay, two threshold values ​​are set - minimum and maximum. As soon as the pressure reaches a minimum, the relay turns on the pump; when it reaches the maximum, it turns off.

The first generation of automation is mainly used in the construction of shallow wells. With great depth everything becomes more serious.

Second generation of automation

Generation II control unit - electronic device, receiving signals from sensors and issuing appropriate commands. Automation sensors are installed on the well pump and in the pipeline, which makes it possible to exclude a storage tank from the system.

The system operates in real time. When opening the tap:

  • water leaves the pipeline;
  • pressure decreases;
  • the sensor registers a drop in level and sends information to the microcircuit;
  • the control unit turns on the pump;
  • water enters the pipeline;
  • when the maximum pressure is reached, the sensor gives a signal to the microcircuit;
  • the unit turns off the equipment.

Although the system is more advanced, the principle of its operation is the same: reaching the minimum pressure level - turning on the pump, reaching the maximum - turning it off.

In addition to the traditional set of functions, II generation automation is equipped with the following options:

  • temperature control,
  • emergency shutdown,
  • dry run blocking (not needed if the pump has it),
  • liquid level monitoring,
  • restart

If the simplest automation is cheap, then the prices here are already rising, and this can easily be attributed to the disadvantages (more expensive than the 1st generation, but not up to the 3rd generation, which somewhat reduces the feasibility of purchasing a control unit due to the mere refusal of a hydraulic accumulator).

Third generation of automation

Generation III devices are used to assemble powerful, reliable, energy-efficient automation systems for well pumps. Despite the preservation of the fundamental principle, the difference between the traditional simplest and modern devices is significant. The cost of the latter is also significant, but it returns 100% of the investment, including significantly increasing the service life of the pump and creating serious energy savings due to fine tuning.

Borehole pumps are equipped with standard motors. When turned on, they begin to pump water at full power, consuming the specified maximum electricity. It is impossible to adjust the engine with your own hands, since there is a constant difference in values: it is required different quantities water, depending on the intake - it is not possible to reconfigure the well pump (located at depth) each time. Generation III automation performs this function easily - exactly as much energy is supplied to the engine as is required to achieve the specified pressure: to replenish the small flow rate, the system turns on the equipment at low speeds.

Installation diagram of the control unit (cut off the watermark)

In addition to fine adjustment of the voltage supplied to the engine, the III generation automation is equipped with all standard options and advanced protection: it protects the device from voltage surges, overheating, dry running, etc. The system can be configured to operate in various modes, which allows you to organize water supply according to a non-standard, but optimal scheme for a particular home, replete with nuances. No storage tank is required: sensors are installed directly in pipelines, equipment and other places. The data received from the sensors is processed by the control unit.

Installation of automation for a well pump

The simplest automation for a well pump can be easily installed with your own hands: installation is not difficult. A float and dry running blocker are mostly already included in the devices (if there is no blocker, it can be installed).

Pressure switch installation diagram

Additionally, you only need to purchase a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure switch, and a check valve that prevents loss of pressure due to the outflow of liquid. The relay is installed on the tank or on the manifold. Cleaning filters are also installed on the pipe through which water enters the accumulator. Check valve put on the pump (most often).

Connection comes down to simple steps:

  1. System assembly.
  2. Installation of a hydraulic accumulator.
  3. Installation of pressure switch.
  4. Power supply (if necessary).
  5. Setting the upper pressure threshold (by rotating the nut).
  6. Setting the lower pressure threshold.
  7. Commissioning: test and, if necessary, additional adjustment.

The pressure in the accumulator is pumped up with a simple pump. This is the role of a person (nothing else is required - then the system works itself).

It is not recommended to install automatic equipment of the II and III generations with your own hands. Fine tuning of the control unit, correct placement sensors are the field of activity of specialists. The devices are complex and require specific knowledge and skills. It is better to pay for the installation of automation once than to disable an expensive electronic control unit yourself. As for the choice, you need to take either the first or the third generation: installing devices of the second as automated well equipment does not seem advisable.

Selecting automation for the pump

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