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242. Read the text. Language means what styles are used in it? Write down first the nouns denoting animate objects, and then - inanimate ones. Write down 2-3 examples of nouns denoting an action as an object and a sign as an object.

1) Student, Anna Vasilievna, children, guys.

2) Nouns, part, speech, subject, grammar, book, class, examples, window, table, house, road, joy, significance.

Action as an object: movement, walking, swimming.
Sign as an object: cold, affection, care.

243. Read the text. Determine his style. What new things have you learned about proper and common nouns? Write down the words with missing letters, indicate the conditions for choosing the inserted spellings.

244. Write a letter to one of your friends and express gratitude in it for some reason (for interesting information, for services provided, etc.). What address will you use at the beginning of the letter? How will you finish the letter? How will you sign it? To express gratitude, use words and combinations of words: with all my heart (sincerely, warmly) thank you for; grateful to you for; Thank you very much (heartfelt) for.

Hello, Kolya!

Thank you very much for helping me prepare for the report. The encyclopedia "What is it? Who is it?", which you recommended to me, turned out to be very useful. I found there a lot of information I needed for the report. And then, after the report, I decided to read it just for fun, and I found a lot of different interesting things there. Now I often use this encyclopedia.

Thank you again, your friend Misha.

245. Look at the table and tell us about the spelling of the vowels e and i in the case endings of singular nouns. Give examples. What style will your statement be? Prove it.

246. Use these nouns in those cases for which the endings are indicated in the table (see exercise 245). Explain graphically the spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of nouns (see example in the list of spellings).

247. Write down nouns with missing endings along with dependent words. Determine the declension and case of nouns. Justify your answer. Provide descriptive elements in the text. Copy the last sentence and underline its members.

248. Write these words in the prepositional case with prepositions and indicate the spelling at the endings of these words. Which of the selected options female name must be used in an official document, passport?

249. Write down, indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling “Soft sign at the end of nouns after hissing ones.” Name other types of spelling patterns associated with spelling ь at the end of words after sibilants. Make 2-3 simple sentences with any of the phrases and complete them

250. Fill in the table “The letters o and e after sibilants and c in the endings of nouns” with examples, using these words in the instrumental case in the singular and explaining in writing the conditions for choosing the spelling. Make up and write down word combinations with the highlighted word.

251. Remember the main methods of word formation (see § 33, 41, 42). How are these nouns formed? Explain in writing.

252. Form nouns using the suffix -ish- from these words. What is the meaning of the resulting nouns? Indicate the gender of the nouns and highlight the endings.

253. Dictation. In the first paragraph, name the types of inserted spellings. Write the words from the second paragraph in two columns: in one, words with the letter o in place of the gaps, in the other, words with the letter e.

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“Examples of nouns” - Caps of snow on trees, on benches, on the roofs of houses. It's winter in the city. There is peace and quiet in the car yard under the snow. The flickering of the evening, the darkness of the alleys. Whisper, timid breathing, The trill of a nightingale, Silver and the swaying of the Sleepy stream. Quote. Noun. It's already night. Rules for working in groups 1. Treat each other politely. 2.Listen to everyone's opinion. 3. Don't interrupt the speaker. 4.Prove your versions. 5.In the group, everyone gives answers. 6. If you can do it yourself, teach someone else.

“Noun in Russian” - Dividing b and b. The role of a noun in a sentence. Find the nouns. Nouns that have only a singular form. Cases. A page for the curious. Morphology. One day returning from the field, I lost Paul’s earring. 10 nouns that are called indeclinable.

“Exercises on nouns” - Travel to Africa. Let's rest. Zebra's task. Arrival. Cool job. Vocabulary words. Elephant Anjius. Nouns. Elephant. Assignment from the lion. A task from a giraffe. A task from a camel. Nouns.

“Morphological analysis of a noun” - Parts of speech. Genus. Feelings. Variable signs. Students. Students draw in an album. In the spring, the hare gives birth to babies. Analysis sample. Number; case Animated or inanimate. Constant signs. Morphological characteristics. Part of speech. Book. Morphological analysis of a noun. Syntactic role.

“A noun is an independent part of speech” - Determine the prospects for studying the material. Item. The noun is bread of the tongue. 3 declensions. A noun as a part of speech, the meaning of a noun. Plan. Whispers, timid breathing, trills of a nightingale. The initial form of a noun. A noun is independent part speech.

“Characteristics of a noun” - Animate nouns. Case as a morphological feature of nouns. Animate and inanimate nouns. Common nouns. Match the definitions and predicates in the gender forms. Word in shape nominative case. A permanent morphological character of the genus. Independent significant part of speech.

There are a total of 34 presentations in the topic

an object, its sign and action are the most important forms of words in the Russian language. Let's talk about them in order.


An object in Russian means a noun. In its initial form, the noun answers the questions “what?” and “who?” For example: who? - Mother; What? - candy.

A noun in a sentence can change its form depending on case and number. Let's take the floor candy. Let's look at examples of how it can change its form in different sentences:

  • I love candies.
  • I'll take candy.
  • Mom, buy me these sweets.
  • Olya boasted sweets.
  • I gave it a name myself sweets.

Item attribute

An adjective is a sign of an object. It answers in initial form the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. That is, an adjective gives a description of something or someone. For example: what kind of boy? - funny; what book? – cheerful; what sunshine? - funny.

The noun can also be used in different forms depending on the case, gender and number of the word to which it refers. Let's see this using the example of the word Kind:

  • Kind the boy saved the kitten.
  • Hello the boy was awarded a medal.
  • They played there kind children.
  • Our teacher is very kind.
  • Need to be kind.


In Russian, a verb denotes the action of an object. The verb in its initial form answers the questions “what to do?” and “what to do?” For example: what to do? - go; what to do? - go.

The form of a verb can change depending on its tense and the form of the noun to which our verb directly refers. Let's consider how a word can change paint:

  • I love to draw.
  • Yesterday I painted a landscape.
  • Today Olya is painting a portrait.
  • Mom and Dad painted with watercolors.
  • Petya drew beautifully.

Let's move on to the task

We need to come up with and write down five examples of words for objects, signs of objects, and their actions. Let's get started!

Words that name an object:

  1. table;
  2. chair;
  3. pen;
  4. pencil;
  5. book.

Words that name the attribute of an object:

  1. big;
  2. wooden;
  3. blue;
  4. simple;
  5. interesting.

Words that call action:

  1. costs;
  2. lies;
  3. writes;
  4. draws;
  5. tells.

“Examples of nouns” - Caps of snow on trees, on benches, on the roofs of houses. It's winter in the city. There is peace and quiet in the car yard under the snow. The flickering of the evening, the darkness of the alleys. Whisper, timid breathing, The trill of a nightingale, Silver and the swaying of the Sleepy stream. Quote. Noun. It's already night. Rules for working in groups 1. Treat each other politely. 2.Listen to everyone's opinion. 3. Don't interrupt the speaker. 4.Prove your versions. 5.In the group, everyone gives answers. 6. If you can do it yourself, teach someone else.

“Noun in Russian” - Dividing b and b. The role of a noun in a sentence. Find the nouns. Nouns that have only a singular form. Cases. A page for the curious. Morphology. One day returning from the field, I lost Paul’s earring. 10 nouns that are called indeclinable.

“Exercises on nouns” - Travel to Africa. Let's rest. A task from a zebra. Arrival. Cool job. Dictionary words. Elephant Anjius. Nouns. Elephant. Assignment from the lion. A task from a giraffe. A task from a camel. Nouns.

“Morphological analysis of a noun” - Parts of speech. Genus. Feelings. Variable signs. Students. Students draw in an album. In the spring, the hare gives birth to babies. Analysis sample. Number; case Animated or inanimate. Constant signs. Morphological characteristics. Part of speech. Book. Morphological analysis of a noun. Syntactic role.

“A noun is an independent part of speech” - Determine the prospects for studying the material. Item. The noun is bread of the tongue. 3 declensions. A noun as a part of speech, the meaning of a noun. Plan. Whispers, timid breathing, trills of a nightingale. The initial form of a noun. A noun is an independent part of speech.

“Characteristics of a noun” - Animate nouns. Case as a morphological feature of nouns. Animate and inanimate nouns. Common nouns. Match the definitions and predicates in the gender forms. The word is in the nominative case. A permanent morphological character of the genus. Independent significant part of speech.

There are a total of 34 presentations in the topic

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