
Amino acids bcaa composition. BCAA - what are these amino acids, how to choose and use correctly? How to Take BCAA Supplements to Gain Muscle Mass

For an organism to exist, it needs a source of energy and construction material for muscles, and if this is the body of a person who leads an active lifestyle or plays sports, then he needs it in large quantities. The human body produces many amino acids on its own, but there are some that come only from food. Such amino acids are called essential. These biological compounds are aimed at tissue regeneration, they promote recovery after intense exercise and have a positive effect on lipid metabolism.

What are BCAA amino acids

BCAA (branched-chain amino acids) is a complex of essential amino acids with branched chains that work to create new cells, in particular muscle fibers. BCAA amino acids consist of three compounds - isoleucine, and. This complex resists the breakdown of muscle fibers (). That's why BCAA's are taken immediately before or during, and immediately after, training. BCAAs are effective for both women and men, although their purposes are different. Men more often use BCAA for an anti-catabolic effect and muscle growth, and women to improve lipid metabolism when losing weight.

What are BCAA's needed for - their main benefits:

  • Increased energy reserves in muscle tissue.
  • They have a pronounced anti-catabolic effect.
  • Helps normalize metabolism and hormonal levels.
  • Helps improve mental processes such as memory, concentration, attention.
  • Positively affect the central nervous system and immunity.
  • Reduce the quantity subcutaneous fat by normalizing lipid metabolism.
  • Strengthens hair, nails and skin.
  • BCAAs regulate appetite.

Composition of BCAA and what are the ratios

BCAA complexes may contain different quantities of one or another amino acid, and manufacturers sports nutrition actively use schemes for commercial purposes, passing off various ratios of leucine, isoleucine and valine as some super working formulas that promote rapid and effective growth muscle mass. But in reality, everything is not so good. The king of the BCAA complex is leucine. It is this amino acid that starts the process (gives a signal) to cells for. Leucine activates the production of muscle protein, and the body begins to build new muscle fibers. It would seem that only leucine is enough, and isoleucine and valine are not really needed. Many sports nutrition manufacturers thought so, and today you can see BCAA products with proportions of 8:1:1 and even 10:1:1; there is also a leucine-based sports supplement without additional amino acids. However, scientists from Baylor University, after conducting a scientific experiment, proved that the 2:1:1 formula works better than other existing ones and even pure leucine. The complex with a 2:1:1 ratio also maximizes energy and reduces fatigue, which also has a positive effect on anabolism and the athlete’s well-being.

The benefits and harms of BCAA

BCAA complex during cutting

When cutting or losing weight, BCAA should be taken before or during exercise. It is usually recommended that no more than two servings per day. Here it is appropriate to take BCAA with full cycle amino acids. It also makes sense to take the BCAA complex before bed, in the morning, and add it immediately after training. However, taking BCAA should not replace a full meal! Half an hour after taking amino acids, you need to eat food rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. Although the latter significantly decrease in quantity.

BCAA complex for muscle gain

There are no prohibitions for this purpose. The complex should be taken during training and immediately after to prevent catabolism and quickly deplete nutrient reserves. In this case, BCAA can be added to gainers and protein shakes after training, to creatine and pre-workout complex before training half an hour before training. Together, the additives will speed up the process. On rest days amino acids can be taken between meals, as well as in the morning after waking up (can be combined with any protein) or before bed.

BCAA dosage

When choosing a BCAA amino acid complex, you should pay attention to the ratio of 2:1:1 and containing at least one gram of isoleucine and valine of each amino acid. The optimal dose of leucine is 3 grams per serving. The optimal dose of a BCAA complex in general would be 5 grams.


Remember, BCAA, like, are not a panacea for gaining muscle mass or burning fat. Only an integrated approach and hard work can produce results in this difficult matter. Don't give up and go towards your goal step by step.

Video about what BCAA is and how to take it

Back in the 19th century, scientists realized the importance of proteins to the human body. The concept of "protein" comes from Greek word“first” appeared right then. Proteins fully justify this name - they are the most important factor in the recovery processes in the body of any athlete and especially a bodybuilder.

Protein contains 20 standard amino acids, from which it is synthesized. At the same time, the human body is able to produce most of these components on its own, but there are also essential acids that must enter the body from the outside. The most important of them for gaining muscle mass are three amino acids that differ in their branched side chains - leucine, isoleucine and valine. Combining these amino acids made it possible to obtain a drug that, from the English branched amino acids, was called BCAA.

Why are these amino acids necessary for the body?

Valin- this is the most active component responsible for the restoration of damaged muscle fibers that need regeneration. During intensive training of an athlete with heavy loads, tears occur in his muscle fibers. It is the healing of these tears that leads to muscle growth. If valine is taken additionally, the healing time of these microtraumas is reduced. After taking valine, the nitrogen balance in the body also significantly improves, which prevents the destruction of protein and accelerates muscle growth.

Leucine ensures a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood, enhances the production of growth hormone. To restore muscle mass and muscle fibers after strenuous training, growth hormone is of utmost importance. Thanks to leucine, muscle, bone and skin tissues are also actively restored.

Isoleucine necessary for the production of hemoglobin. This essential amino acid stabilizes blood sugar levels, increases the overall endurance of the athlete and ensures accelerated recovery of damaged muscle tissue.

As a result of taking the complex amino acid BCAA, a powerful acceleration of the process of restoration of muscle fibers damaged during training is ensured, the body increases the production of growth hormone, its energy balance is restored.

In this trinity, the most important amino acid for a bodybuilder is lycine. But Scientific research found that if leucine is taken together with valine and isolicin, its effect can be enhanced many times over. It is believed that amino acids should be consumed in a ratio of 2:1:1, that is, for every 2 milligrams of leucine you need to take one milligram of isoleucine and valine. However, this ratio is not generally accepted. There are sports nutrition developers who produce BCAAs with completely different ratios - 3:1:2 (MusclePharm), 4:1:1 (MHP and Gaspari) and even 8:1:1 (USPlabs and VP Laboratory). There is still ongoing debate about the effectiveness of these formulas, but there is no consensus yet.

How to take BCAAs

There is a difference in the regimens for taking BCAAs on training days and on rest days, that is, during the recovery period of the body. These days the body needs different amounts of fast amino acids.

On training days

The processes occurring in the body of an actively training athlete are contradictory. At the same time, anabolic processes occur, that is, muscle growth, and catabolic, that is, destructive ones. A bodybuilder must in every possible way stimulate anabolic processes and slow down catabolic ones.

Anabolic processes are maximally activated on rest days, and the development of catabolic processes is dangerous during training. That is why, at the most intensive loads the body needs to be additionally nourished, because if this is not done, it will begin to look for reserves within the body.

First, the body uses up the glycogen reserves available in the liver, and then in the muscles. If the body lacks amino acids, it begins to break down those that make up muscles.

BCAA acts as an excellent assistant. To prevent the body from starting to devour itself, it needs to be offered something else in return. The amino acids contained in BCAA are ideal for this purpose. Thanks to their branched side chains, they are absorbed instantly and are immediately included in the process, completely eliminating the development of catabolism during training. At the same time, muscle mass also increases and fat mass burns.

BSA should be taken immediately before starting a workout and immediately after completing it. If the workout lasts longer than one hour, it won’t hurt to add some beneficial amino acids to the body during the workout. It is best to take powdered amino acids, which are easily soluble in water, without stopping training. ordinary water, pleasant to the taste, and also help quench thirst.

Replenishing the supply of amino acids after training is a must: at this moment, glucose decreases to a minimum level, and the supply of amino acids is also almost exhausted. But metabolic processes after training they do not immediately calm down, they maintain a frantic pace for some time, so the body simply needs material to process.

On rest days

Many people believe that it is not necessary to take BCAAs on non-training days. The argument is that if there is no effect on the body, catabolic processes do not occur, and anabolic ones will be satisfied by the proteins supplied during normal nutrition. But this is a wrong opinion.

Upon awakening, catabolic processes are especially strong. And the process of obtaining protein from regular food or from ingested protein requires time during which the protein will be broken down into amino acids. If you take BCAAs in the morning, this problem is solved: the amino acids taken immediately reach the muscles. Therefore, at least half of your standard serving should be taken as soon as the athlete wakes up.

BCAA release forms

BCAAs come in several different forms, each with their own characteristics.

Capsules- the most popular of all forms of BCAAs. It was in capsules that branched-chain amino acids began to be produced. The main advantage of this form is its ease of use. Capsules can be taken with you to training and taken with a glass of water to wash down. At the same time, the capsules have a neutral taste. Thanks to the packaging in capsules, the characteristic bitter taste of amino acid powder is not felt. Capsules can contain from 250 mg to 1250 mg of BCAA, each package can contain from 60 to 1000 capsules. The disadvantage is the price is too high. Using capsules in the recommended quantity, the package will be used up in a couple of weeks.

Pills, which are a compressed powder, have the same benefits as capsules, but take much longer to digest because the tablets dissolve slowly in the stomach.

Powders- the most economical form of BCAAs. Those who are trying to get good savings on buying sports nutrition mainly take powdered BCAAs. For the same price in powder form there are one and a half times more BCAAs than when using tablets or capsules. The disadvantages include the specific taste and poor solubility of the powder in water. To avoid the bitter taste, put the powder in your mouth and immediately wash it down with water. However, for last years BCAA powders, which can quickly dissolve in water and have a fruity, pleasant taste, have begun to appear on the sports nutrition market.

Optimal dosage of BCAA

Each sports nutrition manufacturer indicates different dosages on their products, often without linking them to the athlete’s weight. Therefore, you have to calculate your specific body’s need for certain amino acids and at the same time somehow measure it in powders, tablets and capsules.

Professional trainers express a unanimous opinion that an athlete should receive approximately 33 mg of leucine for each kilogram of his weight during training. From this you can calculate the required dosage.

If you weigh 75 kg, then the amount of leucine taken during training will be 2475 mg. Using the standard 2:1:1 ratio, the amount of BCAA would be 5 grams. A 90-pound athlete would need to take 6 grams of amino acids per workout. It remains to see the amount of leucine in that dosage form in which you have this sports supplement, and after simple calculations get how much leucine is in one serving.

Isn't this harmful?

Despite numerous discussions about the benefits of BCAAs, those people who are just starting to exercise often ask the question: “Are BCAAs harmful?” We will try to dispel all doubts. Amino acids with branched side chains are essential for the functioning of our body. Therefore, if you additionally take BCAAs during intense exercise, no violations or negative reactions will occur in the human body - the supplements you take will only be beneficial. There is also no need to be afraid of an overdose: everything that the body does not have time to absorb will be eliminated through the excretory system, and the internal balance in the body will not be disturbed.

What are the tricks of manufacturers?

All three amino acids, united under the same term BCAAs (isoleucine, valine and leucine), are quite common in nature. Meat and dairy products contain the maximum amount of them. Only one more amino acid is more widespread - glutamine.

100 grams of beef contains 20 grams of protein, of which 1.5 grams are BCAAs (leucine - 1.6 grams, isoleucine - 0.9 g and valine 1 g). So, by eating 200-250 grams of beef or other meat per day, you can fully satisfy daily requirement the body in BCAAs.

BCAA manufacturers actively talk about the fact that BCAA has a number of benefits proven by various studies, but at the same time they forget to say that it is not at all difficult to obtain the daily norm of these amino acids from regular food.

The positive effect of consuming BCAAs during training naturally occurs, but it is not expressed as clearly as advertised. And one more little thing: the content of 1000 mg of amino acids in one capsule looks solid, but this is only one gram of protein, which is a negligible amount for the body.

BCAA for beginners

The commonly used high-quality protein powder consists of approximately a third of BCAAs, so taking these amino acids as separate preparations is useful only for those who try to carry out very long workouts - up to 90 and even up to 120 minutes.

BCAAs are useful only in exceptional cases, when food or protein powder no longer meets the need for daily norm squirrel. Therefore, it makes no sense for beginners to use this sports supplement.

Thus, although the three amino acids included in the BCAA complex product are indeed beneficial for the body, it is advisable to use them in the form of a separate supplement only for professional athletes, and then only in exceptional cases.

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How and why should you take BCAA?

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The human body has twenty-two amino acids, some of which are produced by the body itself. They are called replaceable. There are also, but they are not produced independently. These are essential amino acids. They enter the body with food and special amino acid complexes. The composition is especially popular. To understand why a BCAA complex is needed, you need to understand what it consists of and how to use it correctly.

What is BCAA?

The BCAA complex is three essential amino acids (valine, isoleucine and leucine), produced for athletes in the form of capsules, tablets or powder.

  1. Valin occupies an important place in the BCA complex. This amino acid is responsible for the restoration and construction of muscle tissue. It relieves muscle pain after grueling workouts.
  2. Isoleucine is intended for active energy metabolism. It is involved in the production of hemoglobin, stabilizes blood sugar, and fills the body with energy.
  3. Leucine is involved in the formation of muscle, bone and skin cells. Also involved in the production of growth hormone in the body. The presence of leucine is responsible for endurance and allows you to increase the duration and intensity of workouts.

Proteins are very important for humans, scientists realized this a long time ago

Why are BCAA needed in sports?

Long-term training in the gym is associated with significant loss of energy, muscle injury (stretching and micro-tears), a sharp decrease in fat and growth of muscle tissue. The body launches a mechanism for intensive use of its reserves, including amino acids. During this period, it is important to maintain a proper sleep schedule, drink enough water, and eat rationally.

Irreplaceable as: nuts, cereals, meat. If for an ordinary person regular consumption of these products is sufficient to replenish irreplaceable amino acids, then in the body of an athlete their deficiency may occur. It manifests itself as severe muscle pain, depression, depression, overwhelming fatigue, and lack of results from training.

Regular use of BCAAs by athletes provides:

  • relieving muscle pain after intense training;
  • rapid recovery of muscle tissue after microtrauma;
  • increase in muscle tissue;
  • fat burning;
  • a surge of energy;
  • improved mood.

Why BCAAs are needed becomes clear quickly enough. own experience, if there is experience of training without taking BCA, and then the athlete begins to take them. The body replenishes the necessary amino acids. The first results of intensive training become noticeable already in the second or third week after starting to take the complex.

Taking the BCAA amino acid complex powerfully accelerates the recovery of muscle fibers and stimulates an increase in the body's production of growth hormone

Why drink BCAA and how to do it correctly?

Athletes do not have complex and lengthy workouts every day, so the need for the amount of amino acids on such days is different. no need to stop. This allows the body to recover faster and achieve the desired results.

can be divided into two types of days:

  • intense training days;
  • days without training.

In order to avoid catabolic (destructive) processes in muscles during gym days, it is necessary to ensure additional supply of amino acids to the body. Even the most balanced diet will not be able to replenish the necessary balance of amino acids during active training. It is necessary to select the most suitable BSA complex and start taking it.

  1. One serving immediately after waking up.
  2. The next portion is before the start of the workout.
  3. Last portion after finishing the workout.

If you follow this regimen, you will be able to avoid amino acid deficiency and the onset of catabolic processes.

BCAAs should be taken immediately before and immediately after exercise

It is not recommended to stop taking BCAA on rest days. Let's try to figure out why you should take the complex on weekends. At this time, anabolic processes actively occur in the body, muscle fibers are formed, and adipose tissue is burned. Meal intake is not enough to ensure an even supply of amino acids, so it is important to continue taking a BCAA complex.

On non-training days, it is recommended to take BCAA immediately after waking up. At this moment, the body begins to work actively, and the received dose of amino acids will help to properly consume energy. In the morning, you can take BCAA in half or full dosage. No appointment required during the day. The second portion can be taken before bedtime. An evening dose is especially important if you expect an intense workout in the gym in the morning.

Increasing the dose of the drug in one dose is undesirable. Manufacturers have developed exactly the formula, amino acid ratio and dosage that will be most effectively absorbed by the body. Exceeding the recommended dose will be ineffective, although harmless.

BCAA for men

Training for men in the gym is mainly aimed at building a beautiful muscle profile. Provide it only physical activity And proper nutrition it won't work. Therefore, you will need to use biological additives responsible for the formation of muscle tissue. Bodybuilders are recommended to drink BCAA on a regular basis. It is possible to combine BCAA with other supplements. They complement each other and enhance the positive effect.

After a workout, when glucose levels are at a minimum and there are practically no amino acids left, you should immediately replenish their supply.

Why do men need BCAAs in sports:

  • protecting muscles from destruction during intense training without increasing the number of meals and volume of food;
  • growth of muscle fibers, building muscle relief and accelerating fat burning processes during training;
  • increasing endurance during grueling workouts, reducing recovery time.

BCAA for girls

There is an opinion that the BCAA amino acid complex is necessary only for men who are actively involved in sports. But this is a mistaken opinion. Female body needs essential amino acids no less, and even more, than men. They accelerate metabolic processes in the body, tissue restoration and regeneration.

If a woman is actively involved in sports, then she should monitor her diet. The body must receive the required amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Women's sport is most often associated with the desire to get rid of excess weight, remove fat accumulation, increase muscle mass. And this desire contradicts the increase in food consumption. In this case, it is recommended to drink BCAA.

During intense exercise, additional intake of BCAA will not cause any disturbances or negative reactions in the human body, but will only be beneficial

Why do women need BCAA:

  • for the growth of muscle tissue;
  • to accelerate metabolic regenerative processes;
  • to maintain blood glucose levels;
  • to normalize protein synthesis;
  • to slow down catabolic processes and accelerate anabolic ones;
  • to suppress the feeling of hunger.

BCAA for girls actively involved in sports play a key role in obtaining the expected result.

Better inexpensive "BCAA" from sports nutrition

Every athlete knows what BCAA amino acids are needed for, but is faced with the problem of choosing a manufacturer or trademark. After all, the cost of the BCAA complex differs quite significantly from different manufacturers. In addition to the cost, the difference also concerns the form of release of the drug. You can buy it in capsules or tablets, or in the form of a powder, soluble in water. But the essence always remains the same. The composition of BCAA from different manufacturers has one set of amino acids responsible for the formation of an athletic body during training.

There is no need to choose the most expensive BCAA complex in the hope of getting a good result faster. It is better to spend money on purchasing additional sports nutrition and purchase BCAAs at a reasonable price.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the complex of amino acids during sports activities is not a whim, but a necessary component. BCAA has no contraindications, its use does not require breaks, side effects are not observed. If you expect to get a beautiful body through intense training, do not neglect the need to take BCAAs.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. If you are interested in BCA sports nutrition - harm and benefit, then you have come to the right place. This is exactly what this article will discuss. You will also be able to understand what this type of sports nutrition is. Let's get started, I guess.

Among athletes different types sports, various sports nutrition is common - special supplements that help achieve certain goals in a specific time. And, I’m sure, on everyone’s lips, even those who don’t play sports, there were such types of sports nutrition as, for example, protein or.

Well, if one can still argue with the prevalence of gainers, then not only many people should know protein, but everyone should know it. But that's not what this is about. This article is about another sports supplement - BCAA (in English) or amino acids (amino acid complex). In essence, it is the same protein, but in a more simplified form, which explains its price relative to any type of protein.

What are BCAA (BCAA)?

Well, as you already understood, this is a special supplement containing the amino acids: isoleucine, valine and leucine.

If we consider each of these amino acids separately, then from all the information we can understand that these amino acids affect muscle growth, accelerated recovery of the body after training, protein synthesis, energy and water exchange, and many other functions of our body.

Earlier on the blog, I already wrote about some amino acids, such as, and.

Let me note right away, so that there is no doubt about the appropriateness of the information I have collected, that all these amino acids are contained in ordinary food products. Therefore, I am sincerely surprised why these amino acids are in pure form This confuses many people and raises questions about harm and benefit. You're eating chicken eggs, poultry meat and don’t ask yourself whether it’s harmful or not? Although meat and eggs contain much more amino acids.

Benefits of BCA

The reason for BCA and a sports supplement is that it affects many indicators of athletes. For example, appearance(increase in body weight and volume), physical indicators (strength, endurance, explosive strength, etc.), well-being (mood) and health (improved functioning of many functions and systems of the body). Let's take a closer look.

Appearance. I think everything is clear here. Amino acids are the key to gaining weight. Not only do they stimulate protein synthesis in the body, but they also increase the recovery abilities of muscles. That is, muscles not only grow, but also grow faster than under normal conditions.

Physical indicators. The larger the muscle, the stronger it is. Here, I think everything is clear. Have you ever thought about how BCAAs help build endurance? That's how. Working according to the “drying” program ( a large number of repetitions with medium weight, high intensity), the athlete “damages” his muscles, but not in the same way.

BCA helps repair these muscles while providing them with nutrition in the form of protein, but not carbohydrates. Result - relief body, high endurance and performance. In principle, the scheme is not new.


Here I will not tell you how this supplement affects your well-being. I’ll just ask a couple of questions, and you’ll answer them yourself and understand everything right away. When you are hungry, what is your mood? You must be very angry? Now imagine - you are fed (your muscles are fed with BCAAs). How do you feel now? You are happy?

Health. I will only say that each of these amino acids affects specific functions, but they also have something in common - they all affect muscle growth.

Otherwise, one amino acid is responsible for energy and water exchange, another affects the central nervous system and hemoglobin synthesis, and the third affects immunity and regeneration. And this is not the whole list of positive aspects of amino acids. Therefore, the price is higher than that of protein. As a rule, 30 - 40 percent (depending on the brand).

Harm to BCA

  • The only negative points that I see in this supplement are:
  • counterfeit product (fake) - an unknown manufacturer cannot guarantee the quality of its products;
  • expiration date – an expired product is a bad product;

irregular (exceeded) doses - what is too much is not entirely healthy (Ukrainian proverb: “Too much is not healthy”).

Otherwise, the supplement should not cause any problems unless there are any contraindications from a doctor. On the contrary, for such a price the manufacturer seems to guarantee the quality of the product. It will be beneficial for him that the goods are taken constantly, and not once.


If you have a tendency to allergies or stomach problems, be sure to consult your doctor!

And for those who want to analyze in detail all sports supplements and how to take them correctly and in what dosages, I recommend the course “Secrets of Sports Nutrition 2.0”.

Find out more about the course »»

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Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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BCAA: how to take amino acids correctly, what they affect and where they are found

The BCAA amino acid complex is considered by many to be the most effective sports supplement for exercising people. What they are, why they are needed, who should take them and how, read our material.

The BCAA amino acid complex is considered by many to be the most effective sports supplement for exercising people. This is the main material for building muscles, which is not synthesized in the human body - that is, amino acids must be obtained from the outside - along with food or in the form of supplements.

Guests of the program Fitness hour on "Soviet Sport" - stars of bodybuilding and powerlifting - agree that BCAA is the most important supplement for fans of "iron" sports.

Just starting to exercise, people go to sports nutrition stores and see a variety of jars with different inscriptions. Among them, of course, there will be BCAA complexes. What they are, why they are needed, who should take them and how, read our material.

What's happenedBCAAs

BCAA (from the English. Branched-chain amino acids) is a complex consisting of three essential amino acids:




DifferencesBCAA from other amino acids

BCAAs cannot be synthesized in the body, so humans can only obtain them through food or special supplements. They are metabolized, unlike other amino acids, not in the liver, but in the muscles, they are considered the most quickly absorbed amino acid and “fuel” for muscles, increase sports performance, and general health.

Amino acids are the minimal structural units from which protein molecules are formed. The body synthesizes most amino acids from other amino acids. But there are 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize, and which must be supplied with food in ready-made form.

It is thanks to BCAA that about 90% of the absorption of amino acids occurs in the first hours after eating. After transporting BCAA into the blood, the amino acid interacts with muscle cells, which can improve athletic performance and speed up recovery after intense training. The use of these amino acids stimulates the formation of new muscle tissue and slows down the process of destruction of existing muscle tissue, normalizes fat metabolism processes, accelerates the burning of subcutaneous fat and improves metabolism.

Nutritionist Svetlana Titova

BCAA from food

Amino acids are found not only in sports nutrition, but also in our everyday food. Let’s say that the content of leucine, isoleucine and valine in meat and dairy products is maximum.

For example, consuming 200-250 grams of beef or other meat completely covers the daily requirement for BCAAs. Also, these amino acids are present in higher concentrations in such products as: chicken fillet, beef, tuna, salmon, turkey fillet, eggs, peanuts, notes Titova.

However, it should still be taken into account that taking individual amino acids is an addition to the main diet.

Their effectiveness increases if the need for other food ingredients is fully satisfied. There is no point in completely saturating the body with some amino acids to the detriment of others. But, given that these amino acids are essential, their intake is highly desirable. The source of additional intake of these amino acids is a high-protein cocktail or tablet forms.

Sports doctor Oleg Gusev

How many BCAAs are there in the products we know? We took data for a standard portion of 170 g

BCAA content in staple foods


A portion





Chicken fillet

Ground beef (lean)

Tuna (canned)

Salmon (wild)

Beef steak

Turkey fillet

Egg (whole)

Egg white

Roasted peanuts contain more leucine and total BCAAs than all meat products, but are an eternity behind them in terms of total protein.

BCAAsin bodybuilding and sports

“For me and all high-level athletes, BCAA is the number 1 supplement,” noted the first Russian athlete to win the Arnold Classic tournament in the Men’s Physique category in 2013, master of bodybuilding debate Denis Gusev.

Just look at the effect of BCAA on our body:

a) reduction in muscle catabolism (both during exercise and during a long break from training); b) acceleration of protein synthesis; c) direct participation as a building material during hypertrophy of muscle tissue; d) reduction of body fat mass.

The role of BCAA in the body:

  • Substrate for muscle protein synthesis
  • Substrate for energy production
  • Stimulate synthesis muscle protein
  • Suppresses catabolism and muscle breakdown
  • Stimulates the production of the anabolic hormone insulin

BCAAs perform several useful functions at once and can be used with great success when gaining muscle mass, losing weight, working on relief, and aerobic training.

Performing physical exercise increases the oxidation of BCAA in order to maintain energy homeostasis by converting it into a readily available energy source - glucose.

Research shows that during and after exercise in athletes, the concentration of BCAA (especially leucine) decreases; immediately after this, metabolic processes are activated that are aimed at normalizing the concentration of BCAA, that is, muscle proteins begin to break down, as the main sources for replenishing the BCAA amino acid pool. Additional intake of BCAA supplements can restore their concentration and stop the process of muscle breakdown.

How, when and in what form to takeBCAAs

BCAAsThey are produced in several forms: capsules, tablets, and powder that needs to be diluted.

“Taking this supplement is necessary in three periods of time - before, during and after training,” noted the 2011 European champion in the classic bodybuilding category Stanislav Lindover.

Denis Gusev said that he uses powder and capsule forms. “I drink the powder throughout my workout. And now I have 2 of them a day. Cardio in the morning, strength training in the afternoon. I take capsules during the day and at night. In the off-season, I don’t use any sports nutrition at all,” he noted.

Fitness trainer and nutritionist Yaroslav Laushkin agrees with this sentiment. “There is a time for each form of BCAA. Directly before training (capsules), during (soluble powder) or immediately after (capsules). You can also take BCAA in the morning on an empty stomach after waking up or before going to bed,” Yaroslav said.

“It is very important to take BCAA immediately after waking up, because... the level of cortisol (muscle destruction) is highest in the morning, because at night during sleep our body goes hungry for a long time,” said Hovhannes Manukyan, leading consultant of the 5LB sports nutrition store chain.

In general, there is a reason and reason for each type of BCAA. The most convenient form for taking on an empty stomach, according to nutritionist and sports doctor Mikhail Klestov, is powder dissolved in water. However, if a person is traveling or has a busy schedule, there is nothing wrong with taking capsules.

How much to weigh in grams

“For a person with physical activity (especially if it is Gym) - 35 mg of leucine per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, the general dosage for an adult is 4-6 g of BCAA per dose. By the way, many people make the mistake and drink exactly as much as indicated on the package, and often do not reach this limit, throwing money down the drain,” Laushkin noted.

“I take BCAA in micronized, flavored powder form, about 15-20 grams per workout day. 15-20 grams is the maximum amount that our intestines are able to pass through the walls,” noted Stanislav Lindover.

“Most professional trainers agree that for every kilogram of body weight an athlete should receive about 0.37 g/kg of BCAA per day. The optimal single dose of BCAA is 5-10 grams, both when losing weight and when gaining muscle mass. The frequency of administration is 1-3 times a day. Smaller doses of BCAA are also effective, but they will no longer fully cover the body’s needs,” noted Manukyan.

Ratio of leucine, isoleucine and valine

Like any complex consisting of several components, inBCAAs some are considered fundamental, and some are considered complementary. The experts we interviewed unanimously stated that the most important component BCAAs- this is leucine.

“You don’t even need to take BCAA, monoleucine is enough. The ratio is almost the same for everyone: 50% leucine, and 25% of the rest,” noted Mikhail Klestov.

“2:1:1 or 3:1:1. There should be more leucine, but not by much, although it is considered the main amino acid in BCAA. It is this formula that is considered the most effective for launching muscle synthesis and energy reproduction. That is, even if we make the composition 10:1:1 by sharply increasing the main amino acid leucine), it will not get better, but even vice versa,” said nutritionist Yaroslav Laushkin.

Review of the composition of 7 popular BCAA complexes

We've collected the most popular BCAA products from well-known brands and analyzed their composition to help readers understand the mysterious formulas.

BCAAsfromNutrend in ampoules

Form - drinking

Composition in one serving (1 drinking ampoule = 60 ml) of the product:

L-leucine – 1500 mg
L-isoleucine – 750 mg
L-valine – 750 mg

Water, acidity regulator lemon acid, L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine, flavors (E 104, E 110), potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, sweeteners sodium cyclamate, acesulfame K, sucralose and neohesperedin.

BCAA in liquid form. The taste is pleasant, which is important for traditionally bitter amino acids. Well suited for use either immediately before training or during. Minus - 1 ampoule is absolutely not enough, and a large amount will take a toll on your wallet.


Form - capsules

Composition per serving (2 capsules)

L-valine – 250 mg

L-leucine – 500 mg
L-isoleucine – 250 mg

Other Ingredients:

Gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.


A product from a well-known company, a classic version. The recommended portion, of course, is too small; one way or another, you will have to exceed it.


Form - capsules

Composition of the daily serving (10 capsules):

L-isoleucine - 2240 mg

L-leucine - 1990 mg

L-valine - 1270 mg

Taurine - 1250 mg

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) -6 mg

In addition to BCAA, the complex also includes taurine and vitamin B6. The latter is recommended for better protein absorption. The presence of taurine does not make this product special. Taurine is actively added to many energy drinks, but so far no serious stimulating effect has been observed. However, some scientists believe that taurine has a positive effect on metabolism.

BCAA from Performance

Form - capsules

Composition of 1 serving (6 tablets)

L-Leucine 3000 mg

L-Valine 1500 mg

L-Isoleucine 1500 mg

A special feature of the product is the presence of vitamin B6, which has a good effect on protein absorption. Overall a classic option.

BCAA from MusclePharm

Form - capsules

Serving - 7.16 g

L-leucine 3000 mg

L-valine 2000 mg

L-isoleucine 1000 mg

Other Ingredients:

Malic acid, natural and artificial flavors, sucralose, soy lecithin, spirulina powder.

The increased amount of valine seems unexpected. While all sports doctors pay attention to the fact that the main one in this trio is leucine, there is only one and a half times more of it than valine.

BCAA from Nutrend

Form - drinking

Amount of nutrients per serving (40 ml):
L-valine – 1840 mg
L-isoleucine – 800 mg
L-leucine – 560 mg
Vitamin B6 – 1.6 mg

The amount of valine seems rather strange - three times more than leucine, which is still considered fundamental. You even get more isoleucine per serving.


Form - drinking

Nutrient content of water serving (1 scoop = 12 g):
BCAA in the ratio 10:1:1 (L-leucine, L-valine, L-isoleucine) – 5 g
L-glutamine – 5 g
Critical Amino Acids – 500 mg
(L-alanine, L-arginine, L-histidine, L-proline, L-methionine, L-threonine, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, L-asparagine, L-aspartate, L-cysteine, glycine, L-serine ,L-typtophan, L-lysine)

Other Ingredients: Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, Yellow #5, Decanoic Acid, PEG 8000, PEG 3350, Blue 1.

While all the other participants on our list are clearly skimping on leucine, Musclemeds has sold out in earnest. The ratio of leucine to other components in the ratio of 10:1:1 seems somewhat high. A clear advantage of this supplement is the presence of glutamine, an amino acid from which the body synthesizes other important amino acids. In addition, glutamine can have a positive effect on the immune system.

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