
Alfalfa is a healthy food and healing elixir. Alfalfa is a plant with invaluable medicinal properties! How to drink alfalfa for weight loss

Alfalfa is often called lechukha, zorya or medunka. It grows mainly in Asia Minor and the Balkans, and is found on forest edges, pastures and steppes. It contains many minerals and other beneficial substances that the plant absorbs from the ground with its long roots.

Americans use it to treat jaundice and improve blood clotting, and in India, for example, they actively use the medicinal properties of alfalfa, which are effective for diseases of the kidneys and joints. Other areas of medical use:

  • acne and ulcers, furunculosis;
  • rheumatism, arthritis and gout;
  • colpitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • erosion;
  • urethritis and cystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • constipation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia;
  • arthrosis;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

This is a good laxative and diuretic that helps improve digestion and also rids the body of excess fluid. Hence - successful cases of use for the prevention of arthrosis, rheumatism, cellulite, diabetes, edema and gout. After all, the listed diseases often develop precisely because of water retention in the body.

Diuretic properties combined with anti-inflammatory properties are useful in the treatment of pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis and urolithiasis.

In gynecological practice, isoflavones (isoflavonoids), which are part of alfalfa, help treat endometriosis and other hormonal diseases. They are also useful during menopause to relieve symptoms and overcome the lack of hormones in the female body.

Improves the absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, digestive processes. The breakdown and absorption of fats occurs faster.

If you suffer from flatulence, heartburn or have a stomach ulcer, make it a rule to regularly eat young shoots of alfalfa. In this case, the walls of the stomach will become more elastic, which will benefit your well-being.

It is also advisable to add this product to the diet of pregnant and nursing mothers, since it contains calcareous substances that are beneficial for the development and growth of the baby’s bones. But be sure to consult your doctor first.

Fresh shoots strengthen teeth due to their fluoride content. Vitamin D and potassium accelerate bone recovery and promote healing of fractures and fight osteoporosis.

Vitamin K is useful for the liver and improving blood clotting. If there is a lack of this vitamin, even minor physical impact may cause bruises to appear on the body.

Saponins reduce cholesterol levels in the body. And coumarin prevents the formation of blood clots in the arteries - an excellent preventive and remedy from atherosclerosis. In addition, alfalfa is recommended for people with hypertension, tachycardia, ischemia, and also as a preventive measure for these diseases.

To prevent cataracts and farsightedness, older people are advised to add sprouted plant seeds to their diet.

For bruises, hematomas or insect bites, alfalfa seeds should be mixed with water to form a paste. Apply it to the affected area and the pain will subside. This easy-to-prepare remedy will also help reduce swelling.

Used to combat bad breath. The plant owes this property to a large dose of chlorophyll, which is often used in breath fresheners. A small piece of juicy young shoot will help cope with the unpleasant odor and relieve you of worries about it.

Benefits for hair

You can even speed up hair growth with the help of alfalfa. Brew 4 tbsp. l. herbs with a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave to cool. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with warm broth. This product works better than store-bought mouthwashes and does not contain chemicals.

Traditional medicine recipes

Young shoots should be used in dishes; mature ones are too tough to eat without additional processing. Usually, before cooking, alfalfa is scalded with boiling water to soften the plant fibers.

You should undergo treatment and add dishes and products from alfalfa to your diet only after you have read the contraindications. In some cases, admission is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

If you suffer from nose and vaginal bleeding, drink 25 g of juice from the leaves twice a day.

A decoction will help reduce appetite. Pour 200 g of young shoots with boiling water (2 cups), wait until it cools, and then take a glass a quarter of an hour before your next meal.

To get rid of skin redness and swelling, and at the same time improve your complexion, you can make a 15-minute mask of a decoction with honey.

It is not difficult to protect yourself from colds and scurvy - just add fresh alfalfa leaves or its juice to your diet. Such plant raw materials contain large number vitamin C.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids using sitz baths. Stir 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. dried tops, leave to brew for 20 minutes and pour into the bath.


Cannot be used in any form if you have systemic lupus erythematosus.

If you are taking anti-blood clotting medications, ask your doctor first to see if you can add this herb to your diet. The vitamin K contained in alfalfa may interfere with treatment.

In case of autoimmune disorders, exacerbation of gastric diseases and allergies to legumes, you should ask your doctor for permission, otherwise taking it may cause significant harm to your health.

These are all the main contraindications regarding the use of alfalfa in medicinal purposes. All that remains is individual intolerance, which, however, is extremely rare.

Before use, it is advisable to take a course of drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria. With their help, the stomach will more easily accept the large amount of fiber contained in alfalfa, and there will be no unpleasant gastrointestinal reactions such as flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.

In general, alfalfa will be useful to almost everyone who has no contraindications. After all, it not only heals, but also helps to improve well-being and protect against diseases before they occur. Add alfalfa to your salad more often and you will feel much better.

Hi all!

We have all heard about the benefits of sprouted seeds, but not everyone decides to start sprouting them, because... Although the germination process is simple, it must be controlled, and fresh sprouts are not stored for long.

Therefore, for those who want to enrich their diet with “living vitamins,” the Lifestyle company has created freeze-dried seed sprouts, i.e. they are "preserved" by freeze-drying.

What is freeze drying?!

An excellent alternative is freeze-dried sprouts, which retain the maximum of nutrients. In the process of freeze-drying, high temperatures are excluded, which reduce the amount of useful substances. The product is first subjected to deep freezing, which completely preserves all structure and bonds, and then the ice is evaporated in a vacuum. Thus, the product is deprived of only water, but not useful and valuable substances.

Have you heard of this method!? If you haven’t heard, then many of you probably use the most popular freeze-dried product - instant coffee. I also often find freeze-dried fruits/berries in semi-finished products such as jelly, but this is the first time I’ve heard about sprouts from the Lifestyle company.

I didn’t know much about this plant; I heard that it is sown to feed livestock, but I learned for the first time that its seeds are eaten.

Description of the plant

Alfalfa plant, perennial crop, from legume family. In nature it is found growing wild. The roots of the plant are strong and thick, lying deep in the soil. The stem is straight, stable, covered with small, densely planted leaves, the plant height reaches 85 cm.

Benefits of alfalfa seed sprouts:

Alfalfa sprouts, unlike seeds, contain chlorophyll, hormone-like substances, and plant steroids. Sprouts contain a large amount of amino acids, pectins, saponins, carotene, triterpinoids, fructose, tocopherols, and carbohydrates. Tannins are present essential oils, phytoestrogens.

The nutritional value of alfalfa sprouts is a lot of vitamins: D (2.3), beta-carotene, E, A, B (6.9,1,2.3), K, C. Alfalfa contains 4% protein, 0 .7% fat, 0.2% carbohydrates, 2% belongs to dietary fiber, 0.18% is sucrose, fructose. Minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, calcium, copper, selenium.

If you believe sources from the Internet, alfalfa is an excellent supplement for the prevention of many diseases, it is strange that this plant is not so popular:

Alfalfa is useful for increasing hemoglobin, normalizing blood pressure and sugar levels, blocking the proliferation of cancer cells, restoring metabolism and intestinal microflora. Regular use of sprouts eliminates attacks of arthritis and gout, cleanses uric acid salts, restores carbohydrate-phosphate metabolism and electrolyte balance in the muscles.

US scientists have proven the benefits of alfalfa in neutralizing carcinogens by enveloping and removing them from the body. Alfalfa has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immunomodulatory, antifungal, and antitumor effects. Sprouts prolong youth, cleanse pathogens, help strengthen teeth, hair, nails, and improve mood. Alfalfa is useful during menopause to normalize the menstrual cycle.

It’s useful to figure out which ones there are contraindications:

Autoimmune diseases, allergies, pregnancy, exacerbations in the gastrointestinal tract. In case of an overdose, flatulence may occur. Use caution in case of thrombosis, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis.

Let's return directly to the product itself....

Sprouted alfalfa seeds are packaged in a small transparent plastic jar. The net weight is only 70 grams, not much, but the seeds are used as a food additive, and not as an independent dish, so the consumption of the jar is small.

Information for the consumer:

The lid is plastic, under it there is additional protection against premature opening - a foil membrane.

By the way, sprouts are stored for a long time - 18 months from the date of production, and after opening - 6 months. But fresh sprouted seeds are stored for just a couple of days, the difference is colossal!

The hole is convenient for dispensing a small amount of seeds:

Where to buy IM "Lifestyle"

Cost 265 rub. For some reason, these are the most expensive sprouted seeds from the company.

Alfalfa seeds are matte, brown in color, very small, literally 2-3 mm in length,

the seedlings are much longer than the seeds themselves. Upon closer inspection, alfalfa seeds do not look as pretty as sprouted buckwheat or sesame:

The seeds are somewhat harsh and have an unpleasant crunch on the teeth, so adding them to a dairy product such as yogurt is out of the question.

Alfalfa seeds taste like dried green peas, which is not surprising, because this plant belongs to the legume family.

How to use:

Ideal with soups, salad or vegetable side dish. Can be added to the filling for preparing vegetarian or raw food dishes. Freeze-dried alfalfa seeds do not become soggy in food and beneficially change the taste of the dish, giving it a slight touch of freshness.

As I already wrote, the seeds will not be combined with dairy products, and I also don’t see them in desserts. I tried adding it to porridge, but I didn’t really like the combination of the soft texture of the porridge and crunchy seeds

I like adding them to vegetable salad, I especially liked the combination with greens like dill.

I recommend freeze-dried Alfalfa sprouts from the Lifestyle company as a healthy food additive, but they turned out to be the most specific in taste and texture and did not become my favorites (green buckwheat and black sesame are my priority).

Thank you for your attention!

Sprouted seeds have recently gained extraordinary popularity. Nutritionists never tire of repeating that sprouts, even once on our plate, remain alive, which means they transfer all their vitality to the body.

Yogis talk about the special properties of sprouts in less scientific language: it is believed that vital energy pulsates in the sprouted grains.

Although they are readily available in major supermarket chains today, growing your own sprouts quickly, inexpensively and very easily is a snap. The main thing is that you get the freshest and always affordable product. All you need to germinate alfalfa seeds is:

seeds; glass jar;

stocking or similar fabric, or special cover.

The photo shows that a metal ring was used to secure a piece of fabric to the neck of the jar, but you can also successfully use a rubber band or rope.

You can use other types of fabric or a mesh screen. It is important that air and water can pass through them, but seeds cannot.

Note the small amount of seeds in the jar, only two tablespoons per quart jar. When alfalfa seeds germinate, their volume increases approximately 8 times, so for three tablespoons of alfalfa, take a container with a volume of slightly more than 1 liter.


Soak the seeds overnight. Fill the jar a quarter or half full with water at room temperature, preferably purified water, and just leave the jar alone for about overnight.


Drain the water after the soaking time is complete. To grow well, seeds need water, air and warmth. They need to be wet all day, so the seeds need to be washed twice a day with fresh and warm water. Turn the jar over and place it at an angle of 40 degrees, do not let the seeds gather into clumps so that the neck does not close with the seeds and air passes into it.

The first days germination should occur in the dark, only then they begin to produce chlorophyll. Subsequently, it is better to grow them in a brightly lit room, but away from direct sunlight.

The rinsing water can be poured into a container and used as fertilizer for plants.


Rinse the seeds and drain (drain water from the jar) every 24 hours with cool water. In warm weather they need to be washed more often.

Simply fill the jar with water, rinse the seeds, then drain the water and repeat twice. This is done in order to rid the seeds of fungal disease and toxins that accumulate in warm, humid conditions in the jar.

Look at the photo where you can clearly see the germination of alfalfa seeds. As a rule, seedlings appear very quickly, after about 2-3 days. They can already be eaten.

The photo below shows a jar where you can see that a small amount of seeds resulted in a jar completely filled with sprouts.

You can wait for the young green shoots, this will take about 5 days, and use them for salads.


When the seedlings are large enough - usually on the fifth or sixth day - it is good to spread them out in a bright place and let the sun shine on them for a few minutes, about 15 minutes if you want.

This is done in order to activate enzymes and make the sprouts more beautiful and their leaves green.

Do not peel the brown husks from the seeds; removing them will not change the taste or nutritional value of the seeds.

But, if you want to remove the husk, then this is done using the so-called “aeration” or by immersing the seeds in water, followed by filtration, or the husk will float to the surface of the water. You remove it, return the seeds back to the jar and be sure to let the water drain.



You can store your sprouts in the refrigerator immediately after they have been dried for a few hours.

Sprouted alfalfa seeds are very fragile, but in a plastic bag or glass jar they will stay fresh for several days.

Materials used from the site:

Glycemic index (GI) – 10.

Calorie content – ​​23 kcal.

Alfalfa is a herbaceous annual plant of the Legume family, the Clover species. The place of origin is considered to be the European-Siberian and Central Asian regions. Known to mankind for more than 7 thousand years. In Russia, large areas are under crops (4 million hectares), about 70 species are cultivated. The main purpose is feeding livestock. Alfalfa is used in medicine and dietary nutrition.

Beneficial properties of alfalfa

Alfalfa sprouts, unlike seeds, contain chlorophyll, hormone-like substances, and plant steroids. Sprouts contain a large amount of amino acids, pectins, saponins, carotene, triterpinoids, fructose, tocopherols, and carbohydrates. Tannins, essential oils, and phytoestrogens are present.

The nutritional value of alfalfa sprouts is a lot of vitamins: D (2.3), beta-carotene, E, A, B (6.9,1,2.3), K, C. Alfalfa contains 4% protein, 0 .7% fat, 0.2% carbohydrates, 2% belongs to dietary fiber, 0.18% is sucrose, fructose. Minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, calcium, copper, selenium.

How does alfalfa affect the body?

Sprouts are the oldest health remedy and have enormous energy potential. By consuming sprouted alfalfa seeds, performance increases, restoration processes are launched, and the fragility of blood vessels is reduced. The condition of the pancreas improves, thyroid gland, kidneys, ovaries, spleen, intestinal microflora is stabilized. There is a positive effect in the productivity of the circulatory, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and excretory systems.

Alfalfa is useful for increasing hemoglobin, normalizing blood pressure and sugar levels, blocking the proliferation of cancer cells, restoring metabolism and intestinal microflora. Regular use of sprouts eliminates attacks of arthritis and gout, cleanses uric acid salts, restores carbohydrate-phosphate metabolism and electrolyte balance in the muscles.

US scientists have proven the benefits of alfalfa in neutralizing carcinogens by enveloping and removing them from the body. Alfalfa has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immunomodulatory, antifungal, and antitumor effects. Sprouts prolong youth, cleanse pathogens, help strengthen teeth, hair, nails, and improve mood. Alfalfa is useful during menopause to normalize the menstrual cycle.

How to choose correctly

Sprouted alfalfa can be bought in the vegetable departments of hypermarkets. Typically, the product is placed in a plastic container with a lid, with a specified expiration date. It is important to know what alfalfa looks like - it is thin, pale-green long “strings” ending in a small leaf. The total mass can be called air and volume. The sprouts must have a fresh appearance; the presence of dried shoots, mold, and debris is unacceptable.

You can germinate alfalfa seeds yourself. You can buy seeds in specialized health food stores, in departments with diabetic assortment. The packaging must contain the inscription “for germination”. The seeds are very small: 1000 grains weigh only 1.8-2.3 g.

Storage methods

Alfalfa grows quickly and increases in volume. To slow down growth requires low temperature. Shoots that have reached 1 cm should be kept in the refrigerator and can be consumed for 5-6 days. The dishes must have a lid that will protect them from drying out and chapping.

What does it go with in cooking?

Alfalfa surpasses all types of sprouts in its taste. It is distinguished by its special tenderness and juiciness. Its structure and flavor are reminiscent of a crispy green pea pod. Used in salads and cold dishes. Alfalfa goes well with all vegetables, fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and dried fruits. Combines harmoniously with cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). If desired, add to soups, side dishes, and desserts. Served with meat, fish, seafood.

Healthy combination of products

Sprouted alfalfa is an ideal product for vegetarians, raw foodists, and connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle. The low calorie content and beneficial properties of alfalfa are used in dietetics; they are particularly beneficial for restoring metabolism, saturating with vitamins, and helping to lose weight.

The greatest benefit will come from alfalfa that has not been subjected to heating; therefore, it is better to use it in its natural form as an additive to vegetable salads. Can be combined with cereals, added to muesli, side dishes. Alfalfa sprouts are an ideal addition to flaxseed porridge. The classic combination is alfalfa with arugula, carrots, fennel, bell pepper, dill.

Recipe to reduce appetite: 200 g of alfalfa sprouts are steamed with two glasses of boiling water. After cooling, take half a glass 20 minutes before a meal. When calculating the nutritional value, it is interesting to know that 100 g of sprouted alfalfa contains 23 kcal, of which 16 kcal are proteins, 6 are fats, 1 are carbohydrates.


Autoimmune diseases, allergies, pregnancy, exacerbations in the gastrointestinal tract. In case of an overdose, flatulence may occur. Use caution in case of thrombosis, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Recipes with alfalfa have long been present among traditional healers. Decoctions, syrups, tinctures, and powders are made from alfalfa seeds. Sprouts are prescribed for increased fatigue, weakness, neuromuscular excitability, excess cholesterol, menstruation disorders, and during menopause. Recommended for prostatitis, diabetes mellitus, viral and bacterial infections.

Compresses made from crushed alfalfa sprouts treat skin diseases, tissue detoxification, convulsions, spasms, eliminate bruises and hematomas. Shoots are added to food for atherosclerosis, oncology, heart failure, exhaustion, to strengthen bones, for diseases of the spleen, liver, for correction endocrine system. Used in the treatment of cystitis, osteoporosis, asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, viral and bacterial infections.

Chewing raw sprouts is prescribed for bleeding gums to eliminate unpleasant odor, strengthening teeth, during inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane. Cosmetologists recommend using it to improve skin condition. For brittle hair, apply compresses from a mixture of crushed sprouts, yolk, and honey.

Along with growing consumer awareness of nutrition, more and more food products with special dietary and medicinal properties. Alfalfa is one such food. Although its medicinal properties have been known for hundreds of years, alfalfa is only now taking the dietary world by storm.

Characterized by a high content of antioxidants and minerals. It can be used as medicinal plant, because it is used in the treatment of many diseases and dysfunctions of the body.

Alfalfa - a few words

Alfalfa (Medicago L.) is a plant widely distributed in our country and belongs to the legume family. Currently, there are more than a hundred varieties in the world that differ in appearance, soil requirements and nutritional properties. Oan came to our continent from Asia, where it is considered one of the most valuable. The history of its use dates back to antiquity. Its name comes from an Arabic word that literally means the father of all foods.

Of all the varieties of alfalfa, the two most common in our country are alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and alfalfa hybrid (Medicago x varia). In their natural state, the most common are:
- spiny alfalfa,
- kidney alfalfa,
- sickle-shaped alfalfa.

Alfalfa - nutritional value

Lucerne's leaves, shoots and grain are used as food.

Alfalfa sprouts are a low energy product (23 kcal/100 g). They also contain 3.99% plant protein, 2.1% bioavailable carbohydrates and 1.9% fiber. In addition, they are also a source of potassium (79 mg/100 g), phosphorus (70 mg/100 g), calcium (32 mg/100 g) and magnesium (27 mg/100 g). They also contain acids from the omega-6 family (234 mg/100 g), as well as omega-3 (175 mg/100 g). They are a tasty addition to breakfast and salads.

Alfalfa - beneficial properties

Alfalfa is used throughout the world as a food ingredient in raw food and vegetarian dishes. Modern scientific research clearly confirm that alfalfa leaves and stems contain large amounts of plant protein, as well as vitamins and minerals.

They contain the following B vitamins: B1, B6, B12, vitamins C, D, E and K, as well as a large amount of beta-carotene. Of the minerals contained in alfalfa, they deserve special attention iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, alfalfa leaves have a high concentration of phytoactive substances such as alpha-carotene, chlorophyll, coumarin, cryptoxanthin, daidzein, fumaric acid, lemon, lutein, saponins, stigmasterol and many others. Substances contained in alfalfa promote the absorption and absorption of protein, carbohydrates, calcium and iron from the lumen of the digestive system.

Particular attention should be paid to the chlorophyll contained in alfalfa. It is a phytochemical, natural plant dye that prevents the formation of cancerous lesions and supports their treatment. Alfalfa is primarily used to treat malignant tumors located in the digestive system, such as anal cancer, colorectal cancer, or colon cancer.

The plant is also credited with other health functions including:
– improvement of sexual function of both women and men,
— support for the treatment of diseases bladder and kidneys
- relief of rheumatic pain,
- promoting the lactation process,
- improvement of hemoglobin in blood serum,
- improvement of general well-being.

How to sprout alfalfa

To get sprouts we need seeds. You can order seeds for germination in some online store or in stores with organic goods, but if you want to save money and get high-quality raw materials, you should contact regular stores with seeds for gardeners. In a simple seed store, a 30-gram bag of alfalfa costs about 40 rubles, from which you can get almost two full liter jars of green sprouts!

How to eat alfalfa sprouts

Fresh, of course! Add to salads, soups, sandwiches... that is, literally, to any dish in which the taste of fresh green peas would be appropriate.

It's very tasty! The taste of legumes goes especially well with guacamole sauce and pickled vegetables - for example, Korean carrots.


Per serving

Calories: 23 kcal

Proteins: 3.99 g

Fat: g

Carbohydrates: 2.1 g


    Soak 1.5 -2 tablespoons of seeds in clean cold water in a glass jar overnight, for example in a liter one. 2. Then rinse the seeds under running water in a sieve, let the water drain, transfer the seeds to a jar, put the jar on its side and leave for germination: After 1 day After 4 days 3. Rinse the seeds 2-3 times a day and after about 8- In 10 days, these green shoots will appear: 4. Place the finished alfalfa sprouts in a deep bowl with cold water and gently but thoroughly rinse several times so that the brown skins of the seeds separate and end up at the bottom. Some of the scales will still remain, but this is not a big deal. 5. Place the washed alfalfa sprouts on a folded paper kitchen towel, place in a container with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Use as needed.

    Then rinse the seeds under running water in a strainer, let the water drain, put the seeds back into the jar, put it on its side and leave to germinate.

    Wait 1 to 4 days

    Wash the seeds 2-3 times a day and after about 8-10 days green shoots will appear.

    Place the finished alfalfa sprouts in a deep bowl of cold water and gently but thoroughly rinse several times so that the brown seed skins separate and end up at the bottom. Some of the scales will still remain, but this is not a big deal.

    Place the washed alfalfa sprouts on a folded paper kitchen towel, place in a container with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Use as needed.

Let's summarize the nutritional and health-promoting properties of alfalfa.

Feel free to include it in your daily diet. Its bitter, earthy and refreshing taste makes it a very interesting ingredient for salads, smoothies and soups.

You can prepare infusions with healing properties, which will help in the treatment of the diseases described above.

Alfalfa is also increasingly used as an ingredient in dietary supplements. If we want to use alfalfa, it is best to use it in its natural form - leaves, seedlings or as a liquid extract.

Taking into account all the nutritional properties of alfalfa and its beneficial effects on human health, it is safe to say that it should be a more frequent guest at our tables.

It has a strengthening effect, adds vitality, and also reduces the risk of many diseases, including cancer. This is why we highly recommend that you all introduce her to your diet!

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