
Medicinal plants of Yamal. Nature of Yamal, flora and fauna of Yanao. flora and fauna of Yamal Plants of Yanao

Time-tested remedies: read about what the northern peoples used long before the advent of dietary supplements and antibiotics in the AiF-Yamal material.


The northern cloudberry is sometimes called a relative of the raspberry. It has the same pimply shape. In ancient times in Rus' it was called the guardian of swamps and swamp amber. Fresh cloudberries were always supplied to the royal table. It was considered the most important northern berry. In Russia, cloudberry jelly, tinctures, kvass and fruit drinks were very popular.

Healthy recipe

Helps with urinary tract infections decoction. It will require leaves, stems, roots, berries. All this must be mixed in equal proportions, pour in 2 cups of boiling water, and then let it brew under a towel for 40 minutes and strain. It is recommended to drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

What healing properties does the yellow northern berry contain? First of all, cloudberry juice can cure dermatitis, eczema, and scabies. Thanks to a powerful complex of antioxidants (high content of vitamins C, E and A), this berry protects the skin from cancer.

Cloudberry sepals are good for making tea for colds, as well as for certain heart diseases. It is also recommended to use cloudberries for dietary nutrition and heavy metal intoxication. It saturates the body with useful substances, prevents food from rotting in the intestines, reduces gas formation, metabolism, colic, and the vitamin K it contains increases blood coagulation.

All parts of the plant can be used as a dressing for external injuries and burns. They stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection spreading. Cloudberries are also used as a strong diuretic. The plant improves the functioning of the urinary tract, heals urolithiasis, cystitis. It can heal gout, dropsy, internal bleeding, and diarrhea. Head of the health center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Center medical prevention", general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences Elena Svaikina notes:

“The northern berry is indispensable for female body. Vitamin E, contained in maximum concentration in cloudberry juice, is a biologically active substance that is directly involved in protein metabolism, is a powerful antioxidant, and is responsible for the proper function of the sex glands. Tocopherols also ensure the correct course of pregnancy and the harmonious development of the fetus.”

Beneficial features cloudberries are used today in cosmetology. For beauty care, it is convenient to buy cloudberry oil. It is ideal for skin and hair care: nourishes, moisturizes, softens hair and prevents split ends.

However, this northern plant also has contraindications. It is not recommended for use for stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, and gastritis that occur in an acute form. It is not advisable to consume cloudberries when taking medications that lower blood pressure.

Alexander Klyuchko

An evergreen plant in the form of a small shrub, Lingonberry has been used for many centuries in the treatment of various diseases. Not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant contain beneficial properties.

In ancient times, lingonberries were called the berry of immortality because they cured serious illnesses. Lingonberries are valuable for their rich content of essential vitamins: A, B, C, E. They also contain carbohydrates, carotene, tannins and organic acids important for the body (citric, salicylic, malic). In addition, lingonberries are rich in minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. The plant contains natural antiseptic arbutin, tannins - substances with astringent properties, antioxidants, flavonoids and tannins.

Lingonberry leaves are currently used more often than the berries themselves. They have a wide spectrum of action: they are used as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, antimicrobial, choleretic, and immunomodulatory drug. A decoction of the leaves softens and removes stones and salts in kidney diseases. Lingonberry helps with coronary disease heart thanks to the content of copper, chromium and mineral salts in its berries, so it is necessary in the diet of older people. Lingonberries also reduce glucose levels and are recommended for people with high blood sugar. In addition, lingonberries are taken for anemia and neuroses; lingonberry juice will be useful, as it affects intestinal motility.

Lingonberry Photo: Administration of Labytnangi/ Alexander Klyuchko

Experts advise picking lingonberries twice a year - in the fall, before the onset of cold weather, and in the spring, when there is no flowering yet. Collected leaves dried and after drying they do not lose their color. Due to the benzoic acid content in lingonberries, they can be stored well on their own. In order to have fresh lingonberries in the house all winter, just put them in jars and place them in a cold room. Experts do not recommend adding sugar to lingonberries; this deprives the berry of some beneficial properties.

As Elena Svaikina emphasized, northern plants can be recommended as an addition to the main therapy, but not as a replacement medicines. “Before starting herbal medicine, you must undergo a preventive examination and consult a doctor. Many diseases do not make themselves felt for a long time and are asymptomatic. A person seeks medical help when the disease is already in full swing. Therefore, it is difficult to give unambiguous advice on herbal medicine. Some medicinal plants can cause allergies or exacerbation of an existing disease,” says Elena Valerievna.


Cranberry Photo: Administration of Nadym region

Cranberries contain sugars, organic acids, pectins and vitamins. The berries contain citric, benzoic, ursolic, quinic, chlorogenic, malic, oleanderic, succinic and oxalic acids, a fairly large amount of pectins, they are rich in anthocyanins, phenolic acids, leukoanthocyanins, catechins, betaine, macro and microelements. Cranberries contain a lot of potassium, slightly less phosphorus and calcium. Enough iron, manganese, copper and molybdenum. In addition, it contains boron, cobalt, tin, iodine, nickel, silver, chromium, titanium, zinc and other trace elements.

Eating cranberries improves appetite and digestion, and increases the production of gastric juice and pancreas. This cures gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, as well as inflammation of the pancreas. Cranberries also have a diuretic and bactericidal effect and are useful for pyelonephritis. They protect the genitourinary system from infections. Cranberries contain many antioxidants and also have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Note to housewives

You can surprise your guests and delight your family by preparing cranberry sauce for meat. For this you will need: 2 cups of cranberries, 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water. Method of preparation: pour sugar into a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. The cranberries are not crushed, but remain whole. The sauce is served with the meat in a gravy boat.

It is believed that the juice of the berry actively prevents the creation and spread of cancer cells in the human body. Research has already proven that cranberry lowers cholesterol and prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels and the formation of blood clots, and protects brain vessels from strokes. Cranberries are useful for high blood pressure, hypo and vitamin deficiency C. Cranberries have refreshing and tonic properties, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Cranberry drinks have an antipyretic effect and quench thirst well, so they are recommended for use in cases of flu and high fever. Medicinal properties Cranberry leaves also have it.

Cranberries are stored as a source of vitamin C. But they must be collected in the fall before frost, since freezing destroys ascorbic acid.

Cranberry jam and cranberry juice are especially beneficial in winter. They improve immunity and prevent vitamin deficiencies.

The research object is located in the Tyumen region on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yamal Peninsula.

Figure 1. Yamal Peninsula

Yamal is a peninsula in the north of Western Siberia, on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of Russia. The length of the peninsula is 700 km, width up to 240 km. It is washed by the Kara Sea and the Ob Bay.

Figure 2. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The climate of the Yamal Peninsula is subarctic. The climate is influenced by warm air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean and cold air masses coming from the polar regions. This leads to a wide range of temperatures and a variety of winds, and as a result of the collision of these masses, a large amount of precipitation falls, snow storms and glaciations of the coastal zone occur. The coldest months in Yamal are January, February and March with average monthly temperatures of minus 24-26°C, the warmest are July and August with average monthly temperatures of plus 5-6°C. For the Tambay weather station, the average number of days per year with temperatures below zero is two hundred and fifty-eight days. The highest temperature recorded here reached plus 30°C, and the lowest - minus 50°C. Summer is short and cool, at night

the temperature often drops to below zero. The warmest month is August, when the maximum air temperature is plus 9-11°C.

Figure 3. Nature of Yamal in summer

Figure 4. Yamal in winter

On the Yamal Peninsula, southern and southeastern winds predominate in winter and predominantly northern winds in summer. The windiest weather occurs in autumn and winter. At this time, a maximum wind speed of 110 km/h was recorded. In summer, maximum wind speeds can reach 70 km/h, which occurs approximately once every fifty years. Maximum speed wind over the Kara Sea was recorded on

level of 140 km/h, which may cause problems for shipping for a short period.

Snow cover in watershed areas is insignificant (0.4 m), in lower areas of the relief it is over 2-3 m. Permanent snow cover is established in October, snow melting begins in June.

The average annual precipitation is 320-350 mm, most precipitation falls in the period June – September.

The landscapes of the peninsula are represented by tundra, in the south there are forest-tundra areas. There are numerous lakes.

Figure 5. Landscape of Yamal

The territory of the peninsula is a relatively flat, low-lying plain. The structural and lithological features of Yamal reflect alternating periods of transgression or regression of the sea and erosional incisions. In most of the peninsula, the relief has a stepped structure, descending from the center to the periphery. The interfluve plains have absolute elevations from 45-60 to 80-90 m.

2.2 Soils, flora and fauna of Yamal

The soil and vegetation cover of the territory is distinguished by two main features - classically expressed zoning and a high degree of hydromorphism. In the Far North, tundra, arctic, gley and peat-bog soils are common. Podzolic soils are found in riverine areas where there is good drainage of excess moisture.

It takes many hundreds of years to form full-fledged soil, especially in the harsh conditions of the north. Therefore, the soil cover here requires special care.

Plants of the North are well adapted to life in such difficult conditions. In the north of the peninsula, shrub-grass-lichen-moss arctic tundras grow, in the central part - shrub-moss northern tundras, in the south - dwarf birch moss-lichen, southern tundras. But the agricultural crops we are accustomed to take root here with difficulty. Attempts to develop the soils of the district were made three centuries ago. All centers of agriculture were concentrated in the Ob valley, on its sandy terraces. In the last century there were serious experimental work for growing grain crops, potatoes, vegetables. The traditions of northern agriculture are being developed by the Yamal Experimental Station, where high sustainable yields of barley, oats, potatoes, vegetables, and perennial grasses are obtained, and agrotechnical methods for their cultivation are being developed taking into account local climatic conditions. In the foreseeable future, farming in the district will remain local and will provide natural livestock with succulent feed. And it is more profitable to import grain, vegetables, and fruits from the south.

A much more important and promising area of ​​agricultural research today is the creation of agricultural technologies for the biological reclamation of disturbed land. If the current pace of industrial development of Yamal and Gydan continues, then in the near future the area of ​​disturbed land will amount to hundreds of thousands of hectares. To restore these lands today, it is necessary to create specialized farms equipped with agricultural machinery and personnel.

The fauna of the described territory is quite diverse. The fauna of the Yamalo-Nenets District includes about 300 species of vertebrates, including 40 species of mammals, up to 200 species of birds, 40 species of fish, 3 species of amphibians and one reptile. The species composition of forest-tundra animals is the most diverse.

The northern regions of the tundra are inhabited by the white arctic fox, wild reindeer, polar wolf, wolverine, hare, ermine, weasel and a number of mouse-like animals - lemmings, voles, and shrews. Ob Lemming large quantities can be found only in the north, and the hoofed lemming lives in the middle part of the district and in the Polar Urals. In the south of the taiga zone there are: sable, weasel, squirrel, chipmunk, which do not enter the Arctic tundra. Found on the islands and coast of the Kara Sea polar bear. In the coastal waters of the sea, beluga whales are found among cetaceans, and among pinnipeds - seals, harp seals, bearded seals, and walruses.

Most representatives of the bird fauna, about 90 species, are small passerines. Quite a lot of waders - 37 species. It will be a surprise for many hunters to learn that there are 23 species of ducks in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug alone, and 18 nesting species. In summer, the tundra is home to more than 75 species of birds (snowy owl, tundra and ptarmigan, snow bunting, skuas, waders, ducks, swans, geese, geese). Most birds are migratory, with waterfowl predominating among them.

Figure 6. Wild animals of Yamal

The abundance of swamps and humid air create favorable conditions for the reproduction of insects, especially dipterans (mosquitoes, woodlice, midges, horseflies), as well as for such insects as the May beetle, pine cutworm, Siberian pine and gypsy moths, red ants, etc. The abundance of blood-sucking insects makes it difficult economic activity in the warm season of the year.

Goal: to introduce some types, properties and uses of medicinal plants in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

  • instill the ability to use medicinal plants for diseases;
  • awaken interest in the natural environment.

Venue: games room

Contingent of participants: 4-5 grades

Design: poster with the name of the lesson; illustrations; epigraph; exhibition - stand.

Equipment: disk with an arrow, board with closed letters, music center.

  • Organizing time.
  • Report the topic of the lesson.

Educator: Good evening, dear guests, dear guys!

Today the topic of our lesson is “Medicinal plants of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”, then we will conduct it in the form of the game “Field of Miracles”.

Before you start the game, listen to an excerpt from "Granny's Pharmacy":

When one of the relatives is sick, they always call their grandmother. She will heal a sore with bear bile, a burn with bear lard or goose fat. She washes the wound with moss infusion. If the wound has festered, wash it with wild rosemary solution. And the boil jumped up, the grandmother applied a cake of internal deer fat with larch resin. And everything passes. For stomach pain - BARK OF CHERRY AND CLOWDOWN. Mother - stepmother for coughs, pine, larch, fir resin - to keep teeth strong and healthy. And instead of tea, grandma will give you infusions that help you stay healthy. For the winter, she prepares birch leaves, a tree fungus that grows on birch - chaga, fireweed - tea, leaves of princelings, currants and lingonberries. Everything that grandma treats with is called folk remedies.

Dear guys, today we will dedicate the game to medicinal plants that grow in our region, in the tundra, forests and swamps. If we use them skillfully, then we can preserve our health and beauty for many years. We are surrounded by plants everywhere: trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers, berries. And we don’t think about the fact that every clearing is a rich pharmacy. Birch buds are used to treat the liver, and a birch broom will drive out all illnesses in the bathhouse. If you feel bad or dizzy, it means your body doesn’t have enough vitamins. In this case, tea with rowan fruits will help. The list of healing properties of plants can be long and long. Many books have been written about this:

Let's start the game.

1st round

Educator: to choose the first three players, I will ask riddles.

  • There are pieces of amber lying on the hummocks; if you put them in your mouth, they will immediately melt (cloudberries)
  • Ten black beads hang on one branch (blueberries)
  • Climbed through the ground, put on a Russian hat (mushroom)

Presentation of the first three players.

Assignment: Grows in coniferous and mixed forests, in the tundra, on high peat bogs. Flowers in June, red fruits, sweet and sour berries ripening at the end of August. The leaves should be collected during flowering, and the berries when ripe. In our region, residents harvest for personal needs to make jam, syrup, compote. What berry are we talking about? (cowberry)

Educator: B folk medicine Lingonberries are especially loved. Raw and dried berries (as well as jam made from them) are a good dietary remedy that improves stomach activity, especially with low acidity. Lingonberry fruits are used for diarrhea and other digestive disorders. Lingonberry leaves are used as a diuretic for kidney stones, as well as for liver diseases and an astringent for stomach diseases (in the form of tea).

We reveal the winners of the first three players.

2 round

Educator: We choose the second three players.

What does the grass offer?
In the meadows in the wilderness
A person with good tea,
Bees with nectar from the heart (Ivan-tea)

In the summer I'm glad to be fresh
bear berry,
And dried for stock
Cures us from colds (raspberries)

Name a berry that in some places is for its bright color called zharovika (cranberry)

Resignation of the second three players.

Exercise. This is a low shrub. It has long been used as a medicine.

It has a stimulating effect, helps with dysentery, regulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Especially used to improve vision.

What is the name of this berry? (blueberry).

Winner (prizes).

3rd round

Educator: Third three players.


  1. What kind of tree mushroom is used in traditional medicine and religious rituals of the Nenets? (chaga)
  2. The smell of the flowers of this shrub clouds the mind and drives away moths.
  3. Name it (Ledum)
  4. What berry leaves can be used to brew tea? (lingonberries, blueberries)
  5. Exercise. It grows along river banks, in floodplains, ravines, and forests. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C. Increases protective forces body and resistance to infections, improves performance and stimulates metabolism. Seed oil is effective in wound healing, (rosehip).

Winner (prize)

About rose hips. Listen to an excerpt from the story. What does the writer compare rosehip flowers with? Are they beautiful?

On the sides of the path, rose hips stood like high and steep walls and bloomed with such a damp fire that even the early sunlight, falling on the foliage, next to the rose hips seemed cold and pale. It seemed as if the rosehip flowers were forever separated from the thorny branches and hung in the air like a bright little flame. (K. Paustovsky)

Playing with the audience.

Exercise. Grows in moss swamps, swampy forests, moss-lichen tundras. Used as a cardiac, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, healing agent. (cloudberry)

The final. Presentation of the finalists.

Exercise. “The Tree of Four Things” is what people call this tree. It is suitable for many things, but most importantly, it has treated and is treating people for many diseases. Medicinal products are obtained from its wood. Activated carbon and tar, (birch)

A poem about a birch tree.

I am forever for fog and dew
I fell in love with the birch tree,
And her golden braids
And her canvas sundress.
S. Yesenin

Winner's reward ceremony.

Super game

Exercise. Which drink is a good protection against the harmful effects of sun rays? (tea)

Educator: Those who are afraid of tanning should wash their face with tea before going out into the sun. Anyone who has been burned should apply a compress of warm tea to the burned areas of the skin; this will relieve pain, reduce fever, and refresh the skin.

Ivan tea is a very valuable plant. Used for gastritis, gastroenteritis. As a remedy to calm the nervous system, for insomnia, neurosis, neurasthenia. It has already been proven that fireweed tea also has an antitumor effect. It is collected during and after flowering. If you are late to collect flowers, you can also use leaves. Only fruits are not collected from him. Previously, bread was baked from the roots of fireweed.

It was not for nothing that I ended the game with the word “tea”. Tea is the exciting smell of the tundra, the fragrance of herbs, the eternal power of our land. Herbal teas invigorate and give people the energy of the earth.

Take advantage of this wealth that nature has given us, you will always be healthy and beautiful!


Did you enjoy the activity?


  1. Nyaruy V.N. Serpivo V.M. Nenets. St. Petersburg, 2002
  2. Nyaruy V.N. Extracurricular activities in a rural school in Yamal. - Salekhard, 2002
  3. Potupalo T.N. Love and know your native land. - Salekhard, 2002
  4. Historical and cultural popular science magazine: Yamal Meridian No. 7/ 2001 Salekhard.

The fauna of the described territory is quite diverse. The fauna of the Yamal-Nenets District includes about 300 species of vertebrates, including 40 species of mammals, up to 200 species of birds, 40 species of fish, 3 species of amphibians and one reptile. The species composition of forest-tundra animals is the most diverse. The northern regions of the tundra are inhabited by the white arctic fox, wild reindeer, polar wolf, wolverine, hare, ermine, weasel and a number of mouse-like animals - lemmings, voles, and shrews. The Ob lemming can be found in large numbers only in the north, while the hoofed lemming lives in the middle part of the district and in the Polar Urals. In the south of the taiga zone there are: sable, weasel, squirrel, and burun duk, which do not enter the Arctic tundra. Polar bears are found on the islands and coast of the Kara Sea. In the coastal waters of the sea, beluga whales are found among cetaceans, and pinnipeds include seals, harp seals, bearded seals, and walruses.

Animals Many will probably be surprised when they learn that about 250 species of birds are found on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Okrug, and slightly less than 200 of them nest. Most representatives of the bird fauna, about 90 species, are small passerines. Quite a lot of waders - 37 species. It will be a surprise for many hunters to learn that there are 23 species of ducks in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug alone, and 18 nesting species. In summer, the tundra is home to more than 75 species of birds (snowy owl, tundra and ptarmigan, snow bunting, skuas, waders, ducks, swans, geese, geese). Most birds are migratory, with waterfowl predominating among them. Many will probably be surprised to learn that about 250 species of birds are found on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Okrug, and slightly less than 200 of them nest. Most representatives of the bird fauna, about 90 species, are small passerines. Quite a lot of waders - 37 species. It will be a surprise for many hunters to learn that there are 23 species of ducks in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug alone, and 18 nesting species. In summer, the tundra is home to more than 75 species of birds (snowy owl, tundra and ptarmigan, snow bunting, skuas, waders, ducks, swans, geese, geese). Most birds are migratory, with waterfowl predominating among them. Few of the population of the district have not flown over the expanses of the northern taiga, tundra and forest-tundra and have not seen gigantic spaces that have retained their primitive face. So when they say that the technical process has robbed wild animals of their habitat, they greatly exaggerate the scale of the evil, especially for the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Okrug.

Few of the population of the district have not flown over the expanses of the northern taiga, tundra and forest-tundra and have not seen gigantic spaces that have retained their primitive face. So when they say that the technical process has taken away the habitat of wild animals, they greatly exaggerate the scale of the evil. Especially for the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug. The most noticeable decline in the number of so-called upland game - wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, white partridge - is in the vicinity of cities and towns, along roads and near the busiest waterways. The same can be said about most geese and ducks - they are also very attached to their nesting territory. Returning to the topic of the Red Book and the species that are most in need of protection, we cannot help but touch upon some more aspects of the problem of bird protection. Perhaps the most famous of the "Red Book" birds - the red-breasted goose - has more chances than others that decent hunters will recognize it when they meet it and refrain from shooting. But there is another species from the Red Book - the lesser white-fronted white-fronted duck. It is very similar to the white-breasted goose, differing only in a few subtle features, its voice and even its small size. Only a very experienced eye can recognize a lesser white-fronted duck from a distance. And the rarest and most valuable (priceless!) bird in the district is the white crane, the Siberian Crane. Only a few birds nest in the Kunovat River basin, and several more have recently been found in the south of the region. Apparently, this entire population is truly on the verge of extinction. The forest-tundra is home to both tundra and taiga animals. Elk, brown bear, squirrels, muskrats, three-toed woodpeckers, white-winged crossbills, and flocks of ptarmigan make their way here. Elk are found in the district only in summer and autumn. With the onset of winter, moose and wild deer leave. The polar wolf is common in the area, usually found near reindeer herds.

The fauna of the taiga is much richer - squirrel, hare, brown bear, wolf, fox, ermine, sable, etc. Among insectivores - mole, shrew, hedgehog; from bats - long-eared bat, gray bat. The feathered population of the taiga zone is more diverse than the tundra: ducks, geese, snipe, kupel, curlews, waders, etc. The goshawk, golden eagle, rough-legged buzzard, and white-tailed eagle also live here. Of the reptiles and freshwater - viper, common grass snake, gray toad, viviparous lizard.

Animal protection The decrease in the number of some species of animals and birds associated with the industrial expansion of a number of areas in the district served as the basis for the creation of the Regional Red Data Book of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which was published at the end of 1996. On the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Verkhne-Tazovsky Nature Reserve, ten state zoological reserves (Kunovatsky, etc.), the Synsko-Voikar ethnic territory were created for the protection various types animals inhabiting this territory. The people of Yamal are faced with a serious task of how to use subsoil resources with less losses for nature, since both are necessary for humans. The district began conducting a cadastral assessment of wildlife. An aerial census of the number of elk and wild reindeer showed that their distribution area is affected by anthropogenic pressure as a result of the industrial development of new territories. In the Purovsky district, the population of wild reindeer has been pushed to the north, where there is no active development of the territory by the oil and gas complex. Nevertheless, the size of this population has increased almost 3.5 times compared to the eighties and now numbers about 20.5 thousand individuals. There are about 5 thousand elk in the area, and there are about 5 thousand brown bears. There are more than 12 million ducks of all types, 470 thousand geese of all types.

The vegetation of the North of the West Siberian Plain is a wonderful illustration of zonal changes in natural conditions, including vegetation, when moving from north to south. Within the district and the nearest islands adjacent to it, vegetation characteristic of the tundra zone predominates.

Tundra The vegetation cover of the tundra zone is a complex combination of tundra and swamps. The conditions are extremely harsh, so the plants are stunted, often have a creeping or cushion-like shape, and grow in spots. These are mainly bushy lichens, green mosses and sedges: moss dominates in the uplands, sedge dominates in monotonous peat bogs. In the northern subarctic tundras, the tops of watersheds are occupied by grass-lichen and moss tundras, which in the absence of reindeer grazing would be lichen. A little to the south extends the moss-lichen tundra with small shrubs dwarf birch and willows. Even further south, the vegetation becomes richer, dwarf birch and wild rosemary are common; Among the dwarf woody vegetation there are a large number of mushrooms - russula, boletus, boletus, as well as many berries - cloudberries, princelings, blueberries. Willow thickets in river valleys already reach three meters in height.

Forest-tundra Between the tundra and taiga from west to east, a kilometer wide zone is located. Tundra vegetation here alternates with larch, spruce and birch trees. In the forest-tundra, due to the harsh climate and shallow permafrost, open forests predominate; trees grow slowly and are stunted. In the southern tundra subzone, alder, willow and dwarf birch are common; in summer, this part of the tundra is decorated with flowers - yellow swimsuits, forget-me-nots, yellow and purple mytillaria, etc. Forests, mainly larch, are located in islands or stripes along river valleys.

Taiga of Yamal The territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug also covers the northern taiga subzone. Taiga forests are higher and denser, and open forests overlook watersheds. The northern taiga is represented by mixed forests of Siberian spruce, larch, warty birch and fir on podzolic illuvial-humus soils on sandy soils, interspersed with extensive swamps in watershed areas. The most beautiful forests are white moss forests, with thick cushions of starburst lichen. Since frost and wind in the forest do not press the plants to the ground, the berry plants grow more than 50 cm. The zone is characterized by widespread permafrost with a predominance of treeless large-hilly sphagnum bogs over forests, forming vast tracts.

Useful plants of Yamal The district has significant resources useful plants- in their usual understanding. Among the foodstuffs, berries are of greatest value to the population. The most common and productive ones are cloudberries, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, and blueberries. Literary data indicate that cloudberries in productive years produce up to 13 t/ha, the yield of lingonberries and blueberries is about 2 t/ha. The list of medicinal plants in the north of Western Siberia includes about one and a half hundred species. Of these, six dozen are used in official medicine. The most important medicinal raw materials are the birch chaga mushroom and birch buds. There are significant reserves of wild rosemary and lingonberry leaves. Possible. mass procurement of forty species of medicinal plants. Radiola rosea (golden root) is extremely popular. The healing and tonic properties of its rhizomes have become the reason for mass harvesting. Radiola extract is officially recommended as a drug that prevents fatigue during intense mental work, for the treatment of nervous system disorders and hearing loss. Using it, like any medicine, requires caution - in case of an overdose, cardiac activity may be impaired and a state of overexcitation may develop. Technical useful plants are quite abundant. Tanning raw materials can be willow, bush alder, larch, snakeweed, wild rosemary, birch. Lingonberry, three-leaf watch, blueberry and others. Unfortunately, there is practically no data on the distribution and reserves of useful plants in the district. At the same time, there are food and medicinal plants, the supplies of which are limited and can only be used by the local population, and there are those that can be recommended for mass procurement.


1. History of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

On February 27, 1932 at 8:20 a.m. in the village of Obdorsk, in the premises of the Native House, the first Yamal (Nenets) National Congress of Soviets opened - historical event in the life of the northern region. The history of the Yamal representative body begins with it. And before that, in 1931, the first elections to the Councils of all levels were held. The most significant point in this process was the reliance on the poorest segments of the population.

The Soviet government actively participated in solving the most important economic and political problems in the district. This is the construction of the Salekhard fish factory, the procurement of furs, the development of reindeer husbandry and cooperation in the countryside, supplying northerners with goods, eliminating their illiteracy, and medical care.

At the very first congress, delegates appealed to the Ural Regional Executive Committee to assign Obdorsk, the center of constant communication of the native population, the national name “Sale-Khard” (from Nenets - a settlement on a cape).

Today, the people who stood at the origins of the formation of representative power in the region are no longer with us for a long time. But the names of the first representatives of the people, members of the district executive committee Sergei Skorospekhov and Yakov Mukhin, Piricha Okotetto and Anton Khatanzeev, Vasily Kharyucha and Anna Shushakova, Eday Laptsui and Dmitry Medvedev, Pyotr Urvanov and Boris Patrikeev, Kuzma Permyakov and Ivan Nogo, are alive in our memory. Konstantin Togo, Alexandra Anagurichi. Their good deeds will forever be preserved in the history of Yamal and in the active creation of grateful descendants.

In December 1934, at the second district congress of Soviets, a decision was made detailed analysis all aspects of life in the district, the task of collectivization was set Agriculture. Over the past period, the Soviet activists grew to 331 people, who became the conductors of Soviet state policy and culture - socialist in content, national in form.

During these years, more than 16 thousand reindeer were grazed in two reindeer collective farms, 130 trade and cooperative organizations supplied the population with goods and food, and more than 3.5 thousand children studied in 37 schools. In two years, the number of reading huts and red tents increased to 16, and hospitals and first-aid posts to 28.

The regional executive committee established that at this stage of collective farm construction, the main form of association of workers is the simplest production associations. In 1936, the deer population was 250 thousand.

The third, extraordinary Congress of Soviets took place on September 13, 1936, its delegates were waiting for the Stalinist Constitution.

The Soviet government provided comprehensive assistance to the peoples of the Far North. And in the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, and with the transition to peaceful construction, it improved the economy of the district. The material base of the fishing, mining and manufacturing industries developed and strengthened, and the construction of houses for collective farmers transitioning to a sedentary lifestyle began. New villages appeared: Beloyarsk, Panaevsk, Syunai-Sale, Nyamboyto, Kharampur and others. In 1957, a coordinating body was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR - a group on the peoples of the North.

During this time, the whole country and our district have gone through a difficult path in their development. We survived the formation of the Soviets, collectivization, industrialization, difficult war and post-war years. The district was administratively part of the Omsk and Tobolsk provinces, then included in the Ural region, and since 1944 it has been part of the Tyumen region. Despite the difficulties of each historical period, the Yamal people have always managed to keep high performance for the extraction of fish, furs, and meat procurement. There was a progressive development of the economy and culture. Transport and communications developed.

A new milestone in the development of the Yamalo-Nenets District was the development of gas and oil fields.

Yamal gained enormous fame when he opened his storerooms. The rapid and controversial era of “big gas” has arrived. The names of the deposits “Medvezhye”, “Novoportovskoye”, “Aivasedovskoye”, “Nydinskoye” were heard throughout the country. The development of the district proceeded at an accelerated pace: new cities were born, tasks of national importance were solved. But the main thing is that the population participated in the management of the district through representative bodies of power. Along with reindeer herders, fishermen, and hunters, geologists and gas workers, builders and oil workers delegated their representatives to the councils.

With the adoption of the USSR Constitution on October 7, 1977, the national okrugs were renamed into autonomous okrugs. Their close connection with the edges and regions, components which they were, was necessary to provide daily assistance to the districts from more powerful administrative-territorial entities. Although often this “help” came down to the ruthless use of the natural resources of the autonomous okrugs without taking into account their opinions.

On October 18, 1990, the Council of People's Deputies of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug adopted a decision "On ways to increase the economic and political independence of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug", noting that modern stage development of society, the legal status of the Autonomous Okrug does not correspond to the growth of national self-awareness of peoples, the level of development of productive forces, economic and political potential, and does not contribute to the implementation of the rights and powers of the Okrug as a subject of the Federation. From this moment on, an independent financial, economic and political life began in Yamal. And with the signing of the Federal Treaty on March 31, 1992 and the adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug became an equal subject Russian Federation with independent institutions of state power.

At different stages of its history, the highest representative body of power was called differently. First there were the Soviets of Working People's Deputies. They were replaced by the Councils of People's Deputies. And since the beginning of the 90s, the State Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has become the representative body of the autonomous okrug.

With the adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, the formation of new government bodies began, and on March 6, 1994, the first elections to the new legislative (representative) body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug took place on the territory of Yamal.

New experience was gained in forming an efficient legislative body of state power. The merit of the first composition of the deputy corps was that, along with vital laws regulating, first of all, the rational use of natural resources, on September 19, 1995, it adopted our fundamental law - the Charter of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. And besides it - 30 laws and 237 regulations.

Significant contribution to the formation legislative framework introduced by deputies of the second convocation. They adopted 201 laws of the Autonomous Okrug and 798 resolutions. In addition, they approved the symbols of the district as a subject of the Russian Federation - the flag and coat of arms, and established the title "Honorary Citizen of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug."

Important work begun by predecessors is continued by the third convocation State Duma Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Today, as recognized by the federal center, the legislative body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug occupies one of the leading places in the Russian Federation. Thanks to the coordinated work of deputies of the State Duma, the administration of the Autonomous Okrug and federal bodies in the Autonomous Okrug, Yamal is today known far beyond Russian state. Of course, at different stages of the formation of representative government there were different tasks, different ways problem solution. This largely depended on the political and economic situation in the country. But today we can say with confidence: regardless of political leanings, representatives of the people conscientiously carried out the orders of their voters - the Yamal residents.

The 70-year history of our government is closely intertwined with the lives of people of different generations. The bright image of our fellow countrymen, workers, patriots of Yamal, who left us, left a noticeable mark on the history of our land. These names are: Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin, Vladimir Deomidovich Arteev, Konstantin Ivanovich Mironov, Leonid Vasilyevich Laptsui, Anatoly Mikhailovich Solovyova. All of them were distinguished by selfless service to the people and the interests of their small homeland - Yamal.

At a qualitatively new stage of democratic transformations in the country, the chairman of the district Council of People's Deputies Alexander Kuzin, the first chairman of the State Duma of Yamal Nikolay Babin, the chairmen of the State Duma of the autonomous region Sergei Korepanov, Andrey Artyukhov, justified the trust of their fellow countrymen and managed to defend the interests of the district in the political and economic space of a renewed Russia and Alexey Arteev.

The task of the State Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug today is to worthily continue the work begun by senior comrades and predecessors, to defend the interests of the district in the political and economic space of a renewed and strong Russia, preserving and asserting this strength with strong regions such as Yamal.

2. Flora and fauna of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The vegetation cover of the district exhibits classically expressed zoning. In the Arctic tundra on the coast of the Kara Sea, vegetation is sparse, consisting mainly of bushy lichens, green mosses and sedges. To the south there is a moss-lichen tundra with small shrubs and dwarf birch and willow. Even further south the vegetation becomes richer. Willow and alder thickets in river valleys already reach a height of three meters.

Along the floodplains of rivers and numerous ravines, mixed-grass meadows penetrate all the way to the bays of the Kara Sea. A typical moss-lichen tundra in summer is distinguished by an abundance of herbs and berries. In the vicinity of Novy Urengoy, the vegetation cover is formed by 65 species of lichens, 84 species of mosses and 66 species of vascular plants. The fauna of the district is quite diverse and is represented by species characteristic of the northern taiga and tundra zone: more than 40 species of mammals and fish, 250 representatives of avifauna, 100 species of insects.

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