
Aquarius zodiac sign: dates of birth. Monthly horoscope for the Aquarius sign Planets by horoscope

From 21.01 to 22.02, those people were born who have the zodiac sign - Aquarius. Such people are quite friendly, reasonable. They want to improve the lives of all people. Often such people become geniuses. Also, people born under this sign are quite inquisitive. They will never rest on their laurels, but will always strive for more. To all this, such people are stubborn, self-contained, irresponsible. In children, the character is quite contradictory. They are able to always refuse any request, but after some time, they agree that you are right. Such children grow up as little geeks. They quite intelligibly express their desires, their actions are also reasonable. Aquarius children grow much calmer than other children, they do not have tantrums. During puberty, they are more interested in writing poetry than being attracted to the opposite sex.

Men born under the sign of Aquarius
Men in life are very good and devoted friends. Such people are very original, their mood in most cases is optimistic. Most often they find their calling in creativity. Personality men are very independent. They adapt to any living conditions. They are not always ready to understand that they were treated dishonestly, as they do not have the habit of being angry with others. A large number of such men have rather high demands, spiritually. Such people are reasonable, have high logical thoughts.

Women born under the sign of Aquarius
A woman is an almost ideal wife, an excellent housewife, a loving mother. It seems that for happiness she only needs the dishes to be washed, her husband is full and satisfied. A woman also has such a character trait as vanity, she is quite purposeful. Always trying to find perfection in everything. Unfortunately, for such a woman, sex does not really matter. She performs her marital duty like a ritual that she must not miss.

The symbols of this zodiac sign are: Aquarius; sage; wings; zigzag; flight of birds. The planet that rules the Aquarius constellation is Uranus. Lucky numbers for people of this sign: two; four; eight; nine; eleven; thirteen. The unlucky day of the week is Sunday, but the lucky ones can be called Wednesday and Saturday. The icon and the key are the talismans of Aquarius.
Married life can develop with an archer, with fish, with an ram, with twins. In general, Aquarians are people who will postpone marriage as much as possible. With a calf, wonderful children can turn out, but the union is unfavorable. Great friendship with cancer. Working with a Capricorn is a great start.

Aquarius and other zodiac signs by month

Immediate and curious, sociable and friendly, Aquarians are full of light, airy energy. They love to dream, but their fantasies do not always become reality. There are many contradictions and originality in this zodiac sign.

What is Aquarius? From what to what number does he dominate? What are his lucky numbers, talisman stones? Aquarius is marked by incredible intuition, insight. This is a sign of philosophers, inventors, geniuses, madmen.

Description of Aquarius

The sun, moon and 8 planets have their influence on the fate and temperament of a person. The characteristics of all the signs of the zodiac depend on where the heavenly bodies were at the time of birth. An important role is played by the hour, the minute, the place where new life appears. Therefore, people of the same zodiac sign can differ from each other in temperament, character, and potential.

The winter month is Aquarius. From what to what date does this sign begin and end? From January 21 to February 20, Aquarius dominates, endowing those born on these numbers with growth above average and fine features. The eyes of Aquarius are usually light. Blue, grey, light green. Hair is often blond, straight.

In some horoscopes there are slight changes in dates. The sign of Aquarius also has them. By what number it ends depends on the location of the planets in a particular area and the hour of birth. Therefore, sometimes in horoscopes you can see other dates for the reign of Aquarius - from January 21 to February 18.

Symbols and planets

Aquarius belongs to the air element. This gives windiness, ease of behavior, airiness and inconstancy of thoughts. Symbols of Aquarius - wings, zigzag, flight of birds, sage. This means dispersion in goals, ideals. At the same time, a deep mind, a penchant for reflection, analysis. Flight of thought and tight control of the mind.

Sociable, lively, addicted zodiac sign Aquarius. The characteristic of Aquarius depends on the ruling planets - Uranus and Saturn.

The first half of life is marked by greater ease and fun than the second. Up to 30 years Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Giving the character stubbornness, self-will, eccentricity. Giving Aquarius peace, nobility, self-confidence.

The second half of life passes under the dominance of Saturn, which will add deep vital wisdom to the sign. There will be less fantasies, but pragmatism and the ability to analyze the situation will be added.

Full characteristics of the zodiac sign: Aquarius

The sign of Aquarius is a person who pours water. It is a symbol of knowledge, spirituality, which he conveys to humanity. Aquarians surprisingly know how to calm, encourage, encourage. They try to improve the natural essence of man. By the power of your temperament, help or inspire.

Their thinking is fast and people do not have time to understand what Aquarius wants to tell them. From what date are the true representatives of this zodiac sign born? The famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that the date can vary from January 20 to 21. It depends on the region, hour, minute of birth.

Aquarians are free-spirited and unpredictable people. Outwardly, they seem active and sociable. But deep down, Aquarians are very isolated. They clearly separate themselves, their emotions from those around them. They often take the position of an observer.

Changeable in their feelings and priorities Aquarius. The sign of the zodiac (a brief description confirms this) dictates a constant renewal of life. New sensations, impressions, emotions. The accumulation of life experience and wisdom leads to a constant change of beliefs. At the same time, Aquarius is a true friend, a reliable spouse for those whom he truly loves.

Positive and negative qualities

Positive Qualities of Aquarius. A devoted friend, a reliable comrade. You can always expect help and support from him. Able to listen and advise. In critical situations, he is able to restrain his emotions. In love, a faithful faithful companion.

Aquarius is good with people. Intuitively understands their hidden motives. Has a good sense of humor. Aquarius has a sharp analytical mind.

Negative Qualities of Aquarius. There are many ideas, plans that cannot be realized due to their utopian nature. He spends time and energy talking about his future at the expense of the present. Considering freedom above all else, he tries not to get too close relationships. He often changes tastes, passions, ideals, beliefs.

Aquarius is too emotional, does not know how to say “no”. Sometimes, to his own detriment, he rushes to help. Few people understand him because of his too great propensity for fantasies. These are brilliant people, born before their time.

The main types of Aquarius

Depending on the date of birth, Aquarius is divided into 3 main types. From what date to what date the planets lined up in a certain order, they endowed their wards with such features.

The first type of Aquarius is under the influence of Venus. These are people born between January 21st and February 1st. Venus, the planet of love, gives them refinement, shyness. Aquarians of the first type attach great importance to emotions, spiritual impulses. Love daydreaming rarely allows you to achieve real life goals. The temperament is often melancholy. Important years of life - 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

second type? From 2 to 11 February. Mercury rules here, the planet of communication and trade relations. Such Aquarians are cheerful, careless. Easily make friends, new acquaintances. They love companies, noisy fun. Smart and arrogant. Strive to achieve career heights. They have a sanguine temperament. Important years of life - 10, 20, 42, 50, 60.

What date does the Aquarius of the third type begin with? Born 12 to 20 February, they are under the influence of the moon. This is a planet of emotions, kindness, flexibility of communication. Aquarians of the third type pay great attention to the family, relationships. They know how to give advice based on amazing intuition. Popular with colleagues and superiors. Temperament - lyrical sanguine. Important years of life - 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Aquarius Man

Rules and regulations do not limit male Aquarius. Only their own experience will show what they are willing to do and what not. They are always supported by numerous friends.

Constant thought process distinguishes this Aquarius zodiac sign. The characteristic of Aquarius is unthinkable without creative experiments, tireless ideas. These men bring with them diversity, interest in life. The desire to prove yourself, to try all the nuances and situations.

Aquarians act spontaneously. Their careers and family life are subject to ups and downs. Their freedom-loving disposition does not tolerate limits, restrictions. Therefore, Aquarius men often achieve career heights at the end of their lives. They are not in a hurry to get married, preferring an open relationship.

Often and in an instant, they are ready to change everything and start from scratch. Gray dull existence is not for them. The Aquarius man can change his job, apartment, car, wife, without thinking about the consequences at all. The desire for change is more important than a calm measured life.

Aquarius Woman

Adventurism and friendliness - such is Aquarius. From what date to what date, how the planets lined up in a certain sequence, such basic qualities were endowed with charming women of this sign.

Unlike men, they have a pragmatic mind, rational thinking. The Aquarius woman always sees her own benefit and can categorically declare it. Their non-standard solutions, creativity will help to prove themselves in leadership positions. They are more punctual, they know how to act within the established framework, restrictions.

Aquarius women have a huge circle of acquaintances and friends. They love pleasure walks, holidays, romantic evenings. Their independence, love of freedom make them achieve success in the profession. They are trying to start a family later. They do not like routine housework. However, their house is full of interesting guests. The humor and sharp mind of the Aquarius woman will always attract new friends and admirers to her.

They are good mothers, do not dominate their child. They completely exclude the authoritarianism of education, but they also do not allow themselves to be manipulated. Aquarius women with children try to be friends, allowing themselves a free parenting style.

Aquarius Child

Aquarius perceives only his own mistakes and experience. From whatever date a child begins to count his years, he will always appreciate his own knowledge and achievements. This sign does not like boring training. He will reject a pedantic approach to knowledge. It is worth talking with such children on an equal footing. Conflicts are resolved calmly, adequately advising the child to behave competently.

Parents of Aquarius children should allow their children some liberties in self-education. The craving for innovation, unexplored places and situations will quickly lead them to wisdom and self-knowledge. They listen carefully to the conversations of adults, often making friends with older children. Committed to protecting children and pets.

Aquarius children are lively, active. Abrasions and bruises, tears and broken knees are quickly replaced by joyful laughter and the search for new adventures. They have a very developed intuition, so Aquarius children very subtly feel the mood of adults, understand their hidden motives.

It is worth teaching the little Aquarius to be assiduous. Do not only interesting things, but also those that are useful. Be sure to instill a careful attitude to money.

Parents should find out from what date the sign of Aquarius is ruled by a particular planet. Depending on the date of birth of the child, adjust the main milestones of education.

Stones and talismans

Talismans of Aquarius - key, icon. They tell about the mystery, the true spirituality of the sign. About deep wisdom, the ability to be reborn and reborn.

Aquarius can be modest and daring. Temperament, character, talisman stones will help to reveal the internal contradiction of the sign. His recklessness and rational mind, friendliness and isolation. Talisman stones can be:

  • sapphire;
  • black agate;
  • turquoise;
  • pearl;
  • amethyst;
  • nephritis;
  • aquamarine;
  • chrysoprase.

The stones will help balance the Aquarius character. They will teach you to make informed decisions. They will complete the whole picture of this sign with small strokes.

Sapphire will give clarity and clarity to thinking. It will bring good luck in business and the respect of colleagues.

Aquamarine relieve anxiety, pacify emotional impulses. Add calmness, wisdom.

Turquoise strengthen the marriage. Eliminate strife and enmity. It will attract the attention of the opposite sex, preserve youth.

Amethyst will bring new victories to life, give inspiration. Sharpens intuition. It will restrain in the manifestation of aggression, negative emotions.

Chrysoprase will help in the implementation of new plans and ideas. Attract new friends, establish understanding with colleagues.

Agate add softness, calmness, patience. Helps you make the right decisions.

lucky numbers

Each zodiac sign has its own lucky numbers. They influence fate, help to choose the right path in life. What are the lucky numbers for Aquarius? Which of them can bring happiness and good luck? Numerology is a whole system of knowledge. She is able to give a person success and good luck.

A lucky car number can bring unexpected joy to its owner. With the help of numbers, their successful combination is to win the lottery. The apartment number promises an unsuccessful or lasting marriage. What days can Aquarius expect good luck? What dates of the month will help bring joyful events?

Firstly, number 17. This is a symbol of new ideas, the search for the unknown, creative impulses. In sum, it gives the number 8, a symbol of wealth. This number is associated with the search for treasures - both material and spiritual.

Secondly, numbers 2, 4, 8. Or all numbers that can be divided by 4.

Thirdly, these are the numbers 9, 11, 13. For the lottery and other winning systems - 9, 14, 19 and their combinations.

The days of the week are also considered auspicious. For Aquarius, this is Wednesday, Saturday. It is on these days that you should plan serious conversations or long trips, major purchases or surgical interventions.

Unfavorable day - Sunday. This time is better to devote to quiet household chores.

Colors and shades

A successful combination of colors harmonizes everything around. A person dressed in a certain range is able to attract new pleasant acquaintances. An apartment designed in the right color can attract success or promote relaxation.

For Aquarius, blue, blue, green shades are considered successful. Bright colors can bring emotional instability. Flashy colors negatively affect the delicate taste of Aquarius, his psyche. Therefore, it is better to choose a calm soft range.

Pale blue, light purple, deep blue will give hope. Inspire creativity. Smooth out negative emotions, pacify the negative. Block sadness and longing. Such colors will give peace, spiritual joy.

Green, in all its shades, gives Aquarius inner energy, the ability to be creative. They will give maturity to thoughts, restore calmness.


An idealist at heart, the only love for life is looking for the zodiac sign Aquarius. What numbers will bring happiness, what stones will add good luck - these parameters will help you find your destiny. The life partners of Aquarius - men and women - choose partners carefully. Not everyone will be able to fit their high demands.

In the first half of life, it is worth paying attention to Gemini and Libra. These signs are united by the air element. It will help to find a common language, find common interests, achieve goals.

In the second half of life, Virgo, Aries, Pisces are well suited. It is good to build a family with them, build material values. They will help to put into practice the creative impulses of Aquarius.

After 40 years, partnerships with Leo are possible. Both signs, having become wiser and calmer over the years, are ready for compromises. There may be some error in the relationship. More calmly endure the difference of views and thoughts.

Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio should be avoided. This does not mean that they should be ignored. Of course, Aquarius is unpleasant for Scorpio's excessive jealousy, Taurus's lack of imagination, and complete misunderstanding with Capricorn.

Nevertheless, all signs of the zodiac are subject to love. You just need to know how to behave properly. What to encourage and what to avoid with Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. It is worthwhile to better study what Aquarius is, the horoscope, from what date and at what time each of the signs was born. Under what conditions is compatibility possible.

How to behave with Aquarius?

  1. Aquarians are often tactless. It's not because they want to offend or impose their point of view. They are just interested in many areas of life. They want to deal with all situations and feelings. Aquarius should be stopped in time, warning that not all questions can be pleasant.
  2. Do not deceive and disappoint this zodiac sign. Aquarians are very trusting. They do not tolerate lies and betrayal. If they trusted someone, don't let them down. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to return the old relationship.
  3. In no case should Aquarius be given an ultimatum. He considers this a restriction of freedom of choice. In this case, Aquarius will prefer to break off relations. It is better to translate everything into constructive criticism. Only by succumbing to reasoned beliefs, Aquarius will be able to change his point of view.
  4. Often this zodiac sign seems cold, indifferent. To find out the true state of things, you should not put pressure on Aquarius. No need to force things. You need to be patient and wait. When Aquarius is ready to speak, he will tell the truth.

For Aquarius, the summer of 2018 will begin without much upheaval, stressful situations and problems. June will open the very period when all that Aquarius will worry about is where and how best to relax. Even if the owner of the sign does not have vacations scheduled for the summer, then the work itself will provide an opportunity to relax - everything will turn out quickly and successfully, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on both Aquarius's mood and his physical condition. As the horoscope for June 2018 advises, Aquarius should begin to implement their plans at the beginning of summer, because it is at this time that those born under this sign will be full of energy and will be able to achieve results that have long been in their heads. All that is worth overcoming for their implementation is your insecurity. A detailed Aquarius horoscope for June 2018 will help you better understand how you should behave, what to look for and what to expect.

Auspicious days: 1, 9, 11, 15, 17, 25, 27.

Unfavorable days: 2, 3, 7, 13, 22, 28.


In 2018, the stars advise Aquarius to be especially attentive to their health, as, in fact, in any other year, because the owners of the zodiac sign often ignore the signals of their own body. Since summer is the time for bright meetings with friends, sleepless nights and fun, you should definitely remember that it is important to observe the measure in everything - this applies to alcohol, fast food, exotic dishes and drinks.

For Aquarius, who love to devote time to sports, you also need to be careful, try not to carry weights, not overwork in the gym, because the joints will be a particularly sensitive place.

The horoscope warns those Aquarians who are still going to go on a well-deserved vacation and spend it by the sea. Aquarians need to be as careful as possible when near water. Despite the fact that, it would seem, Aquarians are friends with the elements, it is she who can cause damage to their health.

There is no need to be frightened, with the observation of Aquarius and their indifference to themselves, all sores will pass by or will not linger for a long time.


Aquarians will surprise you like never before with the manifestation of their organizational skills, which will help win recognition from colleagues and superiors. Sometimes in vain "pouring water" Aquarians will finally show that in reality they are serious and purposeful, prudent and responsible people who can be relied upon. Sign holders especially appreciate justice, and this will be reflected in all their activities, ideas and proposals, which will not pass by stubborn bosses. In particular, this applies to Aquarians, who are engaged in politics and jurisprudence, where justice is very often lacking in our time.

But such a situation at work is not a reason to become a star and show off to everyone right and left. This behavior can easily work against Aquarius, and they will quickly descend from heaven to earth. With the right, calm attitude to career ups, everything will go as it should - the owners of the mark will have a strong positive reputation. In order not to lose it, you need to constantly improve your skills, this will help travel, in particular, business trips, buying new books for self-development, a deeper study of your business. Persistence and hard work will help Aquarius achieve their goals and move up the career ladder, which means they will help improve their financial situation.

Rapid career growth will make some people jealous, which will cause rumors and slander, but Aquarius will have enough strength to ignore such attention and continue to be friendly to everyone, and their charming smile will be the best weapon against enemies who will understand that by intrigues You can't take Aquarius.


Since the financial situation for the most part depends on the career, the wallets of Aquarians are waiting for good news. Since the beginning of summer, you can not be afraid to afford something other than the planned purchases. This will not lead to financial problems, unless, of course, the owners of the mark begin to “spill” money like water.

With proper budgeting, Aquarians can be calm about their pockets. They can also expect promotions and unexpected incomes. But with large acquisitions, such as a house, a car, it is worth waiting a while. It is not advisable for Aquarius to rush for expensive purchases, not taking into account all the minuses and pluses, as they say, measure seven times and cut once. Each decision must be carefully weighed. There will be all sorts of offers about deals, raising earnings. You need to be focused and attentive so as not to get into any scam.


As the June 2018 love horoscope promises, Aquarius will spend this summer as a couple. Aquarians are so easy to communicate, moderately modest and very attractive that it will not be possible not to notice the opposite sex! But you should not immediately rush into the pool with your head, even though it was so long-awaited. Relationships are also work where you need to turn on your head when your heart screams. Everything should go its own, measured way, step by step, then the relationship can develop very firmly and for a long time. It is also important to listen to your inner voice more carefully than the voices of acquaintances, albeit very close friends who want to help Aquarius with their advice. In matters of the heart, the best assistant is Aquarius himself, his inner urges and sensations. And with other people's opinions, a lot of doubts can be born, which will have a bad effect on only nascent relationships.

Married couples are expected to have calm and balance, conflicts will not disturb loving hearts, on the contrary, if a husband and wife are constantly arguing about something specific, then they will finally come to a compromise that will suit everyone, even those who do not want to go on concessions.

Man - Aquarius

As the horoscope for June 2018 says, Aquarius - a man will have to solve many different problems - from career to love, from love to financial.
But, surprisingly, the year of the Yellow Dog will be favorable to Aquarius, and these problems will seem easily resolved. Basically, the main goal of men - Aquarius will be to strengthen relations with the second half. They will definitely try to do everything possible to make it clear to the partner that they are reliable and mature enough to start a family.

Woman - Aquarius

Many ladies - Aquarius will question the fidelity of the second half. They may become obsessed with their phones, laptops, and other means of communication. It must be remembered that such distrust is unlikely to go unnoticed, and men are quite annoyed by this, especially the daily sniffing of shirts, the search for hair and traces of lipstick. With such an attitude, men simply simply do not want to appear at home, or, on the contrary, they are afraid to go out somewhere once again, which will affect their mood.
Not particularly jealous persons, confident in themselves and their partner, will prefer to take time for themselves and their appearance. As the horoscope for June 2018 advises, Aquarius - a woman should pay attention to the wardrobe. Bright things that, perhaps, Aquarius did not dare to buy in the past, will positively affect their mood, image and attention of others. With the delicate taste of the owners of the sign, they will always be on top, especially in the summer of the coming year.

Coming out of a deep winter hibernation, the Sun in Aquarius from January 20 to February 18, 2019 inspires you to come out of the shadows for communication and meetings. A mentally and socially active Air sign, Aquarius is a revolutionary destined to awaken and liberate humanity with a new vision.

Find out where this Aquarian energy is awakening in your life by looking at your sign in the horoscope below.


The sun in your 11th house of groups and friends ignites your desire to connect and participate in the life of your community. Reaching out for your gifts and sharing them with others increases support for your own goals. Follow coincidences and connections to make the most of this magical time.


The exciting Sun in Aquarius is visiting your 10th house of career, spurring the desire for change in your professional life. If you are happy in your current career, you may be ready for an innovative or out-of-the-box approach to your responsibilities.


The Sun in Aquarius shines on your 9th house of travel, creating a desire to explore and expand your horizons and horizons. Find a way to go beyond your ordinary reality and meet people, places, and ideas that broaden your perspective. By recognizing that there are many paths to truth, you awaken to your own understanding, the inner truth.


The Sun in your 8th house of intimacy awakens the desire for deep connection. You are ready to embrace a new approach to intimacy and free yourself from any emotional patterns that get in the way of true connection. You can find and secure love or renew your affection for a partner without fear of turning dreamy visions into your most authentic relationship.

a lion

The inventive Sun in Aquarius energizes your 7th house of partnership, inspiring new connections and possibly unusual people. Your relationship awakens interest in those parts of yourself that have been hidden or denied, helping you expand your sensitivity and self-knowledge.


In your 6th house of work and responsibility, the Sun in Aquarius invites you to break free from the routine of daily duties. The magic happens when you turn routine into rituals and find the good in the details of ordinary life. Practice this approach by ritually cleaning and cleaning your home or workplace, then prepare for a renewed purpose in life: you always have this desire to serve, to help others.


Creative inspiration is at hand when the revitalizing Sun in Aquarius visits your 5th house of self-expression. It's time to clarify your artistic vision and experiment with new approaches to creativity - act the way you like. Collaborative and community projects are especially recommended.


The Sun in Aquarius inspires you to discover new sources of nourishment. This is the time to focus on your home, family, and inner world in order to build a stronger support system. You may find that what used to bring you a sense of security now feels limiting, and you need to let go of the past.


Your mind is especially active, the airy Sun in Aquarius illuminates your 3rd house of ideas and communication. Now is the time to speak, write and teach, giving your vision to others, opening your mind to different ways of perceiving the world. This is also an auspicious time to stimulate your curiosity and explore unusual or non-traditional subjects and gain unusual knowledge.


Your finances are perking up as the Sun in Aquarius stimulates your 2nd house of resources. This is a great time for long-term financial planning and for a deeper understanding of any money-related issues. Turn financial fears into abundance by focusing with gratitude on all you have.


Happy birthday Aquarius! When the Sun is shining in your sign, it's time to bring to life unusual, out-of-the-box ideas so that you work the way you envision your path next year. Your charisma and confidence are increasing, so take risks and move towards fulfilling your true desires. What is the most non-standard vision of your liberation that you can imagine for the next year of your life?


In your 12th house of the unconscious, the Sun in Aquarius electrifies your dream world and imagination. Pay close attention to the messages and signs from your dreams and take the time to express your creativity. You prepare for rebirth as you approach your birthday, but in the meantime, step back, rest, and reflect.

Tags: Maria Svetlaya

Characteristics of Aquarius by the sign of the zodiac - changeable in nature, but disliking sudden changes in personality, with an unpredictable character and great creative potential. These are people with constant internal conflict. It is impossible to predict their behavior.

It is difficult to give an accurate description of the representative of this sign - he is subject to mood swings and is elusive, like his very element - Air. The main thing for such people is their own freedom and independence. This is what gives scope for imagination and creativity, inspires new feats.

What does this sign mean? Under it, people are born who cannot sit still. Their life is a constant movement and aspiration to the future.

Due to their powerful energy, they constantly attract other people to them, and their innovative ideas are often far ahead of their era.

Aquarians love experiments, are distinguished by benevolence and hospitality, they know how to adapt to any conditions and have a clear intellect.

They differ in expressive appearance, they are excellent hostesses and companions. independent, do not like to enter into an official marriage, but at the same time they are kind and sympathetic.

Every Aquarius is a powerful idea generator

Dates of birth of Aquarius

The month of Aquarius starts from the third decade of January and captures the first two decades of February. That is, everyone who was born from January 21 to February 20 belongs to this sign. But at the same time, those who are born in the first and last week can combine the traits inherent in the previous and next signs of the zodiac (Capricorn and Pisces, respectively).

  • People born in the period 01-1.02 feel the influence of Venus. Therefore, these are most often timid and modest men and women, with a mild character, prone to melancholy and choosy in love affairs.
  • Those who were born on February 2-12 feel the influence of Mercury. The patron planet endows them wisdom and clear mind, good sense of humor. These are people who tend to show arrogance and strictly adhere to social norms of morality.
  • Those born in the last decade from February 13 to 20 feel the influence of the moon. This is manifested in their emotional restraint, a tendency to frequent disappointments in life and high sensual susceptibility. They really appreciate the truth and know how to insist on their own.

Aquarians love extreme sports and adventure.

Aquarius compatibility with other zodiac signs

Who suits Aquarius in love? People of this sign always rush into the pool of love with their heads and surrender to this feeling completely. According to the forecast, the most suitable relationship for marriage with Aquarius can develop with Gemini, Cancer or Libra.

People of this sign are not at all prone to casual flirting and flirting. First of all, they will study a potential partner and only then allow themselves to show their attitude.

In adulthood, Leo will be an excellent partner, but for spiritual development and self-improvement, a stable and calm Capricorn will do better than anyone else.

Aquarius has the best sexual compatibility with other air signs - Gemini and Libra.

In relationships, Aquarians tend to be faithful

Compatibility chart for Aquarius and other zodiac signs

Aries Good compatibility, but the idyll can break on the shore of everyday life and problems. Relationships are possible long and stable, without any extremes. If there are no financial problems, this union can become happy.
Taurus Successful and active relationship between two realists. But the marriage does not drag on for a long time due to the unpredictability of Aquarius and the obstinacy of both signs. Joint life is full of emotions and storms.
Twins Both signs are similar in love to society and travel. This is a very favorable union, the main thing is that both have somewhere to direct their energy outside the home. Routine is detrimental to them.
Cancer Despite the possibility of a long and happy union, these two can quite suddenly put an end to the relationship. At the same time, their breakup will be stormy.
a lion Both signs are adventurous and always find something to have fun with. Compatible in all areas of life, give each other freedom and value a partner. This relationship is more of a strong friendship than a passionate romance.
Virgo Aquarius is able to become a muse for Virgo, but she, in turn, limits the freedom of the air sign with her feelings, which will cause a break after the first passion passes.
scales The idyll of a beautiful romance will disappear along with the onset of everyday life, because everyone has their own habits and their own view of the way of life for the family. But if Libra compromises and does not encroach on the freedom of Aquarius, they can have a long and pleasant relationship for both.
Scorpion This is a union where each partner lives on his own. Both are leaders. Only Scorpio acts as a gray cardinal under the leader Aquarius. This is a real game of fire, where the sensual Scorpio is constantly ready to explode next to the cooler Aquarius. However, marriage has good prospects.
Sagittarius This is an ideal couple, if we talk about a long-term, but no-obligation romance. But family life, with its limitations and a sense of lack of freedom, will quickly get tired of both. Children are unlikely to be able to seal their relationship; their birth should be decided only after thinking everything over well.
Capricorn They feel good together, but at the same time, frequent scandals and showdowns are a common thing for them. The airiness and unpredictability of Aquarius confound and unbalance the more stable and grounded Capricorn. Cases of a long family life in such a couple are rare.
Aquarius Despite or, on the contrary, contrary to the similarities, in this pair you should not expect a deep relationship. They can be wonderful comrades or passionate lovers, faithful partners, but not husband and wife. In this regard, they will constantly be haunted by a feeling of some kind of emptiness and incompleteness.
Fishes A creative union, full of all the necessary attributes - emotionality, mental anguish and excitement. This gives food for their talents, but in family life it is a bad help. After the novelty of relationships and intimate life subsides, they will understand how different they are.

Aquarius element - water?

When people hear the name of this zodiac sign, they mistakenly believe that its element is water. However, it is not, Aquarius belong to Air and Wind. This is what determines their fickle and impetuous nature. But dislike for abrupt changes too, because Aquarius is still air. They preserve the knowledge that they seek to give to the outside world.

Aquarius - a storehouse of useful knowledge

For such people, it is important to live where there is free movement of air, where the winds blow. Last but not least, there are air conditioners. The workplace should be chosen closer to the window. You should walk more in the fresh air, go out into nature, be less in closed spaces.

By nature, Aquarius is most often sanguine, with a cheerful, open and easy character. Fidgets and dreamers. But they make all decisions only after a thorough consideration of the consequences.

What are Aquarius children like?

Calm, balanced, obedient and quiet - all these epithets do not apply at all to children born under the sign of Aquarius. These kids are a real hurricane and bedlam. They are restless, noisy and completely unpredictable. This is a constant headache for parents.

Aquarius child is a real punishment for parents

But they can not be denied fantasy.

Little Aquarius is a real generator of ideas

But with the next stage - implementation, usually all the problems arise. The point is restlessness and a constant thirst for action. It is difficult for a child to sit down and pay attention to one process, and bring it to its logical conclusion.

Babies born under this sign are emotionally unstable and receptive. Their emotions and feelings quickly replace each other. And it is important for parents to ensure that the child grows up in a psychologically comfortable climate for him. This will contribute to the development of his character and the disclosure of talents. Although these children are not distinguished by obedience and complaisance, they can easily be persuaded to compromise. It is enough to treat the child with respect.

As you know, the name can determine the future life and fate of a person. Therefore, you should be responsible for his choice. What names are best for children born during this period?

If this is a boy, you should pay attention to the following options:

  • Vitaly,
  • Arthur,
  • Hermann,
  • Eugene,
  • Novel,
  • ariel,
  • Ruslan,
  • Hilarion.

Girls are more suitable:

  • Elsa
  • Albina,
  • Kseniya,
  • Aelita,
  • Juliana,
  • Ilona,
  • Vlada,
  • Darina,
  • Svetlana.

What profession is suitable for freedom-loving Aquarius?

Profession is an important choice in the life of every person. And talented Aquarians are no exception. On the one hand, they have a whole list of qualities that make them excellent employees: high abilities in various areas, diligence, discipline, an innate sense of responsibility, accommodating, the ability to clearly and understandably explain. On the other hand, it can be difficult for them to devote themselves to only one thing. They can sometimes change not only jobs, but even areas of activity, all the time being in search of something new.

Both men and women of this sign can easily find their calling in the arts or the media: in journalism, cinema, on stage, in sociology. They are also attracted by scientific practice, jurisprudence, pedagogy, religion, engineering.

In any profession, every Aquarius is an innovator and generator of ideas.

Due to their aspiration to the future, many representatives of this sign become inventors or initiators of inventions. And although their ideas may seem strange and completely utopian to contemporaries, this does not mean that they are out of touch with reality. Simply, these ideas are aimed at a longer perspective.

Aquarians are born teachers

If Aquarius has chosen a job related to publicity, he periodically needs solitude to replenish his strength. Such people are great at working with people, but you should avoid the service sector. Besides, business would be a bad decision. Best of all, representatives of the air sign manifest themselves precisely as employees, from whom maximum discipline and responsibility are required. True, it is still unusual for Aquarius to give himself up to the last drop even to his most beloved work.

Symbols and talismans of Aquarius

The symbol of the eleventh sign of the zodiac is water carrier. He personifies the desire of Aquarius to bring more new and fresh ideas and thoughts into this world. People of this sign give others much more than they themselves receive in return. Aquarius is a symbol of a clear and strong mind, creative talents and abilities.

Aquarius sign - a man pouring water from a jug

The main symbol that this zodiac sign is displayed on the letter is two winding parallel lines, waves.

The following can become mascots for a representative of an air sign items related to the elements in one way or another, flight, sky or just quite unusual and extravagant:

  • key (as an assistant in various endeavors),
  • butterfly (acts soothingly, gives harmony, attracts friends),
  • icons (protect from bad deeds, strengthen self-confidence),
  • amulet coins,
  • angels in images or figurines (bring happiness),
  • castle (can become a family amulet and talisman, protects against infidelity)

The key is one of the symbols of Aquarius

What tree and flower patronize Aquarius?

Each sign has plants and trees that protect it.

If we talk about airy Aquarius, then for him the happiest are myrtle, daffodil and violet

They also indicate the defining traits of character: the desire for power, selfishness and modesty. And all this, oddly enough, harmoniously coexists in one sign.

By decades of birth, dominant plants can be distributed as follows:

  • The first is an immortelle, elegant but modest.
  • The second is mistletoe, with a risky character and inimitable charisma, a witch's flower.
  • The third one is beautiful. Women are attractive and with a gentle character, and men, although they do not shine with beauty, are excellent hard workers.

According to the horoscope of the Druids, the first decade is patronized by cypress, the second by poplar, and the third by cedar. Cypress gives severity and calmness, such people do not pursue success and in their hearts turn out to be big dreamers. Poplars - neat and collected natures, know how to organize their lives and have a remarkable mind. Cedars are able to adapt to any conditions, brave and devoted to their favorite work.

Narcissus - the flower of Aquarius, talking about his selfishness

Suitable colors for Aquarius

Every person likes certain colors. But they are often predetermined by the sign of the zodiac. For example, the primary colors for Aquarius are white and blue. It is they who show the belonging of the sign of the air element. After all, these are the colors of the sky, clouds. Also the colors of the sea. This is the best color choice.

Blue, white and green are colors that can bring good luck to these people.

Blue color is not only happy, but also healing. Its power is able to bring peace, give a sense of calm, remove negative emotions and experiences and relieve pain.

The green color and its shades at the same time soothe the owner and fill him with life-giving and positive energy, which can inspire and stabilize the state of health. This color is also known for its beneficial effect on our immune system and improves digestion.

Especially avoid Aquarius people should be red, black and orange.

Lucky metal for Aquarius

The most important the metal of this sign is silver. It gives a feeling of calmness and balance, somewhat dulls the natural egoism of Aquarius and makes it softer. Also favorable for the eleventh sign are copper, gold and tin. They can be great charms. The softness of these metals also symbolizes the rather soft nature of its owner. Tin is able to energize, and gold - to neutralize the negative influence of the moon on the character.

You can wear items made of brass, nickel or titanium. A bad choice is cupronickel, white gold and platinum.

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