
How to make a presentation for a shopping center. Our services. Where to order a presentation text for a landlord

If you want to rent space to house a store, cafe, hairdresser or any other commercial facility, you will probably encounter the fact that the landlord will ask you to provide him with a presentation of your company. The final decision on your application will ultimately depend on how well your presentation to the landlord is prepared. From this article you will learn how to correctly compose text for such a presentation.

Rules for writing a presentation text for a landlord

The basic rule for drawing up a presentation for a landlord is: its text should be short, concise, competent and effective. The presentation for obtaining space for rent must be short story about your company. In the text you need to indicate the name of your company, the scope of its activities, and also list the products or services that you are going to offer to visitors to the establishment.

Remember that people who will decide to rent out premises to you are unlikely to want to read a long text. Also, they are unlikely to be interested in lengthy philosophical discussions, a detailed history of the creation and development of your company, and other facts that are not relevant. The main purpose of the landlord presentation text is so that readers can quickly grasp your main idea and understand what you do and why the landlord should give preference to you.

The presentation should reflect the following points:

  • what exactly are you going to offer to visitors to the shopping center;
  • what are the features and advantages of your company;
  • how do you differ from competitors;
  • what is unique about your products or services;
  • why the landlord should give preference to you;
  • why and how your goods or services will be in good demand among buyers;
  • how you will be useful to the shopping center;
  • what area do you want to rent and what technical requirements do you have for it?

It's worth noting that three factors are most important to your potential landlord. The first one is stability of your work and, accordingly, the stability of your rental payments. The second is compliance by your company and your employees rules and operating procedures of the shopping center. The third is maintaining shopping center image. Based on this, we can conclude that the text of the presentation should convince him that you will be a decent and responsible tenant.

When drawing up the text of a presentation for a landlord, we must not forget that shopping centers and shopping malls primarily give preference to well-promoted brands, franchisees and network companies. It is much more difficult for small organizations that have recently entered the market to gain trust, so such companies need to be especially careful when drafting the text of their presentation.

Requirements for preparing a presentation for a landlord

Most often, the presentation for the landlord is drawn up in PDF format. Before sending it to the shopping center, you must check whether there are any spelling and punctuation errors in its text. It is advisable that the presentation contain high quality photos Your products, as well as photographs, thanks to which it will become clear what your outlet will look like. You should also include your logo in the presentation.

Where can I order a presentation text for a landlord?

If you need a presentation for a landlord, but you don’t know how to correctly compose the text for it, you can contact professional copywriter . An experienced specialist will quickly prepare for you a clear, clear and attractive presentation for the landlord. Several companies can compete for the same place in a shopping center, and a good presentation can set you apart from your competitors.

For most stores, individual points of sale, cafes, restaurants, and salons, over time the question of expanding an existing network arises. Or you are just starting your own business and are already thinking about how to get a coveted place with a good location in a popular shopping center (shopping center) or shopping and entertainment center (shopping and entertainment center). At such a moment, too much is at stake, and any ill-considered mistake can lead to lost profits for your business. How to avoid mistakes, how to avoid getting rejected by the landlord, how to correctly convey information in a presentation for a shopping center so that the landlord makes a decision in your favor - all these points will be discussed in this article.

Presentation for the landlord. Why and where to start?

Let's imagine a situation where you need retail space in a certain shopping center. Just don’t forget that there are at least several applicants for this area, and in the most popular shopping and entertainment centers, when there are a large number of potential tenants, they even organize tenders. After you leave an oral or written application through the official website, you will be asked to send a presentation about the company. It is this that will be one of the key factors in the landlord’s final decision.

Presentation of your store or other type of business for the landlord should be a short but rather in-depth story about your company, its advantages and the exceptional features of the services or products offered. But despite the brevity of the presentation, it should present the maximum useful information about your company. This presentation should convince the landlord to choose you! The owner of a shopping center will not be interested in reading a long history of the development of your company or looking at a multi-page catalog of the products offered. He will prefer a discreet presentation, where in a few minutes he will find out the main type of activity, how placing your company in a shopping center will be beneficial, and whether this placement will damage the image of his shopping center.

What information should a presentation for a shopping center contain?

First of all, you need to present it in the most beneficial form for you. information about your company and the services it provides or the goods it sells. It is important to explain what problems they solve, why they are attractive to future clients, why clients will choose you, not other companies. It is also worth paying attention Special attention describing the advantages of your company over competitors. The presentation must convey as clearly and clearly as possible the How does your presence benefit a potential landlord?, it is equally important to convince him of the positive impact of your company on the image of his shopping center.

Be sure to tell us about what area and what location do you need, as well as what it will be equipped with. A huge advantage over competitors will be photographs of existing points or, in the absence of such, implemented in 3D visualizations of the future outlet. It is very important to give the mall owner a realistic idea of ​​what it will look like.

Consider the fact that the landlord is, first of all, interested in locating large, well-promoted brands, recognizable companies that already have their own network of establishments in other shopping centers. And the less well-known your company is, the more difficult it will be to convince the landlord of the benefits of your presence in his shopping and entertainment center. If small companies or companies just entering the service market cannot cope with this task, cannot prove the advantages of their location in the shopping center and the great benefits for visitors, then they will be rejected, and there may not be a second chance. That is why you should pay special attention to the design and content of the presentation that will be sent to the landlord.

What aspects are important to consider in a landlord presentation?

1. Brevity, clarity, clarity. There is no need to complicate your presentation with a lot of unnecessary information. Try to convey the necessary information to the landlord as clearly as possible, use clear, easy-to-understand phrases.

2. The best format for such a presentation is pdf, which is supported by many programs on most computers. It is advisable to fit all the information into 8-12 slides; this volume is quite enough for a detailed presentation of your proposal. It is advisable to optimize the file weight to 3-5 MB, while it is important not to lose the quality of the inserted images; they should remain clear and beautiful (blurry, low-quality images will definitely not give you an advantage).

3. If you offer any product or services that can be clearly shown - show it! If you are a goods store, show beautiful packaging; if you represent a unique cafe, restaurant, show a juicy, tasty menu; if you are a jewelry store, show the brilliance and originality of your assortment. Try to present the goods and services you offer as advantageously as possible; “dry” text will definitely not convince the landlord.

4. The presentation must be well-designed; check that all information is correct, be careful, and eliminate the presence of various errors. Even a minor mistake can become an obstacle to the desired positive answer.

5. And, of course, one of the main roles is played by the landlord when assessing your company. Believe me, a presentation developed in-house and a presentation created by a professional designer have fundamental differences.

Remember that it is the presentation, in most cases, that influences the final decision of the shopping center owner. Competent design, correctly selected content, and delivered information in the right direction can push aside any competitors. And, conversely, a chaotic, loaded, incomprehensible, unprofessional presentation can ruin any image of your company. If you are not confident in your design abilities, entrust it to professionals; the cost of development will very quickly pay off after receiving the coveted positive response from the landlord and your company getting into the shopping center. Don't miss opportunities to develop your business!

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With our presentation, our clients have already received places in the largest shopping centers and shopping centers:

Presentation for placing a point in a shopping and entertainment center.

If you're on this page, you understand the importance of getting a good spot in a popular shopping center, you know what's at stake, and you understand the cost of making a mistake. With us you get only a working, proven solution.

Presentations created in our company are highly appreciated by the heads of rental departments largest shopping centers in the capital and regions. With us you will never get a job devoid of style or logic, people often turn to us to remake presentations for shopping centers, order a Presentation with a capital P once, do not waste your time and do not miss the opportunities of your business.

Severity Score is a stylish and laconic presentation for a shopping center.

Rental application in the form of a presentation for a shopping center - time standard.

Presentation for landlord- development of your business.

We will make for you a high-quality presentation for a shopping center in the shortest possible time - Example of a presentation for a shopping center
Without unnecessary bells and whistles, just what you need, in decent design and at a reasonable price
We deliver in up to 5 working days, with truly high quality
Cost - 19,900 rub. - special offer
Additionally, if there are no photos of existing points, you may needVisualization of the point of sale

Presentation for a shopping and entertainment center in our time is a certain standard of business communications.

Shopping center administrators want to know not only in theory what kind of store or retail outlet a potential tenant intends to open, but also to have a real idea of ​​what it will look like. If today you attach ordinary “photos” (in JPEG format, for example) to your application, which was acceptable just a couple of years ago, you will not be understood.

Examples of work for 2014-2015 based on presentations created for shopping centers

Chain of stores of Italian fur coats SAN&MARIS

Vikosta store - clothes for curvy ladies. The chain of 7 stores has already successfully acquired new space.

Chain of clothing stores VIP person

Athena Shopping Island

Natural cosmetics boutique. Got a gorgeous place in the desired shopping center. We have developed a presentation and 3D visualization of the store.

A network of shoe stores successfully operating throughout Russia (more than 10 stores).

An innovative product on the Russian market. The product is planned to be promoted through retail outlets. Presentation of the trading island.

Presentation of the shopping island.

Presentation of nail salons.

Chain of men's clothing stores.

Trade Island.

Network of stores of accessories for outdoor activities

Trading island of unique children's toys.

Presentation of an online store opening a store in a shopping center.

Presentation of a chain of Italian clothing retail stores.

Presentation of a pet store for obtaining a rental space.

Today, shopping centers are the most “tidbit” for those who sell anything. All entrepreneurs want to have retail space in the shopping center they visit. Agree, there is a huge difference: your store is located in a deserted alley on the outskirts or in the middle of a large shopping mall where everyone comes to shop. The solvency of the flow of people in this place is high, all you have to do is “set your nets” in the form of a product/product and wait for the “big fish” to swim in.

It would seem like the perfect recipe for success. But there is a small nuance - getting a place in a good shopping center is not as easy as it seems. The owner of the building, of course, will want to enter into a lease agreement only with that company or entrepreneur whose business interests him and promises big profits. That is why there is a company presentation for the landlord. This is an electronic (most often) or printed product that informs a potential landlord about your company, type of activity, etc.

Do you need a presentation for the landlord?

Some old-school businessmen have difficulty keeping up with the times. They resist innovation in every possible way and complain about the need to create such a “useless” thing as a presentation for obtaining a lease in a shopping center. But is this really such an unnecessary thing?

It turns out that when you contact the administration of a shopping center with an application to rent retail space, you can easily get rejected. Now large and truly profitable centers receive so many similar offers that several companies are vying for one place. Sometimes tenders are even held to determine the tenant. As you might guess, the owners would rather have a serious brand with its own history, customer base, marketing strategy, etc. And they can quickly learn about all this only from a good presentation. Therefore, if you want to get a good retail space, you will have to order a presentation of your business and impress the landlord.

Tenant presentation: sample drafting

If you want to rent retail space in a popular shopping mall, then you need to prepare a short, succinct, understandable and at the same time interesting presentation. Based on this information, the landlord must choose you among other applicants. What exactly should be present in this presentation:

  • The name of the company, a description of its activities (everything is very clear here - your company and the shopping center should “get to know each other”).
  • Statement of a problem that can be solved using your product/service.
  • Description of the product or service you offer: why are they good?
  • Highlighting your competitiveness, emphasizing your advantages over similar companies.
  • A story about why a lot of people will come to your point.
  • Description of your needs (what footage is needed, how the retail space should be equipped, etc.)
  • Convincing the landlord that he needs a tenant like you. Description of the benefits of the shopping center from cooperation.

Presentation for rent: nuances

If the presentation contains answers to all the landlord’s questions and interests him, then you will receive the desired retail space. But you should remember that repeating an example from the Internet is not the key to success. You need to control all the little things that can spoil the impression of the brand and deprive you of the rental agreement. Pay attention to:

  • Literacy. If there are errors in the presentation text, you can forget about achieving your goal. Business does not like ignorant people; no one will want to deal with such a company.
  • Brevity. Cut and compress everything that can be shortened and compressed. No one will waste an hour of precious time reading your long thoughts. Clear and to the point - this is how a presentation should be.
  • Technical side. Think in advance about where and how you will present yourself. Most often, presentations for obtaining rentals are sent by e-mail: in this case, bring your file into proper form, comply with all standards. It would be best to send the presentation in pdf format - it can be read on almost any computer. In addition, keep an eye on the expansion of pictures and photos - all images must be of good quality.
  • Visualization. The more information is clearly illustrated, the better. Replace boring text and calculations with graphs, show beautiful photographs of the product you produce/sell, etc.
  • Design. Never try to “compose” a design yourself - if you do not have the skills and experience, then the idea will turn out to be a failure. Contact professionals who will come up with the “filling” and draw the “wrapper”. You'll get a piece of candy that you won't be ashamed to show to the landlord. And which, by the way, will benefit your business in the future.
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