
Indoor plants: vampires and donors. The energy of indoor plants and its effect on humans Plant a plant for energy

It has long been established: all our green friends have a certain biofield. Already in the twentieth century, not only mystics, but also biologists became interested in this issue. A number of scientific research, confirming the energetic influence of flora on people.

But the best thing is the energy indoor plants known to psychics. I again turned to bioenergy therapist Irina Rudenko for help. And today I will share information about what green exotics need to be grown for family happiness, wealth, health and longevity, as well as protecting the home from the evil eye and damage.

...Even if you are indifferent to indoor floriculture, in the apartment you need to have three plants: aloe vera (agave), chlorophytum crested and pelargonium (geranium, also known as kalachi).

These amulets in flowerpots work as the most important energy purifiers in the house. Geranium, among other things, is capable of transforming negative energy into positive energy. And if the rolls die for no apparent reason, it means your home has been damaged. (Important! In this case, the flower dies as if by itself. Lack of watering or overwatering with rotting of the roots, other failures to comply with the conditions of maintenance do not count). I’ll add on my own behalf: these representatives of the flora do not require any effort in cultivation. For example, agave can be watered only once every 1-2 weeks.

And now - about how this or that flower affects us.

Tradescantia (and also zebrina).
Indicator of "bad" places. If you place it in an area with poor energy, the plant will die. And, conversely, where there is a positive field, this ampel will delight you with a healthy and lush appearance.

Azalea (rhododendron).
Strengthens creativity in a person. Helps you achieve success in any endeavor. Maintains health, vigor, and protects the love of married couples.

It attracts negative energy, transforms it into positive energy, makes children more obedient, and kindly weans them from whims. And generally improves the fate of children. Helps adults overcome any difficulties. It is a plant for attracting money, wealth and material wealth into the home. This plant, which is capricious to care for, is also recommended to be grown by lazy, slow, and also very flexible, compliant people who do not know how to say: “No.”

Cyclamen is very useful for diabetics. It is advisable for them to grow such a flower from seeds in order to maintain health.

Helps people with diseased lungs and respiratory system. It is useful for them to keep this citrus in the bedroom.

Chlorophytum crested. This ultimate living air filter improves learning and has an overall positive bipole.

A green bosom friend in a tub! All types of dracaenas contribute to favorable and warm relationships in the home. They increase energy in the apartment, especially improve energy in the event of a set goal and contribute to the fulfillment of desires. Such exoticism reveals psychic abilities and helps to maintain peace of mind in any everyday situations. Dracaena energy plus 18.

His energy field is plus 30. In this regard

It is recommended to have ficus trees in every home. It promotes the development of organizational skills, helps develop intuition in business, and achieve heights in terms of building a career. But this representative of the tropics has another invaluable property: if someone in the house is sick, he can take the blow on himself. And die - thereby healing the sick person

Energetically, it is a plant of longevity. Planting this bush means extending the life of yourself and your loved ones. It also kills pathogenic bacteria in the air and promotes healthy lungs and the entire respiratory system.

Prickly pear.
Destroys harmful foreign energy, the energy of envy, protects the home from the evil eye and damage.

Improves mood, prevents stress, ensures well-being in the home. Useful for speakers, singers and simply talkative people who strain their throat a lot. Feels very good energetically in the kitchen. Considering that this plant loves high humidity, that’s where she belongs.

Hibiscus ( Chinese rose).
Biofield plus 22-24. An energy purifier that has a beneficial effect on the human liver and blood, as well as on the nervous system and psyche. Feeds the upper aura and ensures contact with God. Hibiscus is good to place in the living room.

Passionflower (passion flower, "cavalier's star"). Energy field plus 35. Relieves nervous tension and stress, removes neuroses, fears, phobias. Brings pleasant dreams. Perhaps this plant is highly recommended to be placed in the bedroom.

Common ivy (Hedera helix).
Absorbs a person’s negative energy and helps maintain a stable state of mind, as well as get rid of uncertainty, obsessive thoughts, weakness, tossing and complexes. Neutralizes quarrels, conflicts, scandals, smoothes out sharp corners in relationships. Neutralizes negative zones. Indispensable for people who are going to quit drinking, smoking and generally get rid of other addictions.

Ferns (nephrolepis, adiantum - “Venus hair”, asplenium, cirtomium, davallia, pellea, pteris, platycerium, woodwardia and so on).
Just like ivy, it helps to neutralize negative zones and smooth out radiation. It is useful to place both ferns and ivy near the TV. Here we should especially talk about such a plant as -

Nephrolepis. It has a biofield of plus 20. Like all ferns, it removes the negative energy of the place where it is located. Helps normalize emotional and physical state. Helps to be collected, develops internal self-organization, and helps to put things in order. Indispensable if a person is lazy. It also relieves worries and problems, increases activity and helps to complete planned tasks, removes the chaos of thoughts. If nephrolepis grows in the house, people begin to listen to each other.

Develops intellectual and creative abilities. Takes on the envy of strangers - and in general the negative energy and bad thoughts of all people who come to the house with bad intentions. This lover of moisture is able to increase income. But he acts like in the fairy tale "The Twelve Months." It increases income only for friendly people. On the contrary, the evil, envious, and greedy do not increase their well-being.

Its biofield strengthens the immune system, maintains energy at the proper level and distracts from gloomy thoughts and anxieties. Will benefit older people with poor health.

They save you from computer addictions and hanging out in chats and social networks. To do this, thorny amulets need to be placed in front of the monitor or 2 copies on the sides of the computer on the desktop. Spiny cacti will help us not to get stuck in virtual reality. Any plants with a strong smell will act in the same way - fragrant geranium, plectranthus "mint", lemon eucalyptus, flowering jasmine, muraya, roses and so on.

Useful for people with dictatorial tendencies. It reduces selfishness and attempts to impose one’s will on others. But it also protects those who are subject to moral and emotional pressure. Harmonizes partnerships.

Sign. If the Decembrist unexpectedly blossomed “out of time” - expect an increase in salary, improved living conditions, any other pleasant event, as well as recovery from illness.

Attention! We are talking only about the biofield of flora representatives, but not about literally treating them and eating them.

Crassula oval ("money tree").
It's money after all! After all, it gives the energy to provide the living space with the necessary material goods. But you need to think about money positively. If you get hung up on the inevitable wealth and ask this succulent too eagerly, then the reaction may be the opposite. Crassula has many other advantages. Her energy field is plus 26. She saturates the house with positivity. It also enhances the sexual energy and social significance of the individual. Helps you achieve what you want and not give up in the face of difficulties. If it grows in an apartment or house for many years, it contributes to the rejuvenation of all household members.
But planting a money tree in a red pot or tying a red thread to it, according to our consultant, is not at all necessary. It is rather an “anchor” for our subconscious. But it in no way affects the biofield of the plant itself.

Palms (hamedorea, areca, date, livingstona, coconut, govea, rapis, cat palm, caryota, criosophila spanisha, trachycarpus, actionectia, adonidia, chuniophenix, licuala, acelorafa, psychosperma graceful and so on).
The most powerful indoor plants. Their energy field is plus 40. They increase activity, vitality, relieve a weak state, fill them with enthusiasm and vigor. They also help make dreams come true and contribute to the completion of started projects. Ward off telephone energy vampires. And all the palm trees make us feel like children. They bring an atmosphere of cheerfulness, fun and playfulness into the home.

Diplomat plant. An excellent handler of quarrels and scandals. It balances the energetic background, therefore it is good to grow it on the windows of communal apartments or in a house where many inhabitants live.

Hoya Kerry (Hoya-Valentine, Hoya in love). Plant of family happiness. Ensures the fusion of male and female energy into a single whole. Strengthens relationships. This can be seen from the special shape of the leaves in the shape of hearts.

Violet (Saintpaulia).
It's great to have a lot of violets at home. She does not tolerate base energies, excessive passions and scandals in the house. It is good to entrust the care of Saintpaulias to children. After all, the violet is considered a plant - a child psychologist.

Helps with lack of strength and replenishes energy hunger. If you feel that you are exhausted, just stroke the long leaves of this flower with your hands.

Also helps with lack of strength. Removes anxiety, fear, anxiety and insomnia. It is useful to grow this plant for older people.

Lianas (philodendron, scindapsus, also known as epipremnum, etc.).
A source of energy, they smooth out quarrels and conflicts.

Datura (Datura).
Provides peace of mind. humility in life, gentleness and kindness. Reveals and develops extrasensory abilities. However, this plant is very poisonous.

What indoor flowers should you have at home?

Properly selected flowers improve not only the energy of the home, but also the life of the owners themselves. Improves their spiritual and physical well-being.

According to Feng Shui, the following potted plants have positive energy: amaryllis, hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybrids), orange or lemon tree ( various types Citrus), (Begonia spp.), geraniums (Pelargonium hybrids), dracaena (Dracaena), camellia (Camelia spp.), Chinese rose or “flower of love” (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), butterfly orchid (Oncidium papilla), ivy (Hedera helix), crassula arborescens, ficus (Ficus lyrata), bush and potted chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.), cyclamen, alpine violet(Cyclamen spp.).

Azalea maintains the vigor of the owners, strengthens the positive energy of the house.

Amaryllis - donor flower. All you have to do is sit comfortably next to it, leisurely stroke its leaves, and soon your strength and good mood will definitely return to you.

Ivy - an excellent stimulator of positive energy, helps to find balance and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Primrose - the flower is balanced, and therefore perfectly neutralizes negative emotions.

Rose opens hearts. Of course! After all, it has the finest and highest vibration of all plants. Especially during flowering. Also, the Queen of Flowers stimulates love for the world, promotes romantic and friendly relationships.

Rosemary promotes good sleep, helps the body to rest and relax, relieves fatigue, removes feelings of anxiety and fear.

Geranium - An excellent means of energy correction. It gives a person endurance, helps to overcome obstacles that stand in the way, and quickly achieve the desired goal.

It also improves the energy background of the room. It is enough to stay near this plant for 10 minutes, and you will gain energy and strength.

Tradescantia - an indicator of the energy well-being of the home. In a place where the energy is negative, the plant begins to turn yellow and shed its leaves.

Violet does not tolerate scandals. In addition, she is an excellent children's therapist, capable of extinguishing aggression.

Ficus creates a favorable, calm atmosphere. Quarrels, irritability, showdowns are not to the liking of the ficus, he will take care to rid the owners of them.

Cyclamen creates harmony and energetic order in the house

There are a number of plants that have both positive and negative effects, depending on how and where they are placed:

Ekhmeya emits energy pulses similar to arrows. Can be stimulating. At the same time, it is an excellent assistant for people who do not know how to defend themselves.

The longer and sharper the spines of cacti, the more aggressive the energy of the plants. Cacti perfectly repel attacks from the outside. Place them on a windowsill or balcony and they will protect your home from uninvited guests.

It is undesirable to place cacti near people, as well as in the southwestern part, which is responsible for your relationships with others. After all, by doing this you will scare your friends away from your home, and “drive” your potential clients out of the office.

The positive thing about cacti is that, having strong energy, they are able not only to “vampire”, but also to “take away” heavy negative energy.

Neoregelia with its thorns it incites aggression, but when directed from your apartment it helps to keep people who are negatively disposed towards you at a distance.

Yucca brings tension to relationships between people. But as soon as you take it outside the threshold, the yucca immediately becomes a vigilant guard, protecting the house from uninvited intrusions.

Cholerics should be especially careful with yucca. They are not allowed to be near this plant at home or in the office. After all, yucca can lead them to a nervous breakdown.

By the way, as for people of different temperaments, then...

. Melancholic and phlegmatic people It is wise to place plants with bright red, orange, and yellow flowers in your apartment.

. Choleric and sanguine people Flowers of bluish, purple, white tones and delicate greenery are more suitable.

You should be careful with climbing wall plants. They should not be placed in the matrimonial bedroom. This can take a toll on your love relationship! Yes and in other rooms climbing plants It's better to point up. In this way, they will be able to provide growth energy, and will bring peace and harmony into your relationships (especially climbing plants with oval leaves!).

Sometimes you can even allow climbing plants to hang down, especially ivy and bindweed. But this is subject to the correction of protruding corners of walls and furniture.

Plants with sharp, elongated leaves can also be placed in niches, corners, and areas of stagnant energy. But not in places where people stay for a long time.

Conifers, as well as plants with reddish, purple foliage, with bright red flowers, with leaves that look like triangles or flames, can be placed in the south (support for the Fire sector).

Place white flowers in the west. Plants with white leaf edges and silvery spots (for example, begonia) are also suitable here.

By the way, so popular lately orchids “vampire” your energy, which is especially dangerous for weak and indecisive people.

Absorb energy and ferns , but unlike orchids, they absorb negative energy well.

Plants are not only an oxygen bomb that purifies the air, they are also a powerful energy magnet. Thanks to some house plants, we cleanse the aura and attract positive energy into the home and family.

For example, if you notice that aloe vera suddenly began to die, this means that it has absorbed bad energy, thereby protecting the person and his family members from it.

The following 10 plants are the best energy magnets you can imagine.

Cacti are very beautiful and very original plants. They add a special decorative touch to the interior of our office or home.

However, the cactus not only cleanses the room well electromagnetic waves, which are emitted by household appliances, but also attracts positive energy. This is a plant that requires special care. Experts say that cacti have the ability to repel envy and remove the evil eye of ill-wishers. In a word, the cactus can be safely called an absorbent of all negative things.
2. Mint

Mint has a huge amount of beneficial microelements necessary for health.

This is a plant with valuable medicinal properties, which we can use as a preventive measure for various ailments. Having this plant at home not only guarantees your well-being, but also promotes positive waves in any area.

Mint effectively fights bad vibrations and helps overcome insomnia. It also improves communication between family members living in the house. However, in addition to these benefits, the plant is also used to protect against witchcraft and the envy of others.

Mint is a plant for your well-being. Those who have fresh mint growing in their home are believed to attract economic well-being and prosperity to their home.

3. Bamboo

Recently, bamboo has become quite a fashionable home decoration. This plant is used in living room decoration.

However, not everyone knows that in addition to its aesthetic value, bamboo has powerful positive energy.

They say that bamboo, when it appears in the house, brings purity, transparency and beauty to a person’s life. Having this plant in your home will give you a feeling of comfort, calm, security and silence. Bamboo is also good for preventing the evil eye.

4. Jasmine

Jasmine is known as a couple's plant. This flower benefits relationships by developing the spiritual sphere of both partners.

It is recommended to keep the plant in the bedroom, recreation room or any other place where the couple spends time large number time together. Jasmine will attract positive energy, which will strengthen relationships and create a romantic mood.

5. Rosemary

Rosemary is a plant with many medicinal elements.

This benefit has been used since ancient times by many cultures. On a spiritual level, this plant is known to attract sincere love and happiness. In addition to the benefits of planting fresh rosemary plants at home, it is also recommended to place a few sprigs of rosemary in cloth bags and place them in different rooms throughout the house. In this way, you will attract loyalty and devotion to your family.

6. Thyme

Thyme is a plant that has been used since ancient times to remove negative vibrations in the air.

This plant is considered cleansing because it fights negative energy, prevents nightmares and helps improve self-esteem. Having thyme in your home provides protection for the home and its occupants.

7. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are known for their beauty. However, in addition to their aesthetic value, these flowers have another benefit: they bring a sense of well-being to the home.

Chrysanthemum promotes happiness and good mood, so it is recommended to place these flowers in places where you feel tension. Chrysanthemums will bring calm and relaxation into the life of its owner.

8. Eucalyptus

This plant has the ability to combat unfavorable vibrations and prevent the negative effects of the evil eye of envious people.

Eucalyptus is also recommended for use in businesses or in workrooms and offices, as the plant attracts prosperity and financial well-being. It is also ideal for improving sleep and clearing the room of negative energy.

9. Aloe vera

This plant was widely used in various rituals against bad luck and the envy of ill-wishers; it is considered an effective and reliable remedy against negative vibrations.

Aloe vera is known for attracting prosperity and positive energy wherever it is found.

When aloe vera grows, it is believed to attract good luck, success and happiness. If the plant begins to die, it is because it has absorbed negative energy, thus protecting you from the naked waves.

10. Spathiphyllum

This plant is known as "Women's Happiness". If the owner of such a plant is alone in the house, then soon he will definitely meet his soul mate.

It is especially worth paying attention to this flower for childless couples who dream of offspring. It is believed that by bringing spathiphyllum into the house, the couple dooms themselves to real family happiness surrounded by children.

This plant brings mutual understanding, grace and happiness to the home.

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