
It's better to drink protein or bcaa. Which is better, BCAA or protein, what to take before and after training in the gym? The best bcaa and proteins

Protein and BCAA very often they are put on a par, compared and contrasted with each other. This can be explained by the protein nature of the origin of both the first and second sports supplements. What's more, both supplements are made from the same organic foods. However, they are positioned in the market sports nutrition as additives intended for different purposes, which is why the scope and purpose of use can also vary greatly. Our task today is to figure out what each supplement is, what they have in common, how they differ, and why one product is better than another and vice versa. And we will start, perhaps, from the very basics, with the definition of what protein is and what BCAA are.

Let's start with biochemistry, namely, why the body needs protein. Along with fats and carbohydrates, protein is a very important source of nutrients and building materials for the body. Proteins in their structure consist of proteins that the body can partially produce on its own, and partially must receive from food. Almost all of them contain proteins and, accordingly, amino acids in one concentration or another. Protein products of animal origin, such as meat, milk and eggs, contain all the essential amino acids. Besides, protein products Plant origin, such as beans, nuts, soybeans, are also rich in amino acids.

Proteins play an extremely important role for the human body. Some of them perform a structural function and help build bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and more. Others are involved in metabolism, others support immunity, others regulate the production of hormones, and so on. Experts say that protein is important for the formation of the body and maintaining its health at literally any age, from infancy to old age. The body experiences an acute need for proteins after injuries or operations, as well as if a person leads an active lifestyle. Accordingly, those who systematically, on an ongoing basis, engage in sports experience an even greater need for proteins and amino acids.

Experts say that the rate of protein consumption in each particular case depends on body size and the level of physical activity. For example, for a man with a height of about 180 cm and a body weight of over 100 kg, who works out in the gym 3 times a week, the need for protein will be higher than for a woman with a height of 160 cm and a weight of 55 kg, who does not work out in the gym. Thus, the amount of protein consumed is strongly tied to the level of physical activity, which means that the more often you train in the gym, the more stress you expose your body to. And the more stress you expose your body to, the more protein you need to consume - this time. And the more time you will need to recover - that’s two.

What is protein

Speaking about the increased need for protein consumption when playing sports, a beginner, first of all, comes to mind that he needs to start eating more protein foods. This is partly true, but only partly. The fact is that ordinary food products, in terms of their protein content, have very low efficiency, even when it comes to cottage cheese, eggs or chicken. Scientists and nutritionists have long established that for a person who is actively involved in sports, the daily intake is at the level of 2 g/1 kg of body weight. Now calculate how much protein you need to consume per day for your weight. Did you count? So, keep in mind that in 100 g chicken fillet contains only 25 grams of protein. Now imagine how much chicken you need to eat to meet your body’s daily need for protein.

Thus, we logically came to the conclusion that the body simply could not cope with such huge volumes of food if you decided to get protein only from it. It is for this purpose that such a food supplement as. While a large volume of food puts a strain on the digestive system and requires high energy costs for digestion and absorption, a protein shake does not take up much space in the stomach, does not burden the digestive system, is quickly absorbed and at the same time has high efficiency. By the way, it is important to understand that protein belongs to the category of food additives because it is not a complete replacement for protein products, but only complements a diet that should be complete.

So, now you and I know that protein is a food supplement that is created to satisfy daily requirement body in proteins. It is for this purpose that it is used in sports, including bodybuilding and even in fitness. “Protein” means “protein” in Latin. And protein is the building material for our muscles. Thus, it becomes clear to us why he is so popular in bodybuilding. After all, the goal of bodybuilding is precisely to build bulky muscles. Even though most athletes carry food containers with them, they nevertheless meet their increased protein needs with the help of protein shakes.

What are BCAA

Let's start with the fact that the abbreviation stands for Branched Chain Amino Acids, which translated from English means branched chain amino acids. Amino acids, as we have already found out, are the structural elements of protein. Thus, when talking about protein foods, we understand that the body can obtain both protein and amino acids from them, but why are BCAA's placed in a separate category? The fact is that their difference from “regular” amino acids lies in the body’s inability to synthesize them on its own, which means the only way to saturate the body with them is to take special nutritional supplements. It is with the aim of saturating the body with essential amino acids that BCAA were created.

These are the same BCAA amino acids make up about 35% of the total structure of amino acids that make up muscles. This is quite a lot. During training in the gym, about 25% of all energy is released from BCAA amino acids. When you eat food rich in protein, these amino acids are the first to enter the bloodstream. They are broken down protein components that come in the form of isoleucine, leucine and valine. The fact that they are presented in an already split state means for us that the body does not require additional labor to assimilate them, which means that the absorption process will occur almost instantly. Much faster than when consuming regular protein from supplements and especially foods.

Leucine, a component of BCAA amino acids, is the basis of all proteins and is involved in the regulation of protein synthesis in the body. Isoleucine is needed for leucine metabolism and blood sugar regulation. Valine is a source of energy in muscles. Based on the sum of the factors, we can draw a line under these three components as follows. If the body lacks BCAA, the muscles begin to starve. Regular classes in gym injure your muscles by breaking down contractile protein. This protein must be restored, including with building materials such as BCAA amino acids. Taking them before training increases muscle endurance, and after training reduces muscle fatigue and speeds up recovery.

What is the difference between protein and BCAA?

So, now you and I know what protein is, what role it plays for our body, what products it needs to be obtained from, and also why the missing amount of protein needs to be compensated by using sports supplements. We also found out that protein is a sports supplement - a source of protein, and BCAA is a sports supplement - a source of amino acids. This, in turn, leads us to the idea that if amino acids are the structural elements of protein, then the difference between protein and BCAA is actually minimal. This is where numerous debates arise on the topic - which is better, protein or BCAA? The differences are actually not obvious, however, they exist and therefore it is definitely worth talking about them.

It’s immediately worth noting that protein actually consists of BCAAs, which are directly involved in muscle protein synthesis and at the same time reduce muscle breakdown after hard training. This is precisely the subject of much debate - which is better to drink, protein or BCAA? What gives the best effect? Let's figure it out. Whey protein contains BCAA in higher concentrations than regular protein foods. Consuming protein post-workout provides positive nitrogen balance, which has a beneficial effect on muscle protein synthesis and leads directly to muscle growth. Due to its effectiveness, manufacturers are increasingly including BCAA in protein composition.

But at the same time, it would be fair to note that adding protein to BCAA is simply pointless. During exercise, BCAAs can be used to reduce muscle damage, increase energy reserves, increase endurance, and reduce feelings of fatigue. So what is the difference between protein and BCAA? After all, there were no obvious differences. In fact, the main difference is the form in which these two supplements are presented. Protein that is not broken down into amino acids requires a certain amount of time to be digested and absorbed in the body. BCAA amino acids, in turn, are already a split form of protein - their absorption rate is higher, which means that these supplements need to be taken differently.

How to take protein and BCAA

Competent use of any sports supplements always begins with the diet, and the diet depends on the goals set. At the same time, we must remember that from the point of view of building and maintaining muscle, proteins have an advantage over fats and carbohydrates. This suggests that, in contrast, both protein and BCAA are needed by the body under any circumstances, both when gaining weight and when losing weight and maintaining weight. The body experiences an urgent need for protein consumption immediately after waking up and immediately after training. Moreover, in both cases it is advisable to take whey protein, as it is quickly absorbed. It is also recommended to drink protein before bed, for which casein form is better suited.

As for amino acids, you can also drink BCAA in the morning, immediately after waking up, as well as during training to replenish the body’s energy reserves, increase endurance and reduce the feeling of fatigue. To the question - what is better to drink protein or BCAA? The most correct answer would be - both protein and BCAA, since each of them has its own effect on the body, characteristic of this supplement. Since both the first and second additives are produced in the form of a powder, to use them, of course, it is necessary to stir it in a liquid, which can be plain water, milk or juice. If you are gaining weight, the drink with milk and juice will be more nutritious; if you are losing weight, it is better to mix the powder with water.

BCAA and protein together certainly give the best effect. This is a rule that applies to the vast majority of sports supplements. Separately, they simply give a good result, but together they have a synergistic, that is, mutually reinforcing effect. Okay, then how do you combine BCAA and protein? The most classic regimen is to drink a protein shake half an hour before training, take BCAA amino acids during it, and take a second protein shake immediately after training. That is, it is possible to combine BCAA and protein; moreover, the vast majority of athletes do this. As for whether it is possible to mix protein and BCAA, to avoid side effects in the form of bloating, nausea or vomiting, it is better not to do this.

Protein or BCAA, what to choose

So, what is better, protein or BCAA? I think, as many have already guessed, it is not entirely correct to pose the question in this way. In each specific case, at each time period, the answer for each person will be different. This is not to say that protein is better than BCAA or that BCAA is better than protein, they are just different, although they are similar in many ways. The advantages of protein lie in the complete composition of nonessential and essential amino acids, but the rate of protein absorption is quite low. The benefits of BCAA amino acids are the speed of absorption, which allows you to literally instantly deliver nutrients to your muscles. However, their disadvantage lies in the inferior composition of amino acids.

Protein complexes are food additives, the main component of which is pure protein (the concentration of which can range from 70 to 90%). Once in the body, under the influence of enzymes, the protein is broken down into amino acids, which the athlete needs to build new muscle structures. It is thanks to the amino acids that are present in the protein supplement that the destruction stops and the process of muscle building begins under the influence physical activity. At the moment, soy, milk, egg, whey proteins, as well as casein are produced. Each of these forms differs primarily in the rate of absorption in the body and the concentration of pure protein.

BCAA amino acids, in turn, are positioned on the sports supplement market precisely as a complex designed for rapid muscle recovery. Even one serving of BCAA is enough to carry out a fairly grueling workout without causing significant damage to your muscle fibers. Thus, despite the fact that amino acids at first glance are an analogue of protein, in fact the purpose of these two supplements is different. What is the difference between protein and BCAA? Because protein is positioned as a supplement for building new muscles, and BCAA is positioned as a supplement that prevents the destruction of old ones. This is why you need to take protein and BCAA together.


In conclusion, I would like to say directly about the method of producing sports supplements based on protein (or protein, if you prefer). All of them are made from natural organic products, regardless of their origin, animal or plant. Powder additives are usually made from the most regular milk, which are dried and fermented, after which dyes, flavors are added and a banana, strawberry or chocolate flavor is obtained. Since protein and BCAA are biological in origin, it would be highly inaccurate to say that they are “chemicals”. And the worst thing that can happen to you in case of an overdose is an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting or intestinal dysbiosis.

In the end, the most important thing is that you and I have finally figured out the difference between protein and BCAA. Despite the fact that it would seem that both nutritional supplements are based on a protein structure, nevertheless, as we found out, they have three characteristic differences. The first is a different composition, which characterizes protein as a more complete product, and BCAA amino acids as a less complete product. The second is the rate of absorption, which, due to the dense composition of protein, is low, while for BCAA amino acids it is almost lightning fast. Third is positioning. Protein is presented as building material, and BCAA amino acids are touted as a means of recovery. So, based on these three differences, we now know for sure that protein and BCAA are completely different supplements.

When starting active strength training, every person wants to achieve a faster and more noticeable effect. And many people are helped with this by special supplements - BCAA or protein. They differ in composition and operating principle, so when choosing one of them you should focus on specific goals. Both supplements are actively used by bodybuilders both for weight loss and for building muscle mass. Their specific effect on the body depends on the intensity of training, dosage and time of administration.

Beginning athletes are literally lost in the variety of supplements on the market. It’s worth noting right away that the best effect can be achieved if you take BCAA and protein together. But when you're on a tight budget, sometimes the question is: which of the two products is better to choose? To do this, you should take a closer look at the composition of both additives:

  • BCAAs(consists of leucine, valine, isoleucine (essential amino acids). They are not produced by the body independently, but their external supply contributes to the speedy recovery and strengthening of muscle fibers);
  • Protein, also known as protein (there are several types: milk, egg, soy, whey, casein; the protein complex also includes BCAA components).

Casein is used for weight loss, whey protein is used for muscle growth. The specificity of the soy protein complex is that it is more suitable for a female audience, but is not recommended for men.

If the goal is to quickly saturate the body with protein, it is better to take BCAA, since it is instantly supplied to the fiber. Protein is more suitable for taking at night, since it decomposes more slowly into amino acids and provides a long-lasting effect.

The speed and durability of your training results depends on how you take protein and BCAA. For example, if a complex of essential amino acids is consumed between meals, appetite will decrease, which contributes to more fast weight loss. If you drink it during training, muscle mass gain will accelerate. The specific dosage of each component is calculated depending on the physiological characteristics of each person.

Can I take BCAA with protein?

The answer to this question is clear: it is possible and even necessary. The main thing is to do it correctly. As for how to combine protein and BCAA, there is an approximate scheme that brings the most positive effect:

  • joint reception in the morning;
  • during the day - one of the supplements (optional, depending on specific purpose workout);
  • after training in the gym - joint use;
  • before bed – protein.

This plan is not a reference plan. Many athletes invent their own recipes for taking BCAA and protein together. The use of products together or separately also depends on whether you have work scheduled in the gym for today or not. So, on a non-training day, you can limit yourself to morning, afternoon and evening supplements. If you have to work in the gym, you should definitely take amino acids before and after class.

If in doubt whether it is possible to mix both supplements, we can assure you that this can be done even in one go, since protein is a building material for muscles, and essential amino acids are nothing more than “builders”. And if you mix these two components with sweet juice, they will reach their destination even faster.

How to take protein, creatine and BCAA together?

In addition to the above supplements, a complex with the addition of a third component: creatine is very popular among athletes. This is one of the amino acids that affects muscle gain and increased physical endurance. Most efficient scheme How to take protein with creatine and BCAA is as follows:

  • after waking up, before and after work in the gym - BCAA and creatine;
  • between meals - protein with essential amino acids.

Supplements are best absorbed if mixed with a small amount of fast carbohydrates. Sweet juice is suitable for this, not large number sugar or honey.

All three components are indispensable if you want to achieve an ideal body in a short time and maintain this effect. Complex sports nutrition will only be useful if you train regularly and eat the “right” food. The regimen for taking each product is also important, so before purchasing supplements, you should consult with a trainer who will help you create an individual program for taking protein, creatine, and amino acids.

Sports nutrition is designed to accelerate muscle gain and strengthen the body, which is constantly in a state of increased stress. To compensate for the lack of essential substances supplied by food, many athletes and bodybuilders consume concentrated protein and amino acid mixtures. This article will look at the differences between protein and amino acid supplements, how to use them, and the positive and negative effects of these products.

The principle of action of the drugs

These drugs exist in various forms of release and are designed for different athletes. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Important! It is recommended to take a protein supplement in the morning - an hour before training and 30 minutes after it. This mode of use ensures better absorption of the supplement.


These are amino acids with a branched molecular structure that:

  • stimulate the burning of subcutaneous fat;
  • become building material for muscle fibers;
  • normalize metabolism.

Video: about BCAA amino acids These amino acids are obtained by extracting them from casein, a milk protein. There are only three of them in the BCAA preparation: isoleucine, leucine and valine. During intense load these substances act as a source of fast energy and participate in oxidation processes.

The benefits of this supplement for muscle building are that it:

  • prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers;
  • helps build lean and strong muscles;
  • reduces subcutaneous fat;
  • helps to create a toned, athletic figure.

Did you know? The culture of bodybuilding owes its appearance to the 19th century German athlete Wilhelm Müller. Being weak from birth, in his youth he began to pay considerable attention to his own physical development and by adulthood he became one of the strongest people on the planet. He actively promoted the idea of ​​physical improvement, toured a lot with unique circus acts, and even published several books describing his training methods.

In addition, BCAA ensures normal absorption of other protein products and vitamin complexes, has an immunomodulatory effect on the body. There are no negative effects from taking this drug.

Since BCAA is a complex of absolutely natural amino acids, they are absorbed by the body without residue. Even excessive consumption of this product does not lead to negative consequences.

This is a concentrated protein supplement, which, after consumption, begins to break down into easily digestible amino acids and nourish the body.

It protects muscle tissue from destruction during stressful periods and promotes its active growth, as it is a structural material for strengthening muscles.

Depending on the raw material from which protein is extracted, it is divided into:

  • lactic.

Video: about protein The benefits of protein are determined by its complete composition. In addition to BCAA, it contains absolutely all amino acids, essential and non-essential, which ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Protein is absorbed by 90–95%, depending on the individual characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time he:

  • suppresses the feeling of hunger;
  • gives strength and energy for long-term intense exercise;
  • improves endurance;
  • speeds up recovery after training.

Did you know? The most significant international bodybuilding competition is Mr. Olympia, held since 1965. From 1970 to 1975, as well as in 1980, Arnold Schwarzenegger held the honorary title of Mr. Olympia. In addition, he distinguished himself among all the winners of the competition in its history as the youngest and tallest.

The harm of protein supplements is associated with their excess consumption. Concentrated protein puts a significant burden on the intestines, so exceeding the recommended dosage provokes bloating, upset, vomiting, and nausea.
Uncontrolled weight gain and skin rashes may occur. It is worth considering that soy protein is contraindicated for men due to its high content of phytoestrogens - analogues of female sex hormones.

Main differences

Despite the similar principle of action, these sports supplements differ from each other:

  1. BCAA are three amino acids that are considered the most needed for building muscle fibers. Protein is a protein concentrate that consists of a large number of different amino acids that affect the functioning of the entire body.
  2. BCAA have high speed and the degree of absorption, while the dosage and mode of operation of the protein must be regulated to avoid intestinal disorders.
  3. The amino acid supplement is taken in an amount of 5–6 g per day. To compensate for the lack of nutrients with protein, you need to eat 25–30 g of it three times a day.
  4. BCAA increases testosterone levels, but protein has little effect on hormonal background, if it is not vegetable.
  5. A protein supplement gives a feeling of fullness and promotes weight gain, an amino acid supplement has a “drying” effect and promotes weight loss.
  6. The effect of taking BCAA occurs earlier than from a protein supplement. This is due to the fact that protein is broken down and purified in the liver, while amino acids are absorbed directly.
  7. The calorie content of amino acids is insignificant, and the protein supplement has nutritional value about 47 kcal per 100 g.

What is better to take

To decide which supplement is best for you, decide for what purpose you plan to switch to sports nutrition. If you want to lose weight and build strong, lean muscles, BCAA's are your best bet.

A protein supplement will help increase muscle mass, give your figure power and rounded shape. Lifestyle may also influence the choice of supplement.

Those people who are constantly on the move and do not have the opportunity to monitor their digestion more often choose BCAA.

Important! To get the most benefit from a BCAA supplement, take it a few minutes before your workout or during the break after your first set of exercises. It will begin to act at the moment of peak muscle load and will give a rapid increase in muscle mass.

Protein, which requires complete meals with a high fiber content, is more suitable for those who have the opportunity to cook their own food and devote sufficient time to it.

Video: what better protein or BCAA amino acids

How to Eat BCAAs and Protein Together

Many athletes wash down amino acid capsules with a ready-made protein drink immediately after training. This procedure does not cause harm to the body, but is not very rational.

The fact is that BCAAs have a high absorption rate and provide the muscles with the required amount of nutrients a maximum of 20 minutes after consumption, and protein has a long period of absorption, therefore it ensures a progressive supply of the body with the amino acids it needs.

To ensure that the immediate effect of consuming BCAA is not lost, you must first take this supplement, then wait 15–20 minutes and wash it down with protein.

BCAAs and protein are sports supplements whose action is aimed at increasing muscle mass, strengthening it and improving the health of the body. The differences between these products lie in the speed of their absorption by the body and in the chemical composition - for protein it is much more complex.
To get the maximum effect from consuming sports nutrition, follow the principles of its use and combine it with regular training.

The debate about which is better, BCAA or protein, has not subsided in sports communities to this day, although a large number of modern studies have long helped establish the truth. No matter what supporters of one and the other camp of adherents say, protein and BCAA are necessary supplements for any athlete.

Moreover, almost always they not only do not contradict each other, but even improve overall efficiency. Each of these supplements should be present in your diet! Why is this so? Let's get to the bottom of this!

BCAA protein - which is better?

Why is it never a question for pros whether to choose protein or BCAA? Obviously because they understand perfectly well what the difference is between them. On the one hand, Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, which are a supplement called BCAA, are also found in protein. Moreover, they are found in any animal protein! But for some reason, even under such conditions, like protein, this supplement has long been included in the list of must-have purchases for any athlete.

The thing is that the three essential amino acids that are part of any BCAA complex perform very important functions in the muscles. Therefore, the greater their number, the faster the athlete can progress and the better the recovery will be.

What is protein and why is it needed?

Any athlete knows that protein is the main building material for muscles. It promotes their development, as well as faster recovery after training. The main source of protein in sports is protein. It is processed whey (or other raw materials if it is not whey protein) and is the most popular type of sports supplement.

It is important to understand that any protein entering the body is broken down into amino acids. Therefore, their quantity is a determining factor in the quality of the supplement. Some of them are synthesized in the body, and some must be obtained only from the outside, that is, through food.

  • Whey protein (considered the reference protein);
  • Casein protein;
  • Egg white ( complete set amino acids, but very high cost);
  • Soy protein (considered the least effective).

Each type of protein contains amino acids, but if the full set is present in whey, egg and casein protein, then in vegetable protein it is much more modest. For this reason, soy protein is rarely quoted not only among professionals, but even among amateurs. Casein may be a bit of an outlier because it is required regardless of the protein you choose. With the help of casein protein, you can reduce the level of catabolic processes at night.

Modern production allows us to produce additives whose protein content reaches 95-97%. Thanks to this, you don’t have to think about the lack of building material for muscle development. Also, such supplements are free of any impurities, so even people with lactose intolerance can easily take them. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the very fast rate of absorption; in this regard, any supplement will give a head start to any natural protein. For this reason, whey protein is called “fast”.

High-quality protein is needed both for gaining muscle mass and for losing weight. In the second case, it is even more necessary, since the importance of protein intake into the body increases significantly.

What are BCAA and what does it do?

As you know, BCAAs are included in any protein of animal origin, although it is the amino acids contained in it that are usually isolated. Any muscle tissue in our body consists of 30-35% Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. These branched chain amino acids have the following properties:

  • Protect muscles from destruction even during high-intensity strength work, cardio or a low-carb diet;
  • Allows you to collect only high-quality (dry) muscle mass;
  • Launch fat burning processes;
  • Significantly increase the growth of strength indicators;
  • Improves the effectiveness of any sports nutrition by almost 40%.

This is the main difference between amino acids and any protein. While the latter makes it possible to speed up recovery, increase mass and strength, BCAA allows you to maintain these volumes while simultaneously improving the effectiveness of other supplements. Taking amino acids on an empty stomach, especially if you prefer to run in the morning, will also help preserve muscle. They will help even with the most intense training and long cardio sessions.

When are BCAAs most relevant? Of course, either during a period of heavy strength work, when high-quality recovery comes to the fore, as well as during drying or losing weight. Simply put, the three essential amino acids will only provide maximum benefit to your muscles when they are under stress. Thanks to this supplement, you can maintain existing volumes and get rid of excess fat.

During the diet, BCAA is taken before, during and after training. On the rest of the days, it is better to limit yourself to regular protein. When doing strength work, it is recommended to take BCAA immediately after training.

So what should you choose – BCAA or protein?

Now you yourself could find the answer to the question of which supplement is better to choose. There is quite a noticeable difference between BCAA and protein that cannot be ignored. These supplements are not mutually exclusive, like protein and gainer, so you can easily take them at the same time. Unless you should never mix them together (at least 30 minutes should pass between doses).

It is also worth considering that BCAAs are absorbed almost instantly, unlike protein, so they will be most relevant in the morning or immediately after training. Between meals, it is best to use regular protein to ensure your total protein intake. It is important to remember that thanks to BCAA, you do not get the entire set of amino acids, but only the three most important and significant ones. Therefore, talking about replacing one additive with another is completely inappropriate.

The best BCAA and proteins!

We offer you 3 best options BCAAs and 3 of the highest quality proteins!

The market for sports supplements has long ceased to be something like that and has firmly entered the world of amateur sports. Sports dietary supplements are especially popular among gym goers, because due to their properties, sports nutrition is suitable for everyone: those who want to burn extra hated pounds, and those who want to increase their muscle mass, and even those who simply monitor their health. Among those involved in sports, protein shakes and BCAA amino acids are especially popular, and the question often arises: what is better and more necessary? In this article we will try to answer this question.

We'll start by explaining what protein and BCAA are. Protein, also known as protein, is the main substance that a person needs to maintain the vital functions of the body; it is not for nothing that protein is found in almost all food products. In sports, protein is used as the main building material for muscles. That is, our muscles, like all tissues, consist mainly of protein, which in turn consists of amino acids. In total, we need about 20 amino acids for normal health, the source of which is protein. Of these 20 amino acids, 9 are not synthesized by the body, that is, we can only get them from food. Three of these nine amino acids are: lycine, isolecine and valine, that is, BCAA, branched chain amino acids. We need them on the day of training, since their lack for an athlete can result in poor muscle recovery, lack of energy and catabolism, that is, the destruction of muscle tissue. Therefore, we can conclude that without these 3 amino acids, your training progress will stagnate.

Protein (protein) consists of amino acids, including BCAA. This means that with each serving of protein you will receive the BCA necessary for your muscles.

Let's look at examples.

For quality recovery, you need an average of 20 grams of BCAA per day. Most often, one serving of protein (30 grams) contains about 5 grams of BCA. This means that to get the norm you will need 4 servings of protein, or 2 servings of protein and 10 grams of BCA obtained from a separately purchased supplement (calculate by looking at the composition described on the BCAA can). Or only BCAA without protein (20 g).

A specific example is BCAA Ultimate: Flavored BCAA (457 g) in a measuring spoon 7 grams of powder of which 6 grams of pure BCAA. This means that to get the norm you will need 3-4 scoops per day.

Pros and cons

The advantage of protein is that a serving of protein is much more satisfying than a serving of BCA. 30 grams of slow-absorbing powder will relieve you of hunger and can replace an entire meal, but 6 grams of instantly absorbed BCAA will not satiate you. In addition, protein is a complete protein containing 17 more amino acids, which, to varying degrees, are needed by our body.

Plus BCAA in price. 300 grams of high-quality BCAA cost an average of 1,400 rubles. The same amount of these amino acids is contained in a 2.2 kg can of protein, costing approximately 3,200 rubles.

What to choose?

We will answer this question this way: choose both protein and BCAA, since only with an integrated approach to sports nutrition can you achieve significant results. When using these products in combination, we would advise drinking 2-3 servings of protein every day, in between meals, as well as at night (if you have casein protein) and always “before” and “after” training. And BCAA amino acids - only on the day of training. It is best to drink the powder form “during” the workout, capsule or tablet form, as well as protein – “before” and “after” the workout. If you purchased only branched chain amino acids, then you must take them every day, in a dosage of 10-25 grams. It's best to break daily norm for 2-4 doses of 5-7 grams at a time. In a situation where you need to choose one thing, choose protein, since any protein contains BCAA amino acids and in this case you will get them from protein.

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