
Bed bugs what they look like. Description and photo of domestic bugs. Chemicals for insect control

And how to get rid of it. First, let's talk about where bedbugs can come from in an apartment. So, first of all, it is worth noting that No one is safe from the appearance of bedbugs in an apartment..

And it doesn’t matter how clean your place is or how often you take out the trash. The main thing for these unpleasant bloodsuckers is the availability of food and warmth. Therefore, an apartment of antisocial elements and a fashionable hotel can become a refuge for them equally successfully. Moreover, in places with large crowds of people and the presence large quantity premises, it is much more difficult to cope with bedbugs, since they can migrate.

For quite a long time there was a belief that bedbugs in the house are caused by dirt, but this is not true. Any entomologist will tell you that insects cannot materialize into a home, which is called “out of thin air.” This means there are ways for them to penetrate into housing. Let's talk about them.

Sometimes, when purchasing a home, you may not notice the presence of bedbugs in it, since they have the ability to fall into suspended animation and become active when food sources appear.

Varieties of house bugs are called or. The bloodsuckers that live in private houses and apartments are not particularly different from each other. They have a flat round body and look like a button. Dimensions of a domestic bug from 4 to 8 mm. The flat shape protects against crushing.

Nests should be looked for:

  • in the cracks behind the baseboards;
  • behind the wallpaper, especially in places where it has peeled off;
  • in the folds of curtains;
  • in bedside tables and on shelves between books;
  • under carpets and behind paintings on the walls of bedrooms;
  • in housings of household appliances;
  • in sockets next to the bed;
  • under window sills and in window frames.

If you suddenly find red bugs in your apartment, do not panic, most likely it is. They are not harmful to humans and cannot bite them. The soldier feeds on plant sap. If you encounter this bug at home, you can simply take it outside. He won't come back to you again.

How dangerous are bites?

Externally, they differ from mosquitoes in that they look like a path of several punctures. They:

  • cause itching and irritation on the skin;
  • lead to nervousness and lack of sleep;
  • affect the psychological state;
  • reduce performance;
  • provoke allergies.

Scratching bites can lead to pustules. In rare cases, if a child is regularly bitten by bedbugs, there is a risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.

Fighting methods

There is no point in waiting for the bedbugs to leave the house on their own; this will not happen. Neither cleaning nor replacing furniture will help. Not even all chemical agents are able to cope with annoying guests, although this The best way. Insects quickly adapt to insecticides. That's why chemical manufacturers are always coming up with something new.

  • Insecticidal.

    Powerful chemicals of various forms are used for destruction:

    • gels: .
    • liquid solutions: , .
    • powders: .
  • Eggs, larvae

    The size of the young animals is small, as are the offspring of ticks and cockroaches. If we consider the laying of eggs, they look like oval-shaped neoplasms no more than 1 mm long, and more often 0.8 mm. Domestic insects at the first stage of formation are characterized by a light shade. On one side, the egg has a kind of cap, from which a larva (aka nymph) subsequently appears.

    Pest eggs and larvae, light color– nymph

    What do bedbugs look like? early stage development? After the larva emerges from the egg, its size is small - 1 mm. However, in terms of external characteristics, the domestic insect already resembles an adult. There are few differences: inability to mate; a light shade of the body, which still has an elongated shape. Immediately after the first meal, the larva will change its color to a light brown hue. Transparency is maintained and food can be seen through the walls of the abdominal cavity.

    Pest larva fed on blood

    As the nymph sucks blood from the victim, its body size gradually increases, as happens in adults.

    Domestic larvae develop over the course of 4-6 weeks, during which time several molting processes occur (every 6-7 days).


    How the shape and size of an insect’s body changes during feeding.

    Small triangular head. On its underside there is a long proboscis formed by fused jaws.

    Features of the reproduction process

    These pests are capable of increasing the population in a short period of time. This is due to the fact that the female stores the seed in a special Berlese organ throughout her life. This means that reproduction can occur under any conditions and even in the absence of a male after a single insemination. The number of eggs in a clutch varies from 3 to 10, more often – 5 pieces.

    Insemination occurs through traumatic penetration of the male's sexual organ into abdominal cavity females. The consequences of this action (a hole in the body) are eliminated over time, which occurs thanks to the Berlese organ.

    Furniture bugs reproduce in a rather complex way, as this allows them to increase the population even when in unsuitable living conditions. If we consider that a female is capable of laying an average of 5 eggs per day, she produces about 500 eggs throughout her life. eggs

    How to recognize bedbug nests?

    Considering small sizes These insects are sometimes not so easy to find in an apartment. They feed on human blood, so they will nest closer to the food source. Furniture bugs leave waste products (feces look like a small ball) and drops of blood in the bed. However, their nests can only be found in places hidden from human eyes, which usually do not change.

    Bedbugs nest together to keep warm. You can identify a nest in an apartment by the appearance of a moving mass, which, for example, is not typical for a cockroach and a tick. Furniture bugs live in certain areas, so you need to look for them there first. You can also pay attention to how pests smell. The more bedbugs there are in a home, the more intense the smell.

    Chitinous cover in pest nesting areas

    Behavioral characteristics and life expectancy

    Differences from other insects

    How to find out what type of household pest was found in the apartment?

    Main features:

    1. Number of paws. For example, a tick has 4 pairs of them, while a bedbug has 3.
    2. Insects feed in different ways. Cockroaches do not suck blood. The tick has a different feature - it remains on the body after the bite. Bedbugs, in turn, feed regularly, out of sight.
    3. The body shape is flattened and rounded. In comparison, cockroaches look different and have a longer body.
    4. Paw sizes. In a tick they are longer than in a bedbug.


    When daylight comes, the pests hide in their nests and do not move beyond their nests. You need to look for such areas closer to the places where they feed - beds. If the wallpaper nearby has come off the wall or there are cracks flooring, between the baseboard and the wall, there is also a possibility of a nest forming here. Most commonly used areas: mattress folds, interior structure of the sofa.

    What harm do bedbugs cause?

    Unlike ticks, these insects cause fewer problems, with the exception of itchy bites that look like a trail of red inflammation.

    A bed or house bug is a small insect (on average 1 – 3 mm) of light or dark brown color. In the photo you can see what a blood-sucking linen bug looks like. The triangular head is small in size compared to the body. The insect is not capable of flight, but moves on both horizontal and vertical surfaces very quickly and deftly.

    The female is always larger than the male. The body of an insect in a hungry state is flat, flattened, almost transparent, no more than 1 mm long. After sofa bug stuck to human skin, it does not stop feeding until it becomes spherical. The body becomes red with blood and increases in size to 8 mm.

    A bug can live without food for about six months. The total lifespan of one individual is one year. The insect is extremely prolific. One female is capable of laying up to 500 eggs in her life, each of which has a high chance of survival at home. A week later, voracious larvae hatch from the laid clutch, whose lifestyle is no different from adult individuals. The photo shows a female and larvae close-up.

    Types of bedbugs

    Bed bugs are a suborder of coleopterous insects. Their species diversity is great. Over 12,000 species of these insects live in Russia. For the most part, they are completely harmless to humans. Beneficial bugs are also found in nature: Podisus, which eats Colorado potato beetles, flower bugs and soldier bugs that destroy the larvae of garden pests.

    The only species that is blood-sucking is bed bug. This is the correct biological name, although they are popularly called linen, household, room, furniture and even sofa. These are not varieties, but simply different names for the same insect, which comes in different sizes and shades of color.

    The pest received such a variety of names because of its ability to settle in cracks in wall plaster, seams in bed linen, sofa upholstery, mattresses, and furniture joints. A bedbug is often called another insect - a louse, which is not related to the bedbug family. The photo shows a furniture bug that has spent several months without food.

    How do bedbugs get into the house?

    • through cracks, ventilation from one apartment to another due to the ability to move quickly (an adult overcomes 1.25 m in a minute);
    • together with used furniture, especially sofas and mattresses;
    • blood-sucking animals are often carried by long-haired domestic animals;
    • bed linen, in particular, the seams of pillowcases and duvet covers.

    Signs of the presence of bedbugs in the house

    Often the insect moves along the ceiling, hovering above the sleeping person in bed and falling from there onto the skin. At first, when a person sees a bite in the morning, he thinks that he was bitten by a mosquito. When the population has grown, it is no longer possible not to notice the aliens.

    The main signs of bed bugs appearing in a house:

    • the bites are not single, but form a trail of small wounds;
    • around the bug puncture on the skin a swelling forms with a lump in the center;
    • toxins injected by insects into the blood of a sleeping person cause a typical allergic reaction in the form of burning and itching;
    • Tiny blood stains often remain on the bed;
    • places where insects accumulate (often under wallpaper on the walls) are contaminated with their excrement in the form of microscopic black dots;
    • Pests can also be detected by the remains of the quinine coat, which they shed during molting;
    • bedbugs have a specific smell - some call it cognac, while others think it is the aroma of rotten raspberries.

    Where can bedbugs live in an apartment?

    Indoor bugs usually live in clusters, forming nests. These are peculiar colonies in which insects of several generations live. There are clutches, larvae, adults, remains of the chiton shed during molting, and excrement. Such clusters look terrible. They create a feeling of dirt.

    Harm of bedbugs to humans

    • psychological;
    • biochemical.

    The psychological damage caused by these insects is enormous. A person sleeps poorly, he is irritated, his performance decreases, and sometimes the living conditions seem unbearable.

    Biochemical harm is as follows:

    • When a bedbug bites, it injects poisonous toxins into the sleeping person's blood. The body develops a response to them. Histamines are activated, antibodies are produced, and an inflammatory process occurs. The area around the bite turns red, swells, and excited nerve receptors cause a burning sensation and itching.
    • In some people, the reaction may be several times greater than normal. An allergy develops that requires medication.
    • When scratching bites, infection can easily occur and secondary inflammation occurs.
    • A small child who is constantly bitten by bedbugs risks a decrease in blood quality, including the development of anemia.

    How to recognize a bedbug bite and what to do?

    Bedbug bites are easy to recognize and distinguish from mosquito or flea bites. The bug, unlike other insects, makes several punctures in the skin, leaving a characteristic trail of tiny wounds (see photo). The bite points are located 2–3 cm apart, as in the photo. After some time, a small blister with a bulge in the center forms around the puncture. The photo shows what the bites look like enlarged.

    As soon as traces of bites of blood-sucking insects are discovered, it is necessary to take the same measures as for a mosquito or bee bite:

    Control methods and prevention

    People have been fighting bedbugs for centuries. There are a few folk recipes getting rid of such a scourge, which can also be used as an excellent prevention:

    Most effective method– chemical treatment of the apartment. Before carrying out it, it is necessary to prepare the room:

    • hide dishes and food;
    • remove all textiles from windows and furniture;
    • remove pets and aquarium fish from the home during treatment;
    • do wet cleaning.

    Chemicals are best purchased in the form of sprays. “Dichlorvos”, “Chlorofos”, “Karbofos”, which have proven themselves in past years, have now been replenished with new effective insecticides: “Executioner”, “Kombat”, “Mikrofos”.

    All chemicals are quite toxic to humans. Most of them have hazard class 3. Before using them, you should carefully study the description (instructions) and strictly follow its instructions. When processing, you need to spray the spray on the following surfaces:

    • sofa and mattress – Special attention pay attention to seams, bends, cracks;
    • seams and peeling fragments of wallpaper on the walls;
    • windows and window sills;
    • baseboards;
    • ventilation grilles - it is very important to treat them with an insecticide so that insects cannot escape to the neighbors and then return again.

    To ensure safety during chemical treatment of an apartment, you should wear a respirator, rubber gloves and safety glasses. After spraying, the room should be well ventilated for several hours (preferably with a draft) and left for 3 days, after which begin general cleaning. All dishes should be washed, the sofa and bed should be vacuumed and washed detergent, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth, wash windows and floors.

    Moscow is a huge city and the problem with exterminating domestic bedbugs in Moscow and the region is much more acute than in neighboring regions. This is all due to constant migration and the associated overcrowded “rubber” apartments in Moscow, unsanitary conditions, and cargo movement. After several decades, when it seemed that the problem with house bugs was already forgotten. They have returned to people's lives again. Domestic bugs have settled in large cities such as Moscow and provincial towns. They can be found absolutely everywhere, they silently hide in living quarters, office buildings, department stores, motels, hostels, public transportation, and even movie theaters.

    Over the last decade, the demand for bedbug extermination in Moscow has increased by almost 70 percent!

    This is what house bugs look like

    Domestic bugs photo, description, larva, eggs

    On the global Internet you can find many photographs of domestic bedbugs. Their introducing species undergoes changes as they grow and molt, but in general the insect is similar at all stages of development. An adult house bug has a flat, oval-shaped body in a hungry state; as it becomes saturated with blood, it becomes convex and elongated. The color of the insect also depends on whether the bug is hungry or well-fed. It can vary from light brown, almost transparent, to dark brown and almost black. An adult house bug reaches 7 mm in length and 3 mm in width.

    Reproduction of a domestic bug

    If you do not take timely measures to disinfect bedbugs in your apartment, then the epidemiological situation becomes more and more deplorable every day. Domestic bugs multiply in an apartment at an enormous rate. Traumatic fertilization, which is typical for this type of insect, allows them to reproduce without much difficulty in completely different conditions. After all, it doesn’t matter where the male injects his seed, into a limb, back, or even into the female’s head. Through the insect's lymph, everything will get to the reproductive organs and after a short time a new generation of bedbugs will be born. House bugs cannot distinguish between male and female individuals, and it often happens that the male “fertilizes” the male, who in turn can transfer his own and someone else’s seed to the female during further sexual contact. During her lifetime, a female bedbug can lay about 500 eggs.

    life stages of a house bug

    A house bug goes through several phases throughout its life. Egg – larva – nymph. House bug eggs are about 1 mm long. Females lay eggs where they live. Very often you can find larvae, eggs, adults, molting skins and waste products in the cracks of beds and other places where they live. The female attaches the eggs to the surface with the help of a sticky enzyme secreted by her. After 6-12 days, the eggs hatch into a house bug larva, which needs to drink blood at least once in order to move to another phase.

    House bug larvae photo

    house bug larvae

    House bug larvae reach 1 mm in length and are almost impossible to notice because they are almost transparent or have a light beige tint. As the larva matures, it darkens and increases in size. After the larva drinks blood once, it becomes scarlet in color and looks like a drop of blood. The maturation process takes about 48 days. During this time, the larva will go through at least 5 molts and completely transform its exoskeleton.

    Domestic bedbugs in an apartment: where they come from and where they appear

    Domestic bedbugs in Moscow. Why do they appear, what causes them to start? House bugs do not come out of nowhere and will not appear just like that. Let's look at the most common ways bed bugs enter an apartment.

    bed frame infested with bedbugs

    Domestic bugs in an apartment move quite well and can travel long distances. Most often, the cause of infestation of an apartment with bedbugs is unscrupulous neighbors. This is especially true if in your neighborhood there are migrant workers, illegal immigrants, or very elderly lonely people who are unable to completely get rid of insects.

    There are often situations when in basements apartment buildings There are various office premises in which they are located. From there, insects migrate higher in search of food. They are able to crawl through between walls and adjacent sockets, through air ducts and communications.

    Where do house bugs hide in an apartment?

    Where to look for bedbugs in an apartment

    If you notice at least one individual or have suspicions that you have them, you should look for bedbugs in the apartment in daylight. House bugs live on almost all surfaces if there are a lot of them, house bugs mostly live in sofas, beds, mattresses and bedding, but house bugs can also live under wallpaper, behind baseboards, in floor cracks, under ceilings, behind paintings and on the walls of the closet. Our operator or master disinfector can tell you where to look for bedbugs, how they live and live in the apartment.

    Where to look for bedbugs in an apartment

    Signs and symptoms of an apartment infestation with house bugs

    Most a clear sign The only way to know that you have bedbugs in your apartment is if, when you wake up in the morning, you find traces and spots of an incomprehensible nature on yourself, similar to an allergic reaction. Do not rush to drink Suprastin. Perhaps the fact is that you have domestic bugs.

    Signs that there are house bugs. The appearance of bedbugs in an apartment does not happen without leaving a trace. Let’s also consider the symptoms and signs that bedbugs have infested the home:

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    Prices for exterminating domestic bedbugs in an apartment

    Scope of workGel treatment* (cockroaches only)Cold fogCold Fog + Barrier
    Hot fog
    Hot Fog + Barrier
    Complex (cold fog+horizontal fog+barrier)
    1 room apartment
    5200 rub.from 2300 rub.from 2500 rub.from 3200 rub.from 3600 rub.from 5400 rub.
    2 room apartment
    6100 rub.from 2600 rub.from 2800 rub.from 3500 rub.from 3900 rub.from 6000 rub.
    3 room apartment
    7900 rub.from 3000 rub.from 3200 rub.from 3800 rub.from 4200 rub.from 6600 rub.
    4 room apartment
    9200 rub.from 3300 rub.from 3500 rub.from 4000 rub.from 4500 rub.from 7200 rub.
    5 room apartment
    1500 rub.from 3500 rub.from 3700 rub.from 4400 rub.from 4800 rub.from 7800 rub.
    MOP (kitchen, bath, corridor)
    4000 rub.from 1700 rub.from 2100 rub.from 2900 rub.from 3300 rub.from 4600 rub.
    Add. Barrier
    from 400 rub.from 400 rub.from 400 rub.from 400 rub.from 400 rub.
    Add. sleeping area
    400 rub.
    Move the furniture
    from 500 rub.from 500 rub.from 500 rub.from 500 rub.from 500 rub.
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