
Programs on air. How to get into the “Housing Question” or “Repair School” and make free repairs Archive of clean work on Ren TV

The “Clean Work” program is a turnkey repair of any complexity. TV viewers walk the path from a 3D project to practical implementation together with popular presenter and showman Yegor Pirogov and professional architect Tina Naledina.

The presenter, like a picky lawyer, asks questions on behalf of the audience: Why this particular color? Isn't it too bold? How functional is the layout?

He meticulously questions experienced specialists and shows viewers all stages of repair.

“Clean Work” is a visual instruction on how to make repairs and not go broke - the program provides a detailed estimate for each project.

What distinguishes “Clean Work” from other “repair” television projects:

  • Providing a full estimate of the work and telling you how much the repairs will cost.
  • As well as stellar interiors and practical advice, how to make repairs - clean work!
  • The program teaches how not to spend extra money, how to solve everyday problems using improvised means; teaches viewers how to become specialists and be able to choose the best from the entire range of construction products, without overpaying, teaches people to be picky.

An example of a program with our participation

Below you can see the project in which we took part:

Release of "Clean Work" - "Azure in Chocolate"

Designer: Maria Sidorova
Hero: Artyom and Victoria Zabelin

Chocolate and azure in the decoration of the bedroom are the secret to creating a complex interior. The program examines the collapse of the façade of a house, the spread of fungus on the walls and ceiling, and the consequences of illegal redevelopment.

"Windows of the 21st century" on federal channels

"Repair School" on TNT

“Repair School” is a TV show about repairs that has aired on the TNT channel since November 2003 (15 seasons). Presenters: foreman San Sanych (actor Alexander Grishaev), Elya (TV presenter Eleonora Lyubimova), Vakhtang Beridze (actor).

The program talks about ways to quick repair in a residential area. The repair usually lasts about a week, its duration is 72 working hours (12 working hours per day).

Together with famous designers, decorators and architects, participants in the “Repair School” produce redecorating apartments, decorating them with stylish and comfortable elements. Often one of the owners of the apartment arranges such a surprise for his family.

"Housing Question" on NTV

“Housing Question” is a TV show about renovations that has been airing on the NTV channel since May 2, 2001. During the program, the Housing Issue team, together with famous designers, decorators and architects, transforms ordinary rooms into stylish and comfortable ones.

The program, which occupies the top lines of television ratings, features such famous designers as Victoria Kruchinina, Olga Timyanskaya, Veronica Bloomgren, Diana Balashova, Dmitry Alekseev and others.

"Dachny answer" on NTV

“Dachny Answer” is a TV show about repairs that has been broadcast on the NTV channel since October 12, 2008. The second project of the Peredelka-TV studio, opened after the successful Housing Issue program.

During the program, the Dacha Otvet team, together with famous designers, decorators and architects, furnishes a country house and personal plot, located mainly within Moscow.

Presenters: Andrey Dovgopol, Daria Subbotina, Oksana Kozyreva, Tatyana Gramon.

"Repair honestly" on REN-TV

“Honest Repair” is the most honest program about repairs on Russian television. Aired on the REN-TV channel since 2016.

The project is led by professional designer Ilya Rykov and experienced foreman Denis Svetlichny. They renovate participants’ apartments not at the inflated estimates of greedy builders, but at real prices!

Foreman Denis tells how to bring it to clean water deceivers, and designer Ilya will help you choose the right materials.

"Fazenda" on Channel 1

“Hacienda” is a television program about country life and how to make it better.

Aired on Channel One from May 21, 2006 to October 1, 2017. Since 2017, the new name of the program is “Dear Program.”

The program decorates dachas and summer cottages ordinary people. Each issue features a new designer.

Famous architects, designers and decorators collaborate with the program. All projects are made with love for people and their dachas!

There are six programs on TV that do repairs. “My District” figured out how to become the hero of such a program.

“Every day several applications come in for the project,- says Olga Savchenko, chief designer of the “School of Repair” on TNT. — Many owners of one-room apartments are suitable. The program reaches apartments from 65 square meters».

But even if the apartment is suitable, it is not a fact that the application will be selected - you still need to go through a casting. At the casting, you are asked to tell the camera about yourself, about the apartment, reasons for participation and wishes for renovation. Many people are nervous and their application is rejected.

For Andrei Belkovsky, the casting was easy. The main thing is to be in a friendly mood. The Belkovskys said that in 2009 their daughter was born. Doctors recommended that they spend more time in the fresh air. But in country house, which is 60 years old, has not been renovated for a long time. Andrey decided to apply for the “Dacha Response”.

The next stage of selection is coordination of the renovation project with the designer. He must inspect the housing and decide whether he can come up with something interesting that the participants would also like. Sometimes candidates are eliminated at this stage.

The filming, in which the owners need to participate, takes two full days. At the beginning they film how they spend time in the house, at the end – how they react to changes. Many episodes are filmed multiple times.

The only moment that is really filmed once and in the first take is the first entry into the room. “They don’t force you to admire,” says Belkovsky. “They just give instructions before entering about which words are best not to use.”

Not everyone likes the final renovation.“After their renovation, we made our own,” says Anastasia Trofimova, whose nursery was remodeled by the “School of Repair” in 2006. Some parts of the interior were falling off, the walls were not painted.

Not everything was going smoothly for the Belkovskys either. They shortened and welded the battery incorrectly, and a leak appeared. The owners noticed this only after three months. “Despite this, I consider participation in the program a gift from fate,” says Andrey. “It’s rude to complain when you’ve had free repairs done.”


At least three living rooms in an apartment or house. The exception is the Clean Work program.

Freight elevator (if the apartment is not on the first floor).

Electricity, cold and hot water, working plumbing.

Seating for all workers and crew members (15-30 people). If there are not enough, then you need to bring chairs.

The area of ​​the living room must be at least 14 square meters, the kitchen - from 9 square meters.

The room in which they are asking for renovations must be lived in.


Housing problem, NTV

What they do: major renovation in the apartment.

How long does it last: 2-2.5 months.

Requirements for the house: within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, preferably a new building
Requirement for an apartment: from 70 square meters, preferably with an atypical layout.
Where to apply:

Dacha answer, NTV

What they are doing: major renovations in a country house.
How long does it last: 1-2.5 months.

House requirement: from 70 square meters, within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road
Where to apply:

School of Repair, TNT

What they are doing: cosmetic renovations in the apartment.
How long does it last: 5-6 days.
Requirements for the house: new building; To get from the metro to the house you could walk in 15 minutes.

Apartment requirements: from 65 square meters.
Where to apply:

Prodecor, TNT

What they do: decorate one of the rooms of the house.
How long does it last: 5 days.
During the finishing process, one of the family members (the one who decided to surprise the other) may be present in the apartment.
Requirements for the house: new building,
Apartment requirements: from 65 square meters, typical layout, ceiling height no more than 4 meters
Where to apply:, you need to attach a two to three minute video about yourself, the room and your wishes for renovation.

Hacienda, Channel One

What they are doing: renovating a room in the country, renovating a gazebo, swimming pool.
How long does it last: 1 month.
Requirements for the house: no further than 30 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.
Where to apply:

Clean work, REN TV

What they do: renovate rooms in apartments and country houses
How long does it last: 1 month
Requirements for the house: dachas within 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, apartments in Moscow, Podolsk, Khimki, Balashikha and other cities closest to Moscow

Requirements for the apartment: economy class, ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters

Room requirements: from 10 to 50 meters
Where to apply:

And read how they did it for free for a Muscovite!

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The “Clean Work” program on the Ren-TV channel chose us as a reliable supplier of furniture of various styles. Designer Irina Isakova selected chests of drawers in the style. The chests of drawers belong to the living room series. Made from solid ash and solid birch and artificially aged. The designer once again showed how it is possible to combine different styles in the interior. How aged solid furniture can bring warmth to a home and make the interior softer.

We are very glad that the Ren TV channel turned to our company, and we were able to provide a wide range of furniture, fast deadlines and quality products. The staff of the TV show “Clean Work” were very pleased with our level of service, reliability and seriousness of approach. Now we are the official partner for the TV show “Clean Work” on the Rent TV channel and are confident that subsequent projects will be no less interesting.

Furniture styles

Furniture styles are among the most fashionable last years. Interiors in such styles look very elegant, but at the same time cozy. Such furniture can be combined with any wall and floor decoration, complemented with interesting textiles and decorative elements. By using maximum natural materials(most often solid wood) furniture is the most practical to use and environmentally friendly. In such styles, you can furnish a house or apartment completely or select only the necessary elements. Most often, furniture in the Provence style is found in white, a rarer color is black. Country furniture is usually presented in warm brown tones with pleasant textile trim.

Views: 29,209

The history of the Vainauskas family began in the 80s, when a young doctor, Natalia, and a junior officer, Vladimir, began military service and life together. Endless business trips and frequent moves were commonplace for them. Each time they received a new assignment, they had to leave their children in the care of their grandmother. After all, not every duty station was safe.

After being transferred to the reserves, the Vainauskas bought a plot of land near the city of Shchelkovo and began to develop it. Natalya raised ornamental chickens and became interested in gardening.

Views: 18,063

13 years ago, spouses Valery and Ekaterina Maksimov decided to radically change their lives: move from the small town of Zarechny, Penza region, to the capital. Katya was the initiator of the move. She convinced her husband, a window systems engineer, that in Moscow there would always be a good job for a specialist with his head. And so it turned out.

Moving from one region to another, and even with a small child in his arms, was not easy for Maximov. From a spacious three-room apartment in Zarechensk, the family moved to grandma’s cramped one-room apartment in Moscow.

Views: 18,165

The Alyasyev-Goncharov family from Elektrougli near Moscow is small, but noisy and enthusiastic! Dad Igor is a fan of road trips, which recently turned from a hobby into a job. He sells and repairs so-called motorhomes. His second hobby - design - is no less serious. This house was designed and built by Igor Aliasev himself.

Views: 10,879

The heroes of today's remake, the spouses Lyudmila and Leonid Zaslavsky, met in the Caucasus mountains. Lyudmila, a novice skier, got caught in a snowstorm on the slope and was afraid to move. Leonid, a professional athlete, helped her down.

A year after their marriage, the Zaslavskys bought a small plot of land in the Moscow region. The first thing they did was build a bathhouse.

Views: 6,791

Vladimir Gavrilov says that his job is the most ordinary: electrical wiring sales manager. But the hobby - hunting - is a passion. For the sake of his hobby, he even built a house near the forest. For a long time, Vladimir lived there alone, but recently Svetlana appeared in his life.

Leading a bachelor's life, Vladimir was mainly engaged in arranging the site. Now it is a small masterpiece of environmental design. There's even small pond with goldfish.

But we didn’t get around to renovating the inside of the house. The attic that Vladimir built is standing without repair.

Views: 10,224

In his hometown of Elektrougli, Igor Yarikov is called a one-man orchestra. In addition to his main job in the field of security systems, he plays in a local rock band, performs on the stage of the regional theater, and before the New Year he transforms into Santa Claus for two weeks.

This image of the fairytale Santa Claus is happy for Igor. In a suit with a beard, he met his future wife.

The Yarikovs’ daughter, Ksenia, has been playing on the stage of the local theater literally from the cradle.

Views: 6,226

The Vershinin family is a circus family. Alexander is a trainer; he has traveled half the world with his bears. During the tour, he met his future wife, Antonina.

Alexander Sergeevich still works with animals, in Durov’s corner. Antonina Pavlovna is retired. She loves hers garden house, where he spends the whole summer in the company of his grandson and his perky dog ​​Fyodor.

On the ground floor of the house there is a kitchen and a bedroom. On the second floor there is a rest room, which we will be renovating.

Views: 5,415

There are three girls growing up in the Dove family. The eldest Tonya is 7, the middle one Lela is 6 and Yasya is only 2 months old. For parents, they are the greatest achievement in life.

Alexey works as a lawyer in an insurance company, Natalya is a psychologist by training and is on maternity leave. No matter how tired dad comes home from work, he always finds time for the children every day.

Views: 9,138

The Solovyovs call their 6 acres in the Moscow region a fairy tale: gnomes and forest animals, the aroma of flowers, the greenery in which the house is buried. Here, everything is like at grandma’s outside the city. You can walk on the lawn, you can and should touch the figurines with your hands. Roman and Tatyana believe that man is not created for the dacha, but the dacha is for man.

Views: 7,179

Nikita Vyakhirev, an engineer-economist by training, became interested in bodybuilding 8 years ago. This hobby grew into a professional business. Now Nikita is a personal trainer at a fitness center. There he met his wife, Nina, who worked as a bartender in the same club. Nikita admits: when preparing for competitions, his brain completely switches off, his wife at this moment is his lifesaver. She is a nutritionist, an alarm clock, and a driver. But if Nina needs her husband’s help, he will always lend his strong shoulder.

Views: 10,136

Andrei Ryzhkov met his future wife at work - she was his manager.

A year and a half later, the young people got married and moved to Andrei’s former parents’ apartment. There were always a lot of guests in their house. And after the birth of his son, Vsevolod, relatives and friends began to come even more often. But the Ryzhkovs’ kitchen is very small for table gatherings. And the couple decided to set up a living room for communication.

Views: 11,132

Every year on their wedding day, the Aksyonenko couple come to the famous lovers’ bridge and hang a padlock as a symbol of their strong relationship.

After the wedding, Vika moved to a spacious three-room apartment, which Artem Aksenenko’s parents gave to the newlyweds. And after 2 and a half years, a daughter, Sonechka, was born.

Views: 7,125

The Sinyakov family is mother Alina, father Denis and their son Vasya.

Alina works in the event industry: she organizes and conducts festive events, and Denis is a reportage photographer, and according to some authoritative publications, he is one of the best in Russia.

The Sinyakovs lived in Moscow and always led an active social life. However, a year ago they started new chapter their history and exchanged the noisy and fashionable capital for a small cozy village near Moscow.

Views: 8,422

The heroes of this program are the Pshindin family. A home for them is not just a roof over their head. This is memory. It went to Nellie, its current owner, from her grandparents. She was born in this house. And her husband, Alexander, moved here. Their daughters spent their childhood here.

For many years the house was used as a summer house. And only recently did the Pshindins move here permanently. Daughters often visit their parents and then the sounds of music fill the rooms. Nellie’s grandmother brought the piano here.

Views: 10,664

Vera and Konstantin Yurkov lived in the same village all their lives, but met only 3 years ago.

Vera is the ideological inspirer of the family. As a schoolgirl, she began to paint professionally, although her parents had different views on their daughter’s future.

Shortly before the birth of their daughter, the Yurkovs sold their apartment in Moscow and bought a house in the village of Shmelenki. They actually started life from scratch.

Views: 11,207

Alexander and Evgenia Borisov met at the Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute, where both studied at the Faculty of Law.

Despite the fact that the guys are only 25 years old, they have visited all parts of the world. As students, the Borisovs worked on a student program in the United States, then traveled around North Carolina.

Views: 12,231

Lyudmila Leonidovna's morning begins with a marathon. Wherever she is, no matter how she feels, she should look good. For myself, for those around me and for my husband...

Lyudmila Leonidovna is 10 years older than her husband. When they decided to get married, even their friends were skeptical about this idea. But despite all the intrigues and gossip, the Malkovs have not parted with each other for 30 years.

Views: 9,746

The heroes of today's remake, the Syutkins, met by chance: Andrei came to visit a friend from Moscow in Voronezh for the weekend, and for the first time saw his sister, Olga. He spent several days in the company of a girl, and when he returned to Moscow, he realized that he had fallen in love.

After 3 months they got married, and Olga moved to her husband in the capital. They both work as managers, love traveling by car and meeting with friends, the closest of whom live in the next building.

Views: 12,177

For Yulia Voropaeva, cooking has been her favorite hobby since childhood.

The main fans of Yulina’s culinary talents are her husband Sergei and son Dmitry.

For seven long years, the Voropaevs rented a tiny one-room apartment in Dolgoprudny near Moscow. So tiny that in their only room the furniture literally props each other up, there is no room for a full-fledged table, and all the hobbies of the head of the family - fishing rods and paintball guns - have to be stored under the bed. Dima's son goes to prep school, but he is forced to do his homework in the kitchen.

Views: 9,679

Oleg and Alena met in Rostov-on-Don 10 years ago. Alena then performed in the ballet troupe of the musical theater, and Oleg came to the performance to do a photo report. Of all the “white swans”, he chose her. But the meeting was followed by a separation...

Views: 9,516

Maria Ivanova is a speech therapist by first profession. After working in a kindergarten for 4 years, she realized that without support, a teacher’s salary would not be enough to live on. Maria decided to radically change her life and joined the traffic police. When she came for her internship, there was only one female traffic police inspector in the entire Moscow region. Maria came second.

Now Maria is a police captain, senior traffic police inspector.

The mother’s profession was imprinted on the interests of her five-year-old son, Dimka. He practices hand-to-hand combat, plays exclusively in road accidents and knows all brands of cars.

Views: 9,452

According to this young man, computer games- the most useless of all modern entertainments. Eric Kravets is 23 years old, he is studying for a master's degree at the Institute of Steel and Alloys, is seriously interested in athletics and alpine skiing, works as a manager in a fitness club, and also plays two musical instruments.

Everyone in this family loves music.

Views: 11,430

Oleg and Masha Ivashkevich met via the Internet. We corresponded for a month in social networks, and then decided to meet in life. This happened 4 years ago - on the opening day of the Olympics in Vancouver. The young people watched a colorful show on TV, talked, and then Masha...ran away. Oleg seemed difficult to her.

For the next 2 years, the young man proved to the girl that this was not so. And he proved it. Masha agreed to marry Oleg. After the wedding, they moved from Lipetsk to the Moscow region. The time of wandering around rented apartments began.

Views: 8,180

In the family of our today's heroes, they often joke: “Our mother is a foreigner, she spent half her life abroad.” Indeed, Anna Mashinistova spent her entire childhood in Ukraine. At the age of 17, she came to her father in Moscow, graduated from college, and then met her future husband, Dmitry.

After the birth of their son, the Mashinistovs moved to a new two-room apartment in Balashikha near Moscow. Dmitry’s parents received it under the social hiring program and gave it to their son and daughter-in-law.

Views: 13,459

The Chernov family – Alexey, Victoria and Varvara – moved to a new two-room apartment from a rented one-room apartment 8 years ago.

However, little Varya grew up quickly, and her parents were forced to remake their former bedroom to the nursery.

Since the second room in the apartment became a children's room, the Chernovs' 18-meter living room combines a place for family evenings in front of the TV, a bedroom, an office, as well as storage for the belongings of all family members.

Views: 9,508

The heroes of the program - spouses Vyacheslav and Lyubov Kuzminov - are people of a creative profession. They are both photographers. Vyacheslav and Lyubov have been involved in sports photography all their lives. Filmed for various Russian and foreign publications. The most memorable event in my professional career was filming the 1980 Olympics.

In addition to photography, Lyubov has another passion - she enjoys batik painting. And he is not just interested in, but professionally masters this skill.

Views: 6,582

Views: 10,445

You can’t even tell from this couple that their age difference is 17 years! They are young and very active. Valentina and Evgeny Agafonov got married 9 years ago. He introduced her to his friends, and she instilled in him a taste for good food.

Recently, young people moved into a two-room apartment, which Valya inherited from her grandfather.

The couple renovated the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. But the living room remained untouched.

Views: 14,008

The Lekomtsevs work in law enforcement. Dasha is an inspector at the Federal Migration Service. Denis is a police captain. 2 years ago they had a son, Ilya. This joyful event forced the Lekomtsevs to reconsider the housing issue.

Dasha loves to cook and surprise everyone with delicious and unusual dishes. Friends often joke that she chose the wrong profession and should have studied to become a cook.

Views: 13,742

Alexey and Natalya Chekaev have been together since school. Their romance developed like in old Soviet films: dates in the school cafeteria, experiences hidden from their parents, Alexei’s departure to the army, two years of separation and anticipation of a meeting.

Wedding, living in an apartment with my husband's parents, the birth of a son. And now, 20 years later family life, the Chekaevs have a new stage in their relationship: their son grew up and began to live independently, and Natalya and Alexey bought their first apartment.

Views: 14,307

Anna Kulikova is a civil engineer and marketer by education. He works in an engineering company and is raising a twelve-year-old daughter, Sonya. The Kulikovs live in the Moscow region and it takes a lot of time to travel from home to their place of work. In order to pay more attention to her daughter, the mother decided to change her place of residence.

When choosing a new apartment, Anna wanted, on the one hand, the area to have developed infrastructure. On the other hand, it is calm and green.

Views: 10,340

The heroes of today's program are newlyweds. Two years ago they met in Greece, on the island of Pelion, where Ulyana, a teacher at the Yoga Federation, came to a seminar, and Dmitry was a participant. We can say that since then the young people have not parted. After the wedding, the couple began to live in one-room apartment Dima, which was decorated in a bright eclectic style with paintings covering the entire wall.

Views: 11,901

Despite their young age, Pavel and Maria Orlov have been married for 2 years, and their daughter Ksenia is 5 months old. And it occupies a central place in the lives of parents.

Maria once studied music, and Pavel works as an assembler. While the mother is on maternity leave, the young father provides for the family.

The couple are huddled in a tiny room with Maria’s parents, but they dream of moving to a room in a communal apartment, which Pavel’s father received under the housing queue.

Views: 12,296

Alexander and Irina Safronov met at a billiards club, where they decided to play a game together. Almost immediately, a romance began, which ended in a wedding. Very soon the couple will celebrate 3 years of marriage, during which they managed to purchase their first home.

The apartment that the Safronovs purchased with a mortgage was already undergoing municipal renovation. The developers hung wallpaper, laid linoleum and installed doors. Alexander and Irina immediately moved and started living here. The couple postponed the renovation until the loan was paid off.

Views: 10,471

Spouses Konstantin and Inga Milanici unexpectedly decided to change the noisy city to a quiet village near Moscow, secretly from their parents they sold their apartment and bought a house.

The house was strong, but old and in need of repair. The couple had to complete the second floor and insulate it, but on the first floor they made the simplest repairs - they painted the walls in light color, they laid linoleum on the floor, placed inexpensive furniture and they stopped there.

Views: 11,925

Sergey and Maria Vorobyov are electrochemists by profession. But serious technical work did not interfere with their creative hobbies.

Sergey is engaged in wood carving. And Maria is sketching the future design of her new apartment.

Dimka is the son of the Vorobyovs, who is only 7 months old. And in a new, not yet renovated apartment, he will have his own room.

Views: 9,191

The Makarov family has a tradition: at least once a week, three generations gather at the dacha for family gatherings. The custodians of the hearth are Lyudmila and Natalya Makarov, the mother and grandmother of two future athletes, Andrei and Alexander.

Several times during the summer, the male half of the Makarovs certainly goes fishing, where grandfather Vitaly Stepanovich is in charge of everything.

Views: 14,445

Everyone in the Dolgov family knows how to cook. The hostess and chief cook in the house is Julia. Her husband, Ivan, can fry meat and potatoes. Daughters Maria and Ekaterina prepare excellent salads. But for the whole family, the kitchen is not just a place for preparing food, it is also a dining room, a living room, and in general, the center of the home universe.

Debts gather in the kitchen not only to cook or eat something. This is the place where the family makes decisions, discusses plans and shares news.

Views: 13,032

An endless story - this is what the Borisovs call their epic with the construction of the house. Three years ago, Irma and Oleg bought a plot of land five kilometers from their hometown of Troitsk.

The Borisovs erected the frame of the house, installed water and electricity, and then it was the usual story: the money ran out and construction stopped. For more than a year, the house stood in the stage of rough work that had barely begun. Time passed, but there was no extra money for construction. The Borisovs even wanted to sell the unfinished building.

Views: 12,515

Roman and Tatyana Tolstykh are doctors. He is a traumatologist. She is a hematologist. But they met not at the institute or in the hospital, but at the skating rink...

After getting married, the young couple began to think seriously about their own home. And what’s most interesting is that we found what we wanted pretty quickly.

Last December, a son, Akim, was born into the Tolstoy family. By this time, Roman and Tatyana had already purchased an apartment in an economy-class building in the near Moscow region, in the Novaya Trekhgorka microdistrict.

Views: 9,803

The heroes of today's program are Nina Narimanidze and Anton Rabkin - students. But in the lives of young people there is not only study: together with their friends, the guys organize incredible adventures and events. One of my latest hobbies is graffiti. Using this technique, friends painted several abandoned, sad houses in their native Troitsk. Another passion of the big company is cycling.

Views: 9,064

Alexander Chelaguzov planned and built the house at his own discretion. On the second floor there was a bedroom and a sitting area. And the entire first floor was occupied by a garage.

Everything changed with the advent of his beloved girl, Ekaterina. A new room was built for cars and motorcycles. And the former garage was converted into a kitchen with a seating area. The Chelaguzovs never managed to turn the former garage into a cozy living space.


Views: 7,818

The Martintsovs bought this plot of land to build a summer house where their entire large and noisy family could gather. Children and grandchildren are the main value in their lives. For their sake, Svetlana Martintsova quit own business, and Gennady began to build a family nest.

Views: 13,119

Roman and Marina Dideev lived in the same building, went to the same school, but they met at a party of mutual friends.

Several years ago, the Dideevs bought a small plot of land. There wasn’t enough money to build a house, so we decided to start with a bathhouse, with a large dressing room and a guest room.

Views: 12,069

Konstantin and Ekaterina Malyushkin came to Moscow from Tambov after graduating from university. And they both found it very quickly Good work. Ekaterina is a manager in a medical company, and Konstantin is a computer specialist in an IT company. Having saved up for a down payment, the Malyushkins took out a mortgage loan and bought a new apartment in an economy class building.

Views: 14,245

A former long-distance navigator, Denis Lavrukhin, during his service in the navy, visited all parts of the world and saw quite a few miracles.

The decision to settle on earth came to Denis after meeting his future wife, Irina. But marriage required major changes in the former sailor's bachelor accommodation.

The house that Denis built himself is two-story. On the ground floor there is a kitchen and living room. The second floor, in the attic, is a large and rather awkward space where the bedroom and sitting area are located.

Views: 9,563

The Kulichkov family received a new apartment through the housing queue. For a large family began new life. If previously the whole family had to huddle in one room, now parents and children have their own space. Thanks to the fact that the apartment had municipal renovation, The Kulichkovs moved in as soon as they received the keys.

The Kulichkovs quickly settled into their new place, in the Novaya Trekhgorka microdistrict. After all, there is a forest here, and many playgrounds, shops, and schools.

Views: 12,269

For many years, Vasily and Galina Popov lived in a nice two-room apartment in the town of Losino-Petrovsky near Moscow. When their son and daughter grew up, the parents moved to their dacha, giving the children an apartment for their own use.

Having transported the necessary furniture and personal belongings, the Popovs decided to make cosmetic repairs. But, having started work, we realized that the house needed a major renovation.

Views: 9,077

Several years ago, the Lyamins, Nikolai and Ekaterina, spent a whole month on the other side of the world - in Australia. They saved for this trip for several years. And I’m still delighted with what I saw.

With the birth of their son, Maxim, the Lyamins left Moscow and bought an apartment on credit in Odintsovo, near Moscow, in an economy-class building.

In addition to the infrastructure of the area, future parents made serious demands not only on the apartment, but on the entire house.

Views: 10,494

The Prokopovich family is mother Alla, father Sergei and daughter Dashenka. Their life is closely connected with space - they live and work in Star City.

Sergei graduated from the military aviation school and was assigned to Star City. First he worked as an instructor, now he is the head of one of the departments.

His wife Alla is an excellent hostess. She loves to do handicrafts, cooks delicious food and loves to receive guests.

Views: 9,873

This year Polina Andreeva is preparing to become a schoolgirl, and her whole life is dedicated to this important event. Polina is an unusual girl. She started reading at age 3. And at 6, I read almost all the books that were in the house. The girl chooses serious literature - anatomy, zoology, astronomy.

Two years ago, the Andreevs moved from rented housing to their own two-room apartment in the Moscow region.

Views: 8,653

Homemade sled, grip, fishing hook, cart wheel, embroidered handbrake, spinning wheel and a real string bag. For Sergei Dobrynin, all these things are connected with loved ones and family history.

Two years ago, while traveling along the Golden Ring, Sergei met his future wife, Yulia.

In her future bedroom, Julia wants beauty. And Sergey – practicality and convenience. At the same time, both hope to preserve the things that are especially dear to them.

Views: 10,512

Natasha Antipova is a university student. In her first year, she left her parents' house and began living in a student dormitory. Together with their fellow students, in one day they remodeled their room beyond recognition: they repainted the walls, came up with a system of cabinets out of boxes, and made a designer chandelier out of cardboard.

Natasha's parents - Tatyana and Vladimir - raised their daughter according to the principle - everything is possible, except what is not. At 20 years old, Natasha can hang a chandelier, bake a Napoleon, and even cure a dog.

Views: 8,984

Vasily and Maria Kolodnikov have known each other since third grade. Mutual sympathy between them arose 7 years after graduation, when they accidentally met on a bus.

Maria is a philologist by profession. Loves painting, classical music and architecture. Vasily is a mathematician. Together with his friends, he rafts down rivers; dreams of his own ship.

With the advent of their daughter, the lives of our heroes changed dramatically. Now the most important thing for them is to complete the house that Vasily inherited from his father.

Views: 10,334

Stress, working overtime, time pressure, and everyday brainstorming. All this is the work of our heroes – Yakov and Victoria Peisakhzon.

The Peysakhzon family bought this typical cottage with money from the sale of a city apartment.

The most important place in the house, according to our heroes, is the bedroom. The young people set aside this nice room with a mansard roof for it.

Views: 14,834

Tatyana Evdokimova recently celebrated her 50th birthday. She devoted most of her life to raising and putting her daughter and son on their feet. The children have become adults. The son started a family. The daughter studies at the institute and dreams of her mother living at least a little for her own pleasure.

Views: 7,430

In the family of Sergei and Varvara Kartintsev, two sons are growing up - the serious and thoughtful Leva and the restless, nimble Matvey. Unfortunately, due to of different ages and children of completely opposite temperaments almost never play together.

Views: 5,778

All members of this large and noisy family love creativity. Dmitry Turkin, a Stroganovka graduate, is now engaged in 3D modeling. Anastasia Turkina is an art critic by training. Three children - Roma, Sasha and Masha - in their young years are already mastering various techniques drawing and sculpting.

Turkins also love puppet show and constantly host family shows.

Views: 7,864

Alexey and Natalya Dmitrievs dreamed of moving from Moscow to the country for more than 10 years. The lion's share of the family budget went into the piggy bank - “for your own home.” Two years ago, the Dmitrievs' dream came true - they purchased a cottage in a quiet village outside Moscow.

Views: 6,790

Yulia is the only daughter of Irina and Alexei Vasnetsov. Last year, Yulia graduated from school, successfully passed the Unified State Exam and entered college. Soon the girl will celebrate her 18th birthday and her parents wrote a request to “Clean Work” so that we could help remodel her room for their daughter.

Views: 11,156

Olga Suvorova and her two adult sons are very passionate people. Olga - saved the lives of pets for 25 years, working as a surgeon in veterinary clinic. The eldest son, Mikhail, works as a psychiatrist, and the youngest, Denis, is a racing driver!

Autocross is, by the way, a common hobby of the Suvorovs.

Views: 8,251

Tatyana Konstantinovna and Leonid Viktorovich Frolov spend a lot of time with their grandson. Artyom’s parents are often on the road, so his grandparents’ apartment has become a second home for Artyom.

Tatyana Konstantinovna helps her grandson prepare for school.

Six-year-old Artyom Frolov, like all boys, loves to assemble construction sets, draw and sculpt. But besides the usual children's fun and games, he is fascinated by the theme of the structure of the Universe. And although Artyom does not go to school yet, he knows more about space than some students.

Views: 8,411

Spouses Artyom and Masha Mironov are fond of karting, love good films and traveling together. But besides his wife, Artyom has another great passion in life - the guitar. Inspired by the playing of the great guitarists: Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Chuck Bury, he decided to master this instrument at all costs.

Views: 10,208

Despite their age, Pavel and Anna Vorobyov are very serious young people. At 23 years old, Pavel holds a responsible position in a children's toy trading company. Anna is graduating from the Moscow Financial and Legal Academy and is preparing to begin her career as a lawyer.

Views: 5,708

Cups, medals, records and mountains of books... Russian champions and multiple European medalists in traditional archery - Galina and Sergey Astakhov value their awards and library very much. But there’s nowhere to put everything on the shelves!

Views: 6,523

Ekaterina and Alexander Gruzdevich are raising a two-year-old son, Mark.

The guy handles the scooter very well, and is already asking his parents for skates and skis. But Mark’s real passion is football, or rather, balls of all sizes. And although his son is still too small for serious sports, his father tries to support his hobby.

And even mom is ready to be a goalkeeper. Recently, Alexander and Ekaterina purchased a new apartment in the city of Lobnya and submitted an application to our program.

Views: 10,366

Irina and Ruslan Zhukov are passionate fans of cinema, poetry and travel. Irina grows decorative flowers and collects antique culinary recipes. Ruslan studies English language and will soon receive a diploma as a translator.

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Elena and Mark Serov are currently the only family of active cosmonauts in the world.

Mark Serov never doubted that he would become an astronaut. Since childhood, he was literally a fan of space: he read science fiction, was fond of aircraft modeling, sports and extreme sports. At the aviation institute, Mark met his future wife, Elena. Their daughter, also Elena, was born after her parents had completed general space training and were enrolled in the cosmonaut corps.

Views: 4,366

Its owner, Natalya Akimova, got this apartment after standing in a queue literally her entire life. More precisely, 20 years ago her father joined the queue - under the social hiring program. The father gave the new apartment to his daughter. Natalya received the keys to it only six months ago and now lives here with her boyfriend, Georgy Shestakov. They are soon going to get married, and separate housing could not come at a better time.

There is also one more resident here - Kesha’s beloved cat, who also lays claim to her own piece of space.

Views: 5,973

Andrey and Lera Mikhailov have been married for five years. This couple is united a large number of common hobbies: they love to travel, go to the theater and cinema, and scuba dive. In autumn, the couple, like most Russians, love to pick mushrooms.

The Mikhailovs have a small winter dacha, which they have not been able to complete for many years. This small room they dream of turning it into a cozy bedroom, where it would always be warm, like in the south.

Views: 8,415

The family of Konstantin and Olga Goidenko has three children growing up: first-grader Seryozha and little ones: Pavel and Mashenka.

A year and a half ago, the couple were able to fulfill their dream and buy a separate home on credit. Thanks to the fact that the construction company SU 155 offers affordable real estate, the family purchased a two-room apartment in a house of the IP-46S series.

The Goidenko couple dream of renovating their kitchen - a place where the whole family gathers at one table.

Views: 7,449

The heroine of today's program, Olga Bichikova, works as an editor at a publishing house. She studies Japanese and loves to travel and rollerblade. Recently, with the help of her parents, Olga purchased a one-room apartment in the Novaya Trekhgorka area, in the western Moscow region. The apartment itself, although not big, is new, good home, a well-known Russian developer - the SU-155 group of companies. But in the six months that Olga has been living here, the neighbors have already flooded it 3 times and all the repairs, as they say, have been a disaster.

Views: 7,758

We met the Belinsky family, Evgeniy, Ella and little Margarita, back in the summer. It was then that the head of the family decided to sell a one-room apartment in the city and buy inexpensive house beyond. The Belinskys got the house without renovation. They wrote an application to our program and asked us to renovate a nursery for their daughter, who dreams of having her own room.

Views: 7,209

Spouses Dmitry and Ekaterina Egorov work as managers in a bank, and in their free time they love traveling and adventure. They even staged their wedding in the style of the Sicilian mafia! A year later, the young people took out a mortgage and bought their own apartment in a house of the I-155 series, built by the SU-155 group of companies in the Novaya Trekhgorka microdistrict, in the west of Moscow. Every year this development company rents out apartments to more than 50 thousand new residents! For the owners, this housing is convenient primarily because it can be redesigned without unnecessary hassle.

Views: 13,312

This year Pavel and Kristina Isaev have two significant events: the purchase of their own apartment and the birth of a child. Christina is in charge of furnishing the apartment. It was she who applied for participation in the SU-155 company competition and won repairs in the “Clean Work!” program.

There is only a month left before the baby is born, and the young family still does not have a full-fledged kitchen. We decided to give them such a place and the main thing is to have time to make repairs in time for Christina’s discharge from the maternity hospital!

Views: 5,409

The Kramor family is mom, dad and their son Misha. For many years they huddled in a tiny one-room apartment, and just recently purchased a large three-room apartment in the city of Balashikha. The house is I-155n series, built by the Su-155 group of companies - quite reliable and stable Economy class housing on the Russian market.

Views: 5,415

The Bezborodov family is father Pavel, mother Yulianna, their children Eva and Kolya, the cat Mars and the cat Manya. The Bezborodovs bought an apartment in Balashikha near Moscow, in a house of the IP 46C series, built by the SU-155 group of companies. This is a fairly stable economy class housing in Russian construction market. The room reserved for the children's room is 18.5 square meters. But parents have no idea how to arrange it for their brother and sister! Children's interests are completely different. Kolya goes to kindergarten, loves to make crafts and watch educational programs. Eva is 11.

Views: 6,108

Alexander Gizi, a military translator by profession, is raising two daughters and runs a company for education abroad! Dad himself speaks English and Arabic, is fond of hockey, and loves playing with children in Board games. The eldest daughter, Arina, is learning English and is interested in photography, and the youngest daughter, Alexandra, is mastering French, knows everything about dinosaurs and draws great!

Views: 5,760

Nastya Molchanova has been doing rhythmic gymnastics for 7 of her less than eleven years. Of course, the mother wants to see her daughter become a champion. Now the girl is a bronze medalist at the Moscow Championship, and of course, she has everything ahead of her. Galina gave it to her daughter best room the apartment has a loggia. But, unfortunately, the layout of the room is completely unsuccessful, the room is elongated and dark. But a child dreams of having a place where he can do his favorite thing - train, dance and have get-togethers with girlfriends.

Views: 4,519

Avdey and Anastasia live and work in the Moscow region. It is here that they manage to combine their favorite hobby and profession - young people are interested in photography. Avdey and Nastya work as photographers for magazines. But most of all they like such a now forgotten art as natural photography. Exactly outside big city our heroes are engaged in creativity. The only pity is that there is no sea in their village: young people are obsessed with the idea of ​​sailing around the world and capturing the changing elements of the sea in photos.

Our heroes - Spouses Artem and Svetlana Korzina - are economists who work in Moscow, in the same company. New house The spouses are located a few kilometers from Moscow. The house was taken on credit, but I want all the rooms to be beautiful and special. In secret from her husband, Svetlana wrote an application to “Clean Work” and asked to renovate the most important room in the house - the bedroom. Central location in the heroes' bedroom there is an unusual bed made by Toris custom design. The double-sided orthopedic mattress with luxurious ROYAL stitching is also manufactured by the Toris company.

Robinson Bay. 2012-10-20

Spaceships, airplanes, dinosaurs - these are just some of the hobbies of the young hero of "Clean Work"! For a boy who sincerely believes in miracles, knows how to dream and wants his own room, where he would have everything, everything, everything, the program designer came up with an extraordinary interior. The new children's room houses an uninhabited island on which a young traveler's balloon has just landed.

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