
Feed the orchid with succinic acid. The use of succinic acid for orchids: preparation of a solution, rules for watering and processing. Video: how to dilute succinic acid tablets to water an orchid

succinic acid- an anti-stress drug not only for humans, but also for plants (in our case, orchids). There are many things in caring for orchids. useful secrets which you should know.

Today we'll look at: what effect does succinic acid have on orchids, how to apply succinic acid for orchids, preparation of a solution for watering and spraying plants.

Succinic acid has long been known and used by mankind as an antioxidant that perfectly regulates acid metabolism, relieves hangovers and is even used by women to fight wrinkles.

When to use a solution of succinic acid for orchids

succinic acid has a beneficial effect on orchids - restores turgor, accelerates root growth, improves the general condition of the flower, has a stimulating effect on all plant structures, promotes lush and long flowering.

succinic acid perfectly reanimates the orchid after the stress - after transplantation or transportation. By applying succinic acid regularly, you will increase the duration of flowering at times.

succinic acid activates the rooting process, is effective for resuscitation of orchids after exposure to too high or low temperatures, accelerates the process of restoring damaged leaves and stems.

The use of succinic acid increases the resistance of orchids to unfavorable conditions.

In addition to the positive effect on the plant itself, succinic acid improves soil structure, destroys toxic substances, accelerates the absorption of fertilizers.

Preparing a solution for watering orchids

Succinic acid is sold both in tablet and powder form. You can buy succinic acid at a pharmacy or in a specialized store for plants.

Always keep the correct proportions when preparing a solution of succinic acid.

When using tablets to prepare a solution, dilute 1 tablet of succinic acid in 1 liter of water at room temperature until completely dissolved (it is better to grind the tablet into powder first or first dilute it in a small volume of water until completely dissolved).

When preparing a solution from a powder, it is necessary to dissolve 1 gram of powder per 1 liter of water.

The shelf life of a solution of succinic acid is 2-3 days, after which beneficial features are lost.

Video - Succinic acid, preparation of nutritious top dressing

Ways to use a solution of succinic acid for orchids


You can water orchids at any time of the day, but when it's hot, it's better to water in the morning.

The substrate in the pot should be completely saturated, so it is better to water by immersion and let stand for 10-15 minutes, then drain the entire solution through the drainage holes in the pot.

leaf care

Wipe orchid leaves preferably in the morning or at night. daytime days. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in a solution of succinic acid and wipe the orchid leaves on both sides. To remove excess drug, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with plain water after two days.

Root care

Root treatment is carried out before transplanting the orchid. To stimulate the growth of the root system, it is necessary to soak the roots in a solution of succinic acid for 30 minutes.

If the orchid needs emergency restoration, leave the roots in the solution for 2 hours.

After soaking, dry the roots and proceed to transplant the flower.

After such a procedure, root growth is activated, and new shoots quickly form on the peduncles.

Spraying plants

A great way to stimulate orchids is to spray the leaves with a spray bottle. Spray the leaves from the outside and inside.

After spraying, do not forget to blot the growth point from moisture with a paper towel or cotton pad. This is done so that the growth point does not rot. After spraying, the leaves must dry on their own.

Video - How to revive orchids

Many beginners in orchid growing often have a question, how to reanimate a withered plant and what preparations to use for this.

Succinic acid helps in adaptation and resuscitation. This is a beautiful and rather capricious flower, and for various problems, experienced flower growers recommend using this drug to save it.

is an excellent antioxidant which helps the plant to restore its strength and vegetative parts. The drug can be purchased at a regular pharmacy and it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Release form:

  • pills;
  • powder;
  • injection;
  • capsules.

In various forms of release, the effectiveness of the acid is unchanged. It allows the plant to breathe, neutralizes free radicals and slows down the aging process.

The drug is indispensable for the plant. For an orchid, it is useful to:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve plant nutrition;
  • increases plant growth;
  • neutralizes toxins;
  • restores roots.

IMPORTANT! Treatment with the drug is desirable to carry out daily in the morning. Since at night the temperature can drop and a cold snap can provoke rotting.


There are various plants, consider some of them.

Solution preparation

Primarily, acid is best diluted in warm water, since the tablet or powder will not dissolve in cold. If it is a tablet, then before diluting it in water, it must be crushed into powder. To do this, take a glass, fill it hot water and dissolve the tablet in it. After its complete dissolution, water is added to the required volume.

For resuscitation, a solution of succinic acid is used.

To soak root system or water a flower, you need to breed 1 tablet per liter of water.

If the grower purchased the drug in powder, then 1 tablet corresponds to the powder collected on the tip of the knife.

IMPORTANT! The solution is stored for no more than a day, then changed to a new one. This is done because the longer the solution is stored, the less useful substances it contains.

Daily treatment of problematic roots

To carry out resuscitation, it is necessary to carry out daily spraying of the roots or the place where the roots grow from with a solution of the drug. The drug is diluted 1 tablet per 1 liter. water.


  • dilute the drug in the right water;
  • it is impossible to water by immersion, so we just spray or spill the bark;
  • frequency - processing is 2 times a month.

You can also save a flower by putting it in moss, which is periodically sprayed with a solution of the drug. For spraying, the solution is made in such a concentration - 1 tablet per 500 g. liquids. The frequency is difficult to determine, the main thing is to keep the moss moist.

Sprinkling with petiole powder

There is a way to reanimate the remaining orchid. For this 1-2 tablets should be crushed to a state of powder and sprinkled with this preparation on the petiole of the orchid. After that, the flower is planted in a transparent one with drainage holes.

In this case, only one that is intended for the cultivation of orchid plants is used. in this case it is not necessary. Or do it in such a way not to wash off the powder.

Orchid roots in succinic acid.

Soaking in solution

Before planting a plant in a new container, it soak in a solution of the drug for 30-40 minutes. To do this, make a solution where 1 tablet is diluted in a liter of warm water. If the plant is problematic, then the drug is left in the solution for up to 2.5 hours, but at the same time it sometimes they are taken out of the liquid for 10 minutes so that the roots of the plant can breathe.

After the procedure, the root system of the plant must be dried in the open air. Experienced flower growers noted that after 1-2 weeks, the growth of the root mass is noticeable.

Processing technology

At the time of resuscitation of an orchid, in order to save it, it is worth treating it correctly so that the drug correctly gets to the right place and produces the desired effect.

When transplanting

In order for the plant to adapt well in a new place and not lose its root system, you can soak it in a solution of the drug when it is done. For this make a warm solution in such an amount that it completely covers the roots along the root neck of the plant.

Soaking when transplanting.

We leave the flower for 30 minutes, after which we take it out and shake it off the water, allowing it to dry. In summer, the process of drying the roots goes quickly, even 10 minutes is enough.

AT winter time The process can take up to 60 minutes. It all depends on the temperature in the room.

By sheet

It is quite easy to carry out processing on sheet plates. Make the necessary solution concentrate, and while it is warm, use a cotton swab to apply it to the leaf plates.

If during the processing procedure moisture got into the sinuses of the leaf, it must be removed with a cotton swab. Since excess water can cause the process of decay, and this plant does not need to. The sheet processing procedure is carried out daily.


Flower spend weekly with a spray bottle. In order for the solution to be beneficial, it must be made immediately before use and do not store more than 2 days and this is provided that the container with the solution will stand in a dark place. After processing, one must not forget to remove moisture from the sinuses of the leaf.

When watering

Watering is also carried out no more than once a week. You can even spray the plant first, and then spill the bark into the orchid with the rest. It is only worth remembering that if the root system has died due to waterlogging, then such a plant cannot be soaked, it is only sprayed with a solution and then allowed to dry.

Overdose and possible harm

Treatment with a solution will only benefitflower, because with its help:

  • improve the metabolism in the flower;
  • oxygen to the cells will flow at a fast pace;
  • free radicals found in the vegetative part of the flower will be eliminated and the flower will better resist poor conditions.

It is necessary to calculate the dosage before preparing the solution. Since one concentration is needed for watering, another is needed for processing leaves. The flower itself will not receive an overdose, but will take only the components it needs.

Useful videos

Watch a video on how orchids without roots are resuscitated in succinic acid (part 1):

Succinic acid for orchids is used for various purposes. These white tablets, which are crushed into powder and then dissolved in water, are used to feed indoor orchids, resuscitate plants and fertilize. It is necessary to use this drug correctly so as not to harm the flower, so it is very important to follow the instructions and dosage. There are many questions about this drug. You can find answers in this article. You can also watch a video that describes the process of resuscitation of an orchid.

Succinic acid - what is useful?

Succinic acid - what is useful? Flower growers call this acid "living water", as it stimulates the growth of orchids. And, of course, this is its undoubted benefit. However, powdered tablets cannot completely replace fertilizers. Indications for the use of succinic acid:

  1. The flower grows and develops poorly.
  2. The substrate in which the orchid is located is already outdated, and there are no useful trace elements in it.
  3. The flower is often sick, and it needs to strengthen its immunity.
  4. The root system is old and needs resuscitation.
  5. I would like to increase the duration of flowering.

After using this drug, orchids begin to actively recover from illnesses, as well as bloom faster and longer.

Succinic acid is sold in liquid form, in the form of a powder (available at a flower shop) and tablets (easy to find at a pharmacy).

Note! If you purchased the drug from a pharmacy, be aware that it contains additives such as ascorbic acid, glucose, starch, talc, and more. These impurities will not cause significant harm to the plant, but you must be aware of their presence in order to regulate the dose of the solution.

For correct and safe use, you need to know the dosage.

Dosage and instructions for use

Dosage and instructions for use. Everything is very simple here. One tablet is diluted in one liter of water. Preparation should be done in several stages. First you need to dilute the drug in 200 ml, after the tablet dissolves, add the rest of the liquid, thereby diluting the concentrate.

Advice! The tablets do not dissolve very well, so it is better to crush them first, and then pour them with warm water.

If you use ready-made acid, it is often sold in powder form, then dilute it in the following proportion: 1 g per 1 liter. If you don't have a scale, use a knife to measure the amount you need. The powder should be only on the tip of the knife.

Cook " living water» for orchids should be immediately before use. If the liquid sits for too long, it will lose all of its healing properties and will be useless.

How to apply correctly?

How to apply correctly? For such a demanding flower as an orchid, succinic acid is just a godsend. Processing should be carried out 2-3 times a week for two weeks. The prepared solution can process all parts of the flower. The orchid is treated with a spray bottle, watered the ground, thereby fertilizing it, reanimate the roots of the flower with acid, use the method of immersion in the solution of the root system before transplanting. The last procedure lasts about two hours, so that the roots are properly nourished with all the useful elements.

You can use succinic acid only in spring or summer, when the orchid blooms. If the flower is after flowering, and this is more often autumn or winter, then it is better not to disturb it. Repeated flowering, which will be caused artificially, can lead to bad consequences. The plant may even die.

If you use "amber" in winter, then reduce the concentration of the solution. That is, the formula will already look like this: 1 tablet per 2-3 liters of water. In addition, in winter, it is better to spray the orchid rather than water it, but not more than twice a month.

Its useful to note! Sometimes the dosage changes. It depends on the amount of succinic acid contained in the tablet. There is a dosage of 0.5 g and 1 g.

Top dressing of orchids with succinic acid

Top dressing of orchids with succinic acid is carried out simultaneously with watering and wiping the leaves with a solution. First spray the plant, and then moisten the soil.

It is worth noting that this remedy is good because it has absolutely no contraindications, and it is suitable for absolutely all plants. The main thing is to observe the fertilizer regimen (2-3 times a week).

Worth knowing! Top dressing is best done before dinner, so that the flower has time to dry before night. The thing is that at this time of day the temperature drops, it becomes cool, and excess moisture in the substrate or on the sheets can lead to decay.

Feeding an orchid with succinic acid can be alternated with garlic water. This solution is also very useful. It protects against pests, stimulates flowering and strengthens immunity to various diseases. As you may have noticed, the benefits of garlic water are very similar to those of amber, so you can use both remedies, alternating them.

To prepare water with garlic, you will need settled water, the temperature of which will be 34-36 degrees. The liquid is prepared in the following proportion: 1 clove (grated on a fine grater or passed through a press) per 1 liter of water. Water and garlic are mixed and left overnight. Before watering the flower with the prepared solution, strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve so that small particles of garlic do not fall on the orchid when watering.

Flower resuscitation at home

Resuscitation of a flower at home begins with the roots. If there are problems with the root system, then the roots must be sprayed twice a month. Part of the root system of orchids is located on the surface of the substrate - this is a feature of this species. You can try to save diseased roots during transplantation by placing them on moss for a while and periodically spraying them with succinic acid. This treatment will help the roots recover and absorb moisture.

There is also a method of pubescence, which allows you to reanimate a flower without roots. To do this, crush 2 tablets to a powder state, and then sprinkle the bulb with the resulting mass. Then prepare a transparent pot with small holes and a substrate. Place the petiole sprinkled with succinic acid into the prepared container and cover with the substrate. Watering the flower is not worth it, as you can wash off the powder, and there will no longer be that growth effect. It is only allowed to spray the leaves a little, and also to maintain the humidity where the flower stands, not lower than 70%. After a week, you can water the plant with settled water at room temperature.

Worth knowing: until the transplanted plant has roots, its leaves must be wiped every day with an amber solution, which should dry itself.

As you can see, you can try to save an orchid with succinic acid, all the more it is not difficult.

Orchid watering rules

The rules for watering and spraying orchids with succinic acid can be easily mastered at home. Watering the Phalaenopsis orchid and any other species (as mentioned earlier, this remedy is suitable for all plants) should be no more than 2-3 times a week. After you water the flower, do not forget to remove excess moisture from the pot tray. You should also wipe the leaves if they were sprayed, otherwise white marks will remain on them, and this will significantly spoil appearance flower.

Probably, many are now thinking: “Will succinic acid harm and could there be an overdose?” In fact, a flower cannot overdose, it will only take what it needs. But the soil can oxidize if you water it too often with a similar solution. Therefore, do not overdo it with care.

If you pour garlic water, do it this way:

  • put the flower pot in a container that will be slightly larger than the capacity of the pot;
  • then fill the planting container with garlic water, but not completely, by 2/3;
  • leave the plant for 30 minutes (sometimes it takes longer: the larger the orchid, the more time it takes, but no more than 3 hours);
  • when the required amount of time has passed, the pot is taken out of the container and the excess liquid is allowed to drain.

If you spray the leaves with a solution, wipe them after that with a cotton swab, since garlic water, like amber, leaves white stains behind. It is also necessary to remove excess moisture in the axils of the leaves. It is convenient to do this with a cotton swab.

Information! Sometimes additional vitamins are added to the solutions, such as B12 or aspirin. But these are extreme measures. Usually, "amber" in itself helps to cope with the problems of indoor and purchased orchids.

We hope that in this article you have found answers to the questions: “How often to water an orchid?”, “How to wipe the leaves?”, “How useful is succinic acid?”, “How much solution is needed and how to reanimate flowers?”.

A flower, like a person, is sick, and sometimes it needs help and more thorough care. Therefore, succinic acid is a wonderful helper that can treat plants without roots, as well as increase the immunity of your flower and fertilize the soil around it.

It is not difficult to prepare this remedy at home, and its relatively inexpensive cost is definitely captivating. Although in specialized stores you can buy ready-made solutions for irrigation and spraying. Moreover, the result will be clearly visible, you just need to put a little effort and patience, and then your flower will delight you every day with its beautiful and healthy look! Below you can find a video that shows how to reanimate a flower with succinic acid.

Amber, also called butanedioic or ethane dicarboxylic acid, is a product of natural amber processing. The substance is safe and has many useful properties. It is a colorless crystalline powder that tastes like citric acid and highly soluble in alcohol or water. In its natural form, in small quantities, it is found in almost all plants.

Beneficial features

  • Increases stress resistance of plants to external environmental factors.
  • It is a biostimulant that accelerates the growth of the plant and its parts.
  • Prevents excessive accumulation of nitrogen and toxic substances.
  • Normalizes soil microflora.
  • Revitalizes diseased and damaged plants.
  • Helps to better absorb nutrients and fertilizers.

Important! Succinic acid is not able to replace the applied top dressing, it promotes their absorption by plants and prevents excessive accumulation of nitrogenous substances.

Learn how to feed a flower, as well as see an overview the best means you can fertilize orchids, but in we told you which ready-made top dressings are better, how to make them yourself.

We offer you to watch a video about the benefits of succinic acid for orchids:

What produces the effect?

The use of a solution of succinic acid for an orchid will have a very positive effect. If you water the plant with it, then part of the drug will settle on the bark and even after the excess liquid drains into the pan, it will nourish the roots of the orchid, stimulating their growth and facilitating the formation of new shoots. In cases where the goal is to restore the plant after transplantation, injury or illness, it is recommended to water once a week.

Why fertilize?

The substances that make up succinic acid are stimulants. They increase the plant's immunity to diseases and pests and activate its growth. You can use succinic acid for:

  • Glaze.
  • spraying.
  • Soaking seeds.

In what cases to use?

  1. If the plant is damaged after a disease or as a result of improper care, waterlogged or overdried, this is a reason to use succinic acid.
  2. If the stems and leaves are drooping and sluggish, and flowering is delayed, then the use of "amber" is simply necessary.
  3. Also, the drug can be applied to the soil to help microorganisms concentrated in the ground quickly destroy toxic organic substances.
  4. If the plant is healthy, additional treatment with succinic acid will increase the resistance of the flower to negative influences. environment, accelerate growth, strengthen the roots and aerial part.

When should you not fertilize?

With regard to feeding orchids, there are no contraindications for succinic acid. The main attractive feature of the drug is its absolute safety, it is only important to observe the dosage and treatment regimen.

  1. Watering orchids with succinic acid can only be done in spring or summer, during the period of active growth. In autumn and winter, the plant rests, all processes slow down and do not need to be stimulated.
  2. During the formation of ovaries in an orchid, it is better not to process it, since at this time stimulation can harm the flower.

Plant resuscitation methods

Rubbing the leaves protects the plant from congestion, especially in the leaf axils. When watering, a solution of succinic acid penetrates the soil and saturates the roots. These two procedures can be carried out simultaneously. First, wipe the leaves, and moisten the soil with the remaining solution.

Competent dosage

A solution for orchids must be prepared immediately before use, since the active substance decomposes very quickly and loses its properties. To achieve a pronounced effect, it is necessary to observe a competent dosage. For an orchid, one gram of the substance should be diluted in one liter of water.

To do this, a little warm water is poured into the container, the drug is added and then the rest of the liquid is added. You should not be afraid of a high concentration of succinic acid, since its toxicity is zero.

How often to feed?

Despite the fact that succinic acid is a harmless drug, its use is intensively and often not recommended. Being a stimulant, it will bring a positive effect with infrequent use - once every one to two weeks. During the feeding period, it is important to monitor the condition and reaction of the plant.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing fertilizer

Succinic acid is available in the form of powder and tablets. The method of preparation of the solution depends on the form of the drug.

From pills

  1. You will need one tablet and one liter of water at room temperature.
  2. The tablet is dissolved in 200 ml of water.
  3. Add the remaining liquid.

from powder

  1. It will take 1 g of powder (if there are no special scales, you can take the powder with the tip of a knife) and half a liter of warm water.
  2. The drug is thoroughly mixed with water until completely dissolved.

How to apply?

In watering

How to fertilize a flower growing in a flask? If an orchid grows in a container without drainage holes, for example in a glass flask, watering has its own characteristics. The watering can is the same, but after watering, after about twenty minutes, the excess solution must be drained by tilting the pots and holding the root system and drainage with the palm of your hand. It is important to wait until the liquid has drained completely.

Important! If the orchid is protected from drafts and temperature changes, watering can be done at any time of the day. If not, then the procedure is best done in the morning.

In leaf processing

  1. A napkin or cotton pad is moistened in the finished solution.
  2. Wipe the leaf plate.
  3. It is important not to allow acid to enter the base of the leaves.
  4. Two days after applying the drug, the leaves are wiped with a clean cloth dipped in warm water.

Consequences of misuse

Succinic acid can harm the orchid when used during the flowering period(read more about the rules for feeding an orchid during flowering). The plant will throw all its strength into active growth, the formation of roots and leaves, and the flowers will simply fall off.

It is difficult to get an overdose of succinic acid. If you include it in in large numbers, the flower simply will not absorb excess doses for itself. An overdose in the case of succinic acid can be considered that with frequent use, the soil becomes acidic.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy succinic acid at any pharmacy. It is very important not to confuse the drugs, since along with the usual succinic acid, pharmacists can offer a variety of dietary supplements containing it. Such options will not work, they are applicable exclusively to humans and may contain additives that are detrimental to plants.

Substances included in the composition succinic acid are a kind of stimulant. They significantly increase the resistance of the orchid to various diseases and pests.

What is it used for?

  1. glaze;
  2. thorough spraying;
  3. seed soaking.

In order to get an excellent result, a small concentration of succinic acid (0.002-0.003 percent) is required. In this case, the concentration of the substance can be increased. Since a slight overdose does not pose a danger to the color.

The fact is that a flower can absorb only a certain amount of active substances. In this case, it is recommended to use standard dosages. Because the maximum positive action achieved when using standard dosages, which are indicated on the package.


  1. harvesting without the use of various fertilizers;
  2. the orchid significantly increases the content of various substances that have a positive effect on growth;
  3. stability indicators are significantly improved;
  4. protects against excessive accumulation of various nitrogenous substances;
  5. chlorophyll content increases (good yield and intensive growth);
  6. significantly improved growth rates;
  7. the drug is absolutely non-toxic, therefore it does not affect the structure of the soil;
  8. contributes to the active growth of green mass;
  9. the incidence is significantly reduced due to double watering during the growth of the flower;
  10. restores soil microflora;
  11. significantly increases resistance to various factors (humidity, wind, frost);
  12. prevents significant accumulation of various toxins;
  13. contributes to increased root formation.

How to make a solution?

Today, succinic acid is presented in stores in the following forms:

  • powder;
  • pills.

If the drug is in the form of tablets, then it is necessary to dissolve one tablet in 500-1000 ml of water.

If the drug is in a friable form, then it is necessary to measure the required amount with a knife (at the tip of the knife).

Step-by-step instruction


  1. We knock on the tablet with a hammer from both sides (for grinding into powder).
  2. Pour the crushed tablet into a glass.
  3. Dilute the drug with warm water.
  4. Stir with a spoon until completely dissolved.
  5. After complete dissolution, it is necessary to add cold water.
  6. Wait a few minutes.
  7. Dip and squeeze the tampon.


There are 3 ways to process flowers: watering, spraying, and soaking the seeds. As a rule, a special sprayer is used for processing, which can be purchased at the store.

Plant resuscitation

Often acid is used to resuscitate orchids. Instruction:

  • dilute 1 tablet in 1 liter of warm water;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • after that, it is necessary to pour more water (up to 1 liter);
  • the resulting liquid must be poured into a special sprayer;
  • perform spraying.


Many use given acid for soaking seeds. As a rule, the seeds are soaked for 12-24 hours. Instruction:

  • prepare suitable container with water;
  • dissolve acid in pure water;
  • place seeds in a container;
  • wait 12-24 hours;
  • after complete drying, the seeds are sown in a special substrate.


Seedlings can also be treated with acid. To do this, you can use a special sprayer. Instruction:

  • purchase a drug in a specialized store or pharmacy;
  • prepare a suitable container and warm water;
  • dilute the drug in warm water (it is important to observe the correct concentration);
  • fill the sprayer with water;
  • to be carefully processed.


To treat the roots, the plant is lowered into a container with a solution

As a rule, orchid roots are soaked for 0.5-4 hours. But, experts recommend soaking the roots for 1-2 hours to achieve the maximum effect.

Also, the root system can be sprayed. Instruction:

  1. prepare the drug, water and container;
  2. dissolve the drug in water;
  3. lower the root into the container;
  4. wait 1-2 hours;
  5. ready!


Spraying plants is very easy. To do this, you need to use a special sprayer, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

What can be sprayed?

  1. roots;
  2. stems;
  3. leaves.

Spray Benefits:

  • stimulates the rapid growth of leaves;
  • increases stability;
  • stimulates the growth of all shoots.


  • prepare the sprayer, preparation and clean water.
  • dilute 1 tablet in 1 liter of water;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • bring the volume to 1 liter;
  • doing spraying.

Basic rules for spraying:

  • the orchid is sprayed 3 times before flowering;
  • the most favorable time for spraying is evening and morning;
  • the first treatment is carried out before the flowering process (after that, the procedure must be repeated regularly).

Precautionary measures

Certified succinic acid, which is sold in specialized stores, does not pose a danger to humans, animals and plants. Since it is made only from natural raw materials (materials obtained during the processing of amber). Also, you should not have problems with disposal.

Despite all this, you need to follow some safety rules:

  • when processing the plant, children should not be in the room;
  • during processing it is forbidden to eat and drink;
  • for your personal safety, it is recommended to use a bandage, goggles and special gloves;
  • in case of contact with the eyes, rinse thoroughly clean water(if there is inflammation, then you need to contact a medical institution).

Succinic acid is an indispensable tool for the regular treatment of orchids. Conduct this procedure needed regularly. In this case, a long-term effect is achieved.

Low cost and high efficiency make succinic acid very popular. It is also completely harmless. Therefore, even an unprepared person can use it.

Succinic acid has a complex positive effect on the orchid (improving growth rates, increasing the content of various nutrients, reducing morbidity, increasing resistance, etc.).

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