
Detachment wingless. Meaning of wingless insects in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. Adaptation to the environment

    Wingless insects ... Wikipedia

    Ladybug Coccinella ... Wikipedia

    Wingless: Wingless insects (Apterygota). Flightless Kiwi Birds (Apterygiformes) ... Wikipedia

    INSECTS- (Insecta), class, belong to the subtype of tracheal-breathing arthropods. The body of insects is always sharply divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. There are two jointed appendages on the head, called shackles, three pairs of legs are formed on the chest, and ... Insect life

    INSECTS, representatives of more than a million species of small INVERTEBRATES of the order Insecta, such as beetles, bugs, butterflies and bees. The number of species of insects exceeds the number of species of all other animals combined. In adults ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic Dictionary

    INSECTS- (Insecta, or Hexapoda), a class of arthropod type (Arthropoda), unusually numerous. The total number of N. species on the globe is unknown. According to a rough estimate, according to Reilly, it reaches 10 million. The number of already known and ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    - (Insecta), a class (according to some modern classifications, a superclass) of animals of the arthropod type. N. is a thriving, species-rich group of ancient animals known from the Devonian, phylogenetically N. are close to centipedes, together with which they form a group ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    insects- usually the body is divided into 3 parts, they have three pairs of legs, antennae. lower, wingless, primary wingless, apterygotes. entognate (subclass). bessyazhkovye (detachment). two tails. springtails. ectognate. bristletails. higher, winged, pterygotes. ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    - (Insecta) class of arthropods. Their body consists of three sharply separated sections of the head, chest and abdomen. The head bears a pair of antennae and 3 pairs of jaws. Chest with three pairs of walking legs. N. are divided into 2 subclasses: Apterygota are wingless and ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

    - (Insecta), the largest class of animals, uniting more species than all other groups combined. Refers to arthropod invertebrates. Like all these animals, insects have a segmented body with jointed appendages, covered with ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

Diagnosis. Lice or their eggs are found in the hairline of animals.

Treatment. In winter, especially in horses, treatment is carried out: gas-chamber or disinsectalin, or hexachloran dusts. During the summer, subject to availability warm rooms and in winter, emulsions, liniments or solutions are used: 3-4% soap emulsion, 2% chlorophos solution, 0.25 creolin-based hexchlorane emulsion.

Infection occurs when sick people come into contact with healthy people. The disease is most common in winter.

Diagnosis. Detection of lice and lice when examining animals and birds is the basis for establishing a diagnosis for these diseases.

Treatment. With lice, the same remedies are used as with lice. Birds affected by the lice are treated with a nicochloran emulsion containing 0.3-0.4% of the hexachlorane gamma isomer. The treated bird is removed from the premises, the latter, after cleaning, is disinfected with insecticidal preparations

32 .ECHINOCOCCOSIS larvaceous in ruminants and pigs

A chronic disease, manifested by exhaustion, is diagnosed posthumously by detection in the liver, lungs, less often in other organs - the larvacyst of the cestode Echinococcus granulosus. Agricultural and wild animals and humans are sick. Man and agricultural animals are intermediate hosts, while dogs and wolves, foxes, arctic foxes are definitive. Lok-I liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys.

Pathogen: Echinococcus granulosis loci in the liver, lungs, sometimes in the brain, eyes and bones. Larvocysts - single or multiple water bubbles with a diameter of 1.5 - 15 cm. The wall of the bladder is made of elastic translucent whitish tissue. Through outer shell- nutrition; and the inner one forms scolexes and daughter bubbles and brood capsules (they can come off and swim freely in the liquid of the echinococcus bladder. Development cycle: definitive hosts >> mature segments capable of moving and secreting eggs, scattering them>> herbivores and omnivores swallow eggs and in their to-ke Oncospheres are released from the embryophore and migrate into the thickness of the intestinal wall>> into the blood >> organs and tissues.After 5 months, the oncospheres that have entered the organs form small vesicles of echinococcus (2-3 mm).They increase and become invasive after about 6 months.When eating dogs of parenchymal organs containing hydatids of echinococcus >> scolex stick to the mucous membrane and after 1.5 months the 1st segment reaches development.

wingless insects

Wingless insects 1) primary insects, Apterygota, forms of a primitive structure that do not have wings, and, moreover, such, relatively to which. there is no indication that they ever had them and then lost them; they are considered descendants of organisms that lack wings, namely centipedes. Their primitive structure is indicated by the complete absence or incomplete development of faceted eyes, the isolation of the tracheal bundles, and direct development; chewing jaws; many species have a body with uniform articulation and abdominal legs. The abdomen is equipped with long bristles or a jumping fork. The closest of them to the original forms are the species of the family. Campodeidae, with underdeveloped ventral legs. Not much higher fools, or springtails(see), Poduridae, and silverfish(see), Lepismidae. 2) Forms, cat. there is reason to assume a regressive development of wings, since either forms related to them are equipped with wings (bugs, lice, aphids), or one mouth of individuals (male black cockroaches, sexual individuals of ants and termites) is still in the form of winged forms.

M. M. Nechaev.


  1. Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Bibliographic Institute Garnet. Volume 5/11th stereotypical edition, up to volume 33 edited by prof. Yu. S. Gamburova, prof. V. Ya. Zheleznova, prof. M. M. Kovalevsky, prof. S. A. Muromtseva and prof. K. A. Timiryazev - Moscow: Russian Bibliographic Institute Pomegranate - 1937.
  • - a class of animals such as arthropods. N. - a prosperous, species-rich group of ancient animals known from the Devonian, phylogenetically N. are close to centipedes, together with k-rymi form a group of ash-whiskers, taking ...

    Biological encyclopedic dictionary

  • - a class of invertebrate tracheal-breathing animals such as arthropods. The body of N. is divided into 3 sections - the head, chest and abdomen and is covered with a dense cuticle that forms the external skeleton ...

    Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - see Many particles of small...

    Lem's world - dictionary and guide

  • - Numerous species of N. are widespread throughout the Middle East. Ethiopia is called in the Bible "the land that overshadows with wings", probably for the reason that in this country there have always been many N. In Egypt, many ...

    Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

  • - Different types N. correlate in myths with different parts of outer space, with its zones or their images. Ladybug and bee, of course, can be correlated with the upper zone, with the sky ...

    Encyclopedia of mythology

  • - a subclass of insects. Small or very small primary wingless lower insects...
  • - a class of arthropods, the richest in representatives, mainly terrestrial. Many of them are associated with P. throughout life or in immature phases. II. serves as a hiding place in adverse periods ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Soil Science

  • - representatives of more than a million species of small INVERTEBRATES of the Insecta order, such as beetles, bugs, butterflies and bees. The number of species of insects exceeds the number of species of all other animals combined...

    Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

  • - I Insects are a class of animals of the arthropod type. About 1 million species of N. are known, their true number is probably 1.5-2 million species. N. are extremely diverse in size, color, structure ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a class of invertebrate animals such as arthropods, whose body segments are combined into three sections: head, chest and abdomen; breathe through trachea...

    Large medical dictionary

  • - a class of arthropods. Their body consists of three sharply separated sections - the head, chest and abdomen. The head bears a pair of antennae and 3 pairs of jaws...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - belong to the squad of running ...
  • - make up one of the classes of the articular type, the tracheal subtype ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a group of birds...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - the same as...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - wingless pl. An order that includes three types of birds with undeveloped wings ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

"wingless insects" in books

wingless arthropods

author Wallace Alfred Russell


author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich


author Makhlin Mark Davidovich


author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich



author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

wingless arthropods

From the book Tropical Nature author Wallace Alfred Russell

Wingless Arthropods Leaving other orders of insects aside, Hemiptera, dragonflies, and flies hardly deserve special description. True, among them there are many large and beautiful views, but they need to be searched for in different nooks and crannies where they clog, in general


From the book Problems of Ethology author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Insects In many animals, the sense of smell is one of the main senses. They are well guided. Do not forget, however, that the sense of smell is very subtle. We cannot even imagine how complete and perfect information about the surrounding world animals receive from its


From the book Aquarium at school author Makhlin Mark Davidovich

Insects Order of dragonfly. Dragonflies are among the oldest inhabitants of our planet. They existed millions of years ago and have changed little since then (Fig. 22). “These conservative creatures,” writes Hans Scherfig, “saw giant lizards, flew alongside winged


From the book Animal World. Volume 5 [Insect Tales] author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich



From the book Animal World. Volume 6 [Stories about Pets] author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Insects Insects, like fish, have given us only two kinds of domestic animals - the silkworm and the bee. The domestic bee is descended from the wild honey bee of the subfamily of true or noble bees. The exact date of its domestication is difficult to name. In every


From the book Dolphin Man by Mayol Jacques

Insects One can devote a lifetime to the study of insects, many have done so and have always benefited from it in practice. Most of the great inventions of technological civilization have been in imitation of insects. Look around you: many monstrous machines,

IV. “… Wingless angels are strange…”

From the book of writings author Lutsky Semyon Abramovich

IV. “... Wingless angels are strange…” ... Wingless angels are strangely rushing across the gray fields, oozing wounds from each, Where wings were supposed to be. They created an incomprehensible deed, executing and destroying, And over each of them a deaf, mute soul blazed white. And the only one in this world who is the truth

Sarah (Book 2) (Teachings of Abraham) Solomon's Wingless Friends ADVENTURES IN THE WORLD OF WISDOM THE WAY TO HAPPINESS

From the book Sarah. Book 2. Wingless Friends of Solomon by Hicks Esther

Sarah (Book 2) (Teachings of Abraham) Solomon's Wingless Friends ADVENTURES IN THE WORLD OF WISDOM THE WAY TO HAPPINESS Foreword I rarely come across a book that I laugh at out loud. But when I read this novel about Sarah, Esther kept shouting to me from her office: “What are you


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BE) of the author TSB


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 453 (31 2002) author Tomorrow Newspaper

WINGLESS DESTROYERS IN MASKED CREATORS July 29, 2002 0 31(454) Date: 30-07-2002 Author: Marina Girina WINGLESS DESTROYERS IN MASKED CREATORS Today's Russia faces a difficult and large-scale task of raising, modernizing and expanding production. Gaidar-Chubaisovskaya

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