
Training in the gym for pregnant girls. Exercises for pregnant women. How to exercise correctly and is it worth it? Strength exercises for pregnant women: is it possible?

For girls who have been actively involved in fitness, it is very important to remain active during pregnancy. Read on to find out how to stay athletic and fit even in these difficult but happy times.

Society places so much importance on how fit and slim you are that it's actually stressful. When you finally achieve the result you want, you are willing to do anything to keep it. And when you finally want to have a child, you have to come to terms with the fact that flat stomach will be a thing of the past.

Pregnancy is beautiful and natural; you want to show off your growing belly. And this is the correct position, even if old clothes Already in the 4th month it stopped fitting in size.

Many women, once pregnant, begin to think that it's time to put their feet up on the table and relax. This is also necessary, of course, but you also need to stay healthy and fit. Here's what we know about how to stay active during pregnancy.


You should start taking folic acid even before pregnancy, only when you have decided to have children. It is very important and helps reduce the possibility of several serious diseases in the child. Statistics show that 70% of women are aware of the need for folic acid, but only 30% actually use it. It is very important to take it before, during and after pregnancy. During the prenatal period, it is also very important to take a multivitamin complex to be sure that both you and the baby are getting enough vitamins and minerals.

There are also studies that show that men who take folic acid, have more active sperm, and their children have a much higher chance of growing up without any genetic abnormalities.

Pregnant women need 60% more protein in their diet than non-pregnant women. This protein is necessary for a child to be born healthy and beautiful. You can use protein powder and put it in yogurt or oatmeal, for example. You won't even taste it, but at the same time your body will be supplied with high-quality and healthy protein! If protein shakes still don't suit you at all, there are always protein bars.

Fish oil is essential for your baby's brain development. It really affects the baby's brain, and if taken in the third trimester and after the baby is born while breastfeeding, it will make your baby really smarter! Who knows, maybe you'll raise another Einstein this way! Complexes with capsules fish oil extremely many on sale.

Calcium is also very important. A lot of people, even those who are not pregnant, feel its deficiency. Your baby desperately needs calcium to build bones, so he will take it from you. If you are limited in calcium, your gums may begin to bleed and your bones may become weak. With a lack of calcium in later stages, your back can hurt very badly. So remember to take it every day. Even a very good multivitamin does not contain 100% of the calcium you need every day, so you need to take extra. Many foods also contain calcium—you can find it in broccoli, baked beans, or some nuts.


Remember that you don’t need to “eat for two,” as they often say about pregnant women! You only need to add about 300 kcal to your diet. And you should start using them no earlier than after 18 weeks. Until this point, your baby gets absolutely everything he needs from your body, even if you don't eat that much. Just make sure you're getting enough vitamins, protein, and calcium so you don't get hurt yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to eat at all in the first trimester - your body is simply overwhelmed with hormones, but this is normal. Just skip the crackers and Sprite and your baby will be fine.

Oksana Samoilova (instagram @samoylovaoxana). Photo 1 month before giving birth - and 1.5 months after.

There are certain types of food that you should stay away from as they can harm your baby. There isn't a lot of research on this, but what is known is to stay away from saccharin E-954. Animal studies have shown that taking it increases the risk of cancer in the offspring. And this is not at all what you want to pass on to your children. Other sweeteners do not seem to cause harm, but their intake should be limited to 1-2 times a day.

Shark meat, swordfish, king mackerel, and shellfish should be avoided because these types of fish contain a lot of mercury. This is harmful to the development of the child's nervous system. Canned tuna can be eaten once a week, but fresh tuna also contains a lot of mercury. There are still plenty of fish to eat: salmon, sea bass, haddock, halibut, cod, flounder, perch, farmed trout. And remember that the fat from these fish is good for your child's brain.

You need to stay away from canned foods that contain nitrates. Check the packaging for their contents. For example, nitrates are found in hot dogs and salami. Stay away from soft cheeses like brie, feta, and blue cheeses. They are at high risk of contracting listeriosis. Do not eat raw eggs, pates and undercooked meat (they are fraught with salmonellosis). Too much large number soy in the diet can slow down the development of the genital organs in boys. Until you know what gender your baby is, stop with soy! Before eating vegetables and fruits, make sure they are well washed. Neither you nor your child want any pesticides that may remain on the surface of the fruit.

Whatever you eat, you may experience bloating or gas. Your bowel will slow down everything to make sure your baby gets everything necessary vitamins in abundance. Just make sure to eat at a slow pace.

Don't forget to floss! Now there is a high risk of bleeding gums, and this can lead to preeclampsia and premature birth. Visit your dentist often for professional cleanings.

Preemptive strike against morning sickness

There are a few things you can do to stop yourself from feeling sick in the morning. Drink as much as possible more water- it is needed for the formation of amniotic fluid. Exercise is also helpful. Make sure you eat right and get enough sleep. If you can't sleep through the night, be sure to sleep during the day. Fatigue will increase the number of nausea attacks.

What You Should Stop Doing ASAP

Quit smoking as soon as possible. This is very harmful for the child. If you smoke, then your child will live his first 9 months in an atmosphere saturated with smoke and will cough violently, which will undoubtedly affect his growth and development. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to the death of the baby in the first months after birth. Alcohol is another big NO. More and more research shows that alcohol is very harmful to your baby. When you drink a portion of alcohol, your child also drinks it. Just think: if three servings are enough for you to feel foggy, what is it like for your child? Alcohol also often leads to miscarriages and congenital diseases and organ defects after birth. So - no, you can't even have one serving. Your drinks should now be completely non-alcoholic.

Caffeine is also a bad idea. Just as bad as alcohol. Caffeine gets you moving, gives you energy, and makes you more active. And just imagine how the same portion will affect the baby! His heart rate and so on at the level of 150-180 beats per minute, so why does he need even more? Research shows that caffeine consumption can lead to stillbirth. Most doctors say that 1 serving of caffeine a day, such as a small cup of coffee, won't harm your baby... but why take the risk?

The average weight gain during pregnancy is 12-15 kg. And only 38% of women gain as much as needed. Women who eat a lot of fatty foods during pregnancy provoke heart problems in the child. And if you take too much excess weight, the risk of diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia for you will increase, and the child may be over-bedded. I don’t know about you, but giving birth to a 5 kg baby is generally quite difficult. If you are too overweight, you will have to have a caesarean section, and then you may have problems with lactation.

Also (and this is also sad) if you gain too much weight during pregnancy, it will take you up to 2 years to lose it, and it will be a very difficult two years. Not all mothers understand that too much weight gain during pregnancy then leads to health problems for the child and mother for life. It's better to stay within limits.

Fitness: cardio and strength

Exercise is very important. You can be pregnant and still exercise. Here are some warnings to keep things on track. During cardio, make sure that you are not so out of breath that you can no longer carry on a conversation. If you used to run, switch to brisk walking. You can practice on a stepper, just make sure that you are able to carry on a conversation if someone talks to you.

When you exercise, be careful not to overheat. If it's hot for you, it means it's hot for your baby too. Drink plenty of water and try to exercise outside if possible. Don't avoid using free weights. Now is not the time to set records, but there is also no need to get attached to pink dumbbells. Again - you must be able to carry on a conversation. Never reach muscle failure. If you're looking for a workout program, here's one that's proven. This is a basic program. which works great.

Exercise Approach Replays
Leg bending in the simulator 1 8-12
Leg extension in the simulator1 8-12
Bench press1 8-10
Pull down to chest1 8-10
Pull from above1 8-10
Biceps curls1 8-10
Dumbbell Shoulder Press1 8-10
Traction on a low block1 8-10
1 12-15
Ab crunches1 12-15

This complex can be done 2 times a week with weights. Two visits to the gym a week will already give you the energy and tone your muscles need. You can also do cardio exercises 4-6 times a week for 45 minutes. You can put the book on treadmill and read it at this time. Time will simply fly by instantly. It is not necessary to exercise for as long, but at least 3 times a week is worth it. Blood will circulate throughout the body more actively, which means your heart will be healthier.

So, why should you keep going to the gym? Being active will reduce your baby's risk of illness, your risk of having a C-section, or your risk of diabetes. If you exercise in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, it will reduce the risk of premature birth. If you keep the muscles of your legs and lower back in shape, you can reduce back pain in the final stages of pregnancy. Also, staying active will help you quickly lose the excess weight gained during pregnancy, and sooner start working in the gym according to your regular program.

Other important exercises at this stage are. Do them 50 repetitions a day. This will strengthen the pelvic organs and help during and after pregnancy. Another plus of exercise: the stronger your pelvic muscles, the brighter the orgasm. And remember, if you feel any of the following, stop immediately and call your doctor:

  • pain, especially in the back or pelvic organs;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of air;
  • weakness;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • difficulty walking;
  • convulsions.

Remember that exercising, even when you don't feel like doing it, will give you more energy. It’s been noticed that even if you don’t feel like doing it before doing cardio, after the treadmill you feel like you’ve been born again.

The main goal of the advice in this article is a healthy baby, a healthy mother and an easy pregnancy.

Translation of an article from

During pregnancy, many women are afraid of inactivity for the entire 9 months. Some women are afraid of losing the shape that they worked hard to achieve over the years. That is why they choose safe exercises on home exercise equipment.

Home exercise equipment for pregnant women

A woman's physical activity during pregnancy has a positive effect on her own condition and on the condition of her child. But at 8 and 9 months it is worth refraining from such stress.

You should exercise on home exercise equipment 3 times a week, if you exercise less, it will provide absolutely no benefit, but will only become additional stress for the body.

To warm up, you need to choose treadmills and exercise bikes. They are perfect for practicing at home. Exercises on cardio equipment are also very useful, because during such exercises you can constantly monitor your heart rate and, when such a need arises, change the amount of load.

You should also choose exercise machines that you need to use while sitting, with a back support. These exercise machines are very effective, because they are aimed at working the muscles of the arms, back, legs, deltoid and pectoral muscles.

By exercising on such simulators during pregnancy, a woman ensures an easy birth, as well as rapid recovery of the body in the postpartum period.

Experts also recommend using a bike with a backrest if you exercise at home. More than 50% prefer treadmills.

Exercises on this home exercise machine do not just mean running, because running or jumping during pregnancy can negatively affect the well-being of the mother and the health of the unborn child.

Use a treadmill for walking. The most optimal walking should be at a speed of no more than 5 km/hour. At the same time, you always need to monitor your pulse, because it can change frequently, and you won’t even notice it.

Avoid exercises with weights, crunches, complex exercises and machines that involve bending.

The load should not be very heavy. Try increasing it gradually.

Features of exercise equipment for pregnant women

From the point of view of pregnancy, 12 weeks is the most critical period. Therefore, classes during this period should be as gentle as possible. Starting from the 7th month, it is worth gradually stopping exercise, because even the slightest strength loads at this period are very dangerous and often lead to premature birth.

It is not recommended to visit the gym because it is a risky area. It is best to practice at home during pregnancy, following safety rules. Even if you think you are very familiar with the class system because you were a frequent visitor to gym before pregnancy, you can forget about everything you did before.

During pregnancy, a woman's joints become very vulnerable. A woman’s body produces the hormone relaxin. It softens the pelvic ligaments, allowing them to stretch more elastically. Naturally, this is simply necessary for normal childbirth. But the fact is that relaxin also acts on ligamentous tissue (ligaments of the knees, elbows, legs). In this case, the exercises seem very risky, and the machine you are going to work on needs to be set to a lower weight.

The body of a pregnant woman and the body of a woman who is not pregnant are two opposites. Here you need to work in 3 parts: warm-up, main part (exercises on the simulator) and cool-down. It is recommended to resort to such exercises at least 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, the exercise will not bring any effect.

Before, during, and after training, try to drink enough fluids . Avoid juices and sparkling water. Drink plain still water at room temperature.

Proper breathing is also of great importance. Inhale for more complex element work on the simulator and exhale lightly. Any exercise increases the temperature of the human body. This may affect your child's well-being, so the room should be ventilated, not too humid and warm.

Don't dress warmly. A light T-shirt and sweatpants made from natural fabrics will not fit your body. On the contrary, they will create a small condensation.

When you feel weak, spotting, shortness of breath and dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen or any unusual pain, do not return to activities, but consult a doctor.

It is important to remember that pregnancy is not a disease. If it proceeds without any complications, then training on home exercise equipment will make it even more enjoyable and the birth easier.

Many pregnant women ask this question, but it becomes especially relevant if you have always led an active lifestyle: if you didn’t bend weights in a rocking chair, then at least you rode a bicycle, roller-skated or danced bachata... And now everyone around you insists They demand to be careful, not to strain, not to harm the unborn child. Like, you still have time to lose weight, etc.

Are they right? Or is it not worth changing your usual way of life in relation to physical activity? And to find out, you need to delve into the peculiarities of the relationship between your organisms ( yours and your child's). If you believe the average medical indicators, then throughout pregnancy there are periods that are very dangerous for your physical activity. This is something that every pregnant woman does not want to face, but has heard a lot and is afraid of the very thought - miscarriage...

If you didn’t train before pregnancy, then specialized training is no longer for you - extra stress and all that... But in general, you should under no circumstances ignore correctly dosed exercise! Now you need her like air. More on this a little later.

Let's not get too clever, but just Let us indicate the periods during which you must be extremely attentive to your well-being. The obstetricians-gynecologists themselves will keep a wary eye on you from 5th week your pregnancy, but you are especially vulnerable by the will of nature during the period 7-12, 22-24, 28-32 weeks . These periods are considered the most critical. This means that even during pregnancy without complications, it is during these periods that you need to be careful in everything! And remember that the threat of miscarriage can arise from any strong push, shaking, fall, stress and physical overload. You yourself understand that you can’t ride horses anymore, you can’t do deadlifts and you can’t jump from a bungee. Therefore, the decision about what, when and how you can exercise will not be made for you by your best friend or mother, but by your doctor, who will monitor the progress of the entire pregnancy.

Now, let's choose what you can actually do, taking into account your good health and common sense. So, given that pregnancy is not a disease, doctors themselves recommend not to forget about exercises that will be useful for both you and your future child for better blood circulation with oxygen and the necessary enzymes in your tandem.

The very first and necessary thing for you, as a future mother in labor, is - trained vaginal muscles. By controlling their contraction during childbirth, you will help the baby pass through the birth canal with the least likelihood of internal ruptures. And the famous Arnold Kegel exercises (Kegl/Kegle), known to all gynecologists, will help you with this. Look: obstetricians have their own Arnold. And by the way, you shouldn’t forget about them after childbirth. After all, your partner will also appreciate the result of their impact on your internal muscles!

The second is physical activity as such. It’s not difficult to imagine that if an ordinary amateur gives up training and does not cut the calorie content of his diet, he will begin to gain weight. And this applies directly to you: you can’t go on diets, you can’t run on the treadmill for an hour... And at the same time, your weight increases, and your muscle tone decreases. And then a biologically active substance appears in your body relaxin, which develops weakness in your joints and softens ligaments. Have you always dreamed of doing the splits?! That's not why it's in your body. It makes the pelvic ligaments more elastic, preparing you for childbirth. And as a result of all these natural “bullies” - weakness, fatigue, better mood... But don't forget about endorphins ( pleasure hormones)! After all, after training you are always in a better mood. And your good mood is the key to your health and the health of your baby. And, by the way, according to statistics, independent or natural childbirth is much easier for trained people, because they know how to control both the abdominal muscles and the vaginal muscles, and breathe correctly when straining (by the way, the breathing of women in labor is very similar to the breathing of an athlete squeezing a barbell)!

So what should you choose for your beloved? interesting position from the huge variety of fitness areas offered today? Yoga, Pilates, callanetics, shaping, aerobics, aqua aerobics and strength training immediately come to mind (okay, already relatively power).

The only thing we will draw your attention to for now is the duration of pregnancy and the intensity of the training. Why? Unfortunately, pregnant women suffer from such an ailment as placental insufficiency and constantly have to take relaxing, detoxifying agents ( Magne B6, no-shpu, and in the second half of pregnancy doctors may prescribe more serious medications). All these measures are designed to reduce the tone of the uterus, and as you know, in female body if muscle tone increases, then not only in the thighs... That is why excessive zeal in training turns out to be a contraindication for you!

So how? Scary? No? Good girl! In fact, why be afraid if you know the following options for choosing your beloved physical activity for these nine months, it’s not easy to get moldy on the sofa in our age of high technology:

#1 Visit clubs that offer classes for pregnant women.
Plus: classes are conducted by trained instructors, knowledgeable features load dosing. During these classes, various techniques can be used: from ground exercise (yoga, Pilates, shaping...) to water aerobics. Positive attitude, compliments and good luck.

Minus: classes take place at the same time in the same circle of new acquaintances. You can't hear enough in the locker room. Although, if you end up in the maternity hospital with such a friend from the “Anonymous Pregnant Women Club”, it will definitely be more fun!

#2 After registering for pregnancy, attend classes to prepare for childbirth at a clinic or antenatal clinic at a maternity hospital or centers providing courses for pregnant women.

Plus: Specialists with medical education work with you. There are not only exercises for the back, but also staging correct technique breathing during childbirth. More practical information. It is possible for an accompanying person to be present during classes ( useful if your spouse also wants to be at the birth).
Minus: You immediately understand that the work here will not be on your figure. And sometimes you feel like an idiot when everyone is with a couple, and you are alone, or you hear unfamiliar medical terms, but are embarrassed to ask again.

#3 Did you go to the gym before pregnancy? Look carefully here! You yourself are not a doctor or a coach - you need support. Immediately tell your coach honestly about the upcoming joy and look at his reaction. You will probably see his confusion as if he were the father of your child. This is due to the fact that most often the coaching staff in the “rocking chairs” is not prepared to work with expectant mothers, either psychologically, theoretically, or practically. It's a pity...

Plus: You can still go to training three times a week (with the exception of the critical weeks that we mentioned earlier) and communicate with people you like. If desired, train your favorite muscle groups with individually selected exercises, following simple safety rules and avoiding straining. Now the coaching staff is simply obliged to pay more attention to you.

Minus: Unlike previous workouts, the load decreases right before your eyes. And the repetitions are on average 10, and the training weight is 50% of the previous one. All exercises are now only lying down with your legs thrown on any support, half-sitting or in support ( to remove excess stress from the lower back and pelvic floor). Getting up and sitting down is no longer so easy and you need to ask for help. Help is also needed when preparing to perform exercises in machines and with free weights, because... bending over dumbbells or reaching for a high handle is no longer your thing. For more than an hour in the “gym” you simply have nothing to do. It's funny to do exercises with 2 kg, but safety is more important!

#4 What you shouldn’t forget until the birth.

Walking. Walking an extra distance on a fine day, getting off a couple of stops earlier, will allow you to train your heart muscle and enrich your blood with oxygen, burn calories and increase blood flow in your swollen legs. The best thing, of course, is to walk in the fresh air for an hour or two, but public gardens and botanical gardens are not always nearby.

Swimming. This is where both doctors and fitness trainers show solidarity. Indeed, the resistance of water has an excellent effect on your fat tissue and muscle fibers, without stressing your spine and joints. This is why water aerobics is so popular among pregnant women today. There are only a couple of nuances. Nowadays you have to search for clean bodies of water during the day with fire, and in swimming pools there is a lot of chlorine.

Relaxation. Necessary for relieving tension, both nervous and physical. Calm music, closed eyes, pleasant thoughts and even breathing are all you need for this.

Water consumption during exercise. Now fluid intake is fundamentally important for you not only for the beauty of your skin, but also for the balance of substances in your body and the speedy removal of toxins from it. On hot days or in stuffy rooms, your water needs will increase and this is natural.

Signs of overwork!

Whatever type of physical activity you choose for yourself, you need to pay attention to these symptoms. When they appear, the training must be completed:
increased sweating
lower back pain
stomach ache

So, train for your own pleasure, not forgetting the benefits of active exercise and your responsibility to your baby. And your trained body will be grateful to you during childbirth!

Everyone knows that sports activities have a beneficial effect on a person’s physical and emotional state. Are exercise benefits during pregnancy? Of course yes. Sedentary image life contributes to excess weight gain, edema, and increased blood pressure. It has long been no secret that sports exercises normalize the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the muscles that are involved in childbirth, have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, and improve sleep and appetite. Regular physical exercise reduces the percentage of pregnancy complications, promotes the normal course of labor, and reduces the risk of perineal ruptures. Exercising during pregnancy improves blood circulation and metabolism during pregnancy. internal organs, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the fetus and prevents the appearance of edema. There is also scientific evidence that children of women who exercise during pregnancy are less susceptible to various diseases, infections and stress. Besides, expectant mother Those who exercised during pregnancy recover faster in the postpartum period, and the risk of developing postpartum complications is significantly reduced.

Before you start exercising, you should definitely consult with the obstetrician-gynecologist monitoring your pregnancy. This is important because there are conditions and diseases for which training is strictly contraindicated:

  • Placenta previa– a condition when the placenta is located low in the uterus and blocks the exit from it. It is dangerous due to the sudden onset of heavy bleeding, and any physical activity can provoke it.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system. Additional physical activity during pregnancy in the form of fitness classes can aggravate the course of these diseases.
  • Uterine bleeding. In these conditions, exercise may cause increased bleeding.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus, threat of miscarriage. Sports can also aggravate this situation and lead to miscarriage.
  • Polyhydramnios– excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid. In this case, playing sports can lead to premature birth or rupture of the membranes and premature rupture of amniotic fluid.
  • Inflammatory and purulent processes. Physical activity will contribute to the spread of the inflammatory process.
  • Preeclampsia– a severe complication of the second half of pregnancy, in which the blood pressure, protein appears in the urine and swelling. In this case, playing sports can aggravate the condition and provoke eclampsia - the appearance of seizures.
  • Severe anemia– a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels is usually accompanied by a lack of oxygen in organs and tissues, and physical exercise can further increase oxygen deficiency, since increased blood flow is supplied to the muscles during their work and they actively begin to consume oxygen.
  • Blood diseases, in particular, with a tendency to thrombosis (formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels) or bleeding. In these cases, the course of the disease may worsen due to physical activity during pregnancy.

Sports: what not to do during pregnancy?

In addition, it must be remembered that even a healthy woman with a normal pregnancy cannot engage in all types of sports. In some cases, the reason for the ban is a high level of injury. This group includes horse riding, boxing, karate, all types of wrestling, ski jumping, parachuting, alpine skiing, skateboarding, rollerblading, snowboarding, etc. Motorsports, scooters, snow scooters and jet skis are also prohibited. In addition to the high risk of injury, the running engine of these vehicles causes intense vibration, which adversely affects the pelvic organs and can cause miscarriage. Cycling and exercise bikes have the property of increasing blood flow to the uterus, as a result of which tone can increase, which leads to the threat of miscarriage, so expectant mothers should avoid such exercise. Jumping into water and diving are also prohibited, as they are associated with a significant change in pressure, which is extremely undesirable for a woman expecting a baby. Activities where you need to hold your breath, such as bodyflex, are also not recommended.

A taboo is also imposed on strength sports, lifting weights of more than 5 kg, i.e. for all strength training equipment. Step, dance aerobics and any exercises related to stretching and tension of the abdominal muscles are prohibited.

Sports before pregnancy

First of all, when starting to exercise during pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the level of physical fitness before conception.

If a woman has been regularly involved in sports for many years, of course, even during pregnancy - in the absence of contraindications - she can afford more active exercise, albeit with a reduced load and under control of her condition. So, in particular, the heart rate 5 minutes after completing the exercise should not exceed 100 beats/min, and blood pressure should normalize on its own within the same period of time. During training, you should try to limit the time of intense physical work to 15 minutes (intensive work is understood as one during which the heart rate exceeds 150 beats/min). It is better to increase the time allotted for warming up and warming up. In general, training should not exceed 1.5 hours.

Expectant mothers who do not engage in sports before pregnancy need to carefully approach the start of exercise, starting small and gradually, within reasonable limits, increasing the load. In addition, it is advisable to train under the guidance of instructors who have experience working with pregnant women.

Allowed sports activities during pregnancy

Hiking and cross-country skiing

One of the simplest, accessible to every woman, but very effective types of physical activity, allowed for absolutely all pregnant women, regardless of their preparation and well-being, is hiking. They tone the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, preventing the appearance of varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids, fight venous stagnation in the pelvis. Regular walks improve uteroplacental blood flow, resulting in the fetus receiving more oxygen and nutrients.

In winter, you can cross-country ski on flat terrain - this sport is considered safe. After 24–25 weeks, it is advisable to wear a maternity support bandage while hiking or skiing.

Swimming and water aerobics

Naturally, in the first positions in terms of usefulness and permissibility during pregnancy are such activities as swimming, yoga, and special gymnastics for pregnant women. Swimming is perhaps the most optimal sport for expectant mothers. They have a very beneficial effect on both mother and baby. Exercises in water relieve the spine, strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, massage the tissues, improving blood circulation and helping to reduce swelling. In addition, swimming eliminates the possibility of overheating, dehydration and injury to a woman, as well as excessive stress on the joints. Swimming is great way keep your body in good shape and put it in order after the baby is born. Water is an excellent shock absorber, allowing you to optimally distribute the load on the body during any type of movement. You can simply float on the water, walk in the water, swim, or do water aerobics for pregnant women. Many fitness centers have special water aerobics programs for expectant mothers under the guidance of instructors.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga is also an excellent option for exercise during pregnancy. But it is recommended to practice only yoga specially adapted for pregnant women under the guidance of an experienced instructor. In addition to good preparation of the body for childbirth, an argument in favor of yoga is that when performing exercises, a lot of time is spent on breathing and relaxation. This has a very beneficial effect on the development of the baby (proper breathing improves blood circulation, and the fetus receives more oxygen), and also prepares the mother for childbirth.

Pilates classes are also welcome during pregnancy. Just like yoga, they help not only strengthen the muscles actively involved in childbirth, in particular the pelvic floor muscles, but also master the skills of proper breathing and relaxation. These skills will be useful during childbirth to reduce pain during labor.

Special gymnastics for pregnant women

There are several options for specially designed gymnastics for expectant mothers. It is designed taking into account the physiology of pregnant women. Exercises in these complexes are aimed at strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems, spinal muscles, abdominals and pelvic floor, which are involved in the birth process. You can do gymnastics for pregnant women at home yourself, using basic exercises from magazines or websites for expectant mothers. Also, many fitness clubs have special groups for pregnant women, in which classes are conducted under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Features of sports during pregnancy by trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, fitness helps fight mild toxicosis, pain in the lumbar region that occurs due to pressure from the growing uterus, and helps improve intestinal function.

During this period, the formation of all the baby’s organs and systems occurs, and its connection with the mother’s body is still weak, so physical activity at this time should be reduced as much as possible. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from sudden movements: bending and bending, lifting the body from a lying position, raising straight legs. Since during this period the need of body tissues for oxygen increases, and the expectant mother is often worried about toxicosis or increased sensitivity to odors, it is best during this period to give preference to quiet walking or skiing and not to visit the stuffy halls of the fitness club with their special aromas.

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the most favorable for physical exercise - the fetus is already firmly established in the uterus, and manifestations of toxicosis, as a rule, have already disappeared, and the belly is not yet too large. If the expectant mother’s health is normal, then after consultation with a doctor, you can increase physical activity. Playing sports will help maintain flexibility and mobility of joints, and will also prevent varicose veins and swelling. In the second trimester, it is recommended to do gymnastics for pregnant women, Pilates and especially swimming.

In the third trimester, the load on the heart increases significantly, breathing becomes more difficult, venous outflow from the legs and pelvis worsens, and the load on the spine and arch of the foot increases. Classes during this period are aimed at improving blood circulation in all organs and systems. Total load should be reduced again.

And of course, when playing sports, you need to remember that it should be fun. Only in this case will it benefit the expectant mother and her baby.


  • The load should increase smoothly and gradually. After training, a pregnant woman should not feel tired.
  • For sports, you need to choose comfortable, high-quality shoes and loose cotton clothing. Overheating must be avoided.
  • The room in which classes are held should be well ventilated and should not be hot or stuffy.
  • While playing sports, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her body, and in the later stages, to the motor activity of the fetus during exercise and after its completion. If the baby’s activity decreases, it means that physical activity is excessive and needs adjustments; in addition, this is a reason to seek advice from a doctor.
  • If after exercise you constantly experience headaches, dizziness, or increased swelling, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy. The reason for consultation should be any manifestation of ill health.

While expecting a child, women make every effort not to harm the unborn baby: they try to rest more, worry less, eat better and in larger quantities. At the same time, they can often forget about their physical fitness. But in order for the baby to feel good, a woman needs to move and it is even useful to visit the gym.

We'll talk about strength training for pregnant women in our article.

Is strength training allowed during pregnancy?

Training on simulators is aimed not only at developing strength and building muscle mass. They also help increase stamina and make muscles more elastic, which will allow the body to more easily cope with the birth process.


Each type of physical activity has its positive and negative sides.

First, let's look at the benefits of strength training during pregnancy:

  • improve physical, psychological and emotional well-being;
  • help maintain normal weight;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • strengthen the muscular corset of the back, which allows you to maintain posture;
  • establish metabolic processes;
  • an active lifestyle contributes to better oxygen saturation of the fetus.

Did you know? Human muscles are capable of remembering not only the load they experience, but also the movements that are performed when the load is applied.

Increasing muscle elasticity will make pregnancy and childbirth easier. Also, due to increased muscle tone, the recovery process after pregnancy will take less time


During classes, you need to take into account that pregnancy greatly changes the body, so what was previously the norm may now lead to unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the risks that may arise during training:

  • fetal hypoxia (increased physical activity increases blood flow to active muscles);
  • hypoglycemia (as a result of lack of glucose);
  • hyperthermia (the temperature of the mother's body is higher than that of the child).

Important! In order for the exercises to be beneficial and not harmful, their scheme should be drawn up by a trainer together with a gynecologist. The doctor will note the changes that occur in the female body, and the trainer will select the appropriate exercises.

These risks may arise due to the fact that a number of changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman:

  1. At the 5th–6th month of pregnancy, a woman has unequal venous pressure in the extremities (1.5 times more in the lower extremities than in the upper).
  2. By the 3rd month of gestation, a pregnant woman’s oxygen circulation begins to become more active. At the 36th week its peak is noted (indicators increase by 25–48%).
  3. There is an increase in renal blood flow by 25–30%, while cerebral blood flow is stable.
  4. After 27–30 weeks, a phenomenon called inferior vena cava syndrome often occurs.

Absolute contraindications to exercise

It happens that even if the best doctors and instructors think through a training regimen, the danger to the life of the expectant mother and child is still too high.

These are the following dangerous conditions:

  • threatened miscarriage, several previous miscarriages;
  • varicose veins;
  • abnormalities of the placenta;
  • feeling of pulling and cramping pain in the lower abdomen after exercise;
  • hypertension as a consequence of gestation;
  • abnormal position of the cervix;
  • fever;
  • gestosis, ;
  • bleeding;
  • exacerbation of chronic and infectious diseases;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • polyhydramnios.

There are a number of ailments for which exercise is possible, but only after a thorough examination and permission from a doctor:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • thyroid problems;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • different stages of obesity.

Rules for safe activities

When working out in the gym during pregnancy, you need to adhere to some rules so as not to harm either yourself or the unborn baby:

  1. Get permission to exercise from your doctor.
  2. Take your time. Don't make sudden movements.
  3. There is no need to overload your body.
  4. Always alternate exercises aimed at strengthening muscles with relaxing ones.
  5. The permissible weight should be 40-50% less than your usual norm.
  6. Monitor your pulse; it should not increase (more than 120–130 beats/min).
  7. Drink plenty of fluids.
  8. Follow proper breathing technique.
  9. Do not allow your body temperature to rise above 37.5 °C.
  10. If you exercise with dumbbells, you need to sit on a bench, ideally on an exercise ball.
  11. For cardio exercises, give preference to walking on a treadmill or exercising on an orbital track.
  12. Always warm up and cool down.
  13. You should be extremely careful with stretching, because during gestation it produces relaxin, the task of which is to stretch the muscles of the pelvic area. But it also affects other muscles, weakening them.
  14. From the 4th month, wear a supportive abdominal band.
  15. The optimal period for exercise is from the 4th–5th week of pregnancy to the 30th–31st.
  16. The frequency of training is 2–3 times every 7 days.
Full body workout for pregnant women: video

Did you know? The strongest muscles in the female body are the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium). During labor, it pushes the baby out with a force of 100–400 newtons with each contraction.

The following exercises should be avoided during pregnancy:

  • those in which the load is applied to the shoulder area;
  • any exercises where you need to lie on your stomach;
  • crunches, press;
  • increasing pressure on the peritoneum;
  • loading the lower back;
  • those in which the head should be lower than the hips;
  • the use of free weights when pumping the legs, back and chest.

Training program for pregnant women in the gym

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when selecting exercises. We have compiled a list of the most suitable ones for each gestational period.

A set of exercises for the first trimester

During this period, it is necessary to pay attention to breathing training and stretching the muscles of the arms and legs.


Important!You can start exercising only after receiving a doctor’s permission, because in the first trimester the risk of losing the fetus is quite high.

A set of exercises in the gym during pregnancy in the first trimester: video

For the second

In this trimester, you need to work on strengthening the muscles of the back, pelvis, and limbs.


A set of exercises in the gym during pregnancy in the second trimester: video

For the third

Due to a large belly, a woman's movements are limited. In addition, the slightest sudden movement or unsuccessful tilt can harm the baby. Everything should be done extremely carefully.


A set of exercises in the gym during pregnancy in the third trimester: video

When working out in the gym, pregnant women should monitor their condition very carefully. At the slightest indisposition, it is necessary to urgently complete the training, and if the period is very short or, conversely, quite long, immediately go to the doctor. Only with a responsible approach to classes can you get the maximum benefit from them.

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