
Space talisman star erzgamma meaning. Star of Ertsgamma: the meaning of the symbol, description and purpose of the amulet. The meaning of the Erzgamma star symbol

The Erzgamma Star is one of the most amazing symbols, the most powerful, that people know about. He appeared in ancient times and since then helps everyone who asks for help. This is a unique, very powerful symbol that fulfills wishes and radically changes the life of every lucky owner. This Star "shines" to everyone who turns to her with their requests for protection or help.

Erzgamma has no chosen ones, she helps absolutely everyone. There are only a few really strong symbols equal to the Star of Erzgamma and all of them are carefully hidden, those who have knowledge of these symbols (mysteries) are in no hurry to reveal them to people (they are classified as "secret").

What amulet, amulet, talisman can be stronger than a symbol that has absorbed all the most powerful energies of the Universe? The answer is simple and unequivocal - Erzgamma's star! Each owner of the Erzgamma star is under the auspices of the Higher Forces of Light, the Mother of the World - Mary, Jesus Christ himself and his apostles! The star we have chosen makes us invulnerable and helps to solve all the most difficult problems that appear on our life path. We become healthy, successful, rich. Divine Wisdom comes to us and the space of our soul is harmonized. The star of Erzgamma opens up our huge inner potential and all the blessings of the world, both spiritual and material, gradually fill our lives with a stream of abundance. We get access to the information field of the Universe, where all the information about the past, present and future is located, receiving answers to any of our questions. The heart in our chest opens and the streams of healing Love fill us with Joy and Happiness. Every day we become more successful and lucky, miracles begin to happen around us: money comes to us easily, making our life free and bright, reliable friends appear who you can always rely on, superpowers that God the Father endowed us, who created us according to his image and likeness. And finally, we get to know the real unconditional love from which the blood boils in the veins. The Fire of Love penetrates into all the doors of our Soul, igniting the Eternal Flame of Life in it. It is impossible to convey this amazing divine state in words, how pleasant, blissful and perfect it is. I know that each of us, the happy owners of the Erzgamma star, will find and fulfill our Destiny and return to our Cosmic Family, met by the Love of our Kindred Souls and their Gratitude for everything that we had to go through on Earth.

The person who wears the Erzgamma star enters into resonance with the Ascension frequencies and triggers the activation of their Light Body.

The Erzgamma star is a symbol of sacred geometry, which denotes the divine nature of man as the manifested Christ consciousness.

Star is Light! Ertz - twelve. Gamma - Harmony. Star of Erzgamma - Sacred Harmony twelve: Apostles of Christ, human DNA strands, rays of Sirius, constellations of the zodiac, levels of consciousness of the Universe, constellations that sent their representatives to earth.

Looking at her, a person wakes up, remembers what he already knew from the beginning, but forgot.

This is a multidimensional instrument of spiritual development, that is, a universal activator-resonator.

The meaning of the Erzgamma star

In almost every magical tradition there are references to the Ertsgamma star, each school believes that its origin is the result of the work of their practitioners.

"Star of Ertsgamma" belongs to the category of active talismans for good luck, because it radiates energy even without activation, however, it is best to conduct a complete ritual that will reveal the full magical potential of the amulet, connect your energy channels. This guarantees its quality work and assistance to you in the most difficult situations.

Its main meaning is to attract a powerful stream of good luck into your life. This energy is attracted like an anchor, tends to you while the star hangs around your neck or on your bracelet. It is best to wear it on the neck, because the star amulet should be closer to the heart.

You should be comfortable in the amulet - if there is no such comfort, perhaps the star does not suit you energetically. This often happens if you practice dark magic, do damage, etc.. The energy of the star is completely opposite to the energy of death, you will have to choose what exactly you want to do, do good or .....

Sources of star power

Everyone is free to understand the meaning of this symbol in their own way. And the more the owner of Ertsgamma realizes its essence, the stronger the talisman becomes. Its traces can be traced in all three religions, each of which interprets the sign in its own way:


Erzgamma is the first star that ascended into heaven at the moment of the birth of Jesus. The cross in the center of the amulet means the son of the Lord, his death and resurrection. Twelve corners-tops located along the radius are symbolic of the twelve apostles. The amulet itself looks like a rotating isosceles triangle. This rotation means merging human soul, forces and opportunities. It is this connection that reveals the secret of the universe, the power of human power.


For the Jews, the Erzgamma Star is a double symbol of David, a sign of harmony between the feminine and the masculine, man and God, earth and sky. Such a talisman is able to protect a person from the influence of any dark forces on him.


In Hinduism, the meaning of the amulet is associated with the human energy center (anahata-chakra-heart chakra). Its image cleanses and activates the central chakra, which is responsible for the heart. The image of the Anahata Chakra also contains twelve petals.

In addition to world religions, this amulet can be found among the Semites, Celts, peoples of the Russian ancient north. This is an ancient, powerful energy tool. But you need to know how to use it correctly in order to get the highest efficiency.

· Astrologers believe that the 12 rays of a star are 12 months, the signs of the Zodiacs. It is a symbol of the unity of the stars in the sky, a symbol of infinity, birth and the end of life. Such a symbol concentrated the influence of all the stars, brought them together.

· Numerologists believe that 12 is the meaning of the Moon and the Sun. In Numerology, these are important symbols that connect day and night, beginning and end, bestowing good luck from the influence of the most powerful celestial bodies.

· Esotericists also consider the star as Anahata - the center of the Universe, a powerful (heart) chakra responsible for life.

All these symbols themselves carry a lot of positive energy, which can easily be transformed into good luck. You will need it everywhere, do not neglect it. In order to conduct an activation ritual, be sure to choose which tradition you belong to and start the ritual. Esotericists choose a ritual when the talisman is placed in the center of an elemental altar. Numerologists do not conduct any special ritual, just start wearing it on a certain day and month, the most suitable for your date of birth.

Try the power of the star of luck, it is unique, because the geometry and shape hide a special secret of power. This talisman will become your favorite, because it is not only powerful, but also very beautiful. Choose the material and design, wear it or give it to your loved ones. Such a gift will be appreciated when luck enters their lives.

The essence of Erzgamma is a great symbol that can radically change human destiny.

This talisman does not obey your simple desire, it sets up the environment in such a way that you are given what you need. As we know, a person is often immoderate in his material desires, and his thoughts sometimes do not agree with each other. A person often wants what harms him and, with the stubbornness of a donkey, refuses to open his eyes to the real source of problems. With the Star of Erzgamma in your arsenal, you get exactly what you really need. This symbol is a guiding star to the world of your subconscious.
In addition to the local influence on Lady Luck, the Erzgamma Star is also quite reasonable medicine always at hand. It includes self-regulation of the body and adapts the host to any living conditions. This does not mean that you will put up with the bad. This means that you will always see the best way out of everything negative and will be able to use it. If you make it a rule to wear Ertsgamma daily, you will significantly increase your energy, as well as close the holes in the aura. If wearing a star is problematic, then you should put it in the house - in the place where it will most often come into view.
This talisman can also be used to help your close person
caught in an unforeseen situation. The star is not transferred to another person, but is placed on the photograph and the operator, looking through it at the person, mentally clears him of problems. After that, the photo and the star lying on it are wrapped in a light natural fabric and hidden until the problem is resolved.
golden ratio the star of Erzgamma, the one that hangs in your field of vision, works great as a sedative for neurasthenia, depression, insomnia, and painful negative thoughts.
After such contact, or contact with the body of an unhealthy person, the Star may darken. Cleansing should be done as soon as you notice it. The symbol is placed in a vessel with salt water and kept for a day. Some people clean Erzgamma with candle fire and then freezing it in the freezer. After that, you can give the sign a shine by polishing if it is made of metal.

Healers relieve joint, headache and other pains by bringing a star to a diseased organ and describing circles around this part of the body in a clockwise direction.
The star of Erzgamma affects all areas of a person’s life - from the onset of a desired pregnancy and the search for the best for a person’s life together to career development and material profit.
Erzgamma's star is always a green light on the road of life!


How to use the talisman
Ertsgamma's star has a main goal - removal of blocks and activation of human energy centers, purification of his biofield from negative influences. There are several ways to effectively use the talisman.

The amulet should be worn on a chain or string over clothing. When a star is worn for a long time, its owner receives absolute protection and becomes inaccessible to the effects of any negativity, damage, evil eye, curses. There is a strengthening of the biofield!
You can shoot a star at night (if it is inconvenient to sleep with it). The Erzgamma talisman is allowed to be worn along with other amulets, a cross or jewelry.

To fulfill a wish
Take Erzgamma's amulet in your hands and focus on its plexuses. Look into each triangle in turn. At the same time, mentally pronounce and think about your desire, but as if it had already been fulfilled.

"Nimbus Unwinding"
In theory, each person has their own halo. It is a untwisted flow of energy particles. In humans, this halo is invisible, due to the weakness of the energy. Energy can weaken from loss of faith, depression, sinfulness, illness. To restore and normalize the flow of energy, you need to put the talisman on the crown of your head every day and keep it for a quarter of an hour.

In a person who constantly wears the Ertsgamma star, the biofield is amplified several times. He becomes inaccessible to evil thoughts. The Ertsgamma star reveals the essence of a person - it helps to determine one's path in life, one's spiritual destiny. The Ertsgamma star is one of the most ancient symbols of Christianity, the mention of which goes back to ancient times. The twelve-sided star is a sign of the great power of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. The cross in its center means at the same time the place of the crucifixion of Christ and His resurrection. The circle around the cross is a symbol of the twelve apostles, united around Christ with their hands in a single circle. The Erzgamma Star is the key to the mystery of the cross and its healing power. Even in the early days of Christianity, people realized that the star has amazing properties to give strength to the human spirit, helps to maintain its connection with God. This sacred talisman contributes to the spiritual growth of the one who possesses it, protects its owner, improves his health and mental energy, and brings harmony to his inner world.

Apply the Erzgamma star to the affected area for no more than 15 minutes. Clothing does not affect the penetration of harmonizing energy.

The star is just in a prominent place in the apartment
. The golden section of the Erzgamma star helps even though it is somewhere in plain sight - without realizing it, a person during the day pays attention to the star, and it begins to calm the nervous system, and also cleans and harmonizes the space in any room (you can use a picture or photo of Erzgamma's star).

When and how can you transfer the Erzgamma star to another person.

It is best that the star of Ertsgamma has one owner, but if the need arises for transmission, this can be done on the days of the change of elements, after fumigating it in the smoke of Aruna incense. By inheritance (after the death of the owner), the star of Ertsgamma can only be worn after preliminary fumigation with Aruna incense.

Star cleansing.

Taking on the energy of the host's illnesses and stresses, the star of Erzgamma can darken. If this happens, dip the star into a glass of water and put the glass in the freezer for a day. This procedure is best done on the days of the change of elements. Later, when you take the glass out of the freezer, you will find that a dark spot is visible in the frozen water, which accumulates “spoilage” (bioenergy-informational negative impact) in itself. The glass must be thawed, drained, and the star washed clean water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

The amulet is charged and activated. The star purchased from us has positive programs for 100 years.

There is a lot of meaning in the unique shape of the star. different traditions - different interpretation stars, but they agree on one thing - it brings good luck, bestows success and protects against unpleasant events.

Such a talisman will be a great helper on your way. Success and luck accompany the one who wears it constantly. Its shape is a big geometric riddle, which contains the answer to many questions.
The star of Ertsgamma is depicted on the shoulders and headdress of the Virgin, on miraculous icon The tenderness of all joys. The Ertsgamma star bestows family happiness, love and health. This sacred symbol should be in every home, it brings people closer to the Almighty. Usually the star is attached in the most prominent place in the house, and you also need to wear it on yourself.

Ertsgamma's star is a twelve-pointed star, in the middle of which is a Maltese cross. This jewelry can often be found in the form of a pendant around the neck. The amulet helps to reveal one's potential and achieve peace. Even in ancient times, people believed in its mystical power.

The star is an ancient amulet, a symbol of the Christian faith, designed to harmonize a person and reveal the energy potential

Talisman Star of Erzgamma has many actions. It is worn in the form of a pendant in order to speed up the process of treating diseases, achieve financial success and reveal one's abilities. Wearing an amulet allows you to become its owner with a stronger spirit and cope with emotional stress. It is believed that it promotes peace, helps a person fight his weaknesses and resist temptations.

Also, the Star of Ertsgamma amulet was used as a home amulet. To do this, it was hung inside the living quarters in a conspicuous place in the hall, or above the front door.

It is not recommended to use the amulet only as a fashion accessory. It is necessary to put a magical meaning into it, otherwise it can lead to problems of a psychological and physiological nature.

Types of amulet, meaning and history of origin

There are several varieties of the amulet, each of the symbols of the Erzgamma Star has its own characteristics. There are several types:

  • Emerald star. The most common type of talisman. Outwardly, it looks like a silver cross depicted on an emerald background. Amulet means protection of health, especially often used to speed up the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it helps to improve relationships with other people. Due to this talisman, a person becomes emotionally stable, he begins to better understand his desires and needs. Thanks to this amulet, a person can easily find sources through which he will receive new energy flows. A person receives only positive energy, which helps him get rid of bad thoughts. A person begins to think more spiritually, not paying much attention to wealth and financial well-being. He understands that material values are not essential in life. The talisman helps a person become happy and find love for the world.
  • Blue Star. Improves brain function, reveals the potential of a person and his abilities. A person becomes more sensitive, which helps him to better understand his life goals. Externally, the amulet is a star of blue color on the purple ring. The talisman destroys negative emotions. It relieves such manifestations as envy, anger and jealousy. The amulet helps to cleanse the human aura. Thanks to this, he begins to notice that he has become more calm and emotionally balanced. The Star of Erzgamma symbol helps a person deal with emotional outbursts and steadfastly cope with stressful situations.
  • Amethyst star. The central part of this talisman is different from the previous ones. In its center is an amethyst of natural origin in a specific setting. The amulet is used for effective treatment any diseases. In addition, it enhances internal energy.

The symbolism of the Star of Erzgamma is found in several world religions. The meaning of this talisman is different in each religious movement.

In Christianity

Erzgamma - the first star that ascended into heaven at the moment of the birth of Jesus

In Orthodoxy, the Star is associated with the 12 apostles, since the star is twelve-pointed. The cross depicted on the amulet is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The symbol is also associated with the Mother of God, so the image of a star is found on some icons.

Ertsgamma's star is of ancient origin, so its connection with Christianity is mostly far-fetched. The Slavs are not associated with this symbolism. This talisman came to Orthodoxy during the adaptation to the moral and ethical system of ancient religious teachings.

In Judaism

In Judaism, this symbol is called the Star of David. It is a symbol of the masculine and feminine, God and man. It also symbolizes earth and sky. It was used as an amulet that protected its owner from the negative impact of strangers.

In ancient times, people depicted this symbol on their bodies, believing that in this way it was possible to enhance its effect. Now this drawing is also continued to be used as a tattoo.

In Hinduism

This symbol is associated with Judaism due to the fact that its appearance it resembles the heart chakra called Anahat. The chakra has 12 petals, which is why it is associated with the twelve-pointed star. This applies not only to Hinduism, but also to other Indian religious teachings.

It was believed that the image of the Star of Erzgamma was able to cleanse the inner world of a person, activate his energy and achieve peace. It affects the central chakra of a person. Therefore, it is considered one of the most powerful amulets.

The amulet removes blocks and activates the energy centers of a person, cleanses his biofields from negative layers

In order for the Star of Ertsgamma amulet to take effect, it must be activated. To do this, use a special ritual. It will take 6 candles, it is necessary that they be white color. Light the candles and put the talisman in the center, the chain must be removed. Only the pendant itself should lie in the center. After that, it is very important to concentrate your attention on the flame of the candle and recite the sacred mantra. Instead of a mantra, it is allowed to say any magic phrase designed to attract good luck.

Prayer must be continued until a surge of energy becomes noticeable. After that, concentrate on the energy and visualize it in the form of sunlight. When using this method, candles must be made of wax.

In order to increase the strength of the amulet, it is recommended to prepare candles for the ceremony yourself. To do this, you need to smelt a block of natural wax. In the manufacture of candles, it is allowed to add dyes and aromatic herbs to them. If the candles are prepared correctly, they will burn out quickly enough, but their burning time will be enough to perform the ceremony.

The amulet Star of Erzgamma needs careful storage, otherwise all the energy concentrated in it may disappear. It is recommended to store in a wooden box. It is desirable to depict the symbolism of the star on the box itself. Its size does not matter at all, but the wood must be natural, not varnished. In such a package, the amulet will be able to retain its strength for a long time. If he is in the form of a pendant around his neck, then his powers do not disappear.

To cleanse the talisman, it is recommended to rinse it in salt water, this will remove all the negativity that has accumulated in it. After cleansing, the amulet has even greater power, so it is recommended to clean it at least once every 6 months. It is necessary to clean the talisman, because over time negative energy accumulates in it. All the accumulated negativity will necessarily negatively affect its owner.

It is not recommended to make a charm yourself. It is best to contact a professional jeweler. If a person decides to make a talisman on his own, he must Special attention pay attention to the materials used for this. It is best to use clay or wood, as the material must be natural. In order to give the desired shape, it is baked. So the amulet is durable.

It is very important to find a gem, because without it, the talisman will not have power. The stone should be located in the very center of the star. To fix the stone, super-resistant glue is used. It must be very securely fastened, it is impossible to lose a precious stone.

The tattoo symbolizes a man-warrior who has risen to the truth and gets rid of passions

The Erzgamma Star tattoo is quite popular. She personifies a warrior man who decided to embark on the path of combating his personal fears and experiences. The tattoo should be on the shoulder of the left arm, or on the forearm.

It must be borne in mind that a tattoo depicting the Erzgamma Star is done for life. It is highly recommended not to try to eliminate it in the future. This can lead to serious life problems.

It is believed that a tattoo will protect a person for life. In addition, it will help you get on the true path, resist temptations and achieve your desires. It also helps to maintain health, develop physical strength and endurance. A person begins to feel more confident, it is easier for him to communicate with other people. Thanks to this, he can easily turn his dreams into reality.

Ertsgamma's star is an ancient symbol that has several meanings at once. One of the interpretations says that a 12-sided star brings happiness and luck to its owner. In another, that the amulet releases hidden energies and reveals talents in a person.

And also the talisman is often used by healers and folk healers, claiming that he has healing powers. So what does this ancient symbol really mean, and what effect does it have on a person?

The meaning of the amulet in the religions of the world

The star took its name from the Coptic language. The Copts inhabited ancient Egypt and were considered one of the most developed peoples with their own faith and teachings.

The word ertsgamma itself consists of two words: "erts" in the Coptic language means -12, and "gamma" is translated as harmony. The 12th terminal star has approximately the same name in the Orthodox religion.

Although this amulet is found in other interpretations, and its meaning varies somewhat depending on the nationality and religion.

Catholicism and Christianity

In Orthodoxy, as in Catholicism, the star symbolized the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. And the cross located in the middle reminds people of the sacrifice that the son of God made, saving humanity.

And also in Christianity, the 12-pointed star with a holy sign in the center symbolized the birth of Jesus. After all, it was precisely such a sign that shone over the manger when the Virgin Mary gave the world a savior.


In Jewish culture, the talisman was considered the double star of David. He served as a powerful amulet and protected a person from evil people and all negativity.

The symbolic meaning of the Ertsgamma star in Judaism is interpreted as an invisible connection of a person with more subtle, Divine matters. And also, according to believers, the star of David unites heaven and earth and connects the masculine with the feminine.


In Hinduism, the star symbolizes the heart chakra. The center of the star is considered to be the focus of the human energy potential.

It was believed that wearing an amulet helps a person to maintain harmony with himself and the world around him.

Hindus also believe that the talisman is able to reveal hidden talents in a person and release huge flows of energy.

In addition to world religions, the symbol was used in Celtic magic, decorating it with magic runes in advance. An amulet in the form of a 12 terminal star can be found among the protective paraphernalia of northern peoples and Semites.

  • In astrology, the Erzgamma star is considered as a symbol of the zodiac circle. In numerology, the talisman is considered the personification of harmony, the link between the Sun and the Moon, man and woman.

The Erzgamma star is in constant motion. A star consists of 6 identical triangles rotating around its axis. This continuous rotation symbolizes the interweaving of the spiritual world with the physical.

The cycle contributes to the unification of the forces of the earth with the hidden energies of the universe. They say that with the help of an amulet you can find out the fate and ultimate goal of a person's stay on earth.

How to use the talisman

The Star of Ertsgamma is considered the strongest amulet and is used in various world religions. Most often, the symbol is used for such purposes:

  • protection of the biofield from negative energies;
  • strengthening the protective aura;
  • release of energy blocks;
  • talent discovery;
  • attracting luck and happiness;
  • recovery;
  • fulfillment of cherished desires.

In order to protect oneself from any negativity, the symbol is worn in the chest area. You can wear the amulet both daily and occasionally. For example, dressing only in crowded places where there is a chance of being attacked by energy.

In parallel with the protective functions, the star of Ertsgamma strengthens the aura of a person, helps to get rid of destructive thoughts, anxiety and apathy.

In addition, a 12-sided star helps to remove energy blocks that often prevent a person from living in harmony with himself and the world around him. And also after the removal of energy blocks in people, hidden talents often appear. A person who wears the Erzgamma star becomes more successful, happy and spiritually filled.

Treatment of diseases with the help of an amulet

Folk healers have long noticed that the pointed symbol has a positive effect not only on the spiritual state of a person, but also on the physical. The following are healing methods that use an ancient symbol:

Applying a talisman to a sore spot

In order to heal the patient, it is enough to attach the symbol to the painful place. To do this, you need to turn off all electrical appliances, make yourself comfortable, and place the Star of David on the painful area. When the amulet begins to radiate heat, draw it in a circle, moving strictly clockwise.

Photo treatment

The amulet is able to heal from a distance. To do this, you need to take a small piece of linen fabric, put on it a picture of the sick person and the star of Erzgamma. Then wrap the entire contents of the fabric tightly and put it in a secluded place for a week.

vision improvement

This treatment can be carried out both with the help of a specialist and on your own. In order to improve vision with the help of an amulet, place a star right in front of your eyes. Focus your eyes on the symbol and slowly take a look at all the rays, first clockwise, then against it.

And also after any treatment, do not forget to clean the amulet. To do this, the star is immersed in a container of clean water, and sent to the refrigerator for a day. After a while, the symbol is taken out and wiped with a clean towel. After a cleansing session, dark circles may appear in the water where the amulet was located. It was the bad energy that had gathered during the healing.

How to choose a talisman

Of no small importance is the material from which the amulet is made. If you decide to purchase an Erzgamma star, be sure to pay attention to the following nuances:

The real Erzgamma star is made exclusively of metal. Wood and any other materials simply do not have enough power to free a person from negativity and strengthen the aura. Of course, it is better to give preference to a silver or gold product. A silver star is more suitable for a woman, and a gold one for a man.

In ancient times, the Erzgamma star was made at night before the full moon. It is believed that this particular symbol corresponds to this heavenly body. And also in ancient writings it is indicated that in no case should an amulet be made on Wednesday.

It is clear that now it is not easy to find Erzgamma's star on store shelves, made in accordance with all the rules. Therefore, it is better to order a talisman from an esoteric jeweler, having previously discussed all the nuances with him.

By the way, the Erzgamma star is worn not only as jewelry. Many people prefer to apply the drawing of the symbol to the body.

  • It is believed that the tattoo of the 12th final star brings great luck to its owner and opens the chakras. The image is applied to the forearm of the left hand.
  • However, you need to know that such tattoos can only be done by people studying spiritual practices. For a person who is unprepared and weak in spirit, this wearable symbol can be harmful.

How to charge the amulet

In order for the talisman to gain its power, it must be properly charged. There are several ways to charge the Erzgamma star:

Perhaps the easiest way is to seek help from a psychic or a practicing esotericist. But be aware that you can not put on the amulet immediately after charging. First you need to endure a three-day strict fast. It is believed that during fasting, a person is cleansed not only physically, but also spiritually.

The second method takes a little longer. Most of all, it is suitable for people who themselves study spiritual practices and have at least a little experience in meditation. They meditate on the talisman twice a day, for twelve days. The duration of the session is 10 minutes. During meditation, your entire being should be concentrated on the amulet, your desires and aspirations.

The third way to charge Erzgamma's star is to perform a magical ritual.

  1. For this action you will need 6 white candles.
  2. Candles are placed around the pointed symbol and lit.
  3. Then they say any prayer or mantra that corresponds to the desires of the owner and the purposes for which the amulet was purchased.
  4. You need to pronounce the words until a pleasant energy wave spreads through the body.

A properly charged symbol is able to fulfill desires, heal ailments and bring harmony to a person's life. And sometimes, the star of Erzgamma opens up such paths and opportunities for its owners that he did not even dream of. Someone finds Good work, someone establishes a personal life, someone suddenly find talents in themselves. I wonder what Erzgamma's star has prepared for you?

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The talisman star of the erzgamma is a symbol with a sacred meaning for Christian believers. This is one of the most powerful signs through which you can get in touch with higher powers, spiritual guides and get help.

The Star of Erzgamma is a powerful sign that is used in many cultures.

Everyone has times when, in order to gain strength and recover from a shock, they resort to the last hope and the most powerful means of recovery. The Erzgamma symbol will provide such assistance.

The star is a very ancient symbol that was also used in the Christian system of worship. This sign harmonizes people, builds a channel of communication between the soul and higher powers, the cosmic principle, and reveals the energy potential of everyone who uses this symbol.

This name of the sign comes from the people of the Copts - ancient people from the Egyptian lands. The Copts were the first to bring Christianity to the masses. In this dialect, ertz means twelve, and gamma means the concept of harmony.

Everyone who decides to wear this symbol on himself understands its essence in his own way. The deeper you comprehend the essence of this symbol, the clearer its power, the stronger it becomes for you, as for the owner. The history of the erzgamma extends in all world religions and they interpret the meaning of this symbol in their own way.

Erzgamma in the Christian faith

Here the sign of the erzgamma with a cross personifies the first star that shone in the sky when the Son of God Jesus was born. Inside the amulet there is a cross that denotes the Son of the Lord, his birth, death and rebirth. Twelve angle-rays around the circumference of the star are the designations of the twelve apostles, disciples of Christ.

The talisman itself is made as an isosceles triangle, rotating along the axis. In this movement, the unification of spiritual impulses, the strength of a person and his capabilities is manifested. Such a merger personifies the discovery of the secrets of the world, the power of man, his greatness.

Erzgamma Star of the Jews

For the Jewish tradition, the symbol of the erzgamma is the star of David in a double form, it denotes the harmony of the top and bottom, male and female, balance in the world, God and man, earth and sky. A star can protect anyone from negative energy, pernicious actions of dark forces.

Erzgamma symbol in the Hindu tradition

Among Hindus, the interpretation of this talisman is considered in connection with the doctrine of the chakra system. So ertsgamma is connected with the heart chakra - anahata. Anahata chakra is drawn with a lotus symbol with twelve petals.

The Erzgamma star in different cultures has its own interpretation. In Hinduism, it is associated with the chakra system.

Erzgamma in other traditions

In addition to religions spread throughout the world, this star can also be found in the Celtic culture, the ancient northern peoples of Russia, among the Semites. This is a very powerful and long-standing energy symbol. Like any symbol, it is also a tool that must be used very carefully and skillfully direct the force of its impact, then you can get the maximum benefit from its use.

How to use this amulet

There are several ways in which you can influence this talisman on a person and his energy:

  1. Wear on the body.
  2. Make a tattoo on the skin.
  3. Treat with a symbol.
  4. Use to achieve what you want.
  5. Regulate the rotation of the energy field.

It is worth considering each method separately.

Wearing a sign on the body

This amulet of the star of the erzgamma is best worn on a chain over your clothes. When the length of the chain allows you to lower the amulet to the center of the chest, its effect will be even more harmonious and strong. If you have been wearing the amulet for a long time, then your energy field is sufficiently charged and protected by absolute power from negative energy and the influence of ill-wishers. Also, your energy shell receives an additional charge of strength.

If you have no idea how you can sleep with amulets and jewelry, then it is allowed to remove the star talisman for the duration of sleep. At this time, you can continue to wear your usual amulets with the star - a pectoral cross, jewelry and other things.

star tattoo

If you like to apply significant symbols, protective ornaments to your body, then this Erzgamma star will suit you. On the body, it acquires the meaning of a talisman for a warrior who follows the path of truth and renounces passions. This tattoo is done on the left forearm.

Treatment with the Erzgamma symbol

These activities should be carried out with caution, strictly adhering to the rules. Treatment with a star is performed only in the evening hours by the light of a wax candle. Be sure to turn off all electrical devices from the network.

Amulet of Erzgamma. If you lower the amulet to the center of the chest, its effect will be even more harmonious and strong.

Warming up the problem area

From a distance, slowly bring the symbol to the place that hurts. Follow your feelings. If there is warmth or something tingles that everything is going right - now move the talisman clockwise for about three minutes.

Photo exposure

You will need a photo of the person being assisted. On the front side, put the amulet. Wrap everything in a linen napkin, hide in a closed place. Seven days the photo should lie there in secret.

vision treatment

Every day you can contemplate the talisman, bringing it closer to your eyes. Look around the lines of the star clockwise twelve times in a row, then repeat this in reverse - counterclockwise.

If for some reason you yourself cannot perform rituals, then you can attract someone who is knowledgeable in such matters, whom you trust. After each session, carry out activities to cleanse the star amulet.

Purification of the amulet star of the erzgamma

It is enough just to lower the talisman into a glass of water. Put this water in the freezer for a day. After the specified time, you will see on the ice dark patina These are traces of negative energy. Defrost a glass, and get rid of the water in a deserted place. Rinse the talisman under running water.

For the realization of the desired

Taking the amulet in the palm of your hand, mentally concentrate on the patterns of the star of the erzgamma. Let the gaze enter each of the triangles, into its essence, in turn.

Inside, you should mentally pronounce your desire, revealing and clarifying its essence.

Use the wording in the present tense as if it has already been fulfilled.

In Hindu culture, ertsgamma is associated with the heart chakra - anahata.

The technique of unwinding energy flows

Above the body of every person, especially around the head, there are invisible energy flows. In Orthodoxy, this is called a halo. We do not see this halo, because for this you need to have a very powerful energy, and for many people it is not yet at that level. Energy is reduced when a person loses faith, gets sick, loses heart, or does things with negative intentions. In order for the energy flow to even out and the rotation of energy particles to increase, you need to place the amulet on the crown of your head every evening and leave it for fifteen minutes.

How to choose erzgamma

You can see a lot of mascots in retail outlets, but not every one of them will work and positively influence you and your life. In order for the twelve-pointed star Erzgamma to have a good effect on you and become a powerful amulet, follow the detailed instructions:

  • A working genuine star will be made of silver or gold. These precious metals positively affect the human body, affecting positively the immune system. These metals do not darken or oxidize;
  • The original talisman is double-sided. If there is a void on the back, then this is just a trinket that can be worn as an ornament;
  • Make sure that the star is formed by the superimposition of two triangles on top of each other. If you see that the triangles are intertwined or soldered, then you should not purchase such an amulet;
  • Each vertex of the star must remain separate. If one of the beams is soldered, then the talisman has no power.

When you have chosen and purchased your talisman correctly, charge it. To do this, it is better to fast for three days, you can not strictly, but be sure to pray and meditate. Charge the talisman on a strong spiritual holiday or Sunday. When you do this work, go to the temple.

Take the talisman left palm and cover it with the right. You can mentally turn to the star with a story about yourself, thus making an acquaintance. Feel the energy of the sign, let it penetrate you, get used to it. It takes about ten minutes. When you have charged the amulet, it can no longer be transferred to anyone. In this case, the connection with you will be interrupted and the protection will disappear.

star color

If you want success and reveal your talents, you should opt for an emerald star. A star with amethyst will help doctors. The blue star of the erzgamma or ultramarine will give strength and protection to people of mental labor.

If you combine a star with runes, then the effect is enhanced. The main thing is to choose the right runic symbols.

To receive help, strength, good luck and well-being, a person is used to turning to higher powers. Their subject manifestation is an amulet or amulet, which has a sacred form and meaning. The strongest exist in the culture of civilizations for several millennia. One of them is the Erzgamma star, the meaning of which is a mystery and a great meaning. Let us try to comprehend it and understand the purpose of this great sign.

Description of the Erzgamma star

The symbol is represented in the culture of three religions: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and in the occult sciences. He appeared in ancient Egypt among the Copts. The word "Ertz" is translated as twelve, and "gamma" - harmony. It was the Copts who were among the first to preach the Christian religion.

The sign itself is 4 isosceles triangles in a 12-pointed star figure. Triangles, combined with each other, mark the ancient Maltese cross.

As an amulet, it is usually made of precious and semi-precious metals (amethyst, silver, gold, and others). They are able to enhance the star of Erzgamma, unlike the semi-precious ones. In most cases, this amulet is worn as a pendant on a chain, a brooch or an independent badge. They also make tattoos on the body with her image, drawings on paper, which are located in the house. It is believed that the star has more power if you always carry it with you and close to your body.

The very meaning of the 12 rays of the star is interpreted in different ways:

  • These are 12 Christian apostles.
  • 12 directions of the universe.
  • A mystical cycle of 12 days and 12 months, after which any result can be achieved.

Astrologers believe that each of the twelve rays of the Erzgamma is one zodiac constellation. Numerologists see in the number 12 the connection of the Moon and the Sun - symbols of day and night. Ertsgamma, from the point of view of Christianity, is the first star that rose and announced the birth of Jesus Christ. The cross itself is a symbol of the death and resurrection of the Savior. The Jews believe that the star of Ertsgamma symbolizes the double star of David, the harmony of the male and female principles. In Hinduism, this amulet means the opening of a person's heart chakra, his energy center.

The main purpose of the star is to create harmony in the physical and mental world of a person. The cross in the middle is an energy center from which 12 rays diverge - 12 directions of energy. The same center symbolizes the inner balance of a person, which he seeks to achieve.

The Erzgamma star is located on the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness", which is considered healing and miraculous.

What helps?

In the hands of a wise spiritual practitioner, the amulet has infinite power. But even those who simply acquired and began to carry the Erzgamma star with them note its unusual properties:

  • Strength and energy. The star of Ertsgamma attracts and accumulates positive energy in itself, endowing it with a person. They note surges of strength and changes for the better.
  • Removal of damage and protection from dark forces. It is believed that a person who carries the Erzgamma star with him is in an energy shell, curses and negative energy “do not stick” to him.
  • attribute of meditation. Helps to reveal the inner "I" of a person, relieve stress and tension.
  • Physical and mental health. Since the carrier of the star is associated with the energy of the Cosmos, his body is renewed and cleansed of the unnecessary.
  • Fulfillment of desires. For this, a ritual is performed.
  • Help in solving everyday problems, in finding answers to difficult questions.
  • The star helps along the way.
  • Contributes to the formation of a powerful flow of luck and good luck in life.

According to psychics, those who carry this star with them are under the auspices of the Higher powers, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.

In order for the amulet to begin to act, it is necessary to believe in its divine power. The star of Ertsgamma is able to reveal all the best in a person, if you give her an orientation to a good and creative beginning.

There are few such strong amulets as Erzgamma's star in the world. Not all the secrets associated with it are open to mankind. The Erzgamma Star is a powerful energy tool, and the meaning of the symbol is yet to be revealed to humanity.

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