
What does a culture tank show for microflora from the cervical canal? What is a culture tank test from the cervical canal? Rules for the delivery of seeding tank from the cervical canal

The female genital area is a special mechanism that can be influenced by even the most insignificant external factors. Elementary hypothermia often causes the development of a number of unpleasant and dangerous pathologies. In order to timely identify their presence, the gynecologist prescribes a seeding tank from the cervical canal.

Such a study is not always carried out, but only under conditions of ineffectiveness of other diagnostic procedures, as well as to confirm a preliminary diagnosis. Why do I need manipulation, and how long do I need to wait for results? Let's try to figure it out.

What is a tank seeding from the cervical canal

The procedure involves taking a sample of biological material from the walls of the vagina for its further clinical examination. It is performed with suspicion of the presence of infectious diseases of the genital organs in women. The goal is to determine exactly which type of pathogenic microflora caused ailments and alarming symptoms in patients.

What is cervical scraping? Using a cotton swab or a special sterile gynecological instrument, the doctor carefully takes the material for examination. The stick is placed in a special flask, which prevents the attachment of third-party microorganisms to the sample taken.

Sometimes the gynecologist can place a smear on a sterile glass, which is then sent to the laboratory for research. After the analysis, the doctor confirms or refutes the presence of a bacterial or fungal infection, and can also judge what could have caused the patient to feel unwell.

What does the sowing tank show?

It is very important to understand what a smear on a seeding tank shows. This will help to understand the features of decoding the received data. So, when analyzing, you can find:

  • enterococci;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • leukocyte cells;
  • epithelial cells;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomonas;
  • various fungi;
  • gonococci;
  • mucous impurities, etc.

Fact. Sowing from the cervical canal is one of the most informative and important clinical procedures, with the help of which pathologies that are extremely dangerous for a woman's health are detected. Based on the data obtained, the results are deciphered and a strategy for further treatment of the current disease is developed.

Indications for tank seeding

A culture test in gynecology is performed only when indicated, but from time to time it can also be performed as a preventive measure. Indications for performing such a test can serve as:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the cervix;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • detection of pathogenic flora in a smear from the cervical canal;
  • elevated level leukocytes in an ordinary smear;
  • frequent relapses of chronic inflammatory or infectious gynecological pathologies.

Tank sowing from the vagina involves the placement of representatives of pathogenic microflora in a certain nutrient medium. For each type of bacteria or fungi, it is different, as well as the time required for germination. After the end of this process, the laboratory worker counts the number of bacterial colonies (cells), then writes the data obtained in a special form. The interpretation of the results is carried out by a gynecologist.

Preparation for the procedure and interpretation of data

The patient needs to be well prepared for conducting bakposev from the vagina. To do this, you must follow certain rules. Neglecting them can lead to unreliable data, which means that the analysis will have to be repeated.

So how to prepare for the test from the cervical canal? Follow these guidelines:

  • the day before the scheduled procedure, it is necessary to refuse douching;
  • do not use vaginal suppositories, including hormonal contraceptives;
  • refuse sexual contact a day before the study;
  • within 48 hours after the colposcopy, the seeding tank from the urethra in women does not give up.

Note. If you were taking antibiotics or other strong drugs before the test medical preparations, then the passage of the sowing tank must be rescheduled for another day. Under the influence of antimicrobial drugs, the properties of the biological material from the cervical canal change somewhat, which may lead to false test results.

What results are not normal?

Those results of the analysis are considered unfavorable, according to which enterobacteria were found in a smear in women. These are microorganisms that often affect the human intestine. When they get on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, rather unpleasant symptoms can occur: pain in the lower abdomen, fever, abundant mucous membranes, purulent, bloody issues and etc.

However, the list of pathogenic bacteria does not end there, so the presence in the smear can indicate serious health problems:

  • coli;
  • yeast fungi in large quantities;
  • different types staphylococcus;
  • bacteria citrobacter;
  • Proteus bacteria;
  • gonococci;
  • Trichomonas;
  • gardnerell;
  • leptothrix.

Be careful! Of particular concern should be the presence of diphtheroids in the smear. It indicates the development of vaginal dysbiosis, which is accompanied by itching, burning of the genital organs, pain in the lower abdomen, deterioration of health. This disease is similar to intestinal dysbiosis, and although it is considered relatively safe, disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina can have extremely serious consequences.

Some pathogenic microorganisms are not detected during culture from the cervical canal to the flora. In this case, the polymerase chain reaction method, or PCR, is carried out.

Data decryption

To begin with, let's figure out how much a smear is done on flora and bakposev on a nutrient medium. In the first case, the results can be prepared both within a few hours and within a couple of days. This directly depends on the employment of medical personnel.

The same cannot be said for bacterial culture. Its results are issued after 5 days from the date of submission of the material for research. During this time, the bacteria will have time to grow, which will enable the laboratory assistant to indicate their exact number. These data are important for prescribing therapy to the patient.

Now a little about decoding the received data. In healthy women, there are no fungi in the smear, and the level of lacto- and bifidobacteria is at least 10 to the 7th degree. The norm of Escherichia coli is 1 to 2 CFU. The presence of single enterococci is allowed.

Why is bacterial culture needed during pregnancy?

A smear from the cervical canal during pregnancy is a mandatory procedure, which must be followed by a seeding tank. This helps in the shortest possible time to detect a particular disease (if any) and to treat it in a timely manner. But many mothers are concerned about the question - will such a procedure harm the fetus? Will the doctor introduce an infection with gynecological instruments while taking biological material for research?

It should be said right away: this manipulation should not cause any fears. The doctor takes a sample using disposable plastic tools that are included in the gynecological kit. You can buy it at any pharmacy adjacent to the clinic, and not only.

Why is it necessary to carry out sowing from the cervical canal during pregnancy? During this period of a woman's life, for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, the most optimal conditions. The immune system future mother weakens, and the hormonal background changes, which often causes the development of inflammatory and infectious processes.

In order to detect the pathology in a timely manner, the doctor writes out to the patient a referral to the sowing tank from the cervical canal during pregnancy. For 9 months, the developed diseases seriously threaten the health of the child, so the sooner they are detected and cured, the less dangerous the complications for the fetus and the mother herself will be.

Among the many tests given by a pregnant woman for 9 months, there is a separate category - bacteriological cultures. The purpose of these studies is to identify harmful bacteria in the body of the expectant mother, which can cause various pathologies and abnormalities during childbearing. The analysis allows you to identify the causative agents of acute and chronic infections, as well as to identify their sensitivity to certain antimicrobial drugs.

How to take a tank sowing a smear from the cervical canal during pregnancy

The essence of bacteriological seeding is that in the laboratory under special conditions under certain temperature regime not a large number of biological material of the patient (urine, blood, mucus, feces or bile) is applied to the nutrient medium. If there are pathogenic microbes in the test substance, then within 3-7 days in a nutrient medium they form a whole colony of bacteria. This is how the presence and quantity of harmful microbes is detected in the area from which the material for analysis is taken.

Usually, pregnant women are prescribed the following bacteriological tests:

  • tank sowing a smear from the cervical canal (determines if a woman has sexually transmitted diseases that can affect the development of the fetus);
  • urine culture tank (determines inflammatory diseases of the urinary system);
  • a tank of sowing mucus from the nose (to identify the pathogens of Staphylococcus aureus, this microbe can cause severe illness in a child immediately after birth).

Tank seeding from the cervical canal is not prescribed for all pregnant women. When registering women take a total smear from the vagina. If it contains an increased number of leukocytes, then this indicates an inflammatory process. To clarify its cause, this study is prescribed.

The cervical canal (pharynx) is located between the vagina and the cervix. During pregnancy, a so-called cork is formed in this place, which protects the fetus from external harmful influences. While the fetus is growing and developing, the pharynx should be closed, and immediately before the birth, the cork comes out - and the pharynx expands to almost 10 cm.

To get accurate results, you need to prepare for this test. This can be done a few days before the material is taken, but better - a week and a half. It is necessary to stop taking any antibacterial drugs; exclude the use of vaginal suppositories or creams; the day before the analysis, refrain from sexual activity, and immediately before the analysis itself, do not urinate or wash yourself.

To take material from the cervical canal from the pregnant woman for further examination, the gynecologist inserts a gynecological speculum into the vagina. Then a mucus sample is collected with a special brush, which is inserted to a depth of approximately 2 cm. The resulting biomaterial is placed in a test tube with a gel-like liquid, hermetically sealed and sent to the laboratory for study. As a rule, after five days the result of the culture tank from the cervical canal is ready.

Urine for sowing during pregnancy is given twice: at the first visit due to pregnancy and registration, as well as at the end of the gestation period, after about 35 weeks. If the woman has previously had kidney disease, Bladder, as well as in the detection of protein and leukocytes in general analysis urine, such a test is prescribed more often. It can also be prescribed additionally if there are certain complaints, including: discomfort when going to the toilet, constant pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen, a constant feeling of fullness in the bladder.

This study allows you to identify pathogens of infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Sometimes these conditions are asymptomatic, but can affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, according to the results of the study, treatment of a urological infection can be prescribed.

It is worth preparing for the delivery of such an analysis. A few days before the test, you should avoid foods that can change the color of urine (beets, carrots), as well as diuretic foods and drinks. The day before the analysis, exclude strong physical exercise. To collect biomaterial, you need to purchase a sterile container. The first morning urine (middle portion) is best suited for analysis. Before urination, you need to thoroughly wash yourself (without antiseptics). The vagina should be closed with a cotton swab so that microorganisms from there do not mix with urine. Specify the amount of fluid required for the study when receiving a referral for analysis. Biological material must be transferred to the laboratory no later than two hours after collection. The result will be ready within a week.

Tank sowing feces helps to identify dysbacteriosis (disturbances in the state of the intestinal microflora). This analysis is prescribed in the case when other tests did not reveal the causative agent of an infectious disease.

The material for analysis - approximately 2 grams (teaspoon) of feces - is collected in a sterile container, it can be bought at a pharmacy. After collection, as soon as possible, the analysis should be transferred to the laboratory for research. Before this analysis, you can not use laxatives, put an enema, use suppositories, take iron, barium, bismuth, castor or vaseline oil preparations. This may affect the result. Feces should not contain impurities, such as urine.

The stool culture tank is examined within 4-7 days.

What the sowing tank shows - decoding

The interpretation of the results obtained is carried out by the laboratory assistant. He prepares his competent conclusion about the presence of a certain number of certain microorganisms, as well as their sensitivity to antibiotics.

If the results of the culture tank show an excess of the normative amount of bacteria or fungi, then the doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

The culture tank from the cervical canal of a healthy woman contains only lacto- and bifidobacteria. Fungi should not be. E. coli is acceptable in small quantities. Exceeding the allowable indicators indicates the development of pathology. The same conclusion, if staphylococcus, gonococcus, fungal microorganisms, trichomonas, gardnerella are found in the sowing tank.

The determining factor in such a study of urine is the concentration of microorganisms. This indicator is called CFU (colony forming units). In the urine of a healthy woman, microbes are also present in small quantities, but only their high concentration signals health problems. The norm is considered to be below 1000 CFU per milliliter. If the result is in the range from 1000 to 10000 CFU / ml, then the doctor may prescribe a second examination. If more than 10,000 CFU / ml were detected in the laboratory, then the body is affected by a serious infection that requires immediate treatment.

What does a bad analysis on a seeding tank mean?

A bad seed tank indicates the presence of a disease. So the doctor can prescribe treatment. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, the analysis is repeated or sent for additional studies. For example, if the CFU index exceeds 10,000 units per milliliter in a urine test, then a woman may be prescribed an ultrasound of the kidneys, a smear from the urethra, as well as determining the sensitivity of bacteria to medicines. This is followed by antibiotic treatment.

Similarly, it happens if other tank crops show poor performance, that is, an increased number of harmful microorganisms. Infections that are potentially dangerous to the fetus must be cured, for this, antimicrobials that are safe for pregnant women are chosen, as well as supporting agents, vitamins. Refusing treatment or choosing medicines on your own is unwise and can be dangerous to the health of a woman and her child.

After treatment, the seeding tank will need to be retaken.

Especially for -Ekaterina Vlasenko

Pregnant women throughout their pregnancy have to take a huge number of tests necessary to confirm the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development, as well as to identify possible infections and inflammation in the woman's body. Tank seeding during pregnancy is rightfully considered a highly informative method of laboratory research.

Tank seeding is a laboratory study to determine the presence of infections and inflammation in the organ from which the material was taken. During the study, bacteria are grown in a favorable nutrient sphere at a certain temperature and under special conditions. Almost any biological material can be examined in this way - blood, feces, urine, bile, etc.

The purpose of laboratory research is to determine the presence of pathogens, their number and level of pathogenicity. The results of culture tests during pregnancy allow you to find out which medicines pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms are the most sensitive, which in turn will make it possible to prescribe the most effective and safe treatment.

In this article, we will talk about the types of tank cultures during pregnancy, we will dwell in more detail on a laboratory study and deciphering the indicators of a urine culture tank during pregnancy.

Crops during pregnancy

To study crops during pregnancy, sampling for analysis is done from different organs of a woman:

  • Tank sowing from the vagina allows you to identify the presence of genitourinary infections in a woman's body (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.). Sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous during pregnancy. Genitourinary infections can cause miscarriage and threaten the life of the fetus.
  • A urine culture tank allows you to determine the presence of bacteria in the urine and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys in a woman, which are very dangerous during the period of gestation.
  • Tank seeding from the nose allows you to determine the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. If a pregnant woman is infected, then the disease can pass to the child after his birth. For this reason, on the most early dates pregnancy, a woman should be tested and treated if necessary. The sampling of material for analysis is carried out directly in the clinic or in the laboratory and does not require special training.

If bacteria were found as a result of the seeding tank, treatment is immediately prescribed for the pregnant woman, since there is a risk of infection of the fetus while still in the womb or during labor through the birth canal.

Tests for crops during pregnancy are paid, but, despite this, they must be taken. Timely diagnosis and treatment of infections will allow you to maintain and safely endure pregnancy, as well as avoid possible complications.

After receiving the results of culture tests during pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor for detailed advice. Even if there are deviations from the norm in the results, you should not panic, because this is not always a sign of a disease. The results of this laboratory test depend on many factors, and only a specialist can give an accurate assessment. Perhaps the doctor will give a referral for re-analysis or prescribe the necessary treatment.

Buck urine culture during pregnancy

A urine culture tank during pregnancy is usually taken twice - at registration and for a period of 36 weeks. If a woman has kidney or urinary tract diseases, there is protein or leukocytes in the urine, then the analysis may be prescribed several times.

In some cases, infection may be asymptomatic and the disease can only be determined with the help of a special study. With the help of a seeding tank during pregnancy, bacteriuria that is asymptomatic is determined. If the infection is not identified and treated in a timely manner, the consequences can be severe for both the mother and the baby.

There are several simple rules to obtain a reliable urinalysis. Urine should be collected in a sterile container. For the study, the first morning urine will be required. Before collecting material for research, a pregnant woman should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures - wash herself and close the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab.

To obtain the most accurate analysis results, correctly collected urine must be delivered to the laboratory no later than an hour later.

Deciphering urine culture during pregnancy

Indicators in the results of urine culture tests are determined in colony-forming units per milliliter of fluid - CFU / ml.

If, as a result of the analysis, the indicator is less than 1000 CFU / ml, the woman is considered healthy and such a number of bacteria does not require treatment.

If the indicator in the conclusion of the urine culture tank during pregnancy is in the range from 1000 to 100000 CFU / ml, then the results of the analysis are considered doubtful. Most likely, the doctor will give a referral for re-analysis.

A reading above 100,000 CFU/mL indicates an infection requiring immediate treatment. This amount of bacteria in the urine is caused by inflammation and infection. In this case, the pregnant woman is prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment.

Bacterial culture is an informative analysis that allows you to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to medications. This analysis is most often taken in gynecology and urology. This research method allows diagnosing various inflammatory processes and diseases and prescribing effective treatment.

The female genital organs are inhabited by beneficial bacteria and microorganisms to maintain the necessary balance and acidic environment. They act as a barrier to various viruses and microorganisms. Due to various factors, pathogenic microorganisms become more than beneficial microflora, as a result, an inflammatory process develops.

Bacteriological culture (bacteriological culture) is a method for diagnosing pathologies caused by bacteria. The main purpose of bacteriological culture is to identify harmful bacteria above allowable rate causing various diseases and inflammatory processes.

However, it should be noted that a small amount of harmful bacteria may be present in the vagina, which is associated with female physiology.The doctor makes a sampling from the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and then places it in a special nutrient medium, where the necessary conditions are provided.

After the development of a bacterium in a favorable environment, a study is carried out under a microscope to determine its type.

Bakposev from the vagina helps to determine the composition of the microflora. If pathogenic microorganisms are present in it, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Indications for analysis

Biomaterial sampling is carried out from the cervix and cervical passage.Diagnostics can be scheduled for research.

There are the following indications for taking a smear for bakposev:

  • Planning for pregnancy.
  • Diagnosis of inflammatory diseases in.
  • Identification of abnormal microflora.
  • Elevated blood levels.
  • Frequent inflammatory processes in the uterus.

The study may be prescribed when unpleasant symptoms appear: itching, burning, white vaginal discharge, menstrual cycle abnormalities.

It is mandatory for a pregnant woman to take a swab for bakposev if a genitourinary infection is suspected or for prevention purposes. Pathogenic microorganisms detected in a smear in a pregnant woman are very dangerous for the fetus and can lead to miscarriage or infection.

Culture methods

During the study, pathogenic microorganisms are determined, on the basis of which it is possible to judge possible pathological changes in the genitourinary organs. In addition to the qualitative determination of microorganisms, a quantitative assessment of pathogenic microflora is also carried out.

The biomaterial is taken from the area where the cervix and vagina connect. This is the cervical canal. Along with this, the discharge is made from the urethra and vagina.The definition of a colony forming unit (CFU) helps to establish the number of pathogens per unit volume.

Colony forming unit counts can be done in several ways:

  • Serial dilution method. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. 1 ml of the biomaterial is diluted with inoculation in a numbered test tube with a nutrient medium. A test tube in which the growth of colonies stops is considered the maximum limit of the concentration of bacteria in the sample.
  • Counting colonies under a microscope. This is an approximate method in which colonies are counted under a microscope. Further, the results are interpreted in accordance with the table.
  • sector method. It is used to study the degree of bacteriuria in urine.
  • In the study of antibiotic resistance, 2 methods are used: the standard disk method and the diffuse method. After growing microorganisms in a favorable environment, discs are lowered into the container, which are impregnated with an antibiotic concentrate. The second method involves the use of paper strips with the drug applied to them.

The results of bacposev can be found after 5 days. In a special form, pathogenic microorganisms and their number that inhabit the cervical canal are recorded.

Preparing for a smear for bacterial culture

For getting reliable result should properly prepare for the delivery of a smear:

  1. In order to avoid the presence of other microorganisms in the smear, it is necessary to ensure the sterility of the taken material.
  2. You should also refrain from sexual intercourse the day before the study.
  3. Douching, inserting candles, etc. is not allowed.
  4. The procedure is not performed during menstruation. You can take a smear only 2 days after their end.
  5. If a colposcopy was performed, then bakposev is prescribed in two days.
  6. It is not recommended to carry out sowing if the woman was taking antibacterial drugs. Medical treatment can distort the results of the study and it will not work to obtain reliable information about the state of the genital organs. A man must follow the same rules before taking tests.
  7. Before taking a smear for research, one should not perform genital hygiene, use various creams, gels for intimate hygiene, etc.

You can learn more about cervical smear from the video:

The procedure is performed as follows: a woman lies down on a gynecological chair and an obstetrician inserts a special tool into the vagina and takes a smear. In a man, the doctor inserts a disposable probe into the urethra and rotates several times around the axis.

During the sampling of a smear, a woman and a man should not experience any pain. In most cases, there is mild discomfort. Only with the carelessness of the doctor and the presence of any disease of the genital organs can there be slight discomfort.

Deciphering the results

Various microorganisms are present in the vagina and cervix. If they belong to conditionally pathogenic microflora, then they do not pose a danger. The discharge of the cervical canal is not sterile.Normally, the analyzes should contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are representatives of the normal microflora.

Microorganisms colonizing and present in the smear should not be in the results. However, a single number of such microorganisms is allowed. If in sowing they are found in large numbers, then this indicates an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

Normally, the sowing should be free of gonococci, Trichomonas, yeast, key cells, staphylococci, gardnerella, leptothrix, etc.

All these pathogenic microorganisms lead to the development of the inflammatory process and serious diseases.

Such changes may be due to hormonal background, impaired metabolic function, weakened immune system, the use of antibiotics.An experienced specialist is engaged in deciphering the results, who, upon detection of pathogenic microflora, will prescribe the necessary medicines.

At each visit to the gynecologist, the doctor takes. For research, the material is taken with a special spatula, then applied to the glass and painted with paint according to the Gram method. This allows you to detect possible bacteria.

Thanks to this method you can get information about the number of pathogens of sexual diseases (gardnerella, Trichomonas) and determine the composition of the microflora.The presence of leukocytes above the norm indicates an inflammatory process, and erythrocytes indicate an admixture of blood in the secretions.

Bakposev is a diagnostic study of a biomaterial, during which the discharge is placed in a nutrient medium.

This allows you to determine not only the pathogen, but also the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the smear. The difference between the two gynecological examinations is in their conduct. Bacterial culture is more informative and, in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, allows determining their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Tank seeding from the cervical canal- This is a simple and affordable method for determining microorganisms that live in the cervical canal. It is prescribed only when a vaginal smear shows a poor result, and there is an increased number of leukocytes.

It is especially important for pregnant women to pass the test, because they are responsible for the health of the fetus developing in their body.

This analysis helps to recognize pathogens of dangerous diseases, count their number and decide on an antibiotic with which you can cope with the disease.

What is the cervical canal and what is its significance?

The external one is usually examined by a gynecologist using medical instruments. nulliparous women have a pinpoint. And those who gave birth have a slit-like pharynx.

A smooth, pale pink canal is characteristic of young, healthy women. And during menopause, the mucosa is very pale, and the secret is almost not produced.

In the female vagina there is a huge variety of microorganisms and fungi. And the uterus somehow remains sterile. Similar situation possible through the cervical canal. Indeed, in its walls there are many cells responsible for the production of special protective mucus.

At the very beginning and after the end of the menstrual cycle, the mucus from the cervical canal has an acidic environment. The mucus from the cervical canal is very viscous and blocks the passage like a cork.

Harmful microorganisms die in this acidic environment. Yes, and spermatozoa in such an environment become incapable of fertilization. can be determined by stretching the mucus, the longer the thread, the more hormones in the body.

Already in the middle of the monthly cycle, the estrogen index rises significantly, and the mucus becomes liquefied and alkaline. And spermatozoa gain access to the eggs of the uterus.

Controversy surrounding analysis

Expectant mothers are wary of bacterial analysis. After all, the brush is inserted deep into the vagina and the smear is taken from the cervical canal. But taking a smear cannot lead to a miscarriage.

The study is completely safe, but it is prescribed only when absolutely necessary. When assessing the state of the microflora of the vagina, gynecologists use a special concept - the degree of purity.

There are 4 degrees of purity of a smear from the vagina:

If a smear from the vagina indicates problems, and the degree of purity is 3 or 4, then pregnant women are additionally assigned an analysis for the tank sowing from the cervical canal.

In a normal sowing of a pregnant woman, there should be only beneficial microorganisms: lacto and bifidus. A small amount of Escherichia coli is allowed. There should be no yeast or bacteria present.

If an increased content of dangerous microorganisms is detected, then treatment is necessary. A good result is given by therapy in the early stages of pregnancy.

Indicators are normal

The channel is inhabited by various microorganisms; it cannot be completely sterile. The lysozyme contained in the channel secretion has an antimicrobial effect.

Be sure to have beneficial bacteria in the cervix. But just one harmful bacterium, such as staphylococcus aureus, indicates an infection and the need for treatment.

The composition of the microflora depends on:

  • from the age of the woman;
  • the presence of an infection;
  • hormonal background;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • various pathologies.

The analysis provides data on the microorganisms inhabiting the cervix. A normal indicator should not contain any fungi and bacteria.

However, there should be useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but not less than 10.7. Indicators of Escherichia coli - 10.2 enterococci. Leukocytes are normal up to 30. Flat epithelium - 5-10. Mucus should be moderate.

Pathological is a condition in which a large number of Escherichia coli, gonococci, yeast fungi, staphylococci, Trichomonas are found. This analysis is not able to determine chlamydia and ureaplasma.

Deciphering the results

The gynecologist is engaged in deciphering the results obtained from the laboratory. The analysis shows the name of the microorganisms that inhabit the cervix, as well as one of the 4 levels of canal purity.

There are 4 degrees of channel purity:

The first two degrees indicate channel contamination, and the third and fourth indicate inflammatory processes.

And the reasons for the increased number of bacteria in the cervix are a decrease in immunity, hormonal disruptions, antibiotics, hereditary diseases, poor hygiene, infection during intercourse, infection due to medical procedures.

Tank culture for bacteria is also able to determine sensitivity to various antibiotics. Bacteria are placed in a cup with a nutrient medium, the sensitivity of which needs to be determined. Disks impregnated with antibiotics are placed on the surface of the medium.

This antibiotic penetrates the environment and affects the growth of microorganisms. The bowl should stand for some time at room temperature, and then it is placed in a thermostat for several hours.

After the required amount of time has elapsed, the diameter of the stunting zone is measured and the inhibition of bacterial growth is assessed:

  • no growth retardation indicates the resistance of bacteria to the drug;
  • zone diameter up to 1.5 cm- weak reaction, low effectiveness of the agent;
  • zone diameter from 1.5 to 2.5 cm– moderate sensitivity;
  • diameter greater than 2.5cm- Antibiotic hypersensitivity.

It is important to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics, because in different women the bacteria react differently to certain drugs. Cannot be assigned medications, based only on the recommendations of textbooks. It is necessary to find out which antibiotic is able to cope with the disease.

Is there a difference between tank culture and smear cytology?

- this is a scraping from the cervical canal to the microflora. It can only detect fungi and bacteria.

Tank seeding analysis is an important diagnostic method various diseases. The study is recommended for all women who have uncharacteristic for healthy flora discharge from the vagina. The method is completely safe during pregnancy, but biomaterial sampling should be carried out very carefully.

The importance of the analysis is that it not only identifies the bacteria that caused the disease, but also determines antibiotics that can cope with the disease.

The patient needs not only to pass tests, but also to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Only in this way can she become healthy again.

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