
Plakun (grass) - description, beneficial properties, application. Grass grows, magic grass, weeping grass, willow loosestrife Plant weeping grass

He is God's grass, recruiter, grandfather's beard, lake linnet, maiden beauty - these and a dozen more names were given to this by popular rumor.

The beneficial properties of loosestrife are known in modern medicine, but the plant is not used in the pharmacological industry. Let's talk about the features of this plant in more detail.

Chemical composition

The herb has a fairly extensive set of chemical components: phenolcarbonic, chlorogenic, n-coumaric, ellagic, gallic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids.

And also resins, essential oil, vitamin C, carotene, choline, pectin substances. The roots contain substances such as saponans. The seeds of the plant contain alkaloids and the glycoside lytrarin.

Useful properties from seeds to leaves

Plakun grass contains many useful substances, vitamins, and essential oils.

The roots contain tannins and saponins; harvesting of the medicinal herb begins in the fall. Flower panicles are rich in anthocyanins; they are prepared at the time when flower stalks bloom.

Loosestrife is known to herbalists for its medicinal properties, such as:

  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • general strengthening;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming.

Important! It has been noticed that if you make a pillow for sleeping, stuffed with fresh hay from the leaves and flowers of merlin, then the person will sleep calmly and relaxed.

Application of medicinal properties

  • dysentery and diarrhea;
  • fever and chronic diseases stomach;
  • intestinal disorders and gastralgia;
  • colds and gastroptosis;
  • exhaustion of the body and migraines;
  • toxicosis and venereal diseases.

Used as an effective first aid remedy for rabid tick bites, encephalitis ticks or snake bites.

Plakun-grass is used in various compositions of herbal teas for general depression or chronic hysterical manifestations. The medicinal properties of fresh perennial leaves are an effective blood stopper.

A piece of paper applied to a wound or cut stops bleeding after a while. If the damage to the skin is quite deep and extensive, it can be healed with better results if loosestrife leaves crushed into a pulp are applied over the open wound.

The basic recipe for preparing an infusion of merlin: One tablespoon of dried and crushed herb is poured into a saucepan and poured with a glass of just boiled water, tightly closed with a lid. Wrap the saucepan warmly.

Infusion continues for 4-5 hours. It is advisable to strain the tincture before taking it. This amount of medication is taken throughout the day, one third of the total amount of liquid at one time. Treatment with derbennik infusion is continued for 5 days.

Recipe No. 1 We prepare a decoction that can be used to treat skin ulcers or open wounds. One teaspoon of dry, crushed loosestrife roots is mixed with a glass of boiling water, the mixture is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.

The saucepan with the broth is left to cool for one hour. After complete cooling, the swollen roots are removed from the broth. You can strain the medicine through several layers of gauze.

The prepared medicinal decoction is used to treat wounds (washing) several times a day.
Recipe number 2 Infusion for migraine. The infusion is prepared as follows: one part of the dry crushed stem of the melon is poured with 10 parts of medical alcohol, mixed thoroughly, tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place to infuse.

The time for infusing such an infusion varies from 5 to 6 weeks. Shake the jar of tincture thoroughly twice a week.

Use of ready-made infusion: half an hour before meals, take 30 milliliters of infusion. Since the tincture is based on alcohol, the finished medicine can be diluted with water in a ratio of one to three.

Important! Alcohol tincture not diluted with water can cause severe burns to the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Recipe No. 3 Tincture used for diarrhea (diarrhea). Three tablespoons of dry crushed stems and leaves of weed grass are poured into a deep metal container, 200 milliliters of boiling water is added to it, and mixed.

Further preparation of the tincture occurs in a water bath for 20 minutes. The finished tincture is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and wrapped for a couple of hours. higher concentration medicinal drink.

How to use the tincture: The daily dose of the medicine is 250 ml. This amount is divided into three approximately equal parts and taken 3 times a day.
When consuming herbal medicinal infusions, the meal schedule is not taken into account, that is, you can drink the infusion before meals, after meals or during meals.

Recipe No. 4 For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, prepare the following infusion: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed loosestrife flowers is poured into one glass of boiling water.

The cup with the infusion is covered with a saucer on top and left for an hour. The finished infusion is filtered through a strainer or gauze and taken three times before meals. One tablespoon of medicine is taken at one time.

The healing infusion is taken for a week. If the patient's condition improves earlier, taking the tincture can be stopped.

The medicinal properties of loosestrife have not been fully studied. Of course, this perennial has a lot of the advantages listed above, but it also has some contraindications. Not all people can use plakun grass for herbal treatment.

Let's take a closer look at the risk group. The plant is contraindicated for people susceptible to:

  • rapid blood clotting;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • patients with chronic constipation (atonic or senile).

Important! For people suffering from constant high blood pressure, treatment with merlin is permitted only after detailed consultation with the attending physician. Grass can increase already high blood pressure(it contributes to the narrowing of arterial vessels) and raise it to critical.

Harvesting and storing grass

Since the stems and roots of the herb have healing powers, tinctures and infusions are made from all these parts. The best time to harvest

Weeping grass is a plant surrounded by secrets and legends. It is mentioned in the Bible and ancient herbalists. The plant can “cry”, heal and protect. Truly magic grass.

What a wonderful plant?

Its real name is loosestrife. It is found quite often, sometimes even forming thickets that look very picturesque. This is a tall plant (50-150 cm) with a powerful root system and a thick stem, on which narrow willow-like leaves sit in whorls or are arranged oppositely. Small crimson flowers collected in clusters appear in July-August. You can find this plant on the banks of rivers and in damp forests on the edges. It loves wet meadows and drained peat bogs. Weeping grass is similar to common loosestrife. But they can be distinguished. The leaves of weeping grass are not pubescent. In addition, the stem of the common loosestrife has wedge-shaped leaves, not heart-shaped.

The plant is also used in official medicine, and in folk. The roots of loosestrife contain tannins, and the stem and leaves contain resin, traces of essential oils, and the glycoside salikarin. The flowers are rich in flavones, and the seeds contain alkaloids and the glycoside lytrarin.

Useful properties of a plant such as merlin

Plakun grass has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. It is effective in treating dysentery and diarrhea of ​​various etiologies. It helps with chronic enterocolitis and gastritis. A paste of fresh leaves is applied to bleeding wounds, as the plant also has a strong hemostatic effect.

IN folk medicine The whole plant is used: roots, grass with flowers and seeds. Raw materials are prepared in different times. The above-ground part of the plant is used only during the flowering period, when the grass is most useful, and the roots are dug up in the fall. But, according to popular belief, there is one day a year when you can harvest the entire plant - early in the morning on Ivan Kupala.

A decoction of the roots treats stomach pain, female diseases and uterine bleeding, and is also used as a diuretic. Decoctions from flowers help with diarrhea, and from leaves - with epilepsy, nervous disorders, insomnia, hemorrhoids and rheumatism. A good therapeutic effect is observed in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and some skin diseases, such as eczema. Weak children are bathed in a decoction of herbs. The raw root is believed to help with snake bites and restore the body after physical activity. To do this, you need to eat it with bread or drink sour milk. For stomach pain, colds, and headaches, tincture of the roots in vodka helps. And it is used externally for bruises. Dry grass powder is sprinkled on long-healing wounds. The most common recipe: add one tablespoon of fresh herb to 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and turn off. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain and drink ¼ cup 3 times a day.

Merlin is an excellent honey plant. Its flowers contain a lot of nectar and pollen, thereby attracting a huge number of bees and colorful butterflies. Honey from the weeping grass is dark yellow, aromatic and has healing properties. In the old days, loosestrife flowers were used as a food coloring, and due to its tanning properties, the plant is still used to this day to impregnate fishing gear to protect against rotting. This grass is even fed to livestock if they are restless.

Why was the plant called that?

Weeping grass got its name for a reason. Pagan myths say that she cried so much when she saw how the Slavic people were suffering. The Bible did not ignore this plant either. It is believed that it was from the tears shed on the ground by the Mother of God that the weeping grass grew.

Although everything is explained quite simply. In the integumentary tissues of the plant there are special organs, with the help of which it tries to get rid of excess moisture accumulated overnight. Its droplets flow down the edges of the leaves and look like tears. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed early in the morning or before rain.


In magic, weeping grass has enormous power. It helps in the fight against evil spirits and spells cast by sorcerers and witches. cut from the root, protects its owner from intentional death (murder). With its help you can cast out demons from people. For children who sleep restlessly, put loosestrife at the head of the bed. Weeping grass helps to search for treasures and protects against evil spirits in the swamps. When collecting others medicinal herbs Be sure to have a sprig of loosestrife with you, otherwise the collected plants will not have any power.


Weeping grass, medicinal properties which are huge, is not poisonous plant. But it cannot be used if a person has increased blood clotting or suffers from senile constipation.

This is another contraindication. People with elevated blood pressure you need to drink decoctions of merlin with caution, as it has the property of constricting blood vessels.


Plakun grass is a plant not officially recognized by medicine. That's why this plant Can't find it in regular pharmacies. In this case, it is better to prepare it yourself or contact people involved in such fishing.

Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), or Plakun-grass, is a plant of the Loosestrife family (Lytraceae) characterized by a rather wide range of names. In Dahl's dictionary: water squeak, wild cornflowers, bloodwort, shag, dubnik, boletus, recruiter.
Generic Latin name plants come from Greek language and means “shed coagulated blood”; the plant has hemostatic properties.
The specific name is derived from the Latin salix ("willow") and is given for the similarity of the leaves of willow and loosestrife.

Description of weeping grass

Perennial herbaceous plant with straight, faceted stems. The leaves are lanceolate, sessile, whorled and opposite. The flowers are small, beautiful, purple, collected in a long thick spike-shaped panicle. The calyx of flowers is long, tubular, twelve-toothed. Height up to 90 cm.

Plakun grass is widespread in Ukraine, Belarus, in the European part of Russia (all regions), in Western Siberia (all regions, Ob (southwest), in Eastern Siberia (Yenisei, Angara-Sayan (very rare), in Far East(Amur, Primorsky regions, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands), in the Caucasus, in Central Asia. It grows along the banks of shallow rivers, in the coastal strip among aquatic vegetation or willow thickets, in water meadows, sedge swamps, rice fields, sometimes on sand near the seashore singly or in groups.

Article from the newspaper: AiF at Dacha No. 17 09/10/2015

Merlin is an amazingly beautiful and extremely resilient ornamental perennial. His presence in the garden will not go unnoticed.

Loosestrife. Decorative and healing properties


Merlin is propagated by dividing the bush, root cuttings, and seeds. The bush is divided in spring or autumn. The rhizome of mature plants becomes woody, so a shovel or an ax is used to divide it. The cuttings are planted immediately in a permanent place. When planting, organic fertilizers are applied. After planting the weevil, the grass is watered.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in March for seedlings or in the fall, before winter. Merlin reproduces well by self-sowing. The seeds are distributed over the surface of a loose substrate and lightly sprinkled with soil. Then the crops are sprayed with a spray bottle and covered with film or glass. Seeds are germinated at a temperature of about 15-18 degrees. At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings dive into separate containers. IN open ground seedlings are planted after the threat of frost has passed. Young plants are planted at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Flowering when propagated by seeds begins in 2-3 years.

The herb loosestrife (stems, leaves, flowers) and rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes. The grass is harvested during flowering, rhizomes in autumn.

Tannins of 3-4% and saponins (traces) were found in the rhizomes of the weeping grass. In the aerial part of the plant, glycosides salikarin, litrin, tannins, vitamin C, essential oil, mucilage, resin, glucose, and carotene were found. The seeds contain alkaloids, the glycoside litrerine.

Application and beneficial properties

Plakun grass has found its use in epilepsy, nervous diseases, depression, and schizophrenia. Treats loosestrife consequences of venous insufficiency, radiation, arachnoiditis (cystic, too). The plant has diaphoretic, astringent, analgesic, anticonvulsant, wound-healing, hemostatic, tonic, and general strengthening effects.

An infusion of herbs and loosestrife flowers is used externally for eczema and other diseases. A decoction of loosestrife is used as a diuretic and drunk for uterine bleeding.
Plakun grass is used for rheumatism, headaches, colds, cough, diarrhea (dysentery), hemorrhoids. Loosestrife is effective for female infertility.
Purulent wounds are washed with the infusion of the herb, and lotions are made with the infusion for eczema, varicose ulcers, and panaritium. For any hernias, take the infusion orally (reduces the growth of hernias).

For those with hypertension and heart problems, dry grass and flowers are added to herbal teas. Such drinks are especially useful for people suffering from insomnia and vegetative-vascular dystonia; they are very calming.
Plakun-grass enjoyed great success among the Slavs. With a wooden spatula they dug up (necessarily at dawn) the root, which they then carried to the temple, asking for help from the weeping grass in exile evil force, which made children shake in convulsions.

Weeping willow is quite widely used in folk medicine. The plant has an astringent, diaphoretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, hemostatic, wound-healing effect and general strengthening, tonic properties. An infusion or decoction of the herb is used for dysentery, diarrhea, chronic intestinal catarrh, as an analgesic for stomach pain and as a hemostatic agent for various bleedings. The herbal infusion is also taken orally for colds, diseases accompanied by a feverish state, and general weakness of the body.

In Azerbaijan, a decoction of herbs with flowers is also used for nervous diseases. Externally, a decoction of the herb is used to bathe small children during cramps and to wash to stop external bleeding. Crushed leaves are applied to cuts and wounds to stop bleeding for rapid healing.


Like every remedy, loosestrife has its contraindications. It should not be used in patients with increased blood clotting; it is contraindicated in cases of atherosclerosis and a tendency to thrombus formation. Neither tinctures, nor decoctions, nor fresh herbs are categorically recommended for elderly people with atonic or senile constipation. Hypertensive patients can use it with great caution and only after consulting a doctor, since the herb leads to vasoconstriction. As a result, the pressure may rise even more.

Merlin is a wild plant, but it can be grown in flower beds, near a pond and in the garden. Most often, willow and twig-like loosestrife are planted for decorative purposes, differing in stem height and flower color. Quite often they are used in group plantings; they are valued for their long-lasting abundant flowering and unpretentiousness.
They go well with such perennial plants as mantle, elecampane, meadowsweet, Volzhanka, and loosestrife.

Moist soils rich in humus are best suited for loosestrife. It also loves sunny places; in the shade its flowering will not be so bright and abundant. Acidic substrates are exactly what is necessary for plant growth, so when planting loosestrife in the soil, it would be a good idea to dilute it with high-moor peat - up to 10 buckets per 1 m2. This mixture will not only supply the plants with nutrients, but will also retain moisture well during the hot season.

PLAKUN - GRASS sings Olga Kuzmicheva
Slideshow based on the poems of E. Erofeeva-Litvinskaya "PLAKUN-TRAVA". Author-performer of the song Olga Kuzmicheva.
Author Maya Argamakova

“...Speak, calculate what magical herbs there are? Speak up, sorcerer! - ... There are all kinds of herbs. There is thorn grass, which gathers on Peter's Fast. If you smoke an arrow with it, you won't miss. There is tirlich grass, growing on Lysaya Mountain near Kyiv. Whoever wears it on himself will never be subject to royal wrath. There is also the weeping grass, if you cut a cross out of the root and hang it around your neck, everyone will be afraid of you like fire!.. There is also Adam’s head, a spike of swamps grows, resolves childbirth and brings gifts. There is swamp cabbage roll; If you want to go after a bear, drink a brew of cabbage rolls, and no bear will touch you. There is rhubarb grass; when you start pulling it out of the ground, it groans and roars like a man, and if you put it on yourself, you will never drown in the water.
- Are there any others?
- How could it not be, father, there is also a kochedednik, or fern; whoever manages to pluck its flower will own all the treasures. There is Ivan da Marya; whoever knows how to take hold of it will be able to get away from the best horse with the first nag.
- Do you know of such a herb to make a young girl fall in love with a hateful person? The miller hesitated.
- I don’t know, father, don’t be angry, darling, God knows, I don’t know!
- Do you know someone who can overcome your love?
- I don’t know anyone like that, father; but there is a tear-grass: when you touch it to a castle or an iron door, it will tear it to pieces!
- Get lost with your herbs! - Vyazemsky said angrily and fixed his gloomy gaze on the miller.”

A.K. Tolstoy. "Prince Silver"

Tales about good and evil plants came to us from hoary antiquity. There are so many legends, songs and stories about them! The good herbs were affectionately called ant grass, silk grass, and the evil ones were called dashing, fierce roots, demonic poisons. Healing plants were especially revered, with the help of which they cured various ailments and illnesses. Healers were considered special people, sorcerers who knew secrets inaccessible to ordinary residents and could communicate with “extraterrestrial beings.” Sorcerers-healers tightly kept their medical secrets; they passed on their knowledge from mouth to mouth only to trusted persons, initiating them into the secrets of communication with otherworldly forces, which allegedly helped them with herbal treatment.

Stories about nine magical herbs with which you can perform miracles have survived to this day. These are weeping grass, flowering fern, tear-grass, tirlich, overpowering grass, Adam's head, orlikhin, prykrysh and insensible wind.

Weeping grass has long been respected and feared in all villages. It was believed that this herb has amazing power: it leads to the humility of unclean spirits, drives out sorcerers and kikimoras, makes demons and devils cry. Sorcerers collect weeping grass on Midsummer's Day at dawn and only with their hands, without using any tools. It was important to find the root and flowers. The one who finds the grass must cast a spell: “Weeping, crying! You cried long and a lot, but cried little, do not roll your tears across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of evil demons, old witches. But they won’t give you subjugation, drown them in tears, and they will run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. Be my word strong and firm!

Modern name of weeping grass loosestrife. It grows along the banks of rivers and lakes and has no special medicinal properties. But in popular belief, weeping grass is the mother of all herbs. Healers made powders and tinctures from it, which helped against many diseases. They even took grass for melancholy and depression, saying modern language. And it did help! An old herbalist says: “Weeping grass is good, keep it clean, give it to the cattle that are spinning or the guys who are not sleeping, put it in their heads, and cut out a cross from it and carry very good stuff with you.”

Fern or Perunov fireflower perhaps the most famous plant, shrouded in secrets and legends. In Rus' they have always collected medicinal plants on the day of Agrafena-bathing (July 6, new style), when hot weather sets in. Fortune tellers called this day “Agrofen - evil roots”, since potent drugs were made from these roots, from which patients often died. Healers revered this day also because behind it stood the holiday of Ivan Kupala - the time for collecting magical herbs. Midsummer's Night is special, only at midnight the most incredible miracles happen. At this time, sorcerers and sorcerers collected many different wonderful herbs. But the most important miracle is the flowering of the fern or Perunov's fireflower.

It happens like this. First, a holy light rises between the leaves. It moves, jumps and even chirps. At midnight, the fern bud opens with a bang and a fiery flower appears, which illuminates everything around. At the same time, thunder is heard and the earth trembles.

Anyone who is lucky enough to find and pick a flower must run home without looking back, despite the fact that he is being pursued by devils and demons howling and howling. If you turn around, you will disappear. The demons will overtake you, drag you into the swamp and drown you there. The one who overcame all the adversity and safely brought the flower home will begin to possess all the secrets and enchantments. Fern, according to popular belief, is very useful for those who want to be smart, rich and successful. The owner of the flower can use it to quickly find treasures, become invisible, and have power over devils and brownies. Belief in the miraculous power of fern is still alive, especially in rural areas.

Rip-grass According to legend, it is extremely rare. Thieves and treasure hunters have always dreamed about it, because it has the ability to break the locks and bars of prisons, and tear off any locks. They called it both the jumper and the grass jumper, just as the flower seemed to jump and jump on Midsummer night.

They said that in the old days, robbers buried their treasures underground and locked them with huge iron locks, and threw the keys into the rivers. Even the one who found such a treasure could not open it, since the treasures were guarded by evil spirits, which did not allow them to cope with the iron locks. And only the owner of the gap-grass can unlock the enchanted treasures.

It is believed that common balsam was called rip-grass, but this is not entirely correct, since not every balsam that grows in nature will be that same rip-grass.

Finding the grass gap is difficult, but you can do it by accident. If you mow the grass on Midsummer night and the scythe breaks, it means you have come across a gap in the grass. But there is another way to find grass. To do this, they look for a turtle's nest and wait for the turtle to leave the nest and crawl to the side. Immediately, without delay, the nest is fenced off with iron nails, driving them into the ground so that the turtle cannot enter its home. Then you have to hide and wait. When the turtle returns and sees that the nest is closed, then it leaves for a while and then returns back. You can see pieces of grass in her mouth. The turtle approaches the iron fence, touches it with grass, and a miracle happens. All the iron nails break and fly away. Thus, the passage becomes free. Now you need to take the grass from the turtle and quickly run away from this place. And then everyone uses the gap-grass at their own discretion, and the properties of the grass last only one season. On next year I need to find fresh grass again.

The night spirits gave birth to the miraculous tear-herb. Its power destroys the strongest iron. Touching it to the sword will break it into pieces. She hides from human eyes in the depths of impenetrable forests: she is forever guarded by two snakes, which alternate for day and night.
N.I. Lazhechnikov "Basurman"

The ancient Slavs had a myth associated with the gap-grass. According to him, a young warrior, who had fallen behind his army, was walking tired along the edge of the forest. It was autumn outside. Suddenly the young man’s attention was attracted by the hissing of many snakes, which were crawling towards the mountain, took a blade of grass on their tongue, touched the rock with it - it opened, and crawled inside. Then the surprised warrior also plucked this blade of grass. He felt sharp pain in his finger, but endured it and touched the stone. The rock parted, and the young man found himself inside the cave. There was gold and silver everywhere, and jewelry sparkled. In the very center of the cave there was a golden throne on which sat a huge snake. Around her, curled up in balls, the snakes slept soundly. Then the young man began to walk around the cave, putting aside his sword, bow and shield, touching gold bars, pouring coins and precious stones, completely forgetting about time. Suddenly he heard that the snakes woke up and spoke. They asked each other: “Isn’t it time for us?” Then the main snake said: "Now it's time!"- she slid off the throne, and everyone crawled out of the cave. The warrior, afraid that he would remain here forever, rushed after them. Having barely had time to jump out, he was taken aback by surprise - it was spring at the edge of the forest. The young man realized that he had spent the entire winter inside the cave and began to scold himself for not taking any coins, gold, or stones with him, and even leaving his weapons there. Frustrated, he wandered along the edge of the forest and suddenly saw a crowd of horsemen galloping toward him, raising their swords over the young man’s head. He could only put his hands forward, and suddenly a flame burst out of his finger, which struck the enemy. The rider fell to the ground without breathing. The rest, seeing this outcome of events, got scared, turned their horses and rushed away.

The young warrior guessed that he had struck the enemy with precisely the finger with which he had cut himself on a blade of grass. It was then that the young man realized that he had taken away the most important treasure, which made him invincible.

Overcome-grass enjoyed respect and veneration among the people. She has the gift of protecting people on the road from various troubles and satanic slander. They carried it with them as an amulet. Before going on the road they always said: “I’m driving in an open field, and in an open field the overpowering grass grows. Overcome the grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you, mother earth gave birth to you, simple-haired girls watered you, women rolled cigarettes. Overcome evil people Let them not think evil of us, drive away the sorcerer, the sneaker. Overcome the high mountains, the low valleys, the blue lakes, the steep banks, the dark forests. I will hide you, overcome the grass, near the zealous heart, all the way. and all along the path."

Overcoming grass is a water lily, a water lily. It also had another name - mermaid flower.

Healers used this plant as a remedy for toothache and to calm the nerves. It was believed that if you give the root of the herb to your enemy, then he will not be able to do anything against you. And if a shepherd chews such a root, then his flock will never get lost and will find the shepherd itself in the event of his disappearance or absence. Young guys in the village, when they went on a date with a girl, always took with them overpowering grass, which gave enormous male strength and the ability to charm your beloved.

“The king of all herbs” - this is how the plant called Adam's head or mandrake, as it was called in Western Europe. They said that “Whoever wants to see a heretic or a devil, take the mandrake root, consecrate it and put it on the throne in the temple. After forty days, take it and carry it with you - you will recognize the water and air demons. And when someone is wounded, apply it to the wound, and immediately everything will heal.” .

In Rus', mainly hunters believed in the magical effect of Adam's head. Before going into the forest to hunt, hunting equipment was supposed to be fumigated with the leaves of the plant, and it acquired strength and luck. And on this day the hunting was always good, especially for wild ducks.
According to legends, you need to look for mandrake with extreme caution. It was necessary to turn your face to the west and outline the place where you were looking for the plant three times with a knife. Then tie Adam's head to the tail of a black dog and force it to pull out the root. At the same time, at the moment of pulling out, a terrible scream was heard. If you try to pull out a plant yourself without a dog, then death is inevitable.

Tirlich or Witch's Potion- This is a herb that is considered demonic. On the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, witches and sorceresses go to Bald Mountain to collect tirlich grass. Juice is squeezed out of the grass, which witches use to anoint their hands and feet. This helps when performing spells. Whoever completely rubs himself with grass becomes a werewolf and can turn into anyone. If a simple peasant finds this herb and does the same, he will be able to communicate with witches and ghouls. Knowing this, sorceresses try to protect those places where tirlich grows from ordinary people, leading them astray in every possible way.

Centaury, or tirlich

Grass Prikrysh gathered by magicians at the end of summer. It is used against wedding slander. When the bride is brought from the church to the house, then the healer places a cover under the threshold of the newlyweds’ house. The bride, having learned about this, must necessarily jump over the threshold when entering the house. If she accidentally steps on the grass, then all the malicious slander of the sorcerers will fall on the girl.

The cover grass was also called wolf-grass, omeg, blekot, tar, underripe, penny clear, sheep's runish, black potion, one-month-old. Scientifically, it is a woolly-mouthed fighter from the buttercup family.

About don't smell the grass They say that you only need to tear it with your mouth. Only then is the ability to stop the wind and catch fish without fishing rods and nets transmitted.

Unsensible grass, unsensible wind, or immortelle

Thistle, according to the peasants, drives away devils and all evil spirits in general. If you are being pursued by devils, then you need to stand among the thistles and throw cones of this grass at the demons. All sorcerers and demons will immediately disappear. And if you bend the thistle to the ground, while saying: “Drive the worms off my cattle - I’ll let them go,” the attack will disappear from the cattle.

Since time immemorial, it has been believed that if anyone wants to be safe on the road, he should stock up on wax in which thistles were boiled. In the Great Russian provinces, old women-crossers trade in wax wax, traveling all the routes and paths from the Moscow River to the Jordan. To perform the ritual, thistle is first placed under the pillow for seven days and nights. No one should see or touch him. On the eighth night, the last of Christmastide, they bring thistles to the old woman-transitioner. She cooks it with special rituals, with wax and palm. The boiled wax is sewn into the palm.
Tales of the Russian people collected by Ivan Petrovich Sakharov

Nettle, according to popular legend, has the ability to determine whether the patient will live or die. To do this, you need to put nettles in the patient’s fresh urine and let it sit for a while. If, after a day, the nettle dries out, shrinks and loses color, the patient will die. When the nettle remains green and does not lose its freshness, then recovery will soon come. Nettle is also used for aches, rheumatism and colds.

love apples- through them you can get the love of the desired girl. To do this, you need to cut the apple in half, put a note in the middle with the name of your loved one and put it in the sun. As the apple dries, the girl you love will also suffer. When the apple is completely dry, the girl herself will run to her admirer.

Petunia- this is known garden plant. He was credited with the ability to protect a person from intoxication. If you are going to a party or an important meeting where you need to drink a lot, but at the same time keep a clear head, then only petunia will help. It is necessary to take two tablespoons of this herb powder an hour before drinking and wash it down with a spoon. olive oil. Now you can safely drink as much as you like and remain completely sober.

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Weeping grass, or common loosestrife, is perennial, which is easy to find in swampy places. There are a lot of rumors and legends around it that talk about its magical origin and miraculous properties. Weeping grass was first mentioned in ancient mythological legends, as well as in the Bible.


Plakun grass loves moist soils and belongs to the Derbennikov family. The plant got its name for its special, unique way of getting rid of moisture. It flows down the leaves in the form of drops, and it seems that there are tears on the plant. There are several other popular names that are used in relation to loosestrife: tikun grass or grandfather's grass (beard). Each has its own logical explanation.

Just a note. The common name "merlin" is of Greek origin (Lythrum) and is translated as "shed coagulated blood." This indicates the plant’s ability to stop bleeding.

The plant in the form of a small bush is found not only in the wild; loosestrife is also grown in flower beds as a decorative and medicinal plant. This perennial is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and dense foliage.

Plakun grass

The weeping grass has a straight, high stem, which is densely dotted with bright flower formations collected in pyramidal inflorescences. Flowering is long - from June to the end of September. Flowers are collected in whorls and spike-shaped inflorescences. After flowering, fruits are formed - oval boxes with small seeds.

Attention! Mass planting in flower beds allows you to create beautiful compositions. It can act as the central crop of a composition, or it can look great against the backdrop of other colors.

Varieties and varieties

There are several varieties of loosestrife. They differ in color and flowering shape, as well as the height of the bushes. Among the most interesting it should be noted:

  1. Pink pearl is a low plant, up to 1.2 m. It stands out among other varieties for its beautiful flowers, which are pink in color with a lilac tint.
  2. Swiri is a beautiful air bush that is widely used in landscape design, thanks to its excellent combination with other plants. The flowers are pink-lilac in color.
  3. Plakun grass Robert. A compact bush, the height of which does not exceed 60 cm. It stands out among other varieties with its bright salmon-red coloring of flowers.
  4. Lady Sackville loosestrife is a tall shrub that retains its decorative properties for a very long time. Has bright crimson inflorescences.
  5. Blush. The soft pink inflorescences of this variety go well with other crops in the same tones. Quite a tall plant.

Features of cultivation

Merlin loves sunny areas with good ventilation most of all, but will also feel comfortable in the shade. Prefers moist, nutritious, light soil. On dry and heavy soil, bushes may not grow at all or may look lethargic and unhealthy.

Important! In order for the bush to develop well, experienced gardeners recommend adding peat to the soil where the weeping grass will grow. About 10 buckets are brought into each square of the plot.

Before planting, organic matter should be added to the hole, and after planting, the young bushes should be watered thoroughly.

You don’t need to take much care of the loosestrife; if it grows on the shore of a reservoir, then you don’t need to water it. To ensure abundant flowering, a complex fertilizer with a minimum nitrogen content is applied once a season.

In the first year of grass growth, it will be enough to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds as care.

Interesting fact. The plant is prone to self-sowing after flowering, but before the seeds ripen, shoots with flowers are removed.

In the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out, and the entire above-ground part is removed. You can remove old shoots in the fall, but many people leave them for decoration. garden plot in winter.

If the loosestrife is used as one of the parts of the landscape composition, then during the year it can be cut to give a certain intended shape.

Plakun grass


Most varieties can be propagated exclusively by vegetative methods: dividing the bush (in spring) or root cuttings.

Specific varieties can be grown from seeds, but the plant will bloom only 2-3 years after planting.

Important! If you want to propagate an old bush by division, you should take an ax, since root system becomes woody over the years. In this case, it is better to use root cuttings.

Useful properties

Plakun grass is widely used in folk medicine. IN medicinal purposes roots, leaves, stems can be used. The plant can help:

  • increasing blood clotting;
  • with bleeding;
  • for dysentery and fevers;
  • to treat colds;
  • with convulsions;
  • to combat insomnia;
  • for nervous diseases;
  • for rheumatism.

The infusion can be used as a pain reliever. If the wound does not heal, it is recommended to apply a paste of leaves to its surface.

To prepare the solution, dried herbs will need to be poured boiled water(1 tbsp per glass of water) and leave for about half an hour. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. Write half an hour before your appointment.

Important! Weeping grass is not medicine, so you can’t buy it at the pharmacy. If you want to use it for medical purposes, then you should plant it on your site, prepare it in natural conditions or buy from a herbalist who treats according to ancient recipes.


This herbaceous crop can provide not only benefits. For certain diseases, it is strictly prohibited to take:

  • in old age;
  • with high blood clotting (consumption can lead to the formation of blood clots);
  • with senile constipation;
  • with gastric atony.

Also, people with high blood pressure should use the plant with caution in treatment - the plant has the ability to constrict blood vessels.

Plakun grass

Diseases and pests

At its core, loosestrife is a very strong and hardy crop, yet it is very afraid of aphid invasions. It can destroy young shoots and inflorescences. To avoid the dangerous enemy of this plant, you should treat the bushes with infusion. It is prepared from onion peels, tobacco leaves, tomatoes or garlic, or from special preparations, which are sold in large assortments in stores.

Harvesting methods

Leaves, stems, flowers and roots can be used for medicinal purposes. The herbal part of the plant should be harvested for future use during the period of active flowering. Cut off for drying top part plants. Then the stems with leaves are laid out in a well-ventilated area and left to dry completely. You can also hang dry it in a dark room.

The root part is harvested in the autumn. The roots are dug up, cut into pieces and dried at a temperature of 50 degrees.

As you can see, weeping grass is a beautiful ornamental plant that is found in nature. It is quite simple to grow it in your own flowerbed, decorating it not only with an incredibly beautiful plant, but also with a useful one. Plakun grass is used in folk medicine to treat many diseases.

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