
What is the penalty for driving without headlights on? Penalty for driving without daytime running lights. Punishments and fines for driving without lights: low and running lights

According to traffic rules, operating a car with switched off or missing lighting devices both in the city and outside the city is currently prohibited. This prohibition also applies to side lights not turned on at the rear. Therefore, if a traffic police officer discovers such a violation in your case, you cannot avoid a fine.

Changes in traffic rules

Changes to traffic regulations that relate to the use of lighting devices were introduced back in 2010. Now, at any time of the day and under any visibility conditions on the road, the low beam should always be on. The need to adopt such an amendment to the traffic rules is due to the fact that a car with its lights on on the road more visible to others, therefore the number of accidents associated with inattention is reduced to a minimum. And most importantly, the expected trend was confirmed in practice and the number of accidents on roads in daytime days has been significantly reduced.

However, most drivers do not comply with the legal requirements. The reason for this may be simple inattention, a technical malfunction of the car or another reason. However, regardless of this, in case of violation the driver faces punishment.

When can a driver be punished with a fine, and is this possible?

To avoid a fine for improper use of lighting devices, the driver must drive with headlights on at any time of the day. If this condition is not met, he will be punished with a fine. In addition, if the rules for operating a car are violated in the event of an accident, both participants will be found guilty. Even if only one person breaks the rules. The reason for making such a decision may be a faulty headlight.

You can be fined for improper use of low beam headlights for various reasons. Below are described the most e common situations for which you may be fined:

  • Use in populated areas with high beams.
  • Incorrect use of rear fog lights.
  • Use of running lights in the evening.
  • The low beam is not on during the day.

And now about everything in more detail:

  • Use in populated areas with high beams. When entering a populated area or a well-lit road, the driver must switch from high beam headlights to low beam. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed on him.
  • Incorrect use of rear fog lights. They are additional lighting devices that can only be used in low visibility conditions. In any other case, this will be considered an offense with further sanctions.
  • Use of running lights in the evening. In cars equipped with running lights, low beams must be turned on in the dark. In this case, daytime running lights must be installed in accordance with all GOST requirements. In this case, we are talking about their territorial location. The characteristics of light are also taken into account. Correct location This type of headlight can provide high-quality road illumination and will not dazzle oncoming drivers.
  • The low beam is turned off during the daytime. Most drivers, when driving during the day, forget about the need to turn on their low beam headlights. Some models are equipped with an electronic control system that automatically turns on the lights when the car is started.

Features of using standard daytime running lights

Vehicle design daytime running lights may not be available on all models. As for installing them yourself, this can also lead to a fine. And even if such design changes are not identified during an inspection by a traffic police instructor, they will be discovered during a routine technical inspection. To ensure that these actions are not regarded as an offense, the driver will first need to obtain appropriate permission from the authorities to install daytime running lights. Those car models that are designed with daytime running lights can drive without fear that they will be fined.

In addition, the standard lighting system is characterized by a different operating mode - they automatically turn on when the engine starts. When low-beam headlights are activated, the standard daytime running lights contribute to a reduction in power and are used as additional dimensions.

Please note that if the standard daytime running lights are on, you cannot be fined for driving with the lights off.

Daytime running lights

Instead of daytime running lights, the driver can turn on fog lights. Based on paragraph 19.4 of the traffic rules, they can be used in conditions of limited visibility. They can also be used in the dark on unlit roads or instead of low beam headlights as an alternative to daytime running lights. This means that operating a car with the fog lights on during the day will not be regarded as an offense.

Penalty for not turning on lights

The fine for operating a car without low beams on for 2016 is 500 rubles. This rule is spelled out in Article 12.20, which talks about violation of the rules for the use of external lighting devices. It is also possible that the driver can get away with a verbal warning, but only on the condition that such inattention of the driver did not lead to an accident. Otherwise, the amount of the fine may increase.

Can you be fined for a non-working headlight?

If for some reason one of the low beam headlights in the car does not light, then this is also may result in a fine. However, the interpretation of such a situation may differ slightly from the case described above. In this case, the driver did not violate the rules for operating lighting devices. A violation here is considered to be a malfunction of the headlight, as well as conditions prohibiting the operation of the car.

In the event of technical malfunctions due to which the low beam is turned off, in accordance with Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 1, the violator will be punished with a fine of 500 rubles in connection with non-working or dirty light fixture. In addition, pay attention to clause 2.3.1. Traffic regulations, which state that driving with faulty or missing lighting devices at night or in low visibility can be considered an offense.

What's the result?

The fine for a burnt-out low-beam lamp or a non-working headlight is not the highest. But, despite this, the driver is obliged to unquestioningly follow any rule and drive according to the rules without breaking them. After all, switched-on lighting makes your car more visible on the road at any time of the day, thereby reducing the likelihood of accidents to a minimum.

Traffic inspectors most often stop vehicles because their low beams are not turned on. According to the rules traffic It is prohibited to use one or another vehicle with the lights switched off.

It should be taken into account that for the traffic police inspector who stopped you, it does not matter whether the lighting devices are broken, or whether the driver did not turn them on for some other reason. Violation of this rule entails the imposition of a certain amount.

Article No. 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that for driving with the headlights off, a fine of 500 rubles should be imposed on the violator.

Article 12.20. Violation rules use of external lighting devices, sound signals, hazard warning lights or warning triangle

Violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, hazard warning lights or warning triangles - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

However, if the negligent driver can explain the reason for such a violation, and the inspector considers it valid, then an oral warning may be applied as a punishment.

However, vehicle owners should not count on such luck.

What is the penalty for driving without low beams? The answer is in this video:

This article also contains a clause providing for punishment for turning off the low beams, which caused an accident.

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In this case, the fine will significantly exceed the established amount of 500 rubles.

In such situations, the exact amount of the fine is determined by two main factors:

  • Consequences .
  • The amount of damage caused.

The traffic police inspector has every right to set the amount of the fine independently, at the scene of the traffic accident, having previously assessed its scale.

Current rules

The latest amendments to the traffic rules regarding fines for driving with lights off were made at the end of 2010.

According to the rules established by law, drivers are required to drive with their lights on not only at night, but also during the day, even when good conditions visibility.

This amendment was made on the basis that cars with illuminated headlights are much easier to notice on the road. This can significantly reduce the risk of an accident.

As statistics have shown, the introduction of this amendment made it possible to reduce the number of accidents.

The rules specified in clause No. 19 relate to:

  • All motor vehicles, including bicycles. As for the application of this rule to horse-drawn carts, the above rule is not mandatory and is advisory in nature.
  • Towing vehicles and trailers.

19.1. In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the road lighting, as well as in tunnels, the following lighting devices must be turned on on a moving vehicle:

on all motor vehicles - high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts - lanterns (if equipped);

on trailers and towed motor vehicles - side lights.

The lighting mechanisms must be switched on by drivers constantly, during the day, on illuminated routes running through populated areas.

At dusk, as well as at night when driving through a populated area, it is necessary to turn on the low beams - this allows you to avoid the effect of blinding oncoming cars and pedestrians.

In the dark or at night, as well as in bad weather, drivers are allowed to turn on their high-beam headlights.

Driving in the dark. Photo:

However, when driving through a populated area or a well-lit road, the high beam headlights must be changed to low beam.

The most common grounds for violations include:

  • Technical breakdowns.
  • Driver inattention, etc.

Regardless of the reason, violation of this traffic regulation entails punishment in the form of a fine.

Daytime running lighting

Some cars are not designed to have daytime running lights. It is prohibited to install these lighting devices yourself.

If, even during a stop of such a car, a traffic police officer does not identify a violation in the form of self-installation, then during a scheduled check at a service station, the violation will still be identified, which will entail the collection of a fine.

To prevent the occurrence similar situations, it is necessary to install daytime running lighting only after first obtaining permission from the relevant organization.

Owners of car brands that have standard daytime running lights can operate their vehicles without fear of receiving a fine.

In addition, cars with standard lighting devices can operate in a special mode, that is, they turn on when the engine starts. Ignition of low beam headlights allows you to automatically reduce power and work as additional side lighting.

Daytime running lights, what are they? How to use it correctly? Answers in this video:

You should know that standard daytime running lights, when turned on, allow you to drive with the low beams turned off - in this case, the car owner will not be fined.

Fog lights

Daytime running lights can only be replaced by fog lights in certain cases.

Paragraph 19.4 states that they must be used in case of limited visibility on the road.

19.4. Fog lights can be used:

in conditions of poor visibility with low or high beam headlights;

at night on unlit sections of roads in conjunction with low or high beam headlights;

instead of low beam headlights in accordance with paragraph 19.5 of the Rules.

The fog light can be turned on simultaneously with high or low beam.

Paragraph No. 19.5 stipulates that the fog lamps must be switched on in the following situations:

  • When driving on a dark road.
  • When driving at night.
  • Instead of daytime running lights and low beams.

19.5. During daylight hours, all moving vehicles must have low-beam headlights or daytime running lights on to indicate them.

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Thus, driving with fog lights on during the day is not prohibited by these rules, but drivers should take into account some features of the use of rear fog lights.

Fine from a video camera for failure to use low beam headlights when driving. Photo:

Incorrect use of rear fog lights

As for the rear fog lights, some drivers sometimes turn on all the lights at their disposal - both low beam and fog lights - to indicate their car.

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In conditions of poor vision (fog and rain), this measure really allows you to identify your vehicle to other cars.

If the rear fog lights are turned on in normal visibility conditions, then the driver will be fined for such actions. Rear fog lights can blind the driver of a vehicle driving behind you.

In addition, with the rear fog lights on, the next driver behind may not notice the brake lights are on, which can lead to an emergency situation.

According to traffic rules, rear fog lights can only be turned on in poor visibility conditions. In all other cases, the use of such headlights is considered incorrect.

Penalty for driving with a broken headlight

If only one headlight is working in a vehicle, its owner faces a fine.

Although in this case the rules for using lighting devices by the driver are not violated. The subject of the violation in such a situation is neglect of the established rules that relate to malfunctions and requirements according to which the driver cannot operate the car.

In the above situation, the violator faces a fine of 500 rubles for a non-working or dirty device. This type punishment may be replaced by a verbal warning.

The penalties provided for violation of the rules discussed above are relatively small, and in some cases they are completely replaced by a warning.

However, every driver must understand that compliance with traffic rules by all road users, without exception, can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.

UPD: This information is only rumors, at the moment low beam headlights required for all drivers, both in populated and non-populated areas of Russia.

For driving a car in the daytime without the lights on, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed. However, everything could change soon! There were rumors that they wanted to allow not turning on headlights during the day from April 1, 2018 to September 30, but the law has not yet been adopted (as of early April).

The use of low beams, regardless of the time of day, has become mandatory since November 20, 2010. The explanation is simple - a car with its headlights on becomes much more noticeable on the road, which in turn reduces the accident rate. Despite this, news has emerged that during the daytime, when driving in a populated area, it will be possible not to turn on lighting devices, but only until September 30. This is due to an increase in daylight hours, inspectors note.

A car with its lights on is more visible on the road, thereby reducing the number of accidents due to simple inattention to almost zero!

Requirements regarding the use of lighting devices are listed in paragraph 19 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. So, in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, turning on the headlights is mandatory! The low beam must also be turned on when driving in a tunnel. The traffic rules do not prohibit the use of fog lights instead of low beams or together with them, but only in conditions of poor visibility.

You should not overuse your high beams, especially if there are cars in the oncoming lane, as this can provoke an emergency!

Sanctions for ignoring the rules for using lighting devices are provided for in Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The violator will face a fine of 500 rubles, but there is a chance to get off with a verbal warning.

If during an accident it is determined that the innocent person violated the rules for using lighting devices, then both drivers will be named as the culprits of the incident!

What do car owners think?

The news that from April 1, 2018, low-beam headlights no longer need to be turned on during the day was received differently by drivers.

Many people believe that sunlight enough to notice a moving car. There are those who are sure that turned-on headlights attract the attention of both drivers and pedestrians, so such amendments are not necessary. Some argue that such an innovation is useless by the fact that in many civilized countries, the lights on cars are always on while driving; moreover, almost all standard cars there have the option of turning on the headlights simultaneously with starting the engine.

TOP violations related to the use of lighting devices

Before the amendments came into force, the most common violation in the use of lighting devices was turning off headlights during the daytime. In addition, drivers:

  • abuse high beams;
  • “fog lamps” are used for other purposes;
  • Only turn on the side lights at night.

We repeat, the law abolishing the use of low-beam headlights during the day has not yet been adopted, despite talk about it.

A fine for not turning on low beams is one of the most common reasons for a traffic inspector to stop a vehicle.

The traffic rules clearly prohibit the use of a car without any lights on. It does not matter whether they are absent or simply turned off. Even side lights, if they are not turned on, can be a reason for a fine.

Fine for driving without lights

Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the fine for not turning on headlights is 500 rubles. If the inspector good mood, and the driver can somehow explain his violation (for example, the light has just broken and the driver is going to a car service station), then you can get by with verbal warning. But you shouldn’t count on this probability.

If the switched off light caused an accident, the fine will be higher than 500 rubles. The exact amount has not been established, and the traffic police officer has the right to establish it at the scene of the incident, assessing its scale and possible consequences.

Current data for today

The latest edition of the traffic rules, which affected the fine for not turning on the lights, occurred in November 2010. Now paragraph 19 states that The light must be kept on both day and night, under any visibility conditions.

The amendment was adopted because a car with running lights on is more visible to other drivers and pedestrians, and the risk of an accident is greatly reduced. And these are not empty words. After the amendment was adopted, the number of accidents during daylight hours decreased noticeably.

What exactly does the traffic regulations say? Paragraph 19 states:

  • all mechanical vehicles, as well as bicycles and horse-drawn vehicles, must be equipped with lighting; however, for carts this is not an obligation, but a simple recommendation;
  • trailers and towed vehicles must be equipped with side lights;
  • Lighting devices should always be kept on, and during daylight hours and on illuminated roads in populated areas, low beams should be on to avoid blinding;
  • after sunset and at night, as well as in conditions of poor visibility, the car owner can, at his discretion, turn on the high beams.

Important! We must not forget about clause 19.5. It states that during daylight hours, any moving vehicle must have low beam headlights or daytime running lights on. If the running lights are on, then low beam is not necessary! It can be turned off while the lights are on.

Unfortunately, many drivers still neglect to fulfill such a simple requirement as turning on the low beam. The reason for violating traffic rules may be a technical breakdown, simple inattention, or something else. But the punishment for this offense in any case is determined by Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and this is a fine.

In what cases can you get a fine?

In order to protect yourself from fines for improper use of lighting, the driver must keep the running lights on at all times. Of course, when parked, they must be turned off: the side lights should be turned on instead. But when a vehicle is moving, low beams must always be on.

The most common reasons for collection:

  1. No low beam when driving during daylight hours. This is the most common case of fines. Turned off low beam headlights noticed by a traffic police inspector will inevitably entail punishment. Therefore, turning on the low beams before driving is very important.
  2. Running lights on at night. As you know, you can only rely on lights during the day, and when darkness falls, you need to turn on the low beam instead.
  3. Main beam switched on in a populated area. When the driver enters a populated area or enters a well-lit road, he must switch from high beam to low beam.
  4. Incorrect use of the fog light. A rear light is a lighting device, the use of which is permitted only in poor visibility. If the road is well lit and there are no natural obstructions to visibility (such as fog), then having the rear light on is considered a violation.

Important! In addition to the fine for not turning on the low beams, there is a risk of experiencing several unpleasant moments. The traffic police inspector has every right to find both participants at fault for the accident, even if only one violated the rules. And the driver whose running lights were not on will have to answer to the injured driver for anything.

Subtleties of using navigation lights

Not all vehicles are equipped with running lights. A person who purchased a car without such lights must install them himself. But before that you need to obtain permission from the local traffic police department. This is a standard document that allows changes to be made to the design of the vehicle.

Handicraft installation of running lights without prior permission is a reason for a fine. A traffic police officer may not detect illegal lights, but during a regular technical inspection at a service station they will definitely not go unnoticed.

Drivers of cars originally equipped with running lights are luckier. Most often, the lights are designed so that they automatically light up when the engine starts. Often there is another function - when switching to low beam, the lights begin to shine less powerfully and turn into side lights.

Important! Clauses 19.4 and 19.5 of the traffic rules allow the use "fog lights" as running lights. If the fog lights are in low beam mode, they can be kept on during the day. This will not be considered an offense.

If the low beam headlights are partially turned on

Many drivers have experienced the fact that one of their low beam headlights or one of their running lights breaks down. The second one remains on. Unfortunately, in such a situation you will also have to pay a fine, and its amount will be the same 500 rubles.

But the reason for the fine is completely different. If one headlight does not light, then this is no longer a violation of the rules for operating lighting devices, but a violation of the requirements of the list of faults. This offense is described in Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offences. There is no fundamental difference, but the chance of getting off with a verbal warning in this case is much higher.

Paragraph 2.3.1 of the traffic rules states that even partially switched off lights can be regarded as an offense. This becomes possible in conditions of poor visibility or at night.


As a result, it turns out that the fine for not turning on the low beam is always 500 rubles. Whether it’s headlights, running lights or dimensions, you will have to pay a clearly established amount for violating the rules of their operation. The money is small, so it’s not the fine that drivers should be afraid of.

The moral side of the issue comes to the fore. If lights are not turned on, they make the vehicle less visible and increase the risk of an accident. Therefore, it is necessary to turn on the headlights and running lights, at least so that innocent people do not suffer through the fault of the car owner.

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