
Presentation “Such different birds. Presentation for children of the senior group "birds" Interesting presentation about birds for preschoolers

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Tit Yellow belly - sparrow's friend.

sparrow This little bird wears a gray shirt, quickly picks up crumbs and escapes from the cat.

pigeon Look at the balcony: He has been cooing here since the morning. This bird is a postman, It will fly any route.

woodpecker All the trees are studied with interest by the forest doctor. If a tree is eaten by a beetle, the Doctor immediately: KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!

magpie A chatty bird - no doubt about it, He will tell you news and a secret! Beautiful in appearance, white-sided Who? - Long-tailed...

rooks Together with this black bird, spring is knocking on our window. Hide your winter clothes! Who is jumping across the arable land?

bullfinch Every year I fly to you, I want to spend the winter with you. And even redder in winter My bright red tie.

swallow Like on a house, on the eaves A bird stuck to the bottom A nest like a vase This bird is...

The owl flies all night, catches mice. And when it becomes light, he flies into the hollow to sleep.

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Presentation “Birds” Compiled by: teacher Shapoval G.G. GBDOU No. 50 Vasileostrovsky district

1. I have a black cap on my head, my back, wings and tail are dark, and my chest is bright yellow, as if it’s dressed up in a yellow vest. In the summer I eat bugs and worms, and in the winter when I have no food, I eat everything: various grains, bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But I especially love unsalted lard. Have you guessed who I am? Tit

We were in a hurry to get to you guys. Spring is coming. The couple gets down to business: inhabiting the houses you have prepared, arranging nests, incubating and raising starling chicks

Owl What tales they tell about me! They even think that I am causing trouble. But in fact, I am a very useful bird. I eat 7–8 mice per night. My family alone destroys 10 thousand mice per year and thus saves 20 tons of grain.

Cuckoo Many people don’t like us because we destroy other people’s chicks. And yet we are very useful: we destroy many dangerous caterpillars, even those that other birds do not eat.

Rook Nose nose with a white circle, It is important that I follow the plow, In the garden, in the field - a doctor Glossy black...

They call me “the forest guard.” I live on a tree, in a hollow. All my life I’ve been on my feet, running back and forth, up and down trees, and I only need wings to fly from one tree to another. Nuthatch

Bird talk

Ducks quack

Crows cawing

Geese cackling

Owls hoot

Tits are squeaking

Nightingales are whistling

Bird professions

Carpenter bird Woodpeckers chisel the bark of trees for hours on end, extracting insects from there, which is why they say: “I got it like a woodpecker.”

The forest cat Oriole really knows how to scream like a cat in a moment of danger. And before a thunderstorm, the oriole usually sits on the top of a tall tree among dense greenery and makes sounds reminiscent of playing a flute.

Builder bird The swallow is considered the most skillful nest builder.

The acrobat bird Nuthatch climbs trees upside down.

Nocturnal predator Owls come out to hunt at night and swallow mice whole.

Feathered soloist Nightingale. They say about him: “In the forest orchestra, he is the first violin - the most reverent and most sonorous.

Rules for bird friends 1. Do not destroy birds' nests. 2.Do not shoot birds with slingshots. 3. Make birdhouses and bird feeders. 4.Feed them in winter.

TAKE CARE OF THE BIRDS! Don't touch the swallow! She flies here from afar, raises her chicks with us, do not ruin her nest. Be a bird friend! Let the nightingale sing under the window in the spring, And let flocks of doves fly over the expanses of the Earth! Musa Dzhangaziev

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Presentation "Birds"

There are many "red" calendar days that are celebrated annually. Day birds are one of them. "International Day birds» is an environmental holiday celebrated annually on April 1.

Proposed presentation suitable for consolidating knowledge about migratory, wintering and domestic birds, as well as as a test of children’s knowledge about various birds. Presentation contains 20 slides.

Presentation made in the form of illustrations, each of which depicts bird. Children can figure out who it is from the picture and name it. bird. After this the correct answer comes out (Name birds) .

This presentation will help children generalize, compare, and think logically.

Name presentations(« Birds» )

– Magpie is one of the most popular birds. From other types birds of the crow family, it is distinguished by its small size, specific black and white coloring and long magpie tail.

– The cuckoo lives almost everywhere in Russia. Females usually have red or brown plumage. There are black stripes along the back and head. The feathers themselves are edged with white. And the head and chest, as a rule, light gray, but thin black stripes are clearly visible on them. The weight of the female does not exceed one hundred and ten grams. Juveniles are light rufous with dark stripes throughout the body. Shedding birds twice a year. In summer this is a partial change of feather, and in winter it is a complete change.

– Males have a dark gray tail and back. The chest and head are grey. All other feathers are quite light with dark stripes. Beak birds dark, but the legs are yellow.

– The common starling does not grow more than 22 cm with a weight of 75 g and a wingspan of almost 39 cm. It has a massive body resting on reddish-brown legs, a proportionate rounded head and a short (6-7 cm) tail.

– The crow’s tail is wedge-shaped, with long tail feathers. Beak birds powerful and sharp, conical in shape, in some species it has a characteristic high bend. The crow's legs are thin and long, with four fingers: 1 facing back, 3 facing forward.

– Most species of crows have gray or black plumage that glows metallic, purple, violet or green in the sun. The base of the feather is usually gray, in rare cases white.

Bird The rook is a member of the raven family. In its appearance and size it resembles a crow, which is why some people confuse them. However, the rook has some distinctive signs: firstly, he is much slimmer, and secondly, as an adult birds There is a ring of unfeathered bare skin around the beak. Young individuals do not have such a rim. The rook has black plumage with a metallic sheen. Males are no different in color from females.

– The owl is a predatory nocturnal bird. Depending on the place of residence, it may have different plumage colors, camouflaging the owl into the surrounding area. The owl's head is round with big eyes, the claws are long and sharp, and the beak is predatory and short.

– The body of pigeons is dense, with a short neck and a small head. The wings are wide and long, the tail is long.

– The beak is usually short, less often of medium length, straight, thin, often with a characteristic widening at the base. The plumage is thick, dense, often gray, brown or cream tones, although in the tropics there are also brighter colors, such as in motley pigeons. Legs are usually short: four-fingered, three fingers in front and one in back, while well adapted for moving on the ground.

– Crane – tall, stately bird, growth of representatives different types ranges from 90 to 175 cm and weighs from 2 to 11 kg. The body of the crane is elongated, teardrop-shaped. When the bird is standing, due to the long flight feathers of the wing, it seems that it has a magnificent long tail, which in some species resembles a train.

– The long neck of the crane is crowned by a small, neat head with an elongated straight beak, 20–30 cm long. Part of the head is devoid of feathers, and the bare area of ​​rough skin is bright red or orange, so from a distance it resembles a cap. The plumage colors of cranes are predominantly grey, white and black.

– The tit is the closest relative of the well-known sparrow; it is very similar to it in appearance and habits; from a distance they can even be confused, but only from a distance. Bright yellow belly with black "tie", on the head is a black and blue cap, on the neck is also a black scarf, white cheeks, yellow-green back, wings and tail, gray and blue.

– All species of nightingales are classified as members of the thrush family. Females and males do not differ from each other in appearance. Common nightingale - bird small sizes, slightly larger than a sparrow. Its color is also inconspicuous, mostly monochromatic, brown-olive. Part of the abdomen and neck of a bird white. On the sides and chest the color is slightly darker than the main color. The top of the tail has a faint reddish tint. The color of nightingales remains virtually unchanged all year round.

– Woodpecker is a small bird, most of them are the size of two palms. Body birds has an elongated shape. The beak is oblong, sharp and durable. The paws are short - two toes in front and two in back. The wings are small, due to which the woodpecker can move between trees very easily. And also crawl along tree trunks and even hang upside down on tree branches. The woodpecker's head is reliably protected from shocks. These look like birds very differently - one is motley with a red crest, the other is white with gray wings. They are found with striped wings and spotted necks. Some of their feathers have a golden or green tint. As a decoration, their color is a red cap on their head.

– The bullfinch is a small bird that looks like a sparrow. Her weight is about 40 grams, although she is of a dense build. The main feature of these birds - their color. Males have a bright red chest, neck and cheeks, and a gray-blue back. The head and beak are black, it may even seem like they are wearing a black cap. The tail and wings are also black, with light stripes on the wings. Bullfinches need a thick, wide beak to get grains and berry seeds. Females have a similar coloration, except for one very important detail– they do not have a red breast, it is colored grayish-brown. Chicks and young birds, before the first molt, are brown in color.

– The sparrow is recognizable by appearance and for his characteristic chirping. The color of the plumage in the upper part is brownish-brown interspersed with black feathers. On the head near the ears and belly are light gray. Sparrows have a small short tail and a fairly powerful beak. On average, the body length of a sparrow is about 16 cm, the weight is tiny - from 25 to 35 grams, and the wingspan is up to 27 cm. A male sparrow can be distinguished from a female by a characteristic black spot that covers the chin, throat and upper part of the chest. The male's head is also dark gray in color. The female sparrow is smaller in size, the head and throat are gray, and above the eyes there are gray-yellow stripes, very pale, almost invisible.

– In summer you can often see small birds, tirelessly flying over vegetable gardens, orchards, and lawns. They have a forked tail and sharp, long wings. These are swallows. They have blue-black backs, wings and tail. The chest and belly of swallows are light gray. If on the forehead birds a noticeable red spot means this is a chick that has just learned to fly. An adult swallow has a white forehead. There is a small beak on the flattened head. Short legs make it difficult to take off from a smooth surface. Therefore, catch bird sitting on the ground is unlikely. Masterly flight is the purpose of swallows.

– Geese’s heads vary in shape. The beak can be straight, curved and concave. In some breeds of geese (Chinese, Kholmogory) There is a bump above the beak. Geese have necks various lengths. The chest is round, well developed, fairly wide. The back is wide and of sufficient length. The wings fit tightly to the sides. At the base of the abdomen of some geese, one or two skin folds of varying sizes are formed, sometimes hanging down to the ground (Kholmogory geese). The length of the legs is not the same in geese of different breeds. The color of the legs varies.

– In the formation of a chicken flock, a special role is assigned to the rooster. The latter always looks like modest females impressive: colorful plumage, long flowing tail, pointed feathers on the back and neck, spurs on the legs. Adult males have a bright crest and dangling earrings located on the sides of the beak and performing the same type of function with the crest. function: direction of blood flow to the skin and regulation temperature regime body. The rooster flies rarely and over short distances; in case of danger, it prefers to run quickly. At the end of autumn - beginning of winter, cockerels begin molting, which lasts approximately 6 weeks. It begins to crow at 4 months of age. Sleeping bird on one leg, tucks the other under him and hides his head under the wing on the side where his leg is tucked.

– Chicken is one of the most popular and widespread types of domestic birds. Belongs to the pheasant family, a genus of combed chickens. The male chicken is called a rooster, the chick is called a chick. Depending on the breed, chickens have different weights, approximately 0.8 - 5 kg, and also differ in feather color, egg color, size and some external features (typical for ornamental breeds). Roosters are usually larger than females, have brighter plumage and a longer tail. With age, spurs form on the rooster's legs - bony outgrowths. Chickens and roosters have a beard and comb, which act as a thermostat and ensure normal blood flow to the skin. The comb of a rooster is much larger than that of chickens; in chickens it is hardly noticeable. The shapes of the comb can be leaf-shaped with teeth along the edge, pod-shaped, etc. Despite the fact that chickens have wings, they are incapable of long and high flight.

– Domestic ducks are quite large birds with an elongated neck and body, a small head, and short webbed feet. Their four rear tail feathers are curved upward, like those of wild mallard drakes. Males are practically no different from females; a drake can be slightly larger than a duck. The feathers of purebred varieties are mostly white, but many colored domestic ones are also found. birds.

- This is a slender, long-legged bird with short wings and tail. Turkeys have a large live weight, strong legs, and powerful wings. Head and upper part necks are bare. Legs are red. On her head, on the unfeathered skin, instead of a comb, there are fleshy warty growths ( "corals"). There is also a warty nasal process on the forehead. Dimensions "corals" and nasal process are associated with gender. In turkeys they are much smaller than in turkeys, in which, when excited, they become filled with blood and increase several times in size. The color of the plumage of turkeys depends on the breed they belong to. The live weight of the male is 5 kg, the female is about 3 kg.

Presentation "BIRDS"


Stork A long-legged stork walks by the side of the road. The best of fathers, looking for food for the chicks

Sparrow A sparrow flies past the rock pigeons. Sparrow is so tiny! Looks a little like me. A nimble little chick, restless and a fighter. And a perky cry rings out: “Chick-chirp and chick-chirp!”

Crow Crow looked into the spring puddle: What kind of beauty is there? I'm no worse!

DOVE People on the street raised their heads: Pigeons, doves, white doves! The city is filled with the noise of their wings, The dove reminded people of peace.

Rook The black rook is so noisy, restless, talkative. He will introduce us to the birds in the area at his leisure.

Goose Don't hiss, angry goose - I'm already afraid of you! Well, please stop being angry - I want to make friends with you.

Woodpecker With his red hat on one side, he knocks on the trunk all day long. My forest friend is the Fidgety Woodpecker.

Lark Field lark! There is no more wonderful singer! In an open field - your house, In a clear sky - a song!

Crane Streams run down the hill - Goodbye, winter! Do you hear someone calling in the distance? The cranes have returned to us!

Turkey The pouty turkey is familiar to everyone, but they are hardly friends with him. Don't put on airs so they don't call you a turkey!

Hen The hen clucks: - I found a worm for the kids! He rushes towards the house at full speed: - Praise me, rooster!

cuckoo. Here's another friend, and her name is cuckoo. He sits modestly on a branch and shouts: - Ku-ku, ku-ku!

Swan It has been this way since ancient times: These birds are a symbol of fidelity. Looking at their reflection, Two white swans are gliding along the surface of the water, Admiring all people.

Eagle The king of all birds has two mighty wings - the eagle. I don’t want to argue with him - He can handle mountains!

Parrot This bird is always ready to repeat word for word. Don’t blame the bird for that, the parrot is talkative.

The tit quickly pecks at the grains, the loud-voiced singer - the Yellow-bellied tit does not let us sleep in the morning.

Swallow The swallow sang: - Tivit-tivit. She has a noticeable appearance: If she flies low, it means the rain is coming.

Bullfinch In summer, to be honest, it is difficult to meet a bullfinch. And in winter - grace! - You can see him a mile away!

Nightingale A bird, outwardly inconspicuous, Sings among the branches So that we gasp: - After all, this is the Vocal Nightingale.

Pheasant And the pheasant is proud of himself. It's just a rainbow - not a bird! He is terribly happy to have guests - Shows off his outfit.

Owl Owl hooted in the silence - I became very scared! You need to sleep soundly at night, and not walk through the forest!

Heron A heron walks through the swamp, as if looking for someone there. Oh, I'm afraid that this heron wants to grab Frog.

The peacock is called a royal bird: It alone shines with such beauty. The feathers sparkle like a firebird. You take a look and even close your eyelashes.

hummingbird These little birds are as small as a fly! Their eyes are glued to the flower, Hummingbirds are hanging above the flower.

flamingo The flamingo's plumage evokes admiration, Because this bird is of a soft pink color.

Unusual birds

Blue-capped Tanager

Blue-headed magnificent bird of paradise

Livingston's bananaeater

Indian Hornbill

Guiana cock of the rock

Thank you for your attention!

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