
Lexical theme field flowers preparatory group. Lexical theme "Indoor plants" for children of the preparatory speech therapy group. Development of visual perception

1. Consider pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of flowers (lily of the valley, coltsfoot, aster, dandelion, bluebell, chamomile, snowdrop, peony, carnation, narcissus, tulip, iris, gladiolus). Fix the general concept of "flowers" in the dictionary. Note the structural features of the flower: stem, leaves, petals.

2. Connect the flowers (primroses, wild flowers, garden flowers) with the corresponding bouquets with colored lines.

3. Exercise "Call me affectionately." Stem - stalk.

Snowdrop - ...

Root -...

Cornflower - ...

Leaf - ...

Carnation - ...

Petal - ...

Tulip - ...

Flower - ...

Chamomile - ...

4. Exercise "Pick, name, remember": Finish the sentences with action words.

Flowers in the flowerbeds (what do they do?) - grow, bloom, wither ...

Flowers from a garden watering can (what do they do?) - ...

Fertilizer garden flowers (what do they do?) - ...

Grown flowers with a knife (what do they do?) - ...

In bouquets of flowers (what do they do?) - ...

Flowers people (what are they doing?) - ...

5. Tell your child that not all flowers can be picked. Some flowers (snowdrop, lily of the valley, lungwort) are listed in the Red Book. They need protection.

6. A bouquet of flowers is a wonderful gift for any holiday. Exercise "Bouquet for mom." Vanya and Tanya, walking in the meadow, collected beautiful bouquet for mum. Color the bouquet and tell what flowers the children made it out of.

7. Listen to the story. Fill in the missing color names in the sentences.

The birds brought spring on their wings. From the warm rays of the sun, the clearings thawed from the snow, and the first flowers appeared on the thawed patches - primroses: ...

In May, blossomed in the forest ..., and spring flowers bloomed in parks and flowerbeds: ....

Soon the summer arrived. It scattered the most beautiful flowers over the meadows and fields:

And the flowerbeds in the parks have already been decorated with other flowers - summer: ....

Summer is over. Autumn painted parks and gardens with bright colors. Blossomed in the flower beds ....

Winter will come soon. It will become frosty outside, forests, fields and gardens will be covered with a snow blanket. But after winter comes spring. And again the flowers will delight us with their bright colors.

8. Exercise "Journey of a bee." Consider pictures. Complete the sentences with prepositions (monitor the accuracy of the use of prepositions in speech).

9. Exercise "Tell me": Make up a story about your favorite flower according to the proposed visual plan.

Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Album 4 / N. E . Teremkova. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2007.

We are engaged in the topic: "Garden and wild flowers"

Children should know:

The name of garden and wild flowers, be able to classify them (field - cornflower, dandelion, lily of the valley, etc.; garden - rose, tulip, etc.);

What parts are flowers made of?

How are garden flowers cared for?

What is the difference between wild flowers and garden flowers?

· medicinal properties some colors.


The child's vocabulary should include:

Nouns primrose, snowdrop, dandelion, coltsfoot, narcissus, tulip, bluebell, cornflower, lily of the valley, rose, peony, lily, carnation, calendula, aster, chamomile, buttercup, forget-me-not, violet, bud, petal, stem, leaves, thorns, nature, protection, etc.

Adjectives: beautiful, delicate, fragrant, scarlet, purple, snow-white, golden, pink, blue, rare, fragile, fluffy, smooth, curly, indoor, meadow, garden, medicinal, carved, fragrant, bright yellow, field, light-loving, heat-loving.

Verbs: grow, bloom, grow, plant, plant, water, care for, loosen, transplant, water, sow, smell, cut, admire, tear, wither, collect, destroy, sniff, draw, blossom, bloom, etc.

The grammatical structure of speech

1. Game exercise "Count" (coordination of numerals with nouns with numbers 1,2,5).

One beautiful flower, two beautiful flower, five beautiful flowers
One forest violet, two forest violets, five forest violets

(pink peony, prickly rose, white chamomile, fragrant lily of the valley, blooming aster, bluebell, delicate petal)

2. The game “What? Which? What kind?"(coordination of nouns with


Snowdrop(what?) - the first, white, tender ...
Violet(what?) - small, purple, fragrant, forest ...
Leaves(what?) - green, delicate, oval, carved ....

(chamomile, dandelions, peony, flowerbed, lilies, cornflower)

3. Game exercise "Flower meadow"(formation of relative adjectives)
A clearing on which chamomiles grow (what?) - chamomile.

A clearing on which cornflowers grow (what?) - cornflower blue.

A clearing on which flowers grow (what?) - flower.

A clearing on which dandelions grow (what?) - dandelion.

4. Game exercise "Pick, name, remember"(selection of verbs to nouns)

Flowers in the flower beds(what do they do?) - grow, bloom, wither, bloom ....

Flowers from a garden watering can(What are they doing?) - ......

Fertilized garden flowers(what are they doing?) – ……..

Grown flowers with a knife(What are they doing?) -…….

In bouquets of flowers(What are they doing?) …..

Colored people(What are they doing?) - …….

Connected speech

1. Exercise "Tell me":Make up a story about flowers according to the proposed visual plan.

Development of attention, memory, thinking

Exercise "Help Dunno"(to exercise children in using prepositions in speech)

· A motley butterfly is spinning .... yellow dandelion.

· Hard-working bees collect nectar from … flowers.

· A bouquet of flowers stands …. beautiful vase.

· …. An ant hid behind a dandelion leaf.

· The butterfly flew up to ... the bell, then sat down ... clover, collected pollen .... chamomile.

· The aroma of lilies of the valley attracts ... insects.

· In the spring … of snow, the first flowers appear.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in senior group on the theme "Flowers"

Target: development of general speech skills.


Educators: Cultivate love and respect for flowers, nature.

Developing: Develop visual perception, logical thinking. Develop attention, the ability to answer clearly and competently to the question posed.

Tutorials: Expand children's ideas about flowers (about their appearance, where they grow). Enrich vocabulary with new nouns and adjectives. Improve the skill of sound-syllabic analysis of words. Exercise children in education plural words.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment. Emotional attitude to work

Guys, look at me. I will try to determine by your faces what mood you are in today. I see that the majority is good, cheerful. I'm also in a good mood today. Let's pass on our cheerful mood to each other. Look at the one who is standing next to you, smile at him and mentally wish something good.

2. Development auditory attention

I want to tell you one very interesting story which I accidentally overheard. But first tell me what seasons do you know? (Winter spring Summer Autumn.)

(A story about the dispute of the seasons “Whose flowers are better” by B. Vovk using a slide show)

The seasons once argued - who has the most best flowers? Spring stamped her heel - and where the snow lay, the streams rang. Green grass. The ground was covered with snowdrops, lilies of the valley, coltsfoot flowers, anemones, daffodils…

My flowers are the most beautiful, says Spring.

No, - Summer objects to her. - Your flowers are really beautiful, but only mine are better!

Summer waved her hat, woven from the sun's rays, and scattered, without stint, her flowers everywhere. The wind is blowing, the bells are ringing. A bumblebee collects sweet nectar from fragrant clover. Wherever you look - everywhere cornflowers, Ivan-tea, carnations, nasturtiums, chamomile ...

Autumn blew cold with envy. And the colors of summer have faded.

My flowers are no worse, - so said Autumn and moved her crimson sleeve. Here bloomed heather, chicory, crow's feet, chrysanthemums ...

But what about Winter? It covered the forest, and the meadows, and the fields with snow, covered the roads, covered the roofs. Just not afraid of snow or frost winter Garden. Begonias, cyclamens, orchids bloom behind the glass of the greenhouse...

People have grown a garden, but it's still winter. Here the flowers are the most beautiful, - Winter boasts.

So the seasons are still arguing - who has the best flowers.

What do you guys think, which flowers are the most beautiful? (All flowers are the most beautiful)

CONCLUSION: Guys, at all times of the year, each flower is beautiful in its own way: in summer - summer flowers, in spring - spring, in autumn - autumn, in winter - indoor on the windowsill.

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson. Updating knowledge on the topic

So who guessed what we will talk about today in class? (About colors)

That's right, today we're going to talk about flowers.

What are flowers for? (For beauty, admire to make a gift)

And what was the main gift for our mothers and grandmothers? (Flowers)

And what flowers did you give to your mothers, grandmothers?

And how do we call these flowers in one word? (garden)

Where do garden flowers grow? (In the garden, in flower beds, in greenhouses, greenhouses.)

Name some other garden flowers you know. (Rose, tulip, poppy, carnation, etc.)

Who takes care of the flowers in the garden? (Gardener)

And there are also field, meadow flowers. Where do you think wild, forest flowers grow? (In the field, in the forest.)

Name field, forest flowers. (bell, chamomile, cornflower, etc.)

What are the benefits of flowers? (Flowers can be food for animals, they can be put in a vase, medicines are made from flowers.)

Guys, you know that some flowers are listed in the Red Book. What do you think this book is? (A book in which rare plants are listed, which are very few on earth.)

Right. Do we grow garden or wild flowers in our group? (Indoor flowers grow in a group.)

Why are they called that? (These flowers grow indoors.)

How do we take care of flowers? (We water, loosen the ground, wipe the dust from the leaves, cut off the dried leaves.)

4. Development visual perception

Each flower, like all objects, consists of parts.

Game "Name the parts of a flower"

I need an assistant now. And it will be...

(The child goes to the board and collects the flower in parts)

What is the most important part of a flower? (Root).

What comes after the root? (Stem)

What is a bud? (unopened flower)

And left? ... (Petals)

What kind of flower do we have? (Poppy)

5. Development of sound-syllabic analysis(individual work)

How many sounds are in the word poppy? (3)

What is the first sound in the word poppy? (Sound [M])

What is the second sound in the word poppy? (Sound [A])

What sound do we hear at the end of the word "poppy"? (Sound [K])

How many syllables are in the word poppy?

And how do we change the word "poppy" so that we get two syllables? (Poppies)

6. Development logical thinking

The game "Fold the flower"

In order to continue our acquaintance with flowers, we must break into groups. Each group will have their own envelope.

Take out the contents of the envelope and try to fold the parts so that you get a picture.

What are the names of the flowers you have? (Rose, aster, bluebell, tulip)

Which flower is missing? (Bell) Why? (All flowers are garden, and the bell is meadow)

7. Development of an attributive dictionary, finger motor skills

Flowers, like people, are very fond of being complimented.

The game "What flowers? (game with clothespins)

Let's say what flowers we have? We attach a clothespin for each compliment.

Beautiful, tender, quivering, fresh, bright, colorful, fragrant, young, spring, garden, field, large, small.

What flower does it look like? (for chamomile)

8. Development of auditory attention

Game "Tell me a word"

We have already named many flowers today. But there are those that we know, but have not yet remembered today. I suggest playing the game "Tell me the word." Ready?

The speech therapist reads riddles, the children add the last word in unison. Pictures are posted on the board.

What is my name, tell me.

Often I hide in the rye,

Modest wild flower,

Blue-eyed ... (cornflower)

Golden and young

Became gray within a week.

And two days later

Bald head.

I'll hide it in my pocket

Former ... (dandelion)

Flowers - basket

With a yellow center

White shirt.

Good ... (chamomile)

yellow, fluffy

The balls are fragrant.

Sheltered from the frost

In thin twigs ... (mimosa)

In petals, like in a satin cloak,

A beautiful flower hid.

Won't open at all

Red in the garden ... (poppy)

Snow cleared in spring
Both needles and deadwood.

And the first to appear
In the thaw ... (snowdrop)

9. Development general motor skills

And now I suggest you take a break. Repeat after me.

One, two, three flowers grew

Stretched high towards the sun:

They felt nice and warm!
The breeze flew by, the stems shook

Swinged to the left - bent low.
To the right they swayed - they crouched low.

Wind run away!

Don't break the flowers!

Let them grow, grow
Children will be happy!

squatted, get up
stretch on toes
looking up

swing their arms to the left - to the right above the head

lean to the left

lean to the right

threaten with a finger


slowly raise your hands up, open your fingers

10. Development of visual attention

Game "What has changed?"

Look at the pictures and memorize them. We close our eyes, count to five in chorus and open them. What changed?

11. Vocabulary development

Guys, look again at our flowers. And tell me which of them we can see soon. (Dandelion, mimosa, snowdrop)

Right. These are the first spring flowers. They are also called primroses.

12. Development of mathematical abilities, auditory attention

Many songs, stories, poems have been written about flowers. And I want to solve color problems with you.

1. Three daisies - yellow eyes

Two cheerful cornflowers

Children gave to mother

How many flowers are in the bouquet? (five)

2. This flower

four petals

How many petals

Two of these flowers? (eight)

3. Natasha has five flowers

And Sasha gave her two more,

What is two and five? (seven)

13. Development grammatical structure speeches

Game "One - many"

You know that flowers don't grow alone. I suggest you play the game "One - many". I name a flower, and you have to say how we say when there are a lot of them.

Chamomile - chamomile

Cornflower - cornflowers

Poppy - poppies

Lily - lilies

Dandelion - dandelions

Rose - roses

snowdrop - snowdrops

lily of the valley - lilies of the valley

Narcissus - daffodils

14. Summary of the lesson

Guys, what do you think, is a plucked flower good or bad? (both good and bad)

What do you see as good? (Decorates the house. Fills it with a pleasant aroma. Gives joy)

What is bad? (Plucked flowers, especially wild ones, die quickly. If everyone starts picking flowers, there will be no beauty around. There will be no flowers - bees will have nowhere to collect nectar, and butterflies - pollen. Flower seeds will not fall into the ground and new flowers will not grow from them)

What is more in the fact that we pick flowers: good or bad? (Bad)

What flowers are best to admire? (Those that grow in wildlife: in a meadow, in a field, in a forest, in a city flower bed)

Additional material

    Development of general speech skills

They will grow at the Rose, in the rose garden.

Pink, red, all flowers are different!

    Development of graphomotor skills

Game "Connect the dots"

Olga Shushkova
Lexical topic « Houseplants» for children of the preparatory speech therapy group

Theme of the week: « Houseplants» .

Target: Formation of knowledge on the topic indoor plants and their care.

Children should know:

be able to use names in your speech indoor plants;

show them on request, recognize them in images;

to distinguish them in appearance, highlighting pronounced characteristic distinctive, similar features;

distinguish parts plants(root, stem);

be aware of the benefits indoor plants why they are bred;

know how to take care of them;

understand how to reproduce plants(mustache, leaves.)

Vocabulary expansion children:

titles: plant, violet, geranium, begonia, ficus, aloe, fuchsia, cactus, fern, root, stem, leaves, bud, shoot, petal, flower, earth, planter, seedlings, food, water, watering, light, sun, window sill;

signs: indoor, bright, beautiful, delicate, fragrant, odorous, spreading, lush, blooming, useful, flexible, curly, drooping, prickly;

actions: plant, water, replant, loosen, bloom, bloom, fall off, wither, wither, grow, care for, grow, blossom, cut, tear, smell.

Didactic games and exercises

Formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix

"Call it sweetly"

violet - violet

geranium - geranium,

cactus - cactus,

spine - spine,

stalk - stalk,

leaf - leaf (leaf,

bud - bud,

sprout - sprout,

flower - flower,

earth - land,

water - water (water,

the sun is the sun.

"One is Many"

Violet - violets - violets,

ficus - ficus - ficus,

fuchsia - fuchsia - fuchsia,

cactus - cacti - cacti,

ferns - ferns - ferns,

light - a lot of light,

root - roots - roots,

stalk - stalks - stalks,

leaf - leaves - leaves,

bud - buds - buds,

petal - petals - petals,

flower - flowers - flowers,

seedlings - a lot of seedlings,

water - water - a lot of water (water,

window sill - window sills - window sills.

Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases "Count one - two - five"

Violet - two violets - five violets.

Same with words: flower, ficus, cactus, fern, root, bud, petal.

Lexical structure of speech

Pick up signs (at least three features):

geranium (which) – …

Pick up actions (at least three actions):

geranium (what is he doing) – …

One is many:

branch - branches

bud - ...

pot - ...

root -

trunk - ...

plant - …

Yes - no (genitive singular):

flower - no flower

bud - ...

root - ...

Construction of a monologue-description "Tell about plant» (describing its structure, care for it and method of reproduction)

For example. Begonia is a lush bush. It has several brittle stems and medium-sized glossy bright green leaves. The bush is showered with bright pink flowers. Begonia is easy to care for, she loves frequent watering, loosening the soil. This plant propagated by cuttings.

Learn a poem:

Here growing begonias

Lush beauty.

By her beauty she

Famous all over the world.

They call me violet.

So call me and you.

Let on your window are growing

My funny flowers.

Finger gymnastics

On the window a prickly flower

(Show rectangle in front of you)

Looking around the neighborhood

(Do "binoculars" from palms)

You better not touch him

(Wag finger)

It hurts very badly.

(Prick palm with finger and wrinkle)

Not a pillow for needles

(folded palms under the cheek)

And not a hedgehog, and not a Christmas tree,

(fold hands. spread your fingers, "draw" tree in front of you)

But don't let yourself be offended

(Negative gesture with head and index finger)

Because all in needles.

(Prick palm with finger)

Related publications:

Conversation for the middle group "Indoor plants" Conversation for middle group"Indoor plants" Purpose: - To consolidate the names of indoor plants (geranium, aloe begonia, lily, violet, rules.

Opening game for children of the younger group "Indoor plants" Topic: “Indoor plants” Purpose: Show how indoor plants (ficus, violet) grow. Give an idea of ​​what is needed for plant growth.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson for children of a speech therapy group preparatory to school Lexical theme "Wild animals" Correctional and educational goals. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic "Wild animals of our forests". Grammar improvement.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group (lexical topic - "Berries") "Mishutka delicacies" Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish between berries: forest, garden. Tasks: 1) Improving the grammatical structure of speech, word formation skills:.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Journey to the country of vowels and consonants" Lexical theme: "Autumn". Objectives of the lesson: 1. Development of skills in syllabic and phonemic analysis, phonemic representations. 2. Expansion and refinement of the dictionary.

Speech therapy subgroup lesson on the world around for children of the middle group. Lexical topic: "Transport" Purpose: to activate and.

Nadezhda Baranova
Card file of games on the theme "Flowers"

I bring to your attention a card file of games (moving, didactic, finger, speech) on the topic "Flowers". I took note of the games in various sources, designed them on cards. At the right time, they are always at hand. Games will help children remember the names of flowers, their places of growth, teach how to compose descriptive stories, teach them to love and protect nature.


The "gardener" is chosen. The rest of the children sit in a circle and put their hands behind their backs. A vase or flower pot is placed in the center. The gardener comes out. He has cards with flowers in his hands. He pronounces the words: "I love my flowers, I will water my flowers." Depicts him watering the flowers and gives the cards to some of the children. The "gardener" calls these cards: "poppy, chamomile, cornflower ..." Then the children say the words: "one, two, three, collect the bouquet!" The players who received the cards must get up, go outside the circle, run around the circle to their place, run into the circle and put their flower in a vase. The player who placed the flower first becomes the "gardener". He takes the flowers out of the vase and the game is repeated.

FORGET-MENT (mobile)

A "forget-me-not" and a driver are selected. The rest of the children are flowers, they are given one card each with the image of a flower. "Flowers" scatter throughout the room. The leader chooses three flowers, puts the children in one line and says: “I am always happy with all the flowers. I will plant flowers in a row. Poppy, chamomile, cornflower (or other three flowers). The driver puts the flowers in a certain sequence. Further, the three selected "flowers" are "lost" among others. "Forget-me-not" must find them, put them in right order and name.


"Bees" are selected, they are given toy buckets. The rest of the children are given cards with the image of honey plants (dandelion, willow-herb, cornflower, clover) and simple flowers (chamomile, bluebell, lily of the valley).

The host (adult) once again pronounces the names of all the flowers, draws the attention of the children to which of them are honey plants, Then the host says: “Bees, bees, to the meadow! Collect your honey!" “Bees take cards of honey plants from children, name them and put them in buckets. Then the children switch roles and the game is repeated.

Grasshoppers. HERBS, BUTTERFLIES, FLOWERS (mobile)

Children are divided into grasshoppers, butterflies, flowers, herbs and rehearse the roles: grasshoppers jump, grasses squat, butterflies wave their hands, flowers fold their palms like cups of flowers. The host (adult) pronounces the words: "The game begins, it's time for everyone to wake up." Children turn into inhabitants of the meadow and perform their movements. Then the leader says: "The sun disappeared until the morning, it's time for everyone to sleep in the meadow." Children sit down and "fall asleep". Then the children choose other roles for themselves, and the game is repeated.


Children become flowers. First, they do gymnastics for the "roots": They stomp their legs, squat, raise their legs forward. Then gymnastics for the "stalks": they stretch their arms to the sky, sway in the breeze, bend over, greeting good travelers. Then the “flowers” ​​do gymnastics for the “leaves”: they lower and raise their hands, tilt their hands to the right and left, clap their hands. And, finally, they do gymnastics for the “flowers”: they open and close their palms, do “flashlights”, squeeze and unclench their fingers.


Children are divided into 2 equal teams. 2 daisies from petals are laid out on the floor. (there should be as many petals as there are children in the team). Teams are invited to move the flowers to a certain distance (5-7 meters) and lay out the petals around the prepared centers. The teams are behind the line. Each participant can take only one petal. The player starts the movement after the previous player slaps his hand. The team that collects the flower first wins.

BELL (musical and didactic)

The driver leaves the room. The rest of the children hide the bell flower (a picture of a flower) in the group, take the bells, invite the driver and start ringing the bells. The driver is looking for a flower. The closer the driver comes to the flower, the louder the children begin to call - so they tell the driver where to look for the bell.

LIVING FLOWER. (low mobility)

Children become flowers: Ivan tea, St. John's wort, clover. Please note to the children that blooming Sally among these flowers is the highest. Children, depicting ivan-chai, stand in the center of the circle and raise their hands up. St. John's wort is a medium height flower. Children, depicting St. John's wort, stand in a circle of tall flowers and walk in a circle, holding hands. Low clover - children form a second circle: they surround "ivan-tea" and squat. To the words of the host: one, two, three, flower bed, freeze! ”- the children freeze.

"FIND A PAIR" (didactic)

Cards with the image of different flowers are cut in half, the children are given one half of the flower. Children are looking for their soul mate. The pair that first makes a flower of 2 halves wins.

FLOWERS (fingerprint)

Our scarlet flowers open their petals.

(fingers open, hands turn left and right)

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

(slowly wiggle fingers)

Our scarlet flowers, close the petals,

(close fingers together in a bud)

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads.

(hands down, circular movements with the hands).


Each player chooses the name of a flower for himself. The same name cannot be given to more than one child. By lot, the selected flower, for example, "Rose" starts the game: it calls a flower, for example, "Poppy". "Poppy" runs, and "Rose" catches up with him. When he is in danger of being caught, he says the name of some other flower, the next flower runs away. The caught one changes its name and is included in the game again. You can not come up with the same name of a flower repeatedly.


To pick flowers for us

We need to sit together.

We pick poppies, cornflowers and make bouquets.

ON THE LAWN (mobile)

Daisies on the lawn (you can change the name of the flowers)

The beetle flew in a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies,

Quietly swinging in the wind, bending low-low (actions are performed according to the text).

1-2-3- FLOWERS GROWN (warm-up)

(children sat down, imitating unopened flower buds).

1-2-3- flowers have grown!

(children rise slowly, stretch their arms up and open their palms with spread fingers - the buds have opened).

Stretched high towards the sun (on toes)

They felt nice and warm!

The breeze flew by, the stems shook (the child "wind" runs among the children)

Swinged to the left - crouched low,

Swinged to the right - crouched low (movements in the text)

Wind, run away!

Don't break the flowers!

Let them bloom, grow, bring joy to children! ("breeze" runs away)

FLOWER (finger)

It's closed early in the morning

But closer to noon

Opens the petals - I see their beauty!

By evening, the flower closes the corolla again.

And now he will sleep until morning like a baby bird.

(actions can be discussed with the children and performed at their request)


I am a cheerful Maybug,

I know all the gardens around. (option: flowers around)

I’m circling over the lawns, and my name is Zhu-Zhu (option: I’m friends with flowers)

(they clench their fists, spread their index finger and little finger to the sides and move their “mustache”).

A bee sat on a flower, she drinks fragrant juice.

(pull out index finger right hand and rotate it, then the same thing - with the finger of the left hand).

"BOW ON THE DANDELION" (breathing)

On a bright sunny day

Golden blossomed flower.

A light breeze is blowing - our flower swayed.

A strong wind blows - the petals excite.

(children blow on dandelion petals with different strengths and observe the intensity of the movement of the petals)

Fluffy white ball

Showed off in a clean field, blow on it lightly,

There was a flower - and there is no flower.

(then they blow on the cotton wool - “dandelion” without puffing out the cheeks).

DANDELION (warm-up)

Dandelion, dandelion! (squat, rise slowly)

The stem is thin, like a finger.

If the wind is fast-fast (scatter)

Will fly into the meadow,

Everything around will rustle. (say sh-sh-sh)

Dandelion stamens will scatter in a round dance (join hands and walk in a circle)

And merge with the sky).


Children-"seeds" take their places on the rug, sitting on their knees, hiding their heads.

The leader (adult) walks between them, touching everyone, says: “I soot

marigolds (or another flower suggested by the children). I sprinkle the seeds with earth, water them with water (performs the appropriate actions, loosens (strokes the children on the backs).

Grow, marigolds, to my joy, to the envy of the neighbors (you can say about work).

After "watering", "loosening", the children depict how the root sprouts, leaves appear, the stalk grows. Children straighten up, show how the breeze shakes the flowers, bends, how they turn to the sun.


The attention of children is drawn to the individual elements of flowers, it is reported that the wind plucked all the petals from the flowers. Flowers need to be collected and revived (according to the main colors of the spectrum).


The host calls the flowers growing in the flowerbed and among them one meadow.

The child must name which flower is superfluous according to the place of growth.

Also - among the meadow flowers to find a garden one.


The child lists the flowers:

bell-one, cornflower-two, forget-me-not-three, etc.

FLOWER SHOP (according to mnemonic tables)

The child comes to the "shop", names the characteristic features of the flower, gives a description appearance, names the place where the flower grows.


One tulip, two tulips, three tulips and more.

NAME WHAT? (verbal)

A field where cornflowers grow - cornflower

A field where daisies grow - chamomile

violet eyes - violet

Forget-me-not eyes - forget-me-not

Clover honey - clover

The aroma of lily of the valley - lily of the valley, etc.

PLANT A FLOWER (didactic)

The sheet shows a flower bed, a field (in the middle). There are various flowers along the edges of the sheet (depending on the knowledge of the children).

Children are invited to indicate the place of growth with a connecting line.


Cut a card with a picture of a flower and invite the child to collect it, name the flower, indicate where it grows.


According to the template, children cut out a flower for themselves (or get it ready, twist its petals, lower it into the water, watch how the flower “blooms”


Children are invited to list flowers of a certain color:

Reds are beautiful

White - gentle,

Yellow - sunny

Blue - heavenly (or variants of children).


When introducing kids to wild flowers, it is proposed:

Children, you are bees, you need to fly to the named flower:

1, 2, 3, fly to the chamomile, 1,2,3, fly to the bell ...

Children can be offered bees made from kinders or put on hats.

Flowers - cards or artificial ones are laid out in the "clearing".

Also, the role of flowers can be performed by children in hats made by their parents - flowers.

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