
Is there magic in the world? Does magic really exist: how black, white and elemental magic works. Does magic exist, what is magic?

Which girl in childhood did not want to become a real sorceress, to be able to turn torn cast-offs into a ball gown, and an ordinary pumpkin into a golden carriage with one wave of her wand?

But time passes, we grow up and understand that in reality there are no sorceresses, but only boring and not always fair adult life. Only somewhere deep down in the soul there still remains hope for a miracle and a childish belief in the possibility of magic.

Does magic exist?

Few people think that magic actually exists, since so much is said and written about it. But just to become a sorceress, you need to work and study a lot.

After all, we don’t expect that a person will be born a ready-made doctor or metallurgical engineer: before getting this profession, you need to finish school and college, do an internship and work for several years “on the spot.” Only after this can we say that a person has mastered his profession.

So is magic: in order to gain at least initial skills, you need to study for a long time and not give up when you fail: for someone who really wants to achieve something, everything will definitely work out. Each of us has a little bit of magic, but learning to use it takes years of hard work.

Why do you want to become a sorceress?

Many people in childhood think that being a sorceress is very cool: you just have to wish for something, and your wish will immediately come true. But in reality, everything is much more complicated: for every desire you have to pay, and the more you get through magic, the more you have to give.

But this law also works in reverse side: the more the sorceress does good to people, the more goodness and strength returns to her.

The most powerful sorceresses never create magic for themselves, giving all their power to those who truly need it.

If you want to become a sorceress to conjure beautiful dresses, prince grooms and luxurious palaces, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for it with your health and happiness, and possibly the lives of those you love. That is why evil witches who work their magic are always lonely and unhappy.

Which wizarding specialty will you choose?

Like ordinary people, sorceresses have their own magical specialties. Some know how to cure diseases of people and animals with a light touch of the hand, others find lost things and people, others know the language of animals and plants and can control them, the fourth, the most powerful, heal human destinies, helping to get out on the only road on which you can find your happiness.

Which specialty to choose depends on the character and inclinations of the future sorceress. Sometimes abilities manifest themselves quite clearly from the very beginning, in other cases the path of magic is suggested by experienced magicians.

How and where can you learn to be a sorceress?

There are very few real wizards, because people have stopped believing in their existence, and also because few can show enough persistence to pass initial stage training.

Therefore, most of them are self-taught who were able to achieve everything on their own, and there are no schools for wizards at all.

If you're lucky, you can ask some sorceress to teach you at least the basic techniques of magic.

But if you haven’t managed to meet a single sorceress, you’ll have to make do on your own. What is magic? These are supernatural abilities: the ability to see what is happening behind the wall, the ability to feel what will happen in an hour or a year, the ability to see another person’s illness, etc. These are the abilities that need to be developed.

To do this, you can use literature on parapsychology; there is plenty of it on the Internet. Or you can simply learn to travel with your thoughts anywhere - first, looking in your imagination into the next room, then further and further...

Rules of a real sorceress

In order for your power to grow, you will have to follow the strict rules of magic. They are very simple at first glance and very difficult to implement.

The sorceress is always ready to help people and does not expect gratitude for it.

The sorceress never harms people in deed, word, or thought.

The sorceress works every day from dawn to dusk.

The sorceress never complains or takes revenge for insults; she always forgives those who have harmed her.

If you decide to become a sorceress, you need to follow these rules every day, and gradually your power will increase.

This will not happen immediately: you may have to wait ten or even twenty years for you to gain real magical power. But one day, having passed all the tests, you will gain real magical power and be able to use it for the benefit of people.

Everyone understands the concept of magic differently. For example, for some it is not at all a chance meeting with someone we just thought about, the realization secret desires or finding a treasure. A more scientific definition of magic refers to the purposeful influence on the course of events through supernatural means.

Does magic even exist? Many people ask this question. This is not surprising, because it is difficult for people to believe in something that cannot be touched, seen, or even explained.

Yes, yes, this is not for you to grab a cup of hot coffee with your hands and stare at the rainbow after the rain.

Let's remember if something so amazing and even frightening happened to us that we cannot find an explanation for. I think this has happened to many people at least once in their lives. Moreover, it made me dispel doubts that magic exists.

No? Then just listen to what my friend Vera told the author of the article.

“At one time, I had, to put it mildly, strange neighbors who were interested in magic living on the same site. More than once they recited quite audible spells, or cursed the noisy children in the yard.

One day this happened. These people, having moved out of our house, asked to hand over the keys to the tenants who allegedly now live in their apartment. A week later, no one came for the keys and no new tenants were heard of.

Perhaps I would not have attached any importance to this if it had not been for the sudden onset of a “dark streak” in the life of my family. I, a completely healthy eighteen-year-old girl, began to have serious health problems. My sister fell into a terrible depression, and my mother was suddenly fired from work, which was also accompanied by poor health.

It was then that my mother “folded all her cards.” Having grabbed the enemy's keys, we went to the grandmother in our yard. She was also no slouch when it came to magic. Taking this, as it turned out, enchanted object into her hands, the woman was horrified, but soon reassured us that everything could be fixed.

Real horror gripped us when this happened. A former neighbor asked for a candle, saying that the light had gone out in their apartment.

But, fortunately, we were warned and did not fall for the tricks of such magic. The next day, all family members woke up feeling great, and our affairs soon improved too.

Now I don’t wonder if magic exists, I know it does.”

There are quite a lot of such cases. And what, if not magic, can influence people so strangely?
If this example does not convince you, it’s okay - the author of the article still has many “trump cards in his hands.”

Although, as a familiar philosophy teacher used to say, one must doubt everything, including whether magic exists. Then why so much talk about it?

It was in them that many real myths about magic were born. Especially among those who have not yet decided on their attitude towards otherworldly forces.

3 most common misconceptions among those who think that magic really exists

  1. Magic is completely evil, and exists only for a negative purpose (to curse, bewitch, etc.). Associated with witches, Satan and terrible rituals.
  2. Magic exists in white or black. In fact, it is colorless. The only important thing is for what purpose and how you use it.
  3. Magic does not require special knowledge. There is an opinion that having learned one spell, you can consider yourself a magician. In this sense, it is the same science as, for example, mathematics.

Myths “grow” around practically all interesting things, especially about whether magic exists. And this often happens due to a lack of information in a particular area, or due to the inability to logically prove something, as, indeed, in our case. But some things are worth looking at over time.

Think about water, for example.

Surely everyone has heard from fairy tales about the so-called living and dead water. It was believed that the first was capable of, if, in the literal sense of the word, not reviving, then at least healing. The second, on the contrary, could worsen the state of health.

A few centuries ago, the one who introduced these concepts into our everyday life would simply have been laughed at. And now it has already been fully proven that water has energy and memory. That is, these things really exist! A glass of water charged in some way can work wonders.

Hmm, well, how can one not believe that magic really exists and is friends with science?

And it not only exists, but is also constantly evolving. Here's how it has changed over time.

5 stages in history in exploring the question “Does magic exist?”

  1. Primitive age. At one glance at the strange rock symbols, one can speak of the presence of some kind of belief in the supernatural. Then magic existed in close connection with religion. Items endowed magical abilities bring good luck, and asked nature for help in all matters.
  2. Antiquity. Homer's works describe magical objects, such as the moth flower, which protects from magic, as well as the ritual of necromancy. At this time, protective amulets, curses, potions, and other magical attributes begin to be actively created.
  3. Middle Ages. Whether magic exists is colorfully shown during the Middle Ages. This period was marked by a fierce struggle against magic, namely against witches who were accused of witchcraft and performing “black” rituals. Such black magic frightened ordinary people and was punished by the authorities.
  4. Revival. On the one hand, during the translations of works of antiquity, interest in magic returned, and on the other hand, with the development of science, people tried to interpret the world using a rational approach. But it is interesting that many things that are now supported by evidence were then perceived as something magical.
  5. Our days. Now magic exists mainly in cinema and literature and is proudly called the genres of “science fiction” and “fantasy”. But modern people and real life More and more people are resorting to specialists in this field. Performing magical rituals has already become commonplace - like going to the doctor.

This wide application led to the fact that magic was divided into several directions, each of which is interesting in its own way.

Magic lessons

5 main directions in which magic exists in our time

In fact, magic is just a kind of abstraction and a very general concept of magic. Depending on its purpose and means of achieving what is desired, magic exists in different forms.

It is interesting that modern people have learned to do without ancient rituals that are harmful
spells and curses. Recently, this phenomenon (like everything else, however) has progressed quite a lot, and now, basically, magic exists for self-knowledge of a person, studying the peculiarities of his destiny, as well as for searching for secret abilities.

Among all the directions in which current magic exists, there are five main ones:

  • Astrology. This is an old and rather complex science that has found resonance and widespread use in our time. It is based on knowledge about the structure of the Universe and the assertion that man is an integral part of it. A skilled astrologer can fully describe your life, which will help you avoid some troubles, as well as correctly distribute your energy resources.
  • Ayurveda. The teaching is known for its amazing life-giving power. Healing a person according to Ayurveda is based on the natural suppression of an illness without the use of artificial auxiliary substances. The actions of such a doctor are aimed not specifically at the disease, but at the person as a whole, in order to improve and strengthen him physically and spiritually.
  • Divination. Nowadays, magic exists mainly to help us learn about some events from the future. They often tell fortunes using cards and coffee grounds. This type is widely known for its seemingly simplicity of execution. But, in fact, fortune telling gives a large error, unless, of course, this is done by an experienced magician who understands not only symbols and meanings, but can also hear clues from the other world in the process , to exist in tune with higher powers.
  • Extrasensory perception. People who are called true psychics, conductors of magic, have long been a real discovery. They are able to feel what is inaccessible to an ordinary person, thanks to more developed senses. Such “wizards” are able to predict the future, look into the past, see at a distance and heal a person with the power of thought.
  • Numerology. The magic here exists in numbers. Numerologists believe that each number has its own energy and is capable of influencing a person. Consequently, the numbers from the date of birth carry specific information, after learning which you can get the keys to your happy life.

In general, whether magic exists is a question for everyone to answer for themselves. But still, according to the author of the article, there is no point in denying something supernatural. After all, the miracles that sometimes happen to us are truly amazing.

We should only remember that some connection with otherworldly forces is given to us to help us, to understand certain aspects of our personality and to warn us against danger. So you should use them for your own benefit and not to harm others.

Theoretically - Yes.

Let's start with what is magic? This is a change in time and space, that is, conditionally - this is energy management through various types of manipulations.

But in order to manage, you need to know what, or at least feel it, so how to feel this energy that same "magic" or "the force" from the lightsaber universe? The answer is simple: need good detectors, because even our eyes do not perceive the entire range of “energy” of the surrounding world due to their narrow sensitivity ( only 300 nanometers). What if these people perceive more, perhaps not through their eyes, but through some other sensory organ?

Doesn't look much like what we see in movies, does it? But we still see this through the eyes of another person, another Muggle, it’s like showing a movie to a worm and telling him about what’s happening, transforming the information in his range to the organs he has, I don’t think he’ll understand you, and it’s unlikely can he make a similar film for you, because not only does he not have eyes or ears, he also does not have arms and legs to create.

That is, if these people cause any mutations, any gene have greater perception, greater opportunities to interact with the world around them, then they can change it consciously, in my opinion this is quite logical.

Of course, not everyone can see and do at the same time or equally strongly (probability theory, how are you doing?), let’s assume that there are weak and strong magicians, for the weak to reach the level of the strong, he needs some kind of strengthening of his abilities, some kind of catalyst that enhances his manipulations over the environment its energy and here you are greeted by magic wands, amulets, any magical artifacts for various purposes(as if you are looking for a circuit solution for the task you need).

It can also be assumed that instruments already with magical power(ready-made things like all sorts of bottles with potions) can also be used by Muggles who are not particularly endowed with the “gift,” akin to how a monkey picks up a pistol with cartridges, not yet knowing what it does and how it actually works.

Regarding fast travel and portals, then in 1 case, energy can be moved in different wavelengths (even between elementary particles there are voids, and your wall is not as dense as you think, everything is relative) in order to avoid unnecessary losses/interference/distortion and increase the speed of information transfer, and in 2 you can connect 2 points of space (you need to do a little magic with the laws of gravity and, in principle, everything is quite feasible), thereby creating a kind of bridge that will take you from point A to point B (not only portals in space, but in time are quite real) .

Since ancient times, magic has existed on the brink of the separation of the human and otherworldly worlds, and divinely gifted fortune tellers and clairvoyants stand guard over this border, ensuring its inviolability and helping people with various potions and predictions of their future.

But do these people really have any magical powers? Does magic really exist? Or is it all - clean water quackery?

History of magic

Magic lives in this world exactly as long as man, because it was he who came up with this system of secret teachings about the other world, based on his belief in gods and higher powers.

Over the course of many centuries, attitudes towards magic changed very often: in primitive times it was seen as a panacea for all ills, and with the advent of Christianity, in the Middle Ages, everyone who was caught using this ungodly activity was burned at the stake of the Holy Inquisition, and absolutely not it was important whether the person used white magic or was a warlock.

IN modern world the attitude towards magic is also twofold: some believe in it unquestioningly, while others consider it complete nonsense.

But the very fact that magic, as a teaching about another world diametrically opposed to the human universe, has survived to the era of the Internet and high technology, makes us ask a rather controversial question: “Would this occult teaching have passed such a test of time if it had not been for him real knowledge about life?

Does magic exist?

So, what types of magic are known to modern humanity? Depending on the goals that a person pursues when turning to secret knowledge about the other world, they distinguish between the magic of good and evil.

1. The magic of good - white magic - makes helping people the meaning of its existence. Sorcerers who practice this bright teaching are asked to cure an illness, remove the damage caused by ill-wishers and give strength to withstand all the trials of life thrown by harsh fate.

Any person can learn this type of magic, since it is inherent in all representatives of humanity equally. You just need to believe in its existence and in your strength.

In a person whose mind is clear and free from fears, and whose personal growth never stops, the ability to realize good and bright desires grows at an unprecedented speed.

2. The magic of evil - black magic - is called upon to achieve its goal at any cost. Warlocks are people who do not have a penny to their name. They have no moral values ​​and principles.

It is representatives of this type of magicians who, without hesitation, take on any dirty work. Inducing damage and the evil eye, curses, love spells and crowns of celibacy is the main list of their abilities.

And there is no doubt about the existence of such magic, because history is replete with cases of the use of black magic: what are voodoo sorcerers worth, capable of stealing human soul and revive those who have passed into another world with the help of an ordinary rag doll.

3. Elemental magic. This type of magic is based on the doctrine of the four basic elements of the human world: fire, water, earth and air. Depending on the area in which a person is experiencing difficulties, different elements are used in spells.

For example, to solve material problems, it makes sense to turn to an element such as earth, and to prevent family troubles - to everything related to fire.

This type of magic is quite difficult to learn: it requires increased concentration and a fairly strong character in order to easily tame the capricious elements.

The struggle between the two main types of magic began before our era and has not stopped for a second for several thousand years. Of course, it doesn't take much thought to answer the question of which magic will win in the end. Good always goes one step ahead of its black counterpart. Don’t forget about it and stop believing in it.

Video on the topic of the article

About existence of magic Disputes do not subside in society. Does magic exist? Adherents of materialism say that it does not exist, that it is fiction, nonsense and fairy tales of a sick imagination. According to them, everything in the world is material, what we see, what is tangible, exists. In this world, everything strictly obeys the laws of physics and chemistry. The question arises: why can’t there be other laws that have not yet been discovered, those laws according to which the algorithm of magic itself works? You can turn to history. Even at the dawn of human development, somewhere during the Upper Paleolithic period, humanity already had a different idea about the material world. This was manifested in a person's belief in an afterlife. If a person died, the community took every possible care of the deceased; in their opinion, he continued to live, but in a different form. Therefore, gifts were brought to him, he was protected from wild animals, and special funeral rituals were performed. Also, forms of human belief in the existence of something supernatural and invisible have received names: totemism, animism, fetishism.

Totemism was a special system of myths and human beliefs in a supernatural community of groups and animals or plants, which were called totems.

Animism is a society's belief in the existence of spirits.

Fetishism is the endowment of objects with special properties, often supernatural ones. Also, as humanity developed, shamanism, necromancy, and various cults of a particular community appeared, which were determined by the territory of their location.

So to the question of does magic exist From a historical point of view, the answer is definitely yes. It just obeys different laws. And these laws are universal, irreversible, inescapable.

Scientists have long discovered such properties of the human body as energy and biofield. Man can control environment, to control circumstances, chance does not really exist. And the stronger the person himself, the stronger his energy, his willpower, the greater the chance he has to control circumstances.

The Middle Ages condemned magic; for it it was something terrible. Witches and sorcerers were burned only one denunciation at a time. But even then, large organizations arose, entire communities that numbered hundreds of people who, to one degree or another, practiced magic.

Researchers of magic and religion claim: yes, witchcraft exists among all peoples of the world. From time immemorial it was widespread in Rus'; sorcerers and healers lived in every village. They differed in that the sorcerer could cause damage, and the healer could remove it. Love magic natural and involuntary sorcerers practiced. People to whom sorcerers transfer their power before death were considered involuntary, otherwise the mother earth would not accept them.

To expose sorcerers in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm tree candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in the hands of the church during Bright Matins. It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ash from aspen logs, or simply out of concern, and then expose himself.

Sorcerers come in different powers: one only needs to look and send his unkind thought with a sideways glance to make him wither away. The weaker one needs either a curse powder, which he sends into the wind, or a witch's potion, or a trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed person. Or you need a thing that is being slandered - conspiracies are common both among sorcerers and healers.

There were always many amulets against all the machinations of sorcerers: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn onto a scarf, a spoken coin placed in stockings, eyeless needles sewn into a dress, etc.

Modern man is accustomed to the fact that there are two opposing views on reality, two types of consciousness - scientific and magical. Sometimes it seems that in the modern world it is ridiculous to think that miracles happen. Scientific methods of influencing reality seem solid and logical, and belief in magic remains in childhood, when it was so easy to believe in fairy tales and wizards.

Inexplicable does not mean does not exist

But maybe it’s just easier for people to think that everything in the world is predictable and explainable? In fact, this is far from the case. Even in the familiar reality that surrounds everyone, there are many things that people cannot feel with the help of their senses: electromagnetic waves, electrons running through wires, speed of light. But they can observe and record these and other phenomena using special instruments.

But until quite recently, concepts such as the human biofield, for example, were not recognized by official science and unconditionally belonged to the realm of esotericism. Perhaps the methods of explaining and recording phenomena that today are usually classified as magic will in the near future become familiar and completely scientific?

What is magic?

But before deciding whether magic exists or not, it's a good idea to understand what it is. We can say that magical rituals are actions that carry a certain energy impulse, are performed in a certain sequence and bring the desired result. Thus, the magical effect is not too different from the ordinary one in its essence, except for one component - the energy one.

But this component turns out to be the most important in the magical action. The mood that a person receives as a result of performing the ritual helps him change his behavior, see the situation from a new perspective, discover new resources in himself, and believe in himself. And belief in yourself and your success is a powerful force. The stronger the energy of the person performing magical actions, the more obvious the result will be. Modern psychologists recognize this, and theologians have been talking about this since ancient times.

As for the ritual itself, successive manipulations, words of the conspiracy, pronounced in a strictly specified order, create the desired mood and help internal resources to mobilize. You can create rituals yourself. One of the areas of psychology - Simoron - is built on the creation of fun rituals that help change reality. The only problem is to believe in their effectiveness. That is why most prefer traditional, proven magical methods.

To expose sorcerers in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm tree candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in the hands of the church during Bright Matins.

It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ash from aspen logs, or simply out of concern, and then expose himself. Sorcerers come in different powers: one only needs to look and send his unkind thought with a sideways glance to make him wither away.

The weaker one needs either a curse powder, which he sends into the wind, or a witch's potion, or a trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed person. Or you need a thing that is being slandered - conspiracies are common both among sorcerers and healers.

There were always many amulets against all the machinations of sorcerers: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a headscarf, a spoken coin placed in stockings, eyeless needles sewn into a dress, etc.


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