
If a woman has frequent urination. Frequent urination without pain in women: causes and solutions. Diarrhea and frequent urination in women

Urination (synonym: deurination) of a person is an arbitrary emptying of the bladder into the external environment through the corresponding channel (urethra). Any violation of this process is called dysuria. There is no exact figure for the number of urination, after which we can talk about its increase.

The average number of trips to the toilet per day for an adult is five to nine during the day and no more than one episode at night. At a time, an adult should allocate from 200 to 300 ml of fluid. Nighttime urination is called nocturia.

Frequent urination exceeds 10 trips to the toilet per day. If at the same time an increase in the volume of secretions is also noted, such a symptom is called polyuria. With frequent urination, a single amount of urine is less. By the way, this symptom can be harmless and hide serious pathologies.

Below will be considered the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women, the drugs used in therapy, and many other issues.

Urine formation in general

The renal pelvis system is involved in the production of urine, which is a filter for the body. The regulation of the process occurs under the control of the central nervous system. 180 liters are produced per day of primary urine. It contains not only water, but also salts, sugars, a special acid, and in case of pathologies, protein and other substances. But a person excretes only about one and a half liters of urine into the external environment, which is already secondary.

What it is? This is urine obtained after primary reabsorption. In this process, many substances are absorbed back into the blood.

What determines the amount of urine excreted? It is directly related to age, nutrition, gender, climate and the general condition of the body.

Causes of frequent urination in women

There are the following reasons:

  1. Physiological - are the norm. With them, the symptoms of a certain disease in the form of temperature, cramps, itching, burning, pain and other things are absent.
  2. Pathological - associated with a variety of ailments of the body.

Only 15% of these manifestations are associated with diseases of the renal system, the rest can be triggered by cardiac, endocrine, STIs (genital), gynecological and other pathologies.

Frequent urination without pain: causes

In many cases, the constant or frequent urge to empty the bladder in women is not a pathology:

  1. The cause of frequent (without pain) urination in women can be the use of diuretics with different purpose. This increases both the number of discharges and their volume.
  2. Pregnancy is the most common physiological cause of frequent (no pain) urination in women. It is caused by the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the urethra and bladder. And in this case, nighttime urination is characteristic. But the reason is not only this. A change in the hormonal background in a pregnant woman leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood to create better nutrition fetus. This, in turn, further burdens the renal system. In addition, the amniotic fluid must be renewed every two to three hours. All together cannot but be reflected in the diuresis of a woman.
  3. Features of nutrition - various spices, pickles, fats contribute to the increase in fluid secretion. All of them irritate the internal receptors of the bladder on the mucosa.
  4. Abuse of caffeinated drinks - green tea, alcohol, especially beer. Too much coffee produces copious urine. This is not felt when drinking an instant drink. But if you switch to coffee from fresh beans, you will immediately feel the difference.
  5. Hypothermia of the legs. In this case, the frequency of going to the toilet is a normal reaction of the bladder.
  6. Psycho-emotional shocks. Under stress, tissue hypoxia occurs, resulting in frequent urination.
  7. Menstruation. A few days before its appearance, fluid begins to linger in the body (the body is preparing for a potential pregnancy), and with the advent of menstruation, it begins to be excreted intensively.
  8. Climax. An increase in the frequency and constant urge to urinate in a woman at this age is associated with a restructuring of the hormonal background. Estrogens are coming to naught, and a lot depended on them at one time. Before menopause, they maintained the tone of the uterus and vagina, the normal sensitivity of mucosal receptors in the urethra and bladder, and contributed to their good blood supply. Now this is not happening. Metabolism slows down. Urination not only becomes more frequent, but also disturbs during sleep. At least two trips to the toilet at night is the norm during menopause. Additionally, at this age, urinary incontinence often joins.

Pathological causes of frequent urination in women

A certain pathology is becoming one of the most common causes of constant urge to urinate in women. Usually it is infectious and inflammatory, and in women it occurs much more often - three times - compared to men. The culprit is the anatomy of the MPS - the female urethra is shorter and wider, and the pathogen can easily enter the urinary tract.


Inflammation of the bladder mucosa. With this pathology, pain in the lower abdomen and in the region of the bladder itself is characteristic. Trips to the toilet occur with pain, burning and frequent. In a woman, the constant urge to urinate is also due to the fact that there is no feeling of complete emptying with cystitis. Often, incontinence joins, and the discharge may become cloudy due to pus and protein, which indicates complications.

Painful and frequent urination in women, accompanied by a burning sensation and pain, is one of the early manifestations of cystitis. The general condition is not disturbed, the temperature is within the normal range or rises slightly - up to 37.5 ° C.

Antibacterial drugs are always prescribed for the treatment of cystitis. In addition, therapy begins with a plentiful drink. Useful decoctions of cranberries and lingonberries.

Not only antibiotics are used, but also antispasmodics, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, analgesics. Well helps UHF, iontophoresis, inductothermy.


So called most often infectious inflammation of the urethral mucosa. Painful and frequent urination in women is the most common complaint. It is supplemented at the initial stage by malaise, burning and itching in the urethra. General symptoms of intoxication are uncharacteristic. The insidiousness of urethritis is that it does not go away without treatment, so therapy is necessary.

Getting rid of pathology in women consists of several stages.

  1. Elimination of infection, antibiotics are used for this.
  2. The next phase is the normalization of the vaginal microflora.
  3. Either way, boost your immune system.

Urolithiasis disease

Painful urge to urinate in women, often with pain and blood, is very characteristic of KSD. This is because stones often damage the mucous membrane of the excretory tract. Also, the stream of urine may be interrupted, the bladder is not completely emptied; there are pains above the pubis, with a return to the inner surface of the thigh and perineum.

The localization of stones can be different, and increased urination may indicate their localization in the bladder. This usually manifests itself when running, shaking driving - then a woman suddenly has a sharp desire to urinate.

To start treatment of KSD, the type of calculi, their size and localization are preliminarily established. The type of stones suggests different diet. If necessary, surgical measures are prescribed. They can be in the form of endoscopic or cystoscopic crushing of stones. Often and abdominal surgery.


Infectious lesion of the renal tubular system. It is acute and chronic. Let's take a look at the features below.

A constant urge to urinate in women with pyelonephritis usually becomes a symptom chronic form. In addition, it is accompanied by dull aching pains in the back, worse in cold or damp weather.

The progression of pathology with damage to two kidneys leads to the development of arterial hypertension. In the acute form, the temperature quickly rises to 39-40 ° C, the patient complains of weakness and chills, nausea and even vomiting.

Lower back pain intensifies, urine may become cloudy as a result of an increase in leukocytes - a purulent process. Treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. The course of antibiotic therapy is long, combined with phytotherapy, antispasmodics. At the end of the acute period, spa treatment is desirable.

Bladder atony

The name suggests a weakening of the tone of the bladder walls. The main symptom is frequent, painless urge to urinate in women with a small amount of fluid secreted.

This pathology is often congenital, so the only way to solve the problem will be special exercises and taking drugs to strengthen the muscular wall of the bladder. Atony is characterized by a sharp urge to urinate in women without delay.

Overactive bladder (OAB)

Usually this condition becomes a consequence of other pathologies. In this case, spontaneous contraction of the muscles of the bladder occurs, caused by increased activity of the receptors. There is a failure of one of the links in the chain: "bubble - wire paths - the brain."

Deurination is frequent and occurs at any time of the day. It is often accompanied by urinary incontinence. Treatment will be aimed at normalizing the increased excitability of the central nervous system: muscle relaxants, botulinum toxin, sedatives.

False urge to urinate

False urge to urinate in women - these are situations where there is a desire to empty, and there is no discharge of fluid or its meager amount is observed.

They can be provoked by:

  • the presence of stones in the kidneys or bladder;
  • persistent constipation;
  • regular consumption of alcoholic beverages in large numbers;
  • constant stress or anxiety;
  • cystitis.

Diseases of the female genital organs

Fibromyoma - there may be no symptoms or at the initial stage there are only menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen, metrorrhagia. With the growth of this benign tumor, it compresses the excretory tract, which leads to an increase in urges.

Treatment of frequent urge to urinate in women in this case depends entirely on the elimination of the tumor. Treatment is hormonal or surgical.

Descent of the uterus. It occurs as a result of the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the organ; weakening of the pelvic muscles and fascia. In this case, the bottom and neck fall below their normal anatomical and physiological boundaries. This also displaces the bladder. Patients suffer from meno- and metrorrhagia, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, sensations of a foreign body in the vagina, incontinence and increased urge. If you do not carry out treatment, the uterus falls even lower, the displacement of the rectum joins.

Medicines for frequent urge to urinate in women are selected according to the degree of the disease, taking into account concomitant gynecological pathologies and the age of the patient.

As a conservative treatment, strengthening the muscles of the press and the pelvic floor (gymnastics, gynecological massage, HRT) is used. Heavy physical labor is excluded. The radical method is an operation.

Endocrine pathologies

Diabetes mellitus - glucose is always connected with water molecules, so frequent urination occurs. Moreover, it is one of the first symptoms, especially at night.

In addition, there are additionally polydipsia and polyuria - thirst and a large volume of diuresis (up to three liters). Other symptoms include itching of the skin, vulvitis on this basis, a decrease in the regenerative abilities of tissues (long non-healing of scratches and wounds).

Diabetes insipidus - this disease is characterized by a sharp polydipsia and diuresis of up to five liters. With pathology, the urge to urinate in women is constant. As a result of dehydration, patients lose weight, weakness, nausea appear; the skin becomes dry.

The disease is associated with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, when the level of vasopressin in the blood falls. Diabetes insipidus is treated with HRT, which becomes lifelong.

Cardiovascular diseases

The urge to urinate in women at night is often associated with CVD. They appear due to the fact that during the day in the tissues of the body due to a decrease in the pumping function of the heart, fluid accumulates - edema. At night, in a horizontal position of a person, it begins to be actively excreted.

Painful frequent urination in women: causes

Frequent urination in women with pain can be caused not only by inflammation of the urinary tract, but also by infections such as STIs - gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. The symptom occurs because the urinary apparatus is closely connected with the genital area.

If women have an urge to urinate with a burning sensation, the cause is not only cystitis, but also STIs. The prerequisite for such dysuria may also appear in the improper use of hygienic tampons, which irritate the vaginal mucosa.

Frequent urination can also occur immediately after sex, due to irritation of the walls of the vagina, but it is transient.


Used for diagnosis various methods. These include:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • urethrography;
  • measurement of excretory function of the kidneys;
  • bacterial analyzes of urine and blood;
  • UAC and OAM;
  • biochemistry of blood and urine;

But the main thing is ultrasound.


Let us now consider what treatment (drugs) is used for symptoms of cystitis in women:

  • penicillins that are not destroyed due to the presence of flormuleclavulanic acid;
  • fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin);
  • cephalosporins (cefuroxime, ceftriaxone);
  • nitrofurans (nitroxoline, nevigramon).

Uroantiseptics - "Furadonin", "Furazolidone", "Uronefron", "Kanefron", "Urolesan".

Pre- and probiotics - are needed to normalize the microflora of MPS. More often than others, "Lactobacterin", "Acipol", "Linex", "Enterol" and others are used.

Antispasmodics - are indicated for ICD, because there is irritation of the mucous membrane with salts and stones, as a result of which a spasm appears. Assign "Drotaverin", "Spazmalgon", "No-shpu" and others. Mirabegon is popular. The drugs are taken for at least three months.

Phytopreparations - contain plants that have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effects. These funds also contribute to the dissolution and excretion of some salts (centaury, horsetail, rosemary, lovage, dog rose and others). More often than others, Fitolizin, Cyston, Urolesan are used.

Management of non-urinary dysuria

With uterine fibroids, conservative treatment is ineffective, therefore, only surgical removal is required.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, in order to drive away edema, on the contrary, they achieve increased urination. For this, diuretics are used. Then the BCC decreases, swelling decreases. The more frequent trips to the toilet - the more effective treatment. With a decrease in edema, diuretics are either canceled or the dose is reduced.

Treatment of urinary incontinence with drugs

For him, drugs are prescribed that enhance the work of sphincters and muscles. More often than others, "Midodrin" is prescribed - an alpha-adrenergic agonist. The action is based on increasing the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, due to which the sphincter is strengthened.

Duloxetine - inhibits the reuptake of serotonin. The latter begins to increase in the brain structures and the frequency of urination decreases. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, because the drug can cause a withdrawal syndrome.

More often than others are appointed:

  • "Driptan";
  • "Detrusitol";
  • "Spazmeks";
  • "Toviaz".


Prevention of the described pathologies should be comprehensive:

  1. Do not delay urination when there is an urge from the bladder. This is very harmful in all respects - the walls of the organ are irritated. Urine contributes to the deposition of stones, the appearance of a tumor, overstretching, etc.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids before bed is undesirable.
  3. In the process of urination, make sure that the bladder is completely emptied.
  4. Do not abuse coffee, tea and soda.
  5. Observe the water-drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  6. Wearable underwear should be made from natural fabrics.
  7. When bathing, do not get carried away with bath foam.
  8. Showering should be a daily routine.
  9. Without indications, diuretics and herbal preparations should not be taken.

It is also necessary to eat right, give up bad habits and use clothes according to the weather to avoid hypothermia.

Frequent urination in women is a symptom of the development of an inflammatory or infectious process. Therefore, even if the urge has become more frequent only during the day, and going to the toilet is not painful, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. The patient should be assigned laboratory and instrumental tests. According to their results, the therapist will refer to a nephrologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, urologist. In some cases, a consultation with a surgeon may be required.

Frequent urination in women is the appearance of urges every 2-3 hours. With a standard drinking regime, it should occur no more than 5-9 times. In the presence of pathology, a different volume of urine can be released, the process is painful, and the desire to go to the toilet does not recede even at night.

Description of the main and side symptoms

Violation of urination worries at least once in a lifetime 70% of women. At the same time, discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen or back may not be felt. To immediately recognize the disease, it is recommended to pay attention to the color, density, smell of urine. Any changes signal the addition of infection, inflammation, fungal infection.

If you ignore the pathology for a long time, which is a sign of a genitourinary disease, concomitant or side symptoms gradually appear. Thanks to them, you can accurately diagnose immediately at the first appointment.

A woman with the following symptoms requires urgent medical attention:

Attention! In acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder, renal colic may begin, affecting the lower back and side. It develops so strongly that a person needs an ambulance.

Also, in some cases, there is a sensation of a foreign body in the pelvic area. After lifting weights or exercising, it starts to hurt and unpleasantly pull the lower back, urine leakage is possible.

List of possible causes

The reasons for frequent urination in women can be varied. Bladder hyperactivity develops against the background of infectious, venereal, inflammatory, fungal diseases. There are also physiological factors for the onset of a symptom. In this case, the deviation is temporary and is not treated.

Do not exclude the reaction of the body to the intake of certain drugs that have a diuretic effect. With edema, hypertension, diuretic decoctions, diuretics are often prescribed. In this case, urination becomes more frequent in the evening.


Painless frequent urge to urinate can signal a variety of problems in the female body. Therefore, even if there are no additional symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist. The main reasons are divided into 3 large groups:

It's important to know! Also, frequent urination, especially at night, may indicate the presence of cardiovascular disease. At the same time, a woman may notice swelling of the legs, dry skin, jumps in blood pressure.

Physiological factors

Frequent urination in women without pain has physiological causes. At the same time, urges are felt only in daytime. Factors that provoke polyuria:

Also, an overactive bladder develops against the background of hypothermia. Often it causes polyuria in a child or an elderly person. When the temperature normalizes, the symptom quickly disappears.

Examination of the patient

If frequent urination occurs, you should contact a gynecologist or a local doctor who will refer you to laboratory and instrumental tests. The specialist will examine for the presence of edema, feel the lower abdomen and back, learn about the drinking regimen.

The main tests required for a complete examination:

  1. A general blood test, which determines the presence of an inflammatory process.
  2. General analysis of urine to detect impurities of protein, mucus, white blood cell count, changes in color, density, transparency of urine.
  3. A biochemical blood test is performed to determine problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland. In this case, it is noted elevated level urea, createnin, uric acid, glucose.
  4. A smear from the vagina to assess the microflora of the mucosa, identify pathogenic bacteria, fungi.
  5. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed in order to consider the increase, deformation, displacement of individual sections of tissues, the appearance of neoplasms in the organs of the urinary system.

After the results of the tests, the woman is sent to a specialist who will determine the name of the pathology and prescribe a treatment method. In case of kidney problems, a nephrologist is involved in treatment, in case of sexually transmitted infections, a gynecologist, bladder pathologies require the intervention of a urologist, problems thyroid gland- endocrinologist. If a uterine prolapse or neoplasm is detected, a surgeon's consultation is necessary.

Ways to normalize urinary functions in women

With physiological polyuria, which is temporary, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake. But if any disease is detected after diagnosis, a woman needs to treat it with conservative therapy or surgery.

Medicines and physiotherapy

It is impossible to choose a treatment regimen on your own, since you need to know exactly what provokes overactive bladder. If you do not undergo timely therapy and do not drink a course of pills, the risk of the disease progressing to the chronic stage increases, when it is difficult to get rid of the pathological symptoms.

The drug method includes taking the following drugs:

  • antibiotics to suppress the infectious agent;
  • antispasmodics to eliminate pain during urination;
  • pro- and prebiotics to improve intestinal microflora;
  • antifungal agents to eliminate fungal microflora;
  • NSAIDs to eliminate inflammation and burning, reduce pain;
  • painkillers for severe pain syndrome;
  • antihistamines to eliminate allergic reaction for underwear, soap, intimate hygiene products;
  • vitamin complexes to improve health, restore immunity;
  • immunomodulators for the treatment of diseases of viral etiology;
  • detoxification drugs to relieve symptoms of intoxication in severe diseases.

Physiotherapy is prescribed after recovery to increase overall immunity or during the period of remission of the identified pathology. The main types of therapy: electrophoresis, biogalvanization, vacuum drainage, therapeutic mud, massages, exercise therapy.

Also, to improve the protective properties of the body, you can drink a course of homeopathy. According to reviews, "Acidum Fluoricum" helps with urinary incontinence during the day. If deterioration occurs in the evening and at night, Arsenicum album is recommended.

If the prolapse of the uterus is the cause of frequent urination, it is recommended to start doing exercises to increase its tone. Do the following complex daily for 15 minutes: squats, "bridge", arching "cat", compression and unclenching of the vaginal and anal muscles. Gymnastics is not carried out in the presence of an inflammatory process.

Diet and drinking regimen

With frequent urination, it is necessary to adjust the diet and reduce fluid intake. If the reasons pathological symptom physiological, these measures will eliminate the problem. In another case, the diet is combined with medication.

It is recommended to drink clean water more often, but in small portions. Exclude from the diet foods with a diuretic effect: cucumber, melon, watermelon, parsley, celery, lemon. Do not drink green tea, freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks. Give up alcohol, which provokes fluid retention, swelling, and increases the desire to visit the toilet.

Folk remedies

Frequent calls to urination in women that pass without pain can be stopped with traditional medicine. Taking herbal decoctions will prevent stagnation of urine, the development of an infectious or inflammatory process. Also, home recipes are used in combination with conservative therapy.

To treat frequent urination, use the following simple and inexpensive recipes:

  1. Pomegranate peel. It is necessary to dry it, grind it in a coffee grinder to a powder. Take a tablespoon, before diluting the mixture with water. The course lasts 5 days.
  2. Sesame. It can be added to salads, meat, pastries. It is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon of seeds daily.
  3. Birch buds. Brew 5 g of the plant in a glass hot water. The resulting decoction should be drunk three times a day before meals.

To get rid of the symptom at home, you can use infusions and decoctions of bearberry, cranberry, lingonberry, chamomile, rosehip.

Possibility of complications and treatment prognosis

Frequent urge to urinate in women without burning, itching, or pain can lead to new symptoms. This makes it difficult to make a diagnosis, especially when an infection is attached. Therefore, the problem should not be ignored. Over time, the girl will begin to suffer from the following complications:

  • painful urination;
  • frequent urge at night;
  • incontinence;
  • joining the infection;
  • development of inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, urethra;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • renal colic.

Going to the toilet every 2 hours significantly worsens a woman's life. She cannot leave the house for a long time, travel, work quietly or study. Constant pressure leads to the development of neurosis, sleep disturbance.

Preventive measures

Prevention of frequent urination is the observance of measures to prevent the development of diseases of the urinary system. It is necessary to monitor intimate hygiene, dress according to the weather to avoid hypothermia. A healthy sex life with one man is recommended, during sex with an unfamiliar partner, you need to protect yourself.

If itching, pain, burning during urination, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Every year it is desirable to donate blood and urine for general analysis, keep a calendar in which you need to mark the days of menstruation.

If a woman often suffers from infectious diseases, she needs to strengthen her immune system with the help of vitamins and sports. It is important to eat right, give up bad habits and monitor your weight.

It is impossible to prevent changes in the body during hormonal changes. Therefore, a woman should be prepared for the fact that during pregnancy or menopause she will have to visit the toilet more often.

Frequent urination becomes a problem due to which a woman cannot work and rest normally. If the urges do not recede at night, the patient does not get enough sleep, becomes nervous, irritable. To get rid of this symptom should be carefully examined. The cause of the pathology can be diseases of the kidneys, bladder, uterus, ovaries. Only after studying the composition of urine, blood, gynecological smear, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment.

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Frequent urge to urinate with pain in the lower abdomen in women

The well-being and health of a woman depends on many factors. The proper functioning of the excretory system is essential. Therefore, the fact that her urination regimen has changed should alert the woman. Although in many cases in women without pain it does not cause discomfort and does not cause discomfort. The lady reassures herself that the frequency of visiting the toilet is associated with a changed lifestyle and is the body's response to increased physical activity, changes in diet and drinking regimen. She hopes that the problem will gradually disappear by itself, she turns to a specialist only when urination is accompanied by pain.

However, ignoring such a problem can have serious consequences. It is possible to develop various diseases.

Therefore, timely consultation with a specialist is very important. He will help determine, recommend adequate treatment if necessary.

When does frequent urination occur?

Experts state that frequent urination in women without pain is possible with diseases of the urinary system. Similarly, cystitis can manifest itself, in which inflammation of the bladder occurs. The spread of infection goes from the urethra to the organs located above. Inflammation of the urethra changes the mode of urination.

Frequent urination without pain is characteristic of pyelonephritis, because an inflammatory process occurs in the kidneys. With saline diuresis, when the stones block the urethra leading to the bladder, the urge is more frequent due to the fact that urine does not come out completely. In this case, the woman experiences severe discomfort.

Urination regimen for various pathologies

All systems of the human body are interconnected. The mode of urination often changes not only because of the inflammatory processes of the urinary system. Diseases of other organs and systems can also provoke a similar phenomenon. in women without pain it happens with gynecological problems. In many cases, a similar symptom is caused by uterine fibroids, which are a fairly common pathology these days.

The pressure that a benign tumor exerts on the bladder provokes frequent urges. Another gynecological disease that causes a similar manifestation is uterine prolapse.

If the infection has affected the genitals, the urethra is irritated. In this case, the frequency of urge to urinate increases.

Such a common disease as thrush forces a lady to frequent visits to the toilet.

A diabetic woman is very thirsty if her blood sugar stays high for a long time. She has to drink a lot of fluids, so she needs to go to the toilet more often.

Pathologies of blood vessels, heart disease lead to the appearance of edema and provoke frequent urination. Increased urge occurs in the dark.

Pathological changes in the spine, resulting from injuries or mechanical impact, disrupt the urination regimen.

Once again, we want to emphasize that the treatment in any case is determined by a specialist. If frequent urination is caused by an infection, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics, antifungal drugs. With urolithiasis, correction of the salt content in the urine is necessary. For this purpose, appropriate drugs are prescribed.

When Frequent Urination Is Normal

The frequency of urination and the amount of urine change over time and fluctuate throughout life. They depend on the individual anatomical structure, age, habits. In such cases, frequent urination can be considered as a variant of the norm. But this is possible only when a woman does not experience pain during urination.

If a lady consumes a lot of fluids, takes decoctions of herbs that have a diuretic effect, diuretic drugs, drinks a lot of coffee, loves compotes and fruit drinks, the urination regimen changes. She needs to go to the toilet more often.

With strong excitement, in stressful situations, the urge to urinate in women becomes more frequent. Hypothermia has the same effect.

Even a small amount of alcohol disrupts water metabolism, increases urine output and provokes the appearance of edema.

Hormonal changes and urinary patterns

Various changes in the hormonal status of the lady also change the mode of urination. Often women notice a similar phenomenon during menstruation. The manifestation of frequent during pregnancy is noted by many experts. This is because the uterus is located next to the bladder. With an increase in the blood supply to the uterus, the blood supply to the bladder increases, which leads to an increase in the urge to go to the toilet. This process is natural and does not require correction. Over time, the frequency of urination normalizes.

Frequent urination in women without pain, caused by menopause, is also well known. During menopause, the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, there is a significant decrease in estrogen production. The functioning of the smooth muscles of the bladder and the work of the sphincters are dependent on the amount of sex hormones.

Therefore, during menopause, when their number decreases, with heavy loads, while coughing, laughing, sneezing, ladies experience the urge to urinate.

The frequency of calls increases at night. This is due to muscle spasms. The amount of urine excreted is negligible.

Many women consider such phenomena to be temporary and passing, they are in no hurry to treat the pathology, they do not turn to specialists for help. It is not right. During the menopause female body restructures its work, an imbalance in the work of all systems is growing, resistance to various infectious diseases is decreasing. Abundant urination can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms penetrating the urethra or bladder. This provokes the development of vaginitis, urethritis, and other inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. If timely diagnosis is not carried out and treatment is not prescribed, complications may occur.

Perhaps the development of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, irritation of the epithelium in places of constant contact with urine, the appearance of cracks and ulcers in the intimate area, fecal incontinence.

Treatment Methods

Timely contact with a specialist will help to avoid unpleasant problems and get adequate treatment. Sometimes it is enough to bring the hormones back to normal, and the problem disappears. The doctor may recommend non-drug methods to solve the problem. A good effect is the training of the bladder. Gradually increasing the intervals between urination, a woman gradually gets used to abstaining from going to the toilet for a long time. Special exercises for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor according to the Kegel method are interesting. A good result is brought by long walks on foot.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures that improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs.

At the same time, muscles and ligaments are strengthened. Particularly effective procedures using microcurrents and electromagnetic pulses. A specialist may prescribe a course of drugs that relax the muscles of the bladder. Together with them, you need to take drugs that calm the nervous system in order to block the impulses responsible for the urge. Surgery is rarely used. It should be noted that such an operation will be minimally invasive and will pass without complications.

In order to prevent frequent urge to urinate, it is necessary to stabilize the metabolism by normalizing the diet. Also, a woman has a reason to give up alcohol and moderate the use of caffeine. This will help prevent rapid weight gain. Sometimes it is advisable to follow a certain diet.

Treatment with folk remedies gives an effect in combination with traditional methods. Healers recommend using tinctures medicinal plants, teas and decoctions of herbs. An effective remedy considered to be an infusion of oak bark. It kills pathogenic microbes, promotes the formation of a protective barrier on tissues in the body. Tea from mint and St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes toxic substances from the body.

A popular remedy for folk healers is a fresh onion compress. To normalize the process of urination, they recommend chopping a medium-sized onion in a blender, putting the gruel on a bandage or gauze, and applying it to the lower abdomen. The compress must be left for 1-2 hours. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Sometimes it happens that a woman's frequent urination happens quite unexpectedly. Sometimes this phenomenon occurs almost painlessly, in some cases it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Frequent emptying of the bladder alarms a woman, and this is understandable. How to treat this phenomenon and why is there frequent urination?

Women need to know that frequent trips to the toilet are not always associated with the presence of certain diseases.

Before treating anything and drinking any medicine, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease and establish it. real reason. Eliminating the symptoms alone will bring only temporary relief.

Frequent urination without pain in women does not always indicate the presence of pathologies. Conventionally, it is considered the norm if a woman visits the toilet no more than ten times during the day. In the case when this figure is higher, it is worth thinking about the reasons for this phenomenon.

This condition is medically known as polyuria.
  1. It can take place without pain syndrome.
  2. When urination is accompanied by painful sensations, this is an occasion for an urgent visit to the doctor.
  3. Too frequent and painful urination indicates that there are health problems in the woman's body.

Doctors believe that the human bladder is able to withstand the time of a night's sleep. However, in some cases, going to the toilet 1-2 times at night can be quite normal.

If frequent urination occurs painfully or more often than usual, then special attention should be paid to this.

The cause of frequent urge to urinate in women can be completely different factors. Frequent trips to the toilet in a small way in women are caused by many circumstances. Is it possible not to leave them unattended, hoping that this will pass with time? In no case.

The reasons for frequent urination in women are as follows:

  1. Excessive consumption of water or drinks. The number of visits to the toilet directly depends on how much liquid she drinks.
  2. Taking diuretics. This applies not only to medicines, but also to drinks (tea, coffee). They also have a diuretic effect. If a woman drank a lot of drinks during the day, then she will feel an increased desire to urinate.
  3. Some foods also have the ability to remove excess liquid (watermelons, cucumbers).
  4. metabolic rate. For each person it is strictly individual. Too frequent urination the person himself will certainly notice.
  5. The presence of diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. In this case, when urinating in women, pain may occur.
  6. Hormonal changes (menopause, diabetes, pregnancy).
  7. Hypothermia.
  8. Stress.
  9. Age changes.
  10. Alcohol intake. It also provokes the removal of fluid from the body.

From frequent urination, the woman herself feels constant discomfort.

The cause is also dysfunction of the pelvic organs. In this case, the weakening of the muscles occurs due to a neurological nature. Factors that can affect the frequency of urination in women without pain may well be diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are also able to influence the change in the frequency of urination in a woman. In such a situation, urges will occur more frequently during sleep.

It happens that as a result of a spinal injury, frequent urination in women can also be observed.

Frequent urination can be both painless and accompanied by pain. Let us consider in more detail why frequent urination occurs in women without pain, causes, treatment.

In medicine, there is the concept of pollakiuria. This is a phenomenon in which the frequency of urination becomes much greater, while the total volume of fluid secreted remains the same. Urine is removed from the body in small portions, but the woman visits the toilet more than fifteen times during the day. Sometimes the cause of this phenomenon can simply be an excessive amount of water that the patient drinks. There are many reasons for frequent urination.

It happens that frequent urination in women without pain is a reaction to changing conditions environment. However, this may also be evidence that she has health problems that need to be addressed immediately. Some women have a rare symptom called "bladder reactivity." With a certain imbalance in the functioning of the central nervous system, impulses have an irritating effect on the bladder, as a result of which a woman often feels false urges to go to the toilet. In these circumstances, for treatment, the specialist will prescribe drugs that have a sedative, sedative effect.

Pregnancy and menopause - both of these conditions may well serve as the basis for frequent painless urination in women.

During the period of bearing a child, significant changes occur in the entire body of the expectant mother, including in the genitourinary system. The activity of the sphincter in the bladder is slightly reduced, so the young mother constantly feels the need to empty the bladder. A little later, hormonal disorders may return to normal, but frequent urges can persist, since the uterus will exert pressure on the bladder.

During the period of bearing a child, frequent urination in women is a fairly common occurrence, and does not cause much concern. And yet, it would be reasonable to inform the specialist observing the pregnant woman, to take a general blood test, as well as a urinalysis, since diabetes mellitus can sometimes occur in women at this time.

During the onset of menopause, hormonal imbalances also occur, which can contribute to a decrease in bladder function. Such changes can provoke frequent urge to urinate in women.

Age-related changes can also affect the frequency of bladder emptying, as a result of which a woman may experience a constant desire to urinate, especially in the morning. In such a situation, with frequent urination, a woman does not feel pain, but she does not feel too comfortable. .

In this case, it is especially necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

It happens that the urge is accompanied by severe pain, or there is constant difficulty urinating in women. The most common cause of such pain and frequent urination are inflammatory processes in the body.

You should immediately visit a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • urine became cloudy;
  • urination is accompanied by additional symptoms (itching, pain, burning sensation):
  • general health deteriorated sharply;
  • there were constant cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • there are discomfort in the lumbar region.

Frequent urges may indicate the presence and development of diseases of the urinary system. Women suffer from them three times more often than men. Stranguria (difficulty urinating in women) is the first sign of serious pathologies in urethra and bladder, as well as in the kidneys. With stranguria, urination occurs in several jets or may be sluggish, incomplete. Also, the woman urinates very weakly, the excretion of urine is too small, there are cramps in the lower abdomen. You can stop this only by finding out the true cause of the symptom.

Among the inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, the most common ones can be distinguished:
Gynecological diseases also contribute to the desire of girls and women to visit the toilet often:
  • myoma. This pathology provokes very frequent urination in women, as well as other symptoms (heavy bleeding, for example);
  • prolapse of the uterus. With this disease, due to muscle weakness, a displacement of some pelvic organs is observed. This causes frequent urination.

Frequent urination is one of the first signs of diabetes. A person begins to visit the toilet often, especially at night, feels a strong dryness in the oral cavity, constantly wants to drink. He also feels itching in the genitals.

Sometimes frequent urination is an indication of the development of diabetes insipidus. This disease is also accompanied by severe weight loss, a feeling of dry mouth. With this form of diabetes, patients also drink a lot of fluids, so they feel a constant desire to urinate. In this case, a woman can lose up to five liters of fluid during the day. The correct treatment for diseases associated with an imbalance of the endocrine system is prescribed by an endocrinologist.

What to do?

First you need to establish the cause of this phenomenon. You need to see a doctor immediately. According to the general condition of the woman, to some signs, he can presumably determine the direction of the study. Then, without fail, it is necessary to pass all the tests prescribed by the doctor. They will show the true picture of what is happening.

If the cause is a breach in endocrine system, then subsequent treatment will be aimed at restoring its normal functioning. When bladder stones become the cause, the doctor will determine how to remove them. Treatment with folk remedies can give a good effect, but this is only an additional measure to the main treatment.

Treatment of frequent urination in women with folk remedies can have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition in certain cases. When menopause became the cause of this phenomenon, the treatment will be aimed at normalizing the hormonal background in a woman. In addition, the doctor will prescribe drugs that can reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms. In this case, in addition to medications, traditional medicine methods are successfully used.

To get rid of the problems associated with menopause, decoctions of herbs such as hogweed and red brush help well. They will also help to normalize the disturbed hormonal background. However, without fail about such additional treatment you must tell your doctor, as folk remedies can also cause some complications. The use of traditional medicine methods will be quite appropriate in the treatment of diseases of the urinary canal and the bladder itself. Baths using herbal infusions can also help with inflammation after hypothermia.

The following plants have a good anti-inflammatory effect:
  1. Rosehip root.
  2. Cowberry leaves.
  3. Yarrow.
  4. Heather.

Frequent and profuse urination in women is an occasion to urgently consult a specialist.

Before making an accurate diagnosis, the following should be done: Depending on the condition that caused frequent urination, your doctor may prescribe:
  1. Hormonal preparations.
  2. Antispasmodics to reduce or relieve pain.
  3. Antibiotics.
  4. Sedative drugs.
  5. Physiotherapy procedures and physiotherapy.
  6. Uroantiseptics.

It must be remembered that the sooner the causes of frequent urination in women with or without pain are established, the more effective further treatment will be. Ignoring the symptoms not only makes a woman uncomfortable, but can also lead to serious consequences.

Where should you go if you notice these symptoms? When a woman has too frequent urination, you must first consult a general practitioner to undergo an initial examination: pass the necessary tests, do an ultrasound of the genitourinary system. Depending on the result, the patient will be referred to a specialist of a certain profile and there he will be given the necessary consultation and appropriate treatment.

Now you know why frequent urination occurs in women, the causes and treatment of this symptom.

Such a harmless symptom as frequent urination in women can signal serious problems in the body.

Urination in women is very personal, the volume and frequency of which depends on the characteristics of the organism. In some cases, women begin to notice a change in themselves. this process, urination becomes frequent and may be painful, false urges appear. Unfortunately, many women, ashamed of such a delicate problem, go to the doctor when the pain is already strong. This problem cannot be solved by itself, so the cause of frequent urination should be treated together with a doctor. The doctor will tell you what diseases with these symptoms should sound the alarm.

Urination in any person depends on various factors, such as the physiological characteristics of each organism, metabolic rate, nutrition and drinking. Exact data is not established, and on average, women walk in a small way about 4-7 times a day. However, urination should not exceed 12 times a day. Each woman is able to independently determine the change in the number of trips to the toilet, and when private urges began.

It is considered normal if a person's urination becomes more frequent for 1-2 days, and then it returns to normal, without discomfort. If this process is delayed, you should seek help from a doctor.

The reasons why urination becomes more frequent can be different and are not always related to any disease. However, in the first place, the reason may lie in diseases of the urinary system. These diseases include inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Based on the anatomical features, in women and girls, the predisposition to such diseases is 3 times higher than in men.

Some diseases can be improved with folk remedies. Cowberries, rose hips can help, yarrow, mint, chamomile help from herbs.

There is a certain group of symptoms that may accompany frequent urination:

  • burning and feeling of pain during emptying;
  • urinary incontinence, or its delay;
  • unnatural secretions of the genitals;
  • pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower part;
  • weakness and lack of appetite.

Diseases of the urinary system


The main cause of frequent and painful urination.

Cystitis is accompanied by cutting and burning pains during urination, before urination itself, as a feeling of urge appears, urinary incontinence appears. After going to the toilet, there is a feeling that the bladder has not emptied completely. From this, a woman has to sit in the toilet longer. The color of urine with cystitis does not change, however, in advanced cases, its turbidity is noticeable. During menopause, the risk of developing cystitis is higher, this is due to a lack of production of the female hormone estrogen and a change in the functioning of the whole organism.

Treatment of cystitis is most often medical. Depending on the pathogens, various medications are prescribed: antibiotics, antifungal or antihistamines. They are also prescribed painkillers and immunostimulants. Physiotherapy helps with chronic cystitis.


Urethritis refers to inflammatory infectious diseases. The pain is localized outside, in the vagina. During emptying there is a burning pain accompanied by itching. They appear in the morning purulent discharge from bad smell. With urethritis, the main inflammatory symptoms do not appear, such as fever, malaise, weakness. In view of this, the patient may find out about the infection many months later, when the chronic process is already running.

Urethritis is not in severe forms treated on an outpatient basis. With urethritis, antibiotics or antifungal agents are prescribed, everything comes from the nature of the development of the disease. Vitamin complexes, immunostimulants are also prescribed to increase the body's resistance and prebiotics to normalize the microflora. The treatment process can take up to several weeks. It is very important to cure urethritis to the end so that it does not become chronic.


Infectious disease of the kidneys, which is caused by various bacteria. Pyelonephritis is accompanied by aching pain in the lower back, fever, chills, tremors, general weakness, nausea. In cold weather, the pain is worse. As the disease progresses, blood and pus appear in the urine.

Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics. For more effective treatment, in the diagnosis of pyelonephritis, a group of bacteria contained in the patient's urine is determined, and then drugs sensitive to them are prescribed. This will quickly get rid of bacteria and will not allow pyelonephritis to become chronic.

Urolithiasis disease

Frequent urination may indicate the presence of bladder stones. While walking fast or physical activity there is a strong and unexpected urge to urinate. Urolithiasis is accompanied by interruption of the urine stream during emptying, pain above the pubis, which can appear not only during urination, but also during normal hours.

At urolithiasis Treatment can be surgical or medical. With medical conservative treatment, drugs are used to dissolve stones in the bladder. In addition, diet therapy is prescribed, with the exclusion of products that cause the formation of stones. Stones that cannot be removed conservatively are removed surgically.

Weakness of the muscles of the bladder wall

This is a congenital pathology, in which the urges are sharp, sudden, urine is defecated a little, little by little. This problem is treated with drugs and special exercises to strengthen muscle walls.

Bladder overactivity

If you have frequent urination, an overactive bladder may be the problem. This problem comes from the central nervous system, which gives signals more often and stronger, from which you have to walk and urinate more often. Sedative drugs prescribed by a doctor will help get rid of this problem.

Gynecological diseases

uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign neoplasms of the uterus. This means that with growth, the tumor, increasing in size, can squeeze the bladder, which provokes increased urination. Frequent urination is already the second symptom of fibroids. The primary signs include uterine bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen and menstrual irregularities.

Myoma is treated medicines or surgical method. The surgical method is used in cases of large tumor sizes, its constant growth or bleeding. The contraindication of the surgical method is the childbearing age of the patient. Since the complete removal of fibroids can lead to infertility.

Other diseases associated with the uterus is uterine prolapse. Due to the physiological structure, in some organisms, the pelvic organs are displaced, which also compresses the bladder. Other signs include urinary incontinence, painful and heavy menstruation, bloody issues, pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

Physiotherapy exercises, taking hormonal drugs, gynecological massage will help to correct the situation. With the ineffectiveness of this therapy, surgical intervention is possible. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, based on the age of the patient, the degree of prolapse of the uterus, the presence of gynecological diseases.

Endocrine diseases

TO endocrine diseases, which provoke frequent urination, include diabetes mellitus. In general, it is the first sign of diabetes. A constant desire to urinate appears at night, in addition to this, there is itching, a feeling of fatigue and weakness, constant thirst, which forces you to drink even more liquid.

The treatment is carried out with a diet, and taking drugs that lower blood sugar or insulin levels.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular insufficiency is manifested by frequent urination at night. This means that the edema formed during the day begins to go down at night through a bowel movement. Treatment of heart problems will get rid of this symptom.

Video - Causes of frequent urination in women

Physiological causes

Frequent urge to urinate may be purely physiological and painless. Physiological causes frequent urination does not cause health hazards and disappear after these causes are eliminated. When urinating without pain, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Diet, accompanied by abundant drinking and intake of diuretic products (watermelon, melon, cranberries, lingonberries).
  2. Stress.
  3. Pregnancy in the first and third trimester, when the fetus presses on the bladder.
  4. Hypothermia of the body.
  5. Climax. He also constantly wants to write.
  6. Taking diuretic drugs.

Older women also experience increased urination. After 50 years, the body's muscles weaken, which makes it necessary to urinate more often, and urinary incontinence is also possible. It is best not to drink a lot of liquid in the evening before going to bed, this provokes swelling.

Most often, if there is pain during frequent urination, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, either in the urinary system or in the genital organs. Some infectious diseases that are accompanied by frequent urination and pain during bowel movements can be transmitted sexually. These are: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. Since all organs in the human body are connected, the appearance of a urinary tract infection affects the health of the genital organs, and vice versa.

Frequent urination, accompanied by pain in the vagina, may indicate irritation. This is manifested due to improper use of a tampon or immediately after intercourse. In these cases, you should be extremely careful, since damage to the vaginal mucosa can lead to infection of the genital organs.

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