
Rune ud meaning. Slavic rune ud. Personal and relationships with loved ones and loved ones

The magical rune Oud occupies eleventh place in the Old Slavic Venedian runic series, personifying creative energy and masculinity. Often this ancient symbol is associated with a powerful upward flow of light and love passion, placing above all else secret desires and carnal pleasures between lovers.

The meaning of the Ud rune

Rune Oud - the personification of sexual energy

Our ancestors endowed the meaning of the Oud rune with the energy of transformation and fertility, identifying it with the ancient word “yar” - the love power that brings order to chaos throughout the Universe. This is not a platonic and sublime feeling, but a sexual pleasure derived from making love. This concept is comparable to the Greek “eros” in sacred terms.

IN general meaning the sign symbolizes the male genital organ and the eternal flame of youth, aspirations, and rage. But it would be a mistake to consider this runic sign as a designation of baseness and lust in a trivial sense. Indeed, according to the ideas of ancient people, Oud sets certain boundaries of the male and female “I”, connecting them into a single whole, like Yin and Yang.

The Slavs dedicated this rune to Yarila: the god of the sun, spring, warmth and love. Among the Scandinavians, she personifies Balder the Beautiful.

This rune is not only a symbol of creation, but also of rebirth from the ashes - all processes in nature are cyclical and follow an established order, obeying someone’s invisible impulse.

Slavic rune Oud - earthly attraction and heavenly feeling

This runic sign gives a powerful message to achieve what you want.

In ancient times, the sages said:

“What happens below, happens above.”

This is a peculiar interpretation of the principle of similarity: earthly carnal passion in heaven turns into a wonderful and sublime feeling, colored with a spiritual component. That is why sexual desire for the object of passion could not be condemned in society.

If we consider the Slavic rune Oud in a practical sense, then it reveals powerful human potential and activates the body’s resources to achieve its goal. The creative foundation allows you to see your cherished goal and take the path of truth. Sometimes this magic sign ancestors endowed it with the meaning of a talisman.

Oud helps to make the right decision in a difficult situation and discards false illusions. The gender boundaries of the symbol are blurred; it does not direct energy flows in only one direction. Both men and women can create and create, as was the case during the creation of our Universe.

Unfortunately, due to the persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Rus', Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (including date of birth) were lost. However, in 2001, Anton Platov’s book was published, in which he talks about runes and how to interpret them.

Pagan heritage: Slavic runes and their uses

He himself claims that the book is not the ultimate truth, but Platov did a lot of work on studying both the history of the Slavs and the heritage left by the pagans in the form of artifacts.

In addition, unlike the Slavic ones, the Scandinavian (North Germanic), or also known as FUTARK, runes are perfectly preserved.

They are in many ways consonant and their interpretation in some places coincides.

In total, 18 runic signs have reached us:


Belobog, or the rune of the inner Self. The World, the Tree of Peace, also has meaning.
It speaks about human essence, about what is hidden in a particular person, his inner strength.

The desire for order in everything is also important.
Used as a talisman of human protection by the light gods.
In Futhark, it partially corresponds in meaning to the Algiz and Mannaz runes.


Chernobog. Denoted as an inverted previous rune. Darkness, shadow.
The desire for absolute disorder, chaos. It means the human unconscious, intuition. Can be associated with someone who stands behind the left shoulder and pushes people to do crazy things.

It means a break in patterns, the collapse of the established. Exit from any ordered closed system.
In Futhark, the Hagalaz and Perth runes partially carry the same meanings.

You should not think that the first rune means absolute good, and the second - absolute evil. These are rather two components of the necessary world balance.


Alatyr. Center of the World, mountain on Buyan Island. The place where everything starts.
Altar where sacrifices are made.

In various magical formulas, the Bel-flammable stone Alatyr appears, under which all the world’s Powers are hidden. This is the meaning of this Slavic rune.
There are no even partial analogues of this rune in the futhark. Only slightly overlaps with Yer.

Rainbow, rune of the Path

The road leading to the Alatyr stone. The path that appeared in the struggle of opposites, the mighty Belobog and Chernobog.

It means successful travel, help on the road, a generally good outcome, especially in difficult cases.
In futhark it fully corresponds to the Raido rune.

Need, or rune of Fate, Inevitability

Fire, consuming everything in its path, blocking the Path.

In a magical sense, this is a complete ban on the continuation of any actions.

There is no such rune in the Futhark, but in other Germanic runic traditions there is Naud with the same meaning.

Steal, sacrificial fire. Rune of truth.

Means desire, fulfillment of intentions.

Purification of thoughts, finding true desires.

In Futhark it is correlated with Gebo and Kano.

Treba, rune of the Warrior

N carries the meaning of fortitude and sacrifice. Find the strength to sacrifice something to achieve more. This is how you win at chess: by sacrificing a pawn, you checkmate. But the Treba rune implies the sacrifice of a part of oneself, the abandonment of the dark Self for the sake of the true goal, the victory of the conscious over the unconscious.
In Futhark this is the Teyvaz rune.

As you can see, Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (date of birth is not considered in this context) very often are a complement and continuation of each other. But the runes of the Elder Futhark are rather individual in their meaning.


The name speaks for itself.

This is the rune of Strength and Knowledge. Determining the path leading to victory.

Similar to the Soul rune.

Wind, rune of the Summit

A person’s inner strength means having a core and strong convictions. Inspiration.

Work on yourself.
It has no analogue in other runic practices.

Bereginya. Rune of Mother, Earth

Controversial rune. A symbol of giving life to accomplish something and depriving it when the time comes.

The power of earthly force.

Fertility. The true feminine principle. It means the arrival of some benefits, wealth.
It corresponds to Berkana in Futhark.

Oud, rune of Love and Youth

Continuation of the family. It personifies love not only for a person, but also for life itself. The power of youth, the fire of love.

A powerful force capable of filling the void of chaos through the union of opposites, fertilization.
In Futhark this is Uruz.

Lelya, rune of living water

It is alive - streams, rivers. Running water, not noticing obstacles. Waking up from sleep.

Appeal to the power not of reason, but of intuition.

Laguz and Vunyo in futhark.

Rock, rune of the unknown

It means the presence of higher powers and the unpredictability of the situation. Development is unpredictable, because all the threads are in the hands of Fate and Rock.

Partially corresponds to Perth, Evaz, Hagalaz. But most of all the Odin rune, which is used in several runic practices as the 25th rune of the Elder Futhark.

Support, rune of the Motherland

It means finding support, some pillar in life from which strength will be drawn. May also indicate the help of the gods.

Partially coincides with Ansuz.

God willing, Dara rune

In fortune telling it means a gift from fate or the gods. The business they are asking about will end unexpectedly successfully. Wealth is not only material, but also spiritual.

Inguz, Gebo and Dagaz from the Elder Futhark.

Perun, rune of power

Unexpected help. A powerful patron who can help even in a hopeless case.

Replenishment of vital energy.

Partially coincides with the Thurisaz rune.

Yes, rune of life, movement

Endless movement, because stopping is like death.

Finding the strength to continue something.

Non-stop growth.
Evaz and Berkana.

Source, rune of stagnation, ice

Peace, stopping all processes. The need to wait it out. Life arose from ice, so the break in movement does not last forever. The ice will melt and life will continue.
In Futhark this is the rune of Isa.

Due to the fact that for a long time all pagan traditions were persecuted, the Slavic runes, their meaning, description, interpretation, including in accordance with the date of birth, were lost. Therefore, choosing, for example, a talisman is not so easy. You must first figure out your palace (and there are only 16 of them in the Slavic tradition), then determine your patron from the pagan gods. And only then can you determine which runic symbol is suitable for a talisman.

Rune Oud(Yarovit)
source of sexual energy and sexual attractiveness. The Slavic word “ud” has the meaning “limb, member”, in the sacred context it takes on the specific meaning of phallus.

In all branches without exception Traditions the symbol of the male member, the lingam, is associated with the fertile creative force that transforms Chaos.

This fiery force was called by the Slavs - Yar.
The Ud rune is dedicated to the god Yarovit, who was revered as the son of Veles by the Slavs. The Ud rune, or in other words the Yarovit rune, embodies his power - Yar, what makes men masculine and women feminine. This is not only the fiery power of love, but also passion for life in general, a force that unites opposites and fertilizes.


TRAINING CONDITION: Availability of level 2 Alive and Harmony

Purpose of the channel:

  1. Give a person sexuality and sexual attractiveness, as well as help in recovery and maintenance of physical, psychological and energetic health in the sexual area;
  2. The channel helps to make the blood young, hot, warms it up well and activates it, opens the fifth energy center, regardless of gender (in men and women);
  3. Helps induce sexual attraction the person it is directed at. In this case, the heart center is involved - Whirlwind Yarilo (Anahata chakra), so it is much more than ordinary lust.

A certain attachment is born between a woman and a man, very similar to Love, in the future, which can develop into love, it all depends on the lovers.


The course is designed for 7 days of daily practice and useful training on each channel.
The first successes await you after the 1st lesson.
Your intention is enough, unlike practice with a physical rune, you will immediately feel the energy and action of the Runic Channel (the sensations may be different, depending on the situation).


    The dedication will be transmitted remotely to each student; you can receive it at a time convenient for you time. Instructions for dedication will be sent after payment. The preparation time for the dedication is 1-3 days.
  2. After the dedication, on email A manual will be sent 11.Practice from the rune screen Ud-7str.doc – 7 pages of A4 format.

With the help of the knowledge gained, you will be able to:

1. Practice healing yourself or a patient.

2. Use force and power runic channel in other healing practices.

Straight position

Yar, Fire; creative energy that always produces results or fruit. A power that transforms (but does not conquer) Chaos. The personification of the god Yarila (Yarovit), son of Veles.

The sacred meaning lies in the perception of the rune as a phallic symbol, which is literally a symbol of fertility, ensuring the manifestation of the Power of the Earth, giving birth to all living beings in their physical bodies. But it would be wrong to perceive Oud only as a source male power; it can also be correlated with the female fertile principle. That is, the energy of the rune enhances masculinity in a man, and femininity in a woman.

In fortune telling, Oud is interpreted, on the one hand, as high sexuality, as the expression of traits of a certain gender, and on the other, as the ability to unite contradictions, as the presence of creative talents. In combination with Alatyr, the rune shows that creative efforts and the ability to come to a common “denominator” in contradictions will allow a person to one day achieve great inner harmony. And together with Krada, she prophesies the discovery of some great talent.

On the event plane, the rune denotes an active desire to influence something, cause dynamics, strengthen. When it describes a person’s character, its main interpretations are ambition, based on awareness of one’s own capabilities, determination, energy, and self-confidence.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, Oud symbolizes a lack of freedom, which is akin to the sensations of a wolf surrounded by flags.

Another traditional interpretation of such a rune is confusion. Moreover, it seems to a person that life is passing by; and doesn’t even pass, but rushes by like a rushing train. In every window you can see people, they are preoccupied with something, they are in a hurry somewhere, and a person stands on the platform, lost and devastated, because the support has been knocked out from under his feet, the goal is lost and it is not clear what to do next.

The rune may indicate a complete reluctance to do anything (precisely reluctance, but not inability or impossibility). This, in turn, means that motivation for activity is lost. What is the reason for this? Maybe in disappointment, or perhaps in leaving the comfort zone, which in this case means a feeling of confidence and self-confidence.

With Need, inverted Oud should be interpreted as the need to still overcome apathy, and in combination with Strength - as an indication that current problems will definitely be overcome.

Love and relationships

Straight position

Here Oud says that a person is confident in his attractiveness to the opposite sex, and also that he is ready not only to express his feelings in words, but also to demonstrate them in actions. If you are wondering about a man, then the rune clearly suggests that this is a real “male” who will pursue the object of his affection persistently and passionately. When divining a woman, Oud indicates that we have a person in front of us who is capable of achieving any man if she wishes, who is irresistible and sexy.

If the question concerns the essence of the relationship between two people, then this rune seems to say: there can be no talk of a platonic relationship here; on the contrary, it is their intimate side that is the most important unifying aspect for this couple.

At the same time, Oud warns against excessive self-confidence, as if hinting: trust, but verify. Believing in your own attractiveness for a partner, you should always remember that somewhere there is almost certainly a person who may turn out to be even more attractive. The reason for this will be connected, in particular, with the fact that the properties of his (her) personality will turn out to be more interesting and tempting, because the area of ​​living space covered by personal advantages is always limited for each of us. This is precisely the situation that the Ud-Bereginya couple testifies to.

Inverted position

In relationship scenarios, an inverted Oud is a feeling of inner loneliness, lack of support from a loved one, or the absence of a partner at all. If a person gets such a rune, then it probably seems to him that he has suffered a fiasco in his personal life, and so far he does not see a way to change the situation.

Other traditional interpretations of an inverted rune: lack of pleasure in life, inability to pay due attention to personal life, inability to realize one’s desires.

Together with the Wind rune, the inverted Oud denotes an internal crisis, the inability to find a source of inspiration in anything; with Lelya - a state when a person, like a child, is upset that he did not get what he wanted (for example, he was refused an offer of marriage, etc.), and an unwillingness to listen to reasonable arguments about the objective prerequisites for this.


Straight position

For career readings, the rune is very good sign, because it points to precisely those traits of human nature that allow one to achieve significant heights in professional activity. This is the desire to act, the absence of fear of complex tasks, commitment to the goal. And given the presence of Dazhdbog right there, we can say that such a course of action will ultimately bring results, albeit of an exclusively material nature.

However, at the same time, Oud also speaks of a lack of flexibility and cunning, which makes a person a convenient target for those who are more sophisticated in such matters. In addition, in the eyes of managers, such people sometimes look stubborn (the latter is especially true if the Ud-Perun pair appears in the scenario). That is, in this case, the rune should, among other things, also be perceived as a recommendation to the questioner to be aware of the zone of his “influence” (read – advantages). Because outside of it, he risks being completely helpless, or, in any case, weaker than many. This is true, say, when combining Oud with the Source rune.

Inverted position

In a career scenario, an inverted Oud may appear if, firstly, a person has been “hooked”, and secondly, new circumstances have emerged that are completely inconsistent with the expectations of the questioner and seem to turn everything upside down. Here typical example: a person conceived his own business based on a bank loan under certain conditions; in fact, it turns out that either the bank has gone bankrupt, or the conditions offered by the bank are completely inconsistent with what was promised earlier.

However, limiting ourselves here to just stating the problem would be fundamentally wrong. The runologist must definitely voice that the inverted Oud categorically does not advise giving up and giving up on the implementation of the plan. We need to keep looking for another solution. But at the same time, it is important to abandon pressure tactics. And if in the scenario, next to the inverted Oud rune, Rock also appears, then it is advisable to stipulate that you should not look for those to blame for the current situation.

You have considerable creative potential hidden within you. Don't let it burn out or dry up. Do any business you undertake with love, do not give in to difficulties. However, do not be overconfident, because your enemies can “play” on this.

The Ud rune is (the eleventh rune of the Slavic 18-rune series), associated with the god Yarilo, flame, rage and youth. Our ancestors used this rune as a talisman to help them make difficult decisions. It symbolizes the male reproductive organ, personifying fertility, creative power, and the transformation of Chaos. Some call the Oud rune the rune of love, meaning carnal desires, which are an important component of human relationships. The Oud rune is dedicated to Yarilo, revered as the son of Veles by the Slavs or the son of Odin (Baldr) by the Scandinavians. Oud is the embodiment of the power of Yarilo-Yari, it is not only the fiery power of love, but also a passion for life in general, it is a force that unites opposites, fertilizing the power of Chaos.



The dropped Oud rune indicates that good luck awaits you in your love life. If you decide to seek the attention of the opposite sex, consider that it is already in your pocket. Success can turn your head, and this is already a bad sign. Try to act not assertively, but gently. Remember the main thing - we are always responsible for those in whom we were able to awaken love feelings. Any relationship is always a responsibility, so be careful so that you don’t have to answer for your own frivolity and recklessness.


The fallen Oud rune indicates that the time has come to reveal your potential, the time to enter the path of creation, the time when the light of truth will appear in the darkness of darkness. You have every chance to make the right decision. Any of your ideas can come true if you start implementing them today. You have all the resources to realize your plans; the main thing is to take the first step. Seeds that fall into fertile soil will certainly produce good shoots.

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