
What indoor flowers protect and protect from damage. Magical properties of amulets flowers. Plants for the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Charms and amulets against the “evil eye” exist in many cultures. In Rus' they deeply believed in the power of natural materials, and found in them protection from the evil eye, damage and the dark influences of magic. Plant amulets made from herbs, flowers, leaves, fruits, and roots have special magical properties. The powerful energy inherent in plants by nature is capable of interacting with human energy on a subtle level, blocking or neutralizing negative magical messages, manifestations of envy, anger, curses or damage. For this purpose, the magic of herbs is enclosed in amulets.

Wearable plants-amulets against the evil eye

Amulet plants should always be “at hand”. They are worn on the body, attached to clothing, hidden in personal belongings, left in the bedroom, and placed in a crib. Plants that have the greatest power against the evil eye are:

  • Fennel is an “antidote” against the evil eye and black magic. The dried roots are placed in a glass flask or decorative bag and worn as a neck pendant.
  • Elecampane is used as protection against envious glances and evil spirits that provoke anger, fear, and hatred. The dried and crushed herb is worn in a neck amulet or sewn into clothing.
  • St. John's wort neutralizes the negativity caused by the bad intention of an evil, envious person, a witch. The plant is placed under the pillow, fumigated in the room, or hidden behind icons.
  • Asafoetida is a herb-amulet with a pronounced odor. Magicians call it "devil's incense" and use it during... magical spells and rituals against the evil eye and evil rock.
  • Laurel leaves protect against damage, witchcraft, and protect babies from evil and the evil eye. For protection, bay leaves are carried in wallets, pockets, and hidden in a baby's cradle.
  • Ruta eliminates damage and removes the evil eye. The most effective way is to take a bath with water in which rue twigs or leaves are soaked.
  • Clover is not only known as a “catcher” of good luck, but also as a reliable amulet against evil eyes. Of course, fresh clover leaves have living magical properties, but the trefoil clover depicted on the copper talisman will also provide protection.
  • Ash leaves, although a controversial magical plant, have no equal in their power to remove damage. A few leaves hidden in clothes or on the body will become reliable protection against the evil eye, slander and gossip.

Indoor plants that protect against the evil eye

Not only people, but also their homes, apartments or offices are subject to negative magical influences. The amulets of housing and work premises are houseplants with anti-magic properties:

  • Tradescantia in the living room is an ideal amulet against envious people, gossips and unfriendly guests. A flowering plant will cleanse the house of accumulated bad energy.
  • Royal begonia harmonizes family relationships that have been envied, jinxed or damaged. An amulet houseplant is capable of transforming negative energy vibrations into positive ones.
  • Geranium has the greatest power against the evil eye, aggression and anger entering the house. A strong-smelling plant will drive out evil intentions and negative influences from your home.
  • Indoor roses fill the room with an aura of love and tenderness, protected by thorns. Therefore, where roses bloom, there is no place for evil, lies, foul language, curses, bad thoughts and actions directed against their owner.
  • The cactus does not have the best reputation in the house, since it is considered a “provocateur” of quarrels. However, if the “prickly” energy of the cactus is directed to its intended purpose, and placed on the windowsill or at the front door, then it will become an obstacle to the evil eye or damage.
  • Violets not only protect the owners of the house from magical attacks on their well-being, but also attract good spirits to the monastery. White flowers are considered protectors of children, so they are grown in children's rooms.

Herbal amulets to protect your home

The magic of field herbs and plants is also used to protect the home. Many rituals of damage and the evil eye are performed specifically on housing. To protect the most vulnerable places in residential premises from the malicious intent of ill-wishers, to protect one’s home from envious people and offenders, and to enhance its positive energy, the properties of magically powerful plants are used:

  • Rowan branches (crosswise tied with a thread or red ribbon), dill stems, bunches of wormwood, nettle, St. John's wort or thistle are hung over front door. These plant amulets counteract evil spells and witchcraft.
  • The fruits of burdock and the prickly stems of acacia, hawthorn or rose hips, laid out at the threshold, will protect the house from the penetration of other people's negative plans.
  • Pods of red pepper, branches of juniper, aspen or consecrated willow are hidden behind baseboards in the hallway (corridor) in order to ward off evil spirits and not let people with bad intentions into the house.
  • Wreaths of fresh or dried mint, St. John's wort, and wormwood are hung over a hanger or mirror at the entrance. Herbal amulets will also protect the entrance to your home from the spell of magical power.
  • Lavender or chamomile bouquets, protective bags with herbal fillings (St. John's wort, elderberry, basil, etc.) are laid out in the bedroom in places inaccessible to prying eyes to protect love and family happiness from the evil eye.
  • Bundles of onions, peppers and garlic are the best kitchen amulets. They will protect the living space from black magic, and from the evil eye, and from people who “vampire”. After a while, worn-out amulets are thrown away and replaced with new ones.

Trees are perennial amulets for the home

Planting trees and shrubs in the courtyard of a house protects the home and its owners from magical interventions for many years. Well-chosen perennials They become not only amulets, but also full-fledged inhabitants of the courtyard and “family members,” which enhances their protective properties.

  • The fern will protect the inhabitants of the home from sorcerers, envious eyes and conspiracies. The power of this magical plant irresistible, and even his image in the external decor of the house will become a talisman.
  • Rowan counteracts the powers of black magic. Rowan trees will not only decorate the yard with spring blossoms and autumn beads, but will also prevent the penetration of damage and the evil eye.
  • A birch tree planted at the gate, near the gate or in the corners of the yard will protect you from the evil eye and become the patroness of all women in the family.
  • Hazel is one of the strongest plant talismans. Even a magic circle outlined by a hazel twig protects against the penetration of evil.
  • Maple carries powerful energy that counteracts evil spells and magical powers. Maple trees are planted on the south side of courtyard buildings.

Each plant has energy that can interact with human energy. Many of them can be used as amulets or talismans.

In Rus', there has always been a custom of planting mountain ash next to the house, which, as the great-grandfathers believed, protected against attacks by evil spirits. It is useful to hang several bunches of berries around the house, especially above the crib and the front door. Rowan berries were poured into the groom's pocket or boot at a wedding to protect himself from the evil eye.

Rowan has excellent disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. This custom has taken root in modern life.

Put a sprig of rowan in your home or office, and now you are protected from bad influences, put it in your pocket - and the “right” people will meet themselves and offer you their help.

You can plant bright yellow sunflowers or marigolds near your house; they also have protective properties.

Place geraniums or chrysanthemums on the window.

It is useful to carry these herbs with you, putting the plants in a linen bag - this will protect you from the influence of other people's energy.

Plants that emit not only appearance and smell, but also their inherent internal properties.
Medicinal plants with wound-healing, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects found application not only in medicine, but were often used as amulets.
Plants-amulets are carried with them, applied or attached to protected objects and people (a child’s cradle, a cattle pen, a person’s clothing), they fumigate people, livestock, buildings, etc. They are used in calendar rituals, in magic, in fortune telling, in folk medicine and so on.
The properties of the amulet are conveyed to many plants by their church consecration on one of the calendar holidays (the magical use of willow branches consecrated on Palm Sunday), as well as the “participation” of a plant or tree in one or another ritual (among the southern Slavs, for example, pieces of wood remaining from badnyak, are subsequently used as a universal amulet). Special rituals are also known that give the plant the status of apotropaia.
Mantle, thistle, nettle, Chernobyl, fern, orchis, rowan, geranium, aloe, St. John's wort, heather, birch, wormwood, onion, aspen have magical powers that can be used for your own protection and the protection of your home.

The properties of the amulet can be determined by legendary and mythological stories related to plants.
The apotropaic properties of trees and plants depend on how the plant is used. The branches of many trees are stuck in the corners of the field in the spring, “fencing” it from hail and bad weather. Amulet plants are often used to make objects that themselves have an apotropaic purpose, for example, a stake (from aspen or hawthorn), which is used to forever nail a vampire or a “walking” dead person to the grave; crosses made from the remains of badnjak, from aspen, yew, etc.
Plants-amulets are mentioned in many tales. They say, for example, that when a mermaid meets a person, she always asks him: “Wormwood or parsley?” If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, with the words: “You are my darling,” will drag him away with her; if he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “Come on, you, perish!”, because she is afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood. According to Polesie tales, a “walking” dead man who got into the habit of visiting some girl at night. stops "ruta" and "toya". Wed the final phrase of such a story: “If it weren’t for Rue and not for that, then it would be my girl.”

In the corners of the house it is useful to hang dry bouquets of St. John's wort, heather, tansy, wormwood and nettle flowers. Juniper, spruce, and cedar cleanse space from negative energy.

Aspen. They say that aspen is cursed by God, bitter, poisonous and dangerous because Judas hanged himself on it. The range of magical uses of aspen is primarily economic activity; in the field family life, especially sensitive to everything “unclean” and dangerous, aspen is usually not used.

Hawthorn. Hawthorn, as a thorny plant, is endowed with the properties of a talisman also because, according to Serbian beliefs, it is a pitchfork tree, and burdock, according to Russian beliefs, is the habitat of the devil. Both of these plants are considered an effective remedy in the fight against evil spirits. Hawthorn, in particular, can save a person from a vampire: its branches and thorns are placed in gates and above the windows of houses at night, a hawthorn thorn is stuck into a dead person if he is suspected of being a vampire; To prevent a child who dies unbaptized from becoming a vampire, he is buried under a hawthorn bush.

Yew. According to medieval sources, the yew has an extremely poisonous shadow. dangerous not only for humans (you can’t sleep under a yew tree), but also for evil spirits. Therefore, yew wood is a talisman when a person encounters the devil and rabid animals; a cross made of yew wood, installed at the entrance to the village, protects him from epidemics. and so on.
One spring night, the Serbs cut off a piece of yew tree, guarded it throughout the night (vigil), placing it near the fire, and the next morning announced publicly that the yew was “ready” and that it had been “protected.” Children and livestock were fumigated with this yew, pieces of yew were carried with them, etc.

Rose. In Germany, roses have always been used to protect against the evil eye. She was also appreciated in France; in Normandy wild Rose did not allow witches near the doors.

Chamomile. In Thuringia, chamomile protected against witches.

Spices-amulets. Spices: pepper, cinnamon, coriander, cumin - help against the evil eye, as they attract the attention of witches and sorcerers with their unusual smell. In Peru, nutmeg is worn around the neck to protect against all types of witchcraft. In Austria, marjoram was stuck into the bride's wreath and shoes. In Thuringia there was no doubt that not a single witch would dare to look into a stable that contained red marjoram.
Thyme (thyme) was used in Germany as a protective remedy against witchcraft, and in Turkey against the evil eye.
Dill was also considered one of the best preventatives against witchcraft. In many countries they carried it with them, often along with salt, as a talisman.

Mint and others. Mint has always been considered a plant that brings good luck. It was always added to bouquets that were placed in the house. The presence of mint protects against evil spirits. They will also be deterred by the smell of cinnamon, lavender, jasmine, geranium, chamomile, citrus and, of course, incense. Remember the saying: “He’s as afraid as the devil of incense”?

Eyebright. A plant that helps with eye diseases should help maintain good vision, even if you just have it with you. For example, leaves or twigs of eyebright, blueberry.

St. John's wort. St. John's wort is one of the most ancient and widely used traditional medicines. Astringent, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects allow this herb to be used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. At the same time, the St. John's wort "beats the beast", and any dashing action used to be called a beast.
St. John's wort was used as a powerful talisman against witchcraft. It was worn around the neck and attached to hats. To prevent impotence, St. John's wort was placed in bed or the room was fumigated with it. In Bavaria, to protect the house from witchcraft, stalks of St. John's wort were attached to the windows in a cross shape.
In Russia, an infusion of St. John's wort was drunk for bruises, as well as against damage caused by evil people “in the wind.” In Ukrainian houses, burdock was kept to protect against witches.

Thistle. Thistle is a symbol of lightning. It was hung on the roofs of houses in Silesia and Germany to scare away witches. In Ukraine, he also protected houses from evil spirits and witches, and in Galicia, girls girded themselves with thistles from the evil eye and damage.
The Slavs called the thorny thistle plant “Perun’s color” and associated it with forces opposing harmful principles. Thistle was used to fumigate barns to protect livestock from evil spirits and diseases. Thistles were stuck over gates and wickets from sorcerers. To make a talisman from thistle during winter Christmastide, it was first placed under the pillow for seven days and nights so that no one would touch it, and on the last Christmastide night it was taken out and taken to the healers, who boiled it with wax and incense, and then sewed it into the amulet.

Weeping grass. Another herb that made harmful forces cry is called plakun-grass - “the mother of all herbs.” In different areas, weeping grass was identified with various plants, but most often it was called loosestrife. They mined grass on Kupala Day at dawn. The root and especially the color of the weeping grass opened treasures, subdued evil spirits, destroyed the spells of sorcerers and witches, and protected from illnesses. If you touch other herbs with the root of the herb, they will acquire miraculous powers. Amulet amulets were also made from the grass.

Quinoa. In Russia, quinoa was placed on the window by those who wanted to get rid of ghosts. In Ukraine, poppies were planted around houses to ward off witches.

Poppy. The poppy box is filled with a large number of small seeds. Poppy is one of the amulets containing many identical objects that the evil spirit must certainly count (which is impossible for it), and until it does this, it cannot do anything else.

Clover. In Germany, clovers were carried with them to protect against witchcraft. Clover that grew under the gallows or that had received the blood of an executed person was especially valued. Blood was considered in Europe to be an exceptionally powerful remedy against all witchcraft and any disease. All items associated with executions, execution instruments, the executioner's axe, the gallows and violent death were acquired special power. In England, clover was placed in cattle pens, protecting it from all types of evil spells. Clover - the shamrock symbolizes the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and therefore is used to protect against the evil eye, dark magic and evil spells. In order to make a talisman from this plant, you need to soak a bunch of clover in table vinegar for three days, then spray all the corners in the house with this infusion, rinse the bunch well in running water, dry it and store it in a bag made of red cloth. It will be good amulet for home.

Bay leaf. The ancient Greeks, when leaving home, put a bay leaf in their mouth. Canes were made from laurel to protect the traveler from damage. IN Ancient Greece, Rome, medieval Europe, branches of laurel trees were nailed over the entrance doors and placed in children's cradles to protect against the evil eye.
A piece of bay leaf was attached behind the ear so as not to get drunk even from large quantity drunk wine.
It was also believed that laurel protected against lightning.

Onion. Since ancient times, garlic and onions have been considered the best remedy protection from all types of damage and witchcraft. There is a strong belief that onions and garlic ward off evil spirits or deprive them of their magical powers. Therefore, in the old days, a woman would never eat an onion that had been peeled the day before and left overnight. She was afraid that the onion had absorbed an evil influence, and it might poison the person who ate it.
The onion spell is based on this belief. If fate has ceased to favor you and it seems to you that either evil spirits or your enemies are to blame, perform the following ritual. Take three small onions, peel them and hang them in different places your house. Let's say this: one in the kitchen, another in the bedroom, the third in the living room. Keep in mind that you need to hang them in a special way - pierce the bulb with a thick needle with red thread, then tie the thread in a loop around the bulb. The bulbs must hang for seven nights. Then they need to be removed and each placed on a separate piece of clean paper. Then add salt and burn over high heat. And the evil spell will be broken.
Today, not every home has a hearth with an open fire, so you can slightly modify the ritual. Throw the bulbs wrapped in paper into a river or stream, or tie them in a knot and throw them over your left shoulder at a deserted intersection. Then walk away without looking back.

Fern. The Summer Solstice has miraculous powers. At night, in a treasured corner of the forest, a fire-flower of a fern blooms, which gives good luck for life to those who find it. If you were unable to find a fiery flower, do not be discouraged - pick three branches of fern at midnight: give one to the fire, the other to the water, and keep the third for yourself. She will carry the energy of the Kupala night and will protect you all year.

White water lily. Picked on a remote pond on Kupala night, the white water lily protects against various troubles and misfortunes along the way.

Ivan da Marya. The most important symbol of Kupala rituals is the Ivan da Marya flower, yellow which embodies the element of fire, blue - water.
Wormwood and nettle are highly respected on Kupala. Herbs collected at Kupala have special healing powers. When they pick the grass, they say: “Father Heaven, Mother Earth, bless your fruit to pick! Your fruit is suitable for everything: from sorrows, from illnesses and from all ailments - daytime and midday, night and midnight.”
The grass is dried, a prayer is read over it, placed in a specially prepared beautiful small bag, sewn up and worn constantly either on a cord on the chest or in a purse.
As a talisman it is effective throughout the year.

Acorns and hazelnuts. To protect against any negativity, acorns and hazelnuts have always been considered one of the best. A single acorn can be secretly worn as a talisman, but acorn beads can also be worn openly as jewelry. Acorns can be replaced with a small piece of oak bark, write your name, wrap soft cloth or paper, always red, and carry it with you at all times.

The strongest amulet is a triple nut. It protects against failure and poverty: According to Slavic beliefs, whoever carries a three-piece nut in his wallet will always have money. No evil spirits will be able to penetrate into the territory fenced with walnut rods. Even small sticks can serve as a protective amulet. hazel.

Turn. The thorn is used as a talisman not only because it is a thorny bush, but also because the “crown of thorns” was worn by Christ during the crucifixion.

You can burn juniper branches in your house, which will make not only the energy space clean, but also rid your home of germs. You can hang dried herbs of nettle, St. John's wort and heather in your apartment.
It is useful to carry these herbs with you, putting the plants in a linen bag - this will protect you from the influence of other people's energy.

Rowan. Rowan - Talisman of Marriage and Amulet of the Hearth. This tree has long been planted in the yard, believing that it brings good luck and protects the house. Before the wedding, the bride and groom were given a sprig of rowan in their shoes. To break a rowan tree means to bring misfortune to an entire family.

Fern - Classic Talisman of Happiness. This is a stalk of fern, collected on Ivan Kupala and worn on a naked body.

The ability of flowers to have a beneficial effect on humans has been proven official medicine. But in addition to the ability to calm the nervous system, bring it back to normal heartbeat, purify the air and improve the atmosphere, plants can protect living spaces from negative energy, from troubles and problems.

In this topic:

Therefore, flower amulets in the house began to appear more and more often.

Flowers that cleanse and protect the home

There are many indoor flowers that can act as amulets at home. Each of them has their own abilities.

  • Azalea. She will share her active energy flows, protect her from gossip, lies, and unkind thoughts of envious people.
  • Aloe. Strengthens health.

  • Asparagus. Strengthens energy, closes passages for dark forces. Helps cope with nervousness and increase mental strength.

  • Balsams. These indoor dandies fill the house with joy, harmony, and create a creative atmosphere.

  • Begonia. Neutralizes conflict situations, leads to calm and harmony in relationships. Royal begonia has the ability to transform negative vibrations into positive ones.

  • Geraniums are flowers that protect the house from aggression, quarrels, and anger.

  • Callas are capable of streamlining the emotional atmosphere, filling the space with happiness, joy, and benevolence.

  • Cacti are perhaps the best flower amulets for the home; if you place them on window sills, then no negative energy will penetrate the house.

  • Kalanchoe - these flowers are known as amulets against depression and melancholy. They bring joy, a positive attitude, and resilience into life.

  • Camellia – protection from outside interference, helps to achieve calmness and independence.

  • Monstera is a neutralizer of vibrations of disorder, brings harmony and orderliness.

  • Fern - needed to harmonize the internal and external energy flows of the house; also used to reveal a person's inner abilities.

  • Scindapsus is an opportunity to destroy the atmosphere of eternal discontent, heaviness, sadness; he easily copes with negative energy.

  • Tradescantia is a simple way to protect yourself from envious people; it neutralizes the effects of the most evil envy.

  • The violet brings comfort and harmony into the house, and with its energy flows relieves heavy thoughts; white flowers even protect children.

  • Ficuses eliminate all anxieties and suffering that destroy the energy field.

  • Fuchsia – brings the necessary mobility to the energy, relieves stagnation, breaks the circle of unpleasant events.

  • Cyclamen - improves the energy situation, relieves disappointments, and illuminates with inspiration.

Flowers - talismans according to zodiac signs

Astrology is a complex science. She studies how certain objects affect the biofield of people of different zodiac signs. Below are representatives of the flora that are optimally suited to various signs of the zodiac circle.

Trees are amulets

For centuries, almost all trees have acted as amulets that can protect houses and their inhabitants. The inner world of a person (house, yard, village) needs protection from external forces. For this purpose, trees began to be planted on the territory of settlements and in courtyards - amulets of the house. The most popular are listed below:

Fern flower

The mythical fern flower that blooms on the night before Ivan Kupala still remains only a legend. No one can find it, but the reverent attitude towards this riddle is reflected in the fact that the image of a fern flower is used to create amulets. These amulets protect against such misfortunes:

  • evil eye, damage;
  • illness;
  • sorcerers.

Fern images can be used as talismans. They saturate with light energy and lead to good luck and happiness. Protective images of a fern flower can be applied to clothing, on window frames or at the entrance to the house, and also worn on the chest as a pendant.

Other amulets from plants

To prevent negative energy from entering the house, plants with thorns are placed at the threshold: burdock fruits, hawthorn branches, rose hips. Above the front door to the house you can place a sprig of aspen or poplar, which drive away evil spirits. Red pepper and juniper, acacia and wormwood would also be appropriate. Willow branches blessed on the great holiday of Palm Sunday have a beneficial effect. Enchanted juniper branches are inserted into the baseboards for protection.

The kitchen is protected by amulets - bundles of onions and garlic to effectively combat evil spirits. Knitting is not difficult to make. However, we must remember that if onions and garlic are used for magical purposes, they cannot be eaten afterwards. After all, they will be filled with negative energy that the house gave them. Amulets of alfalfa grain or calamus root, stored in a container, will forever save the family from hunger.

Herbs growing near the house have a good effect on energy; they can also be dried, packaged in bags and stored in the house. It is better to tie such a bag with a red ribbon. Below is one of the recipes for a protective sachet that should be brought into the house:

  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • dill.

The collected dry herbs are placed in a white or red bag, which is placed above the entrance to the house.

  • elder;
  • juniper;
  • rosemary;
  • caraway.

To attract good luck and joyful events, they make a collection that will help protect the house: elderberry; basil; oregano; valerian. The listed herbs - amulets are ground into powder with your own hands, which is scattered around the house while walking around it clockwise.

Plant pests

Not all flora representatives bring only good things into the house. It is better to exclude some people from staying in a residential area. These include the following:

  • vines (being inside the house, with their entangling lashes they attract misfortune);
  • dried reeds attract troubles, even death;
  • It is better not to plant pansies in the flowerbed; since they are considered grave flowers;
  • coniferous branches can be placed only for the New Year;
  • palm tree - a gift should not be brought into the house, it can turn into grief.


Everyone can protect their home with the help of representatives of the plant world. In addition, many indoor specimens saturate the atmosphere with useful substances that prevent the spread of infection.

By understanding the intricacies of floriculture and plant growing, you can fill your life with joy and beauty.

Many plants and herbs from time immemorial in Rus' were known for their healing properties. Our ancestors successfully used them to treat many diseases and ailments. In addition, plants, herbs and flowers were effectively used as amulets.

Each plant has its own energy, which is capable of interacting with the human energy field. Therefore, amulets plants were used by our ancestors to protect not only from diseases, but also from witchcraft and otherworldly forces. Legends about the extraordinary properties of some plants and trees have survived to this day.

Rowan: This plant has excellent antimicrobial and disinfectant properties, which our ancestors were well aware of. If you put a rowan branch in an apartment or office, a person will be protected from negative influence. If you carry a sprig of rowan in your pocket or purse, the right person will meet you and help you.

Acorn: This oak fruit is a powerful talisman against penetration negative energy. As protection, you can carry an acorn with you, it is better if no one sees it. You can also wear jewelry made from acorns such as beads or bracelets, they can be worn openly. A piece of oak bark on which your name is pre-written can be a substitute for an acorn. It should be wrapped in a piece of red cloth and always have this amulet at hand.

Hazelnut: Among the ancient Slavs, the triple nut was considered the strongest amulet, protecting against poverty and failure. It was worn in bags with money, and later in wallets; it was believed that a person who constantly had such a talisman with him would always have money. Places protected by a hazel hedge were considered an insurmountable obstacle to evil spirits. Even a small hazel stick is a strong amulet if you always carry it with you.

Herbal amulets were everyday protectors of the ancient Slavs from negativity, and even today many people use them as protection against various troubles.

St. John's wort: The healing properties of St. John's wort were known in ancient times. This plant was widely used as a hemostatic and excellent anti-inflammatory agent. This herb in the form of various tinctures, balms and ointments was used to treat many diseases. St. John's wort was considered the strongest amulet against witchcraft; it could be worn attached to a headdress or around the neck. Our ancestors drank a decoction of St. John's wort to treat bruises; it was also believed that such a decoction warded off damage sent “in the wind” by unkind people.

Dill: considered a strong prophylactic against damage and the evil eye. Dill seeds were mixed with salt and carried with them as a talisman against witchcraft.

Mint: This plant brings good luck, it is often added to bouquets that are placed in the room. It was believed that mint protected and protected from evil spirits, which were repelled by the smell of this plant. The smell of lavender, geranium, chamomile, jasmine and especially incense also repels evil spirits.

An effective amulet is a bag of herbs that have certain magical properties. The pouch amulet is very practical for protection. Everyday life. You can always carry it with you, for example, around your neck, in a handbag, or hide it in a secluded place at home. Usually they make it small, putting no more than one teaspoon of herbs in it.

They charm the herbs (St. John's wort, plantain, chamomile) with the following words:

“Save and have mercy on the intercessor grass from damage and the evil eye from misfortune and leprosy. On my word, lock and key. Amen!".

Then a teaspoon of the already charmed herb is poured into the bag and tightened with a rope. Next, the following ritual is carried out: after sunset, sit down so that you are facing the window, after taking off your shoes and letting your hair down, you need to light a candle in front of you. Then cross the amulet three times with this candle and say:

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

« Holy Mother of God he sews and embroiders, and he famously removes misfortune from me, the servant of God (his name). Slanders, excuses, glances, thoughts and glances. Slips, dryness, and slander. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen (3 times).”

Many of us know the old legend about the fern flower (Perunov Tsvet), which blooms only once a year on Kupala night. A person who finds a fiery flower acquires the ability to find treasures and becomes invulnerable to bullets and bladed weapons. New spiritual knowledge is revealed to him, and his strength of spirit increases many times over. But even if you don’t find a fern flower on the night of Kupala, still pick three branches of this plant at midnight, throw one into the water, the other into the fire, and keep the third for yourself. The fern amulet that this twig will become for you carries the powerful protective energy of the Kupala night, it will be reliable magical protection from negative manifestations for a whole year.

You can also make an excellent amulet bag from this twig, which you can always carry with you and be under its protection. But even a non-Kupala fern can be turned into a real magical amulet by performing an appropriate ritual with it.

You can buy a fern amulet by ordering it from an online store, because not everyone has the opportunity to find this plant in the forest and make the amulet themselves. You can also order such a talisman from a person well versed in magic. Esoteric psychic healer Elena Svetlaya will make for you bags of amulets with fern, which have healing and protective properties. On the night of Kupala, she herself collects fern branches, from which she then makes bags of amulets, having previously performed magical rituals with them. Such a talisman will provide you with reliable protection from negative energy and various unpleasant situations.


Thursday salt, which must be scattered under the rug, in front of the front door and in the corners of the house, will help drive away evil spirits from your home. Salt amulet was used at home, as in ancient times, and is still used today. This salt can ward off various magical negative influences from the house, such as the evil eye and damage.

Quaternary salt can be obtained in the following way:

  • IN Holy Thursday you should go to church before the holiday of Holy Easter and defend the service. Buy coarse salt and Borodino bread in advance, consecrating them on this day in the Church.
  • Then, after midnight, take coarse salt and grind it in a mortar, mixing it with soaked Borodino consecrated bread (proportion 1 to 5, 1 part salt to 5 parts bread).
  • Place the mixture in the oven, heated to 250 degrees, and keep it there until the bread turns black. Then grind the mixture and sift through a sieve. Pour the remaining salt into a jar. Place the jar overnight in front of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and light a large candle from the Church in front of it.
  • After this, place the salt in a bag made of thick fabric, preferably linen, and pour the remaining salt along the threshold of the house and under the rug at the entrance to the house and additionally with a cross in the corners of the rooms. The bag of Thursday salt should be stored in a secluded place. This salt will serve as strong protection for your home.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors knew well that the easiest way to put the evil eye on a person is when he is very passionate about something and pays little attention to what is happening. At this time, the ill-wisher casts an evil eye on his victim. In this case, salt as a talisman against an evil person was the most effective remedy. Therefore, even in Ancient Rus' Thursday salt was always placed on the table in an open salt shaker. Black salt absorbed all the negativity and thereby nullified the intentions of the ill-wisher.


Overcome the grass is a Slavic amulet of significance, which was very great for our ancestors. This ancient symbol was the most important talisman protecting the Slavs from various diseases. The ancient Slavs believed that diseases were sent to people by otherworldly forces, and the Overpowering Grass, which had the symbol of a double fire sign, could burn away any disease and illness. They also believed that this amulet cleansed the Soul and body.

Seeing off their husbands and betrotheds on a military campaign or on long journeys, Slavic women and girls made amulets with Odolen-grass (yellow water lily) and performed a special ritual over it, charging the amulet with strong positive energy. And then they hatched a conspiracy to protect their loved one in battle or on someone else’s side.

To have such a talisman with you in our time, just type in a search engine “buy Odolen herb amulet” and you can purchase reliable protection against various diseases. You can purchase a bag of amulet with Odolen-grass from parapsychologist and healer Elena Svetlaya, who is dedicated to the secrets of ancient conspiracies and rituals. She makes her herbal amulets according to ancient Slavic recipes, which will help you find protection from diseases and from various negative magical effects (damage, evil eye), creating favorable energy around you and attracting good luck.

In our store at the “Elena Svetlaya Success Center” you can order various amulets and amulets, not only displayed in the window, but also of your choice. They will make them for you individually and speak special spells, plus they will add protective symbols and mantras to the energy of the amulet or amulet, which will additionally protect you.

If you are interested in something, write to Elena Svetlaya elena@site, indicating “Order an Amulet” in the subject line, or click “Buy” on a specific amulet you like on the website.

Contact our Center, we work to make your life
became brighter and more joyful!

Heavenly mediators for your protection!

Absolutely any plant has its own energy. They can influence a person in both positive and negative ways. Witch doctors and healers very often use them as talismans and protective amulets.

Various types of products have very strong protective properties. medicinal plants. They have such beneficial properties How:

  • Healing of various wounds and cuts.
  • They stop bleeding.
  • They relieve inflammation and swelling.
  • They protect and protect.

There are plants that are symbols church holidays. Such plants include willow branches. Its branches are blessed in churches on Palm Sunday. Thus, it acquires its protective properties. The Southern Slavs used small wood pieces of badnjak as universal protective amulets.

How are plant amulets used?

  1. They can be carried with you as a protective amulet.
  2. They are hung, laid out in the home, office, various rooms for protection from bad energy.
  3. Dried plants are used to fumigate houses, people, pets, and so on.
  4. They are used in various magical rites and rituals, and for fortune telling.
  5. Healers use such plants in folk medicine to heal people and livestock.

Plants that protect and protect you

It is very useful to have dried bouquets of flowers in your home. medicinal St. John's wort, heather flowers and herbs wormwood, nettle and tansy. It is recommended to hang them in different corners of your home. Such bouquets cleanse the space of your home well. They cleanse it of negative energy and have an antimicrobial effect. Residents of such a house will be much less likely to suffer from infectious diseases. Dried plants can be placed in a small linen bag and always carried with you. This will be your protective amulet.

Burdock and hawthorn

Burdock and hawthorn have very strong magical properties. They fight well against any evil spirit. A hawthorn bush in your yard will protect you from vampires (including energy ones).

St. John's wort

Magicians and sorcerers quite often use St. John's wort in their rituals. This plant has not only magical properties. It stops bleeding, relieves inflammation, and has an astringent effect. It protects very well from magic and witchcraft. Men are recommended to put a sprig of such a plant in their bed. Thus, it will protect against impotence.


If you hang a bouquet of thistles in your home, you can protect yourself from evil spirits, the evil eye and damage. Smoke from dried thistle was used to fumigate homes and livestock. Branches of this plant were stuck in front of gates and gates and thus warded off witchcraft.


“Flower of the sun” - sunflower. It also has strong properties and is able to protect your home from any negativity.


To protect themselves from witchcraft and black magic, the Germans carried a bag of dried clover with them. In magic, clover, which grew under the gallows, was very highly valued. Sorcerers considered such clover to be especially powerful. The British used clover branches to protect their livestock from evil spirits. This plant is a symbol of the Holy Trinity (father, son and holy spirit). To take advantage of its magical properties, you need to soak it in vinegar for three days. The resulting infusion is sprinkled on the corners of your home, and the clover branches are dried and stored as a talisman in a linen bag.

Plants for the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Since ancient times, medicinal plants such as ivan da marya, nettle and wormwood were collected on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. It was believed that on this day these plants were endowed with special magical powers. When collecting herbs, they always said:

“Father Heaven, Mother Earth, bless your fruit to pick! Your fruit is suitable for everything: from sorrows, from illnesses and from all ailments - daytime and midday, night and midnight.”

Then the herbs were dried and special prayers were read over them. The charmed herbs were placed in a linen bag and carried with them as a protective amulet. He will help throughout the year, until the next Kupala holiday.

Spices that protect you

Such plants include cinnamon, cumin, coriander, pepper and many other herbs used in cooking. They will protect you from the evil eye and damage. They do not require special instructions for use. With their specific aroma they scare away sorcerers and witches.

Spices are used differently in different countries. In Austria, sprigs of marjoram are stuck into the bride’s wedding wreath and placed in her shoes. Peruvians love to wear nutmeg around their necks. In this way, they protect themselves from witchcraft. The Germans and Turks quite often use the magical properties of thyme against various witchcraft and the evil eye.

It is very good to have mint at home. It can be used as a plant amulet. Make a bouquet of mint sprigs and place it in your home. The aroma that comes from this plant is very good at repelling evil spirits and evil spirits.

Just like mint, you can use bouquets of lavender, field daisies, and jasmine. Their specific smell will not allow evil spirits into your home.


Poppy seeds are poured into a matchbox or any other small box. They repel evil spirits and prevent them from entering your home.

When leaving the house, the Greeks put a bay leaf in their mouth. Laurel branches were hung over the entrance to the house and placed in the crib of a small child. If a stormy feast was ahead, you need to attach a small piece of laurel behind your ear. Its aroma will not let you get drunk quickly. This plant can protect against lightning.

Onion and garlic

Since very ancient times, onions and garlic have been powerful protective agents. They protect against any type of witchcraft, evil eye and damage.

A peeled onion can absorb negativity. Therefore, if such an onion has been lying around all day, it is not recommended to eat it.

To cleanse your home of evil spells, use the following instructions. Peel three onions small size. Use a needle to thread the red thread through the bulb. Tie the thread around the bulb. Hang them in different parts your house. Leave them hanging for a week. After the required time has passed, remove the bulbs. Wrap them in paper sheets and sprinkle with salt. Then burn the onions over an open fire. If you don't have that option, throw them into open water and walk away. Under no circumstances look back.

Trees and shrubs that protect us

In ancient times, it was considered a very good sign to plant a rowan bush in your yard. Our ancestors considered it an excellent protection against dark forces. And in houses they hung a bunch of rowan berries above the entrance and the crib of a small child.

Rowan is a symbol happy marriage. Dried rowan berries were placed in the groom's shoes or in the pocket of his clothes. This was a very good protective amulet against any evil eye.

Along with such protective properties of this plant, it is a good disinfectant and fights germs very well. Its healing properties are used to this day.

To protect yourself from the bad influence of the people around you, you need to put a small rowan branch at your place of work. You can put it in your purse or pocket if you are going to an important meeting or negotiation. Rest assured, she will definitely help you conclude a contract or achieve a promotion.


Aspen is considered cursed by God. No wonder it tastes so bitter, poisonous and dangerous. According to ancient beliefs, Judas himself hanged himself on one of these trees. Aspen wood is quite often used in everyday life. Aspen pegs are very often used as a talisman.

According to ancient sources, the shadow of the yew tree is poisonous. It is very dangerous to be under such a tree. It is under no circumstances recommended to sleep under it. The wood of this magical tree has protective functions. If you install a small wooden peg at the entrance to your home, it will protect it from epidemics and various uncleanliness.

A very good sign is carrying an acorn in your pocket. And a small piece of hazelnut bark with your name on it is the strongest amulet against evil spirits. It must be wrapped in a piece of red cloth and carried with you at all times.

A fairly strong protective amulet is a triple hazelnut. This talisman must be carried with your wallet. It will definitely bring material wealth and prosperity to its owner. You can keep a small branch of this tree in your home for protection from evil spirits.

thorn bush

If you plant a thorn bush in your yard, it will protect it from witchcraft and various types of magic. No wonder he is so prickly by nature.


Juniper branches are great for cleaning up space in your home. A dried juniper twig is set on fire and the entire house is fumigated. In this way, you can cleanse your home of infection and cleanse your energy system.

Indoor plants amulets

Houseplants such as amulets, such as geranium, cleanse the energy in the house. Having such a plant, you do not have to fear evil spirits, magic and witchcraft.

Ferns have very strong magical properties. If a person sees a blooming fern, he will definitely become happy. This is not given to everyone. Therefore, pick three branches of this plant at midnight on Ivan Kupala. Burn the first branch, lower the second one into an open pond, and keep the third one with you. The magical power of a branch of such a plant will protect you from magical spells throughout the next year.

There are a huge number of plants that protect and protect us. Which one you choose for yourself as a talisman is up to you to decide. In this matter, it is very important to correctly determine your goal. You need to know exactly what exactly you want to achieve. Believe in your success and everything will definitely work out.

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