
What is better to wear Slavic amulets rings for protection. On which finger which ring is worn Mythology of the XXI century

Since ancient times, rings have been treated as objects with special properties. Many traditions, signs, superstitions and rituals are associated with them. Slavic peoples applied various symbols to them, turning ordinary jewelry into powerful amulets. Rings in the Slavic style are relevant in the modern world.

Magic power

In ancient times, people believed that the fingertips were conductors of magical energy. If you run your hands through the air in a certain order or conditionally outline some symbols, you can create an energy or protective field. Rings on the fingers can multiply the power of such rituals.

Rings were worn as amulets. They were accepted to be inherited. The older the jewelry was, the stronger its magical properties. When the jewel passed through many generations, the memory of its first owner was erased. The descendants created various legends, according to which their family jewel had an unearthly creation.

The amulet acquired its magical properties only when it was created with one's own hand. If it was not possible to make jewelry by ourselves, then it was made to order from talented craftsmen. But then the product had to go through a series of rituals to endow it with favorable magical energy. For this, various conspiracies and prayers were uttered.

Since ancient times, in various cultures, rings have been an indicator of a person's status. The rich and influential representatives of the family wore massive rings with precious stones on their fingers. Princes and the highest nobility wore rings with family coats of arms. They served as seals that sealed the most important treaties.


The magical property of the ring was determined depending on which symbol was depicted on it.


The Phoenix bird is a mythological character that can burn to the ground and be reborn again. Accordingly, his image symbolizes rebirth and a new better life. The amulet with the Phoenix bird brings good luck and self-confidence.

Tree of Life

The protective ring Tree of Life protects against illness and poverty. Rings with this symbol are complemented by the image of two cornucopias. The product provides its owner with health and material well-being for many years. The tree of life is also able to protect against evil magic and the spells of sorcerers.


On the Kolovrat amulets, the movement of the heavenly body is symbolically depicted. The man with the Kolovrat ring falls under the protection of Svarog, Khors and Dazhdbog. The owner of the ring is endowed with strength that allows him to withstand life's difficulties. The energy of this symbol is able to develop courage and creative thinking.

Kolovrat rings can be supplemented with a symbol of longevity - the Serpentine. Such rings are decorated in the center with a green stone, which enhances the protective properties of the jewelry. Kolovrat-Zmeevik endows with good health and remarkable strength. They protect wealth, bring success.


Lions with wings and the head of an eagle - Griffins - protectors and guardians of wealth. The image of these creatures on the rings brings prosperity to the house. This amulet is able not only to store money, but also to increase it.


The image on the amulets of the warrior Valkyrie allows you to achieve success in business. The amulet brings wealth, protects it from theft and fraud. In order to increase the magical properties of the ring, runes of wealth - Fehu are applied to it.


In ancient Slavic mythology, Veles is the patron of agriculture. Its symbolism on the rings brings good luck, wealth, gives its owner wisdom and initiates into the secrets of life. The totem animals of Veles were considered a bull, a wolf and a bear. Rings with images of these animals develop mental abilities, improve intuition, which allows you to protect yourself from the scams of scammers.

Life Force

Our ancestors respected agricultural products, because only it gave them life. Images of bread and ears of corn have always occupied a special place in folk symbols. The amulet with the image of sprouted grain is called the Power of Life. This is a very powerful amulet that can give everything you need - health, well-being and prosperity. Healers liked to wear such rings, as the product increased their strength.


If it is necessary to direct a person to the right way of life, then the Svarozhich amulet ring is perfect for him. A ring with the symbols of a fiery deity is able to get rid of addictions and help you competently make vital decisions. The amulet endows its owner with willpower, does not allow one to stoop to alcoholism and drug addiction.

Fern flower

According to beliefs, the color of the fern destroys any dark spell. It is symbolically depicted as an eight-pointed swastika. Such a ring makes its owner invulnerable to bad influence. The fern flower is also able to cope with ailments or alleviate the course of especially serious illnesses.


Unconditional success brings the Burdock ring. It helps luck "cling" to a person, like thorns of a burdock. This plant is able to survive even under the most adverse weather conditions. Accordingly, his symbol endows with vital energy the one who puts such a ring on his finger.

Women's amulets

In most cases, amulets were not divided into male and female. However, the fair sex, as the successors of the family, needed their personal talismans. For the manufacture of rings with Slavic symbols, no specific technique was designated. A twisted, lamellar or wicker ring could become an amulet.


One of these female amulets is the symbol of Zhiva, the goddess of life and fertility. It gives warmth, harmony, relieves bad thoughts, relieves stress. For a woman, there is nothing better than an amulet that gives life energy.


Another symbol intended exclusively for women's rings is the star of Lada, the goddess of spring and plowing, the patroness of lovers and marriage. Such decoration helps to cope with anger, make a wise decision, find harmony and balance. It will help unmarried girls to find a worthy betrothed.


The central figure in ancient Slavic mythology among female patrons is Makosh. Her symbol on amulets helps women keep the family hearth. The ring brings joy, reveals talents and develops intuition.

Temple rings

Temporal rings were the traditional decoration of ancient Slavic women. They were attached to the headdress on both sides, hanging at the temples, which is why they got their name. They were a powerful amulet for young Slavs who were to continue the race. Young beauties needed additional protection in order to protect themselves from the evil eye and the negative influence of envious rivals.

A marriage proposal is one of the most romantic and memorable moments in the history of a young couple. On which finger to wear an engagement ring, which is a symbol of the seriousness of the intentions of the future husband? Different cultures have different traditions in this regard.

On which finger to wear an engagement ring?

Wearing a ring handed by the groom is a symbol that the girl is not free and plans to marry her chosen one soon. Immediately after the marriage proposal, the bride-to-be puts a ring on her finger if she accepts the marriage proposal.

Which hand is the ring worn on?

Each country has its own traditions associated with wedding rituals. When watching Western films and TV shows, it is clear that a girl who agrees to get married puts a ring on the ring finger of her left hand. In the Slavic tradition, wear engagement and wedding rings on the right hand.

In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, wearing a wedding ring on the left hand means that a woman is divorced or widowed. To avoid confusion, it is better to put the engagement ring on the same hand, which after a short time will be decorated with a wedding ring.

The question of which finger to wear an engagement ring on is equivalent in both Western and Slavic culture. The ring is worn on the ring finger.

History of custom

Like many other rituals, a significant sign of engagement between the young has its own history. The most famous versions of the appearance of the custom:

  1. Eastern. The tradition began in ancient Egypt. The decoration was supposed to be made of gold and symbolized the loyalty and love of the young. At that time, it was believed that wearing a ring on a certain finger had its own meaning. The ring finger corresponded to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, so wearing a ring on it symbolized love and imminent marriage.
  2. Slavic. In pagan times, it was believed that the ring finger was patronized by Yarilo, the god of the Sun and the patron of life throughout the earth. The engagement ring among the Slavs had to be necessarily smooth - it was believed that ornaments and curls interfere with the sacred action of the deity. The female ring was cast from gold - the "male" metal. The girl, on the other hand, handed over to her future husband a silver jewelry, personifying the female essence. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, the combination of two principles in one family gave rise to harmony and love.

What rings are given for engagement?

Unlike an engagement ring, an engagement ring doesn't have to be smooth and simple. On the contrary, the presence of precious and semi-precious stones, ornaments or metal curls are only welcome. The classic version of the engagement ring is one large stone surrounded by small ones on a smooth rim.

Of course, there are no strict rules for the form of this precious gift - you can choose any metal, any shape and any stones. The best choice is to take into account the tastes of the future bride. Even if a girl does not wear rings, by her choice of clothes, accessories and other additions, you can guess which ring she will like.

What stones can be in an engagement ring?

Engagement is traditionally considered to be a major step in adult life. That is why it is not customary to save money when choosing engagement jewelry. Classic stones in the ring:

  • Diamond;

Also, semi-precious stones are often used:

Most often you can find options from gold of various shades (white, lemon, pink), but other metals are also popular: silver, platinum, tungsten, titanium.

If the future groom is short of money, he can stop at the budget version of the engagement ring. But if there are no problems with finances, you should not skimp - the girl will certainly appreciate the grand gesture.

How is an engagement ring worn before and after marriage?

In Russia, it is customary to wear one wedding ring after the wedding, removing the engagement ring from the finger. But traditions tend to change and now the bride has the following options:

  1. Before the wedding, wear an engagement ring, and after the wedding, take it off and wear a wedding band.
  2. Wear both jewelry at the same time. They are usually worn on one finger.
  3. Wear your engagement ring as a separate accessory for special occasions. This option is most relevant when the value of a piece of jewelry or its heirloom is significant.

In the West, one can often come across the tradition of giving rings to the younger generation of one's family for engagement. This is a very touching custom that promotes the closeness of generations.

Another wonderful custom is that the groom himself participates in the design of the jewelry. In this case, the ring becomes valuable not only because of the number of precious stones, but also because of the personal contribution of the future husband.

If you plan to wear both rings together after the wedding, you should make sure that they match. Despite the fact that in modern fashion there are no strict rules for combining jewelry with each other, rings of a similar design and the same shade of gold will look more effective.

Can you take off your engagement ring?

Traditions are quite unanimous about this - if a girl takes off her ring, she doubts her choice of a future husband. All folk signs say that love will be strong, and family happiness cloudless only when it is constantly worn.

Whether to follow popular beliefs or do what is more convenient is up to your family to decide. After all, a strong marriage union is much more than jewelry and the rules for wearing it.

People have trusted talismans and amulets since ancient times. They helped to save yourself from troubles and attracted a lot of positive emotions. The fame of the magical properties of amulets has come down to our days, many fairy tales have been composed about them. The ring was used not only as a beautiful accessory. The Slavs endowed this item with special magic, which will undoubtedly help in trouble.

The Slavic ring, like the cross, is a fairly common symbol. You can meet the amulet ring not only among the Slavs, but also in other world cultures (in Egypt, the Far East, Greece).

The Slavs identified the circle with the infinity of the Universe, with the strong energy of the Sun, with the continuation of existence on Earth. The closeness of the circle emphasized the unity of all living things.

To protect someone, it is enough to circle him, this gesture did not allow negative energy to penetrate and act on objects and people.

Similar functions were attributed to the amulet ring, it was worn on the finger. This decoration saved the owner and gave him strength. The one who wore the sign was protected from illness and trouble.

The decoration changed the life of its owner, bringing good luck and fulfilling cherished dreams.

Individual approach

A lot of attention was paid to the manufacture of the item. It was made for everyone, then it was required to charge it with the energy of the new owner. If you follow these important recommendations, you can expect a good effect.

Of great importance was the character of the owner of the symbol, his name, date of birth and zodiac sign. All this information was taken into account when choosing protection.

At birth, a child was given two names at once. The first name was kept secret, only the parents and the man himself knew it. The second name was disclosed to others. Not knowing what the real name is, otherworldly forces could not have an effect.

The letters of the secret name were written on the back of the ring. It was forbidden to give this amulet into the hands of strangers; you can attract big troubles into your life. Outside, the rings were decorated with protective symbols. Women portrayed a sign of strengthening the family, war - a sign of struggle and glory.

What are amulets made from?

Pay attention to all the details of the amulet. Materials affect the wearer in different ways, weakening or strengthening its protective properties.

Pay attention to the material from which the talisman is made. The ancient Slavs used the bones of predators for amulets. They believed that all the qualities of the animal would be transferred to the owner of the symbol, making him strong and courageous.

Symbols are made of both wood and precious metals.

Metals of yellow color are characterized by masculine energy, they are identified with solar energy. Light-colored metals are considered feminine. To ensure the circulation of energies, women could wear a gold or copper ring, and men a silver one.

The signs on the rings also referred to male or female.

Usually the rings were decorated with stones. Each mineral had a special effect on a person, bringing him material well-being, restoring health and establishing relationships with loved ones.

If existence is filled with melancholy and despondency, emerald jewelry should have been chosen. Agate helped to become self-confident. Pearls bring health. Aquamarine made family relationships friendly.

How to use the amulet correctly?

There are many ill-wishers and envious people around us. Every negative word addressed to a person leaves an indelible mark on his energy, leading to diseases and failures in the future.

The Slavic ring will help protect against aggression.

There are amulets that are needed for a specific, specific occasion. Sometimes amulets require constant wear, others are better to wear in case of danger.

Often, rings have a very strong energy, so they are worn when absolutely necessary on very exciting days.

Talismans can absorb the energy of their owner. It is used in severe illnesses. The amulet ring should be without a mineral. It is worn for a short time and after recovery is buried in the ground. This gives hope for a complete cure for the disease.

Do I need to buy a ring?

A magical Slavic ring is purchased in a store or made independently. In the process, he begins to recharge himself with positive energy long before the end of work on him. This makes him much stronger. In ancient times, everyone made a charm for themselves with their own hands. The magic symbol could also be received from the sorcerer as a gift.

It is possible to make and give a talisman to your loved ones. In the course of work, you need to think about the good, charging the ring with positive.

The sorcerers helped to correctly activate the protection of the ring, uttering mystical conspiracies and spells.

If you still decide to buy a talisman, put it in salt to protect it from negativity.

Symbols for Slavic rings

The shape of the rings among the Slavs was different. Twisted, braided rings, jewelry in the form of seals are popular.

Usually on the amulet depicted:

It symbolizes the masculine principle and can endow the wearer with wisdom. For courage, women could also wear it.

Symbolizes the infinity of existence, the change of day and night.

He was revered by the warriors, as he gave them intelligence and prudence.

He created harmony in the family.

Could protect from damage and negativity from the outside.

Rodovik. It was considered a link with the ancestors.

They personified the energy of the Sun and fulfilled their innermost wishes.

Choosing a stone according to the sign of the zodiac

Very carefully you need to consider the selection of a mineral for a talisman. You cannot buy any stone, you need to understand its properties, determine compatibility.

The stone for the ring is selected according to the zodiac sign, then it will benefit the owner.


Slavic wooden rings

Trees played a special role in the life of the Slavs, linking the underground, earthly and heavenly worlds, symbolizing the family connection.

Touching a tree relieved illness and misfortune. A Slavic ring made of this material will relieve sadness, strengthen health and immunity, and give strength to overcome obstacles. Palm trees and eucalyptus trees were a novelty for the Slavs, so they endowed the trees surrounding them with unusual properties: birch, linden, oak, pine, etc.

To make yourself a charm, you need to come to the forest and, listening to your subconscious, choose a tree.

It is rather problematic to make a ring yourself, so it is easier to turn to professionals who know the features of each tree and are able to recommend the right one.

Slavic ring and its cleaning

With prolonged use, the rings accumulate negativity, so they require periodic cleaning. Also, urgent cleanup should be carried out after major shocks. Such cleaning activities are carried out at least once a year.

The amulet ring is sprinkled with coarse salt and left to be cleansed for 5 days. Take care of the silence around and the absence of sunlight. Salt is discarded after the ritual. Wooden and stone talismans are cleaned in a similar way.

Silver and gold amulets are cleaned with water. Poured into a container of running water, hold the ring there for about a day. This is a great way to remove evil and negativity.

Rules for charging amulets

The main source of power for all living things is the Sun. The most active Sun is from July 22 to September 22.

For purification, leave the talisman under the scorching rays of the Sun for one or more days. The energy of the luminary will cleanse and help him receive energy for the future. The object will give all the accumulated charge to its owner, making his life more positive.

The wedding ceremony is the most ancient and is part of the culture of all peoples of the world. One of the most beautiful and serious wedding rites is Slavic. It observes all the traditions that permeate both the celebration itself and the paraphernalia. Slavic wedding rings are not only symbolic, but also protect a young family.

Wedding amulets of the ancient Slavs

B. A. Rybakov identifies several types of family Slavic amulets:

  • A bird that humbly sits in a nest represents family life.
  • Images of spoons as a symbol of satiety, or to be more precise, a symbol of material condition.
  • Key. It was believed that he guarded the property.
  • The jaw of a predator is a talisman against evil and dark forces. It is considered the most ancient amulet of the Slavs.

But the wedding man, popular today, is missing from Rybakov's study of two volumes. Does this symbol mean only a myth and a beautiful story invented in modern society?

As you know, the appointment of a wedding man is to protect family and love. But it is also known that in ancient times marriages were mostly arranged and there was never any talk of love.

It is also believed that in addition to newlyweds, it was customary to give wedding rings to people raising children alone. On the one hand, the ancients believed that such a gift in the form of a ring was supposed to preserve the energy of the family. But on the other hand, the ring made an alliance with loneliness.

Motives and materials

The most popular motif for wedding rings of the Slavs was the swastika. It had about 50 meanings and interpretations, the main of which was the symbol of eternal life and the cycle of life. The symbol resembled the sun and personified the victory of good over evil.

The outlines of the swastika on paired jewelry meant endless fidelity and love, as well as overcoming all difficulties and joint rebirth after death.

Jewelry with a wedding man was considered the most popular amulet and symbol. The symbol consists of two swastikas - red and blue, personifying the male and female principles, as well as the interweaving of two genera. The symbols do not close around, which means that the family lives not only in their own world, but also in the tribe. The wedding dress has no sharp corners, which speaks of smoothness and peace.

Eight rays represent eight children, which were given by spouses to parents and gods as payment. Four were given by the mother, four by the father. And the ninth child - the first-born, was given by both parents to their Family.

The wedding rings were adorned with the Solard badge. It is also made in the form of a swastika and means fertility and the feminine.

Another symbol for wedding rings is the Odal rune. It symbolizes the continuation of the family, homeland and property, but the main meaning is the safety of material values ​​in the family.

For women, wedding products were decorated with the symbols of Makosh - Mother Earth. They were depicted on the rings as a square divided into four parts.

For the manufacture of Slavic wedding rings, he used mainly bronze, copper and gold. Silver was considered a rare and expensive metal, and the owners of such jewelry could only be envied.

But, despite the availability of silver these days, it is still not recommended for the manufacture of wedding jewelry, as it is short-lived and loses its shape over time.

The most popular Slavic style rings are white gold items. They are similar to silver, but differ in durability.

Cast jewelry with an engraved pattern is not inferior to them in popularity.

How to wear?

In Russia, the rules for wearing wedding rings have always been observed. After going through the ceremony of engagement and censure by the bride and groom, young people exchanged amulets and put them on each other's ring fingers of their right hands.

You can talk about which bracelets protect from all evil for a long time, but I, the magician, will briefly explain: those bracelets carry the power of magic, on which the signs of Strength and protection are applied. And about how to properly set up silver amulets rings, and in general any items of protection, in my articles I spoke and described the process more than once. And I, the magician, will repeat again: tuning and activation is carried out by the energies of the Elements.

Silver has been known to our Slavic ancestors since time immemorial. Due to its special plasticity, malleability and malleability, it has become a popular metal for making jewelry and religious objects. And also to create unique items of Strength and protection, such as, for example, strong protective bracelets, or large, massive Slavic amulets rings. These items carry the energy and promise of divine support, but today they are also unique pieces of jewelry with excellent designs, created by the hands of modern craftsmen.

Mysticism of silver bracelets and amulets

Since ancient times, man has mastered the magic of silver and water. To prevent the water from spoiling for a long time, pieces of silver were lowered into it. Drinking silver water is a good means of preventing infectious diseases, such water accelerates wound healing. The mystical power of silver improves eyesight, normalizes the functioning of the heart and brain. You can always order an amulet bracelet made of this noble metal for protection and health.

For purification from witchcraft and diseases, for magical defense and good luck, for healing the spirit and body, I advise you, my readers, to buy a talisman ring - with a Slavic symbol or with signs of the Vedic Gods, with an engraving of a totem animal, with Slavic Runes, - this magical item will have a positive effect on you, imperceptibly changing you and the life around you.

Silver is truly a magical element with miraculous properties. Our ancestors associated silver with Morana, the Goddess who patronizes witchcraft. This metal draws its mystical power from the Moon - the mistress of the night, the patroness of secret knowledge. Maybe in the light of the moon charge ward rings, and they will become not only a strong defense against evil - the wearer will feel drawn to the world of magic and witchcraft.
Indeed, wearing silver amulets contributes to the development of intuition and the ability to witchcraft. This is especially true for women. After all, the nature of a woman is lunar, secret, inner, the strength of a woman is not in a strong hand, but in a subtle instinct and a dodgy mind.

Order Slavic amulets made of silver - what is it for?

This light plastic metal symbolizes pristine beauty, virginity, external and internal purity. Slavic amulets rings made of silver, consecrated and activated, constantly worn by a person, will drive out unclean spirits, with the power of white metal they will help to heal from serious ailments and wounds. Lunar amulet rejuvenates, strengthens the body, ennobles the soul of the bearer. Opens his abilities and gives strength for their development.

Silver sanctifies everything it touches. So, my magician's advice to you - do not hesitate, order Slavic amulets made of silver, these are real helpers of a person. Pure noble metal absorbs any energy, retains any information. Therefore, it is an ideal material for the manufacture of amulets, amulets and talismans. Ancient Slavic symbols, embodied in protective rings and other silver items of protection magic, enhance the properties of the metal.

Ancient Slavic amulets of Veles in the form of a ring

Massive, discreet calm beauty, the ring with the symbols of God Veles is an ancient Slavic amulet. The symbolism of Veles is truly masculine; It is not surprising that men's amulets are widely known and popular among representatives of the strong half of humanity. In this subject of magic and protection, a great power is concentrated that supports a person, helps in various areas of life.

Slavic amulet a silver ring depicting the signs of Veles provides personal protection. Moreover, the god Veles supports those who seek to reveal their inner potential, for the deity is the sower of peace, prosperity and prosperity, the connoisseur of talent and fortitude, the guardian of lovers, travelers, seekers of secret knowledge and warriors. And therefore, your Old Church Slavonic amulet silver ring will support you in your studies, work, business, sports and love.

What bracelets give protection and what rings protect from evil?

The solar symbol of Veles, its sharp edges, attract and accumulate cosmic energy; perhaps this is what makes the wearer of the magic talisman ring a real lucky one. Constantly wearing a ring on your finger - an amulet, you will notice, and then make sure that any circumstances in the end turn out well.

A stylish ring made of a noble precious metal with a powerful amulet of Veles, an ancient wise and powerful deity, is able to bestow a person with wisdom, strength, and helps in making decisions. In difficult situations, a person can become confused, succumb to fear, go on about his emotions. A clean, properly activated silver Slavic amulet ring will keep its wearer from making wrong steps, and turn fate in the right direction.

If you want to order Slavic amulets made of silver, it is better to go to the website of the masters - the creators of Slavic items of magical Power, choose your future keeper and place an order. Next, I, the magician, will tell you about the Black Sun amulet.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Do you want to make the Black Sun ring your amulet?

The Black Sun amulet ring was created for real men. In distant dangerous times, in the days of our warlike ancestors, this magical sign was used by priests and magicians. Silver is an excellent conductor of divine energy, a reliable protector from evil spirits.

In order to make a talisman from an ordinary, just bought ring, it is necessary to perform certain magical actions with it - purification, adjustment, activation. The first 2 points are performed with the help of the energy of the four Great Elements, while the last, third point - activation, can be performed by a number of specific actions: touch, breath, activation by solar (Black Sun - solar sign) or moonlight. Silver is associated with the moon and is superbly fueled by its energies.

The Black Sun ring is more than just a decoration.

Feedback on the action of the ring, a talisman of good luck and protection, is always only positive. And it cannot be otherwise, because the Black Sun personifies a truly masculine, confident and active force. This Slavic symbol is one of the ways of a person's self-expression.

The main significance of the Black Sun is to ensure a close connection with previous generations. This symbol allows the seeker to receive the wisdom of the ancestors, to know the eternal secrets of being, and, besides this, amulet silver ring engraved with a Slavic symbol, it has the power and strength to relieve feelings of guilt and unnecessary depressing memories that make a person stagnate and prevent moving forward.

On which finger should the talisman ring be worn?

Wearing Slavic amulets made of silver follows the rules, which will allow you to concentrate light energy, and make the amulet ring as effective as possible.

  • Since ancient times, only married men wore rings on the ring finger.
  • Passionate, creative people usually put on a ring on the little finger in order to draw inspiration from the Higher Forces.
  • The index finger symbolizes power, which is why the sovereign princes wore silver amulets on it; and today your magic ring with an ancient Slavic symbol will help you gain leadership qualities if you wear it on your index finger.
  • And if you wear a Slavic amulet ring on your middle finger, then you will certainly gain a sober mind, which will allow you to make the right decisions and overcome any difficulties.

Silver bracelet amulet with the symbol of the Family

Buying talisman bracelets is not at all difficult. Do not neglect effective magical protection, and even excellent modern design. A personal charm bracelet made of silver with the symbol of the Family will accompany you on your way, help in solving difficult life problems.
God the Heavenly Rod is the creator of everything that exists in the Universe. He conquered the darkness, and limited its time, initiating a new day. If activate the amulet in the form of a bracelet, and constantly wear it, it will become a serious support, bring good luck, attract happy circumstances that will contribute to success. The magic bracelet with the inscriptions of the Slavic symbol of the Family has colossal power that can protect against any manifestation of worldly and magical evil.

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