
What does the name Marat mean among Muslims? Marat. Meaning of the name Marat. History of the name. Compatibility of names Marat. Marat: the meaning of the name, character and fate in different seasons

Marat is a beautiful Muslim name that is quite popular in our country. In addition, it is widespread in the territory Western Europe, this name is especially common in France.

History of the origin of the name

The name Marat has Arabic roots and translates as “desired”, “goal”, “desire” or “messenger”. There is also a version that the name Marat comes from the surname of the French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat. The surname, in turn, was derived from the name of the area in which the revolutionary was born. Translated from French, the name means “pond” or “swamp”. In countries Soviet Union the name Marat became popular precisely thanks to the French leader.

According to one version, the name Marat is derived from the surname of the French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat

Name forms

Shortened versions of the name: Mara, March, Mar.

Diminutive versions: Maratushka, Maratik, Marik.

The name Marat is not in the Orthodox calendar

Related names: none.

Church name: no.

What patronymics are formed from the name Marat: Maratovna, Maratovich.

In the international passport the name Marat will be written as MARAT.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Marat is written as Marat

Which patronymics are most successfully combined with the name Marat: Albertovich, Arturovich, Glebovich, Egorovich, Ildarovich, Ilyasovich, Mikhailovich, Pavlovich, Ramilevich, Rafaelevich, Rashidovich, Rinatovich, Rustamovich, Stanislavovich, Timurovich, Shamilevich.

Rhymes for the name Marat: apparatus, parade, carat, antiques, aroma, compromising material, aristocrat.

Table: the name Marat in foreign languages

Chinese马拉 mǎlā
Japaneseマラー Marā
Korean마라트 Marateu
French, GermanMaratMarat
Gujaratiમારત Marata
Hindiमरात Marāta
Thaiมารา Mā rā
Hebrewמאראט Marat
Georgianმარატ Marat
Arabمارات Marat

Name days and patron saints

The name Marat is not in the Orthodox calendar. Therefore, the boy will have to be baptized under a different name. To do this you need to choose it correctly:

  • use the name of the saint on whose memorial day Marat was born;
  • baptize a child under the name of a saint with whom the family has a special connection;
  • choose the name that is most similar in sound to the name Marat, for example, the name Mark.

Marat will have to be baptized under a different name

Marat, baptized under the name Mark, will find patron saints:

  1. Mark Grave Digger. The saint served as a monk in Kiev Pechersk Lavra. He received his nickname from the nature of his activity - Mark dug graves for dead people. He did not take any payment for his work, and if someone voluntarily brought him payment, the saint took it and gave it to the poor.

    Saint Mark the Grave Digger was a monk in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and dug graves for the dead brethren

  2. Apostle Mark. Mark was born in Jerusalem into a Jewish family; at a young age he joined the community of Jesus Christ, where he became a disciple of the Apostle Peter. On the night when Jesus was tortured, Saint Mark followed him. Later, he founded a church in Egypt, became the first bishop in Alexandria, and presented the idea of ​​​​opening a Christian school. St. Mark is also the author of the Gospel, which historians say is a record of the sermons and stories of the Apostle Peter.

    Apostle Mark is the author of one of the gospels

  3. Mark of Arethusia. He was a bishop in Arethusia, and did everything so that people would abandon idolatry and come to faith in Jesus Christ. Mark himself destroyed the pagan altar, and built a church on this site. The pagans had great hostility towards the bishop. One day they captured him and subjected him to various tortures. The saint withstood all the torture, did not renounce his faith and was released.

    Some of the pagans, who saw how Saint Mark of Arethusia stoically endured all the torments, also believed in Jesus Christ

  4. Mark Pskovo-Pechersky. The saint lived in the 14th century in a cave near Pskov. He led a hermit and righteous life. Later, a monastery was built on the site of the cave, one of the founders of which was Mark of Pskov-Pechersky.

    Mark of Pskov-Pechersky was the founder of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

Marat, who was baptized under the name Mark, will celebrate his name day on one of the following dates:

  • January 11;
  • January 17;
  • January 27;
  • 1st of February;
  • 18th of March;
  • March 23;
  • 11 April;
  • April 18th;
  • May 8;
  • May 27;
  • June 18;
  • July 17th;
  • 24 August;
  • October 10;
  • October 11;
  • The 20th of October;
  • November 9;
  • November 12;
  • 31th of December.

There is a version that a child can be baptized with the name Marat and he will even have a patron saint - Marat of Euphrosia and the name day date is August 17. However, it is impossible to find the life of this saint, and the name Marat is still not indicated in the official Orthodox calendar.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Marat is a purposeful, patient and hardworking man. He is unpredictable, friendly, flexible, and can be scandalous. He likes to be alone, is choleric by temperament, and is used to approaching any issue judiciously and balancedly. It is difficult for a guy to achieve success; he needs friendly and family support, but he acts relying only on his own strength, and is incapable of selfish attitude towards others. He is obligatory, pragmatic, careful and punctual. This person is endowed with an excellent memory, a good sense of humor and a wonderful imagination. The young man shows interest in many things, is charming and individual. He clearly knows all his desires and goals, systematically achieves them, and is constantly engaged in self-improvement.

Marat's comrades are deep-thinking, responsible, hardworking people, like himself. A man loves communication and tries to spend more time in the company of friends.

Marat is reasonable and balanced, loves to dream

Marat's advantages include good intuition, quick reaction, fair and serious attitude towards the world.

In communication, a man shows tact and diplomacy, which help him find a common language with any person. This guy also has enviable willpower, loves to work, is persistent, punctual and committed to business, which always leads to achieving his goals. The young man thinks rationally, all his actions are filled with prudence.
Marat is tactful and diplomatic with others, knows how to achieve his goals
Two thousand carat diamond
Or three billion gold

I will not take. I'll tell you - don't!

My friend Marat is dearer to me. unknown Sometimes Marat can withdraw into himself and not make contact with others.

A man needs time to be alone with himself and reflect on life.

This period does not last too long, but during this time the guy is able to ruin relationships with all his close people. In addition, this person is touchy, even the slightest trifles offend him. Although he tries to quickly pull himself together. At certain periods of time, Marat becomes not very capable of contact, as he becomes immersed in himself A man achieves everything on his own, takes a pragmatic and cautious approach to decisions, and persistently moves towards his intended goal. This is an initiative and enthusiastic person who constantly strives to learn something new and never loses his individuality.

Marat always tries to learn something new

How does a name affect a child's character?

Marat grows up as a peace-loving, kind, dreamy and sociable child. He finds a common language with both peers and adults. But at the same time it can be conflicting and daring. Already in childhood, the boy has a magnificent imagination and a bright personality. Leadership qualities also begin to appear from childhood; he skillfully manages those around him. A boy may have a mischievous character, and then such a child becomes very difficult to manage. The baby is jealous of his parents and may be offended by small trifles. But proper upbringing will save him from these shortcomings.

From early childhood, Marat shows a developed imagination and a clearly defined individuality

At school, Marat is a diligent student and quickly remembers new information. But he is enthusiastic only about those subjects that arouse genuine interest in him. The boy is indifferent to sports; he is much more interested in spending time drawing, modeling or other creative activities.

The only sports activity that can interest him is swimming. The child is not afraid of loneliness, is calm at home alone, and shows independence and responsibility. This one definitely needs a separate room.

Little Marat prefers drawing, modeling and other creative activities In his youth, Marat often becomes the soul of the team. He tries to learn something new every day, strives to become perfect. He is endowed with a calm, balanced, phlegmatic character, but can show anger that he is unable to control. Being in the company of friends or parents, a guy shows all his best worst traits

, because he believes that his loved ones should perceive him as anyone.

This teenager has no complexes. He behaves coldly and strictly with girls, although inside of him lies a romantic and tender nature.

Young Marat demonstrates a thirst for knowledge and self-improvement

Marat transfers his creative skills to architecture and interior design

This person does not like noisy companies and public places where a lot of people gather. He likes to be alone with himself, to go alone into nature. In addition, the man is interested in sports and reading. He also follows fashion, always tries to look good and dress tastefully.

Marat loves to look good, dress beautifully and tastefully

Profession and career

Professional activity Marat, despite his love of loneliness, chooses one in which he is present a large number of live communication with people. This guy knows how to establish relationships with the team, is not prone to conflict, shows innovative ideas, and fulfills his duties with purpose. All this helps him win the respect of his colleagues and superiors and provide him with a decent income. This makes both a responsible executive and a fair boss. He will achieve enormous success in the field of teaching and journalism. He can also become a good radio or television presenter, translator, sociologist and civil servant. Thanks to an interest in science, a man can realize himself as a scientist. A creative nature will help Marat achieve success in the arts, and a love of sports will help him in his sports career.

If during rest Marat prefers peace and quiet, then at work he feels the need for live communication

Marat has an entrepreneurial spirit, as a result of which he can open a successful business of his own. He should be involved in the restaurant or hotel business. A man has the ability to win over the right people, but sometimes he experiences fear of risk and ruin, which can force him to abandon the idea of ​​​​opening his own enterprise. Marat knows the value of money, always manages it wisely, knows how to accumulate funds, so he will never have problems with finances.

Marat should be involved in the restaurant or hotel business


Marat has enviable good health. But a tendency to bad habits and frequent overwork can undermine a man’s immunity. He needs to be given Special attention respiratory system, because the most common ailments of a guy are bronchitis, laryngitis and rhinitis. In order not to expose himself to danger, a young man should take his rest more responsibly and adhere to proper nutrition

Marat's weak point is the respiratory system

Love and sexuality

Marat is a courageous and strong man, which attracts the fair sex to him. He is gallant and courteous, so there are always many women around him. He gives his preference to beautiful, daring and spectacular ladies. The guy has many girlfriends among girls, and it is not always clear which one he is just friends with and which one he has a romantic relationship with.

This is a very charming man, but he never uses this for personal gain; the guy wins the trust and love of women through active actions.

Marat is attractive to girls, but many of them are just friends and acquaintances
You are free and active
But you are by no means naive!
Strong, brave and welcoming,
And he is not indifferent to others!
You are a very faithful comrade,
The husband is smart and exemplary!
The women are all as one

I'm crazy about Marat!unknown

Marat is capable of strong emotions. Having fallen in love, he looks after his chosen one for a long time and beautifully, surrounds her with a warm, attentive and caring attitude, and gives gifts. If the girl does not reciprocate, the man immediately stops trying to conquer, as he is endowed with a sense of self-esteem.

The ideal of this man is a girl who has a bright, sensual, loving, risky and self-confident nature. She should be able to support and take care of the guy. It is important for Marat that his partner can have conversations with him on any topic. He is capable of strong and mature love, but he definitely needs return from his beloved. In bed, a man shows passion and temperament, and knows how to give a girl unforgettable pleasure.

Having fallen in love, a man courtes for a long time and beautifully, surrounding his chosen one with warmth, attention, and material benefits.

Family and marriage

After marriage, Marat defends his family with all his might. For him, a house is a fortress where all members of the household live amicably and happily. The man takes full responsibility for the well-being of the family. A man is inclined to idealize his woman, tries to surprise and pamper her, and help with housework. She and the children will never need anything, the guy will surround them with care and love. Marat never forgets about his parents; he always tries to help them both physically and financially.

Marat's children and wife are always beautifully and expensively dressed, surrounded by care and guardianship

If Marat's family relationships crack and end in divorce, then subsequent marriages will be less happy than the first.

Table: name compatibility

Table: correspondences for the name Marat

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

Each letter that is part of a person’s name gives his personality additional features:

  1. Letter M. This is a caring, helpful, shy guy. Such a person should not think only about himself, he must take into account the interests of others.
  2. Letter A. A person strives for eternal movement, the creation of something new, tries to achieve mental and physical comfort.
  3. Letter R. The young man knows how not to be deceived by appearances, but delves into the essence of what is happening. He is self-confident, eager to act, prone to courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
  4. Letter T. An intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. A man needs to remember that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today; one must act, using every minute effectively.

Marat is self-confident and strives to achieve what he wants

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Marat, born in winter, is a dreamy and romantic person, he is pleasant to talk to, eloquent, charming, courageous and persistent. The main problem with this guy’s character is his distrust of everyone around him; he will not be able to completely trust even his own wife.

But in return, the man is endowed with special devotion and honesty. He will never deceive a friend or loved one, he will always come to the rescue.

Spring Marat has a quick-tempered, emotional, assertive, charming and fair character. He will definitely become a good husband and an amazing father for his children, but his wife must learn to accept the passionate nature of her chosen one.

In addition, a man is characterized by selfishness, which is almost impossible to get rid of.

Spring Marat will be an ideal father for his children

In one of the summer months, a vulnerable, erudite, intelligent, friendly, good-natured, cheerful, honest and sensitive Marat is born. This guy is a real hard worker and a careerist, he will work day and night to achieve his goal.

He is very responsible in business, kind and receptive to other people's problems. Summer Marat does not spare himself, he is able to work day and night Under the influence of autumn, Marat is born, who is prone to idealization and loves to dream about bright romantic feelings. The guy has sentimentality, vulnerability, but there is no cowardice in him at all. Such a person always resolutely fights the difficulties that arise. The tendency to idealize people becomes a big problem for men. He empowers those around him with many

positive features

, which in reality are not inherent in them, which inevitably leads to subsequent disappointment.

Autumn Marat is often disappointed in people due to his tendency to idealizeTable: name horoscope
Zodiac signPersonality characteristics
AriesThe sign of Aries rewards Marat with many negative qualities. The guy is too hot-tempered, shows excessive emotionality, is intolerant of the shortcomings of others, and has integrity. However, this person can work long and hard to achieve his goals and desires.
TaurusUnder the auspices of the sign of Taurus, the persistent, patient, purposeful, hardworking and fair Marat is born. A man always achieves what he wants, doesn’t give up what he starts, tries to become the best in everything. The guy does not accept critical statements and comments addressed to him, and reacts extremely harshly and sharply to such things.
TwinsA man is vulnerable, vulnerable, charming, sensitive and receptive. Such a Marat is very easy to offend; he takes the slightest criticism sharply. But the guy is prone to forgiveness and will never take revenge on his offender.
a lionBorn under the sign of Leo, Marat has an outstanding mind, goodwill, talents, and determination. He always strives to achieve what he wants, does it at the expense of his own strength, and does not accept deception and betrayal. Those around him perceive Marat-Leo as an aggressive and hot-tempered person, but such an opinion is far from the truth.
VirgoErudition, intelligence, talent, hard work, lack of complexes, restraint and constancy - these are the main traits inherent in the character of Marat-Virgo. The guy approaches life judiciously and prudently, carefully considers all his decisions, and begins to act only after drawing up a clear plan.
ScalesThe young man is an idealist and a dreamer. This is a loving, romantic nature, dreaming of great and pure love. Marat-Libra is ideal for family life: he will always be affectionate and gentle with his wife, will never betray or cheat, will become an excellent father and head of the family.
ScorpionUnder the sign of Scorpio, Marat is born, endowed with determination and recklessness. The guy is completely devoid of principles, selfish, considers himself right in any situation, does not know how to admit his mistakes, puts his interests above others.
SagittariusThe guy has a vulnerable and sentimental nature. He is sensual and romantic, has an amazing imagination, wants to be understood and loved. Marat-Sagittarius definitely needs to have a family and a beloved woman in order to feel happy. He also loves to communicate with people, strives for new contacts and acquaintances.
CapricornThis person is kind, decent, peace-loving, cheerful. He is very demanding in his relationships with others, trying to get from people what he himself can never give. Marat-Capricorn is not endowed with friendliness, although he himself believes otherwise. The guy cannot stand lying and deceptive people.
AquariusThe patronage of the sign of Aquarius makes Marat pleasant to talk to, sociable, friendly, sociable and eloquent man. The guy is able to win the favor of absolutely any person, shows prudence and practicality, acts based only on common sense and logic.
FishMarat, living under the influence of the sign of Pisces, is distrustful and demanding of others, but devoted and faithful to those close to him. He will never leave a comrade in trouble, will immediately come to the rescue, and is inclined to sacrifice his interests for the sake of others. A man needs a true friend, but he is afraid to let people get too close to him. The guy is looking for a catch in everything, suspects betrayal.

Photo gallery: famous personalities in history with the name Marat

Marat Safin - famous Russian tennis player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, former first racket of the world in singles Marat Fakhrutdinov - Russian hockey player, forward Marat Zhylanbaev - seven-time Guinness Book of Records holder Marat Korchemny - Russian musician, bass guitarist and backing vocalist of the rock band "Picnic" Marat Izmailov - Russian football player, player of the Russian national football team Marat Basharov - Russian theater and film actor Marat Akbarov - Soviet figure skater who performed in doubles

Marat has a happy but difficult fate. Excellent fortitude and many positive qualities help this person overcome all the hardships of life. To achieve what he wants, a man works hard and hard, he is not afraid of difficult work. The guy is endowed with intuition, excellent imagination and excellent memory. From early childhood he manifests himself as an independent and individual person. For such a person, family values ​​are very important.

Marat is a beautiful rare name with an interesting sound and two versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Marat means “desired” in Arabic. There is also another translation - “goal”, “desire”, “messenger”. Previously, the name Marat was used to name long-awaited sons whose parents waited for many years to conceive a child. According to the second version, the name Marat became widespread in the USSR in honor of Jean-Paul Marat, one of the leaders of the Great French Revolution. The name became international, but was actively used among the Tatars. There is a version that Jean-Paul Marat got his name from the name of the place where he was born. Moreover, “Marat” was not the name of the French revolutionary, but his surname. The French pronounced his name as Mara. “Mare”, “marais” translated from French means “pond”, “swamp”. Marat celebrates his name day on August 17. The patron saint of men with the name Marat is Marat of Euphrosia, who gives young men courage, courage and boldness.

Marat's character is quite measured and pragmatic. He brings his affairs to their logical conclusion, approaching each issue with all caution and prudence. Tries to be punctual and, in most cases, meets deadlines, especially if the task ahead is important and responsible. You can rely on him, for which the man is respected by friends, employees and just comrades. Having specific goal and plans, can work for days without getting tired, purposefully moving towards the goal and bringing his ideas and desires to life. How he manages to succeed everywhere and achieve great heights is a mystery to everyone, but a man with this name will not walk like a peacock, having passed the next difficult milestone. He is proactive and able to independently organize large meetings, making sure that everything goes well. Can take on several tasks at the same time, successfully conducting them in parallel. He likes to delve into something new and interesting, tries to develop independently and teach others.

Characteristics of the name Marat

Corresponding zodiac sign: Virgo ♍.

Patron planet: Uranus ♅.

Dominant element of Feng Shui: Metal 金.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Agate.

Talisman-color: Red.

Tree talisman: Hazel 🍁.

Plant talisman: Basil.

Animal mascot: Crocodile.

The most successful day: Thursday ♃.

Happy time of year: Autumn 🍂.

Character traits: Agreeableness, Seriousness, Hot temper.

Spring Marat– closed, loves solitude. She loves spending her free time with her friends and loved ones.

Summer Marat– an active guy who loves sports. He is resilient, not afraid of difficulties and is ready to help friends not only with advice, but also with deeds.

Autumn Marat– calculating, pedantic and punctual. It is difficult to convince him without compelling arguments.

Winter Marat- a strong-willed, courageous and at the same time impulsive man. In life he will go against everything and achieve great success.

Character of the name Marat

As a child, Marat is a peace-loving, kind, dreamy, sociable child. He successfully communicates with both peers and adults. He studies interesting school subjects with pleasure, but ignores the rest. In general, I am indifferent to sports. She prefers drawing, modeling and other creative activities. From early childhood, the boy shows a developed imagination and a clearly defined individuality. Leadership qualities are clearly visible in him; he skillfully manipulates people right from childhood. He is incredibly jealous, vulnerable and touchy over trifles. But good paternal training should do its job.

IN adolescence a guy named Marat becomes the life of the party. Demonstrates a thirst for knowledge and self-improvement. When communicating with the opposite sex, he is outwardly cold and strict, but in his soul he is romantic and thirsty for warmth. It is difficult to describe Marat’s character unambiguously. He is noble, kind, not harmful. Calm, fairly balanced, phlegmatic guy. But he also has outbursts of anger that he cannot immediately suppress on his own. In his immediate circle, the young man will certainly show all his worst qualities, since he sincerely believes that his loved ones will tolerate him no matter what and will always love him. Marat is a person without any special complexes, even at a young age.

Adult Marat is very susceptible. Easily finds support from friends, relatives, colleagues, and acquaintances. Successful achievements come to a man with great difficulty. He shows determination, patience, hard work - these are the qualities inherent in a real man. He is committed, pragmatic, careful, punctual and methodical. He does not like to communicate with superficial, irresponsible, lazy people - because he himself represents their opposite. Unpredictable, friendly, flexible, somewhat scandalous - all these characteristics define a man named Marat.

Positive traits of the name Marat: justice, compassion, seriousness. He is very tactful and diplomatic in communication, which always helps him establish a dialogue. And strong willpower, commitment to business and perseverance are the best allies on the path to your cherished goal. Marat is distinguished by initiative and rational thinking. His actions are literally imbued with prudence and utilitarianism. Also, one cannot fail to note his hard work and punctuality, which helps to complete things on time.

Negative traits of the name Marat: The absolute disadvantages of this personality include isolation and unsociability. The thing is that at certain periods of time Marat becomes not very capable of contact, as he becomes immersed in himself. Although this does not last long, it spoils his relationships with people. It is also necessary to say about this person’s touchiness, which constantly accompanies him even in trifles. Although Marat manages to quickly pull himself together, nevertheless, an unpleasant aftertaste remains and greatly affects his reputation.

Interests and hobbies

Creatively gifted Marat has loved to draw and sculpt since childhood. His main hobbies also include reading and sports. He doesn't like noisy companies and massive parties. Likes to look good, dress beautifully and tastefully. In adult life transfers his skills to architecture and interior design. These areas are often chosen as a professional path.

Profession and business

Marat is a purposeful and hardworking person, which means he mainly chooses professions related to intellectual activity, art and communication with people. Great success is guaranteed in the profession of teacher, radio host, restaurateur, translator, sociologist and civil servant. He can also choose a creative direction and become a scientist, athlete and public figure. In his work he demonstrates himself as a purposeful and hardworking employee. For him, the position he holds does not matter if he is satisfied with the salary. The team develops smooth, conflict-free relationships with colleagues and management. Marat is valued because he is an excellent specialist, prone to innovation and full of different ideas.

Marat has a business spirit and entrepreneurial spirit, so organizing your own business is an excellent opportunity to express yourself to the fullest. This man is quite enterprising, has a commercial streak and knows how to win over business partners. If Marat decides to start his own business, it is better for him to do it on his own, and not in partnership with someone. Otherwise, empty quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided. He tries to find the best option on how to earn a lot of money without making much effort. He does it wonderfully. He calculates and thinks about all his actions in advance. Differs in hard work and commitment.

Mentality and health

The secret of the name Marat hides a person with a resilient, flexible and diplomatic character. By type, he is a balanced choleric. He has an excellent memory, a sense of humor and a well-developed imagination. He is a curious, charming person with a bright personality. Starting from an early age, he shows leadership qualities and, as he matures, becomes a clear leader. He is characterized by proactive and rational thinking. Outwardly he is quite cold and strict, but inside he is vulnerable and sensitive. Marat is very obliging and achieves everything on his own.

Marat is in excellent, good health. But bad habits and constant overwork lead to the development of numerous chronic diseases. Weakened the immune system makes itself felt at a young age. Its weak point is the upper respiratory tract. He is plagued by bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis and other unpleasant pathologies. To get rid of them, a man needs to normalize his rest and work activities. It is recommended to adhere to the correct and healthy eating. It is advisable to give up junk food and bad habits. Sports will help improve physical health. Parents should take care of their son’s health from childhood and enroll him in sports clubs, preferably swimming.

Love and sex

Marat has a strong and courageous character, which is a force of attraction and attracts the attention of the fair sex. He is always in the company of beautiful and spectacular women. Sometimes it is difficult to guess with which of them he has friendly relations, and with which he has real and strong feelings. The charm of this man does not leave girls indifferent, but he himself does not abuse it. Most women become his friends. He can value such friendships, excluding close relationships. When Marat falls in love, he takes care of his girlfriend for a long time and beautifully, surrounding her with attention and care. His love is a strong, mature and serious feeling. At the slightest manifestation of coldness on the part of his passion, such a man stops imposing himself on her. The reason for this is self-esteem and pride.

Before starting a sexual relationship, you should get to know the woman well. He is a noble man, sincere in his expressions of feelings, charming, and very physically resilient. He is attracted to liberated partners, devoid of prejudices, who can give him pleasure. The ideal passion for Marat is a bright, sensual, loving, relaxed, self-confident girl who knows how to empathize, care, and maintain a conversation on any topic. The man has a violent temperament in bed. Capable of delivering unforgettable sensations to your partner. A lively response and all-consuming passion are expected from her. Monotony tires him and makes him bored. He strives for thrills and does not hide it. Quickly loses interest when a woman is cold or when her partner shows impatience.

The ideal of this man is a girl who has a bright, sensual, loving, risky and self-confident nature. She should be able to support and take care of the guy. It is important for Marat that his partner can have conversations with him on any topic. He is capable of strong and mature love, but he definitely needs return from his beloved. In bed, a man shows passion and temperament, and knows how to give a girl unforgettable pleasure.

Family is a great value in Marat’s life. A man’s family life begins with living together without registering a marriage. The appearance of feelings for a woman for our hero does not mean a good reason to marry her. Of no small importance to him are such feminine qualities as cleanliness, the ability to cook, lack of conflict and gentleness. She must be able to cook well and tasty. His ideal is a Cinderella in the home and a queen in society. Before legalizing a relationship, he always listens to the advice of his parents. Their consent to marriage is important to him.

The home for the bearer of the name is protection and fortress. Having created a family, he takes full responsibility for the well-being of his wife and children. His children and wife are always beautifully and expensively dressed, surrounded by care and guardianship. This person loves to pamper his loved ones. He idealizes the other half, values ​​her and often pampers her, helping with the housework. He always takes elderly parents to live with him, surrounding them with care and warmth. He treats children with great love. In family relationships, conflicts are possible, leading to divorce. Marat's repeated marriages are often less successful than previous ones.

Horoscope named Marat

Marat-Aries ♈– is quick-tempered and emotional, he is distinguished by such traits as intolerance and adherence to principles, and is not always able to control himself. He knows how to achieve his goal and does not give in to difficulties. He cannot sit idle, he just needs to do something. But he’s a hard worker, no matter what.

Marat-Taurus ♉– endowed with enviable perseverance, patience, dedication, hard work and justice. He always achieves his goals, doesn’t give up halfway, and always tries to be the first. Has difficulty accepting criticism, even if it is fair. He doesn’t like it when people make comments to him, including those close to him.

Marat-Gemini ♊– charming and elegant, a little selfish and cunning, loves to be in sight, receive compliments and praise. Sometimes he tries too hard to please everyone around him, adapting to public opinion. He is not always honest, often looks for easy ways to achieve goals, and can show self-interest.

Marat-Cancer ♋– characterized by vulnerability, vulnerability, charm, sensitivity and receptivity. Afraid to take on any obligations, not too serious and responsible. Tries to hide his weaknesses from others. It’s easy to offend someone like that with even the smallest criticism. But he knows how to forgive, and at the same time never takes revenge on the offender.

Marat-Lev ♌– smart, friendly, talented, purposeful, always achieves his goals, and only by honest means. Incapable of betrayal, devoted and faithful. He knows how to use his charm to achieve personal goals, without seeing anything reprehensible in this. Those around him see him as a firm, even tough and selfish person.

Marat-Virgo ♍– can grow up to be an erudite, intelligent, talented, hardworking person, with many hobbies and interests. Always acts prudently, rarely committing rash acts. Sometimes he takes too long to make decisions, thinking about what consequences they may lead to.

Marat-Libra ♎- an idealist and a dreamer at the same time, dreaming of pure love and a devoted wife. Likes to indulge in dreams that will never come true real life. Tends to idealize others, which often leads to unpleasant consequences. Building a relationship with such a person to start a family is exactly what all serious women should do. He will make an excellent husband and father.

Marat-Scorpio ♏– has a complex character: decisive, reckless. Often makes rash decisions, ignoring other people's advice. He does not like to compromise, it is difficult for him to admit that he is wrong, a real egoist. He can only build a relationship with a very wise and compliant woman who will not try to re-educate him in her own way.

Marat-Sagittarius ♐- a vulnerable and sentimental man, a sensual romantic, a person gifted with excellent imagination, thirsting only for understanding and love. This kind of person needs nothing but a devoted family and a beloved woman. He easily makes new acquaintances, has many friends and acquaintances, and cannot imagine his life without communication.

Marat-Capricorn ♑– a kind and decent, friendly and cheerful person who values ​​honesty most of all in people. He cannot stand lies and falsehood, and too often makes excessive demands on himself and his friends. Hates liars and deceivers. He can be quite stingy in showing emotions, but he is loyal and decent.

Marat-Aquarius ♒– a pleasant person to talk to, sociable, friendly, sociable, eloquent. He values ​​his friends very much, who are like a second family to him. Reasonable, practical, guided only by common sense and logic. Easily finds common language with different people, knows how to present himself correctly.

Marat-Pisces ♓- a distrustful and demanding person, but loyal. He will never leave a loved one in trouble, he will always help, even if he has to sacrifice something important for this. Likes to spend time alone or in the company of close friends. Needs a real friend, but is afraid to get close to people because he is too afraid of betrayal. He sees a catch in everything and is too suspicious.

Compatibility of the name Marat with female names

Marat and Albina– approach the issue of building a personal life with special responsibility. This circumstance characterizes both a man and a woman from the most attractive side. The fact is that in their future marriage they do not abuse selfishness, but, on the contrary, completely concentrate on their partner. This state of affairs inside not only gives the desired idyll, but also allows you to timely diagnose relationships, identify weak points and quickly change the situation for the better. And absolutely all issues that concern both lovers at the same time are subject to such tactics. Among the main topics are the formation of a family budget, health, sex, leisure and other important interests that both Albina and Marat recognize.

Marat and Bozena- such a union has many chances to ultimately become successful. And all because people with these names have a considerable number of interests, mixed with a natural love of life and a thirst for gaining freedom. Both of them are alien to peace and even more so to loneliness. Instead, Marat and Bozena choose a festive atmosphere, loud laughter and unbridled fun. And, what’s most interesting, they constantly try to bring all these moments into their own life together, which they do with considerable success. This couple just loves to visit together club parties, theatrical performances, being in the spotlight and going on vacation to different parts of the world.

Marat and Veronica– such a union is characterized more by duration than by strength in the relationship. Often in this situation, a woman dominates, accustomed to putting considerable pressure on her lover. Reproaches from her side can relate to anything. For example, lack of cleanliness and order in the house, financial difficulties, lack of ambition and a great many other issues. And here, as a rule, a discrepancy of interests appears. Veronica has an ingrained habit of spending money left and right, and Marat, in turn, holds exactly the opposite views, directed towards frugality. In terms of sexual relations, no “hits and starts” are expected in their relationship. However, this is clearly not enough for true harmony to reign. You also need, at a minimum, to take into account the feelings and value system of your partner.

Marat and Galina– the clarification of the relationship between them proceeds quite loudly and even furiously. There's really nothing wrong with that. It’s just that both Galina and Marat belong to the type of people who don’t like to keep everything to themselves. On the contrary, at the first opportunity that arises, they “let off steam” and five minutes later they smile again, as if nothing had happened. It is possible that their union is maintained due to the fact that they are easy-going people and never hold a grudge against each other. Rather, they are turned on by the very process of loud discussion of this or that issue, rather than by the desire to obtain a digestible solution.

Marat and Darina– here are romantic dates, sexual passion, a riot of feelings, and pulsating ambitions. What is most interesting is that in all these and many other parameters, a man and a woman are completely compatible. And if we take into account that the erotic component in this union is 100% harmonious, then it should be classified as the most durable. However, it is unlikely that Darina and Marat can fit into the traditional understanding of family life. Promotion by career ladder and the desire to take leadership positions are often projected onto the family. And here the main thing for a man and a woman is not to go to extremes and not turn minor disagreements into a real interpersonal war. If this is not allowed, then the chances for a long, bright and happy life together are quite decent.

Marat and Ekaterina– as a rule, both partners are on the same wavelength most of the time. For example, if Catherine suddenly decided to go on a picnic or visit the theater, then Marat willingly supports her. Moreover, in their union there is absolutely no fear of being misunderstood in the eyes of their partner. They willingly share their joys and experiences with each other, finding the desired support and support from their other half. useful advice. What’s interesting is that most often this happens in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and goodwill. That is why serious problems in the marriage of people with such names arise extremely rarely.

Marat and Elena- this is a couple of such inquisitive and adventure-seeking people that they definitely won’t get bored together, but at the same time a strong family may not happen. In relationships, Elena shows herself as a caring and loving fighting friend, the main thing is that this does not develop into mania, because a man is unlikely to like this. In general, any girl should take into account that Marat will demand from her full recognition of his superiority. The energy of the name Elena is very strong; a man, having met such a girl, may not count on the role of head of the family. It’s good when a person has a true, faithful friend, and even better if this friend is a loved one.

Marat and Zhanna- they literally dote on each other, and even moreover, they tend to infect surrounding couples with this trait, who enviously watch their happiness. There is an opinion that the marriage of people with the names Zhanna and Marat is made in heaven. And looking at this couple, from whom emanates an aura of love and mutual understanding, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that this is so. By the way, Zhanna and Marat did not learn to hide their contentment with each other. And, frankly speaking, they do not even try to comprehend this science, which seems completely useless to them. The only thing they prefer not to talk about is their own intimate life, as well as their bank account number.

Marat and Zlata– this couple is distinguished by a strong connection with each other, and time spent together only enhances this passion and feeling of closeness. Perhaps, from the first meeting, Zlata and Marat are unlikely to be able to understand that they have met their real soul mate. To do this, they need several meetings that will help them get to know and understand each other better. In a word, we are not talking about any love at first sight in this case. Before us typical example people who are very picky in terms of shaping their own environment. These people understand each other at a glance and have the same beliefs. This is a sensual union in which there is a lot of communication and exchange of opinions. The main thing is not to isolate yourself and not to cut yourself off from the outside world, isolating yourself.

Marat and Inna- fit each other almost one hundred percent. And there are more than enough reasons for such a conclusion. Both partners have common interests, which is in rhythm modern life It is, frankly speaking, quite important. Together they strive to improve their own financial situation. In bed, they show special attentiveness to each other and try to give their intimate partner real pleasure. Inna and Marat have quite a lot in common on the mental, psychological and physical level. And therefore, their chances for a long and happy life together are very impressive. In addition, they tend to feel that there is only one person destined for them in the world. And he's right there.

Marat and Camilla– their union can safely be called one of the most tender. Camilla and Marat are a couple who tend to take care of each other. Such relationships are characterized in most cases by a calm, serene atmosphere, increased sensuality, slight vulnerability and concentration on the desires of the partner. They do not like to argue at all, and even more so they try in every possible way to avoid a rude tone when conducting a dialogue with anyone. They prefer to give rather than receive. This applies to emotions, love, sex, and material assets. In the future, they turn out to be infinitely loving parents, striving to give their children all the best and brightest that they have.

Marat and Lilia– the ability to enjoy little things (a delicious dinner, beautiful interior or a stormy night) brings pleasure to both partners, which makes this union so organic and complete. Marat cannot boast of self-control, so Lilia must be ready to endure his nagging, which he will later repay with true love. She can pretend that nothing happened and bear the grievances alone, but a smart man will always understand that something is wrong with her. The more kind words you say, the harder the girl will try for the man who says these words. Not too active on their own, the partners will feel great together - calmness, no shocks and confidence in the future will appeal to both.

Marat and Marina– the owners of these names are drawn to each other as if magnetized, they are interested in each other, but will this attraction become the basis of a strong relationship? Marina is the owner of a cold mind, so rare among girls, she will not hysteria and nag her man for no reason, and he, in turn, will be extremely grateful to her for this. Marina will be intrigued by his boundless imagination, but he needs to be fed with something all the time. It’s not always the case that when everything initially turns out difficult for a couple, you have to give up, because it may be that in the future they will have such a strong connection like no other. If they have one goal for two, then their union can take place.

Marat and Nadezhda– in any relationship, it is common values ​​that come to the fore. For example, both halves of one union may be distinguished by an insatiable desire for self-development, travel, raising children, an active lifestyle and much more. And, most importantly, such a commonality of interests helps them to easily overcome any everyday conflicts. Marat will constantly strive to unattainable heights and regularly fall to the ground, but thanks to the fact that Nadezhda is always ready to support him in difficult times, the marriage can easily survive difficult times. In a word, this is love and friendship in one bottle. From the first there is tenderness and selflessness, and from the second - adherence to the same principles and values. The result is a very strong relationship that does not care about any force majeure.

Marat and Oksana- someone might argue that they are people whose temperaments are completely incompatible with each other. Marat is a man of very ardent morals, prone to leadership and does not tolerate disobedience. Oksana, on the contrary, is a refined nature and does not tolerate any rudeness at all. On what basis could both of these opposites converge? In fact, the main principle here is reciprocity. And these people, frankly, really have something to offer each other. In their private life, that enviable harmony that so many couples only dream of is firmly established.

Marat and Polina– in this union, partners have every chance of finding their “soul mate.” True, these relationships cannot be called too passionate, but the owners of these names are united by similar views on life, thoroughness, frugality and the desire to create a strong family. At first, when they meet, cautious partners may spend a very long time looking closely at each other, but after marriage, their life together is most often very friendly and comfortable. Usually Marat works hard for the benefit of the family, and Polina raises children and maintains ideal comfort in the house. True, in everyday life he is overly meticulous and sometimes too demanding, but it almost never comes to real quarrels in their friendly family.

Marat and Regina– a union of such types of characters occurs quite often, because in many ways the owners of these names are similar. Even if outwardly this is not too noticeable, even if Regina and Marat choose completely different paths to achieve their goals, the main thing is that their goals themselves largely coincide, and they want approximately the same things from life. This makes their relationship strong and stable. In addition, they have good sexual compatibility, and if desired, they can easily find a common language not only in bed, but also in business, in housekeeping, and in solving problems. The only thing that prevents us from calling this union ideal is the struggle of characters and ambitions, which, however, gives it “zest” and poignancy.

Marat and Stella- this passionate and stormy union rarely turns out to be durable. The most difficult thing for Stella in this union is to understand and forgive betrayal, while her freedom-loving chosen one has his own concepts of fidelity. He enjoys success with women and sees nothing wrong with flirting, so in their life together, as a rule, conflicts and scenes of jealousy are frequent. In addition, she is confused by his optionality and lack of clear goals in life. Often their relationship ends with both of them getting tired of this endless struggle.

Marat and Tamara– they no longer agree from a logical, but from an intuitive point of view. They subconsciously look for each other, and when they finally meet, they try to spend as much time together as possible. Interestingly, this feature extends not only to the well-known “flower-candy” period, but also to all subsequent stages. In marriage, they dote on each other. And after they have children, all the affection and care that parents are overwhelmed with begins to spread to the child. As for intimate life, here Tamara and Marat often experience what is called complete enthusiasm for the process. They are able to immerse themselves in each other so much that at certain moments it begins to seem to them as if nothing and no one exists in the whole world except them.

Marat and Ulyana– everyone attracts into their personal life the person they think about most. And in this regard, the desires of both partners completely coincide. Marat makes the first step, and Ulyana responds with complete reciprocity. As a rule, a girl with this name is a very shy person who can very rarely decide to take bold actions. On a subconscious level, she is looking for a protector. Marat is a man of action who is not used to throwing words to the wind. And if he decides something, he is ready to boldly speak out about it.

Marat and Fatima– the spirit of adventure, adventurism and constant striving for something new reigns in the relationship. Both partners feel a thirst for constant change. Together, Fatima and Marat move from place to place again and again, look for ways to expand their area of ​​activity, and begin new life every time the old one gets even a little boring. There is no monotony in these relationships, but they also lack stability. Both begin to live one day at a time, forgetting about the need to take care of the future and plan it. Such a couple can achieve success in entrepreneurial activity, make a lot of useful contacts, succeed in any activity where communication and the ability to influence others are important.

Marat and Chloe- such an alliance is particularly selfless. Sometimes it may even seem that these people not only do not need anything from each other. However, this relationship is actually very strong. And all because here the focus is not on momentary passion and love, which many people mistakenly mistake for true love, but on inner peace and endless confidence in one’s own partner. Chloe sincerely believes that you will not find a truer and more reliable person than Marat in any corner of the world. And, what’s most wonderful, the man also holds a similar opinion regarding his chosen one. Exactly true love allows them to radiate confidence and harmony. These are very temperamental lovers who do not really approve of the popularization of private issues.

Marat and Elvira– It’s not easy for partners to find a common language. In this union, the man is a man of emotions, and in his relationship with his reserved chosen one, he may lack romance and passion. Due to his changeable mood, conflicts are usually frequent in their life together, and he prefers to let off steam openly, while she deals with grievances in silence. On the other hand, Elvira is committed to a serious, long-term relationship and is able to endure difficulties for years, and it is also not easy for him to break up. Because of this, their marriage can exist for a long time due to habit and reluctance to change anything. However, if the owners of these names begin to yield to each other, their life together turns out to be not only long, but also pleasant.

Marat and Julia- will come together more on the basis of common interests than crazy passion. No, love between them is possible. Moreover, it often turns out to be so strong that many other couples begin to openly envy them. Yulia and Marat initially enter into an alliance based on basic values. Here we mean the attitude to politics, to religion, to family, to leisure, to sex. So after the “flower-candy” period, they are not always in for a pleasant surprise in the form of what a partner in cohabitation or official marriage actually is like.

Marat and Yana– an exemplary union for many. It is no secret that many of us perceive the relationship between a man and a woman as something where mutual trust comes to the fore. So, in this regard, it is a complete idyll, since under no circumstances can a feeling of jealousy arise. Moreover, neither Yana nor Marat often even allow the thought in their heads that one of them might actually turn out to be a traitor. And, what is most surprising, in practice, such unconditional faith in each other turns into pleasant cohabitation throughout life. In a word, here, along with the mentioned trust, love, tenderness, mutual support and other characteristics are also lined up in a single row, which make it possible to call this or that union truly happy.

In this material you will find information about the meaning male name Marat, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Marat

Synonyms for the name - Mario

Origin: Arabic, “desired”

Zodiac - Scorpio

The planet Mars

Blue color

Animal - Crocodile

Plant - Basil

Stone - Diamond

This name has two versions of its appearance. The first is that the Arabic word translates as “desired.” The second version is that this name is a variant of the oldest Muslim name Murad, which translates as “purposeful”, “desired”. This name was and is worn by many creative personalities.

Marat is an impulsive young man who is often the life of the party. He is quite curious, strives to learn new things, has amazing prudence, hard work, and caution. He almost always achieves what he wants.

Finding a common language with a person will not be difficult for him. Therefore, he can make a good leader. His charm and decency help you go through life with ease. Mara has many friends for whom he is ready to do anything, but they also pay him in the same coin.

Love named Marat

He has a strong character and is charming, which is why girls like him. They always surround him, so it’s hard to figure out which of them the guy has a serious relationship with. Marat is ready to court, surprise, and conquer his chosen one for a long time. He declares his feelings and surrounds him with attention. But if she does not reciprocate his feelings, then the guy will not impose his feelings. He has a heightened sense of personal dignity.

Sexuality of the name Marat

The young man adores his partner. He loves to experiment and surprise her.

Marriage and family named Marat

If a girl loves a guy, then he will not propose to her right away. A young man should watch how she drives household. The couple will live together, but without official marriage. Love is not a reason for marriage. Moreover, suddenly the parents don’t like the chosen one. Their consent must be a precondition for a legal marriage.

Marat chooses a wife who is clean, knows how to cook deliciously, is non-conflict, and calm. His ideal is Cinderella - a skilled housewife and a magnificent queen in society. A good family becomes a man’s support and protection.

When starting a family, Marat takes on financial care for it, takes his parents into his home and combines all his responsibilities with work. If divorce is inevitable, it happens. Only the second and third marriage may not be better than the first.

Business and career

Marat is a purposeful, intelligent person. Most of all, he likes specialties related to creativity or intellectual activity. Wherever he works, he will be valued as an excellent specialist, a person prone to innovative ideas. And thanks to his conflict-free and cheerful character, the young man is loved by the team and occupies a high position.

If a position brings good income, its name and prestige in society do not matter to a guy. He cannot be called ambitious. But if he has a goal in front of him, to achieve which he needs to climb high up the career ladder, he will reveal the ambitions dormant in him.

He has excellent organizational skills. He is well versed in finance. Therefore, he is quite capable of running his own business. Marat will do everything to ensure that the business prospers: he will gather specialists, create all the conditions and will receive good dividends. His entrepreneurial spirit, commercial spirit and charm will help with this.

The meaning of the name Marat in character

As a child, Marat was a friendly and sociable boy. He has a calm character, he is always ready to help the weak. The child studies well, but if he doesn’t like the subject and it’s boring to sit there, he can show amazing absent-mindedness. But if Marat becomes interested, then he begins to look for additional information and prepare reports. It is better to teach your child lessons independently. A guy should have his own room, sometimes he wants to be alone.

Having matured a little, the boy shows contradictory qualities: benevolence and conflict, sociability and audacity, dreaminess and despair. There comes a point when it becomes simply unpredictable. At this time, it is better to get him interested in sports or creativity.

Teenager Marat

At a young age, the boy begins to show the makings of a leader and devotes a lot of time to the children. Outwardly he seems unapproachable, but inside he is a kind and vulnerable person.

His actions show prudence and pragmatism, he tries himself in different directions and searches for his cherished goal. And having found it, he strives for it with his hard work and perseverance.

Successful people and stars:

Marat Basharov - actor

Marat Samsonov - artist

Marat Kogan - athlete

Marat Kabaev - football player

Ideal compatibility: Alina, Lilia, Oksana

Unsuccessful compatibility: Inga, Tatyana

Muslims have a very ancient and beautiful name - Marat.

This is what boys are called in Arab countries, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, and recently, when the migration of peoples has increased, in Russia. But what does the name Marat mean? Why is it so popular? If we talk about literal translation, then the word has two meanings. The first - “desired” - is more common in the East. The second - “goal” - was most widespread among the peoples who were part of the fact that the boys were named in honor of one of the leaders of the Great French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat. However, few people know that the leader of the revolution himself received his nickname after his place of birth. Marat in France is a swamp, an old pond.

Marat is a name whose meaning for many Muslims is almost mystical. It is believed that their patron is Marat of Euphrosia, who gives young men courage, courage and courage.

Marat in childhood

In the first years of his life, Marat gives his parents a lot of trouble. For a long time they cannot understand the true character of the child. He is sympathetic, affectionate, dreamy and even sentimental. Then suddenly he becomes impudent, pugnacious, conflicting. If you saw a teenager with eyes burning with despair, suffering from or his own rudeness, this is Marat. A name whose meaning defines character. Marat often suffers himself because of his unpredictability. He sometimes gets tired of himself, so parents need to give the boy a separate room: alone he calms down and becomes friendly again. At school, the boy constantly attracts the attention of teachers. A brilliant student, he may not study lessons at all that are not interesting to him. Therefore, his report card may contain both “fives” and “twos”. However, this does not bother Marat much.

Marat is growing up

As he becomes a man, he begins to control his behavior. Marat is a name whose meaning is now of great interest to its owner. In his understanding, a man should be strong, strict, restrained. Therefore, Marat often seems cold and inaccessible to others. In fact, his soul is still looking for support and understanding; it is vulnerable and romantic. But Marat will never humiliate his name (the meaning of which is now approaching the word “goal”) by showing weakness or tenderness. And yet, for the adult Marat there is only one priority - family. For her sake, he can work day and night, come up with something new, even go to war. He is a wonderful husband, an excellent father, and a son who respects his parents. Marat will be devoted to a woman who can understand his spiritual impulses, deeply hidden from everyone, for the rest of his life. By the age of forty, Marat becomes reasonable and balanced. Responsible and punctual since childhood, he turns into a real pragmatist. Now he sets realistic goals for himself and easily achieves them. If he has to solve complex problems, then he does this: he divides them into several simple ones and confidently pursues his goals. Charming, moderately fair and curious, he attracts good people and can always count on their support. However, a man rarely resorts to her - that’s how Marat is. He tries not to attract the name, its meaning, talismans and amulets, the help of friends into his life. Marat does not believe in mysticism, he believes in himself and does not like to be obliged.

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