
Prescriptions for patients with chronic pancreatitis. Recipes of dishes and basic nutrition of patients with pancreatitis. Cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker

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Recipes for pancreatitis differ significantly from traditional dishes that a person usually consumes every day. It is necessary to get acquainted with some methods of cooking, which will not only help to diversify the diet, but also make the process of therapeutic nutrition more enjoyable.

Effect of food on the pancreas

Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) can occur in two forms:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

The first is characteristic of the period initial stage development of the disease, the second is formed over time due to the lack or insufficiency of treatment. The cause of the disease is malnutrition, alcohol abuse, in addition, stress and excessive exercise.

It is not always possible to completely get rid of inflammation of the pancreas. Having appeared once, pancreatitis can regularly make itself felt with a characteristic girdle pain in the left or right hypochondrium, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The reason for this is the food that a person eats. The appearance and subsequent development of the disease provoke:

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    Only by appointment of the attending physician 31%, 1593 vote

    Once a year and I think it's enough 17%, 889 votes

    At least twice a year 15%, 781 voice

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 582 vote

    I monitor my health and take it once a month 6%, 307 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 215 votes


  • fatty foods (meat, fish, vegetable and animal oils);
  • fried foods (especially deep-fried);
  • freshly baked bread;
  • spicy seasonings and spices;
  • street food (fast food).

The abuse of such food and alcohol leads to diseases of the gallbladder, which lead to inflammation of the tissues of the pancreas. This is where pancreatitis comes from.

It is required to consider recipes for dishes with pancreatitis, which will help to cure the disease. Although few foods are used for the diet, they can be used to create tasty and nutritious meals.

It must be remembered that it is advisable to cook small portions and not leave them for long-term storage. Freshly prepared food is better digested and contributes to a speedy recovery of a person.

First meal

Recipes for pancreatic pancreatitis in this category include soups:

  • vegetable (regular and puree soups);
  • in secondary chicken broth.

At the same time, garlic and pepper, which cause irritation, white cabbage, the juice of which also acts as an irritant, is not used for cooking. Also excluded are products that promote the formation of gases. They inflate the intestines, which presses on the pancreas, which, in turn, provokes an attack.

But even without these products, you can cook delicious, nutritious soups. The simplest first course recipe for patients with pancreatitis can be made even by a novice in cooking.

The breast of an adult chicken is pre-boiled and cut into small pieces. The finished meat is removed from the broth and poured with cold water. This is also added chopped potatoes, carrots, a little onion and salt. Seasonings (especially spicy), oils and bay leaves should be discarded. It is better to put a whole onion, which can be thrown away after cooking is completed.

After the water boils, the soup is cooked over low heat until the vegetables are completely boiled.

Thanks to this, dietary dishes will be easily digested, their digestion will not cause problems in the body and will not cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Another useful dish for people with pancreatitis will be vegetable puree soup. To prepare it, take carrots, onions and potatoes, which are boiled in a small amount of salted water until cooked. Then the vegetables are whipped with a blender and served with dried wheat bread.

For patients with pancreatitis, it is very important that food is served warm. Hot soups are strictly prohibited.

Suggested Recipes diet meals with pancreatitis, they are not as tasty as many people suffering from an ailment would like. But a patient with pancreatitis will have to forget for a long time, if not forever, what spicy kharcho soups and hot borscht with pork on the bone are.

Main courses

The diets offered in the treatment of the mentioned ailment involve the use in the diet of:

  • boiled or steamed vegetables;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • boiled lean fish.

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, which leads to a serious disruption of the digestive system. However, such a diagnosis is not a sentence. The disease is treated if it is determined in time, and diet therapy plays an important role in the treatment of pancreatitis: proper diet and regular nutrition.

Attention! We will talk about a diet for chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation, because. acute inflammation of the pancreas or exacerbation of a chronic one implies the appointment of hunger for 1-3 days.

Pancreas - important element digestive system, and its treatment is ineffective without a serious adjustment in eating habits

What can you eat with pancreatitis

The menu for pancreatitis can be very diverse, it can be:

  • salads;
  • puree;
  • vegetable soups;
  • low-fat meat dishes;
  • vegetable oils;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • milk oatmeal;
  • buckwheat in milk;
  • pumpkin porridge;
  • squirrels chicken eggs;
  • compotes;
  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • not sour apples containing a lot of iron;
  • White bread.

Food should be fresh and meal times should be consistent

What not to eat with pancreatitis

Importance proper nutrition in diseases of the digestive system, it is difficult to overestimate. When choosing food, you should be guided by the following rules. Food should not be:

  • severe (containing pork or beef fat);
  • acute;
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • smoked or fried.

Note. It should also be noted that canned foods are best excluded from the diet.

Diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas should provide a balance:

  • fat - no more than 80 g per day;
  • carbohydrates - no more than 380 g per day.

A diet for pancreatitis is prescribed by the attending physician after diagnosing the disease. Such changes in the patient’s life do not mean at all that you can’t eat deliciously, you just have to give up some dishes and products.

Diet number 5p for pancreatic pancreatitis

This diet was developed during Soviet times by Soviet nutritionists and includes not only a list of acceptable foods, but also recipes for dishes that best contribute to a speedy recovery. On its basis, diet No. 5p was developed for pancreatic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, tk. these diseases often go hand in hand.

Important! The norm of proteins should be no more than 560 g, fats up to 420 g and carbohydrates no more than 1400 g per week. Total fluid intake (including liquid in first courses) should not exceed 14 liters.

The uniqueness of this diet lies in the fact that the dishes are prepared mainly from pureed products.

The diet may include:

  • soups with pureed vegetables;
  • steamed meat or fish cutlets;
  • lean meats boiled;
  • boiled fish;
  • white, slightly stale bread;
  • mashed vegetables (steamed, boiled or stewed);
  • liquid cereals from any cereals, except for millet and pearl barley;
  • egg omelet;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • boiled pasta.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis

In the case of an acute course of the disease, treatment prescribes complete abstinence from food in the first 1-3 days of exacerbation. In this case, nutrients are supplied by drip into a vein. You can consume non-carbonated water and rosehip infusion, but not more than 1 liter per day. When remission begins, the menu is added as described above.

Important. How long should you follow a diet for pancreatitis? In the acute form of the disease, the diet must be observed from 2 to 6 months, including the treatment period. In chronic pancreatitis, the diet should be followed for life.

Nutrition for pancreatitis of the pancreas: menu for the week

Very important for effective treatment follow the diet. For patients with gastroenterological diseases, five meals a day are usually prescribed. The menu for pancreatitis may be as follows.

Breakfast (options):

  • beetroot salad, dried fruit or fresh fruit compote;
  • cottage cheese with milk, rosehip tincture;
  • steamed egg omelet;
  • tea with biscuit or oatmeal cookies;
  • oatmeal with or without milk, jelly;
  • pumpkin porridge;
  • buckwheat porridge with a steamed cutlet.

Breakfast is the basis for the whole organism. Therefore, nutritionists recommend starting the day with carbohydrate-rich oatmeal.

Second breakfast (options):

  • boiled rice with raisins;
  • carrot salad (without vinegar);
  • baked apple, you can with dried apricots;
  • carrot-pumpkin puree;
  • boiled beets;
  • beaten egg whites.

Lunch (options for first and second courses):

  • lean (vegetable) soup or borscht;
  • chicken soup;
  • rice with fish;
  • steamed beef cutlets or boiled lean meats;
  • casserole with cottage cheese;
  • steamed chicken cutlets;
  • Navy-style pasta with lean meat.

Afternoon snack (options):

  • fruit jelly;
  • roll with vegetables;
  • jelly;
  • fruit pudding;
  • baked potatoes;
  • sandwich with hard cheese and creamy light butter;
  • bean or pea puree.

Dinner (options):

  • apple puree or yogurt;
  • rice with raisins;
  • matsoni and vinaigrette;
  • stewed on water cauliflower or soup puree from it, yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • omelette, ryazhenka.

Important! The interval between meals should not be more than 3 hours. Systematic nutrition is already 80% of the success of effective treatment of gastroenterological diseases.

Recipes for pancreatitis of the pancreas

Below are the recipes simple meals allowed for pancreatitis.


100 g of oatmeal in two glasses of milk or water. The liquid is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil, after which oatmeal is added. Boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then it is removed from the fire and infused for 20-25 minutes.

Omelette for a couple

Prepared like a regular omelet. Take 2-3 chicken eggs, beat, add 30-50 ml of milk, the mixture is poured into a hot frying pan and covered with a lid for 5-7 minutes. After that, the omelette should be turned over, remove the pan from the stove and bring to readiness under the lid. After 7-10 minutes, the omelet is ready.

beetroot salad

A beet root is taken, washed thoroughly and placed in a saucepan. The root crop is poured with water so that it covers it with 2 fingers. Beets are boiled for about an hour.

Advice! Readiness can be checked by piercing it with a knife or fork; if the knife enters easily, then the beets are ready.

The finished vegetable should be cooled (it is best to boil the beets in the evening), for this you can place it in cold water for 20-25 minutes. Then you need to peel it and grate it on a coarse grater. From above, you can pour a little liquid low-fat sour cream or cream.

Liquid buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlet

For 100 g of buckwheat 2.5 cups of water. The cereal must be washed several times and poured with water. Put on fire and cook for 15-20 minutes until tender.

200 g of minced chicken without onions is taken and cutlets are formed (4-5 pcs). You can roll them in semolina, after which they are placed in a double boiler. Prepare for 30-40 minutes. You can add water as needed, but then it will take longer to cook the cutlets.

Advice! If there is no double boiler, you can cook cutlets in a saucepan. To do this, water is poured into the pan - 300-400 g, and the cutlets themselves are placed in a colander, which is placed in a pot of boiling water and covered with a lid. The water should not touch the meatballs.

Cottage cheese casserole

For its preparation you will need:

  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 2.5 st. spoons of semolina

Cottage cheese is thoroughly mixed with eggs, after which sugar is added. After mixing these ingredients, add semolina and mix until smooth. The resulting mixture should be infused for 15-20 minutes. The oven heats up to 180 degrees. The casserole cooks for half an hour.

Important! Cottage cheese, like oatmeal, are foods rich in slow carbohydrates, so they are not recommended to be eaten for dinner in order to avoid the development of obesity.

Bean puree

For 250 g of beans you will need one chicken egg, 30 g of butter and soy sauce to taste.

Secret! It is best to soak the beans overnight. Soaked beans cook much faster, in addition, this approach avoids flatulence.

Beans should be washed several times, removing everything unsuitable for food from it. flooded drinking water, it needs to be soaked for 10 to 12 hours, while it is advisable to change the water every 2 hours. For 250 g of beans you need 750 ml of water. After the beans swell, they are washed with running water and transferred to a saucepan or pan, pouring drinking water in a ratio of 1:3. After boiling water, the fire is reduced and the dish is cooked for 1.5-2 hours until cooked, depending on the variety of beans. The liquid is drained.

You can grind the beans in a blender or meat grinder. After that, egg and butter are added to the puree. All this is whipped to a homogeneous mass. Instead of salt, soy sauce works best. Can be served with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Even with chronic pancreatitis, you can sometimes afford favourite dish the main thing is to do everything right

Note. This information will be useful for lovers of salty. It is worth giving up excessively salty food for 10 days and replacing it with soy sauce or other products containing salt or having a salty taste, and a person will no longer strive for excessively salty food, because. receptors will feel the taste to the fullest.


Pancreatitis, whether acute or chronic, does not mean that the patient will be ordered to eat only lean broths. Even with chronic pancreatitis, the patient can afford to indulge in barbecue and sturgeon, but it should be remembered that this can only be done during a period of stable remission and not every day. A diet for pancreatitis in adults can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

For patients, the diagnosis of pancreatitis is a real tragedy, since this disease lasts until the end of life. If a person is used to eating what he has to, not to think about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, then sharp pains forced to organize lifelong diet therapy. An inflamed pancreas requires careful attention to the principles of nutrition. Medicine has developed a special diet number 5, which includes sparing recipes for pancreatitis. The diet limits the food habitual for healthy people, but it is thought out so that the patient's body receives a balanced diet.

Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • cholecystitis.

Therefore, it is necessary to think over the diet for different stages of the disease with the help of the attending physician. If the patient is serious about avoiding exacerbation of diseases, then studying and observing the rules of nutrition will not be there for him.

General principles of diet for illness

The most important condition for diet therapy is recipes that will not irritate the mucous membranes and enhance the functioning of the digestive system. Then the digestion of food will not cause painful reactions of the gastrointestinal tract, the periods will be much longer.

Consider the requirements for the preparation of everyday and festive food:

  1. Food is cooked by boiling, steaming, roasting or stewing. A modern multicooker is perfect for this.
  2. Products are used lean, rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins.
  3. Food is prepared mashed - with, or finely chopped - with remission.
  4. Dishes are served warm. cold, hot food irritates mucous membranes.
  5. Eat with pancreatitis 5-6 times a day, but little by little to protect from overload digestive tract. Use a trick - set the table with small plates so that the patient does not feel the infringement of his condition on a psychological level.
  6. Do not mix proteins and carbohydrates at one meal.
  7. The last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  8. Decorate food beautifully, because the attractive appearance of food improves mood. Scientists have found that a good state of mind during meals contributes to better digestion.
  9. Even during remission it is useful to apply fasting days with a rubbed simple food to give rest to the pancreas and other organs.
  10. Print out the list and hang it up.

Prohibited in pancreatitis following products supply:

  • alcohol;
  • preservation, pickles, pickled vegetables;
  • dishes from fresh vegetables: bell pepper, white cabbage, radish, radish,;
  • smoked fish, meat, lard;
  • liver, kidneys, tongue;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • the use of wheat, pearl barley, corn grits,;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh bread, muffins, fried pies, cakes, chocolate;
  • hot spices, spices, inducing the release of enzymes from the pancreas;
  • excessively salty, sweet dishes;
  • sour fruits, berries, other citrus fruits;
  • berries with seeds, rough skin, fruits with coarse fiber;
  • mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, horseradish, animal fat;
  • strong tea, sweet carbonated drinks, store juices.

If a child is sick with pancreatitis, sweets are allowed 1-2 times a month, but only during a period of persistent remission. Children are more difficult to tolerate restrictions on sweets, and parents should provide psychological support to the child.

The following products are allowed for the preparation of dietary dishes for pancreatitis:

  • dairy, sour-milk low-fat products: milk, kefir, natural yogurt, cheese;
  • cereals: oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, rice;
  • lean meat;
  • non-greasy;
  • secondary fish, meat broths, vegetable soups;
  • seafood;
  • potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets (after heat treatment);
  • egg white;
  • sweet fruits, berries;
  • rosehip broth;
  • 10 g of butter per day;
  • salads can be seasoned with olive, linseed, sunflower oil, natural, low-fat sour cream.

So that the table is not insipid, monotonous, you need to turn on creativity. Products can be successfully combined, dried spices, other permitted flavorings: vanillin, cinnamon. Remember that it is better to eat healthy than to have a "belly feast" and then suffer from a bout of pain.

Recipes for first courses with pancreatitis

Soups are an important part of the diet for illness. So that the pancreas does not hurt, soups are cooked on cereals, secondary meat, vegetable broth. We present delicious culinary recipes.

  • chicken carcass;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 100 g of rice (or vermicelli);
  • salt.
  1. Remove the skin, fat from the carcass, dip in water, boil to a boil.
  2. After boiling, drain the broth, pour water again, cook the meat over low heat until tender.
  3. Take the meat out of the pot.
  4. Pour rice into the broth, preferably crushed, salt, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. While the rice is cooking, peel the carrots, onions, grate the carrots, cut the onions into cubes.
  6. After 15 minutes of cooking rice, add carrots, onions, cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. peel, cut into cubes, add to the pan, boil until tender.
  8. Grind the boiled chicken (200 g) with a blender or in a meat grinder, add to the finished soup.

You can eat soup with the addition of a spoonful of low-fat sour cream, cream.

Lean fish with vegetables is useful for pancreatitis, famous for its incomparable taste and aroma. Cook fish soup for pancreatitis at least once a week.

  • fresh pike - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt to taste;
  • milk - a quarter cup;
  • dry basil - a pinch;
  • water - 2 l.

Soup Recipe:

  1. Put the pike in water, add salt, laurel, bring to a boil.
  2. Cut potatoes, onions, grate carrots on a medium grater, add to the ear.
  3. Boil vegetables until soft, 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the fish, remove the bones, put in a saucepan.
  5. Cool slightly, mix with a blender.
  6. Pour in the milk, add the basil, let the soup boil again.
  7. Pour the soup into bowls, put in a piece, chopped dill, wheat croutons.

The recipe is so healthy and tasty that it is not a sin to serve such a soup in a restaurant.

  • turkey fillet - 300-400 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • squirrels 2 raw eggs;
  • - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 root crop;
  • onion - 1 piece.

Soup is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind the meat to minced meat along with onions.
  2. Add salt, chicken proteins, mix, decorate with small koloboks.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, salt, put the cabbage divided into inflorescences, grated carrots.
  4. Once the water is back to a boil, gently lower the meatballs and then simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Cut the potatoes into cubes, dip in the soup, boil the vegetables until soft.

The soup turns out to be tasty, dietary.

Second courses and hot dishes

Of the products allowed for pancreatitis, experts prepare a lot of simple healthy dishes. Porridges, mashed potatoes, soufflé, vermicelli are cooked in turn, and there will be no monotony in the diet. The diet uses stewed, steamed, oven-roasted vegetables, which are combined with lean meat or fish. We offer detailed recipes not only for the daily menu, but also for the holiday.

  • - 300 g;
  • crushed rice - half a glass;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • milk - 1 glass.

Porridge is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Wash the pumpkin, peel and pulp with seeds, cut into cubes (or grate on a coarse grater).
  2. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan, fill with water 1–2 cm above the level of the pumpkin, cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash the rice, add to the pot.
  4. Bring to a boil, make a low fire.
  5. After the rice is cooked, pour in the milk. Add salt, sugar, boil again.
  6. Put a piece of butter in the finished porridge, mix.

Vermicelli and meat casserole

Composition of products:

  • vermicelli - 300 g;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • 300 g of meat (optional: chicken, veal);
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • a pinch of salt.

The casserole is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil the meat in salted water, scroll twice through a fine meat grinder.
  2. Pour water, milk, salt into the pan, bring to a boil, lower.
  3. Boil the vermicelli until half cooked, drain the liquid.
  4. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  5. Mix pasta with eggs.
  6. Lubricate the form with oil, put half of the vermicelli.
  7. The next layer is boiled minced meat.
  8. Place the rest of the vermicelli with the egg on top.
  9. Place the mold in the oven for 25 minutes.
  10. After 20 minutes from the start of cooking, sprinkle the casserole with grated 30% fat and place in a well-heated oven for 5 minutes.

The meal is prepared quickly, it is nutritious and good for the health of patients with pancreatitis. The composition includes:

  • broccoli - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces or 4 proteins;
  • 1.5% fat - half a glass;
  • water for boiling broccoli;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Omelet recipe:

  1. Wash broccoli, cut into florets.
  2. Bring water to a boil, salt, lay the cabbage.
  3. Cook under a lid over low heat for 10 minutes, drain the water.
  4. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees, heat up.
  5. mix with milk, salt, beat until foamy.
  6. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, spread the broccoli, pour the egg-milk mixture (or protein-milk, if desired).
  7. Place the mold in the oven for 15 minutes.
  8. During the period of chronic pancreatitis, broccoli is mashed after boiling, and then mixed with the rest of the ingredients.


  • milk - 1 glass;
  • egg whites - 2 pieces;
  • fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication.


  1. Pass the fillet through a fine grate of a meat grinder, pour in milk, egg whites, salt.
  2. Beat the mixture with a mixer.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  4. Lubricate the form with oil, pour in liquid minced meat, bake for half an hour.
  5. door oven do not open the soufflé during baking, so that the food does not settle.

You can eat soufflé with steamed vegetables.

Ingredients of the dish:

  • crushed rice - 300 g;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • salt;
  • prunes - half a glass;
  • raisins - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Soak rice for 3 hours, rinse.
  2. Raisins, rinse, add to rice, pour water.
  3. Boil in salted water until water is absorbed.
  4. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, put a covered dish with pilaf for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Season the finished pilaf with melted butter.

Dessert recipes for inflammation of the pancreas

You can eat sweet dishes with pancreatic disease, but they differ from sweets that healthy people eat. When the disease subsides, moderate consumption of desserts is not prohibited, but after the permission of the attending physician. You will have to refrain from cookies, jelly sold in stores. But at home, you can cook sweet dishes that do not harm the pancreas.

A wonderful diet dessert, which will not be ashamed to be served on the festive table. Composition:

  • low-fat - 0.5 l;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - more than half a glass;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • dried lemon zest - a pinch for flavor;
  • water - 1.5 cups.

Dessert is prepared like this:

  1. Soak gelatin in water for half an hour.
  2. Grind the yolks with sugar.
  3. Whisk egg whites separately.
  4. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater.
  5. Dissolve gelatin in a water bath, do not bring to too hot state.
  6. Combine the ingredients, beat with a mixer, pour in a thin stream of gelatin.
  7. Pour into molds immediately and refrigerate to set.
  8. Allow dessert to warm to room temperature before serving.
  9. If desired, you can decorate with permitted fruits or dried fruits.

  • low-fat kefir - 0.3 l;
  • - 3 pieces;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • dried lemon zest - a little for flavor.


  1. Beat the eggs into a fluffy foam.
  2. Add sugar, kefir, beat again.
  3. Dried lemon zest is rubbed on a fine grater, poured into the mixture.
  4. Semolina, flour, soda are added, the dough is mixed with a wooden spatula, using “bottom up” movements so that the dough is filled with air.
  5. Apples are washed, peeled, seeds, cut into thin slices.
  6. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil, spread a layer of apples.
  7. Pour the dough into the mold.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.
  9. The readiness of the charlotte is checked with a toothpick: the dessert is pierced - the toothpick must be dry.

  • apples;
  • cinnamon.


  1. Wash apples. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the core from the apples in a circular motion.
  2. Fill the cavity with honey, sprinkle with cinnamon.
  3. Put in the microwave for 2 minutes.
  4. Cool baked apples.

Dessert preparation:

  1. Cook semolina steep porridge in water, pour into plates, cool.
  2. Boil the berries in water with a little sugar, remove from the broth, rub through a sieve, put the strawberry puree back.
  3. Add sugar to taste, bring to a boil.
  4. In a plate, dilute potato starch with a small amount of water - to the state of a liquid slurry, pour it into the strawberry broth in a thin stream while stirring, until the jelly thickens.
  5. Do not let it boil too much, turn off when air bubbles appear, cool.
  6. Cut the pudding into squares with a knife, pour over the jelly.

A drink - both a delicious dessert and a folk remedy with pancreatitis. treats inflammation, regenerates the mucous membranes of the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The drink improves appetite, metabolism.


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • bee propolis - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - a quarter of a teaspoon.

Making a healing drink:

  1. Propolis is crushed into crumbs.
  2. Milk is brought to a boil, removed from heat, poured in propolis, gently mixed.
  3. Leave the drink for 10 minutes so that the wax in propolis rises.
  4. Remove a layer of wax from above, add honey, mix.
  5. If desired, together with propolis, cinnamon is dissolved in milk (at the tip of a spoon). Cinnamon is useful for inflammation of the pancreas.

Propolis milk, in addition to its therapeutic effect on the gastrointestinal tract, calms the nerves, helps to sleep better.

Salads for pancreatitis

Salad recipes for pancreatitis are different from the usual ones, products and dressings are different. But this does not affect the taste and originality. when the disease is prohibited, boiled chicken breast, turkey, seafood are used instead. Instead of mayonnaise, it will be correct to fill the dishes:

  • olive, linseed oil;
  • natural yogurt;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • kefir.

Spicy, sour ingredients are taboo. We remind you that salads are eaten only during remission.


  • breast fillet - 300 g;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 fresh;
  • 3 eggs;
  • sour cream 15% - for dressing;
  • salt.


  1. The fillet is boiled in salted water, cut into pieces.
  2. Potatoes, carrots are boiled until soft, cooled, peeled, cut into small cubes.
  3. Eggs are boiled hard-boiled, crumbled, it is possible on a coarse grater.
  4. Cucumber is peeled, cut.
  5. The ingredients are combined, salted, seasoned with sour cream.
  6. Sprinkle chopped salad on top.


  • squid carcasses - 2 pieces;
  • eggs (you can proteins) - 3 pieces;
  • cheese 30% fat - 100 g;
  • non-sour apple - 1 piece;
  • sour cream 15% - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • leaf parsley - for decoration.


  1. Dip in salted boiling water, boil over low heat for no more than 3 minutes, remove. Remember: the longer you cook squid, the tougher the meat becomes.
  2. We clean the carcasses from the films, cut them as you like (rings, cubes).
  3. We spread the squids on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  4. We clean the apples from the peel and core, cut into small cubes, put on seafood.
  5. We rub the cheese on a medium grater, sprinkle with apples.
  6. Pour sour cream on top, lightly salt.
  7. We put a leaf of parsley, dill.
  8. The salad will look beautiful in portioned glass bowls.

If such a salad is made for receiving guests, then you can pour your portion with sour cream, and the guests with the usual mayonnaise.


  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Adyghe type cheese - 150 g;
  • dill - several branches;
  • - 1 medium;
  • low-fat kefir (sour cream) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

Preparing the salad:

  1. Dip the chicken meat in boiling water, bring to a boil, drain the water.
  2. Boil salted water again, lower the meat, boil until soft.
  3. Boil the beets, peel, grate or cut.
  4. Dill wash, cut.
  5. Grate the cheese, put on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  6. Sprinkle half the dill on top.
  7. Arrange the chopped meat, salt.
  8. Put the beets on the meat, pour dressing on top.
  9. Sprinkle with the remaining dill, salt.

How to set a festive table with pancreatitis?

Sick people feel awkward during the holidays, because the table is bursting with harmful high-calorie dishes, alcohol. But a gala dinner with pancreatitis can look solemn and beautiful, and will be beneficial to health. We present unusual dishes that will decorate the holiday, bring joy to the soul and body.


  • kefir - 1 l;
  • water - 1 l;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 200 g (1 large);
  • (you can chicken, but 4 times less) - 8 pcs.;
  • boiled chicken breast fillet - 200 g;
  • green onions - a few feathers;
  • dill - a few branches.

Okroshka recipe:

  1. Boil potatoes, eggs, peel, chop.
  2. Cut the boiled breast into pieces.
  3. Cucumber peel, cut.
  4. Wash, remove solid parts, chop, put in a bowl, add salt.
  5. Crush the greens so that there is no mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for a greater flavor of okroshka.
  6. Combine chopped ingredients, add kefir, boiled chilled water.

This recipe is unusual, but tasty and healthy.

The dish contains the following ingredients:

For zraz:

  • veal - 300 g;
  • loaf - 40 g;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.

For the omelette:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.

For garnish:

  • carrots - 1 medium;
  • - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 4 medium pieces;
  • butter - 20 g.

For sauce:

  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • premium flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk 1.5% - 1 cup;
  • a pinch of salt.

The holiday recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. Beat eggs with milk and salt for an omelet with a blender.
  2. Grease the frying pan with oil, heat it up, pour the eggs with milk, cover with a lid.
  3. Cook the omelet on low heat, cool, cut into pieces.
  4. Pour milk over bread to soften.
  5. Scroll the meat, bread through a meat grinder, add the egg, salt, mix the minced meat.
  6. Make flat cakes 1 cm thick from minced meat, put an omelet in the center of each, collect the minced meat edges up to make balls. Put the zrazy on the multicooker grate, pour 2 cups of water on the bottom of the bowl, close the lid.
  7. Select the Steamer program for 20 minutes.
  8. For garnish, cut the vegetables into pieces, boil in salted water until soft.
  9. Puree the vegetables with a blender, add the butter, beat again.
  10. For the sauce, fry the flour in butter (or in a dry frying pan) until creamy.
  11. Pour milk in a small stream with continuous stirring, add salt.
  12. Cook the sauce over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens.

Vegetable puree is laid out on beautiful plates, immediately, poured with sauce, decorated with dill, parsley.

Important moments for a festive evening

The holiday will not be a torment for a person suffering from pancreatitis, if you follow some rules:

  1. Set the table with small plates so as not to overeat. Healthy man will put food on himself if he does not eat 1 serving.
  2. Take breaks between different dishes so that the previous meal is digested.
  3. Try not to mix several dishes in the stomach, so as not to overload the digestive tract.
  4. Distract for entertainment, communicate more, dance, move. Good mood good for digestion.
  5. A beautifully designed table improves appetite, gives pleasure.
  6. Remember: not a guarantee that the holiday was a success. People leading a healthy lifestyle have a wonderful time without strong drinks.

Is it possible to fast during illness?

The Great Easter Lent is approaching. Fasting in church practice is not to starve, to cleanse the body, although, without a doubt, the body is cleansed during fasting. Christians use fasting to draw closer to God with their hearts and souls. This is a symbol that the Holy God is dearer to the believer than earthly food.

Fasting is practiced both full - without food and drink, and partial. People who are weak in health decide for themselves what to sacrifice for the sake of God in fasting. The Lord cares about our attitude towards Him, not traditions. No wonder the Holy Scriptures say in 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 3:

"... and if I distribute my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I do not have love, then there is no use for me in that."

In prayer with fasting, a person gets to know his Creator, His will closer. God does not need our fasting. If a person does not feel well with a fast fasting diet, health deteriorates, then it would be better to give spiritual sacrifices to God:

  1. leave quarrels;
  2. forgive offenders;
  3. help those in need;
  4. read Scripture;
  5. pray;
  6. refuse entertainment programs, communication in in social networks, movie views.

If a sick person has a desire to fast, you need to consult with your doctor, discuss the diet with him. God does not need a person to get sick, to go to the hospital, He wants people to be healthy. Therefore, one should not be fanatical, one should not tempt the Lord with a careless attitude towards one's body. It is important not to overfill the stomach, but to fill the soul with God's grace.

Here are some lean dishes that are possible with inflammation of the pancreas.

  • sweet apples - 2 pieces;
  • boiled beets - 1 piece;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Grate the beets.
  2. Peel apples, core, cut.
  3. Grate the walnuts.
  4. Combine the ingredients, season with olive oil, salt if desired.

Cauliflower puree with steamed pink salmon

  • fillet - 200 g;
  • cauliflower - 400 g;
  • water;
  • unrefined sunflower oil (other vegetable oil is possible).

Meal preparation:

  1. Place the pink salmon fillet in the steamer on the multicooker bowl. At the bottom of the bowl should be poured water - 1 liter.
  2. Salt the fish, lightly sprinkle with dry basil.
  3. Close the lid, dial the program "Extinguishing for a couple" for 15 minutes.
  4. Dip the cauliflower in water, salt a little, cook until softened over low heat.
  5. Drain the broth, turn the cabbage into a puree with a blender, adding a little vegetable oil.

Diet dish, suitable for Lent.

  • buckwheat flakes (sold in the supermarket) - 200 g;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt.
  1. Wash, peel and chop vegetables.
  2. In a small skillet, simmer over low heat with oil, not browning, 2 minutes.
  3. Boil water, salt. Put stewed carrots, onions, add cereal, a little salt. Stir, cover, turn off the heat. Cover the dish with a cloth to steam the porridge, 20 minutes.
  4. Instead of cereal, you can use buckwheat, but then the porridge will have to be boiled until it swells.

Healthy people during fasting make up for the lack of protein with legume dishes, but peas, beans, and other legumes are not recommended for pancreatitis. Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to cereals, fruits, fish. We remind you: before starting fasting practice, consult with your doctor.


  1. Melnikov I. Cook. Cooking meat dishes 2012
  2. A book about tasty and healthy food, edited by I. M. Skurikhin. 12th ed., revised and enlarged. M: AST-PRESS SKD 2004
  3. Pokhlebkin V. Secrets of good cuisine. Krasnoyarsk book publishing house 1988
  4. Card file of dishes of dietary (therapeutic and preventive) nutrition of an optimized composition, edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V. A. Tutelyan. M. 2008
  5. Compiled by Kaganov B. S., Sharafetdinov Kh. Kh., Preobrazhenskaya E. N. et al. Seven-day menus for the main variants of standard diets of an optimized composition used in medical and preventive healthcare institutions and institutions (departments) of social services for the elderly and disabled . Practical guide (normative document). M. 2009, 2010
  6. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments. SPb. Gidrometeoizdat 1999

Pancreatitis is a serious inflammation of the pancreas. It is very important to recognize the disease in time, and begin treatment. First of all, you need to adjust the diet and follow the rules of the therapeutic diet. In our article we will consider what rules includes therapeutic diet and a sample menu for seven days.

The rules of the therapeutic diet

For the treatment of pancreatitis to become effective, you need to follow certain dietary principles. In addition to giving up harmful foods, follow some rules that can help you avoid exacerbations of pancreatitis and achieve long-term remission.

Consider the main nuances of the diet:

Acceptable foods for pancreatitis

To prevent pancreatitis from becoming chronic, at the first sign, start following a diet that is based on the following products:

What not to eat with inflammation of the pancreas

With pancreatitis, it is necessary to completely abandon food that provokes additional production of gastric juice.

In addition to the main groups, all fatty, smoked, and overly sweet foods are prohibited during the diet. For example, you can’t eat chocolate with pancreatitis, but you can eat a piece of marshmallow or a couple of spoons of jelly.

Sample menu for a week with pancreatitis

It is very important that the menu for pancreatitis contains all the necessary substances. Based on the above nuances of the diet, everyone will be able to make a menu according to taste preferences. Here is an approximate menu for a week, how a patient with pancreatitis should eat.

The first day. In the first day of the diet, it is recommended not to eat food. But if pain is not observed, you can eat according to the example below. Please note that the indicated menu is exemplary, products can be replaced with other allowed diets:

Second day:

  • First meal. Oatmeal, a piece of cheese.
  • Snack. Green tea, omelette for a couple.
  • Lunch time. boiled rice, a piece of steamed fish.
  • Snack. A glass of jelly.
  • Dinner. Diet vinaigrette, a piece of whole grain bread.

Day three:

Day four:

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal porridge with a piece of butter, raspberry compote.
  • Snack. Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.
  • Lunch time. pasta from hard varieties wheat, a piece of boiled poultry meat, tea with honey.
  • Snack. Baked apple.
  • Dinner time. Vegetable stew, a glass of dried fruit compote.

Day five:

Day six:

  • First breakfast. Omelette with steamed vegetables.
  • Snack. Apricot jelly.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge, chicken breast, green tea.
  • afternoon tea. Rosehip drink.
  • Dinner. Baked fish, boiled vegetables, fruit jelly.

Day seven:

Recipes for pancreatitis

A therapeutic diet for inflammation of the pancreas can be not only useful, but also very tasty. In addition to the dishes provided in the sample menu for the week, you can choose the recipes that are suitable for you from the ones listed below.

Fish "hedgehogs"

We take any low-fat fish, separate from the bones and chop. Soak three pieces of a long loaf in cool water and mix with fish fillets. In the resulting mass, add a little skim milk and two egg whites. Thoroughly mix the mass, sculpt small ovals. Place cutlets in boiling salted water, believe for 25 minutes.

Vegetable stew

We peel vegetables (potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, onions, zucchini). Cut the vegetables into small pieces and place in a cast iron. Next, pour the vegetables with water and salt a little. Simmer the vegetables until soft and until the water has completely evaporated. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil. If desired, you can bring the stew to a puree state, this is how doctors advise cooking while following a diet. We decorate the dish with parsley or dill.

Rosehip decoction

This recipe for pancreatitis is not only tasty, but also very useful. For cooking, you need to take a handful of rose hips and place in a thermos. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for three hours. Before drinking, it is recommended to bring the drink to room temperature, if desired, you can add a teaspoon of sugar.

Vegetable soup with rice

We clean the vegetables from the skin (potatoes, carrots, onions). Cut the potatoes into small cubes, and chop the onions and carrots with a grater. Rinse round-grain rice several times under running water cold water. In boiling, slightly salted water, we visit all the vegetables at the same time along with rice. As soon as the potatoes can be easily pierced with a knife, turn off the heat and cover the soup with a lid. Before serving, you can add a little greenery and season the soup with low-fat sour cream.

Curd dessert

During a diet for pancreatitis, it is necessary to consume as many proteins as possible. Therefore, cottage cheese desserts are popular with people with inflammation of the pancreas. This dish can be included in the menu for long-term remission, it is not recommended for use in the acute stage. The easiest way to prepare the dish is with a blender, for this, place the cottage cheese with slices of banana and raspberries in a bowl, bring to a homogeneous mass.

apple compote

Small slices of peeled apples are placed in boiling water. As soon as the apples become soft, the container is removed from the stove and the compote is allowed to brew. You can also add some sugar. Before use, compote is filtered from apples. If desired, apples can be crushed into puree and added to compote.

In order for the exacerbation of pancreatitis to occur as rarely as possible, and the pancreas not to bother for as long as possible, it is necessary to follow a diet. The diet for pancreatitis is carried out in courses, with a long remission it is allowed to use a wider list of products.

Acute pain in the right hypochondrium causes inflammation of the pancreas. In medicine, it is called pancreatitis. In addition to pain, the disease is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is important to know the recipes for dishes with pancreatitis, so as not to provoke a complication of the condition.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the pancreas appears for various reasons:

You need to stick to a special diet for a long time.

  • Food should be easily digestible and not overload the digestive organs;
  • Very hot or cold to eat with chronic pancreatitis is not desirable;
  • You need to eat often a day - 5-6 times, each serving should not exceed 250-300 grams.

Products that are allowed to be consumed

Remember that you need to eat a little of everything, in no case overeat.

The menu for pancreatitis should prevail:

  • Buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal;
  • Biscuits or cookies without dyes, fats, layers, sugar;
  • Yesterday's bread or crackers;
  • A little honey;
  • Egg whites can be steamed or boiled;
  • Yoghurts without any additives and not sweet;
  • Natural juices diluted with water (it is desirable that the fruits are not sour for them);
  • Rosehip broth or weak black tea;
  • Boiled noodles or pasta;
  • Lean meats such as chicken, but only skinless breast, rabbit meat, lean beef (you can eat boiled meat or in the form of steam cutlets);
  • Lean fish, boiled or steamed;
  • Fruit baked without added sugar;
  • It is advisable to cook vegetables (they can be eaten in very limited quantities, broccoli or cauliflower, pumpkin are allowed);
  • In the daily menu, you can add a little butter.

With attacks of pancreatitis, which sometimes occur, the diet may be temporary. Chronic form involves long-term special nutrition. It all depends on the clinical picture of the disease.

During an exacerbation, you can not eat:

  • Fish, mushroom, meat broths;
  • Grape;
  • Peas, beans and other legumes;
  • fresh pastries;
  • Fast food, semi-finished products and various snacks;
  • Dry cereals that crumble;
  • Preservation, pickled and pickled products;
  • Smoked products;
  • fried food;
  • Fatty and spicy dishes;
  • Sweets;
  • Vinegar;
  • Dairy products, you can only sour-milk non-fat and in limited quantities;
  • egg yolks;
  • Concentrated juices, especially acidic ones;
  • Sweet soda and mineral water;
  • Cocoa and coffee.

The first days of exacerbation: an approximate menu

Designed for 2 days, but you can adhere to this regime for a week or longer. In order not to repeat the same products often, replace them to your liking, but stick to the recommendations.

I day


  • Still mineral water;
  • Puree on water from any vegetables, traditionally made from potatoes;
  • Rusks.


  • Cutlets cooked without fat. Can be boiled or steamed;
  • Protein omelet;
  • Boiled water or milk;
  • Some white, not fresh bread.


  • The first course with chicken meat;
  • A piece of fish, steamed or boiled;
  • Boiled vegetables;
  • Some white bread, but not freshly baked;
  • Any juice diluted with water.

Afternoon snack:

  • Jelly or jelly from fruits;
  • Mineral water that does not contain gas.


  • Oatmeal;
  • Boiled meat or cutlets and vegetables;
  • Biscuits;
  • Not strong tea.

II day


  • Oatmeal;
  • Boiled meat - rabbit meat or lean beef;
  • Some bread and water, preferably mineral.


  • Bread is stale in small quantities;
  • Cottage cheese or pudding from it;
  • Baked apple;


  • Soup in vegetable broth;
  • Fish boiled;
  • Porridge (preferably from pumpkin, you can sweeten a little);
  • biscuit cookies;
  • Cottage cheese casserole;
  • Low fat milk.

Afternoon snack:

  • Meatballs;
  • vegetable puree;
  • Baked apple;
  • Low-fat and unsweetened yogurt;


  • Meat roll;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • cottage cheese pudding;
  • Kissel from fruit;
  • Some bread;
  • The tea is not strong and without sugar.

Remember that servings of main dishes should not exceed 150 grams, and the total amount of food at a time should not exceed 200-300 grams. Bread should be eaten in small pieces, no more than 100 grams. Tea can be diluted with low-fat milk and sweetened with honey.

Recipes for special dishes that are necessary for pancreatitis

Diet food has its own characteristics - the absence of fat, sugar, salt. It is not nutritious, but useful in order to quickly overcome the acute form of pancreatitis, which occurs in most cases due to the fact that nutrition is inadequate.

To get rid of problems in a short period, try making oatmeal jelly. It has a positive effect on the body and helps to quickly return to normal after an exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines. There are several recipes for its preparation.

Kissel oatmeal from Izotov:

First, gather all the ingredients and prepare in a special way: boil 3 liters of water. In the cooled liquid, add 100 ml of kefir and 500 grams of oatmeal. Cover the pot with the mixture tightly with a lid, put it in a warm place for fermentation for several days.

After that, throw it in a colander to separate the liquid, and collect the thick in a jar and put it in a dark place for 18 hours. During this time, it will delaminate into kvass and oat sourdough.

Now you can cook jelly from oatmeal. To do this, select oat sourdough to your liking and add 400 ml of water there. When it boils, lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. At the end, you can add a little salt and throw a piece of butter.

Kissel from oats from Momotov:

It is necessary to mix large oatmeal with small 1: 3. Place the cereal mixture in a 3 liter jar. Pour in 100 ml of kefir. Then add warm boiled water so that it fills the empty space. Close tightly with a plastic lid, put in a warm place for 48 hours.

When the mixture has fermented, separate it from the swollen oatmeal. Pour kvass into a clean container. Rinse the flakes clean water and add to kvass. Now you can select the filtrate for jelly. Cook until medium thick. Before use, add salt and butter to taste.

Recipes for delicious diet meals

It seems that eating well with pancreatitis is difficult, but the healing diet is different in that you can use a lot of foods and are easy to prepare. delicious food. Use these recipes.

Recipe #1

The usefulness of these dishes for pancreatitis is difficult to overestimate. They are needed not only because of their consistency, but also the composition.

Broccoli Cream Soup:

  • 1 medium size potato;
  • Carrot 1 medium;
  • Broccoli 200 grams.

Rinse vegetables. Peel potatoes and carrots. Put a pot of water on the fire until it boils, cut the vegetables into cubes or a little larger. When the water boils, add all the ingredients and cook over low heat for half an hour. Cool the finished soup and turn it into a puree with a blender. Salt before serving.

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