
Is it possible to drink carnitine without training. How to take l-carnitine for weight loss. How to take carnitine: daily dose

The process of losing weight should include dietary adjustments and physical activity. In addition to these two main points, some people use specialized supplements. Most often, professional athletes do this, but there are also ordinary people who want to reduce their weight.

One of the most popular supplements is L-carnitine. Let's try to understand the features of this drug, its effect on the body, the rules of admission and other important aspects.

A supplement is a substance that is itself present in the body. Carnitine is synthesized in the brain, kidneys and liver. In order for it to be produced in a normal amount, a person needs to follow a balanced diet enriched with a large amount of animal protein. Actually, protein is the main source of L-carnitine.

Carnitine deficiency can cause metabolic problems that can lead to obesity and even heart problems. For athletes, the supplement is an indispensable tool in the fight against body fat, as it actively participates in the process of generating energy from fats.

How does L-carnitine affect the body?

In addition to the above activation of the metabolic process, the drug increases a person's endurance and reduces the rate of fatigue, which is so necessary during hard work. physical activity. Taking the substance after training helps in muscle recovery, during training it protects against possible stretching or tissue damage.

The main task of the drug is to help the body perform its natural functions (recovery, healing, breakdown of adipose tissue, etc.). It is especially recommended for strength training, when the load on the muscles is greatest.

Additive properties

L-carnitine is a multifunctional drug that is popular among people due to a number of key useful properties:

  • activation of metabolism;
  • accelerating the process of burning fat, through its processing into energy;
  • prevention of the appearance of body fat;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • increased endurance and performance;
  • reduction of the recovery period after training;
  • oxygen saturation of body cells;
  • promotes improved nutrition of the heart muscle;
  • increasing the level of immune protection;
  • long and persistent effect after stopping use.

Impact on intelligence

In addition to the physical effects on the body, L-carnitine also affects the mental activity of a person. According to the results of a number of studies, it has been proven that daily use of the supplement in an amount of 2 g or more for six months increases mental performance. As a result of this technique, intellectual loads become easier to bear.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

The lack of L-carnitine has a very negative effect on the functioning of the heart. Therefore, the supplement can be prescribed as a therapy for people suffering from any cardiovascular disease, especially if this kind of deficiency is observed. In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, it lowers blood pressure and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Indications for use

The extensive properties of this product suggest its use not only for weight loss, but also in the treatment of certain diseases. Of those people who need to take L-carnitine for medicinal purposes, the following can be distinguished:

  • patients with diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • obesity;
  • in need of liver restoration;
  • patients with AIDS (a number of drugs used in the treatment of this disease cause a lack of carnitine, which has to be replenished artificially);
  • people suffering from kidney and liver damage (these organs are responsible for the synthesis of carnitine, the level of which must be replenished if there are problems);
  • people at risk of developing thrombosis.

The appointment of this supplement in connection with one of the above diseases should only occur by a doctor. He also determines the dosage and period of therapy.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that manufacturers assure us of the harmlessness of the drug, there are a number of diseases in which carnitine intake should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • peripheral vascular disease;
  • kidney problems.

Among side effects a number of rare phenomena can be distinguished: insomnia, headaches, nausea, problems with the stool. As a rule, the described side effects are characteristic only of people with individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Forms of release of bioadditives

To date, carnitine is available in several forms. You can choose the most suitable one for yourself by familiarizing yourself with the properties of all the presented forms.

Pure 100% L-carnitine

The classic version, which is most often used by athletes. In this form, the substance is characterized by high bioavailability. It has proven itself in eliminating metabolic problems. Because of the latter property, this type of carnitine has been used for about half a century in the treatment of anorexia and obesity.

L-carnitine tartrate

This form is especially recommended for people who have problems with being overweight. It has the most active form, and the level of bioavailability is even higher than in pure form. The drug is readily cleaved into digestive tract into useful acids and pure matter.

Acetyl L-carnitine

One of the latest invented forms. In the composition, in addition to the usual carnitine, there is an acetyl group. Said compound can enter the brain. Due to this property, the supplement is also characterized by a neurostimulating effect on the body. This means that along with an improvement in metabolism and the process of burning fat, a person will also receive an increase in brain activity.

Propionyl L-carnitine

This form of the drug contains carnitine ester and glycine. The combination of these components made it possible to achieve the effect of stimulating lipid metabolism and enhancing the synthesis of nitric oxide. One of the most useful properties of the supplement can be called a vasodilating effect. In this embodiment, carnitine is recommended for people with heart disease. Among other things, this supplement enhances testosterone synthesis, reduces the release of lactic acid into the muscles during training, and is also characterized by antioxidant properties. Additionally, Propionyl fights chronic fatigue.

L-carnitine fumarate

This type of carnitine is the result of the combination of a pure substance with fumaric acid. Great for overweight people. The advantage of the product is considered to be a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

How to take L-carnitine for weight loss

The process of taking the supplement depends on the form of the product chosen for consumption. Let's take a look at each of them.

How to take liquid L-carnitine for weight loss

There are several types of liquid additive:

  • in bottles - ready to use;
  • syrup - requires dilution in water;
  • in ampoules - also ready for use, the only difference is that the product is packaged in small containers.

The finished product (diluted according to the instructions syrup) should be consumed 3 times a day, 5 ml (athletes can take up to 15 ml) 20 minutes before training for one to one and a half months. The break between doses should be at least two weeks.

Each tool has its own instructions for use. Different manufacturers may have slightly different admission rules. It is necessary to follow the instructions for the appropriate agent, which indicate the concentration and dosage.

The advantage of the liquid form of carnitine is its rapid absorption. Among the disadvantages are a large number of dyes and all kinds of flavors.

How to take in capsules

The capsule version has good absorption rates by the body. Such carnitine acts quickly and is quite convenient to take.

By standard instruction this form of supplement should be taken 2-3 times a day at 250-500 mg (500-1500 mg for athletes). You can drink non-carbonated mineral or clean water as well as juice. You can take it for 2-6 months.

More precise dosages should be checked with your trainer or doctor.

How to drink the tablet form

One of the most affordable forms of carnitine are tablets. Their main advantage over other types of the drug is cost savings. Buying a tablet form does not hit your pocket so hard, but it is worth noting that in this form the remedy is not absorbed as well as those described above. The number of doses and dosage approximately coincide with the use of capsules. More detailed information can be found in the instructions.

Reception in powder form

Relatively low cost and good effect are combined in this form of carnitine release. For many, this type of drug is the most problematic to use. The thing is that you should tinker with its reception: the powder is diluted in half a liter of liquid. It is necessary to drink the resulting drink at a time. Liquids should be taken exactly as much as it is written in the instructions. No less, as the drug will become unusable.

Is it possible to drink L-carnitine without training?

If you want to lose weight and for this you decide to take a supplement and do not plan to play sports, then there is not much point in consuming the drug. L-carnitine is not a fat burner and it makes no sense to use it as an addition to the main diet for weight loss. It will prove to have only the beneficial effects described above, but will not help reduce body weight. But in combination with training, you can achieve more intense weight loss by burning more fat than without this supplement.

Daily rate of L-carnitine

The amount of the supplement consumed depends on whether you are engaged in active physical activity. For athletes, the dosage will be higher than for ordinary people. So, their daily dose is approximately 1200 mg of e-carnitine. This amount is recommended to be divided into 2 equal doses: before one of the meals (preferably breakfast) and before training. Specifically, prior to physical activity, a liquid product is preferred.

Carnitine can be drunk without training. In this case, it will be enough for you to take 1-2 capsules 3 times a day with meals. If the receipt of funds is carried out in medicinal purposes only the attending physician can determine the dosage. It should be borne in mind that the use of the drug without the inclusion of physical activity will be useful for the body, but will not affect the process of losing weight.

Before using this or that form of supplement, carefully read the instructions. Usually, it describes the reception scheme in sufficient detail.

Combination with other drugs

Carnitine, as mentioned above, is a substance that is natural to the body. On this basis, it can be argued that taking it together with other medicines will not affect the effectiveness of both. That is why this supplement is often used in combination with other fat burners when taken for weight loss, or in combination with drugs in the case of medical therapy. The latter should be agreed with the doctor.

Another issue is the combination of carnitine with substances that have a stimulating effect on the body. One of these is caffeine. Taking these substances together is unacceptable.

L-carnitine in food

As already noted, the substance in question is synthesized from animal protein. Thus, ordinary foods can also become sources of l-carnitine. The increased content of this component is observed, of course, in meat (especially in beef). For a more detailed acquaintance with the content of the substance in certain products, you can familiarize yourself with the data given in the table.

The indicated amount of carnitine in the table corresponds only to the thermally unprocessed state of the products. During cooking, it can be significantly reduced. That is why athletes, in addition to a balanced diet, use specialized supplements.

How to make taking a supplement more effective for weight loss

To enhance the effect of taking the drug, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • select the appropriate dosage for the level of physical activity and health status;
  • take the remedy according to the intervals indicated in the instructions or selected by the doctor (non-compliance with this rule may reduce the effectiveness of the use);
  • regular use will allow the drug to accumulate in the body, which will make the effect more stable and lasting;
  • if you play sports, then you need to take carnitine no earlier than an hour before training;
  • the effect of losing weight will be noticeable only if proper nutrition and the inclusion of physical activity: the supplement only speeds up the metabolism, and does not miraculously relieve you of fat.

The harm of L-carnitine

In the case of working with nutritional supplements, it is customary to wonder if carnitine is harmful to the body. It cannot be said with 100% certainty that this drug is absolutely safe, but there is too little data on its harm to health. All of them, as a rule, are based on improper use or the manifestation of side effects. The latter, as noted above, usually appear in people with individual intolerance to the substance.

If you consult a doctor before using this kind of supplement and correctly select the dosage, then you probably will not cause any harm to your own health.

Choice of drug

The choice of the appropriate form of carnitine should be based on its properties, desired effect and affordability. The cost directly depends on the manufacturer and the type of drug. So, the most affordable are tableted and powdered forms (from 260 rubles). The most expensive are liquid (from 280 rubles per 50 ml) and capsules (from 950 rubles). The latter, at the same time, are recommended to athletes. Carnitine is sold in specialized sports stores, centers sports nutrition, in some gyms.

The main emphasis when choosing should be done not on the company, but on the manufacturer of raw materials. Among the latter, two are recommended: Sigma-Tau with its Biosint raw material and Lonza with its Carnipure raw material.

28.10.2015 admin

Levocarnitine- an amino acid belonging to the group of vitamins B. In the human body, the liver and kidneys are responsible for its production. L-carnitine promotes the processing of fats into energy, which leads to an increase in endurance and human performance. The lack of amino acids in the body can lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes, obesity and heart problems.

In addition, levocarnitine is indispensable for sports - it contributes to the speedy recovery of muscles after training, protects them from possible damage.

Mechanism of action of L-carnitine

Growing in geometric progression The popularity of levocarnitine is due to its effect on the body. The synthesis of fats is carried out under the action of two amino acids - lysine and methionine. It is thanks to them that the process of converting fats into energy is launched. The absence of L-carnitine would lead to the fact that food was excreted from the body without giving it the necessary energy.

Beneficial features

Conducted medical studies have shown that with age in the human body, the production of levocarnitine significantly decreases. As a consequence, the main consumers - the heart and muscle tissue - do not receive the required amount of energy. Most often, this leads to improper functioning of the organs.

Another big plus of the amino acid is its fat-burning properties. While destroying adipose tissue, L-carnitine does not affect proteins and carbohydrates. But for effective weight loss, one sufficient amount of amino acids in the body will not be enough, it is necessary to follow a certain diet and regular exercise.

In addition to the fight against extra pounds, the food supplement has a number of other useful properties:

  • reduces fatigue and increases efficiency;
  • used as an additional tool in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis), lowers cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • balances side effects drugs used in the fight against AIDS;
  • in kidney disease and liver disease, replaces naturally synthesized carnitine;
  • replenishes the resulting energy deficit in infectious diseases accompanied by high fever.

Taking L-carnitine is very useful for people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in sports activities for a number of reasons:

  • helps to increase the efficiency and endurance of the body during intense physical exertion;
  • reduces the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, which helps to reduce muscle pain;
  • recovery after training is much faster;
  • is a catalyst for protein metabolism in the body, thereby accelerating muscle growth;
  • effective with a carbohydrate-free diet, helps burn fat.

Harm and side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated, unless there are contraindications to its use and the recommended doses are observed.


  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • protein intolerance.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • A number of diseases: oncology, HIV, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, enlarged thyroid gland.

If you do not have any of the listed contraindications, then with some caution you can start taking L-carnitine.

At first, there may be minor side effects that disappear after 2-5 days:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Diarrhea and other stomach disorders.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Insomnia.
  • Excessive activity.
If the side effects do not go away after a few days, then the subsequent intake of dietary supplements should be abandoned.

There are more serious side effects, they occur, as a rule, in people who do not comply with the recommended dosage, who have contraindications or who do not eat well.

The following effects of taking levocarnitine have been recorded:

  • manifestation of anorexia nervosa.
  • Sudden mood swings - from severe depression to attacks of aggression.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath and heavy breathing.
  • Throat swelling.

The presence of such signs is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

How to take L-carnitine?

L-carnitine is available in three forms - liquid, capsules and tablets.

It is taken as a course - a month of admission, then rest. This happens so that the body does not stop producing carnitine on its own.

To date, the dosage of L-carnitine has a wide range from 500 mg to 2000 mg. The average daily allowance is in the range of 1500-1800 mg. It is not recommended to take more than 3000 mg per day. This can lead to serious side effects.

Take L-carnitine in the morning or 20-30 minutes before training. Do not use the supplement in the afternoon, it can lead to insomnia.

Levocarnitine does not combine well with alcoholic and energy drinks, coffee.

L-carnitine, produced in the form of tablets or capsules, is taken 2 times a day, 500-750 mg.

Liquid L-carnitine is taken as a cocktail between main meals. To avoid health problems, it is not recommended to consume on an empty stomach.

Taking L-carnitine for weight loss

The success of losing weight with L-carnitine directly depends on your desire and determination. Taking dietary supplements without regular physical activity and excessive food intake will not only not give visible results, but can also aggravate the situation. Any fat burner increases appetite, in order to control your hunger, you need to follow a certain diet, which will be discussed later.

For the successful implementation of the idea of ​​acquiring a beautiful slim body several steps are required:

  1. High intensity training. The pulse rate with them is 50-60% of the maximum value, if less, then increase the pace of the lesson. To do this, it is not necessary to visit sports complexes. At home, you can also achieve some success. Here is a list of example loads:
    - jogging;
    - bicycling;
    - doing your favorite types of dances;
    - brisk walking or climbing stairs, uphill;
    - cardio exercises.
  2. The duration of training should be at least 25-30 minutes. Physical activity triggers the process of fat burning, only in this case, taking L-carnitine will be effective. Before starting a workout, you need to take 2/3 of the total amount of dietary supplements, the rest 20 minutes after the start of the lesson. Liquid carnitine is preferred by fitness trainers as it can be mixed with water and consumed throughout the workout.
  3. Strict adherence to diet. Nutritionists advise eating every 3-4 hours, eating small portions, there should be 5 meals a day. Foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates are best eaten in the morning. After dinner, eat protein-rich foods - chicken or turkey meat, sea fish, fat-free cottage cheese. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Reception of L-carnitine is not combined with low-calorie diets. This can lead to breakdowns and neuroses.
  4. The training ended and there was a terrible feeling of hunger. What to do? To acquire a toned body, you will have to endure an hour, and then drink a protein shake or eat a portion of protein food. You can also treat yourself to a banana - the high content of potassium in it contributes to the rapid recovery of muscles after tiring sports.

When taking L-carnitine, do not get hung up on weights. The figure can stubbornly retain the same value even with visible results to the environment. Stock up on a better tape measure and measure your shapes, they are guaranteed to become smaller. This happens because levocarnitine does not reduce the overall body weight, but burns the fat layer on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Muscle mass, on the other hand, increases with constant physical exertion, as a result, the weight changes slightly, but the body looks more slender, toned and attractive.

The most important aspect of female beauty is a slender figure. Therefore, many girls and women are in constant search of a remedy that will help to lose weight. excess weight. Of course, each representative of the fair sex finds her own version. However, the majority prefers L-carnitine for weight loss.

To date, L-carnitine (L carnitine) is the most popular dietary supplement that helps to lose weight. In the people it is simply called - carnitine. In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to take L carnitine and what it is.

What is and why is it needed

Let us consider in more detail the description of L-carnitine and its instructions for use for weight loss. This substance is taken by athletes for. Often referred to as vitamin B11. However, this name is erroneous. The drug is actually a vitamin-like. It is distinguished from vitamins by its ability to be synthesized in the human body.

There are two types:

  1. L-carnitine.
  2. D-carnitine.

To lose weight, take only L-carnitine. The second kind is its opposite. It can harm the body. L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from methionine and lysine. After that, it spreads throughout the body.

Reviews of doctors from L-carnitine for weight loss are very good. The action of the drug is aimed at the utilization of fatty acids. Under its influence, they simply burn out, releasing energy.

In most cases, L-carnitine enters the human body with food - meat and dairy products. Plant foods contain very little of this substance. Its synthesis depends on vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, iron and enzymes. With a shortage of any component, the synthesis process becomes impossible. Because of this, a person can gain excess weight. It is in such cases that it is recommended to use L-carnitine separately, in the form of a medication. Which L-carnitine is better - in tablets or liquid, we will analyze further.

Benefits and effects on the body

L-carnitine has various properties:

  • burns excess fat;
  • affects mental activity;
  • has an anabolic effect;
  • affects the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • promotes detoxification.

As for the indications for the use of L-carnitine for women, some nuances must be taken into account. Especially for those who are planning to become a mother.

Let's analyze what benefits and harms L-carnitine brings, whether it has contraindications.

fat burner

The drug helps to keep a person's weight within normal limits by burning fats, converting them into energy. It is important to constantly maintain its norm in the body. Remember that with age, the concentration of this substance in the body becomes less.

Impact on mental activity

Positive feedback from doctors about the use of L-carnitine tablets. It has been noted that taking 2 g of the drug per day for 6 months improves mental alertness by increasing the endurance of the mind to high loads. It also has a neurotrophic effect, restoring the tissues of nerve cells.

Anabolic effect

Why is L-carnitine needed in sports nutrition? To increase the percentage of muscles in the body. This substance is very effective in the process of "drying", dissolving fat and maintaining muscle mass.

Action on the cardiovascular system

The drug lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Prevents myocardial infarction and stroke. Often it is advised to drink it for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, anorexia, thyrotoxicosis, as an additional remedy.

Levkartinin is also a good antioxidant and neuroprotector. It strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of osteoporosis.


Removes sludge very well. Its effectiveness has been proven in alcohol poisoning and intoxication medicines.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Those who want to know how to take L-carnitine for weight loss should read reviews about contraindications and possible side effects.

In principle, the substance is absolutely safe if the correct dosage is observed. This dietary supplement is non-toxic, non-addictive, but not recommended for:

  • breastfeeding;
  • food protein intolerance;
  • exhaustion of the body due to prolonged starvation;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy planning.

As for the side effects, they can be as follows:

  • diarrhea;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • uremia;
  • allergic rash;
  • convulsions.

  • venison and beef;
  • pork and rabbit meat;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy products, cheese, milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • the least of this substance is found in vegetables, fruits, nuts and cereals.

The best drug for weight loss

Issued in different types chemical compounds. Therefore, before use, you should decide which L-carnitine is better to buy.

  • Tartrate- This is the most active form with high bioavailability. When it enters the digestive system, tartrate is split into two components: pure kartonin and tartaric acid. Each part is digested in its own way. When deciding which L-carnitine to choose, you need to take into account the reviews of losing weight. And they indicate that it is Tartrate that contributes to weight loss better than anyone else.
  • Acetyl.This species has appeared on sale quite recently and is distinguished by the fact that it contains an acetyl group. Manufacturers tried to improve the bioavailability of the substance, its digestibility, but did not achieve the desired results. The advantage of acetylcarnitine is that it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier of the brain. There it stimulates metabolic processes, improves memory and thinking.
  • Fumarate. The L-carnitine compound in this form has a negative bioavailability. Fumarate is made by combining fumaric acid with pure levocarnitine. Levocarnitine for weight loss, also known as L-carnitine, according to the reviews of those who are losing weight, it works perfectly, but in combination with fumaric acid, its lipotropic effect is reduced. The advantage of fumarate lies in its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Propionil is an ester of carnitine bound to the amino acid glycine. Propionyl is involved in lipid metabolism. It improves nitric oxide synthesis. This substance acts as a vasodilator. Therefore, it is taken for ischemia, heart failure, intermittent claudication. In addition, this substance has antioxidant properties. Propionyl improves testosterone synthesis and improves endurance by reducing lactic acid levels after exercise.
  • Carnitine chloride known to medicine for 50 years. The very first form was precisely chloride. Today it is no longer in demand. The chloride form contains not only L-carnitine, but also its opposite, D-kartinin. The result is LD-carnitine, which is successfully used in neurology, but not in sports. Of course, Carnitine chloride is produced today, but only for medical purposes.
  • Clean. Among athletes, pure carnitine is called basic or classic. In terms of its bioavailability, it is no worse than tartrate, but the price of such L-carnitine for weight loss is slightly lower.

Which is more effective - liquid or capsules

The food supplement comes in four forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • ampoules;
  • liquid drinking.

Most often, you can find tablets on sale, for example, vitamin L-carnitine 500 mg in tablets. Capsules are also very popular.

However, the most effective is the liquid drinking form. The liquid preparation is well absorbed, but its composition may contain sweeteners and dyes that can cause gastrointestinal upset. However, reviews of the L carnitine liquid drink are only positive.

As for taking L-carnitine in slimming capsules, the doctors' reviews about them are also very good. Capsules are also well absorbed, but a little slower than the liquid preparation. They can be washed down with water, juice or warm tea. The drug in capsules is best combined with.

How to take for weight loss

Now let's talk about how to drink liquid L-carnitine for weight loss, what is its dosage and instructions for use.

Athletes need to drink 1200 mg of the drug per day. This dose can be divided into two equal parts. One should be drunk before meals. In this case, you can take tablets or capsules.

How to take L-carnitine before training? Before training, it is better to drink a liquid preparation. The general scheme of consumption looks like this:

  • 200 mg in the morning before breakfast;
  • 200 mg before lunch;
  • 200 mg before afternoon snack;
  • 600 mg 30 minutes before workout.

Now let's talk about how to take L-carnitine fat burner for weight loss for non-athletes, given the reviews of those who are losing weight. In this case, drink 1-2 capsules or tablets 3 times a day with meals. If body weight is greatly exceeded, then you can increase daily allowance 1.5-2 times. Drink the drug should be within one month. After - a month break, and then you can re-drink the course to consolidate the result.

Does it make sense to take without training

How to take L-carnitine fat burner without training, what are the reviews about this method of losing weight? We immediately answer - the reviews are negative. If you take a fat burner and lie on the couch, it simply won't work.

Why? The reason is the effect of the drug. It synthesizes fatty acids in such a way that they can be "burned out" aerobically. This requires the presence of oxygen in the tissues. If there is no anaerobic load, then the result is not worth waiting for. Therefore, physical exercise is simply indispensable.

Which one to choose and where to buy

There are many manufacturers, so it is important to be well versed in which drug is better and where you can buy it. Let's start with the fact that this food supplement is freely sold online, as well as in regular pharmacies. However, this applies to tablets and capsules. But ampoules and liquid form are sold mainly in sports nutrition stores.

Now let's move on to the manufacturers:

  • Levocarnil Evalar. Reviews about Levokarnil produced by Evalar are only positive. Athletes note that this supplement perfectly fills the body with energy. Naturally, this is very important for the "burning" of excess fat. What L-carnitine for weight loss from Evalar looks like can be seen in the photo, it has a relatively low price and has mostly positive consumer reviews.
  • carniton. Reviews about Carniton for weight loss are also positive. In fact, this is a dietary supplement that is produced by many companies, both domestic and foreign. Carnitone reduces fatigue, gives strength, accelerates metabolism, increases muscle tone, lowers fat metabolism and reduces overall body weight.
  • Arnebia L-carnitine. Another drug that has a lot of positive reviews is Arnebia L-carnitine. It can be taken not only for weight loss, but also for maintaining overall health. This dietary supplement helps to increase muscle mass.
  • Solgar L-carnitine. Solgar's L-carnitine reviews are pretty good, even though it's very expensive. The drug itself is of excellent quality and promotes accelerated fat burning.
  • Levocarnitine. What is the price of levocarnitine, are its instructions for use different? Levocarnitine is available in different forms. The drug will only work in combination with physical activity and a balanced diet. When doing fitness with the parallel intake of levocarnitine, excess weight will go away faster.

Research results

Latest Research demonstrated that the drug is actually not as harmless as everyone thinks. American scientists have found that this substance contributes to the development and progression of atherosclerosis. But the culprit is not the substance itself, but some bacteria that “live” peacefully in the human intestine. They process L-kartinin, forming an active metabolite - Trimethylamine N-oxide or TMAO. This is a powerful toxin that destroys the walls of blood vessels and leads to the formation of plaques. In vegetarians during the study, the concentration of the toxin is lower, due to the peculiarities of their diet.

However, atherosclerotic plaques do not form overnight. This takes years. Therefore, short-term use of the drug will not be able to affect the state of the vessels.

Expert opinions

Experts say that people who are actively involved in sports need to take this supplement. With its help, you can quickly restore strength after significant loads. Thanks to this substance, the athlete will not feel lethargic after training.

In addition, experts note that it is not necessary to take the supplement cyclically. It can be used regularly, strictly observing the dosage. The supplement should be taken prior to training. Also, we must not forget that it is absorbed by the body very quickly.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

How to drink liquid vitamin L-carnitine in ampouleson non-training days?

The drug can be taken daily 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach for good health. To improve athletic performance, Acetyl L-carnitine should be preferred.

Can I drink with fat burners?

It is not recommended to combine this dietary supplement with fat burners. Moreover, fat burners themselves do not act on the human body in the best way.

Will this supplement help build muscle while bodybuilding?

By itself, the drug does not contribute to bodybuilding tangible if physical activity is not performed. Of course, the substance improves results in athletics. However, bodybuilders cannot do without protein to achieve a tangible effect.

Can minors take it?

You can, but usually it's not necessary. In most cases, this drug is prescribed to minors for rare genetic diseases and obesity.

Is it forbidden to drink the supplement after it has been removed gallbladder?

Basically, no. However, you must first consult on this topic with your doctor. In any case, if the condition worsens, you should stop taking the drug.

Results and reviews

Eugene, 23 years old:

“I drank L-carnitine for 6 weeks and did an exercise bike, ran in the evenings. I didn’t overexert myself much, but as a result I lost 12 kg. Excellent result!".

Elena, 25 years old:

“Noted the effectiveness of the supplement during training and diet food. But only during training, taking the drug did not give any results. It was only the addition of diet that got the ball rolling.”

Vladimir, 39 years old:

“I strongly advise everyone to check their health before starting this drug. My blood pressure began to rise, although it had never happened before. It turned out that the body itself produces carnitine. If it is enough, then an additional reception can do much harm.


How L-carnitine works, and how to take it correctly to lose weight, you will learn from this video.

Hi friends! In today's article, we will talk about how to take l-carnitine for weight loss, and, in general, about this supplement.

I have already mentioned l-carnitine in my articles, but today we will look at everything related to it in great detail.

What is l-carnitine

L-carnitine (from the English L-carnitine, or levocarnitine) is a non-essential acid (it can be synthesized by the body on its own), which is produced by our liver from amino acids - lysine and methionine.

It is often mistakenly referred to as vitamin Bt or vitamin B11. In fact, it is not a vitamin, because the body is able to synthesize it on its own, but vitamins are not.

L-carnitine is an absolutely natural substance for our body that performs a number of important functions, and, what is important for us, helps to lose weight a little more efficiently.

By itself, levocarnitine is not a fat burner, but is a TRANSPORTER of adipose tissue (long-chain fatty acids) into mitochondria (the power plants of our cells) through the inner membrane.

In other words, L-carnitine helps our bodies deliver fatty acids to their places of use.

This substance was isolated for the first time in 1905 by V.S. Gulevich and R.Z. Krimberg, but only 57 years later it was revealed why it was needed at all.

There are two forms:

  1. L-carnitine.
  2. D-carnitine.

But only the L-form has biological activity.

D-carnitine is harmful to the body, because. is an L-carnitine antagonist (prevents the use of fatty acids as energy).

L-carnitine is present in our body in the liver and muscles.

How is l-carnitine produced?

The biosynthesis of l-carnitine in our body occurs in the liver and kidneys, from which it enters other tissues and organs.

Production takes place with the participation of vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, B12, as well as iron, amino acids lysine and methionine, enzymes.

If there is a lack of at least one of the above components, then there may be a lack of l-carnitine, with a violation of body functions.

It must be said that this is a very rare phenomenon, which is observed mainly due to genetic abnormalities associated with enzymes.

Functions of L-carnitine

Here are the main functions of L-carnitine:

  • Fat burning.
  • Increased physical and mental activity.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Detoxification.
  • An increase in anabolism.
  • Reduction of "bad" cholesterol.
  • Protection of the cardiovascular system.

fat burning is carried out due to the SIMPLIFICATION of the TRANSPORT of fatty acids (the "bricks" that make up fat cells) with long chains into the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy.

Increased physical and mental activity was identified in a study conducted in Italy in 2007. People taking 2 g of l-carnitine per day for six months have noted these effects. True, the study was conducted on older people (100-106 years old), so I'm not sure that the data is relevant.

stress tolerance thanks to l-carnitine has also been confirmed by studies.

Detoxification is the process of natural and artificial removal of toxins from the body. L-carnitine also triggers a number of vital processes that help detoxify the body.

An increase in anabolism was confirmed by studies that noted that people taking l-carnitine not only lost fat, but also gained lean muscle mass.

Reducing "bad" cholesterol levels(low-density lipoprotein) leads to the prevention of vasoconstriction of the heart and brain and a decrease in the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Cardiovascular Protection It is realized, first of all, by lowering the level of cholesterol, which affects the coronary vessels (vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle). Improves myocardial metabolism.

How to take l-carnitine for weight loss

Naturally, most people are concerned about this issue.

Almost all athletes, if they use l-carnitine, do it, first of all, for weight loss.

The rational and most effective dose of l-carnitine is a dose of 500 mg to 2 g per day (500-700 mg in three doses, or 1000 mg in two doses).

There is no point in exceeding a dosage of 2 g, because studies have not shown any benefits of higher dosages. When dosages are exceeded, excess l-carnitine is excreted from the body with urine. So just work on the toilet.

Take l-carnitine should:

  1. 30 minutes BEFORE training.
  2. IN THE MORNING on an empty stomach.

This is the most rational time for taking this substance.

On non-training days, take l-carnitine in the morning and in the afternoon between meals on an empty stomach.

It is in the morning and during training that L-carnitine is most effective!

It is VERY IMPORTANT that l-carnitine is used along with physical activity and balanced diet otherwise it will be practically useless.

By the way, you can greatly speed up the process of fat burning with the help of. In that article, you will read some very cool information on how to build a cardio workout in such a way that the fat “melts” much faster.

It should be taken in courses of 1.5-2 months with the same interval between courses so that the production of your own levocarnitine does not decrease.

It is issued, as a rule, in the form:

  • Liquids.
  • Capsule.
  • Tablets.

The most convenient, in my opinion, is in the form of capsules, because. the speed of release and entry into the blood is very fast (the shell dissolves and the liquid enters the stomach).

In the form of a liquid, it is also a great option, but, however, it’s not convenient for everyone to carry it with them, for example, to training, although it’s different for everyone.

In the form of tablets, it is also a fairly common form of release of the substance, but the release rate will be reduced. If you bought pills, then take one hour before training, in other cases for half an hour.

L-carnitine. Side effects

None of the dozens of studies have found harm to health from taking L-carnitine.

Even dosages that were hundreds of times (!) Higher than recommended did not lead to the development of side effects.

L-carnitine is often included in baby food for infants.

This substance can lead to the development of insomnia, however, in very rare cases. To prevent this, you need to take L-carnitine in the morning (as we remember, L-carnitine is most effective in the morning).

In general, l-carnitine is one of the safest supplements. The risk of side effects is negligible, if at all possible.

Interaction of l-carnitine with other fat burners

L-carnitine perfectly interacts with any medicines including fat burners.

You can not be afraid to take it if you drink or . When used together with these drugs, fat burning will only get better.

L-carnitine is a very mild substance, so it is unlikely that it can harm you in any way.

L-carnitine and KETO diet

Many readers of my blog, and especially readers, really like the so-called .

If you haven’t read the article about the KETO diet and its incredible effectiveness, then I highly recommend it. She works very powerfully.

KETO is a high-fat (fat content in the diet can reach 60-70%), carbohydrate-free diet that will work even better with levocarnitine.

In the complete absence of carbohydrates, the body “gets on a new track” and begins to use fats as energy, this state is called ketosis. L-carnitine will improve the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, thereby accelerating fat burning.

Also, with carbohydrate-free diets, there may be a slight decrease in physical and mental activity, which is slightly corrected when taking l-carnitine.

You can find the most l-carnitine in:

  • Meat (in beef - 94-95 mg per 100 g, pork - 28 mg per 100 g, in bacon - 23 mg per 100 g, in chicken breast- 4 mg per 100 g).
  • Fish.
  • Dairy products (milk - 3.3 mg per 100 g, cottage cheese 1.1 mg per 100 g).

Approximately 300 mg is found in 300-400 g of raw beef, for example, but a significant part of the l-carnitine will be lost during the heat treatment of meat. This dictates some need for the use of l-carnitine in the form of additional supplements to the main diet.

And in general, to get 500-2000 mg of l-carnitine per day, you will have to try very hard if you want to get it from food.

I have tried almost a dozen different brands and formulations of L-carnitine.

I like the LIQUID forms of L-carnitine the best. Why?

Yes, because it's convenient! Dilute 1-2 caps in a bottle of water and drink quietly during your workout. Tasty (which is especially necessary for drying) and, as I said, CONVENIENT!

My favorite L-carnitine is this one: Nutrex Research Labs Liquid Carnitine 3000. Follow the link to find it AT THE CHEAPEST price. Cheaper nowhere!

One of the few, if not the only, L-carnitine whose work I feel distinctly.

If I were asked to advise L-carnitine, then I would say about this company. I like the taste and the way it works.


Let's summarize all of the above a little.

L-carnitine - IS NOT a vitamin, because. can be synthesized in our body on its own.

There are two forms:

  1. L-carnitine.
  2. D-carnitine.

But only the L-form has biological activity. D-carnitine is harmful to the body.

Take l-carnitine should:

  1. 30 minutes BEFORE training.
  2. IN THE MORNING on an empty stomach.

There are practically no side effects.

L-carnitine goes well with other drugs and fat burners.

L-carnitine would be pretty sensible to use on a KETO diet.

The daily rate of l-carnitine is very difficult to obtain from ordinary foods.

L-carnitine has some effectiveness both for weight loss and for many important functions of the body, but we must remember that without physical activity and a balanced diet, it is practically useless to use it.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

It is a fairly effective nutritional supplement, allowing for an increase in efficiency by about 10%. low calorie diets and fat burning workouts gym. However, few people know how to properly use this food supplement to get optimal result, and in particular, how and when to take L-carnitine - before or after training?

ReceptionL-carnitine pre-workout

The optimal time for taking L-carnitine is the period 30 minutes before the start of the workout. The recommended dosage is up to 2000 mg. During this time, L-carnitine will be absorbed and increase its concentration in the body, creating the necessary conditions for the transport of fatty acids to the place of oxidation. The best result is achieved when using L-carnitine before high-volume, high-rep workouts (15-20 reps) and before cardio training.

ReceptionL-Carnitine Post Workout

Taking L-carnitine after a workout is not optimal, since, as a rule, meals and rest from physical exertion take place during this period. At the same time, it makes sense to take L-carnitine after heavy strength training and lack of nutrition within 1-2 hours after the end of classes in the gym. However, this approach, although it contributes to faster burning subcutaneous fat, but prevents the growth and preservation of muscle mass (due to catabolic processes). This technique may be suitable only for those who need fast weight loss, or girls for whom muscle mass not a training target.

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