
Uninterrupted power supply for the boiler. Uninterruptible power supply for boilers - reliable heating. Do I need a voltage stabilizer for the boiler if there is a UPS?

  1. What is a UPS and why is it needed?
  2. Main types of sources uninterruptible power supply
  3. How to choose and connect the UPS correctly
  4. Rating of popular models and owner reviews

Modern gas boilers stuffed with complex electronics that require constant and high-quality power supply. In the event of a power outage or an accident in the electrical network, your heating device will simply stop working and you will be left to freeze in your private country house. To prevent this from happening, owners use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for gas boilers.

In this article we will talk about why you need an uninterruptible power supply and what types there are, how to choose the best one and connect it correctly with your own hands. In conclusion, we will look at the most popular uninterruptible power supply (UPS) models among consumers and provide several reviews from owners about their performance.

What is a UPS and why is it needed?

We are all familiar with the situation when the electricity suddenly disappears, the lights go out and we have to light candles. If you live in a house with central heating This is half the trouble - sit for a while by candlelight without TV or computer.

Photo 1: Uninterruptible power supply with connected battery

It’s a completely different matter when you live in the countryside in a private house and use an energy-dependent gas boiler for heating. Without power it will stop working and soon you will start to freeze.

To avoid similar situation from the owner country house there are several ways out:

  1. Use a non-volatile gas boiler in the heating system, in which all automation operates mechanically and does not require power. There are similar models on the market, but their efficiency is significantly lower than those controlled by modern electronics.
  2. Connect a non-volatile one to a gas boiler with an electronic control unit. This option is certainly good, but it’s expensive. There will be costs for purchasing a second boiler and connecting it to the heating system.
  3. Completely abandon gas or install a backup heating device using solid fuel, such as one. A system of two boilers will also be very expensive, and heating a house with wood and coal has its significant disadvantages.
  4. Buy and install an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler, which will allow the heating device to continue to function until the network voltage appears again. This option is most preferable both for ease of installation and for financial reasons.

Let's figure out what a UPS is, what main blocks it consists of and how it works. Uninterruptible power supply includes:

  • Inverter

    The inverter for the heating boiler plays a very important role. It converts 12V DC voltage from batteries into 220V AC voltage with an ideal sine wave shape, which is necessary for the proper operation of the automatic gas boiler and heating system.

  • Voltage stabilizer

    In order to bring low-quality power supply from the electrical network to the level and type necessary for the correct operation of electronics, it is used. There are both implementations in one block with an inverter and separate devices.

  • Batteries

    One or more built-in or external batteries accumulate charge and, in the event of a power outage in the main network, serve as a power source for the gas boiler and other heating system devices.

Photo 2: Connecting an uninterruptible power supply to a gas boiler

The operating principle of an uninterruptible power supply is quite simple. In normal mode, the gas boiler is powered from the mains and simultaneously charges the UPS batteries. At the moment when the power supply suddenly disappears, the uninterruptible power supply switches to battery operation until the network voltage returns. When the power supply is restored, the uninterruptible power supply returns to normal operation from the network and charging the batteries.

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Main types of uninterruptible power supplies

Looks like a diagram UPS operation simple and clear, but there are various options its implementation. Depending on the route by which the voltage from the electrical network enters the gas boiler or other heating system device, several main types are distinguished:


Offline UPSs are designed quite simply. They consist of a battery pack, a rectifier, an inverter and a switching relay. The rectifier converts 220V alternating voltage into 12V direct voltage from which the batteries are charged. The inverter, on the contrary, converts 12V DC voltage into 220V AC with an ideal sine wave shape, which is perfect for powering a gas boiler.

Photo 3: Scheme of operation of an offline UPS with a gas boiler

As long as the voltage in the network is at the proper level, it is supplied directly to the load and to charge the batteries. When the power supply in the network disappears or falls below acceptable values, the relay switches to the battery pack and the load is powered by them.

The main advantage of this type of uninterruptible power supply is its relatively low price. However, they also have disadvantages, such as the lack of voltage stabilization and a delay in relay switching. When using offline uninterruptible power supplies, the system should be additionally equipped with a voltage stabilizer.


In terms of their structure, they completely copy offline UPSs, but with one significant advantage - a voltage stabilizer is installed at the input. Thanks to this modification, the number of switches from the network to the battery and back is reduced.

Photo 4: Operating principle of a line-interactive power supply source

Linear interactive models last much longer than offline models. However, at the moment of switching the relay, albeit a very short one, gas equipment remains without power supply. The following type of power supply sources does not have this drawback.


In online UPS systems, everything happens a little differently. The mains voltage passing through the UPS undergoes double conversion. At the first stage, the rectifier converts 220V alternating voltage into 12V direct voltage, which is supplied to charge the battery and to the inverter. The inverter does the reverse conversion and an ideal 220V sinusoid is supplied to the input of the gas boiler.

Photo 5: Operating principle of an online-type uninterruptible power supply

The main advantages of uninterruptible power supplies of this type are the ideal form of output voltage, as well as instant switching to operation from rechargeable batteries. The only disadvantage of such devices is the high price.

For gas boilers, it is better to use an online type UPS, because... They are the ones who are able to provide it with the voltage of the required quality, but their price is quite high. As budget option It is worth considering line-interactive UPSs or offline devices with an external stabilizer.

So, we have decided on the type of uninterruptible power supply, we can proceed to selecting specific parameters.

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How to choose and connect the UPS correctly

What parameters should you first pay attention to when choosing an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler? Let's look at them all in order. Let's start with the most important:

  1. Calculating the power of the UPS

    In order to determine this parameter you need to add electrical power all devices that will be powered by it: gas boiler, circulation pumps, etc. It should be taken into account that starting currents can be 3 times higher than the rated current, so the power consumption of each pump must be safely multiplied by 3. We multiply the resulting amount by 1.2-1.3 as a result and get required power uninterruptible power supply.

  2. Determining the required battery life

    Remember how often your power goes out and how long it lasts? In accordance with these data, we plan the maximum battery life and purchase the appropriate number of batteries.

  3. Selecting the battery type

    For gas boilers, batteries made using AGM and AGM GEL technology are suitable. Many people ask whether it is possible to connect car batteries to a UPS for a gas boiler? The use of starter car batteries is highly undesirable. They are designed for short-term load to start the engine. If they remain in working condition for a long time, they will quickly fail, plus they are afraid of deep discharge. Another disadvantage is that the electrolyte is in a liquid state and there is a high probability of evaporation, which is highly undesirable in residential areas.

So we have chosen a suitable UPS and the required number of batteries for it, now we can safely proceed to connecting the entire set to the gas boiler. The uninterruptible power supply must be installed in a clean, dust-free room away from sources of moisture. The uninterruptible power supply should not be covered with anything, so as not to interfere with the operation of its cooling system.

Photo 6: Serial connection three batteries to the power supply source

If there is one battery, its positive terminal is connected to the positive UPS, and the negative terminal to the negative one, respectively. If there are several batteries, they are connected in series: the plus of each battery is connected to the minus of the adjacent battery, the free terminals on the battery are connected to the corresponding connectors of the uninterruptible power supply.

The headache of every owner of a country house is the issue of uninterrupted power supply to the boiler and other equipment.

Unfortunately, the problem of constant power outages, at any time, is almost the norm for many.

First of all, this applies to private houses and cottages. If in summer you can somehow survive this, then in winter during the heating period, the disappearance of voltage can be critical for your heating system.

UPS or generator

This problem can be solved by installing an uninterruptible power supply. Simply called a UPS, uninterruptible power supply or inverter for a boiler.

Those who want to make a choice in favor of a generator, think about what will happen if the power goes out when you are not at home? How to switch the boiler to backup power in this case?

You will need models with an autostart system and other automation, but they cost completely different money.

In addition, often the lights are turned off not for long, but for a maximum of half an hour. You just take the generator out, fill it with gas, plug it in, start it, and all this in the bitter cold.

And in terms of the quality of the output voltage (frequency, sine wave), generators are noticeably inferior to inverters.

Therefore, the choice here is obvious for many.

UPS from a computer for a gas boiler

Just do not confuse this uninterruptible power supply with a UPS for a computer. The computer version uses built-in batteries.

They do not provide the full battery life that is required. Therefore, if you think “I’ll buy a more powerful UPS for my computer in the summer, and in the winter I’ll connect the boiler through it,” this is a misconception and a mistake.

Even if someone advises you to assemble a circuit for a computer UPS connected to external batteries, do not do it. Computer models have an approximated sinusoid, which will have a bad effect on the operation of the equipment. But more on this a little later.

Boiler equipment requires a power source with external batteries. At the same time, with the possibility of increasing power.

They will provide sufficient battery life.

What is the operating principle of a UPS? He transforms constant voltage from batteries to AC. In the event of a power outage, all consumers, without time delays, instantly switch to working from the battery.

And when voltage is supplied back from the network, the inverter automatically returns to normal power mode. This recharges the discharged batteries.

Pure sine and its effect on the boiler

First of all, when choosing a UPS for a boiler, pay attention to the shape of the output voltage.

There are 2 types of output voltage:

  • pure sine
  • quasi-sine (square wave)

When choosing, always focus on a model with pure sine. Why is this important?

Boilers and its equipment do not like both voltage drops and changes in the frequency of the output signal. If you buy a UPS with a quasi-sine wave, the boiler may detect this voltage as an error and will go into trouble.

Electronics, of course, are not afraid of an irregular sine wave. But the pumps of heating equipment, such as RS or UPS, begin to hum.

The motor in the pumps is asynchronous and this pseudo-sine produces a lot of harmonics, which significantly reduce efficiency and cause heating and humming.

In addition, the boiler itself has its own built-in circulation pump, and sometimes more than one, hence such strict requirements.

Always pay attention to the UPS's ability to withstand high inrush currents (two to three times). In addition to the boiler itself, there is also other equipment that needs to be powered, for example a submersible pump.

Calculation of power and battery life

What power should I choose for a UPS for a boiler room? The calculation here is not complicated.

Just add up the power of all electrical appliances that will be connected through it and multiply by two. If there is deep well pump, then by three - taking into account its starting currents.

The data can be taken from the passport or operating instructions, or viewed directly on the product bodies.

For example, for a boiler room where 3 pumps of 90 W each are installed and the boiler itself is 135 W, an inverter from 0.8 to 1.0 kW is suitable. At lower power, field switches (transistors) will overheat.

If the sum of all electrical appliances exceeds the power of the model you have chosen, suddenly you want to power any household appliances, light bulbs, then initially take them into account, and not just boiler equipment.

Here the power can vary from 1 to 5 kW.

How long will the selected UPS operate in autonomous mode? It all depends on the batteries. Here is a table with characteristics of battery capacity and connected load:

It clearly shows in hours and minutes how long your uninterruptible power supply will last for independent operation from the network.

Installation location

It is better to place the UPS near existing outlets. If it is not large, then it is not at all necessary to hang it on the wall, just place it on the nearest shelf. The main thing is not to block the ventilation holes.

At the same time, do not forget to comply with the rules of the PUE. Minimum distances from gas pipes the distance to sockets, including the UPS, must be at least 0.5 m.

Regarding the placement of batteries. Fashionable AGM models are afraid of elevated temperatures of more than 30 degrees. And near the boiler the temperature will clearly not be room temperature.

Car batteries or AGM, gel

Many consumers often use car batteries, which is absolutely forbidden to do. These batteries are fire and explosive.

They are designed for starting currents, and accordingly do not provide the autonomous operation that is required of them. Therefore, here you need to use specialized batteries using AGM or GEL-gel technology.

AGMs have a service life of 6 to 10 years, and gel ones from 10 to 15 years.

Also, gel ones are not afraid of deep discharge.

In addition, both models are fire and explosion-proof for any premises and do not emit any gases. Of course, they cost more, but if earlier the prices differed significantly, today you can find models with a difference of only a couple of thousand.

Automotive types are not designed for large number charge-discharge cycles, and specialized ones with a regular discharge of 30% can be painlessly recharged up to 700 times!

That is, a regular one from a car will last you for a maximum of six months or one heating season, and AGM or gel ones should, in theory, last at least 10 years.

Moreover, high-quality UPSs initially have built-in deep discharge protection. Accordingly, this will further increase the battery life and ensure the longevity of the entire system.

Just be careful and check the battery release date in advance, even in the store. It may not be clearly indicated by numbers, and the sellers, modestly keeping silent about this point, will sell you an old, stale model.

Here, for example, is a table decoding the release date of Ventura brand batteries. Code GF11 PJB6VVK3EA and its decoding based on the first characters. Other brands may vary.
It turns out the release date: 2017-June-11.

Always strive to buy those inverters that initially have a voltage stabilizer built into them.

By this parameter UPS can be divided into 3 types:

  • off line - whatever voltage is supplied to them, this is what comes out

An alternating voltage of 200V was supplied, and the same alternating voltage of 200V was received at the output. If the network parameters deviate beyond the minimum or maximum ranges, it will simply turn on the inverter and begin to take energy from the battery.

Some people wonder why their batteries drain so quickly. Although there seemed to be no outages. Just check the input voltage and everything will become clear.

  • on-line - in them the alternating voltage is first converted into direct voltage, corrected, and then alternating voltage is output again

That is, all bad network parameters (sinusoid, voltage drops, frequency) are leveled and smoothed to nominal values.

Electricity supply country houses characterized not only by frequent interruptions, but also by low quality input voltage. However, the UPS should not be considered a panacea for these ills.

Not all models can “pull” too low a voltage (less than 170-180V).

With such a drawdown, the device will go into error, turn off and beep. Accordingly, the boiler will turn off along with it, or it will immediately switch to the battery.

At the same time, the UPS itself may indicate that it is designed to operate at a voltage of 180V. What's the matter, were they deceived in the store?

The fact is that for the initial start-up such instances require a minimum of 190V, and only then, in the event of further drawdown, they can draw both 180V and 170V, and maybe lower.

So if you really have serious and persistent problems with the input U<200В, то все-таки придется на вход установить нормальный инверторный стабилизатор.

Common mistakes when choosing

To summarize all of the above, we can make a brief overview of the most common mistakes that you should avoid when purchasing and choosing an uninterruptible power supply in a store.

1 Wrong type of uninterruptible power supply.

For gas boilers you need online models. No offline or linear-interactive, unless of course you have an additional stabilizer in front of them.

2 Incorrect batteries.

Install only those made using AGM or gel technology, forget about automotive ones.

3 Use instead of a normal UPS for a UPS boiler from a computer.

Here expect problems with autonomy and purity of the sinus.

4 Lack of stabilizer with consistently low voltage drops over a long period of operation.

As a result, the batteries quickly discharge, or even fail to operate due to software errors in the boiler electronics.

5 Wrong choice of power without taking into account starting currents.

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A heating boiler in winter is a key thing in the entire house, especially if it is private and located outside the city. This means that quick help in case of a breakdown or power outage will not be able to come. In order to protect yourself from such troubles, you should take care of a backup power source in case of power surges or power outages. Uninterruptible power supplies for heating boilers do an excellent job of this.

Uninterruptible power supplies for heating boilers

The UPS will provide the boiler with an additional power source, but it will not always be able to solve all the problems of guaranteeing a backup power source. It is important to remember that it cannot replace the generator, and if there is a situation where the period of absence of light is equal to the time when it is on, then the uninterruptible power supply will not be able to work normally, since it takes longer to charge than it discharges. There are also a number of specific cases when it will not help.

In constant unforeseen situations, this is a useful and necessary thing. Its purpose is to provide constant voltage within the specified limits, and if it is often unexpectedly turned off or fluctuations occur, then this device always comes to the rescue in such force majeure situations.

Operating principle

Functioning as an auxiliary power source is possible because the UPS can store energy while charging and then release it as needed. The design of the device implies autonomy and a minimum of settings: it only needs to be connected to the boiler. Uninterruptible power supply for, which are now most common, is necessary only to maintain the operation of the pump, the consumption of which is minimal. This figure ranges from 100-200 W. The battery for the UPS has a significant impact, on which the period of its operation will fully depend when the power supply is turned off.

Battery for UPS

Video: principle of operation of the UPS

How does it all work?

In order for the UPS to operate in nominal mode, it also requires a power source in the form of a 12 V battery with a charging unit. The larger the battery capacity, the longer it can maintain autonomy. Under normal conditions, this device is turned off and stores energy in its batteries. The voltage from the network goes directly to the needs of the boiler, bypassing the UPS. Once the batteries are fully charged, energy transits through them. If the voltage in the network disappears, the device begins to draw energy from the batteries, and the reverse process occurs. From the battery, the current is converted to the necessary parameters to power the boiler. It will be able to allow the heat source and other electrical appliances connected to it to continue operating.

UPS types

There are two types of uninterruptible power supply:

  • offline;
  • online.

Compared to the first type, they have less internal voltage and require from 1 to 4 batteries to function. The switching time for them will last from 4 to 10 ms. If the boiler does not have an automated switching system after voltage appears in the network, this type will not be suitable. It is cheaper, since the cost of the unit itself is low, and fewer batteries are required for its operation. But in this case, you need to buy another device, namely: voltage stabilizer. This type is most often used for circulation pumps in other types.

The second type has zero switching time to battery resources, they have double conversion, and the stabilization function is well expressed. They are more suitable for gas and diesel heat sources. This type is more expensive and is able to reliably protect the components of the heating system.

Performance selection

To correctly select the power of an uninterruptible power supply for a boiler, it is necessary to calculate the power of all devices that will ensure stable operation of the heating system. This includes pumps and automation. By summing up all these indicators, you can reach the required UPS power. But it’s better to play it safe and look for a device with a power 20-30% higher than required; it will help during peak load periods, which will certainly occur during startup.

On average, a boiler pump consumes no more than 150 W, which means you will need a device with a power of 300 W. When equipped with double pumps, this figure increases by 400-500 W.

If you are familiar with electrical engineering, then you should try to assemble uninterruptible power supplies for heating boilers with your own hands. But don’t get your hopes up: most often, homemade devices are still inferior in quality and reliability, as well as other indicators, to industrial designs. If you do the whole circuit yourself, you will also get savings:

  • when you take ready-made elements and install them, you save about 30%;
  • with self-assembly from individual parts, about 70% is obtained.

To assemble an uninterruptible power supply for a heating boiler with your own hands, you need the following components:

  • A power source from the network with high efficiency and preferably a pulse type. The voltage should be 28.8 V at 50 A. It will allow you to connect the battery directly without adapters. It also guarantees a full and regular charge.
  • A regular 12 V car battery.
  • Inverters with output characteristics of 310 V and 200 Ah.
  • Resonant filter for higher harmonics. It is collected independently.

Most components, except the last one, can be purchased at specialized radio parts stores. They should be connected according to the diagram:

Nowadays, technology is developing at a very fast pace, and the developed innovative devices make human life as comfortable as possible. Thanks to modern heating equipment, it is possible to heat private residential buildings, but it will be necessary to take care of protection against unstable operation of the devices. An uninterruptible power supply with a battery for a gas-type boiler is an excellent solution for heating to continue for some time after the power supply is turned off. It is sometimes impossible to do without this device during the cold season. The main thing is to choose the right UPS model, taking into account all technical characteristics device.

An uninterruptible power supply for a boiler with a battery is a device that connects to heating equipment in case of power outages in the house. It allows you not only to maintain space heating, but also to prevent failure of the initial boiler settings.

The device is equipped with a reliable stabilizer, so it equalizes the frequency of the electric current, eliminating system failure as a result of voltage fluctuations.

To the main advantages This uninterruptible power supply includes the following:

  1. Reacts almost instantly to voltage fluctuations;
  2. Low noise level during operation;
  3. A simple diagram of the operation of the device;
  4. Can be placed near the boiler;
  5. No wizard intervention is required to connect and configure functions;
  6. No specialist supervision required;
  7. Unique deep discharge protection system;
  8. The risk of an emergency in the home is minimized.


In the absence of electricity in the network, a gas boiler can operate using a UPS powered by a battery.

Uninterruptible power supplies are divided into several types:

  1. Linear;
  2. Linear interactive;
  3. With double conversion.


Most available device type, which supplies heating equipment with filtered voltage from the primary network.

What should a UPS be like for gas boilers and have perfect protection against poor-quality electrical networks? When is it beneficial to use a UPS for heating boilers? Imagine what it feels like to know that the heating in your home will work without interruption, and poor-quality electrical voltage will not harm your heating boiler, which will keep your home warm on long winter evenings.

UPS on line for boilers

An uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler should not care what the input voltage is; it always produces voltage at the output without distortion thanks to On Line technology. An online UPS for a boiler stabilizes the power grid from interference and surges, and double conversion technology ensures continuous power. An online UPS for gas boilers will provide protection for heating equipment and comfort in use.

It is beneficial to use a UPS for gas boilers when you want to connect only the heating system and, for example, several household appliances. With this configuration, the battery life of a UPS for a heating boiler can reach several days. The stabilizer will only protect against power surges, but will not be able to provide continuous power to the boiler. The generator is not always convenient, even if it is fully automated, at least in that it needs to be filled with fuel, which emits an odor and creates dirt, it can make noise and vibrate. And if you have important things to do, you need to take care of who will monitor the generator.

The online UPS for the boiler previously listed has no problems; you can install it in the house and forget about it until the battery life expires. Rechargeable batteries are sealed and maintenance-free, they do not contain any fumes, are fireproof, and can be installed in residential premises. Work in any position. Do not confuse with automobile ones.

Choosing a UPS for a boiler

How to choose a UPS for a boiler? Now that we know that an online UPS for gas boilers is suitable for us, we need to find out:

  1. For what battery life will we select batteries for the UPS?
  2. what equipment will power the on line UPS for boilers?
  3. what is the total total power in “Watts” of the equipment?
If you want to calculate the operating time of the UPS from batteries, then write the power of your boiler and pump, as well as the desired duration of operation of your equipment without mains voltage, to the email sale@site, the answer will not be long in coming.

It should be noted that on UPS for gas boilers prices are largely determined by batteries. Therefore, the battery life of a UPS for heating boilers is calculated based on the frequency and duration of voltage problems in the network.

The uninterruptible power supplies below meet all the requirements stated above, and many years of experience in demand and customer wishes have helped us make a high-quality selection of UPS for gas boilers with external batteries and battery packs.

Available UPS

Affordable UPS for heating boilers, without built-in batteries. External batteries are connected. Equipped with LED LCD displays. Microprocessor control. Automatic diagnostics at startup. Automatic battery charging. The price for UPS for boilers is current.

Waveform: pure sine wave
Power Va/W: EA910II LCDH 1000VA / 800 W, EA930II LCDH 3000VA / 2400 W, EA930II LCDH 6000VA / 4800 W
Voltage range: 110-290 V
Sockets: connector for connecting external batteries
Remote monitoring: port RS232, USB, SNMP
Guarantee: 1 year from the manufacturer

Optimal UPS

The optimal ratio of price and UPS properties, as well as many years of experience in using the Monolith series in our country, inspire confidence and peace of mind for a safe power supply. It does not have built-in batteries and is equipped with a powerful charger; external batteries are connected for long-term autonomous operation of the boiler. The price for UPS for boilers is current.

Typology of On line UPS for boilers
Waveform: pure sine wave
Power Va/W: Monolith K 1000VA / 700 W Monolith K 3000VA / 2100 W Monolith K 6000VA / 4800 W
Voltage range: 120-295 V
Sockets: 2 (from baht) Tel / modem / fax connector for connecting external batteries
Remote monitoring: yes RS232 x 1
Battery: Sealed, lead acid, maintenance free, 12V
Guarantee: 2 years from the manufacturer

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