
Sinyagin, Nikolai Nikolaevich - a system of preventive maintenance of equipment and industrial power networks. Gallery of bookplates - book monuments of Karelia Approximate word search

In 1900, a new face appeared on the second-hand market horizon. Having stopped trading business, N.K. Sinyagin directed all his funds to collecting the library and collecting. As F. G. Shilov recalled, “at first, the purpose and meaning of his collection were unclear to us. Sinyagin started with erotica, buying pornographic pictures. Soon he met and became close friends with Klochkov and Solovyov and dramatically changed the nature of his collecting. He began to collect books on the history of the war of 1812, not only in Russian, but also in French. He also collected all the classics in the first editions, illustrated editions, folk tales, folk songs, as well as brochures, engravings, lithographs and drawings depicting views of Russian cities, monasteries and churches and the life of the Russian people.

In the erotic section of his collection there were books of the 18th century with engravings and books such as The Marquis de Sade, The Life of 12 Caesars and Empresses, Treasured Tales, a lot of French watercolors, as well as watercolors Zichy, depicting Russian tsars and great princes in obscene poses. When the St. Petersburg mayor von der Launitz was killed, Sinyagin considered it best to destroy all dubious things, including Zichy's watercolors.

In his collection there was a Rossica department; Sinyagin deliberately repeatedly traveled abroad and bought illustrated publications relating to Russia, individual engravings and lithographs in Berlin and Paris.

In addition to collecting, N.K. Sipyagin quite professionally dealt with the description of illustrated Russian books, compiled two issues of “Materials for the Bibliography of Russian Illustrated Editions”, prepared a 12-volume edition of the history of Russia, edited by Anderson; he prepared Materials for the history of Emperor Alexander I and his era, collected by N.K. Sinyagin: Issue. 1. - St. Petersburg: T-vo R. Golike and A. Vilborg, 1910.

N. K. Sinyagin was a member and treasurer of the Circle of lovers of Russian fine publications.

Sinyagin spent the last years of his life in a psychiatric hospital in Udelnaya.

His library consisted of about 20,000 volumes. In 1917, when Sinyagin's house was given to a military unit, his brother, Ivan Kuzmich, sold the library to P.V. Gubar for a very low price, who later sold rarities from it in his Antikvariat store on Nevsky Prospekt. Separate sheets (1481 sheets) of city views were sold to the Central Committee of State Libraries and then ended up in the Public Library (1927); descriptions of monasteries and churches were sold to the city museum; and a lot of books went abroad - Gubar sold them to the Washington library; the portrait part was kept by Gubar until 1937, when it was transferred to the Literary Museum in Moscow.



  • Shilov F. G. Notes of an old scribe


  • Church mts. king ALEXANDRA at the Clinical Skin Hospital V. K. Sinyagin and A. K. Chekaleva

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Sinyagivka (Zbarazhsky district)
  • Sinyagin, Irakli Ivanovich

See what "Sinyagin, Nikolai Kuzmich" is in other dictionaries:

    Sinyagin- Russian surname. Known carriers: Sinyagin, Irakli Ivanovich (1911 1978) Soviet agricultural chemist, academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (since 1960), its vice president in 1965-1978. Sinyagin, Nikolay Kuzmich (1874-1912) bibliographer, bibliophile, collector. Sinyagin, ... ... Wikipedia

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In the Guidelines for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1976-1980, one of the most important tasks is to ensure an all-round increase in efficiency and intensification of social production, to strengthen the economy and improve the quality of work. These tasks are directly related to the activities of repair services, where the organization of repairs, their cost and quality, labor productivity and the degree of its mechanization lag sharply behind the same indicators of the main production.

With regard to power equipment and networks, two main categories of labor and material costs that arise in the production process, including in the process of fulfilling the five-year plan tasks, can be distinguished.

The first group of costs is associated with losses resulting from unscheduled shutdowns and accidents of power plants, which, on the one hand, entail a violation production process, downtime of power and technological equipment, reduce the utilization rate of fixed assets of enterprises, on the other hand, cause the need to restore the efficiency of power equipment and networks.

The second group of costs is determined by the costs of labor and material resources directly for the repair and maintenance of power equipment and networks in a state of operational readiness. The reduction of planned downtime of power equipment and networks due to repairs is also essential here.

Behind last years many ministries and departments have developed industry-specific preventive maintenance (PPR) systems for power equipment or have included the issues of its repair in the PPR systems of process equipment. A different approach to the development of industrial PPR systems determines the different degree of their development, a wide range of repair standards for the same type of equipment, different structure and construction of the systems themselves.

An analysis of dozens of industry-specific PPR systems for power equipment gives reason to conclude that, since the country's industrial enterprises are equipped mainly with serial domestic power equipment for general industrial purposes, the requirements for technical operation and safe maintenance of which are determined by the relevant all-Union Rules, it is necessary to create a unified all-Union system for PPR of power equipment and networks. Sectoral PPR systems should be based on a single system and reflect only the specifics of the range and operating conditions of power equipment and networks of a particular industry.

The Commission for the Repair of Power Equipment of the VSNTO Committee on Industrial Energy, considering the issue of creating a standard PPR system, adopted similar recommendations.

On behalf of the Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR, a team of authors developed the proposed PPR system for industrial energy equipment and networks (PPPROPE). Considering that such a non-departmental PPR system was developed for the first time, the authors considered it necessary to give some theoretical background to the development of repair standards and establish the appropriate terminology.

The proposed system has significant differences from previously published departmental PPR systems for power equipment. Particular importance is attached to the duration and structure of the repair cycle as the main factors in reducing repair costs while ensuring the required reliability of the operation of power equipment and networks. This is what determines its efficiency.

Letters, questions and reviews received after the first edition of the book helped to reveal some shortcomings and ambiguities made in the first edition, which, if possible, were eliminated in this edition. In particular, a more clearly formulated method for determining the labor intensity Maintenance power equipment and networks; developed classification system; has undergone changes §1-3 on the ways of development of centralized repair; paragraphs were introduced on diagnostic monitoring of the state of power equipment, on quality management of repairs and maintenance, on planning measures to save energy resources; the information available in some chapters on the volumes and standards of post-repair tests, set out in the relevant GOST and PTE, was withdrawn; made a number of other changes and additions.

The title of the book has also been changed. The new name more accurately reflects its objectives and content.

The volume of the book and its purposefulness did not make it possible to take into account all the wishes and comments received. Thus, the authors consider the wishes to supplement Chapter 10 with integral standards for specific models of the most common technological equipment practically unrealizable.

The general tone of the letters is benevolent, the authors of the letters and reviews approve the release of the book, its theoretical and normative parts. The authors attribute this primarily to the lack of generalizing and directive materials in the published literature on scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment and industrial power networks.

Chapters 1-3, 10, 12, 17-20 were written by N.N. Sinyagin, Ch. 4-9, 11, 13, 14, 16 N.A. Afanasiev and S.A. Novikov, Ch. 15 - N.N. Sinyagin and N.A. Afanasiev.

The authors are grateful to L. I. Weinstein, V. V. Vozdvizhensky, Yu. V. Kopytov, N. I. Ryabtsev, V. P. Korablev, P. D. Strakhov, and A. M. Fisherovich for valuable suggestions during this book.

Nikolai Kuzmich Sinyagin(1874-1912) - bibliophile, collector, bibliographer.

After the death of his father, a major grain merchant, having received a large inheritance, he donated more than 200 thousand rubles for the construction of the stone building "Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases" designed by architect S. A. Barankeev at the Institute of Experimental Medicine.

In 1900, a new face appeared on the second-hand market horizon. Having stopped trading business, N.K. Sinyagin directed all his funds to collecting the library and collecting. As F. G. Shilov recalled, “at first, the purpose and meaning of his collection were unclear to us. Sinyagin started with erotica, buying pornographic pictures. Soon he met and became close friends with Klochkov and Solovyov and dramatically changed the nature of his collecting. He began to collect books on the history of the war of 1812, not only in Russian, but also in French. He also collected all the classics in the first editions, illustrated editions, folk tales, folk songs, as well as brochures, engravings, lithographs and drawings depicting views of Russian cities, monasteries and churches and the life of the Russian people.

In the erotic section of his collection there were books of the 18th century with engravings and such books as The Marquis de Sade, The Life of 12 Caesars and Empresses, Treasured Tales, a lot of French watercolors, as well as watercolors by Zichy, depicting Russian tsars and great princes in obscene poses. When the St. Petersburg mayor von der Launitz was killed, Sinyagin considered it best to destroy all dubious things, including Zichy's watercolors.

In his collection there was a Rossica department; Sinyagin deliberately repeatedly traveled abroad and bought illustrated publications relating to Russia, individual engravings and lithographs in Berlin and Paris.

In addition to collecting, N.K. Sinyagin quite professionally dealt with the description of illustrated Russian books, compiled two issues of "Materials for the Bibliography of Russian Illustrated Editions", prepared a 12-volume edition of the history of Russia, edited by Anderson; he prepared Materials for the history of Emperor Alexander I and his era, collected by N.K. Sinyagin: Issue. 1. - St. Petersburg: T-vo R. Golike and A. Vilborg, 1910.

N. K. Sinyagin was a member and treasurer of the Circle of lovers of Russian fine publications.

Sinyagin spent the last years of his life in a psychiatric hospital in Udelnaya.

His library consisted of about 20,000 volumes. In 1917, when Sinyagin's house was given to a military unit, his brother, Ivan Kuzmich, sold the library to P.V. Gubar for a very low price, who later sold rarities from it in his Antikvariat store on Nevsky Prospekt. Separate sheets (1481 sheets) of city views were sold to the Central Committee of State Libraries and then ended up in the Public Library (1927); descriptions of monasteries and churches were sold to the city museum; and a lot of books went abroad - Gubar sold them to the Washington library; the portrait part was kept by Gubar until 1937, when it was transferred to the Literary Museum in Moscow.

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search the words

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

Sinyagin Nikolai Kuzmich

(1873 – 1912)

Merchant, bibliographer, bibliophile, collector. After the death of his father, a large grain merchant, having received a large inheritance, he built and equipped a hospital at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Stopped trading, N. K. Sinyagin he directed his funds to collecting the library and collecting. He was engaged in the description of illustrated Russian books, compiled two issues of Materials for the Bibliography of Russian Illustrated Editions. Member of the Circle of lovers of Russian fine publications.

The library consisted of about 20,000 volumes - Russian and foreign editions, history books Patriotic War 1812, Rossica, collection of memoirs, children's literature XVIII - early XIX centuries, bibliographic indexes and catalogs of libraries. The books of all Russians and foreign classics in the first editions, illustrated editions, etc. In 1917, the library was acquired by P. V. Gubar, who later sold rarities from it in his Antikvariat store.

    Bookplates and stamps from private collections in the holdings of the Historical Library. - Moscow, 2001. - S. 69-70, N 129.

    Bogomolov, S. I. Russian book sign, 1700-1918. - Moscow: Past, 2010. - S. 754, N 14394a.

    Vlasova, O. V. Balashova, E. L. Ownership signs on engravings and lithographs: based on the material of the engraving department of the State Russian Museum. - St. Petersburg, 2003. - S. 84-85.

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