
Form III: Soresu, also known as. Reconstruction of lightsaber fencing Makashi form

An elegant weapon from more civilized times... Really? Well, I guess times have changed.

Clone commando RC-1138, nicknamed The Boss, Star Wars: Republic Commando

We constantly tell you about weapons common in computer games, which has prototypes in human history. However, in science fiction games one often encounters devices for killing, the likes of which have never existed on Earth. And today we are starting a series of articles devoted to the most striking fantastic types of weapons. Our first story is dedicated to one of the most recognizable weapons of modern science fiction - the lightsaber. For almost thirty years now, this unusual weapon, invented by George Lucas, has remained the calling card of the “distant Galaxy.”

Batteries were not included

One of the early concepts for A New Hope depicts stormtroopers with lightsabers.

To appreciate all the qualities of a lightsaber, both positive and negative, you must first know how and why this weapon was created. It's no secret that George Lucas originally intended to equip most of the inhabitants of his universe with lightsabers. Fortunately, the famous director abandoned this idea, and the lightsaber did not become as commonplace as the vulgar blaster. After all, it was the aura of mystery that surrounded the powerful Jedi that aroused such interest in what was connected with them, including weapons.

It is believed that in ancient times - many millennia before the events known to us in the film - lightsaber technology was developed by the first knights of the Jedi Order. Although these first examples of the sword were already able to create a “limited beam of light,” their potential remained extremely low due to their large size. The knight inventors simply did not have a compact source of energy at their disposal that would support the functioning of the lightsaber. As a result, the sword hilt, also much larger than those we are used to seeing, could not work autonomously, and it had to be attached to heavy batteries, which were often worn on the back like a backpack.

The lightsaber evolved from a high-tech but cumbersome design into a traditional Jedi weapon when the Knights were able to find an alternative power source. It was a diatium power unit, no larger in size than the batteries used in blasters - or, if you want an earthly analogue, in mobile phones. In “modern” lightsabers, the power unit occupies approximately a third of the volume of the sword hilt, the dimensions of which rarely exceed two tens of centimeters.

Light Blade Arc

Two lightsabers versus one living staff.

The shape of a sword is limited only by the imagination of its creator.

Any lightsaber hilt, when viewed from the outside, is metal cylinder with a number of regulators of unclear, at first glance, purpose and decorative elements. There must be a connector for recharging the battery and there is almost always a device for attaching the handle to the belt - the rest is optional and depends on who assembled this particular sword. It is believed that by the appearance of the handle, an experienced craftsman can learn almost everything about the character of its owner.

Of the buttons on the body of the sword, only one is truly necessary - the one that activates the blade. Although usually, during the assembly of the sword, the knight adds several additional elements: for example, a fuse (what could be stupider than cutting off your own leg with an accidentally activated sword?), a device for diagnosing the condition of the weapon, or a regulator that allows you to adjust the length of the blade.

Of course, when you first look at the Jedi sword, the question immediately arises: how does this device create a “limited beam of light”, most often a little more than a meter long?.. It is possible to give an answer only by understanding the internal structure of the weapon.

Inside the cylindrical body, in addition to the power unit occupying the lower part of the handle, there are: crystals that focus the energy of the battery; magnetic blade stabilizer; a lens, an energy conductor, an insulator, as well as the most important circuits that create an energy field, without which the generation of the blade would be impossible.

The insides of a lightsaber.

The electromagnetic field creates an arc effect, as a result of which the flow of energy is closed and controllable. The energy passes through the positive lens and is attracted to the negative entrance hole, which forms the same arc - a kind of analogue of an energy arch. In fact, although we see a solid blade, it is a narrow, elongated loop of a high-frequency flow of pure energy. It exits the battery, takes the form of a light blade, and then returns to the power unit and restores charge. This technology makes it possible to reduce energy losses to almost zero - it is spent only on overcoming external resistance, and the rest of the time the closed system supports itself.

Sword Heart

Focusing crystals, which not only ensure the functioning of the lightsaber, but also determine its color and properties, require special consideration. There can be either one or several crystals inside the sword - only in the second case can the Jedi change the length of the blade. It is the crystals, thanks to their special structure, that transform a beam of energy into a narrow beam of light - an analogue of the blade of a cold weapon.

Unfortunately, not every crystal has a suitable structure, and any ordinary diamond is not suitable for creating a lightsaber. During the heyday of the Jedi Order, there were only a few known planets on which the knights could find suitable crystals for themselves.

DIY kit. Only for Jedi!

Both the color of the sword and its properties depend on the focusing crystal.

Sometimes, most often out of necessity, they used not the crystals themselves, but their unusual analogues. Let's say some jewelry. And Anakin Solo managed to adapt even a living organism, whose body had properties similar to a crystal, for focusing.

The eternal enemies of the Jedi, the Sith preferred to insert artificial crystals into their swords, which they themselves created in high-temperature furnaces using the Force. Lightsabers with artificial crystals usually not only have a blood-red color to the blade, but they can also cause overload and malfunction of a regular lightsaber. It is curious that Luke Skywalker created the crystal for his second sword using Sith technology.

One way or another, when a suitable crystal is selected, the knight processes it, including with the Force, after which he can begin assembling the sword. This process is not only technical, but also mystical - sometimes it is accompanied by deep meditation, because a sword is not only a weapon, it contains a piece of the soul and essence of the Jedi who created it. And woe to those who rush or focus the crystal incorrectly: the weapon will explode in the hands of an unlucky self-taught engineer. The need to use Force in the manufacturing process - main reason, according to which lightsabers were not widely used in the Galaxy.

Weapons for the Guardians of Peace

You can’t get your hand back, but Padawan Rosh is not in danger of dying from loss of blood.

The Jedi use the sword mainly for defense, which fits very well with their ideals of being guardians of peace, not soldiers: after all, if it comes to shooting, the knight can always deflect a blaster shot - including back at the enemy. However, this only applies to energy weapons - the bullet will simply melt upon collision with the blade. And wounds inflicted by a lightsaber never bleed, since the blade not only cuts organic tissue, but also immediately cauterizes it. All this turns the lightsaber into a relatively humane weapon.

In addition, the sword has extremely useful property- cut almost any material found in the universe " Star Wars" It will cut through ordinary steel instantly; you’ll have to tinker with the armor of a spaceship, but it won’t resist either.

This is interesting: Unfortunately, in games it is rarely possible to use a lightsaber in this way - at best, in a couple of key episodes they will be allowed to cut through another obstacle. Developers of a multi-platform action movie The Force Unleashed is working to correct this omission, and promises that with the help of the Force and a sword, players will be able to destroy almost any obstacle.

The Sith seemed to have learned how to defend against piercing blows from some tennis player.

However, first of all, a lightsaber is intended for combat. But here it should be noted that fencing with lightsabers is very different from working with any melee weapon that exists on our planet. Firstly, a lightsaber does not have a cutting edge, which means that any contact with the enemy’s body automatically leads to a wound. It’s not for nothing that every Saga film features at least one severed limb.

Secondly, the blade of a lightsaber has no weight - the entire weight of the sword is concentrated in the hilt, which radically changes the balance of the weapon and leads to a lot of sweeping and spectacular movements that are impossible in a fight with ordinary swords. In addition, when two blades come into contact, they, like equally charged magnets, repel each other, and in order to keep the blades in contact, considerable effort is required from the fighters. So inertia plays a very big role in a lightsaber duel.

It is also worth adding that the electromagnetic field creates a gyroscopic effect, which makes it difficult to control the sword. Without the Force, it is almost impossible to effectively use a lightsaber both defensively and offensively. This is the second reason why ordinary people do not roam a distant galaxy with lightsabers on their belts.

And finally, thirdly, in any lightsaber duel, an important role is played not so much by combat skills, but by the ability of the fighters to use the Force. By increasing his strength or reaction with its help, the Jedi will excel in battle the best masters fencing.

On the set: When staging fights, actors and stuntmen used mock-ups of swords, the “blades” of which were made of light alloy. It is difficult to deliver piercing blows with a weightless blade - there are practically no such blows in films. Therefore, mostly the heroes of “Star Wars” use wide, spectacular and completely non-ergonomic slashing blows in battle.

Is there no method against scrap?

In the Star Wars universe, there are only a few materials that can stop a lightsaber. The first of these is any energy field. The second is special organisms bred by aliens from another Galaxy - the Yuuzhan Vong. These creatures can change structure own body, which helps them cope with lightsaber strikes.

But the most widespread is cortosis - a special metal that absorbs any energy and, upon contact with an activated lightsaber, temporarily renders it inoperative. Cortosis was often used to make weapons or armor for those who, for one reason or another, feared a conflict with the Jedi or Sith.

Able to withstand lightsaber blows and a metal called prik, from which the weapons of General Grievous's bodyguards were created, as well as a special alloy created by the Mandlorians.

In the Knights of the Old Republic games, a hero with a vibrating sword could fight on equal terms with a character wielding a lightsaber, but this was done for the sake of game balance and was contrary to the laws of the distant Galaxy.

Seven styles

Although lightsaber fencing is based primarily on mastery of the Force, it would be a mistake to say that the Jedi themselves have no combat skills. Over the centuries of the Order's existence, the knights created seven main styles of lightsaber combat.

    First Form: Shii-Cho. Also known as the "Way of the Sarlacc" is the most ancient and simplest style of lightsaber fencing. This form is quite crude and effective only in battles with numerous, but not very strong opponents. Almost all Jedi learn the basics of Shii-Cho at an early stage of training.

    Second form: Makashi. This elegant style is designed specifically for lightsaber duels. Unlike other styles, which mainly involve a two-handed grip of the sword, Makashi predominates in techniques that are performed with a one-handed grip. Minimal energy expenditure, graceful feints and cunning combinations of blows are the main advantages of this technique, however, even an experienced Makashi master can find himself in a difficult situation when facing an opponent who relies on brute force.

    Third Form: Soresu. The Soresu form is intended primarily for protection - from blaster fire or furious enemy attacks. The philosophy of this style requires studying the enemy during the fight, waiting for the right moment and delivering a single decisive blow, which requires incredible concentration and patience. The master of this form was Obi-Wan, who demonstrated the ability to defend himself and attack suddenly in duels with his former student and general Grievous.

    Master Ataru vs Adept Juo.

    Fourth Form: Ataru. A real find for aggressive fighters who rely on power and speed. Incredible acrobatic somersaults, constant movement and rapid attacks are what distinguishes adherents of this technique, such as Master Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. However, this style is not suitable for protracted duels, as it exhausts the fighter too much.

    Fifth Form: Shien (Djem So). Darth Vader's favorite style is a more offensive and powerful variant of Soresu. This technique preaches an instant transition from defense to an attack so strong that no defense can resist it. There are two variations of the fifth form: Shien is designed to protect against ranged attacks and use them against the enemy, and Djem So focuses on training for lightsaber duels.

    Sixth Form: Niman. The sixth style, better known as “diplomatic,” is the most balanced, but also the least effective of the seven. Niman has practically no weaknesses, but he cannot provide any particular advantages either. A much greater danger to the enemy is a Jedi who has mastered a subspecies of the sixth form called Jar'Kai. It was created specifically for those who believe that two swords are much better than one.

    Seventh Form: Vaapad. The youngest form of combat, it was developed by Mace Windu several decades before the fall of the Old Republic on the basis of the Juoh technique, which never developed into a full-fledged style. In Vaapad, the emphasis is on overwhelming power and the ability to find weak sides enemy, using them against him. It is believed that it is impossible to fully master this style without first studying the other six techniques - besides Mace, only one of his students, Depe Billaba, managed to do this.

Any form of wielding a lightsaber is not just a set of standard movements and combinations, but a reflection of the philosophy of the Jedi who uses one or another technique, although often the knights were trained in several techniques at once.

However, along with much other knowledge of the Jedi of the past, some of the secrets of these techniques were lost during Palpatine's reign. Therefore, during the time of the New Jedi Order, three simplified techniques for wielding a lightsaber appeared - “speed”, “medium” and “force”. The first is based on short, quick attacks, the second relies on simplicity and grace, and the third on raw power and slow strikes. The most famous Jedi of the New Republic, Kyle Katarn, became the master and instructor of all three styles.

Interview with Nick Gillard

Especially for this article, we asked Nick Gillard, the stuntman who directed the lightsaber fights in the new Star Wars trilogy, to answer a few questions.

LCI: Nick, how did it happen that you were entrusted with staging the lightsaber fights in the Star Wars prequels?

Nick Gillard: I have previously worked as a stuntman on several Lucasfilm projects: the Indiana Jones trilogy, the film Willow, and the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles series. Obviously, I managed to prove myself well, and I was invited to do the fighting in the new episodes of the Saga.

The actor and the stuntman are friends forever.

LCI: Were you the executor of Lucas’s ideas or did you yourself bring in some ideas regarding staging the battles?

N.G.: George Lucas didn't restrict me in the slightest, on the contrary, he allowed me to do almost anything I wanted. I decided to create a very special style of sword fighting for the Jedi of the Old Republic, different from any classic style fencing. In my opinion, it turned out very spectacular, and I would like to develop this style in new Star Wars projects.

LCI: In the prequels, the role of Count Dooku was played by actor Christopher Lee, who was already over seventy. Did his age become a hindrance for you, since he had to fight with much younger partners?

N.G.: Although Lee is not young, he has another important quality - a wealth of experience. He is excellent with a sword and tried to perform as many tricks as possible himself. Only in a few episodes did we use stuntmen and computer graphics.

LCI: Discussions continue about whether Mace Windu really managed to defeat Palpatine or whether the future Emperor succumbed. Can you resolve this dispute?

N.G.: This is indeed a very difficult question. It is quite possible that Palpatine doubted his ability to turn the Chosen One to the Dark Side of the Force and therefore lost the duel to Mace... on the other hand, who in their right mind would claim to understand what was going on in the head of the Sith?..

The swords are unusual... and too ordinary

Darth Vader's secret disciple from The Force Unleashed, unlike most Jedi and Sith, prefers a reverse grip of the sword.

One of the most unusual designs lightsaber hilts, designed specifically for the game The Force Unleashed.

Typically, Jedi value weapons they assemble with their own hands and try not to part with them throughout their lives. However, there are examples of how a Jedi, having reached a high level, assembled a new, more powerful sword for himself - for example, Mace Windu did this after he was accepted into the Jedi Council.

Although in general the structure of almost all lightsabers is identical, each of them is original and bears the imprint of the owner’s character. There are many completely unique models associated with the characteristics of the Jedi. Let's say the length of the hilt of Master Yoda's sword is several times less than the standard one.

However, such short swords are not only suitable for short Jedi like old man Yoda. They are often used as a dagger - as a pair to a regular lightsaber. Conversely, lightsabers with a blade length of up to three meters are known - practically spears. Of course, such weapons are not very convenient for humans, but for representatives of larger races they are just right.

Often, young Jedi began practicing with a lightsaber at the age of five or six. Of course, for small children a full-fledged lightsaber is mortal danger: after all, a single awkward movement can lead to injury or death. To protect the younger generation, training swords were developed - their blades are less focused and therefore less dangerous.

In a one-on-one fight, a light pole is of little use.

Who said that a Jedi and aggression are incompatible things?

Luke's former flame, the Sith lady Lumaya, is a big fan of the light whip.

Perhaps the most striking and memorable appearance Of all types of light weapons, the light staff possesses. Star Wars fans first saw him in The Phantom Menace. Bright style The battle of Darth Maul, who wielded a light staff, was immediately remembered by the audience and made this weapon very popular. But Maul did not invent the light staff himself - this weapon was widespread during the times of the Old Republic; another Sith, Exar Kun, introduced fashion for it, although there are rumors that he also borrowed the idea from even more ancient Siths. The staff's handle is almost twice the size of a normal one, and both ends are capable of generating light "blades". Naturally, wielding such a weapon requires special training, otherwise you are more likely to kill yourself than your opponent. But with high skill of the fighter, the staff turns into a powerful weapon that serves equally well in attack and defense, including against several opponents at once. However, the Jedi rarely used the light staff, considering it too aggressive a weapon.

Another unusual type of lightsaber is considered a weapon of the Sith - the light whip. The handle of the whip, like the sword, generates a stream of energy, but not a stable and “solid” one, but in the form of several long, serpentine rays of light, which are not easy to stop even for a skilled Jedi with a regular sword.

About a century after Palpatine's death, a new Empire emerged, based on the Order of the Imperial Knights. All its members collected absolutely identical swords for themselves to emphasize their devotion to the Empire and renunciation of personal ambitions.

Death to the Jedi Dogs

By giving the Jedi and Sith such formidable weapons, George Lucas put the rest of the inhabitants of his fantasy universe at a very disadvantage. Although among those who are deprived of the Force, there are craftsmen who are capable of using lightsabers in battle. We are, of course, talking about General Grievous, who proved that not only a Sith can fight on equal terms with a Jedi.

Grievous was once a commander on a small planet, but one day, after a ship crashed, almost nothing remained of his body. A mechanical body of incredible power was created especially for him, which allowed him to fight the Jedi on equal terms.

What kind of food processor could it be...

In addition to the droid's physical strength, Grievous gained incredibly fast reactions, which are comparable to the Force-enhanced reactions of the Jedi. The unique design of his body makes Grievous very fast, so much so that it is almost impossible to distinguish his movements with the normal eye; in addition, the general’s entire mechanical body is stuffed with surprises that are unpleasant for the enemy.

As far as is known at the moment, Grievous remains the only creature who did not possess the Force, but fought with lightsabers, and at a level not available even to the Jedi. After all, all six limbs of the general - four arms and flexible legs - are equally well suited for wielding weapons.

However, the mighty general also had a weak spot. He overly relied on the speed granted by his cybernetic body and his powerful, but too monotonous style of lightsaber combat, which was his undoing. By the way, it is worth noting Grievous’ funny hobby: hating the Jedi, he collected the swords of the knights he defeated, and then used them in battle against other Jedi.

No less effective in battle with the Jedi were the Yuuzhan Vong warriors, whose main weapons were amphistands - living creatures that could serve as an analogue of a whip or harden, turning into a mace with a long handle, capable of spitting poison.

However, the main advantage of the Yuuzhan Vong was not their original weapons, but their immunity to the Force. The Jedi could not predict the actions of their opponents, which made them a serious threat to the knights of the Order that had just been revived from oblivion.

Thus, while a lightsaber gives a Jedi a clear advantage over most opponents, it does not make him invulnerable. Like any other weapon, even the best lightsaber will not save someone who does not wield it perfectly.

Of course, in reality it is unlikely that something similar to a lightsaber will be created - although Lucas and his colleagues came up with a pseudoscientific explanation for its work - but does this make it lose its charm? Although lightsabers, being a registered intellectual property of LucasArts, will never appear in other universes, they have rightfully earned a place on the list of the best inventions of modern science fiction as the most versatile and multi-functional melee weapon.

Form III: Soresu, also known as the "Path of Mynock" or "Elasticity Form", was the third of seven forms of lightsaber combat used by the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. Description Protective equipment. But effective. Use it if you don't want to get hurt, or if you're facing a lot of enemies with blasters. With a lightsaber and the ability to deflect shots, this is an excellent technique against blasters, but in other situations, it is unlikely to escape the inevitable. - Kreia Form III was originally designed specifically to withstand large numbers of enemies armed with blaster weapons. With the growing popularity of blaster weapons, the Jedi were faced with an urgent need to improve their fighting style, adapting it to fight opponents who were simultaneously firing from multiple combat positions, while turning blaster shots against the shooters themselves. Earlier styles relied on open movements, making the Jedi very vulnerable to blaster fire. Form III formed a “deflector shield” around the fighter from quick, short movements of the sword near the body, which provided better protection from small arms fire. Form III was the most "defensive" of all known fencing forms. The philosophy of “Being in the eye of the storm” is the basic principle of Soresu's philosophy. The fighter concentrated his mind, as if erecting a barrier around himself, isolating him from the surrounding battle. This allowed the fighter to place himself in the “center of the storm”, where the storm of battle raging around him could not harm him. Thus, Soresu provided good protection in almost any combat situation, but at the same time, until the end of the battle the fighter could not go beyond the “eye of the storm”. Form III required much less energy for attacking movements than all other styles. Adherents of this style wore down an aggressive opponent with an impenetrable defense with a minimum number of counterattacks. They waited for the opponent to spend all his energy reserves, and only then proceeded to attack. They were waiting for him to exhaust himself so much that he could not give a worthy rebuff. The key to understanding the Soresu form lay in understanding its concepts and philosophy. Despite his preference for Form III, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi sometimes used some of Shii-Cho's moves and Ataru's acrobatics in combat, as clearly seen during his duel with the Sith Lord Count Dooku aboard the Invisible Hand. This tactic, however, was only used to confuse Dooku, and Obi-Wan later switched to his true style, Sores. In his duel with General Grievous, Kenobi did not resort to tricks and fought with Form III throughout the entire battle. Application In the third form of lightsaber combat, the blade of the sword moved very close to the fighter's body, providing maximum protection with minimal energy expenditure. Form III practitioners responded to the blaster's rate of fire with sharp reflexes and rapid movements of the sword and body. This technique minimized the number of exposed areas of the body, making a well-trained fighter virtually invulnerable. Soresu's supporters preferred to hold the line, waiting for the enemy to make a fatal mistake. Outside observers often characterized Soresu's form as passive. All Jedi with a patient nature and calm disposition usually chose this form. During the Clone Wars, Soresu was the most common form of swordsmanship in the Jedi Order. Combat Form III Masters preferred long battles, during which they carefully studied the opponent's fighting style. In addition, in long fights, it was easier for the Jedi to keep track of the general combat situation - and control it at his own discretion. He could decide whether to kill his opponent, disarm him, or try to dissuade him from continuing the fight. Many Soresu fighters survived the long Battle of Geonosis thanks to the durability this form gave the Jedi and its specialization in deflecting blaster bolts. Soresu gave the fighter endurance and allowed him to control the combat situation - and this was all her power. Jedi Master Mace Windu once noted that the Soresu style, unlike all other fighting styles, was not a response to any inherent weakness in the practitioner. Vaapad was the answer to the darkness living in the heart of Master Windu, Ataru compensated small sizes and the old age of Master Yoda, and Djem So helped Anakin Skywalker turn his emotions into weapons. Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Windu recognized Obi-Wan Kenobi as "Master Soresu", as he was chosen by the Jedi Council to capture General Grievous. During the duel on Utapau, Soresu's mastery allowed Obi-Wan to deflect the blows of all four of Grievous' lightsabers, gradually losing his limbs. Previously, during his duel with Count Dooku aboard the Invisible Hand, Form III allowed Kenobi to parry the elegant blows Makashi threw at him. Soresu was considered the most appropriate form of combat for a Jedi, as it expressed the Order's concept of using the sword for defense rather than offense. Obi-Wan himself recognized Soresu as a very simple form, so limited and defensive-oriented that it made it almost passive. Kenobi's mastery of this fighting technique reached such a level that he could reflect enemy attacks at a speed of up to twenty blows per second. Advantages Before the Great Purge, the Soresu form was widespread among the Jedi. The good level of defense and control made this technique ideal for fighting an aggressive opponent, whose desire to quickly end the fight left him open to counterattacks. Maintaining the defense, however, required a Jedi to be extremely focused, and the slightest distraction could spell defeat. Those Jedi who lacked concentration usually abandoned the study of this fighting style. Strikes and blocks in Form III were performed at very high speeds and very close to the fighter's body. Acrobatic techniques similar to those at the heart of Form IV were sometimes used to evade blows and gunfire. Form III was equally suitable for fighting a single enemy or a group of enemies. Of all the forms, it was the most effective at deflecting blaster fire, because... was originally developed precisely for these purposes. Skilled in Soresu, the Jedi were known for their impenetrable defense in battle, and in peaceful missions for their ability to find a way out of difficult situations when deliberate and carefully weighed actions were preferable to a quick solution to the problem. In addition, Soresu masters could skillfully use an opponent's attack to strike their own, as seen in Obi-Wan Kenobi's duels with Grievous on Utapau and with Darth Vader on Mustafar. Weaknesses Your movements are clumsy, Kenobi... Too predictable - Count Dooku during a duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi Thanks to their defensive techniques, the truly skilled Soresu masters were considered formidable opponents, but still there is no denying the fact that Form III was focused more on survival than to win. One did not have to be a master to be able to defend oneself with this technique, but in order to learn how to use it offensively, to learn how to “catch” an opponent in his own attacks, it took a Jedi years. During major military conflicts, Jedi generals found Form III to be quite inconvenient, as its use forced them to stand still and defend themselves while the troops entrusted to them were left to fend for themselves. This phenomenon was especially common during the Clone Wars. Devotees Created to withstand blasters, Form III has endured for millennia. In ancient times, this form was possessed by the Jedi Exile. Later, during the era of the New Sith Wars, the Sith Blademaster Kaz"im became proficient in the Soresu form (as well as the other six forms). Kaz"im taught Form III to several students, including Fogar, who later used this fighting style against Form V Darth Bane. Darth Zannah, Darth Bane's apprentice, also specialized in this form of combat. During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Cin Drallig wielded Soresu and, like Kaz'im, taught this form of fencing to many students. Luminara Unduli and her padawan Barriss Offee also studied Form III. Count Dooku had enough knowledge of Form III to teach it to Grievous and his IG-100 "MagnaGuards".Obi-Wan Kenobi initially studied the Ataru form, but after witnessing the death of his teacher and realizing the main drawback of this style - the limited ability to protect, Obi-Wan switched to Soresu. He achieved such mastery in this martial art. , that he was even able to successfully resist such experienced warriors as Dooku and Grievous, and defeat Darth Vader in a duel on Mustafar. After losing this fight, Darth Vader incorporated elements of Soresu into his own version of Form V.

Lightsaber combat is perhaps the most important feature of Star Wars, and it naturally received a lot of attention in Star Wars: The Old Republic. BioWare has set its sights on creating an unprecedented level of detail in combat; complex parries, sword-to-sword collisions and deflecting blaster shots - all this should create a completely new level immersion in the MMORPG combat system. Lightsaber combat is more than just "window dressing" with interesting mechanics and beautiful graphics - there are a huge number of Lightsaber combat skills. We'll now look at seven different skills - the seven forms of the Lightsaber - and also review what we currently know about these forms in SWTOR.

Form I: Shii-Cho

Shii-Cho was the first form of Lightsaber combat that relied heavily on older fencing techniques. This is the most common form of the Lightsaber and is the basis for all other forms. This form allows you to successfully fight up close and deflect blaster shots, making it ideal for training beginners. Shii-Cho's form uses sweeping attacks, making this form very effective against groups of enemies.

Since this form was developed before the advent of the Sith and Dark Jedi, it was not originally intended for Lightsaber to Lightsaber battles, however, Masters can successfully use this form in such combat conditions. However, the simplicity of Shii-Cho's form makes it a good fallback option for situations where other forms may not be effective (such as Ataru's form in a narrow hallway).

In Shii-Cho, a perfect victory is achieved without harming the opponent; disarming an opponent or destroying their weapon is what those who use this form aim to achieve. At the same time, the simplicity of this form and its basis on old fencing techniques contribute to the emergence of anger. As such, the form requires restraint due to the great danger of the Dark Side.

Shii-Cho is mentioned in the Specializations on the Holonet, in the talent trees for Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight. The description for the Fury branch for the Sith Warrior class reads: "Allows the Warrior greater control of the Force and further mastery of the Shii-Cho form," while the Focus branch for the Jedi Knight reads: "Specialization in advanced techniques of the Force and the Shii-Cho form." . In addition, Jedi Knight's Lightness ability in the Concentration tree: "Reduces the cooldown of all Force abilities while you are in Shii-Cho form by 3 seconds."

Form II: Makashi

Makashi was created to fight the Dark Jedi. It is designed exclusively for Lightsaber combat. At the time of its development, there was only one form of the Lightsaber - Shii-Cho, so the Makashi form was designed to exploit Shii-Cho's weaknesses and protect against its strengths. In contrast to the wide swings of Form I, Makashi uses controlled and precise movements, emphasizing elegance and footwork. Makashi also emphasizes the importance of maintaining one's weapons, and as such, many of the moves in this form are designed to counter disarming from the Shii-Cho form.

The Makashi form of the Lightsaber is often used one-handed, allowing for a wider range of movement than a two-handed grip. Parries and light thrusts are often used in Makashi to confuse and unbalance the opponent. Makashi requires calmness and precision from those who practice this form.

While Makashi's form is very strong against a single opponent, it is weak against groups, and even weaker against blaster fire. In addition, elegant and precise movements can be thrown aside by a sufficiently powerful opponent. Currently, we have not seen any mention of Makashi's form in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Form III: Soresu

Soresu appeared due to the massive use of blasters. This is a purely defensive form that involves constant defensive movements of the Lightsaber, protecting its wielder from harm. Soresu's movements are typically hard and fast, with the lightsaber held close to the body to expose itself to enemy fire as little as possible.

Soresu's defense is equally effective against a single enemy or against groups. The attack in this form leaves much to be desired, it is aimed at exhausting the opponent over the course of a long battle and taking advantage of his mistakes.

The Specializations page gives us some information about using the Soresu Form of the Revenge ability in Juggernaut's Immortality tree: "While you are using the Soresu Form to parry, deflect, and block attacks, there is a 50% chance to activate the Revenge effect, which reduces costs rage for the next "Force Scream" or "Force Crush" ability by 1. Duration - 10 seconds. The effect stacks 3 times." We also saw the Soresu form of the Jedi Knight, which was mentioned on Jedi Immersion Day: "If you use the Soresu form, you gain 1 point of Focus every 3 seconds when you are attacked. Reduces the amount of Focus generated from the Strike ability by 1 unit. Also increases the chance to parry or deflect incoming attacks by 5%.

Form IV: Ataru

Ataru is in some ways the opposite of Soresu: where Soresu uses small, precise movements for defense, Ataru uses acrobatic jumps and somersaults for assertive attack. The form is characterized by smooth transitions from one action to the next and streams of fast, powerful attacks.

The constant flips and somersaults of the Ataru form are too difficult to use with the strength of their body alone, so practitioners of this form must constantly channel the Force into their body to facilitate the acrobatics. Even with the Force, Ataru can be a very draining form. This form is also not very suitable for fighting in confined spaces, where acrobatic maneuvers are not as effective.

The Specializations page on the Holonet has detailed information about Ataru Form: "Using the acrobatic form of the Lightsaber increases accuracy by 3%. In addition, all melee attacks have a 20% chance to land a second strike, which deals 148 energy damage. The effect cannot be used." more than once every 1.5 seconds." This is a very similar form to the version of Ataru's form that was shown on Jedi Immersion Day, the only difference being the addition of an effect on accuracy and stealth, as well as ability recovery. Ataru Form is also mentioned in the Jedi Sentinel in the Combat thread: "Attacks while in your Ataru Form have a 100% chance to increase the damage of your next finishing ability by 10%," as well as the Blade Onsl ability: "Strikes with two Lightsabers, causing 647-729 weapon damage and automatically triggers the Ataru Form Strike ability. Lasts for 6 seconds after using the Blade Onslaught ability, the chance of Ataru Form to automatically trigger is increased by 30%."

Form V: Shien and Djem So

Shien and Djem-So are collectively classified as Form V, and although they are quite similar, they have some important differences. The main feature of the V form is to seize the initiative to turn defense into attack. Shien is slightly older than Form II and is especially suited for use against blasters. Indeed, practitioners of the Shien form are able to redirect blaster bolts back to the source, turning opponents' attacks against them. Shien also uses wide sweeping attacks, making it suitable for use against multiple opponents.

Jem So was developed after the Shien form, but was already used during the Great Sith War 350 years before the Treaty of Coruscant. While Shien was used more against blaster fire, Djem So leans towards melee combat. The philosophy of Form V is to use defense to attack aggressively - this is seen in the strong and hard lightsaber parries of Djem So, which are used to throw an opponent off balance or leave them open to attack. Djem So relies on physical strength and is often characterized as a brutal form in which it seeks to dominate an opponent.

Shien is another form that can be found on the Specializations page on the Holonet. In the "Vigilance" branch of the Jedi Guardian, you can find a description of the Shien form: "Uses the attacking (aggressive) form of the Lightsaber, increasing all damage dealt by 6%. All attacks that spend Concentration points will return 1 Concentration point. Also when the Guardian takes damage, he recovers 1 point of Concentration. This effect triggers no more than once every 6 seconds."

Form VI: Niman

Niman is a combination of all previous forms of lightsabers. The priority is balance and therefore the form has no specific weaknesses or strengths. It is one of the most meditative forms, giving its practitioners the ability to use this form in conjunction with the Force. This allows for moves such as closing in on an opponent, in which the duelist grabs an opponent with the Force and pulls them towards their Lightsaber, as well as allowing the one using this form to regain their energy in the midst of combat.

Niman's balanced and thoughtful nature also makes this form a good starting point for more unconventional attack styles, as users of this form can allow the Force to guide their actions and adapt to new situations very quickly. We haven't seen Niman's form mentioned in the game yet.

Form VII: Juyo

Juyo practices a bold, direct type of movement and is the most aggressive and vicious form of the Lightsaber. She is widely known for her chaotic form full of erratic and sudden attacks. This form is very demanding of those who use it and relies heavily on their emotions, although Juyo practitioners are often surprisingly calm.

Juyo places a heavy emphasis on attack, often leaving its users vulnerable, especially to Force attacks. Although the attacks in this form are similar to Ataru, Juyo is not as graceful and her movements seem to be completely unrhythmic and use almost unrelated movements, which in itself can confuse the opponent.

At Jedi Immersion Day, we were shown the Jedi Sentinel version of Juyo's form. "In this form, lightsaber damage is increased by 2%. This effect cannot be used more than once every 1.5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. The effect lasts 6 seconds, but the duration of the effect is restored each time you deal damage with a lightsaber on target." Although this is old information, it fits quite well into the Sentinel's Sentinel thread, as there is already a description of this form: "The Sentinel masters Juyo's lightsaber form, making him a dangerous opponent in a prolonged fight." The Sith Marauder also has access to this form in the Obliteration tree: "A master of Juyo's aggressive form, the Marauder uses it to destroy enemies."

The seven forms of lightsabers are an integral part of combat in the Star Wars universe, and BioWare seems to be taking them into account, making them both mechanically useful and finding a suitable class that doesn't clash with the narrative. While we've only seen the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior's lightsaber forms so far, it's possible we'll see them on the Inquisitor and Consular. And in one form or another these forms will be received by Assassin and Shadow, since they must have similar training in mastering the forms of lightsabers, like the Jedi Knight and the Sith Warrior. Makashi and Niman haven't been mentioned yet, so it's possible we might see these forms on the Inquisitor and Consul soon.



Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad

During the Jedi era civil war, thousands of years before Mace Windu's creation of Vaapad, Form VII was wielded by such notable individuals as Revan, Zez-Kai Ell, Vrook Lamar, and Kavar, who would later teach the technique to the Jedi Exile. Another famous fighter of the Juyo form was the Sith Blademaster Kaz'im, who lived during the New Sith Wars and taught this style to the Zabrak Zirak (and possibly his friends Llokai and Yevra). It is unfortunate, but after a thousand years, much information about the style Juyo were lost. Perhaps the reason for this was the death of many masters and adherents of this fighting form, but, one way or another, the style practically fell out of use.

However, knowledge of the Juyo form remained among the Sith, and it was this technique that Sidious taught to his apprentice Darth Maul. Count Dooku also had sufficient knowledge of the Juyo style, who taught this form of fencing to General Grievous and his IG-100 MagnaGuardians.

Vaapad was developed by Mace Windu based on the surviving knowledge of Juyo's form. Mace was helped in creating a new style by Sora Bulk, and later Windu taught it to his student Depu Billaba. Bulq also taught some elements of Vaapad to Quinlan Vos during his re-training. Unfortunately, neither Bulk nor Billaba could withstand the high demands that Vaapad placed on the minds of his followers, and as a result, both Jedi lost their minds and fell to the dark side. With the death of Sora Bulq, Billaba's fall into a coma, and the death of Mace Windu at the hands of Darth Sidious, the Vaapad style likely ceased to exist.

Also known as the Way of Vornskr or the Form of Ferocity, Juyo's style has been considered inferior for thousands of years. Considered crude and unfinished, Juyo was rarely used among both the Jedi and Sith. However, it was on the basis of Form VII that Jedi Master Mace Windu created his unique fighting style - Vaapad, named after the deadly predator from the planet Sarapin, capable of moving at the same speed as Windu's sword.

The most difficult of all forms to master, Form VII required the fighter to have extreme concentration, skillful handling of the blade, and mastery of other combat forms. In all of history, only two Jedi managed to fully comprehend this martial art: Mace Windu and his Padawan Depe Billaba.

Form VII was based on decisive, seemingly linear movements and the use of complex moves and techniques such as the Power Jump and the "Speed ​​Surge". Fights in Form VII did not have the same spectacle that Form IV had always been known for, because it used Ataru's typical somersaults, spins and other acrobatic tricks much less often, but the technique of performing techniques in the seventh form was much more complex. From the movement side, Vaapad's forms looked free and open, but in reality, every movement of the sword and body was tightly controlled by the fighter. This technique, when used skillfully, made it possible to make your fighting style completely unpredictable for the enemy. The constant alternation of sharp and smooth movements made Form VII's attacks appear incoherent, which misled the opponent.

In terms of emotional and physical power, Form VII was close to Form V, but here this power was completely controlled by the fighter. In the hands of a skilled warrior, Form VII became a formidable weapon.

The presence of the Vaapad form in SWTOR is unknown.

IN last years LucasArts doing some strange things. They sponsor strange experiments like the insipid Fracture. Then they interrupt development Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings. Then they release batches of simply shameful games based on the series The Clone Wars. Because of this new general line, the Star Wars universe is gradually losing its charm.

That is why the Jedi simulator is uneven and outdated in terms of game design The Force Unleashed became a “New Hope” for fans of the series. After all, it was real Star Wars, with Force Choke, lightsaber battles and a tragic ending.

Dark side

The first thing you notice when meeting someone The Force Unleashed 2, is the atmosphere. The completely noirish rain lashing the cold metal platforms of Kamino, the cruelty, dirt and violence next to the neon casinos of Kaito Neimoidia do not fit well with what we are used to seeing in Star Wars lately. The game begins on Kamino, the planet we saw in Attack of the Clones, where the Republic secretly grew its army. In one of the secret laboratories, Darth Vader is engaged in terrible experiments. It is there that we first see Galen Marek (aka Darth Starkiller) - in chains.

Those who completed the first part to the end know that in the finale Marek died heroically. According to the developers, they still can’t believe that LucasArts approved such a dark ending... and in the new game they are going to embody an even more provocative story! So, at the very beginning of the game, Vader informs the shackled hero that he is a clone, and the real Marek is long dead. After this frank dialogue, the hero manages to escape under unknown circumstances; Frustrated, he jumps into the first airlock he comes across.

I loved you…

Of course, Marek is not going to commit suicide: the flight from the tower is just an introductory interactive cut-scene in which you need to dodge and destroy objects standing in the way. The introductory mission ends in the most impudent way that LucasArts could come up with: Marek hijacks Vader’s TIE-fighter and flies off on it to look for Captain Juno Eclipse, to whom he clearly has a soft spot.

LucasArts is trying its best to show how much has changed main character and his vision of the world around him. He is no longer eager to be at the beck and call of Vader or the rebels. Marek walks towards his beloved with calm and measured steps, habitually destroying everything in his path.

The choice of masters whom the hero is forced to serve is replaced by the hero's internal conflict. In his wanderings, Marek meets an old acquaintance, Kota, who makes him doubt Vader's words. Kota reminds that it is impossible to clone a Jedi, and all previous individuals went crazy over time.

Did Vader lie to him? Is Kota lying, trying to take advantage of him? In search of answers to these questions, Galen will fly to Dagobah to meet Yoda, and visit the famous cave there, where Luke Skywalker, five years later, will see himself in the form of Vader. The visions that torment the hero along his entire journey will add special spice to his wanderings. They must be caused by a serious injury received in the decisive battle of the first part... or they are a consequence of cloning, and the replicant Marek goes crazy!

Soresu (also known as Form 3) is a fencing style based on sharp and precise defensive movements. Unlike most styles, the basic tactics of a Soresu adept involve patiently blocking or deflecting blows until the opponent makes a mistake, allowing him to deliver a fatal blow. An example is the finale of the Third Episode, the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan (Obi-Wan was considered one of the greatest masters of soresu).

In TFU, Marek used soresu for additional protection - for example, from heavy blaster fire.

Shien and jam with

This style was created by Jedi who practiced soresu, but felt that Form 3 was too low on attack potential, making fights too drawn out. The style is divided into two variants - shien proper and jam so. Shien is aimed primarily at combat with numerous opponents and at reflecting blaster fire. Typical fighting stance: the sword is pulled behind the back, the handle is clenched with both hands, the supporting leg is pulled back. Jem So is a more aggressive form, more suitable for duels with one opponent.

Galen Marek uses Shien as his primary form of combat. At the same time, he owns the rarest version of this technique - the Sith Shien.


Ataru (form 4) as a fencing style is practically not used in either games or films (except for the First Episode and fights involving Master Yoda), but elements are present in absolutely all games in which you can control Jedi. The basis of the style is the use of the Force to accelerate and enhance the movements of the Jedi, including jumping over gigantic distances. Ataru is considered the most aggressive of the seven canonical styles, but it also requires high concentration and connection with the Force, as well as a lot of free space. It was because of the uncomfortable environment that one of the most famous Ataru masters, Qui-Gon Jin, died.

In TFU, ataru is used solely to give Marek agility and speed - Force Jump and Force Dash are manifestations of this particular style.


Double frenzy

In every interview, developers from LucasArts emphasize that TFU2 is, first of all, a gigantic work on the mistakes of the first part. And, strictly speaking, there were a lot of them. This is not the most successful game design (here is the level, here are the opponents - have fun!), and imbalance, and the vaunted physics, which is not used anywhere except the very first level.

Now the game is more linear and more clearly debugged. The general structure is the same: TFU2 is a slasher film. If Marek is like a mixer Not crushes droids, he solves puzzles like “where else would you stick a sword” and uses telekinesis to assemble bridges over abysses. There will be fewer boss battles, but they will be more difficult, longer and more spectacular (the shamelessly giant monster Gorag is living proof of this).

Well, the main innovation is emblazoned right in the game logo. Game number two - Marek holds the same number of lightsabers in his hands. How exactly the combat system will change, the developers are keeping secret for now - it will probably be tailored for battles with several enemies, the long-awaited combo-breaker will be added, allowing you to stop a combo in the middle (if you suddenly notice that the beaten enemy has somehow gone unnaturally limp). But all this is not so important, because the battles look simply stunning.

The fetishistic enjoyment of lightsabers reaches its climax. Marek holds both light sabers in a foppish manner with a reverse grip - crossing behind his back, the swords seem to fit the hero into a luminous triangle. When the hero begins to swing two swords at once, formal rhythmic gymnastics and exercises with a ribbon take place in the frame. Shining “blades” draw intricate patterns in the air - once caught in their curls, enemies fall apart. Don't forget that you can choose a personal color for each sword. In theory, the color indicates some kind of unique opportunity, but - let's be honest - who cares about any possibilities when you can swing a blue sword and a green one at the same time!

It's terrible what's happening

Paired with skillful fencing, the new use of the Force looks great, captivating us at the London event Activision. Since Marek became a Jedi at the end of the first game, he now has access to the classic Jedi ability - Mind Trick. Remember the famous scene in A New Hope where Obi-Wan Kenobi convinced the patrol to let the heroes through with a wave of his hand? Galen Marek does not deal with such trifles. If he waves his hand, then entire detachments of enemy infantry will take his side. And if there is no one to fight with, they will commit suicide out of grief. In the build shown to us, the imperial stormtroopers took a running start, almost squealing with happiness, diving into the abyss like fish. Massively. Selflessly. Almost waving goodbye. In the case when there is not a single decent abyss nearby, stormtroopers do not get lost, look for red barrels, almost sit on them and happily blow themselves up. What will happen when the drugged enemy is left alone? Perhaps he will hit his head against the wall while running, we do not exclude this option.

The more Mind Trick is pumped up, the more destructive its consequences. At the first stage, you can knock down only one fighter. More powerful forms of telepathy will allow you to convert entire armies of enemies to your side. The developers gave the following example. In a collision with two squads of stormtroopers, Marek drugged one squad, and then simply stepped aside - the fighters dealt with each other perfectly without his help. Finally, at the extreme stage, the psychic attack will literally blow the minds of your enemies. First, the stormtrooper will convulsively squeeze his temples, trying to cope with the pouring Power, and then the unfortunate man’s head will explode, causing serious damage to everyone standing nearby.

Don't keep it to yourself

Not all editorial staff liked Marek's new skills - they say that the already shabby setting is completely turning into a comedy. Only in this case, hyperbole is more than appropriate. Even as a baby, the hero could snatch the sword from Darth Vader's hands. Now he is a true master of the dark side, and the developers are not going to artificially weaken him.

From the very beginning of the game he is full of strength - or rather, Strength. This is a bombardier beetle pumped up with turpentine, smashing an anthill to pieces. The power is overflowing. In a colossal Force Push, a dozen stormtroopers are carried into the abyss at once, another squad in a single impulse leaps into the abyss of their own accord, and the most persistent rush at Starkiller and fall into the shining meat grinder of lightsabers. In this crazy disco, phrases like “I am your father” are taken a little hard, but we actually have a dark Jedi here, literally off the chain, so excuse me.

* * *

If the original TFU was expected as a successor great series Jedi Knight(see article on the next page), then the second part is our last hope for getting rid of the plastic Ahsoka Tano and for the first Star Wars game with a truly strong plot since Knights of the Old Republic 2. And at the same time - the opportunity to destroy a couple of planets, beat a giant rancor on steroids, watch the mental torment of one of the strongest Jedi in history and, perhaps, punch Master Yoda in the face.

Will wait? Potentially one of best games in the Star Wars universe. But even if it doesn’t work out, blowing up the heads of imperial stormtroopers and destroying casinos is always fun.

Ready percentage: 50%

Seven styles of lightsaber combat

Each Jedi chooses the style that suits him best. For example, Master Yoda uses the Ataru style to compensate for his short stature; Mace Windu uses Vaapad to feed off the power of his anger and use it to his advantage (without crossing the line into the Dark Side). Count Dooku practices the Makashi style, which, firstly, is combined with his love of sword-on-sword duels, and, secondly, is distinguished by elegance, precision and even a certain aristocracy. Jedi Exile (KOTOR 2. - Riila) mastered several styles at once, but did not reach the highest rank in any of them.

Style I: Shii-Cho

When the lightsaber was created, it was necessary to develop a fighting technique with its use. This is how Style I, also called the “Sarlacc Style,” appeared. It was based on ancient fighting traditions, containing the key principles of sword fighting and adopted by the Jedi masters of that distant time.

Style I, like all styles developed on its basis, includes the following basic methods and concepts:
attack - a series of attacks aimed at various parts of the body;
parrying - a combination of blocks that prevent the sword from hitting specified parts of the body;
affected areas (1 - head, 2 - left hand, 3 - right hand, 4 - back, 5 - left leg, 6 - right leg);
training techniques for developing reactions.

Younglings, Jedi recruits, learn Style I before becoming Padawans and gaining a personal mentor, a Jedi Master. In Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Yoda can be seen teaching younglings how to deflect blaster shots.

The only known practitioner of Style I in the Star Wars universe is Kit Fisto. But, although he was an unrivaled master of Style I, this did not help him defeat Darth Sidious in Revenge of the Sith. The Shii-Cho style, familiar to us from KOTOR-2, is good against a large number of enemies (especially those armed with blasters), but is ineffective when it comes to fighting with a single enemy armed with the Force and a lightsaber.

Style II: Makashi

Style I, as you already understood, is most often used against superior enemy forces. In contrast, Style II, or "Ysalamiri Style", was developed as a means of sword-to-sword dueling. The style itself is characterized as very elegant - and, at the same time, powerful - requiring extreme precision, but giving the user the ability to attack and defend with minimal effort, exhausting the enemy. The style is based on deft parries, lunges and short precise strikes - as opposed to the blocks and wide swings used in other styles. This style requires very careful calibration of the light blade, but the results are impressive. However, as soon as weapons like blasters are included in the game, or there are more than one opponent, the advantages of Style II disappear.

In the days before the Clone Wars, the Jedi rarely used this technique. The Jedi experienced one-on-one duels so rarely that they found Style II impractical. However, earlier, before the advent of blaster weapons, Makashi was quite common.

Darth Tyranus (also known as Count Dooku) in Attack of the Clones demonstrates the highest mastery of Style II and fights with virtuosity coupled with ancient technique. When he showed Style II in action, he threw the Jedi into confusion: their training system did not include such fights in which opponents inflict targeted precision strikes on each other.

This style is based on the Spanish fencing style "La Destreza Verdadera", which is often called "saber dance" or "swords of truth"; the style is “smooth”, to use the terms of master fencers, but, at the same time, quite tough.

Style III: Soresu

After defeating Darth Maul on Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi decided to pursue Style III, the most defensive-oriented of all styles, because Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan's mentor and master of Style IV (Ataru), was unable to withstand Darth Maul.

Style III, or "Minokka Style", was originally developed to counter the rapidly gaining popularity of blaster weapons. The traditional enemies of the Jedi turned out to be armed with blasters, and the Jedi had to find a method of defense that the enemy could not bypass or reproduce.

Pursuing the sole purpose of parrying blaster shots, this style uses movements made dangerously close to the body to achieve maximum protection while expending as little energy as possible. The technique allows you to reduce the affected area to a minimum and makes someone who knows it well practically invulnerable. In A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi only reaches the Light Blade when he reveals himself to Vader. Practitioners of Soresu effortlessly hold the line, waiting for the opponent to tire and make a mistake; and then, just a moment ago, the defending Jedi delivers his crushing blow. Of the Soresu-style Jedi, Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee are skilled.

Style IV: Ataru

Adherents of the "Hawk-Bat Style" make extensive use of acrobatic tricks - sometimes absolutely incredible. The style was created in the last centuries of the Old Republic. Qui-Gon and Yoda were both masters of Style IV, as they demonstrated in their fights with Darth Maul and Count Dooku, respectively. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who at that time already had a decent command of Ataru, abandoned it in favor of Style III, because he believed that it was fatal flaws in Ataru that led to the death of his mentor. True, later Kenobi again resorted to Ataru - when he had to confront Anakin Skywalker - more precisely, Darth Vader - in the final battle on Mustafar. Aayla Secura, according to Jan Duursema, co-creator of the Twi'lek Jedi, was also Ataru's master. She was taught this art by Quinlan Vos. Palpatine used a Sith variant of this style, which included thrusts and sweeping swings.

In critical situations, Style IV masters use the Force to perform their acrobatic feats. The Jedi, constantly spinning, bouncing, and moving with lightning speed, appear as a blur. To demonstrate the acrobatics, superhuman reflexes, and physical prowess of this style, a Jedi Master must surrender fully to the power of the Force, allowing it to permeate every corner of his being. Having achieved complete unity with the Force, he can no longer think about such things as weakness and old age.

Style V: Shien / Djem So

Style V (or "Krayt Dragon Style") is a powerful style developed by practitioners of Style III - those who favored more offensive tactics. The defensive nature of Style III often results in dangerously prolonged combat. The Shien style is the result of a combination of styles II and III. Anakin - both as himself and as Darth Vader - as well as Luke Skywalker and Plo Koon were masters of Style V.

Style V is based on defensive techniques borrowed from Style III, but turning defense into attack. Typical example: While style III is used to parry a blaster shot, style V is focused on redirecting the blast towards the enemy. This technique simultaneously protects the wielder and defeats the enemy. Similarly, this style uses the classic parry technique from Style II, but only in the case of Style V, the Jedi launches a counterattack while parrying the blow. Another difference from Style III is that followers of the Shien style use a frontal attack and cut the enemy left and right in an attempt to break their resistance with brute force. The aggressive philosophy of Style V is frowned upon by many Jedi.

Vader created his own variation of the V style, in which he uses only one hand and keeps the other casually out to the side. This can be seen at the very beginning of the fight from The Empire Strikes Back.

Combining the aggressive yet refined techniques of Style II with the superior defensive features of Style III, Shien/Djem So has proven to be very effective.

Style VI: Niman

"Rancor Style", Style VI, was the standard fighting style in the era before and during the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge. This fighting discipline is often called the "Diplomat Style". The result can be seen in Attack of the Clones: almost all Jedi who used Style VI were killed on Geonosis. The same sad fate befell Coleman Trebor, whose mastery of the Niman style did not save him from Jango Fett's masterful shot.

Style VI attempted to balance out all the elements of lightsaber combat by borrowing techniques from styles that were not heavily combat-oriented. Result: followers of style VI were equally - albeit at a very average level - proficient in all basic combat techniques; this path was suitable for diplomats, since they, instead of tedious training, could devote more time to politics.

Style VII: Juyo

Also called the "Vornskr Style", Style VII remained undeveloped for a whole millennium. Later, master Mace Windu decided to improve and develop the style; he transformed it into the Vaapad fighting style. The most challenging and difficult of all styles, Vaapad requires incredible concentration, a high level of skill and excellent mastery of other styles. Only three Jedi were able to fully master the art of Vaapad: Mace Windu, Depa Billaba and Sora Bulk, who in turn taught Quinlan Vos some of the techniques. Sora Bulk helped Windu improve in Vaapad, but was too weak to resist the currents of the Force, and leaned towards the Dark Side. Thus, it was Vaapad who took possession of him.

The bold, linear movements of Vaapad are combined with the most advanced techniques, including Force-fueled jumps and lunges. Style VII does not look as impressive as Style IV, but the technique of open movements results in a very unpredictable fighting style. A powerful staccato of slashing blows, flickering arms and legs make the enemy think that there is no sequence in these movements - and lead him into confusion.

Style VII absorbs the emotional and physiological drive of Style V, but controls it more effectively (if the Jedi masters the style well enough). With proper control, Style VII can impart incredible power to its user.

However, Vaapad is on the verge of falling to the Dark Side, as he uses anger and other negative emotions to carry out attacks. Only Windu's skill and devotion to the Light prevent him from falling under the influence of the Dark Side; this is why Vaapad is considered dangerous and is used so rarely. Two other famous practitioners of Vaapad, Sora Balk and Depa Billaba, fell to the Dark Side.

In KOTOR 2, which takes place approximately 4,000 years before the Clone Wars, Juyo is one of the fighting styles used - even though it was not fully developed. This proves that Juio was a very effective fighting style thousands of years before Mace Windu turned it into Vaapad.

Darth Maul used a variation of Juyo (not Vaapad, as Vaapad created Windu and never taught it to the Sith) along with other martial arts.

Other fighting styles

The following forms are not among the seven main styles; they can be considered unofficial. All of them tend to be based on other styles - with the exception of the Zero Style, which emphatically avoids conflict whenever possible.

Style VIII: Sokan

Developed by the ancient Jedi Knights during the Great Sith War, Sokan combined the tactics of agility and subterfuge with the choreography of the IV fighting style. Sokan is distinguished by quick strikes with a lightsaber on the vital organs of the enemy, combined with deft somersaults and rapid movements. The opposing sides used the specifics of the landscape to lure the opponent to a place where Sokan could be used with the greatest effect.

Obi-Wan used elements of Sokan during his fight with Anakin on Mustafar in Episode III: Obi-Wan sought a suitable high ground to take advantage of a better position and defeat Anakin by exploiting his weak points.

Style IX: Shien

To use the Shien style, the Jedi must hold the lightsaber horizontally. The end of the blade points towards the opponent; the lightsaber describes an arc, and at this time the Jedi quickly throws the sword from one hand to the other. In Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, Master Zez-Kai El teaches the Exile this style if the Exile chooses the Jedi Protector or Jedi Guard path. (Do not confuse this style with the V: Shien / Djem So style).

Style X: Niman

Niman allowed a Jedi to fight with two swords at once, one in each hand, as demonstrated by Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones. One blade was used for attack, the other for defense (to repel blows) or as additional opportunity for attack. Many of the Jedi tried to master the art of Niman, wanting to gain at least the rudimentary skills of a double-bladed attack, but only a few of the lightsaber masters fully comprehended this wisdom. Serra Keto, Sora Bulk and Asajj Ventress practiced X-style; and perhaps Darth Revan was the master of this style. (Do not confuse this Nieman with the VI Nieman style).

This style is essentially the same as Style I, except for the affected areas. Here they are: 1 - head, 2 - left hand, 3 - right hand, 4 - left thigh, 5 - right leg, 6 - left leg.

Style "Zero"

While not essentially a fighting style, the Zero style carried with it the idea that a Jedi should always know when to draw his lightsaber and when to find another way to solve a problem. The style was created by Master Yoda so that Jedi would avoid the temptation to engage in "Aggressive Negotiations" by instead using other Jedi tricks - such as the well-known mental trick.

The Sith, always striving for complete superiority over the enemy's personality, use all possible means - including their own doctrine of lightsaber combat. Dun möch was combined with barbs, ridicule and jokes made at the expense of the enemy and allowing one to identify his weaknesses, doubts or contradictions. Another variation of Dun möch was the use of the Force to throw large, heavy objects at the enemy during combat, distracting his attention and capable of causing serious injury. Darth Vader used this technique against Luke in Empire. Count Dooku and Darth Sidious used it against Yoda in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, respectively.

Sword Throw

Sometimes the Jedi or Sith use a special technique called the "lightsaber throw" to hit an object out of reach. When a lightsaber is launched at a target, the blade spins quickly, like a propeller, and when it hits the target, it cuts it into pieces. Skilled artisans use the Force to control the trajectory of a lightsaber and force it back into the hand.
When Yoda fought his way into the Jedi Temple in Revenge of the Sith, he used this technique to kill the clonttrooper that attacked him.

When Luke Skywalker jumped onto the bridge in Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader threw his lightsaber and cut the bridge's supports; some believe that Vader lacked the agility, agility, or Force power to leap onto the bridge himself. Others believe it was a clever display of Power to confuse and intimidate an inexperienced opponent. According to the third opinion, Vader, remembering the sad outcome of his battle with Obi-Wan on Mustafar, decided not to tempt fate twice and not to put his sword under the sword of someone who stands higher.

This fighting style was used only by one or two of the most powerful Jedi. During combat, the Jedi holds the lightsaber in his hand, but does not activate it. He dodges attacks or defends himself using only the Force. The most skilled of the Jedi launch a Force counter-offensive between enemy attacks. Having waited for the right moment, they quickly turn the sword on and off, plunging the light blade into the opponent’s body. The enemy is inevitably seriously injured or killed. This technique is extremely difficult to use, and the Jedi who chooses it must be a very powerful force user. It is also believed that this style is from the arsenal of the Dark Side, since the murder here occurs on the sly; In addition, Trakata can also be used outside of a duel to get rid of someone standing nearby. Although best use Trakate can be found in lightsaber combat and can also be used to deflect blaster bolts.

"The unorthodox"

Some techniques fall outside the context of traditional Jedi fighting styles. Characters like General Grievous from Episode III can use freer movements. The purpose of his swift attacks is to confuse and confuse the masters of the classical school. Grievous was very successful in such tricks due to the flexibility of his joints, computer reactions and an additional pair of arms. Only the most experienced and skilled of the Jedi could withstand his attacks. For example, Grievous could take a sword in each of his four hands, put both hands forward and, quickly rotating them in the air, build an improvised shield. Grievous used a similar trick against Obi-Wan on Utapau, but Kenobi managed to cope with it by waiting for the right moment and finding a weak spot in the defense.

Another unique lightsaber style is that of Adi Gallia (who was Grievous's victim): she held the sword with the blade backwards (backhand style).

Movements and Strikes

All seven fighting styles use the ancient terms that the Jedi used to describe the objectives, the path to achieving the goal, and the results that can be obtained from lightsaber combat.

Cho mai
The term cho mai is used to describe cutting off an opponent's hand holding a weapon. This blow indicates that the Jedi who struck it is seeking to inflict minimal damage on the enemy; cho mai also demonstrates the high skill of the Jedi.

Cho mak
Cutting off an opponent's limb, such as the leg of a humanoid.

Cho Sun
This term describes the movement that results in cutting off the opponent's hand holding the weapon.

Sai cha
The term sai cha is used to describe the rare occasion when a Jedi executes his opponent. This technique is reserved for the most dangerous opponents - those whom the Jedi cannot allow to remain alive. Sai cha is what Anakin Skywalker did to Count Dooku in Episode III.

Sai tok
The move, condemned by the Jedi due to its Sith nature, cuts the enemy in two, separating the legs from the torso at the waist. Obi-Wan Kenobi, as a Padawan, did this to Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace.

Shiak is an act of mercy, stabbing a mortally wounded enemy.

Inflicting a small scratch on an opponent with the edge of a lightsaber blade. Also considered a sign of desperation or powerlessness in the fight against a more powerful enemy.

Sun djem
Sun djem is an attack whose purpose is to knock the weapon out of the enemy's hands. It is carried out when they do not want to cause physical harm to their opponent.


Rotate 180 degrees.

Jung ma
This term is used to describe a 360-degree spin maneuver that accumulates energy to attack an enemy.

In fact, this is not a technique, but a stunt staging of a famous, usually ancient and very dangerous lightsaber duel, which can only be performed by well-trained Jedi.

A term used to describe the movement that Jedi perform when attacking the legs. The Jedi leaps upward using the Force and counterattacks from above, using free fall acceleration to increase the power of the blow.

This term is used when a Jedi makes a 360 degree turn using own hand as leverage and gaining extra speed to attack.

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