
Runes archangel divination. Online divination on the runes of Odin

The magic alphabet, the system of amulets, one of the ancient ways of writing - all these are runes. They are a set of graphic images that can be drawn, carved in stone or wood, laid out from sticks. Runes are multifaceted, ranging from the utilitarian to the occult. How are they known to mankind? Maybe the Gods themselves gave them to people. Or perhaps they were invented by someone who comprehended the very essence of the world order ... But, be that as it may, since ancient times they have been used for protection, putting on the platbands of doors and windows, dishes, embroidering on clothes, used to attract good luck, saying aloud or depicted on talismans and amulets. They healed, with their help they won. In this section you will find free online fortune-telling on runes for the future, situation, love and relationships.

The runic system developed, changed, improved. As a result, the Germanic and Scandinavian runes were combined into the so-called Futhark alphabet. Its symbols are distributed in 3 groups of 8 runes, plus the rune of Odin (an empty rune), which is used along with the rest in runic layout systems.

The runes are a perfect system, covering various forces and phenomena that operate in the world around us and are reflected in the natural nature of man. Therefore, they can answer any questions. To get an answer to a specific request, you need to sit comfortably, distract yourself from worries, try to abstract yourself from the swarm of thoughts that are constantly crowding in your head, and concentrate on a specific problem or situation. After that, it is enough to simply formulate the question. If you are guessing on real runes, take them out of the bag one by one, lay them out in accordance with the alignment pattern and interpret. If you use rune divination online to answer a question, then simply click on the corresponding inscription on the page. The answer will appear instantly.

There are many ways to read runes. We have selected several of them so that you can get an answer to any question that interests you, no matter what it concerns: personal relationships or money problems, a sudden difficult situation or the need to get a comprehensive forecast for a certain period of time. So, here they are...

Fortune telling on Scandinavian runes and their meanings

Divination is ideal for solving urgent issues and situations that have arisen here and now. It takes a minimum of time and gives a clear, specific answer, without scattering attention to additional aspects that are not directly related to the question asked.

An ancient alignment that no longer just gives an answer to the question asked, but also tells you what to do next, as well as what awaits you in the future. That is, the Three Runes allow you to form a chain of cause and effect, which will arise if you take certain actions or, conversely, do not.

This is very good way look at a particular situation from a comprehensive perspective. With the help of this alignment, you can understand what are the reasons that led to it, how it will develop, what slows it down, and what can strengthen it. The layout is universal, and you can contact it with any questions - about love, relationships, career, new beginnings, prospects.

A large-scale layout of 12 runes, which is an overview of all sides and aspects of the human personality and the circumstances surrounding it. You can do it for yourself to understand your own soul and dot the “e”, or you can do it for someone else. After all, it happens that we doubt a person, not knowing how much he can be trusted, whether he suits us and whether we can count on a long-term relationship with him.

Futhark runes are multifaceted and allow you to cover the widest range of life phenomena and situations. Rune reading is a great way to analyze any problem, understand relationships, and understand perspectives. But the specificity of the various questions that runes are asked implies the specificity of their interpretation. And that is why we offer you detailed meanings for the runes, which will allow you to find answers to any questions that worry you and the answers to which are urgent and significant for you.

Divination on Slavic runes and their meanings

How much wisdom and secrets are sometimes hidden in seemingly simple things! Runes… Uncomplicated images from lines, which can be put together according to the strength of a child… Meanwhile, behind them are hidden deep concepts that carry the meaning and essence of the spirituality of our Slavic ancestors, their knowledge of the world and the universe. And one can only admire the depth of these meanings and knowledge and respectfully accept them, joining a civilization that is thousands of years old.

But, Slavic runes are not only archetypes and a concentrate of unique information. But also an ideal tool for divination and predictions. What we invite you to verify. After all, you have entered the section, which contains a whole range of free on-line divination on Slavic runes, solving a variety of tasks - from answering express questions like “it will come true - it will not come true” to considering conflict situations. And for those who want (or are already trying) to master the predictive practices on Slavic runes personally, we offer detailed, detailed values ​​for each of them. In them you will find interpretations of the direct and inverted position of the runes, their interpretation in divination of various subjects, advice that can be obtained from the runes. So, use, comprehend and may good luck accompany you!

We bring to your attention online alignment"Fortune-telling Mokosh". This fortune-telling on Slavic runes consists of 7 cuts, which cover different sides of the problem or the current situation. The alignment helps to place the right accents and determine priorities that would help correct the difficulties that have arisen, determine the correct attitude towards them and draw conclusions. Be sure to try this fortune-telling, because "Fortune-telling Mokosh" is an ideal adviser, impartial and objective.

It is never too early and never too late to seek answers to the Big Questions. And you need to do this as soon as possible, because life is fleeting, "tomorrow" every moment turns into "today" and immediately dissolves into the past.

Fortune telling on six cuts gives exhaustive answers to questions about the meaning of life, about human destiny. This online alignment on Slavic runes makes you seriously think about your own life and try to set the right priorities in it. Use it... And, perhaps, you will finally be able to understand what the essence of being is and find the starting point for your spiritual development. Or to understand how to move along this path faster and better.

Before you online fortune-telling on the Slavic runes "Staff of Veles". Its name is symbolic, because it allows you to build a staff-like vertical linking the future with the past through the present. And it affects the most global, significant moments of life, because Veles is the god of true wisdom.

Such an alignment will allow you to dot many points over the “e”, maybe it will force you to make new life accents ... You can use it both to resolve problematic situations and to make sure that your plans are reasonable and promising.

Ask a question, and immediately get a specific, concise and at the same time capacious answer ... What could be more convenient and more honest! Fortune telling online on the runes Cry of the Raven is exactly what you need in similar situations. You simply formulate a question, the answer to which is of concern to you at the moment. And you get an exhaustive “yes” or “no” and a couple of recommendations that will help you quickly get closer to the realization of your plan.

Here you will find detailed detailed meanings of the Slavic runes. With them, you will actually have answers to any questions - about the future, about relationships with a loved one, about career prospects, etc. In these interpretations, you can get advice and a warning, an answer to a controversial question and an analysis of a problem situation ...

This section of divination on ancient runes is completely devoted to love relationships. Here you will find a huge number of fascinating layouts on the runes. Thanks to them, you can quickly learn a lot about your relationship, hear such necessary answers to questions that have long been of concern to you. The runes will easily reveal the secret of the future. They will tell you how not to stray from the right path and follow the call of the heart. How to build a long-lasting and happy relationship, always remain a support and support for each other.

Open a list of online fortune-telling on runes >>>

Here are collected the most interesting and popular divination on runes. Thanks to the layouts on the runes, you can easily find out the answers to exciting questions about your fate, past and future, as well as solving various life situations. If you seek to know the future using esoteric methods, try to understand the subtle and at the same time very simple "language" of runes.

Open a list of online fortune-telling on runes >>>

Divination using flash technology

The layout of the runes online using the “Healing Wheel” method will help determine the meaning of the past for the present situation and the likely outcome of events in the future, if everything in your life remains as it is. You realize the meaning of your life situation, and determine how to turn it for the better. Runes will help you understand the impact of past actions on the current situation and the possible outcome of events in the future, if everything remains as it is.

This wonderful online layout on the runes works great, perfectly clarifies all the incomprehensibility and gives very comprehensive answers to most of the questions that girls / women ask when divining. The alignment of runes for love is almost impossible without focusing on the object of love and its name. Therefore, before starting fortune-telling, focus as much as possible on the question that interests you.

Fortune telling on runes online "Three Prophetic Norns"
This alignment on the runes is called the Norns by the name of the three sister entities that weave the thread of fate - Urd (What Was), Vernandi (What Is Becoming) and Skald (What Will Be). This alignment has a mythological justification. When the Norns draw lots for people, each of them chooses one rune. Questions for such fortune-telling: “How will events develop?”, “What will be the consequences of my actions?”, “What will happen if I do something?”.

Online divination on runes - 8 layouts
When referring to runes as divinatory tools, one should not ask questions that require answers like "yes" and "no". After all, the runes are designed to tell about the circumstance, to tell about the events in which you will be in the future. Their role is such that they always give a descriptive, figurative answer, since they themselves are symbols of certain images.

Fortune telling on the German runes "Elder Futhark"
In the Elder Futhark layout, you can get answers to the following questions: 1) the situation at the moment, 2) the situation that may follow, 3) best option actions (a mythology worth trying to play out).

Fortune telling on Slavic runes "Veles"
This version of rune divination is the magical answer to your problem. Having formulated the question, pull out the rune. Remember that before you is not just a sign by which you need to find the answer, but the gate that opens the way to reflection and awareness of the situation.

Fortune telling online has its own characteristics. Firstly, this is a quick result and its ready interpretation, which is a negative factor for beginner fortunetellers. However, for masters it has a special appeal, especially for training.

Intention: The first and probably the longest (especially for beginners) part of divination. Necessary clearly formulate the question, the answer to which we want to receive. Foggy goals tend to produce vague results, and vice versa, the more clearly the goal is defined, the higher the likelihood that you will get a fortune-telling result corresponding to it.

In addition, the question must be substantiated, it will not be superfluous to ask yourself: "Why am I asking?" Perhaps it doesn’t matter to you what the Runes will tell you in the process of divination, but it is important to get confirmation of your own thoughts.

And in Perhaps you are not interested in the answer to your question, but in this way you want to get hope, the hope that what you dream about will suddenly become a reality, of course, without effort on your part. Of course, with the right work, you will receive again and again a result that will say that your hope is not destined to come true, and being disappointed in online fortune-telling on the Runes, you will run to ask the Tarot, then contact an astrologer or some other master ... But chances in there is no place for life, a happy accident will find you when this is preceded by a period of painstaking work to achieve the desired result. Therefore, it is very important to be ready to accept the result of fortune-telling and take responsibility for your fate and for your actions, otherwise it is better not to even start guessing on the Runes.

Rune initiation when divining Online: TOas you know, any fortune-telling requires a developed skill of a medium from a fortuneteller, that is, an intermediary between himself and those forces that stand behind each of the Runes. In addition, sometimes the abilities of a medium will come in handy to make fortune telling to someone. Thus, you need to tune in to fortune telling, here the algorithm is simple.

First of all, it is necessary to enter the state of stopping the internal dialogue (IAD), which is also a state of emptiness, which is also a state of thoughtlessness. It can be reached different ways: some focus on current bodily sensations, visualists often visualize a snowy field with softly falling snow, a kinesthetic person can do the same by "visualizing" the sensations of grains of sand slowly moved by the wind over the skin, auditory to noise sea ​​waves, you can generally puzzle the mind with a complex mathematical problem ... There are many ways.

Then, having entered the police department, you need to focus on the issue under consideration, trying to feel it as much as possible and at the same time remain “unemotional” to the result of fortune-telling (emotions, in fact, will be a sign that you are no longer in the police department, which means you need to start all over again).

After that, as a rule, a ritual is performed that precedes working with Runes and allows you to tune in to work with them, if the fortuneteller has such a ritual.

Rune Divination Online: having tuned in to fortune-telling and the question asked, you can proceed to fortune-telling itself. To do this, you must select the runes from the table or click the button to select automatically.

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Divination of Odin - 1 rune- It is believed that fortune-telling on one rune is the clearest, because it will not allow you to be distracted by extraneous ideas, which are still superfluous in your life situation. In this, fortune-telling on runes approaches the eastern systems set out in our encyclopedia - Chinese and Tibetan, which also recommend limiting themselves to one fortune-telling symbol at a time.

Divination Norn - 3 runes- This method was used 2000 years ago. It is suitable for most occasions. It is necessary to clearly formulate the topic of divination and pull out 3 runes in turn. The first rune describes the current situation, the second - the required course of action, the third - the situation that will follow.

Norn Divination >>>

Runes- these are magical and alphabetic signs that were carved on stones, carved on wood. Many runic signs have an ancient origin - they go back to the magical symbols of the Celtic priests-druids, from whom they later passed to the Germanic, and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Help runes addressed using two different channels: visual and auditory. First, the rune was depicted. For example, it could be laid out from wooden sticks, or it could be applied to a stone or birch bark, to a spear shaft or to the surface of an earthen vessel. Secondly, to enhance the impact of the rune, her name was pronounced or sung in a special song. Such a many-sided feeling brought those who communicated with magical signs into extraordinary excitement, incredibly sharpened her perception. Everyone turned to the runes for their special needs: the healer cast out the disease, the warrior asked for victory in battle, the hunter, attracting prey, prayed for good luck.

TO runic oracle you can contact with any question. You can find out what the situation is of interest to you, or ask the Higher Forces for advice on what to do. Try to relax and fully focus on your question. Without looking, take out one rune from the bag, put it in front of you. Pay attention to what position she is in - upright or inverted: the answer she will give you depends heavily on this. And then you can read what is said about the specific meaning of this rune. Remember: the deeper you try to penetrate into its unique secret, the more detailed and useful the answer to your question will be. Therefore, as in other divination systems, the more experience you accumulate with runes, the easier it will be for you to get the information you need.

There are many ways divination on runes, each of them can correspond to the theme you choose. We offer you 2 of the most famous of them:

Clearly state the question that interests you most at the moment. This may be a general problem, or it may be a separate situation. It is not recommended to ask a question about subjects that are not related to each other in your emotional perception. For example, do not ask "about work" and "about love" at the same time if these are two different topics for you.

Rune divination is not just a ritual, but the most ancient cultural heritage of our ancestors. Independently of each other, developed civilizations from all over the world discovered or received from above this inexhaustible storehouse of knowledge.

At the heart of each runic tradition is the alphabet - a set of abstract pictograms forming an ordered system, that is, futhark. Runes inherit the semantic load from rock paintings stone age. Abstract bull heads, bird paws, the triumph of hunters - the natural symbolism of gestures and postures was simplified and eventually transformed into features, cuts, dents, mysterious squiggles of glyphs. Centuries, and maybe even millennia, passed before the collections of elegant badges united into a single system, common in a particular locality. This is how all modern alphabets, numbers and, of course, runes appeared. The latter are a unique fusion of magical, mythological and written traditions.

Traditionally, fortune-telling on runes was performed during the period of actualization of key life milestones, the crossing of peculiar Rubicons - birth and death, marriage, an upcoming military campaign, the outcome of an unequal struggle or a dubious enterprise, success in trade affairs, the expectation of offspring, harvest and other unknown facets of the future. People talked with runes, asked for advice, they were trusted not so much with the fate of an individual, but of an entire tribal community. The peoples living in the northern lands in harsh conditions isolated from the rest of the world knew how to look to the future with hope, because this is what the runic tradition teaches us - an unbending will to win and faith in changes for the better.

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of the runic futhark is Scandinavia, the so-called runes of Odin. Meanwhile, if you search carefully, you can find your own alternative in virtually every civilization and people of Europe, Asia and Native America. Moreover, the legends, beliefs and rituals encrypted in letters and glyphs served as a kind of marker or a pass to the community of people who lived in a single geographical space. According to this principle, a cultural exchange took place between the disunited and scattered Germanic tribes, the Celts, Balts living on the islands and the Slavic tribal communities lost in the forests.


Runic divination is just one of the areas of application of runes. We have compiled one of the most complete collections for divination. You, in turn, have to choose the futhark to whom you can entrust your most secret dreams and spiritual aspirations. But before you start divination, please take note: the practice of divination on runes is an ancient, proven for thousands of years and very powerful predictive tradition. Asking runes small, everyday questions about pressing matters is like shooting sparrows from a cannon. Also note that the interpretation of the layout that has fallen out is a very subtle thing, this is the main difference between runes and other methods of divination. To get an exhaustive answer, it is enough to draw one, two, maximum three runes. Alternately. And draw your own conclusions.


You can start your acquaintance with runes at any time. To do this, it is enough to choose your starting system - Futhark, with which work will be carried out in the future. Gradually studying the meanings of individual runes, you will learn to see the whole system of worldview and the world order of the people who used these runes.

runic magic

Runic alphabets (or futharks) are not only a popular divination tool, but also a kind of special creative and protective runic magic known to man for several thousand years. The first traces of human magical activity on earth are special protective symbols and formulas carved on road (travel) stones. Very often, such finds are found on the territory of modern Germany, Great Britain, Denmark and other Western European countries. It is to these peoples that the discovery of the classical and Armanic Futhark belongs.

It is surprising to a modern person, but back in the 7th-10th centuries, in the territories surrounding the northern sea, variations of the now popular Scandinavian or classic runic futhark were widely used in everyday life. Its direct "competitors" are the Armanic and Slavic runic alphabets. Before Christianity came to these lands, runic writing, mythology, and protective symbols did not just decorate household items, dwellings, clothes, weapons and bodies of representatives of the Slavic-Aryan and Finno-Ugric tribes - they literally united and streamlined the daily life of a person. Experts in runic magic (writing) - masters of runneckers - also stood out in a separate branch of priestly castes. Largely thanks to the efforts of their followers, the time-tested runic staves or formulas (scripts), witch runes (hex signs), haldras, bindruns, hieroglyphs and Slavic swastika symbols have survived to this day.

The ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Slavs, Chinese, Native Americans and other peoples created and practiced runic magic. Amulets, divination, healing, magical rites, initiations, rituals of naming and meditation - runes will always come to the rescue, protect and suggest the shortest path to happiness and harmony.

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