
Linguistic features of English newspapers. Coursework: Language and style in English journalism Newspaper style in English

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M.N. Lapshina distinguishes the following styles in English:


oratorical speech;

Scientific and technical style;

Official business style;

Newspaper style;

Free-speaking style.

Publicistic style in this classification is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality and expressiveness. Its main forms are essays, essays, analyst reviews, in which the opinion of the author plays a very important role.

Newspaper style - a style whose main task is the objective transmission of information, without introducing a subjective or emotionally evaluative nature into it.

In general, the system of functional styles is constantly undergoing some changes, and the boundaries between styles are blurred, and sometimes it is not easy to distinguish a style from a genre. These difficulties are especially noticeable in the style of newspapers.

M.D. Kuznets and Yu.M. Skrebnev, the authors of The Stylistics of the English Language, note that in various newspaper genres, various speech styles are realized - both official business and scientific, and sometimes articles even contain excerpts from works of art.

It is still possible to single out the features of the newspaper style, and in this aspect it is very close to the newspaper-journalistic style in Russian. The newspaper is a medium of information and a means of persuasion. The specific situation is also very important - the newspaper is usually read in the subway, at breakfast. In this regard, even if the article or note is not read to the end, it should impress and fulfill its main goal. Hence the need to convey information quickly and concisely. The use of clichés is ubiquitous, as it both makes it easier for the reader to understand and makes it easier for the journalist, who usually has very little time to prepare an article. Also, the presentation should not require preliminary preparation from the reader, dependence on the context should be minimized.

In the newspaper style, there is a large percentage of the use of proper names - toponyms, anthroponyms, names of institutions and organizations, as well as numerals and dates. There are a large number of internationalisms and abstract words.

Newspaper style in English is also characterized by the following features.

  • 1. An abundance of quotations and direct speech.
  • 2. Replacing the verb with a stable combination, often in a passive form, (for example, make contact with, be subjected to, have the effect of, exhibit a tendency to, serve the purpose of; greatly to be desired, a development to be expected).
  • 3. The use of gerunds is preferable to prepositional phrases (for example, by examination of - by examining).

Simple short words are replaced by more complex phrases with prepositions (having regard to, in view of).



Features of newspaper style

style newspaper article information

I Introduction

II. Main part

Theoretical part

Types of functional styles

newspaper style

) the specifics of the newspaper as one of the forms of mass media

) daily newspaper features

) functions and purpose of the newspaper

) the originality of the conditions for the language creativity of the newspaper

) style features of the newspaper

) newspaper language

) header role

) features of newspaper reports

) the meaning of an editorial in a newspaper

) reporting style

) features of English newspapers

Practical part



I Introduction

In our time of the rapid development of culture, science, technology, it becomes obvious that there is a need for such a source of information that would be able to convey to the reader information about the latest events both within the country and abroad in the shortest possible time and in an understandable form. If the use of such sources of information as radio, television, the Internet can be limited by any technical damage, time or their absence at all, then the newspaper is the most accessible and convenient to use, that is, it can be read at any convenient time, return again to the incomprehensible moment.

This topic of the course work is devoted to the study of the features of newspaper style, which would help to read and understand newspaper articles correctly.

The purpose of the study is to study and describe the newspaper style in all its variants and manifestations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

) study the literature on functional style

) describe in detail the newspaper style and the set of linguistic means characteristic of it

) analyze the passage, highlight the linguistic means characteristic of this style and describe their function


Theoretical part

Stylistics as a science of means of speech expressiveness

Stylistics is one of the branches of applied linguistics. This is the science of the means of speech expressiveness and the laws of the functioning of the language, due to the most appropriate use of language units, depending on the content of statements, goals, situations and the scope of communication.

The practical usefulness of stylistics is diverse, it is closely related to the improvement of general culture, develops the skills of thoughtful reading, and develops artistic taste. With the help of stylistics, it is possible to prevent an incorrect, distorted, primitive understanding of the text, to see something more in it.

According to the author Arnold I.V. insufficient and incomplete understanding of the text, caused by isolated perception of individual elements, inability to take into account the influence of the context, inattention to stylistic emotional connotations, superficial understanding, prejudice, etc. can be eliminated with stylistic analysis

Stylistics explores the principles and effect of choice in the use of language tools (lexicon, grammar, phonetics) to convey thoughts and emotions in different communication conditions.

Many scientists of the world are studying stylistics, but there are differences in their definition, the role of stylistics, its classification and functions. So, according to the author Michael Riffeter (Functions of stylistics. 1964 p. 316) - stylistics is a science "which studies those aspects of the statement that convey to the person receiving and decoding the message, the way of thinking of the person encoding the message."

Stylistics is usually divided into linguistic stylistics and literary stylistics. It should be noted that one of the important sections of linguistic stylistics is comparative stylistics, which considers the stylistic possibilities of two or more languages. In addition to this division, there is a division into the style of language and the style of speech. Their relations are the main problem of the book by O.S. Akhmatova, L.N. Nathan, A.I. Poltoratskaya and V.I. Fatyushenko “On the principles and methods of linguo-stylistic research. Moscow State University, 1966)

Author Arnold I.V. gives the concept of lexical stylistics, which studies the stylistic functions of vocabulary, functional stylistics, which deals with functional styles, grammatical stylistics, divided into morphological and syntactic, phonostylistics, which considers the features of the sound organization of speech. Stylistics does not deal with the elements of the language, their meaning, but with the expressive potential of the language in the context, i.e. its stylistic function.

The problem of style is solved by many studies in different ways. Disagreements among them cause such points as 1) the content of the concept of "functional style"; 2) the principles of classification, which means the number of distinguished styles; 3) the question of the place of the literary artistic style in the system of style literary language. For example, Lomonosov M.V. expressive-genre principle was laid down. His styles correlated with the genres of fiction, poetry and drama. With the creation of the normative grammar of the Russian language, “instead of three styles, a functional variety of different styles of speech gradually develops” (Vinogradov V.V. “Results of the discussion of stylistics issues” pp. 81-82)

There are three types of speech. A combination of words that serve to express thoughts. Speech happens according to the choice of words, which is included in it: 1) Important or noble, called bookish language; 2) common people, otherwise common language; 3) Between the two, the middle is occupied by ordinary speech or colloquial language.

2. Types of functional styles

Given the many varieties of linguistic material, Murat V.P. “On the main problems of stylistics” (pp. 20-22) offers a different classification of functional styles: 1) colloquial and literary; 2) poetic; 3) newspaper and political; 4) official business; 5) scientific; 6) vocational; 7) colloquial-familiar.

The most important function of the language is communication, communication and influence (Vinogradov V.V. "Stylistics" Theory of poetic speech. Poetics. p.6.) To implement these functions, separate varieties of language, which are called functional styles, historically developed and took shape.

There are the following styles: colloquial (communication function) and book: scientific and official business (message functions), journalistic and literary and artistic (impact functions). The social functions of language are often intertwined.

This diagram offers an image of the classification of styles:

Functional styles----------

book styles colloquial style

scientific style


art style business style style

The main part of the language material in any functional style is made up of general language interstyle means. Most researchers believe that functional styles do not form closed systems. Vinogradov V.V. (“The results of the discussion of questions of stylistics” p. 82) writes that “different functional styles of speech are in a living relationship and interaction, and Budagov R.A. (“On the Question of Language Styles” Questions of Linguistics. 1954, No. 3, p. 67) writes that the features that characterize the language style are “peculiarly, in their own way, repeated in other language styles.” Galperin I.R. in (“Speech Styles and Stylistic Means of Language. Questions of Linguistics”, 1954, No. 4. p77) states that “certain lexical means of language, etc. do not belong to any particular style of speech.” “The boundaries between speech styles are not impenetrable, since there are fairly well-known and frequent cases of free movement of words with the coloring of one style into speech that has signs of another style (Gelhardt R.R. Russian language at school” 1959, No. 6.p. 99).

There are processes of interpenetration of language styles, individual elements of the language are repeated in several styles, and new styles are being formed.

Functional styles can be divided into two groups. The first group, which includes scientific, journalistic and official business, literary and artistic, is characterized by monologue speech, and the second group, which is formed by various types of conversational style, is dialogical. The first group is book styles, the second is colloquial style.

Let's consider a look at the classification of functional styles by different authors of researchers. Rosenthal offers the following functional styles:

scientific style

The scientific style belongs to the book styles of the literary language, which are characterized by a number of general conditions for functioning and linguistic features: reflection on the statement, its monologue character, strict selection of language means, and a tendency towards normalized speech. The style of scientific papers is determined, ultimately, by their content and the goals of scientific communication - to explain the facts of the reality around us as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns of historical development, etc. The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of connections between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors for accuracy, unambiguity, conciseness of expression while maintaining saturation of content.

Formal business style

Among the book styles of the language, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes, but many of its features - historically established genres, specific vocabulary, phraseology, syntactic turns - give it a generally conservative character.

The official business style is characterized by the presence in it of numerous speech standards - clichés. If in other styles templated turns are often considered a stylistic flaw, then in the official business style in most cases they are perceived as a completely natural belonging to it.

Many types of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and arrangement of material. It is no coincidence that in business practice, ready-made forms are often used, which are proposed to be filled out. Even envelopes are usually inscribed in a certain order (different in different countries, but firmly established in each of them), and this is convenient for both writers and postal workers. Therefore, speech clichés that simplify and speed up business communication are quite appropriate in it.

Official business style is the style of documents: international treaties, government acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc.

Journalistic style

In the journalistic style, the functions of the impact (agitation and propaganda) of the language are realized, with which the purely informative function (message of the new) is combined. Publicistic works touch upon issues of a very wide range - topical issues of our time that are of interest to society (political, economic, moral, philosophical), issues of culture, education, everyday life. Publicistic style is used in socio-political literature, legal press (newspapers, magazines), oratory, etc.

Fiction styles

The question of the place of the literary and artistic style in the system of functional styles of the Russian language is solved by scientists in different ways. Some of them give artistic style an equal place among other styles. His “right” to exist in this system is motivated by the fact that he participates in the performance of the language of its social function of influence, that fiction is also a “sphere” of the use of language (although not quite correlative with other spheres related to the social activities of people), that the aesthetic function is one of the forms of the functioning of the language, etc. Other arguments are given in favor of the full inclusion of the fiction style in the number of functional language styles. At the same time, the originality of this style against the background of others is sometimes noted. Thus, pointing out that "the linguistic style of fiction is not sharply delimited from other linguistic styles," the researchers find that it "concentrates and to some extent reproduces the entire variety of linguistic styles of a given language." Analysis of the components of the literary and artistic style shows its specificity. The aesthetic and communicative function of the artistic style is associated with a special way of expressing thoughts, which distinguishes this style from others.

The peculiarity of the language of fiction is: 1) the unity of communicative and aesthetic functions; 2) multi-style; 3) widespread use of figurative and expressive means; 4) manifestation of the creative individuality of the author. To this we add that the language of fiction has a great influence on the development of the literary language.

Conversational style

The colloquial style is opposed to the book styles; he alone has the function of communication. It forms a system that has its own characteristics at all levels of the language structure: in phonetics (more precisely, in pronunciation and intonation), vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology, syntax.

Spoken speech is characterized by special conditions of functioning, which include the lack of preliminary consideration of the statement and the lack of preliminary selection of language material associated with this, the immediacy of speech communication between its participants, the ease of the speech act associated with the lack of formality in relations between speakers and in the very nature of the statement. An important role is played by the context of the situation (the environment of verbal communication) and such extralinguistic means as facial expressions, gestures, and the reaction of the interlocutor.

Morokhovsky O.P. and others consider the following functional styles: official-business, scientific-professional, journalistic, literary-colloquial and familiar-colloquial.

Official and business texts are represented by different types of texts (administrative, legal, military, diplomatic, commercial, economic and such genres as orders, reports, charters, instructions, instructions. It is based on a non-fiction written type of language.

Scientific and professional style. It is based mainly on the non-artistic written type of language, the personal beginning is minimal. In some of its varieties - in the scientific and artistic style, popular science style - it is possible to widely use structures artistic language, in this case the role of the personality factor increases.

Journalistic style. It is based mainly on the non-artistic written type of language, however, it can widely include the structures of the artistic written and oral types of speech. The personal factor plays a very significant role. The qualitative originality of the texts of the journalistic style is due to several circumstances: firstly, a wide range of issues that are considered in it; secondly, by the fact that journalism is addressed to a very wide audience; thirdly, it not only informs a wide audience on a wide range of problems, but also seeks, first of all, to influence the mind and feelings of readers in a certain way, to form in the audience a certain evaluative idea of ​​the facts and events presented. Naturally, this imposes certain requirements on the language of journalism - a journalistic text must be understandable, logical, convincing and expressive.

Literary and colloquial style. It is based mainly on the non-artistic written type of language, but may include the structures of the artistic written and oral types of speech.

Familiar-colloquial style. It is based on the non-artistic oral type of the language, includes the structures of the artistic oral type of the language.

Literary colloquial and familiar colloquial styles are similar in that both of them belong to the oral type of speech, they are guided by the norms of the spoken language.

These styles are not observed in their pure form, usually there is a shift of elements of various functional types. The organic interconnection of all varieties of style, their clear correspondence to a certain purpose creates such a property of style, which can be called its harmonic state.

Let us dwell in more detail on the journalistic style, and specifically the newspaper style.

3. Newspaper style

) The specificity of the newspaper as one of the forms of mass media

Let's get acquainted with the research of newspaper style by some authors. Studying the work of Chekalina E.M. “The language of the modern French press”, we get acquainted with the characteristics of the press as historically the oldest traditional source of information, which, along with radio and television information, includes a newspaper, the advantage of which is that it makes it possible to understand what is read.

Daily newspapers carry fresh information, their function is to quickly convey fresh information to the reader in a compact, expressive and vivid form, so the language of the daily newspaper is most receptive to various linguistic innovations. Newspaper language is governed by its own laws. Distinctive features Newspapers are formed into a certain integral image, in which the actual language side, in combination with the graphic and pictorial solutions of the issues, creates what can be called the “style” of this newspaper. The newspaper is characterized by three groups of genres: informational (chronicle, note, report, reportage, interview), analytical (article, correspondence, review) and artistic and journalistic (essay, feuilleton, pamphlet), although other functional styles can be presented in it. .

The newspaper actively forms its image, taking into account a specific reader's address, each issue of the newspaper carries the image of its intended and sought-after reader "encoded" in ideas, texts, graphics. The reader's address objectified in newspaper materials as a social phenomenon is an objectively conditioned way of realizing the spiritual needs of certain classes, strata, groups of society, since the newspaper is created and exists as a means of formation and realization of class political self-consciousness. The linguistic embodiment of these needs in the newspaper is distinguished by a wide variety of compositional structures.

2) Features of the daily newspaper

The general reader gives special preference to the daily newspaper, since its function is to convey fresh information to the reader as quickly as possible, in a compact, expressive and vivid form, and to evoke a "planned" reaction with the skillful use of language, graphics and visual means.

Because of this, the language of the daily newspaper is the most receptive to various linguistic innovations, being a "powerful engine" in the creation of words and images. Secondly, a newspaper is a mass publication not only in terms of circulation, but also has authority in a wide readership, and thirdly, a newspaper is “high-quality publications with a high journalistic culture characteristic of it.

Newspaper language is governed by its laws, directly generated by it. The distinctive features of the newspaper are formed into a certain integral image, in which the actual language side in combination with the graphic and pictorial solutions of the issues creates the style of this newspaper (Yu.V. Rozhdestvensky).

3) Functions and purpose of the newspaper

A special functional-stylistic study of journalistic style has begun recently. First of all, it is noted that the most important function of the newspaper is information, but this original function of the newspaper is pushed aside by another - agitation and propaganda or otherwise influencing. The newspaper is a party, trade union or state body, therefore it is aimed at bringing to life the ideology and policies of the party and public organizations on behalf of which they are published. Lenin called the newspaper a collective agitator, propagandist and agitator.

The newspaper is characterized by a clearly and directly expressed function of influence or expressive. In newspaper speech, these two functions are not separated.

The newspaper is called upon to educate the masses, that is, it performs a popularization function, that is, reports on new scientific discoveries, innovations in technology, cultural events, etc. In this regard, the newspaper refers to the means of scientific speech. It tends to analyze and generalize political, socio-economic and other problems.

A newspaperman must also be a theoretician. The theoretical orientation of the content of the newspaper finds its expression in the variety of language means, in the use of lexical and syntactic features of scientific speech. There are several functions of the newspaper: informational, educational, educational, organizational, hedonistic (entertaining). However, the main function of the newspaper remains propaganda and information, influencing information. Compared with other functional styles, the proportion of means and methods for achieving expressiveness in journalistic speech is very high.

The expression of newspaper speech can be carried out in different forms. However, it should be remembered that the form of a restrained, calm proof can also be expressive, i.e. expressive. The stylistic skill of the writer is the ability to choose the best linguistic means of influencing the reader in a given context.

The specificity of newspaper speech lies in its special and intentional expressiveness, expressiveness of the statement.

Another main stylistic feature of journalistic speech associated with expressiveness is the presence of a standard, hence the stamp.

4) The originality of the conditions of language creativity of the newspaper

The newspaper is distinguished by a significant originality of the conditions of linguistic creativity. It is created in the shortest possible time, sometimes making it impossible to bring the processing of language material to the ideal. It is created not by one person, but by many correspondents who prepare their materials in isolation from each other. The variety of newspaper genres, the presence of freelance correspondents, the publication of materials from other areas of communication (announcements, orders, draft laws, etc.) on the pages of newspapers leaves an imprint on the stylistic features of the language of the newspaper. As a result, speech standards inevitably arise. The reason for their appearance is also the repetition of topics. One of the important reasons for the generation of newspaper stamps is the desire for expressiveness of the statement. The search for ways of expressiveness causes a rapid transition of expression into the standard, when even the turnover, being picked up by numerous correspondents in many newspapers, is very quickly “erased”, turning into a stamp.

The main stylistic principle of V.G. Kostomarov defines as unity, conjugation of expression and standard; constituting the specifics of newspaper speech. In newspaper speech, the unity of expression and standard becomes the stylistic principle of the organization of the utterance.

The expressive function of the newspaper, due to its propaganda orientation, causes an open evaluative speech. The appraisal of speech is especially evident in polemics with ideological opponents and in positive assessments of our reality.

Estimation is expressed primarily in vocabulary: in a relatively large part of adjectives and nouns that are qualitatively evaluative in terms of semantics, in the selection of phraseology and the peculiarities of using syntactic means.

It is by open appraisal that the journalistic style differs from the artistic one, and it is in this feature - open appraisal - that the sign and property of the journalistic style is seen.

Other stylistic features, in addition to the agitation and propaganda function, include invocative, slogan-declarative, which are manifested in the motivating nature of speech. This should include simplicity and accessibility. Speech expressiveness is realized in the stylistic "effect of novelty", in the pursuit of unusualness, freshness of phrases, the semantics of words, in an effort to avoid repetition of the same words, phrases, constructions. Advertising is expressed in the features of heading sentences, in appeals to the reader, problematic issues.

The style of newspaper speech is strongly influenced by the mass nature of communication. Mass here and the addressee and the author. They seem to express the position of millions of like-minded people. In this regard, one of the stylistic means is a kind of collectiveness, which finds its expression in the peculiarities of meanings and the functioning of language units.

5) Style features of the newspaper

The other side of the above style-forming unity - the information function - is embodied in such features of the journalistic style that are associated with the manifestation of the intellectuality of speech. Such style features are

) documentaryism, manifested in the objectivity and proven factuality of the presentation, which in terms of style can be defined as an emphasized documentary-factual accuracy of expression;

) restraint, formality, emphasizing the importance of facts, information;

) a well-known generalization, abstraction and conceptual presentation.

The newspaper style uses the techniques and means of other styles and turns out to be an area of ​​​​living inter-style interactions. However, the means of other styles have their own special function in the newspaper. The diversity of stylistic features in different genres of the newspaper is presented differently. Some, for example, advanced, theoretical, staged, popular science articles, reviews, reviews gravitate toward an analytical-generalized presentation, to the nature of speech and style close to scientific, others - essays, sketches, feuilletons - are close in style to artistic ones, although thoroughly publicistic.

6) Newspaper language

Speaking of newspaper style, one cannot fail to mention the so-called newspaperisms. These include linguistic phenomena and units that are widely used specifically in newspapers and little or almost unused in other speech areas, that is, words of elevated stylistic coloring that carry the stamp of "newspaperness". This includes means specially formed in newspaper speech. The newspaper is characterized by new uses and meanings for a number of words that are not of a common character, but are widely used in the newspaper. (Expansion of the meaning of the words border, lighthouse, etc.)

In general, newspaper vocabulary is heterogeneous. It uses a wide range of book words, colloquial, even colloquial vocabulary, but with special stylistic purposes.

Words such as - interview, correspondence, editorial, information, reportage, etc., as well as international words - are characteristic of the newspaper. The frequency of the use of internationalisms is much greater, that is, how exactly they can be attributed to newspaperisms (maonist, socialist, monopolist, etc.)

The newspaper gives birth and cultivates its own phraseology. Stable combinations of newspaper standards often turn into a stamp (in step with the century). Newspaper style reveals itself in the field of word formation.

Let us consider what linguistic means implement two interrelated functions of newspaper speech: influencing and informational. The first, that is, the influencing one, is carried out in the novelty of meanings, which arises due to the expansion of the lexical compatibility of words. This feature of style is associated with the desire to express an idea quickly and expressively.

The newspaper is characterized by the search for biting and well-aimed assessments, the use of metaphors, metonymy.

Expressiveness is achieved through the use of high book vocabulary (daring, accomplishment, through high-frequency evaluative vocabulary (figurative epithets), through the use of a metaphorical paraphrase, through updating aphorisms, proverbs, sayings (what the press has in the language, then the creators of politics have in mind), through the category collection.

7) The role of the headline in the newspaper

Headlines that can simultaneously perform an advertising function have a special expression and specificity in the newspaper. In many ways, the title determines whether the reader will read this publication or not pay attention to it.

Newspaper headlines should attract the largest number readers, in other words, to ensure the normal functioning of the newspaper itself. Therefore, the headlines of an English newspaper are primarily distinguished by their external feature- they are sometimes printed in such large type that they take up a significant part of the page.

Headlines in an English newspaper are a multi-stage presentation of the main provisions of a newspaper article or newspaper report.

The linguistic features of the English newspaper headlines are determined by their functional purpose - to summarize the content of the note in the most sensational possible way. Headings omit articles, linking verbs, pronouns, etc. The limited place to some extent determined the use of non-perfect forms of the verb. If the verb is used in the title in the form of a long form, auxiliary verbs are omitted, the so-called “Present Historicum” is often used, and infinitive constructions are widely used.

Their syntactic features are no less characteristic. Titles often use noun phrases. There are also such complex attributive groups in which the main content of the message is stated. Thus, the logical predicate or, in other words, the main predication of the message acts as a definition, for example:


Many headlines in English and American newspapers are structured in the form of questions that are intended to draw the reader's attention to the content of the message. For example: PERSUER - and PURSUED? KIND OF LINE - WHERE?

In English and American newspaper headlines, individual words, phrases and sentences are sometimes given from the speech of a political figure, for example:


English newspaper headlines have a significant impact on general rules development of the style of English newspaper reports.

8) Features of newspaper reports

Messages in the English and American newspapers are divided into two types: short messages (Brief News) and communiques (communiqu é ). Short messages usually have one title. The most characteristic feature of short messages is their syntactic structure; they consist mostly of 1-2, maximum 3 sentences, very long, representing a chain subordinate clauses with an extensive system of allied communication. In such brief reports, not one thought is stated, but several, and some of the reported facts are not related to the main thought.

Newspaper reports are characterized by a special arrangement of parts of the statement. The first place is taken by the part that, for one reason or another, is considered the most important, which is emphasized.

The need to squeeze such diverse information into the framework of one sentence naturally leads to the use of different syntactic and morphological forms that ensure maximum conciseness of the statement. Hence - such a frequent use of infinitive phrases and, in particular, the construction - "nominative case with an infinitive", which, as you know, is used with such verbs as to seem, to believe, to appear, to say, to suppose. These verbs are most convenient for conveying a message whose source is not always reliable. Therefore, brief messages are often replete with phrases such as ... is believed to have gone ... or is supposed to speak, passive constructions such as: it was revealed, it was reported, etc.

It is necessary to note one more important feature of the style of newspaper reports - this is the absence of subjective-evaluative emotional elements of the language, both lexical and syntactic, in the composition of the statement. We will not find here any inversions, or exclamatory sentences, or defaults, or other means of emotional syntax; there is almost no emotional vocabulary - epithets, interjections, and so on.

9) Significance of an editorial in a newspaper

The editorial has a special place in the newspaper. It aims to propagate the ideas of the party to which it belongs. The leading article is characterized by a business character. It is a product of collective creativity, here the pathos of speech is especially expressed. An editorial is characterized by open evaluativeness, high repetition of the same words, especially terms. The scientific and business nature of the leading article is manifested in the nominal structure of speech. The theoretical and analytical-generalizing content of the editorial reveals itself in the syntax as well.

10) Reporting Style

The reporting style is the opposite of the advanced style, but it also has common features of newspaper speech.

The report presents two trends: documentary and second - the liveliness and emotionality of the story.

The first trend is due to the objective accuracy and analytical-generalized nature of the presentation. Figurativeness, metaphorism, the use of means of live colloquial speech are associated with the action of the second trend.

The publicity of the report is manifested in a bright and open evaluation, in the implementation of the category of collectiveness.

11) Features of the first English newspapers

In early English newspaper reports, the main information was placed at the very beginning to attract the reader's attention. They usually end with words like I understand I hear.

At the dawn of the emergence of the English newspaper, the difference between newspaper information and journalistic style was much sharper than at present. The newspaper contained only bare information, the news of the day and did not comment on them in any way, and the magazines, on the contrary, did not contain any information about the news of the day, but placed comments on the news published in the newspaper. This distinction has been largely obliterated in the modern English newspaper.

If the first English newspaper was approved in 1622, then in 1692 there were already 26 different newspapers and their number was growing. Typically, questions domestic policy countries were consecrated very superficially, but external events were subjected to careful analysis.

The original newspapers in English consisted of two pages with 2 columns each. Then ads and advertisements began to appear. Beginning in the 18th century, the English newspaper took on the form that it has today.

The language of the English newspaper is characterized by two styles: the style of newspaper reports, headlines, announcements and the style of newspaper articles. Newspaper articles are divided into editorials and reviews of own correspondents, critical articles and feuilletons. The content of the articles are the burning events of the day and week.

Depending on the nature of the newspaper, on the content of the article itself, on the goal that the author sets, the nature of the imagery and the ratio of colloquial and book elements in the article change.

When working on a newspaper in English, it is important to extract not only the actual content of the text, but also to understand the attitude of the newspaper to these facts, to identify the means and ways of presenting the material.

In the modern English press, slang, proverbs, metaphors, metonymy, epithets, paraphrase, comparisons, hyperbole, words and phrases, which are especially popular at the present time, are widely used.

Thus, after analyzing the studies of various authors of the newspaper style, we can draw the following conclusions about the features of the newspaper style.

) economy of language means, brevity of presentation with informative saturation;

) selection of language means with a focus on their intelligibility (newspaper is the most common type of mass media);

) the use of socio-political vocabulary and phraseology, rethinking the vocabulary of other styles (in particular, terminological vocabulary) for the purposes of journalism;

) the use of speech stereotypes, clichés characteristic of this style;

) genre diversity and the associated variety of stylistic use of language means: polysemy of a word, word-formation resources (author's neologisms), emotionally expressive vocabulary;

) the combination of features of a journalistic style with features of other styles (scientific, official business, literary and artistic, colloquial), due to a variety of topics and genres;

) the use of figurative and expressive means of the language, in particular the means of stylistic syntax (rhetorical questions and exclamations, construction parallelism, repetitions, inversion, etc.)


11 plan was to hijack ten planes, says mastermindKatherine Butler

ORINAL plan for the September 11 attacks involved up to 10 planes and targets on the American west coast, the al-Qa`ida mastermind of the atrocities, has told interrogators.Sheikh Mohammed who was seized in Pakistan in March and is being held by the CIA at a secret location, said he first broached the hijack plot with Osama bi Laden in 1996.records obtained by the Associated Press show the plan was to hijack five commercial jets on both US coasts but that was considered impractical by bin Laden.early version of the plot also envisaged blowing up 12 western aircraft simultaneously over Asia in a second wave of attacks which would be done by groups allied to al-Qa`ida in South-East Asia. Mohammed`s statements also indicate Al-Qa`ida is planning fresh attacks on western targets.the confessions, investigators had assumed the ringleader of the 19 men who committed the 11 September attacks was the Egyptian, Mohammed Atta. But two of the hijackers on the Pentagon were more pivotal to the plot, the interrogation records suggest. said Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were among the four original operatives bin Laden assigned to him. Yemenis Walid Muhammed bin Attash and Abu Bara al-Yemeni were the others named.`s statements claim he communicated with the ringleaders in internet chat rooms while they lived in the US preparing for the atrocities., hijackers were to be picked from different countries on the al-Qa`ida recruiting list, Mohammed`s answers reveal. But as the plan advanced, bin Laden decreed the hijackers would be composed of a large group of young Saudis.

Catherine Butler's article in The Independent on September 24, 2003, "Organizer says 9/11 plan was to hijack 10 planes," states that the original 9/11 attack plan included hijacking ten planes, which were supposed to destroy ten objects. This was stated to investigators by the head of Alkaida. This plan was first proposed by Osam Bin Ladonn in 1996 to Kalidu Sheik Mahamed, who is currently in a secret location. According to the recording of the interrogation, it turned out that Bin Laden considered the plan to hijack five planes impractical.

The article goes on to point out that an early version of the plan called for a simultaneous attack by a group of allies on Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia. The article indicates that Al-Qaeda is planning new attacks on Western targets. Prior to the confession, investigators assumed that the ringleader of the nineteen who carried out the 9/11 attacks was the Egyptian Mohamed Atta. As the interrogation tape suggests, two of the alleged participants in the plan crashed at the Pentagon. Mohammed named a few more of the original participants. Mohamed stated that he communicated with the leader of the attack via the Internet while they lived in the US, preparing for the atrocity.

The article reports that the hijackers were initially recruited from various countries on a list of Al-Qaeda newcomers, but Bin Laden believed that the hijackers should be made up of a large group of young Saudis.

This article is characterized by informativeness, documentation, reliability of events. These functions are characterized through a number of means: specific dates (September 11), numbers (10, 5, 19), proper names (Khalid Sheikh, Mohammed, Osama bin Laden), abbreviations (CIA, US). The proposed article is characterized by conciseness, brevity of presentation with informative saturation, the language of the newspaper is short, accessible, understandable to the reader.

The title of the article attracts attention by the fact that it is highlighted in bold italics, in relatively large print, it briefly expresses the main content of the text. Articles, linking verbs, pronouns are omitted in the title, the infinitive construction to hijack is used.


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    1.3.1 Newspaper style in English

    M.N. Lapshina distinguishes the following styles in English:

    1. style of artistic speech;

    2. journalistic style;

    3. public speaking;

    4. scientific and technical style;

    5. official business style;

    6. newspaper style;

    7. fluent conversational style.

    Publicistic style in this classification is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality and expressiveness. Its main forms are essays, essays, analyst reviews, in which the opinion of the author plays a very important role.

    Newspaper style - a style whose main task is the objective transmission of information, without introducing a subjective or emotionally evaluative nature into it.

    In general, the system of functional styles is constantly undergoing some changes, and the boundaries between styles are blurred, and sometimes it is not easy to distinguish a style from a genre. These difficulties are especially noticeable in the style of newspapers.

    M.D. Kuznets and Yu.M. Skrebnev, the authors of The Stylistics of the English Language, note that in various newspaper genres, various speech styles are realized - both official business and scientific, and sometimes articles even contain excerpts from works of art.

    It is still possible to single out the features of the newspaper style, and in this aspect it is very close to the newspaper-journalistic style in Russian. The newspaper is a medium of information and a means of persuasion. The specific situation is also very important - the newspaper is usually read in the subway, at breakfast. In this regard, even if the article or note is not read to the end, it should impress and fulfill its main goal. Hence the need to convey information quickly and concisely. The use of clichés is ubiquitous, as it both makes it easier for the reader to understand and makes it easier for the journalist, who usually has very little time to prepare an article. Also, the presentation should not require preliminary preparation from the reader, dependence on the context should be minimized.

    In the newspaper style, there is a large percentage of the use of proper names - toponyms, anthroponyms, names of institutions and organizations, as well as numerals and dates. There are a large number of internationalisms and abstract words.

    Newspaper style in English is also characterized by the following features.

    1. An abundance of quotations and direct speech.

    2. Replacing the verb with a stable combination, often in a passive form, (for example, make contact with, be subjected to, have the effect of, exhibit a tendency to, serve the purpose of; greatly to be desired, a development to be expected).

    3. The use of gerunds is preferable to prepositional phrases (for example, by examination of - by examining).

    4. Simple short words are replaced by more complex turns with prepositions (having regard to, in view of).

    5. Features of word order - often the adverb of time is placed between the subject and the predicate, which focuses on the predicate (A group of Tory backbenchers yesterday called for restrictions of the CND Easter peace demonstration).

    1.3.2 Newspaper style in Korean

    The functional styles of the Korean language are still an underdeveloped area of ​​stylistics. Theoretical provisions and principles have not yet been developed that can be used as the basis for the study of one or another functional and stylistic variety of the literary Korean language: fiction, newspaper texts, publicistic speeches, scientific texts, official documents. In Korean linguistics, the study of functional styles of speech has not taken shape as a special linguo-stylistic problem, so functional stylistics is not singled out as an independent section of this science. However, the problem of speech style itself is currently being actively developed from the standpoint of communication theory.

    As for the types of texts and compositional-speech forms, this problem is mainly dealt with by specialists in the field of literature and semiotics. The genre diversity of speech works is also studied within the framework of the theory of text types.

    Despite the fact that functional stylistics is not singled out as an independent branch of science, the very problem of various “modes of expression” is being actively investigated. At the same time, the style of speech corresponding to certain communicative conditions is considered from the point of view of its effectiveness in achieving the goal.

    Usually, there are five main "basic" functional styles: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic and conversational everyday. The closest to this classification of styles is given by the linguist Park Yongsun: socio-political style, official business style, scientific and technical style, newspaper style, artistic style and everyday style.

    As for the characteristics of the newspaper style, in the vocabulary of this style there is a large percentage of proper names, numerals, dates, an abundance of Hanmun vocabulary, borrowings from the English language, clichés, and so on. Korean newspaper text is distinguished by the use of kanji, most often kanji are used in headlines.

    The expressiveness of speech is realized in the stylistic "effect of novelty", in the desire for unusual and freshness of phrases, as well as in the desire to avoid repetition of the same words (in addition to terms), wide application means of verbal figurativeness, for example, such phraseological units as °YАSА» і»µуґЩ (to take the first steps), №SCHELA» іС°ЬБЦґШЧ (pass the baton), Ї°іё¦ ґУѕЖБЦґШЧ (give wings).

    Collectivity as a linguistic feature of the newspaper style is embodied in the originality of the category of person (the use of the 1st and 3rd person in a generalized sense), in the increased frequency of the pronoun їmyo® (we, our). Collectivity as an expression of the spirit of collectivism creates the impression of monumentality of the statement, its significance.

    The information function is implemented by various means different levels. So, the text of the newspaper often uses scientific, official business, socio-political terminology; special vocabulary of different fields of knowledge and professions; there is a widespread use of abbreviations and terminological phrases borrowed from English: APEC (Organization for Economic Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region), EU (European Union), OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and others.

    Based on the studied material, it can be argued that the newspaper and journalistic style covers all spheres of life in our society, so often in the texts of this style you can find vocabulary from other styles. The predominant functions in the texts of the newspaper-journalistic style are informational - a message about a new fact, event - and influencing - persuading readers of something. The information group of the newspaper-journalistic style is represented by such genres as a note, a chronicle, a reportage, an interview and a report. Each of these genres has its own stylistic features. Also in texts of the information type, four types of presentation of information are realized - official information, information business, informal information and information expressive.

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