
Basics of composition in floristry. Elephant yucca: botanical description and secrets of care at home. Decorating the premises for the New Year

Floristry in modern world represents real art, which, along with the creation of works of art, fills human hearts with incredible inspiration.

In this case, the materials for creating floral compositions are, in most cases, natural materials. But how can one learn to use them in floral works so that they look presentable and the created decor is suitable for decoration? various interiors or events.

This can be done by mastering the basics of floristry, where you can find out answers to such exciting questions as: “Where should a florist start when assembling bouquets?”, “What basic compositions do you need to know,” “What rules for composing bouquets exist?”

Beginning florists should study the theory in search of answers to questions, in order to further dilute it with practice to achieve the height of mastery in the profession.

Where do you need to start training in floristry?

Floristry training should begin with learning the important principles of composition.

A correctly composed composition will have the following characteristics:

    1. Harmony – the overall impression of the composition should be close to ideal;
    2. Composition design – before creating a bouquet, it is important for each florist to decide on the general concept and style of execution. What styles are used in floristry can be found in the article “Types of bouquets in floristry”;
    3. Variety of textures and structures – in a successful composition, florists know how to correctly combine different flowers according to their type.

Plants have different surfaces, such as velvet, glossy, matte, brocade, rustic. Therefore, it is important to learn how to combine them in such a way that they start playing. For example, it is better to combine shiny flowers with matte greenery, and vice versa.

In addition to texture, it is worth paying attention to the structure of plants, which, depending on the type of plant, is divided into three forms: large, medium and small. In every floristic work you need to be able to correctly arrange them with each other.

    1. Good color – a correctly selected color scheme will concentrate attention on the composition, and not push away from it. You can learn color combinations using the color wheel (for more details, see the article “”);
    2. Dynamic and focal point

The dynamics of the composition are determined by correctly selected materials and arrangement of elements. Any person, looking at such a bouquet, will move his gaze from one part to another.

But at the same time, there will be focal points in the arrangement that will attract the most attention.

There can be one or several focal centers. They create such an attractive dominant by combining different plant textures, unusual leaf shapes and colors, different levels setting and revealing colors;

  1. Proportionality – the composition should look proportionate when composed of different elements, such as, for example, a vessel or stand, plants and flowers. The law of the Golden Ratio helps to achieve correct proportionality;
  2. Balance – balance and stability of the composition is achieved through correct placement flowers. Balance in a symmetrical composition is easily achieved by using identical parts. But in an asymmetrical bouquet, when the center of the axis is shifted, balancing is created not only by the arrangement of plants, but also by fasteners or a correctly selected vessel.

And creating different types flower arrangements it is necessary to rely on these principles. Some of them are worth studying more closely.

Combination of textures in floral arrangements

Plant texture is the external visual characteristic of plants. This is an important factor in arranging bouquets, which florist masters skillfully use.

Thanks to the competent combination of plants of different textures, professionals are able to create incredibly beautiful flower presentations.

And novice florists should learn this. To do this, they need to understand what surfaces plants have and what their name is.

The following textured surfaces are distinguished:

How should flowers be combined according to the textures in a bouquet? This should be done either in contrast, for example, wool and rustic layout, or similar, for example, brocade and silky layout. At the same time, do not forget about the compatibility of flowers with each other in a bouquet.

Arrangement of plants according to structure in a bouquet

Plants differ in their structure, so in some large leaves and small inflorescences, others have large buds, others are elongated, and others are low. But in order for the bouquet to look harmonious, it is necessary to correctly arrange the various plants with each other.

In this regard, in floristry, flowers are divided according to their meaning into three groups:

  1. Large - These are dominant flowers that do not really need arranging. These include, for example, delphiniums, lilies and peonies. Such plants should not be mixed with each other, but it is better to combine them with small ones. These bouquets will look voluminous and expressive.
  2. Average – can be used in any combination, both large and small. In the first case, when created in a composition, they can be placed below the large ones, and in the second case, above the small ones. Carnations, roses and eustomas are prominent representatives of this group;
  3. Small – flowers of this group fill bouquets. If a separate composition is created from plants, then they take up little space and are collected en masse. Such plants are more likely to be placed in small vases, pots or baskets in the interior. Bush aster, daisies, matricaria and forget-me-nots are representatives of the group.

In addition, the growth of plants is taken into account, which can be not only upright, but also twisting and flowing. Florists also consider all these features when composing bouquets.

Rule of proportions "Golden ratio"

The golden ratio in floristry is the fundamental principle that every beginner should know on the path to achieving the heights of floristic mastery.

This rule is that the harmony of the bouquet lies in a certain adherence to proportions that balance the parts of the composition and allow it to look like a single and whole floral work.

The golden ratio rule in floristry uses the basis of the theory of Pythagorean proportions and Fibonacci numbers. In simple and understandable words, this means that when composing compositions, you should be guided by certain mathematical relationships during assembly.

In floristry, such ratios are 2:3 and 3:5:8. Masters cope with such proportions by eye, but beginners have a more difficult time, since at first it is difficult for them to understand how to correctly arrange the parts of the composition.

But with time and more practice, any novice florist will be able to masterfully create bouquets using the golden ratio rule.

The most important thing on the path to success is to remember that the following proportions should be observed when creating compositions:

  • Height proportion

For example, for a composition in a vase, the height of the vessel is initially measured. We take the proportion 2:3. If the vase is tall, then its proportion will be 3 parts, the top of the composition will be lower and its proportion will be equal to 2 parts. And vice versa.

Regarding the bouquet, the proportions are calculated from the middle of the bunch. And it’s better to take 3:5. Moreover, the first proportion is the bottom, and the second is the top.

  • Length proportion– depending on the length or diameter of the vessel, the width of the composition is calculated;
  • Proportion of height and length- a little more complicated. In this case, the work is placed horizontally, but the proportions are calculated based on the height of the vessel. The diameter and massiveness of the center of the floral work will depend on the length of the composition. The ratio is 3:5:8. If it is violated, optical disharmony will arise.
  • Proportion of mass of material used

Used when creating asymmetrical compositions. The grouping is in the ratio 3:5:8 in this order - the main part in the proportion 8, the far one in the proportion 5, the near one in the proportion 3.

The principle of proportionality applies in this way to both symmetrical and asymmetrical compositions. Therefore, moving from the rule of proportions to further study of the basis of floristic craftsmanship, we are talking about the symmetry and asymmetry of bouquets.

Symmetry and asymmetry in compositions

Observing different bouquets in photos posted on social networks such as Instagram or Facebook, it is worth noting that the compositions look either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

It's done professionally. Florists deliberately distribute the material in their work differently so that this arrangement of the material, depending on the selected flowers, looks lively and attractive.

Therefore, symmetry and asymmetry in composition is an equally important part of teaching floristry, not only in theory, but also in practice.

Setting up the material begins with identifying the geometric axis. If the material is equidistant from its middle, then we will talk about symmetry. If the material is placed freely on the left and right sides of the center, then there is asymmetry.

Symmetrical compositions build from the center of gravity of the axis. This means that the main motif of the work will be displayed in the middle. In this case, symmetry is divided into the following types:

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal;
  • Radial (typical of round compositions);
  • Mirror (the optical effect is achieved due to the similarity of colors);
  • Group.

Group symmetry is more complex than other types. In it, both the optical structure and the arrangement of the material in adjacent compositions should be similar.

Florists use symmetry when creating decorative compositions for arranging various celebrations and anniversaries, creating floral designs for offices.

Asymmetry in composition unlike symmetry, it is not placed on the axis, but deviates from it. At the same time, florists maintain the balance of the composition due to optical weight balance.

In asymmetry when creating compositions, the following rules can be distinguished:

  1. Dissymmetry is created intuitively so that the work looks natural, similar to nature;
  2. Visual balance in work is achieved through the lever method, that is, the main group is placed to the left of the axis, and the second as a lever to the right and further;
  3. The distance between parts depends on the size of the smaller group. The smaller the size of the group, the further away it is located;
  4. The balance of the composition is adjusted by placing the parts of the composition at a distance from each other, in height and by approaching the geometric axis. Quite often, florists use the triangle method when creating floral works;
  5. Dissymmetry is enhanced light colors plants, so they should be added to compositions.

Compositions unusual design for a wedding, decorating festive rooms for a birthday or themed holiday events, for example, fairy tales - all this allows you to show your imagination with the help of asymmetry.

Useful videos for beginner florists

The basics of floristry for beginners can be supplemented with the help of useful video tutorials. After all, not only theory is important for beginners, but also practice, which helps to improve in the study of this art.

We recommend learning floral art professionally at Ekaterina Andryukova’s online school. There is a special promotional code only for visitors to our website. SL84ECBA88, which entitles you to a 10% discount when purchasing any product from a florist school.

In addition to these videos, when starting to work with flower arrangements, you should constantly watch various master classes. Depending on what you need, you can use them in your practice.

Floristics- this is one of the varieties of design and decorative and applied art, which is embodied in the creation of compositions, collages, bouquets, and panels. Floral arranging is a creative and technical endeavor.

Usually the designer's goal is to express a theme or idea, an event, using only flowers and leaves.

Floristry for beginners involves creating simple natural compositions, bouquets and collages. It can become a real hobby for lovers of something beautiful, because you can create masterpieces with your own hands. So where to start?

Basics of the art of floristry

First you need to decide on the materials. Each flower has its own meaning. Various natural materials are used for work, for example, flowers, herbs, leaves, berries, chestnuts, nuts, etc. The materials used can be either dry or live.

If you want to create a gift bouquet, remember that azalea means devotion, gladiolus - constancy, calla - beauty and poise, lotus - good health and happiness, orchid - beauty, peony - fame and wealth. In addition, each shade has its own meaning.

Red flowers symbolize passion and love, dark pink - gratitude, white - purity and innocence, purple - friendship, yellow - joy and prosperity. Recently, flower etiquette has received more and more attention. Therefore, by combining different flowers you can express feelings or gratitude.

When composing a flower arrangement, the appearance of the flowers is very important. When choosing flowers, pay attention to the foliage. It should be green, without brown spots. The stems should look as if they were recently cut from the flower bed.

The main rule in floristry for beginners: more is not better. As a rule, experienced designers do not use more than three colors in their work. Bouquets with more than four types of flowers may seem crowded and too variegated, which spoils their appearance.

Classification into types of compositions

Florists identify 4 methods of combination color range plants.
The first is the use of similar colors, the second is a combination of contrasting colors located opposite each other, the third is a combination of different color wheels, the fourth is a combination of several shades of the same color.

Contrasting compositions look bright and unusual. To create such a bouquet you need to use “pure” colors. You can combine orange gerberas with blue irises to create an optimistic composition.

For a romantic atmosphere, you should choose bed shades, choosing muted ones: blue colors in combination with soft pink or lilac with yellow-brown. When experimenting, try making a bouquet of flowers of a light shade and a dark one.

The bouquet may predominate specific color. As usual, florists use several flowers of similar shades for a harmonious combination. Such a bouquet can be composed in a transitional range of one tone. For example, for bright colors the background of the composition is made dimmer and darker, and for dark backgrounds it is made darker and brighter.

When creating a composition, you cannot pay attention only to color. Try to choose natural material of suitable size and shape.

When composing a flower arrangement, you need to prepare the plants and store them correctly during the work process. Place flowers in water by cutting their stems at an angle. Remove all growth and foliage that is below the water level. To maintain the freshness of flowers, you can use floral foam, which prevents the growth of bacteria.

Almost all cut flowers are best stored at a temperature of +5 degrees. Gladioli, orchids, anthuriums are well preserved at +10 degrees. You can “revive” some fading flowers, for example, a rose, by placing the plant in a bath of water for 2 hours.

Charming compositions of dried flowers

Compositions made from dried flowers look very beautiful. They are durable and require almost no further maintenance. A bouquet of dried flowers can be made in decorative tree or vase. One of the most important stages when composing a bouquet, it means selecting the necessary flowers and drying them. You can choose tall roses and gladioli.

Eucalyptus leaves, poppy flowers, yarrow, and dried fern leaves are suitable additions to the bouquet. As a rule, dried flowers are not very bright, so you can color the plants or use additional elements as decoration, for example, peacock feathers.

The most popular composition of dried flowers is a regular bouquet. To create it you need dried flowers, a vase, decorative stones and filler. The bottom of the vase needs to be filled with floral foam. If you don’t have one, you can use a regular mounting room and fill it with cellophane, thereby preserving the walls of the vase.

Trim the dried flower stems to the required length. You need to make a bouquet starting with the tallest flowers, which form the shape of the future composition. Rotate the vase, complementing it with natural materials, so that the bouquet looks harmonious from all sides. Stones should be added as desired. In a transparent vase, they will not only be a decoration, but will also make it more stable.

The finished composition of dried flowers should be placed away from the window so that as little sunlight as possible gets in.

Tools for the future florist

If you are seriously interested in designing from floral materials, then you will probably need tools.

Floral foam needed to secure flowers in the composition.

✽ Using flower pins you can attach ribbons and moss in the required place.

Floral ribbon needed to give the stem additional stability.

You can also hide it floral wire, which is fundamental in many works.

✽ To cut the wire you will need wire cutters.

Other tools can be found in the arsenal of every gardener and florist: garden shears, secateurs etc. Scissors and pruning shears must be sharp so that the cut is always smooth. This is especially important when working with wooden branches and thick-stemmed flowers.

Experienced florists often use glue gun And sticks. Thanks to these devices, you can fix the foam in the vessel. The gun can be used to make compositions from dried flowers and artificial flowers.

Directions and styles of floristry

Europeans highlight three directions of floristry: form-linear, vegetative and decorative. This classification was approved by Gregor Lersch and Daniel Ost. Peter Asman has cultivated 4 areas of floristry. In addition to the three styles listed above, there was one more - parallel.

However, this direction was transferred to the category of arrangement of lines of plant materials. Currently particularly popular creative floristry. This direction is characterized by originality of forms, sophistication and uniqueness.

Compositions made in linear style, very easy to find out. All plant materials are used rather sparingly. Any element is very important, just as the moment of using the space between materials is important.

The peculiarity of the massive style is in its arrangement. These are volumetric forms with soft transitions. The florist creates the central part of the bouquet, and then gradually fills in the outlines of the arrangement.

Compositions made in a mixed floristry style are very diverse. They are far from the established rules of arrangement of the linear, massive or massive-linear style. Most likely, they harmoniously combine all styles.

Floristry is a fascinating activity that will give you many pleasant moments. By making a composition from flowers, twigs and leaves, you become closer to nature. Studying floristry as an element of design can not only provide an opportunity to explore new opportunities, but even develop into a real profession.

Video master classes to help beginning flower designers

1) First lesson in floristry. Bouquet "Caramel".

2) Floristry: the secret of a simple bouquet

3) Floristry master class for beginners

4) How did I become a florist? // My first bouquet

5) How to make a frame for a winter bouquet

6) Spiral technique using the example of white bouquets

7) Compositions in baskets

9) Decoration of the premises New Year

10) Bouquet of dried fruits/ Floristry

11) 10 tips for beginner florists

Some people think that floristry is a simple activity that anyone can learn. Others believe that natural or artificial floristry is an impossible task for an ordinary person who does not have the proper knowledge, skills, artistic taste and creative thinking. In fact, both the first and second statements are true.

Floristry is the decorative and applied art of assembling various flower arrangements, which has its own technical and creative side. This means that anyone can truly learn, especially if they have the desire. Therefore, if the birthday of your beloved friend, mother is approaching, or if roses have simply bloomed in the garden, do not put off your first lesson and try to collect a bouquet yourself. Simple and clear recommendations from an experienced florist will help with this.

Information: The main task of floristry is to provide floral decoration for interiors, outfits, cars for a holiday, compiling everyday compositions for work, commercial and residential premises, as well as assembling bouquets various types and purposes. In addition, the florist can create accessories from flowers - frames, arches, garlands, baskets, handbags and even necklaces with bracelets.

Preparatory stage

Assembling bouquets begins with preparing raw materials and tools. Raw materials are primarily the flowers themselves, as well as auxiliary elements:

  • small buds and flowers;
  • green twigs, grass, ferns;
  • decorative accessories - butterflies, bears, hearts, etc.

The tools you need are scissors or pruning shears, a knife; a stapler and office adhesive tape will speed up and make the work easier (florists use special professional tape). You will need decorative mesh, film or paper to wrap the finished bouquet, perhaps some additional tools or decorative details.

Important: in order for the bouquet to look harmonious, you should remember one simple rule: that part of it that will be in a bunch or in a vase is equal to approximately one third of the total height compositions. There are other proportions - five parts of the height of the flowers remain outside, three parts are immersed in the vase. This rule works for classic vertical bouquets.

Assembly options

Florists have several ways to assemble bouquets. You can’t just gather flowers and greenery in an armful, tie it with twine and wrap it in oilcloth - it will be ugly and sloppy. Although in some cases professionals use exactly this technique to obtain an original and unusual composition. But for beginners, it’s better to familiarize yourself with the classic techniques of assembling bouquets, and then move on to creative experiments. There are these main types:

  1. Parallel.
  2. Spiral.
  3. Asymmetric.

Floristry is one of the varieties of design and decorative and applied art, which is embodied in the creation of compositions, collages, bouquets, and panels. Floral arrangements are a creative and technical endeavor. Usually the designer's goal is to express a theme or idea, an event, using only flowers and leaves. Floristry for beginners involves creating simple natural compositions, bouquets and collages. Floristry can become a real hobby for lovers of something beautiful, because you can create masterpieces with your own hands. So where to start?

Basics of the art of floristry

First you need to decide on the materials. Each flower has its own meaning. Various natural materials are used for work, for example, flowers, herbs, leaves, berries, chestnuts, nuts, etc. The materials used can be either dry or live.

If you want to create a gift bouquet, remember that azalea means devotion, gladiolus - constancy, calla - beauty and poise, lotus - good health and happiness, orchid - beauty, peony - fame and wealth. In addition, each shade has its own meaning. Red flowers symbolize passion and love, dark pink – gratitude, white – purity and innocence, purple – friendship, yellow – joy and prosperity. Recently, flower etiquette has received more and more attention. Therefore, by combining different flowers you can express feelings or gratitude.

When composing a flower arrangement, the appearance of the flowers is very important. When choosing flowers, pay attention to the foliage. It should be green, without brown spots. The stems should look as if they were recently cut from the flower bed.

The main rule in floristry for beginners: more is not better. As a rule, experienced designers do not use more than three colors in their work. Bouquets with more than four types of flowers may seem crowded and too variegated, which spoils their appearance.

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Classification into types of compositions

Florists identify 4 ways to combine the colors of plants. The first is the use of similar colors, the second is a combination of contrasting colors located opposite each other, the third is a combination of different color wheels, the fourth is a combination of several shades of the same color.

Contrasting compositions look bright and unusual. To create such a bouquet you need to use “pure” colors. You can combine orange gerberas with blue irises to create an optimistic composition. For a romantic atmosphere, you should choose bed shades, choosing muted ones: blue colors combined with soft pinks or lilacs with yellow-browns. When experimenting, try making a bouquet of flowers of a light shade and a dark one.

A certain color may predominate in a bouquet. As usual, florists use several flowers of similar shades for a harmonious combination. Such a bouquet can be composed in a transitional range of one tone. For example, for bright colors the background of the composition is made dimmer and darker, and for dark colors it is made darker and brighter. When creating a composition, you cannot pay attention only to color. Try to choose natural material of suitable size and shape.

When composing a flower arrangement, you need to prepare the plants and store them correctly during the work process. Place flowers in water by cutting their stems at an angle. Remove all growth and foliage that is below the water level. To maintain the freshness of flowers, you can use floral foam, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Almost all cut flowers are best stored at a temperature of +5 degrees. Gladioli, orchids, anthuriums are well preserved at +10 degrees. You can “revive” some fading flowers, for example, a rose, by placing the plant in a bath of water for 2 hours.

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Charming compositions of dried flowers

Compositions made from dried flowers look very beautiful. They are durable and require almost no further maintenance. A bouquet of dried flowers can be arranged in a decorative tree or vase. One of the most important stages when composing a bouquet is selecting the necessary flowers and drying them. You can choose tall roses and gladioli. Eucalyptus leaves, poppy flowers, yarrow, and dried fern leaves are suitable additions to the bouquet. As a rule, dried flowers are not very bright, so you can color the plants or use additional elements as decoration, for example, peacock feathers.

The most popular composition of dried flowers is a regular bouquet. To create it you need dried flowers, a vase, decorative stones and filler. The bottom of the vase needs to be filled with floral foam. If you don’t have one, you can use a regular mounting room and fill it with cellophane, thereby preserving the walls of the vase. Trim the dried flower stems to the required length. You need to make a bouquet starting with the tallest flowers, which form the shape of the future composition. Rotate the vase, complementing it with natural materials, so that the bouquet looks harmonious from all sides. Stones should be added as desired. In a transparent vase, they will not only be a decoration, but will also make it more stable. The finished composition of dried flowers should be placed away from the window so that as little sunlight as possible gets in.

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Tools for the future florist

If you are seriously interested in designing from floral materials, then you will probably need tools. Floral foam is needed to secure flowers in the composition. Using flower pins, you can secure ribbons and moss in the desired place. Floral tape is needed to give the stem additional stability. You can also use it to hide floral wire, which is the main element in many works. To cut the wire you will need wire cutters. Other tools can be found in the arsenal of every gardener and florist: garden shears, pruning shears, etc. Scissors and pruning shears must be sharp so that the cut is always smooth. This is especially important when working with wooden twigs and thick-stemmed flowers.

Experienced florists often use a glue gun and sticks. Thanks to these devices, you can fix the foam in the vessel. The gun can be used to make compositions from dried flowers and artificial flowers.

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Directions and styles of floristry

Europeans distinguish three areas of floristry: form-linear, vegetative and decorative. This classification was approved by Gregor Lersch and Daniel Ost. Peter Asman has cultivated 4 areas of floristry. In addition to the three styles listed above, there was one more - parallel. However, this direction was transferred to the category of arrangement of lines of plant materials. Currently, creative floristry is especially popular. This direction is characterized by originality of forms, sophistication and uniqueness.

Compositions made in a linear style are very easy to recognize. All plant materials are used rather sparingly. Any element is very important, just as the moment of using the space between materials is important. The peculiarity of the massive style is in its arrangement. These are volumetric forms with soft transitions. The florist creates the central part of the bouquet, and then gradually fills in the outlines of the arrangement. Compositions made in a mixed floristry style are very diverse. They are far from the established rules of arrangement of the linear, massive or massive-linear style. Most likely, they harmoniously combine all styles.

Floristry is a fascinating activity that will give you many pleasant moments. By making a composition from flowers, twigs and leaves, you become closer to nature. Studying floristry as an element of design can not only provide an opportunity to explore new opportunities, but even develop into a real profession.

Floristry is an art form that has its own characteristics. There are no specific rules for composing bouquets, but there are styles that are based on certain principles. There are four such styles in total:

The vegetative style is the most natural, natural, that is, a bouquet of flowers is compiled as simply as possible and close to reality.

When working on a composition, the florist must pay attention to its appearance, growth form and plant community. TO distinctive features vegetative style can be classified as:

  • asymmetry of arrangement;
  • the largest group is considered dominant, and balance is ensured by a smaller group located remotely;
  • vegetative style requires attention to the natural arrangement of flowers and plants - that is, the way they grow in natural conditions.

Decorative style

This style is taken as the basis when creating bouquets of flowers. The photo shows that the number of flowers varies, and they are designed to be stored in vases.

The features of this area of ​​floristry include:

  • mounting on floral foam;
  • plants do not stand out, because the main goal is to express the unity and integrity of the composition without an emphasis on individuality;
  • bouquets are filled tightly, that is, numerous plants are located as close to each other as possible.

Shape - linear style

This floral style involves an emphasis on lines, shapes and contours. Most often, modern beautiful bouquets of flowers are created based on this trend (the photo confirms that the compositions can be very different).

Distinctive features of the style include:

  • attention to shapes and lines and their combinations;
  • minimum set of materials used;
  • rigor and clarity of lines.

Parallel style

This style is often found in nature, which is why it is loved by many florists. The parallel style suggests that plant or non-plant materials are placed parallel to each other. The direction requires careful attention to proportions, color and shape, and the bouquets themselves can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Principles of proper composition

Any work of art is created based on certain rules. Bouquets of flowers in the pictures look interesting and impressive, but you need to understand how such an effect is achieved.

To create a beautiful floral composition you need to be able to compose it:

Choosing color combinations

The color scheme must be harmonious, and this is achieved in four main ways:

  1. A combination of contrasting colors that will be located opposite each other
  2. A combination of similar shades that are located next to each other in the composition
  3. Using different shades of the same color
  4. A combination of colors from different parts color wheel

Ideas for bouquets based on contrasting color combinations are very different. The main rule of this method is to use plants of pure color: that is, combine blue iris with a scarlet rose. Contrasting combinations, for all their harmony and optimism, should not be too catchy. The ideal composition is created by combining light shades - pink with muted blue, lilac with lilac.

If you like discreet combinations, pay attention to bouquet ideas based on similar combinations. Along with pure colors, you can use shades in them. In an ensemble of flowers, one color may predominate, but in shades: with the right selection, such floral compositions will look harmonious.

If you are for a riot of colors, then choose multi-color combinations. Bouquet ideas are very different, and you can even use freshly cut flowers from your own plot

Symmetrical round bouquet

There are many techniques in floristry, thanks to which they look individual and original. Today, one of the most popular is the symmetrical round bouquet. Symmetry is popular due to the variations of flowers of different lengths, which when combined provide a harmonious composition.

A round bouquet is created in a spiral:

  • the main flower is placed straight, the plants in the foreground lean from left to right, and in the background - from right to left;
  • each next flower is laid in a spiral slightly obliquely;
  • when filling the bouquet, the angle of its inclination increases;
  • After a set of plants, the stems are cut off.

These beautiful flower bouquets are often created for the bride at a wedding. You can decorate it using roses, carnations, irises, mini roses or asters. The basic rule is that the outer and inner flowers should not differ greatly in length, because the roundness of the shape depends on this.

Biedermeier style

This style in floristry makes it possible to make it a reality different ideas. This is also a round composition, but the flowers in it are collected not in a spiral, but in the form of a concentric circle. The compilation scheme is as follows:

  1. The work begins with laying the apical flower.
  2. Other flowers are arranged in a row around him.
  3. The shape of the bouquet is very different. The pyramidal composition is created by flowers with long stems, while the flattened composition is created by flower heads, often without a stem.
  4. Biedermeier suggests using not only flowers, but also spikelets of wheat, rye, feather grass, asparagus, and fern. In a bouquet they should create a concentric circle.
  5. The cuff is made of paper napkin, fabric, ribbons or lace.

Photo beautiful bouquet flowers using the Biedermeier technique shows that it is possible to create small compositions from small flowers. By the way, this composition is considered one of the best among brides, which is why it is called matchmaking.

You can create it yourself:

  1. We take mini roses and daisies.
  2. We make cuffs from leaves.
  3. Perpendicular to it we place a top made of several roses and daisies.
  4. Above the cuff there are also roses and daisies placed strictly symmetrically. As a result, we get a circle.
  5. Three more roses and daisies are placed deep between the resulting rows.

Bouquet of asymmetrical shape

The ideas for such compositions are very different, but the main thing is the emphasis on the asymmetry of the form. Such bouquets look stylish and modern, especially if they consist of exotic plants.

Asymmetrical compositions are created based on two methods - according to the rule of three triangles and the diagonal method. Let's consider each method separately.

Three triangle method

The bouquet composition scheme is as follows:

  1. To create a composition, 5 or 7 flowers of two varieties are required.
  2. The first flower - the apical one - is installed vertically; it will serve as the first element of the composition.
  3. The second element acts as the base of the right triangle. The length of this flower can be different - it depends on the height of the bouquet itself. The main requirement is that the flower must differ in height from the first, apical one.
  4. The second element is installed horizontally on the right side.
  5. The third flower is placed so that its tip falls on the hypotenuse of the right triangle.
  6. The fourth element is the vertex of the second triangle, and we will build it on flowers of a different variety.
  7. The fifth element is laid horizontally - it should not be the same length as the second element of the bouquet.
  8. The sixth element is installed on the line of the quarter and fifth. If you connect all the points mentally, the triangle will turn out to be equilateral.


This floral technique is popular because it involves the use of cut plants. A bouquet of wildflowers created using this method looks very beautiful. The essence of the technique is to keep flowers fresh for as long as possible, which is why numerous wedding bouquets are created based on it. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • stems cut to a certain length are placed in a nutrient medium;
  • a special wire is inserted into the stem, and the cut itself is supplemented with hygroscopic material with some liquid;
  • the cut is treated with tape, which covers the wire insert in the stem and prevents moisture evaporation.

The basic rule is that the wire stems should not twist, but should be parallel. Features of the taping technique are as follows:

  1. The bouquet will be light and aesthetic.
  2. Flowers remain fresh for a long time.
  3. When taping, you can use flowers with heavy buds.
  4. The technique makes it possible to create figured compositions of a certain shape. Therefore, in this way you can create both a wedding composition and a bouquet of “Happy Birthday” flowers.

On a portaquet

The main symbol of a wedding celebration is the bride’s bouquet, and therefore close attention must be paid to its design. Floral compositions based on a porta bouquet are distinguished by their lightness, compactness, and convenience. The advantages of this design method include:

  1. A variety of flower sizes - small or large, with buds or inflorescences, field or greenhouse.
  2. Small sizes. The base of the bouquet is light, and the flowers themselves can be held in one hand.
  3. Durability. Such compositions retain their freshness and aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Floristry for any holiday: what to choose?

Modern florists will offer a lot of ideas for creating flower arrangements for any celebration. Some will choose a compact arrangement, while others need a large bouquet of flowers. On Valentine's Day, bouquets are most often created of bright red roses, which are designed in the shape of a heart. Additions are created with white roses, freesias, lilies, and white carnations.

And you can prepare a bouquet for February 23rd. The main requirement for him is restraint. Compositions for men are made in triangular, pyramidal and linear styles.

A wide variety of ideas can be implemented when creating bouquets for March 8th. Most often they are formed from tulips, roses, daffodils, hyacinths or snowdrops. Beautiful compositions are created from both fully open buds - lush and juicy, and closed ones. Color solutions any plants can be chosen.

Wedding bouquets are created using light-colored plants, but bright touches are also possible, especially if the bride is getting married in a dress of a certain style.

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