
Blue color dream book. Why dream blue in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Freedom of Expression.

How to interpret the dream "Pale blue"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


How to interpret the dream "Blue color"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Wisdom. Clarity. True. Peace.

How to interpret the dream "Blue"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Blue in a dream is a sign of honor, respect, a good and stable position in society. Blue clothes in a dream portend you scandalous glory.

Sleep Online - Blue

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Gypsies associate blue with the sky, they believe that bright blue means a desire to leave. Perhaps you are in need of a vacation.

The meaning of the dream - Color or light blue

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Protection, warning.

Dream meaning - Light or color blue

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Protection, warning.

Dream meaning - Blue color or light

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Protection, warning.

Dream interpretation: what is the dream of Blue color

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Prudent deeds.

Dreaming Blue

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Blue in a dream is a sign of honor, respect, a good and stable position in society. Blue clothes in a dream portend you scandalous glory. Color.

What does a dream mean? Color blue

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Associations: sky, homosexuality, coldness, nobility ("blue blood"), romance ("blue dreams, distance"), tenderness, purity, innocence.

The meaning of the dream about Blue (color)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reconciliation, tenderness, good.

Dream Interpretation: why dream Color blue

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Associations: sky, homosexuality, coldness, nobility (blue blood), romance (blue dreams, distance), tenderness, purity, innocence.

Dream Interpretation: why Blue is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reconciliation, tenderness, good.

Dreaming Blue light or color - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A symbol of protection from evil, warnings against wrong actions. Blue is spirituality, contemplation, stability, peace, the need for love. Bright blue sky, clear blue water, blue light pouring from somewhere - a very good dream.

Dream interpretation: what is the dream of Blue color

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes chosenness, elitism, aristocracy. Since ancient times, there is such a concept as "blue blood" - a sign of the divine origin of any person. It is no coincidence that all the gods of the Vedic pantheon, without exception, have blue skin. In the Chinese tradition, it is the color of Tao. And of course, everyone's familiar blue ...

Psychoanalytic dream book Blue color

celestial and spiritual energy. Also intelligence, intellectual understanding. Blue

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn Blue color

The brightest symbols of blue in our world are the sky and the sea.

Blue sea:
can symbolize the subconscious, the feminine, the great mother and deep secrets.

Blue sky:
can symbolize consciousness, masculinity, great father and an open, expansive part of your soul.

it is the color of soothing, healing, peace and relaxation. It also symbolizes the mystical perception of life.

If you find that the color blue constantly appears to you:
ask yourself if you need to rest and tune into the spiritual realms.

What in your life makes you sad or unhappy?:
determine your emotional reaction to this color in order to penetrate its meaning.

When someone turns blue:
It means he's cold and he's losing heat. Do you need to "cool down" or calm down? Or have you "cooled" in relation to someone or something?

They also turn blue from lack of oxygen:
what prevents you from breathing calmly in your life? Urgent action should be taken, as breathing is a vital process. When someone is beaten, bruises appear on their body. Do you feel beaten up?

Gypsy dream book Blue color

Gypsies associate blue:
with the sky, they believe that seeing a bright blue color in a dream means a desire to leave. Perhaps you are in need of a vacation.

Dream interpretation Frosty Blue color

blue light: symbol of protection from evil, warning against wrong actions.

Blue: it is spirituality, contemplation, stability, peace, the need for love.

Bright blue sky, clear blue water, blue light pouring from somewhere:
very good sleep.

Modern dream book Blue color

Blue color in a dream: a symbol of the fulfillment of all your desires.

Blue dress dreamed of by a woman or girl:
portends mental suffering, pain.

Seeing clear blue skies:
a very auspicious sign, your life will become brighter when you get rid of many difficulties and worries. The one who was in the blue room in a dream is in for material problems.

Why did the Blue color dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

The blue color in a dream and in life embodies spirituality, purity, perfection and peace. Why dream of blue in the abstract or in the form of objects around you - this means the imminent awakening of talent, a tendency to think. Blue shades of hair in a dream personify the divine principle. In the material layer, it is associated with ice, water, heaven, space.

The semantics of blue is also associated with egocentric personalities, cruelty, perfectionism, detachment from reality and unwillingness to take responsibility. Why dreamed of a blue tint - there is no definite answer, a vision without the context of the details and sensations of the sleeping person will be misinterpreted.

Why dreamed of Blue colors (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Why dream of blue hair color - the dream is favorable if the color stains the clothes. This means that the dreamer has chosen the right path, friends will support the goals, he will achieve what he wants.
  • The blue color of heaven dreamed when honors were prepared for the sleeper, a journey in a cheerful society.
  • To see the gaze of blue eyes fixed on oneself - the image warns of a possible failure. Leave shyness and doubts aside, then fortune will smile at you.
  • Dreaming blue flowers, for example, cornflowers, tell the girls that they are unhappy with the relationship.
  • If you pick blue buds according to the dream book, you will go towards change.

Why does the Blue color dream (Romantic dream book)

  • Why do blue objects dream - you tend to be romantic, surround yourself with mystery. You are noble, open and rational in your actions towards loved ones.
  • Blue walls in a dream - joy and happiness in love.
  • Blue shades of things, natural phenomena speak of tenderness and care. This shade portends reconciliation to quarreled lovers.
  • I dreamed of an aura, things of blue color according to the dream book - the sleeper will be led and meek in a relationship.
  • Why dreamed of a situation when the dreamer paints his face blue - jealousy will cause laughter from the partner.
  • Buying blue paint is a dream to change your lover.

What is the dream of the Blue color (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

  • Blue in a dream - the fulfillment of all desires.
  • I dreamed of picking a blue flower - to positive changes in life.
  • A woman dreamed of a blue dress - mental suffering, pain.
  • Seeing the blue sky in a dream - life will become brighter when you get rid of difficulties and worries.

Why do you dream of the Blue color (dream book of Catherine the Great)

  • To peer into the blueness of a color in a dream is a spotless inner appearance; despite the ups and downs of fate and life's difficulties, the dreamer managed to maintain purity of heart, nobility of spirit, incorruptibility of feelings, and piety.
  • Why dream of a blue color in clothes - this is an auspicious sign that portends good luck in business. A good day to start. Imagine the shade you dreamed as vividly as possible. Let the surroundings become like this: the blue sky, roads, trees, the sea - this is an interpretation of what I dreamed about at night.

Dream dominated by blue color, displays the dreamer's world of emotions and feelings. Its interpretation depends on many of the smallest details of the dream. If a dream caused negative feelings, then this promises unexpected obstacles and obstacles in business. Another interpretation of this dream is conflicts with people from close circle or betrayal of a best friend. If the vision left only pleasant memories, this is a favorable sign that portends a person the beginning of a bright streak in life and good luck in all endeavors.

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    Key values

    If the dreamer happened to see a lot of blue in a dream and this caused pleasant emotions in a person, then the dream has a neutral meaning. Sleep symbolizes the dreamer's peace and harmony with himself and the people around him. Emotions such as anger and aggression should be avoided. They adversely affect the health and well-being of a person.

    If the vision caused negative feelings, then this is a sign that the person is used to suppressing his emotions. This causes a feeling of discomfort, weakness and self-doubt.

    Dreams in which there is a lot of indigo color can be seen by those people who have a lot of warmth and compassion for others in their souls.

    Seeing a bright blue sky in a dream is a sign that you need to listen to your intuition more often, especially when making important decisions. If the sky was of a deep dark blue color, this is a sign of impending danger for the dreamer.

    Seeing blue water in a dream is a symbol that a person will make an important discovery in life.

    Transport blue promises a sharp advancement in the career ladder and a significant increase in salary. Buying a blue car promises the care and protection of a respected and noble person.

    Flowers of an unusual color are an unfavorable sign for the dreamer. Her tender feelings for the object of sighing will remain unrequited.

    The blue snake promises good luck in gambling.

    Why is a girl dreaming - interpretation of dream books

    blue clothes

    The interpretation of the dream about blue clothes depends on its purpose and accessories.

    Most dream books interpret dreams about a wardrobe in blue as a sign of excessive irascibility. A person takes everything to heart and negatively perceives any event that happens to him. Problems and adversities should be more relaxed.

    Women's outfits

    Women's outfits promise the fulfillment of a cherished desire or acquaintance with interesting personalities who will help solve financial questions... However, it should be borne in mind that a lot of work will have to be done to achieve the goals set. Another meaning of such dreams is a scandal with a loved one. The table shows the interpretation of visions about blue wardrobe items:

    Cloth The meaning of sleep
    The dress To the fulfillment of a cherished desire
    wedding dress Heralds a meeting with a worthy young man. For a business lady, such a dream promises an acquaintance with a reliable business partner.
    Jeans They promise the dreamer a big profit
    business suit The dream characterizes the dreamer as a self-confident person. Soon he will be able to conduct successful negotiations with trusted business partners. The joint business will be quite profitable and successful.
    Leather Products The dream suggests that a person does not want to put up with troubles and obstacles in the realization of his intentions. He is doing his best to fix the current state of affairs.
    Skirt The dreamer's feelings are unrequited. This love takes a lot of moral strength. The girl needs to think about how to look for a more worthy man
    Blouse Symbolizes victory over rivals. If the thing in the dream was dented, then the dreamer should prepare for the appearance of an insidious rival in her life.
    Bag To losses and large material losses. Another meaning of sleep is cheating on a loved one.
    Jacket To big troubles that the dreamer will successfully cope with
    Coat Expects success in the planned event, despite the intrigues of malicious envious people
    Sweater The secret will be known to others
    Scarf To unnecessary worries and worries
    Shoes A dream promises an acquaintance with a future husband, for married women- replenishment in the family and harmony in the relationship with the spouse
    Boots To nostalgic mood and sad memories

    Men's wardrobe

    If you dream of a blue color in clothes for men, then the dream portends a person a victory over his competitors in business or ill-wishers at work:


    Blue has many different shades, so the color of the dreamed interior may have different interpretations:

    • a turquoise hue is a symbol of pacification;
    • blue - a sign of inner freedom, lightness and serenity;
    • blue-green - a symbol of freedom, solving old problems;
    • light blue - the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
    • dark blue color means increased anxiety of the dreamer;
    • dirty tones of blue promise the development of a depressive state.

    If the dreamer had a chance to paint the walls bright blue, this is an auspicious dream, which suggests that a person will be able to complete the work he has begun. This may relate to personal life, professional activities, relationships with family or friends, spiritual development. Another interpretation like a dream says that the dreamer is trying to hide some secret from his loved ones for their own good.

    Body parts

    If the dreamer dreamed that her hair was blue, then this characterizes the mistress of the vision as a quick-tempered and jealous person who likes to look for problems where they do not exist.

    Seeing your own face in an unusual coloring in the mirror is an unfavorable sign. He warns that among the dreamer's best friends there are persons who are very jealous of her and are trying in every possible way to interfere with her happiness in her personal life.

    If you dreamed of the blue face of another person, this is a symbol of the fact that a person is sometimes too rude and tactless in conversation with interlocutors.

    The blue face is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Such dreams can be seen by people engaged in meditation and other Eastern practices.

    Indigo hands indicate that the dreamer uses outdated methods in his work. You need to keep up with the times and use the latest achievements of science and technology. This will make it possible to more productively and efficiently perform their duties.

    Seeing blue eyes in the mirror - to receive important information, blue legs - a sign of making an important decision soon or a long journey that will be successful.

    Blue lips characterize the dreamer as a frivolous and windy person. You should think about a more serious attitude to important life issues.

    If you dreamed of a photo of a blue tint, the dreamer will soon find out important information. It is important not to miss this moment.

The brightest symbols of blue in our world are the sky and the sea.

Blue Sea: Can symbolize the subconscious, the feminine, the great mother, and deep mysteries.

Blue Sky: Can symbolize consciousness, masculinity, a great father, and the open, expansive part of your soul.

Blue: This is the color of calming, healing, peace and relaxation.

It also symbolizes the mystical perception of life.

If you find that the color blue constantly appears to you: ask yourself if you need to take a break and tune in to the spiritual realms.

What in your life makes you sad or unhappy?: Determine your emotional reaction to this color to get into its meaning.

When someone turns blue: it means that he is cold and he is losing heat.

Do you need to "cool down" or calm down? Or have you "cooled" in relation to someone or something? They also turn blue from lack of oxygen: what prevents you from breathing calmly in your life? Urgent action should be taken, as breathing is a vital process.

When someone is beaten, bruises appear on their body.

Do you feel beaten up?

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Clothing Color

White clothes - everything auspicious, good (love and marriage). In an ominous dream - sadness and death.

Black clothes are mourning, something gloomy, evil and unconscious deeds that you will have to regret.

Colorful clothes - stupidity, danger, surprise, loss of friends.

Green clothes are all good things: security, profit, hope.

Yellow clothes - falsehood, jealousy, envy.

Blue or blue clothing is a symbol of happiness and health, tenderness in relationships, coldness and sobriety in the perception of reality.

Purple clothing - symbolizes repressed desires, sin and repentance.

To see or wear purple clothes - big plans that will not come true.

Red clothes in a dream - quarrels, loss of friends, passions, dangers.

Interpretation of dreams from
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