
Description of blue cornflower in scientific style. Meadow and blue cornflower in folk medicine: description, preparation and beneficial properties. Ways to use cornflower

Blue cornflower is a herbaceous annual or perennial plant species that grows in meadows and belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is distinguished by a rough stem, lanceolate leaves, taproot, flowers can be collected in baskets, which are single and large, up to five pieces. The flowers are colored blue or purple. The fruit is an achene that has a pappus at the top. It can bloom throughout the summer and bears fruit in August. Blue cornflower is a weed, but most often it is planted in the country and used to decorate flower beds. The plant spreads throughout Europe and can often be found in Transcaucasia, Ukraine, and Russia.

Description of blue cornflower

The plant loves moist soil and is found in potato, wheat, and rye fields. Aristotle in his works says that plants have healing properties. In Old Rus', the plant was endowed with magic; it was often used to remove damage, in arable farming, so that it would be productive.

Blue cornflower is a good honey plant; the honey from the plant has a pleasant almond aroma and a bitter aftertaste. Sometimes the flowers are used to produce blue and cyan dye, which is used to dye wool.

Cooking uses the flowers to prepare cornflower vinegar; small amounts can be added to food. In winemaking, this type of plant is used to tint champagne and vermouth, and the drinks have a pink color. Blue cornflower flowers are also often used for medicinal purposes.

Useful properties of blue cornflower

This plant is slightly poisonous because it contains a cyanogen component. The marginal flowers contain anthocyanin, tannin, glycoside centaurine, quinic and caffeic acid. Flowers are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium. The fruits contain some alkaloids. Blue cornflower seeds contain fatty oil.

With the help of this type of plant, you can increase diuresis, reduce the concentration of substances in the blood such as calcium, phosphorus, which play an important role in the formation of kidney stones, in this way they are eliminated faster in the urine. Blue cornflower has a bactericidal and antitumor effect, and also has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect.

Official medicine places blue cornflower flowers in factory packaging; they are also included in appetite and diuretic preparations. In pharmacies and at home, infusions based on blue cornflower are prepared; with their help you can get rid of cardiac and kidney edema. These infusions are one of the best anti-inflammatory and choleretic agents that help cure hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, and cholecystitis.

Lotions from the plant are used externally; with their help you can cure conjunctivitis, hemeralopia and also relieve eye strain.

Use of blue cornflower

Traditional medicine advises taking cornflower-based medicines for hypertension, colds, urolithiasis, ascites and. Cornflower blue is one with the best means for appetite, they have a laxative effect.

Not only blue cornflower flowers are used, but also the essence of the stems; it is used in the form of bandages for various wounds and fractures; warts can be cauterized using the seeds of the plant; they must first be thoroughly crushed.

Contraindications for blue cornflower

Pregnant women or those with illnesses should not use preparations based on this type of plant. female organs, in which uterine bleeding occurs. It is imperative not to forget about the dosage, because the plant is toxic due to the fact that it contains cyanogen.

With the help of flowers you can relieve spasms, cure eczema and furunculosis.

Medicinal recipes based on blue cornflower

1. To prepare an infusion that has a diuretic, antimicrobial and choleretic effect, you need to take dried flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for up to two hours.

2. In order to get rid of redness and fatigue from the eyes, you need to brew three tablespoons of cornflower flowers in a glass of boiling water. Let it sit, wait until it cools down, then take it cotton pad and apply them to your eyes.

3. To cure skin diseases and rashes, you need to take a tablespoon of blue cornflower, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for up to 30 minutes. You need to wipe the skin 3 times a day.

4. In order to increase your appetite, you need to cook this medicine, it will require a teaspoon of the plant, 250 ml of boiling water, drink and only after 30 minutes you can eat.

5. Wounds can be healed faster with cornflower seed powder; they should be applied to the problem area.

6. This recipe will help cure urethritis, prostatitis, relieve pain, for this you need to take two teaspoons of blue cornflower flowers, 250 ml of boiling water, leave for one hour.

7. For dermatoses, diathesis of an allergic nature, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, an infusion based on blue cornflower is used externally.

8. To cure seborrhea and baldness, you need to brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, wait until the broth cools down, then wipe problem areas gauze.

9. To get rid of abscesses, boils, you need to take marigold flowers, nettles, horsetail, leaves walnut, blue cornflower, string grass, pansy. Brew in one liter of water, leave everything overnight.

10. If you have a problem with urination, you need to use the following mixture - hernia herb, elderberry root, bearberry, birch buds, horsetail, blue cornflower.

11. For heart diseases, use a decoction based on beans, birch buds, corn silk and horsetail, add one liter of water.

12. To overcome hypertension, you need to take fruits, hawthorn, blue cornflower flowers, yarrow, valerian root, mistletoe, everything needs to be brewed in a glass of boiling water. Drink 70 ml after meals.

Thus, blue cornflower is not only a beautiful plant, but also useful.

The Cornflower flower belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family, or this family is also called Asteraceae. The flower has a straight stem that can reach over a meter in height. The flowers are collected in baskets and can be of different colors: white, yellow, blue, pink, blue, purple, red or burgundy. The plant can be annual, biennial or perennial. Flowers begin to bloom in June and can delight with their beauty until late autumn.

Cornflower can be found almost throughout Europe and throughout Russia. The most famous species is Blue Cornflower, which is found in fields, in winter crops, and in vacant lots. The plant reproduces by seeds.

The plant itself is unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Loves the sun very much. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years and still maintain lush flowering. Practically not susceptible to disease. Due to its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering, it is very common among gardeners.

Application of Cornflower:

The cornflower flower is used in cooking. Its leaves have a delicate aroma and are often used as a seasoning for dishes.

Medicine has not been spared cornflowers either. This flower has diuretic properties. Therefore, cornflower decoctions are used for kidney diseases, edema, etc. Cornflower decoctions also have choleretic properties. It is also used for liver diseases, including jaundice. Cornflower also has antipyretic, diaphoretic and bactericidal properties.

The flower is often used in cosmetics. Is cornflower in demand and how? decorative flower. Cornflower is also mentioned as a dye for easter eggs. But in our time, when food dyes are available, it is unlikely that people will run into the field for cornflowers.

Flower Cornflower video

Cornflower varieties:

Blue cornflower is the most famous variety. Features very beautiful turquoise color flowers, the length of the flower stem can reach a height of 80 cm. One- or two-year-old plant. You can meet them in fields, wastelands, meadows.

Mountain cornflower

Mountain cornflower is a perennial plant. Can grow on any soil. Very unpretentious plant– can survive in difficult conditions. Flowers can be blue, purple, burgundy. It can reach a height of up to 1 meter.

White cornflower

White cornflower is a rare variety of flower that is listed in the Red Book. It is distinguished by white flowers and double petals. At the same time, the growth of the flower is quite small - up to 30 cm in height.

Large-headed cornflower is a perennial plant. It is distinguished by its large size. The height of the flower can reach more than 1 meter. The flowers also differ in their size - they can be up to 7 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is light or bright yellow.

Meadow cornflower is a perennial plant, the size of which can reach up to 80 cm in height. The color of the flowers is lilac, pink, less often white. The plant is covered with a cobwebby cover. Flowers are collected in baskets.

Yellow cornflower is a perennial plant whose size can reach up to 1 meter in height. The color of the flowers is bright yellow and the cornflower flower is approximately 5 cm in diameter. The stem is thick and straight.

Eastern cornflower

Eastern cornflower is a large perennial plant that can reach 120 cm in height. The flowers are quite large, collected in baskets.

Whitened cornflower is one of the most beautiful views cornflower. It can reach a height of up to 60 cm. The lower leaves can be white, and the top ones are green. The cornflower flower itself is also beautiful. The color of the flowers is bright pink.

Pink cornflower is a perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Inflorescences are large and solitary Pink colour. The flower stems are strong and swollen under the inflorescences.

Spreading cornflower is a biennial plant up to 50 cm in height. The flowers are white or pink, collected in baskets. The plant itself is very spreading.

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A large rye field is golden in the sun. And between the spikelets filling with ripeness, the cornflowers turn blue.

Cornflowers look into the sky

Blue eyes.

The spikelets are golden,

The rye comes in waves.

The fields spread out

Without end and edge.

The earth feeds us with bread -

Dear mother!

Cornflowers are beautiful bright blue flowers. “They absorbed the color of the clear sky and the blue of the river” (T. Gorova). Cornflowers decorate bouquets of wildflowers and weave them into wreaths.

In grain fields - wheat and rye - cornflower is considered a weed. But here’s an interesting fact that scientists have established: if you add one cornflower seed to a hundred rye seeds, the rye improves! When there are a lot of cornflowers, the grains grow worse, and they try to get rid of the flowers.

Let's remember what cornflower looks like.

It has a straight, slightly hairy stem, dark green leaves decorated with sharp teeth, and a rather large bright blue flower.

If you look closely, you will notice that the cornflower flower consists of many small inflorescences collected in a basket. Each little flower hides a drop of honey. With its bright blue color, clearly visible among the golden ears of rye and wheat, and its pleasant aroma, cornflower attracts insects that fly to the flowers for fragrant nectar and sweet pollen. Flying from cornflower to cornflower, bees and bumblebees pollinate flowers.

Greenish-yellow cornflower honey has a pleasant almond4 smell and a slightly bitter taste.

Cornflowers bloom all summer, from June to September. After flowering, cornflowers lose their bright blue color, turning first pink and then completely white. Insects are in no hurry to visit the flowering cornflowers; they know that there is no more honey in them.

Soon, seeds form in place of the flower. In their shape, they resemble rye grains, but there is one difference: cornflower seeds are decorated with a small tuft of thin white hairs. With the help of the tuft, the seeds “move” across the field. And this is how it happens: when cornflowers get wet from rain, they become shorter, and when they dry out, they lengthen and cling to the soil with their sharp notches. So the seeds “crawl” further and further from the place where they fell to the ground.

Cornflower flowers help people cure illnesses. They are collected, dried, and decoctions and infusions are prepared from them.

"IN Ancient Greece cornflower was called “centaure” - after the mythical creature Centaur, who used cornflower juice to treat wounds received in battle. In some countries, cornflowers are specially bred in gardens and vegetable gardens to then be dried. In this form, a captivating and healing spicy smell emanates from the flower. And in Ukraine, for example, they use dried flowers as an incense smudging agent.”

(G. Gorova)

Many folk legends, fairy tales and traditions are associated with cornflowers. There is such a legend.

Heaven and cornfield

The cornfield spreads out

Without end and edge.

It sways beautifully

Golden Niva.

Will give us a lot of bread

Golden Niva,

But the sky is blue

Niva reproaches:

“Golden field!

Remember: on a hot day

He gave me a drink generously

I'll rain on you.

The wind praises me

Cheerful rustling

Adults and children

They glorify with a kind word.

The grass praises me

rivers and forests.

Only you don’t praise

Niva, Heaven!

"What can I do to glorify you?

Maybe a yellow ear?

I'm a simple Niva

I have nothing to be proud of

There are no beautiful flowers

Only rye and wheat!”

The sky heard

Meek words

And fell from heaven

The field is blue.

Burned up hot

Blue flowers -

Shined brightly

There are cornflowers in the field!

Questions for consolidation

What does cornflower look like?

Where do cornflowers most often grow?

What insects pollinate cornflower flowers?

How are cornflower seeds spread?

How are cornflowers useful to people?

What did you like (remember) about the legend “Niva and Heaven”?

Cornflower is a common plant, possessing big amount varieties often used in the design of flower beds not only in front gardens, but also in city flowerbeds, detailed description varieties and types are presented below.

Among the many varieties, there are those that have deservedly been popular with our gardeners for many years.


Very popular Cornflower. Wonderful bright blue flowers bloom on a long stem of 80 cm.. The green leaf blades are thin and long. This is a biennial plant and is quite common in the meadows and fields of Russia.


Perennial grows up to 80 cm. On long stems there are green leaf plates covered with milky down. Flowers are collected in baskets and have different colors:

  • Lilac;
  • Pink;
  • White (quite a rare color).

Garden perennial

This Cornflower variety is perennial and grows in one place for up to 11 years, while it is absolutely unpretentious. The height of the bush is 90 cm, the leaf plates at the bottom of the bush are wide, dissected at the top, narrow and long.

This species has tall and non-tall varieties, which, depending on growth, are planted in the background or foreground of the flower bed. The flowers are collected in baskets and have pink and blue shades.

Blue (Centaurea cyanus)

It has gray-green leaf blades and a high stem up to 100 cm. The flowers are collected in baskets. The color of the outer petals is sky blue. It begins to bloom in June and lasts until September.

Musk (Centaurea moshata)

This is a two-year-old Cornflower variety with fragrant purple flowers. The height of the bush is 70 cm. After botanical experiments, varieties with yellow and white flowers appeared.

Mountain (Centaurea montana)

This is a perennial variety that grows in any soil and survives in any conditions. The height of the plant is 100 cm and the flowers collected in elastic baskets have shades:

  • Blue;
  • Purple;
  • Burgundy.

Soft (Centaurea mollis)

This variety can grow in partial shade. The height of the bush is 35 cm. The variety forms dense thickets and blooms all summer. The flowers are bright blue.

Whitewashed (Centaurea dealbata or Psephellus dealbatus)

This cute flower has white leaf blades located at the base of the plant. The leaf blades located on top are green. The height of an adult bush is 60 cm. The flowers are collected in baskets and have a bright pink color.

Russian (Centaurea ruthenica)

This cornflower grows in Russia and the Caucasus. The height of the bush can exceed 100 cm. The leaf blades are glaucous and dissected. The flower baskets are quite large, up to 6 cm in diameter, with sand-colored marginal petals.

Wild species

What types of Cornflower are common in the wild? Here are some of them:

  1. Eastern cornflower(Centaurea orientalis)
  2. Phrygian cornflower(Centaurea phrygia)
  3. Cornflower pseudophrygian(Centaurea preudophrygia)
  4. meadow cornflower(Centaurea jacea)

Oriental (Centaurea orientalis)

This perennial variety Cornflower has a tall height of 120 cm and large flowers yellow color located at the ends of powerful shoots.

The variety is very decorative and is often planted in flower beds.

Phrygian (Centaurea phrygia)

Perennial, bush height can vary from 30-130 cm. The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, the middle leaflets are involucre at the apex with a constriction and black fringed-dissected appendages.

Grows throughout Russia.

False Phrygian (Centaurea preudophrygia)

This type Reminds me of Phrygian cornflower. The difference is that the color of the appendages is brown and there are no constrictions on the involucre leaves. Flowering continues all summer and early autumn. Grows throughout middle lane Russia.

When choosing different Cornflower weeds, be aware that the variety of the plant is not transmitted through seeds.

Cornflower plant

It can often be found in the flower beds of the city and in the front gardens of our flower lovers. Let's study the structure of cornflower from the point of view of a flower master


It has a straight stem, which, depending on the variety, can reach a height of 100 cm. Flowers are collected in dense baskets of various shades:

  • White;
  • Blue;
  • Yellow;
  • Purple.

Plants can be:

  1. Annuals.
  2. Two-year-olds.
  3. Perennial.

Flowering begins in early summer and, depending on the variety, until late autumn.

Which group/family does it belong to?

Belongs to the Astrov family, also this family is called Compositae.

Application in various fields

Since the petals of the flower have a delicate and pleasant aroma, it is used in various fields:

  1. Used as seasoning for meat dishes.
  2. The petals are placed in aromatic teas.
  3. IN medicine.

Medicinal properties

This plant can be used to treat various diseases.:

  1. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Urinary system.
  3. Liver diseases.
  4. Gallbladder.
  5. Treatment of edema.

Any treatment should be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

Plant care requirements

In order for a plant to delight you with its flowering, you need to know how to cultivate it on your own plot.

Planting a plant

The plant is planted in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up. Typically this time is from April until the onset of heat. The soil can be of any quality; the main thing is to dig it up before planting and get rid of weeds. Holes are dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other and spill well with water. As soon as the water is absorbed, place the rhizome of the plant and cover it with soil. Wherein root system it is necessary to straighten it so that the individual roots lie in separate directions.

If strong warming is expected, the planting site for cornflower rhizomes should be mulched with hay.


A perennial plant can be propagated in various ways.:

  1. Root cuttings.
  2. Dividing the bush.
  3. Seeds.

Root cuttings can be propagated throughout the warm season. To do this, carefully dig out a cutting from the mother bush so that it has its own root system and vegetative part of the flower.

When digging up cuttings, do not damage the mother plant.

The bush is divided after flowering around the end of August.. To do this, dig up a 4-year-old cornflower bush and divide it into parts with garden shears, which will contain both roots and growing buds. Then the parts are planted in the usual way.

Seeds are propagated in early March.. Plant the seeds in containers filled with fertile and loose soil. Watering is done by immersion so as not to wash the seeds. When the seedlings have 2 true leaves, they pick them.

Cornflower seedlings need a lot of light; if it is not available, the seedlings are illuminated with special lamps.

All annual varieties reproduce only by seeds.

Growing in the garden

Choose a sunny place, and since it grows well, it is planted in 50 cm increments. This will provide room for good development of the bush.

Weed the planting of seedlings in a timely manner so that the weeds do not choke out the flowers.

Maintenance requirement

In relation to moisture, cornflowers are divided into two groups - species that prefer moderate, average moisture, and plants that tolerate drought well. Water the flowers moderately, that is, if there is rain, then watering should not be done at all. Since excess moisture can cause rotting of the root mass.

The ideal air temperature for good plant growth is +26 degrees. But even when it rises, it does not die, it simply begins to throw out fewer buds.

Fertilizers are applied periodically once every two weeks and fertilized with complex fertilizers.

Apply fertilizers after watering to wet soil. This will protect the root system from burns.

Use in landscape design

With the help of this plant they decorate various types rockeries, tapeworms are created from large-headed varieties of Cornflower. Goes well with these colors:

  • Delphinium;
  • Akkonitami.

No matter how you plant it, you must remember that it does not grow in the shade.

Application of the plant

Traditional medicine uses various infusions and teas to strengthen immune system person. For treatment:

  • Cough;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Treatment of the human nervous system.

Official medicine uses this plant in the treatment of:

  • Heart diseases;
  • Eye diseases;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Gout.

Cosmetology makes decoctions and lotions for:

  • Reducing swelling of the eyelids;
  • Reduction of pores on the face;
  • Removes irritation on the skin.

It's beautiful the plant brings not only beauty to the world, but also great benefits, helping to cure a person. Flowerbeds with various cornflowers planted on them attract loving glances.

Cornflowersherbaceous plant, representative of the Astrov family. The plant is a straight branched stem with a blue flower (see photo). Scientists consider the Mediterranean to be the plant’s homeland; it is widespread in Europe, Russia, the Baltic states, and Kazakhstan. This weedy field plant can be found on roadsides and forest edges.

People call cornflowers “blue flower” and “commotion.” And the flower received its botanical name Centaurea cyanus L thanks to Carl Linnaeus.

There are many legends about the origin of this plant. As one myth says, a centaur healed the wound that Hercules inflicted on him with cornflower juice. The Romans believed that once upon a time there lived a young man, Cianus, who wore clothes only of blue color. With this, he angered the goddess Flora, and she turned him into a cornflower (“cyanus” means “blue”). Ukrainian legend says that a simple peasant Vasily was once mowing rye in a field. One of the field mermaids liked the guy so much that she bewitched him. Vasily followed her, forgetting about everything in the world. And she fell in love with him too. The mermaid did not want to be separated from her beloved and turned him into a cornflower, which resembles the blue of water.

Cornflowers have magical properties. It is believed that they protect a person and his home from evil spirits. On the day of Ivan Kupala, girls wash themselves with cornflower infusion so that their beauty is inaccessible to evil spells. These flowers were of particular significance for newlyweds: a bunch of cornflowers was used to baptize the bride and groom on their wedding day. It is customary to consecrate these flowers on one of the largest holidays of Orthodox Christians - August 14, the day of the First Savior, or Macovei. Cornflowers are used to make wreaths, which are then kept in the house for a year.

The flower, which is so glorified in folk songs, also has medicinal value. The plant was known to Hippocrates. Today it is used by herbalists to treat many diseases.

There are about 700 species of this plant. Depending on the type, flowers can have a wide variety of colors: white, purple, black, yellow. But still, cornflower is traditionally associated with the color blue.

Collection and storage

The plant is collected during its flowering period, making sure that among the fresh flowers there are no dry or wilted ones. Flowers are dried in a cool place, trying to ensure that the raw materials do not change their natural color (otherwise cornflowers have no medicinal value). Store them in paper bags.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of cornflower are due to its composition. Delicate blue flowers are rich in chromium, cobalt, luteolin, selenium, boron, vanadium, pelargonin chloride. Cornflower contains vitamin C, carotene, pectin, coumarin. The seeds of the plant are rich fatty oil. The plant also contains essential oil, which gives it medicinal properties, but so far it has not been possible to identify it.

To stimulate appetite, improve digestive processes, and for colds prepare medicinal tea from cornflower. To do this, the flowers of the plant are brewed with green or black tea and drunk up to 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. This tea is considered a good detoxifier. For the same purpose, a healing mixture is prepared. For this, 1 tsp. licorice root is poured with boiling water, then 1 tsp is added. bearberry and boil for a few more minutes. Pour 1 tsp into the boiling broth. cornflower flowers, remove from heat and infuse. The decoction is filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Cornflowers take excellent care of the skin and treat many diseases. In cosmetology, extracts of this plant are used to produce industrial lotions and face creams. At home you can prepare an infusion from blue flowers this plant. The infusion is obtained from 2 tbsp. l. fresh or dried flowers, poured in 2 cups of boiling water. The mixture is infused for an hour. It is perfect for washing and wiping your face. The infusion can be frozen, thus obtaining cubes for wiping the face in the morning; this procedure perfectly tones the skin and tightens pores. The only one a contraindication to the procedure is a predisposition to rosacea. Cornflower infusions have a beneficial effect on the condition of oily and problem skin, they reduce increased sebum secretion, narrow pores, and prevent the occurrence of acne. Regular use of infusions will make the skin matte and fresh.

The plant is perfect for caring for the delicate skin of the eyes. Usage cosmetics, prolonged work at the computer - these factors negatively affect the condition of the sensitive skin of the eyelids, which can react with redness and irritation. In this case, an infusion of cornflower is simply an irreplaceable remedy. For this, 2 tsp. pour boiling water over the flowers and leave for an hour. The infusion should be used to wash the eye area before applying cosmetics. You should definitely wash your face with this infusion after removing makeup. The infusion is also suitable for eye compresses; a cotton swab is soaked in the infusion and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Girls have long used field cornflowers to give their hair a well-groomed look. The infusion helps weakened and lifeless hair. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. flower, pouring it with a glass of water. The finished infusion is rubbed into the hair roots while warm after washing. It can also be used to rinse hair. He helps get rid of dandruff, stops hair loss.

The medicinal properties of cornflower are not limited to this. To relieve fatigue, herbalists recommend taking a flower bath. Thanks to the availability essential oils this plant is beautiful relieves fatigue. To do this, pour boiling water over half a glass of flowers, infuse and pour into a warm bath. Take a bath for 20 minutes. It tones the body well, and blue flowers floating in warm water lift your spirits.

Use in cooking

The flowers of the plant are used in cooking. They are harvested during the period of active flowering. To do this, you need to carefully collect the edge flowers by hand. The dried raw material has a bright blue color and a bitter, astringent taste.

The seeds of the plant are also used for gastronomic purposes. They are added to gravies, hot dishes, and sauces. As a rule, the seeds are used as a powder; in order to obtain it, the seeds must be crushed. The powder is also added when preparing salads, for example, “spring”. It is prepared from dandelion leaves, borage, sorrel and dill, and seasoned with homemade sour cream and cornflower powder.

There is also a recipe for making the sauce. It is prepared from a few spoons of broth, flour, butter, tomatoes and dried blue flowers. The sauce can be served with various dishes.

Powder or dried raw materials are also added when preparing cabbage soup. They are prepared according to traditional recipe, and at the end of cooking, add a pinch of powder or dried flowers.

The leaves of the plant are used in pickles, and also added to sausages and pates. They give the dish a pleasant aroma of lemon, mint, and cloves.

Cornflower will help diversify traditional borscht. To prepare this dish you will need: 500 ml of meat broth, 50 grams of beets, the same amount of carrots and potatoes, 100 grams of cabbage, 75 grams of onions, boiled egg, 25 grams of sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste, dill, parsley and 20 grams of dried cornflower. The borscht is cooked in the usual way, and a few minutes before it’s ready, add fried onions with tomato sauce and cornflower petals to the pan. Before serving, slices of egg are placed on plates, homemade sour cream and chopped greens.

The blue flowers of this wildflower can also be used to make beet stew. To do this, 250 grams of beets are boiled until tender and grated. 50 grams of flour are fried in 30 grams of butter. Next, season the beets with this mixture, adding dried cornflower flowers and citric acid. Simmer the beets for 10 minutes.

The benefits of cornflowers and treatment

The benefits of the plant have long been known folk medicine. Preparations based on it have diuretic and antipyretic properties. Galen, an ancient Roman physician, used the plant to treat kidney disease. That is why the plant is widely used to treat the genitourinary system. They are used for cystitis and nephritis.

Cornflowers also have choleretic properties, which allows them to be used for liver diseases.

cornflower helps protect the body from infections. For this purpose, a tincture is prepared: a tablespoon of flowers is poured with alcohol and aloe juice is added. Leave the tincture in a dark place for 7 days, and then wipe your hands with this disinfectant. The tincture is effective and for bedsores.

The cleansing properties of cornflower are widely used in nutrition. Collections with this plant help you get rid of extra pounds. They not only remove excess water, but also help the body burn fat faster. Cornflower decoctions improve digestion . Thus, cornflowers will be useful for people who are overweight. In addition, the plant removes waste and toxins, cleanses the body of harmful substances.

Wild flower has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes with blepharitis. For this purpose, a weak infusion of cornflowers is prepared. Moisten a cotton swab with warm infusion and apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes. This procedure can also be done for prevention. Lotions help relieve eye fatigue when working at the computer for long periods of time.

Harm of cornflowers and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. In addition, the plant contains trace elements that add toxicity to cornflower. Active compounds with a cyanide component are considered potentially dangerous, and the plant itself is classified as mildly poisonous.

Blue flowers are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children. Women should remember that cornflower increases uterine bleeding. Before using this plant, you should always consult your doctor.

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