
Home mask for oily skin. Recipes for homemade masks for oily and problem skin. Rules for the use of masks

Increased oily skin gives beautiful ladies a lot of inconvenience - from unaesthetic oily sheen to inflammation. Cosmetology offers a large number of home-made care products and masks for oily skin - one of the most affordable and effective.

Advice: before using masks and other means, it is necessary to correctly determine your type of epidermis. For this, a visit to the beautician's office will not be superfluous.

For the preparation of masks, a large number of ingredients are used. Before using the product (even based on natural ingredients) for care, you must make sure that there is no allergy to individual components. It must be remembered that this is a face and if irritation or acne appears on it, it will not be easy to disguise them.

After finding a suitable recipe for a mask that can be prepared at home, owners of oily skin should adhere to a few simple rules:

  • do not use the product more often than indicated in the recipe (most masks for oily epidermis are aimed at drying, you can overdo it, overdry it, disturb the pH level and get swelling, allergies, irritation and rashes);
  • use only fresh ingredients and only those indicated in the recipe (an initiative with the addition of something that is not indicated in the recipe can lead to an unpredictable epidermal reaction);
  • it is advisable to make only prepared fresh masks and not store them for a long time (even in the refrigerator);
  • it is undesirable to do several different masks on the same day (again, the skin reaction can be unpredictable);
  • apply the product to a previously cleansed face.

Advice: it is advisable to acquire special tools (synthetic brushes for applying the mixture, a glass or plastic container for mixing ingredients, not a metal stick or spoon to mix the ingredients).

Dry and degrease

Having prepared a mask for oily and problematic skin from baking soda at home, you can slightly reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, remove toxins from cells and eliminate inflammation.

It is enough to mix 1 tsp. soda with raw egg white, apply on a clean face, hold for 5 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

Instead of egg white, you can add pure water, freshly squeezed citrus juices, liquid honey and dairy products to soda (until a gruel consistency is obtained).

To eavesdrop on pimples, you can apply a soda face mask to them.

Advice: soda has a rather aggressive effect on the epidermis, so it is advisable to use funds based on it no more than 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

Say no to imperfections

Oily skin is more prone to acne due to the fact that the secretion of the sebaceous glands secreted in excess of the norm creates on its surface not only a lipid (barrier) layer, but also a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms.

Smart daily cleansing and home-made anti-acne masks for oily skin will help get rid of pimples and prevent new ones.

One of the simplest options is a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese with plain yogurt or sour cream in a 1: 3 ratio. The mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

Advice : It is advisable to wash off any masks not with tap water, but with purified drinking or mineral water.

Another recipe is a mixture of egg white, starch (the consistency of not very thick sour cream) and a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Instead of protein with starch, you can use cosmetic clay (white (kaolin) or pink will do). Course - 10 times every 2 days on the 3rd.

A mixture of aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and raw egg white has a good anti-inflammatory effect. It is applied to the face for 25 minutes and removed with a sponge soaked in water.

To quickly relieve the redness and inflammation of the pimple (which always pops up at the wrong time), a point application of tea tree oil or calendula tincture helps. These substances have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, drying and healing effects. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the product and gently apply to the inflamed area.

Wrinkles are superfluous

Mature skin requires special care. The good news is that oily dermis is less prone to early wrinkles than dry dermis. Nevertheless, it is advisable from the age of 30 to start adding components that promote lifting and rejuvenation to homemade masks for oily skin.

A suitable option is to mix 0.5 tbsp. l. kaolin (white cosmetic clay) with honey (liquid) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tsp each) and add a little purified water, stirring until a homogeneous paste is formed. The mask will need to be left on the face for 10 minutes, then wash with clean water (cool) and wipe your face with an ice cube or a slice of lemon.

Every morning rubbing with an ice cube helps to prolong youth and keep the epidermis in good shape (any ingredients that have a beneficial effect on oily skin are added to the ice - lime juice, tea or rose tree oil, grapefruit slices, etc.).

It is necessary to wipe the face strictly along the massage lines and do not hold the ice for a long time at one point (especially for the sinuses).

Advice: after overcoming the mark of 25 years, it is advisable to supplement home remedies with professional ones, which include collagen and other substances that help to reduce the severity of facial wrinkles.

Egg white is a miracle cure

Homemade egg face masks are suitable for oily and all skin types. They have a mild exfoliating effect. Egg white, drying, forms a crust on the skin. Together with it, when rinsing the mask, keratinized particles and dirt are removed from the pores.

A mixture of egg white with sour cream and grapefruit juice (1 tsp each) cleanses the skin well. Beat the protein until foam, mix with other ingredients, apply on a clean face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm clean water.

Homemade masks for oily skin made from lemon juice and egg white are no less effective. They dry well, make pores narrower and eliminate irritation. It is enough to add 1 tsp to one beaten protein. freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply for 15 minutes and wash with cool water.

Delicious masks

Sometimes the dermis needs to be pampered with "tasty". Such procedures are beneficial for the epidermis and improve mood. Owners of a type of dermis prone to oily content are suitable:

  1. A mixture of warm honey, lemon juice (2-4 drops) and banana pulp (apply for 15 minutes and wash with cool water).
  2. A mixture of 1 tbsp. l. coconut milk with liquid honey and crushed oatmeal (1 tsp each) (apply for 20 minutes and do a contrasting wash - first rinse off the mask with warm, and then with cooler water).
  3. A mixture of 1 tbsp. l. plain yogurt and a few strawberries mashed in puree (apply for 10 minutes and rinse).

Strawberries are used as a standalone cleanser and exfoliator. It is enough to knead a few berries and massage the face with the resulting puree.

Clay as a base

Practically in any beauty salon, clients are offered masks made of cosmetic clay. This is an effective way to gently exfoliate the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis and leave it smooth and soft.

At home, you can prepare masks for oily skin on the basis of cosmetic clay with essential oils, fruits and other components.

For the oily type, it is advisable to use black clay (1 tbsp is enough). Combined with rose essential oil (2-3 drops), aloe pulp and a little rose water (1 tablespoon), it is effective in removing dirt and absorbing excess sebum. The mask is applied to cleansed skin after peeling, left for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Most of the fair sex, who independently prepare masks at home for oily skin prone to oily skin, are enthusiastic about recipes with clay. Freshly prepared at home, the mask has a result that can be compared with the effect of salon procedures (despite the fact that the cost is several times lower).

The right diet for beautiful skin

Homemade masks for acne and inflammation on the face alone are not enough for the beauty of oily skin.

People with this type of dermis need to reduce their intake of foods with animal fats, pickles, spices, and spicy foods. The same rule applies to flour and sweets. This does not mean that such foods should be completely removed from the diet, but their amount should be minimal.

Instead of smoked meats and chocolates, it is advisable to include fresh fruits, vegetables, boiled meat and fish, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products with a small percentage of fat in the diet.

Fatty, fried, smoked, and sugary foods contribute to acne and clogged pores. If you really want something sweet, it is better to have a snack with dried fruits or a handful of nuts.

The work of the sebaceous glands increases if an insufficient amount of fluid enters the body during the day (meaning clean drinking water). Therefore, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (with increased physical activity and in the hot season - more).

Daily care is a guarantee of beauty

There are mandatory procedures that should turn into a daily ritual for the owners of oily (and any other) type of epidermis. A lot of time and effort is not required for this, just 10-20 minutes in the morning and in the evening.


  1. It is necessary to cleanse the skin from the sebum produced during the night (due to the tendency to grease, simply washing with water is not enough). It is advisable to use special cleansing gels or mousses. Soap is not suitable for washing - it is too aggressive and disturbs the pH.
  2. A cleansed dry face is wiped with a tonic selected for the type of skin (preferably not containing alcohol. Although it dries the skin, this effect is not long-lasting and further provokes an even greater production of sebum, violates the pH and provokes irritation).
  3. Moisturizing with a product (cream, gel or emulsion with a light texture) with an SPF factor (protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation).


  1. Make-up removal (micellar water, gel).
  2. Cleansing as in the morning (special gel or mousse).
  3. Toning.
  4. Applying a nourishing cream (a couple of hours before bedtime).

Additionally, especially after 25 years old, it is necessary to use gels or creams for the skin around the eyelids (it is delicate, thin, practically does not contain fatty layers and the first one is subject to aging).

Plus 1-2 times a week it is necessary to exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis using scrubs or gommages. The latter have a more delicate creamy texture, they act softer. Scrubbing is undesirable to carry out shortly before going out.

For exfoliation, you can use commercial products or prepare them yourself. The main rule is that the composition should contain a moisturizing and emollient ingredient and an exfoliating ingredient. Good exfoliants are ground coffee and sea salt. The moisturizing ingredient can be sour cream, plain yogurt, liquid honey, vegetable or fruit pulp, etc.

Many women use homemade masks to cleanse oily skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But not everyone is happy with the result. It's time to check out the best mask recipes for oily skin.

Egg and honey masks for oily skin

Egg-honey masks will help get rid of grease, acne, inflammation, annoying pimples and huge pore-craters. They are also able to conquer the owners of normal, dry, mature skin, since the egg with honey refreshes well, cleanses, makes the skin soft, saturates with vitamins, and smoothes wrinkles.

To get a great refreshing mask, just mix a dessert spoon of honey with one egg. The mask is kept for half an hour. Products are washed off with cold water.

Since the mask does not contain components that dry the skin or dry the skin, it can be used every other day.

Option 1:

The real salvation for greasy skin is prepared from a teaspoon of honey and the protein of one testicle. They are mixed until smooth and spread on the cleansed face for 25-30 minutes. After several procedures, you will notice that your skin becomes less dirty, it does not shine throughout the day, it looks fresh, while the pores have become less pronounced, the number of blackheads and pimples has decreased.

Option 2:

You can make a means for cleansing oily skin, narrowing pores from Art. spoons of honey, eggs, a pinch of chopped fresh mint leaves and 10 ml of a decoction of dried chamomile flowers. If you need to both cleanse and moisturize, nourish oily skin, then make a mask of yolk, one tablespoon of nectar and steamed oatmeal.

For your information: 10 ml of broth is one dessert spoon.

Strawberry masks to cleanse oily skin

Summer is a great time to pamper oily skin with fresh strawberry masks. Before making a mask from strawberry puree, you need to prepare a special soap-berry lotion.

Option 1:

Take two tablespoons of crushed strawberries and pour 125 ml of boiling water over them, then add a pinch of fine tar soap shavings. Stir this cocktail. Let it sit for about half an hour, then pour the liquid into a glass.

Apply fresh strawberry gruel to your face, and then, after 10 minutes, wipe off the mask from the face with a swab dipped in homemade lotion. After removing the product, wash with water that reaches a temperature of 30 ° C. This mask can also get rid of acne.

Attention: instead of fresh strawberries, many girls put berries squeezed out of soapy water, which were used to prepare the lotion.

Option 2:

You can also pour 60 ml of kombucha infusion on strawberries, leaving them to infuse for three hours. The selected berry is spread over the skin for half an hour. Remove the mask with a cotton pad, which is moistened in the infusion. After that, the face is rinsed with cold water. The mask removes oily sheen, tightens pores, and disinfects.

You can also make a mask for oily skin with strawberry juice and kaolin. You need to mix the juice squeezed from fresh berries with st. spoon of white clay. The consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream. We spread it with a thin layer on the skin, wait 15 minutes. We cleanse the skin with warm water. If you have a lot of pimples, after removing the berry-kaolin products, rinse your face with a decoction of yarrow. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties.

Persimmon masks for oily skin

And in winter, it is best to indulge greasy skin with persimmon masks. They cleanse the face, saturate with vitamins, tone, make the skin soft, moisturized, refresh and even tighten.

To keep the skin in good shape, it is enough to use masks made from one pulp of the “divine fire” (this is how the name “persimmon” can be translated). Persimmon is also called date plum. If the puree from this fleshy berry lingers on your face for some 10 minutes, then the skin will have time to be enriched with vitamins and refreshed.

You can complicate the recipe by adding a tablespoon of starch and grated potatoes to the persimmon pulp. Whipped protein and two large spoons of kefir will not be superfluous in these products that cleanse oily skin. The mask is washed off with a damp disc after 20 minutes.

Rice flour and persimmons can be used to make a scrubbing mask. A mixture of one berry, a tablespoon of flour is rubbed into the skin and left for 12-15 minutes. After the product is washed off with warm water. If your skin is very shiny and quickly becomes dirty, it is better to add oatmeal or starch instead of rice flour. True, such a tool can no longer be called a scrub.

Attention: even if you have oily skin, you can add oils to the masks, but you just need to know which ones can help solve the problem. For example, a mask of a teaspoon of good olive oil, a tablespoon of oatmeal and whole ripe persimmons will help to remove the greasy shine, make the skin soft and reduce rashes on the face.

Grapefruit masks for oily skin

Grapefruit juice is often used to whiten skin and remove pigmentation. In addition, grapefruit masks perfectly cleanse the face. They are most suitable for oily, normal skin.

The way to prepare the simplest citrus mask: put the grapefruit pulp on cheesecloth, and then on the skin. After 15 minutes, the face should be rinsed with cold water. Another grapefruit mask for 15 minutes is prepared from wheat flour and citrus juice. Flour can be replaced with oatmeal.

After a hard day, prepare a mask with a tablespoon of grapefruit juice, a teaspoon of olive oil and chicken protein. The mask is applied to the skin with a swab in three layers. Breaks between applications - no more than a minute. After rubbing the skin a third time, wait three to five minutes. After that, you need to wash. Rinse off - warm water. Grapefruit juice and camphor oil can also be used to make a lotion for oily skin.

Advice: if your skin is oily, wash your face periodically with mineral water. It will not hurt to add grapefruit juice to it. One spoonful of juice is enough for a glass of water.

Masks for oily skin from olive and essential oils

We have already mentioned the recipes for masks, which included castor or olive oil. But this is not the whole list of oils that are suitable for girls with overly active work of the sebaceous glands.

The following oils are also suitable for oily skin: lavender, ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, grape seed, almond, peach, apricot, jojoba, hazelnut oil, etc. Using masks made from such oils, you can normalize sebum production, narrow pores, eliminate acne. These oils have cleansing, soothing, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.

Attention: essential oils should be mixed with a base oil such as olive oil.

If you have a lot of pimples, in addition to lavender, you can add chamomile, geranium, sandalwood, etc. oils. A good mask for oily skin is obtained from castor and olive oils. The first one cleanses, removes sebum, the second one nourishes and moisturizes. It is better to make such a mask in the evening. In the morning it will be enough to wash with warm water.

So, to cleanse the skin, pour the mixed oils into the palm of your hand and, while heating them, begin to massage the mixture into it. Pay special attention to problem areas, rub the oil well into the pores located on the forehead, nose, chin, and do not forget about the cheeks.

Now you need to remove grease and accumulated dirt, bacteria from the pores, expanding them with a damp towel. Wet it under running hot water, squeeze it thoroughly so that the liquid does not drip, and place it on your face. You need to steam the skin well, just be careful not to burn your face.

When the towel has cooled, soak it again in water and, wringing out, place it on your skin. After that, wash your face with warm water (several times) and dry it with a tissue.

Bread Purifying Mask for Oily Skin

A bread mask will help to improve the complexion and get rid of the oily sheen. Rye bread is what you need. You can even use stale bread. Cut off the crust and soak the crumb in water or milk. The liquid in which the bread will be soaked must be heated to 40 ° C. The bread is soaked - it's time to apply the product. The mask is washed off with warm water 20 minutes after application.

Frequency of use: you can make bread masks every day.

Kefir masks for oily skin

Besides the fact that kefir masks cleanse and refresh the skin, they also whiten it, make it elastic, nourish, moisturize, prevent the face from fading and slow down aging. Peroxidized kefir is especially suitable for oily skin. You can make it like this by leaving the fresh product for two days in a warm place.

You can simply apply kefir in several layers on your face, and after 15 minutes wash off or prepare a mask from a large spoonful of olive oil, tea - lemon juice, 50 ml of kefir, 40 g of oat flour and a pinch of table salt. Flour and salt are added after thoroughly whipping kefir, juice and butter. The holding time is a quarter of an hour. The result is narrowed pores, clean, smooth skin. Course - 12 procedures. The frequency is three times / week.


Despite the fact that all the presented masks are considered safe, be sure to test the tolerance of the components of home remedies before using them.

For oily skin useful masks containing acidic fruits, berries, vegetables. Chamomile, mint, sage, linden blossom, rose, peony, parsley are widely used. Such masks contain vitamins, glucose, and help to retain water in the skin.

How to apply masks correctly?

You need to apply the mask in front of the mirror, having previously prepared everything you need: cream, a flat brush or a piece of cotton wool, a scarf for hair, a towel to cover your clothes. The mask is prepared immediately before use. During the procedure, the face must be motionless. You can't talk, read. You need to lie down, relax. Keep the mask for about 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

If there is no pronounced network of vessels on the face, then in front of the mask to enhance its effect, you can make a steam bath by adding flowers of chamomile, linden, sage, peppermint, etc. to the water.

For oily skin - 15 min. 2 times a month. The steam bath can be replaced with a warm compress. A terry towel is moistened with a warm infusion of herbs and flowers, applied to the face and neck, and held until it cools down.

For oily, porous skin - a mixture of nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, calendula, aloe, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, birch buds, yarrow.
The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 table. Brew a spoon with a glass of boiling water, let it brew. It is necessary to apply the mask on the entire face and neck - from the bottom up, along the skin lines, excluding the eyelids and places around the eyes (it is better to pre-lubricate them with a fat cream). Then you need to lie down, relaxed, for 15-20 minutes on a low pillow.

For oily skin, masks made from fruit yoghurt are very useful.

We take yogurt (thick), add half a spoonful of tea milk and enough starch to it to make a thick mass. Mix well and apply on face and neck. In 20 minutes. wash off with warm water.
You can make the same mask, but without additions. These masks are also very useful for rough skin.

Masks can be done 3 times a week, or 1 time if there is not enough time. But once a week it must be done.

Many women believe that since their skin is oily, there is no point in lubricating it. But this is a delusion. Just like any other, it requires nutrition with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a good nourishing vitamin cream is essential for your face.

After the mask and washing, it is useful to wipe your face with infusions of horsetail or sage herbs. And then apply the cream and after 20-25 minutes remove the rest of it with a cotton swab dipped in the indicated herbal infusions, as a last resort, if you have not prepared the infusions, just boiled water.

Creams must be changed every one and a half months, because the skin, like the stomach, requires a varied diet.

One more. Do not apply cream before bed. The skin needs to breathe. It is enough that we have to close it during the day.

20 recipes!

Oatmeal mask
Take 1/2 cup of oatmeal, add 2 tablespoons to it. l. yogurt. Mix everything and apply on the face. Keep for 20 minutes.

Potato mask
Prepare mashed potatoes. Apply warm to face. In 20 minutes. take off and wash.

Curd mask
Low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons. lies. + 1 tea lies. milk. Stir and apply to face. After 15 minutes. wash off and wash.

Beat the whites of one egg. Add 1 tsp. honey or cream. Apply the mixture to dry skin, previously lubricated with cream. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. With enlarged pores, 1 tsp should be added to the mask. lemon juice

Protein-honey-oatmeal mask
This mask has a tonic effect on the skin. 2 squirrels, 30 g of honey, 0.5 tsp. lies. olive oil. Mix everything until smooth. Add 2 table. lies. oat flour. Stir well again and apply on face. In 20 minutes. wash off with warm water.

Yoghurt mask
Add enough starch to the yogurt to make a thick mass. Mix well and apply to face and neck. In 20 minutes. wash off with warm water.

Yolk-lemon toning mask
Mix 2 teaspoons of egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of lemon or cranberry juice and 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream. Apply the mask to the face and after 15-20 minutes remove it with a warm tea broth, and then apply a cold compress from the tea broth for 5-6 minutes. Then dry the skin with a towel or gauze.

Yeast mask
Grind 10 g of yeast and dilute to a mushy state with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (you can dilute the yeast with lemon juice or sauerkraut juice). Apply this mass on the face in an even layer. Wash off after 20 minutes with water

1 tsp cream and 1 tsp. Stir lemon juice and apply on face with a cotton swab. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
Whitens and rejuvenates the skin.

Of white clay and milk
Dilute white clay with milk until thick sour cream, apply on face, leave for 10 minutes. Dries and cleanses the skin.

Of white clay and honey
1 tbsp white clay
1 tsp honey
1 tsp lemon juice
Stir, apply on face, leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with water, rub your face with a slice of lemon and pat dry with a towel dipped in cold water.
The mask tightens pores, makes the skin smooth and taut.

1 protein
1 tsp honey
0.5 tsp olive oil
Mix everything until smooth, add oatmeal (or chopped oatmeal) to make a gruel. It is best to heat this gruel in a water bath.
Apply to face, rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes.
This mask refreshes and tones the skin, tightens pores, and removes blackheads. Suitable for normal to oily skin.

Herbal mask
Mix equal parts chamomile, lime blossom, elder flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool slightly, drain.
Add a teaspoon of honey and oatmeal to the warm broth until you get a gruel. Apply on face for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
The mask cleanses and tones the skin.

Chamomile mask
Mix a decoction of one tablespoon of chamomile flowers with oatmeal until a gruel is obtained. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
The mask relieves inflammation, tones the skin.

Hot compress from herbal infusions:
Equally horsetail, linden blossom and yarrow - pour boiling water over, leave for 10 minutes. Soak a towel in a warm mixture, squeeze lightly and apply on face until it cools. Repeat several times.
Cleans and refreshes the skin.

Sour milk mask
Lubricate your face with curdled milk, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. The skin will acquire a delicate color.

Cabbage mask
Turn cabbage leaves in a meat grinder, mix with whipped protein. Apply to face, after 20 minutes. wash off. The skin will be fresh and firm.

Apple mask
Peel the apple, cut into cubes and boil in a little milk. Knead to make a gruel, cool until warm and apply on face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.
The mask perfectly tones the skin.

Apricot mask
Mash 2-3 apricots, mix with st. l. sour milk. Apply to face, rinse off with water after 20 minutes.
The mask nourishes and tones the skin.

Shantell Vegetable Masks
1. Grate large carrots. Apply gruel to the face. This mask is especially good for acne, fading, pale skin.
2. Apply the tomato pulp to the face. This mask has a good effect on earthy skin.

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Oily skin type implies a special additional care, which is not complete without the use of store or home masks. Oily and problematic dermis has an increased secretion of sebum - sebum, which leads to clogged pores, acne and inflammation, acne, uneven complexion and the formation of an oily film on its surface. The only advantage of this type of skin is its delayed aging and the fact that by a more mature age the skin often becomes normal - the oily sheen disappears and the once enlarged pores shrink.

Masks for the care of oily epidermis are based on cleansing - the most important step in caring for this type, at the same time regulating the work of the sebaceous glands and an antiseptic effect.


Oily skin has a number of problems not only of aesthetic nature in the form of enlarged pores or blackheads, seemingly harmless "features" are a field for the multiplication of microbes and infections, which will have to be fought more radically without additional weekly care. Masks for oily skin differ from each other and have the following features:

  • They are cleansing, moisturizing, lifting, tightening pores;
  • Their main property is to cleanse the skin and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, the secondary property is to moisturize the dermis;
  • Only regular use of masks will allow you to get rid of oily skin with an unpleasant shine;
  • It is recommended to use masks for oily skin 2-3 times a week, while you can use a similar scheme: 2 cleansing + 1 moisturizing, 1 cleansing + 1 moisturizing + 1 anti-aging;
  • Often, kaolin appears in the basis of masks to reduce shine and narrow the pores;
  • It is not recommended to use alcohol as part of a home or store mask - this component stimulates the production of skin secretions. If the mask contains alcohol, it is recommended to use it no more than 1 time in 7-10 days or apply locally to the area of ​​inflammation;
  • For oily and combination skin, you can use the mask both for application to the entire face and to problem areas - the T-zone;
  • It is recommended to keep the mask for oily skin on the skin for no more than 30 minutes, since each composition differs in its characteristics and degree of "work".


For tightening pores

Pore-tightening formulations and ingredients are often based on natural ingredients such as fruit acids, herbal decoctions and clay, which act as the main element of the mask. Enlarged pores not only look unattractive, but are also a repository of bacteria and germs, street dust and excess sebum. The pore tightening treatment with a cosmetic mask prevents germs and dirt from accumulating inside the skin and makes the surface of the face more uniform.

A slimming white clay mask is the most popular and affordable. The composition allows you to simultaneously cleanse and narrow the pores, besides, white clay can be simply used as a stand-alone product or in combination with tomato juice or aloe extract.


The main stage in the care of oily skin is its cleansing by means of not only the usual "washers", but also a classic mask based on clay, or kaolin. The clay mask allows you to cleanse the pores, normalize the secretion of sebum, eliminate the resulting inflammation and prevent the appearance of new ones due to the drying effect.

For enlarged pores, a clay mask is especially relevant - it not only gently removes impurities, but also tightens them to prevent further contamination.

Mask for problem skin with kaolin absorbs excess sebum and enhances metabolic processes in cells in order to reduce further sebum production.


Oily skin requires hydration at any time of the year and especially in summer. Women often make the mistake of not taking proper care of their skin in the summer when it needs a cream or an extra mask. High-quality moisturizing due to a mask for dehydrated skin or one that is especially oily, helps to reduce the formation of sebum - a secret that the skin secretes to protect against the evaporation of valuable moisture.

A moisturizing mask protects against oily content during sports - instead of secretion, the skin will be able to release water, or sweat.

In addition, oily skin can be dehydrated - the case when the epidermis is characterized by increased oiliness and dryness at the same time, when there are slight or noticeable peeling in certain areas.

Anti aging

Oily age skin is not complete without alginate masks or seaweed-based products. They have antioxidant properties and relieve puffiness by removing excess moisture, tighten pores and normalize complexion; in addition, the use of such products has a cumulative effect.

Means of popular brands

Cettua mask designed for problem skin: it is based on tea tree extract, which has the ability to dry inflammation and regulate sebum production. Tea tree in the composition of a cosmetic product acts as an antiseptic and fights bacteria on the surface that stimulate the production of skin secretions.

The Cettua mask contains extracts of eucalyptus, sage and apple mint, its regular use helps to reduce the formation of sebum, to achieve an even tone and texture of the face.

For oily and problematic dermis, a mask is suitable "Botanical" by Mary Kay, which contains plant extracts: milk thistle, melon, guava and white tea tree extract. The Mary Kay cosmetic mask perfectly cleanses the skin and fights excess sebum by absorbing it, it restores skin cells and normalizes their functioning, giving the skin an attractive, healthy look and natural radiance.

A pleasant bonus of the product is a low price for a complete complex of herbal extracts of natural origin.

Christina "Comodex Double Action Mask" based on white clay belongs to professional brands and has a delicate texture that will especially appeal to delicate skin. White clay in the composition of the product is designed to absorb excess sebum and relieve irritation, soothe the epidermis and normalize the work of its secretion.

The kaolin in Christina "Comodex Double Action Mask" noticeably narrows the pores and has a slight tightening effect, while the composition of the product does not dry out the dermis due to the content of calendula flowers and grape seed extract.

How to do it at home

Homemade masks can be effective in home care if prepared and used correctly. Caring for oily skin is difficult to imagine without a cosmetological approach, however, it is quite possible to reduce visits to a specialist with the help of homemade masks - they often really work and can significantly save time and money.

Clay mask. Dissolve a little white, blue or black clay powder in warm boiled water, mix thoroughly until smooth with non-liquid sour cream. Apply the product on a previously cleaned dry face in a thick layer. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Do not allow the composition to dry on the face; to avoid this, sprinkle the mask with thermal or ordinary boiled water or apply a thicker layer.

You need to remove the mask with warm water using your hands or a sponge. After use, be sure to apply your usual moisturizer to your skin.

You can add a few drops of essential extract to a clay mask, mix it with protein, dairy products, oatmeal and other ingredients to achieve a greater effect.

The recipe for making a clay mask is in the next video.

Oatmeal... Grind oat flakes or use oatmeal, whole flakes as a base: dilute it with warm water to a mushy state and leave for 5-10 minutes to swell. The composition is applied to clean skin with a thick layer and lasts up to 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with plain water.

To achieve the effect of narrowing the pores, you can add the protein of one egg.

The next video is a recipe for making an oatmeal mask.

Curd... To care for combination skin, make a dairy-based care composition: mix cottage cheese with an equal amount of sauerkraut, add black bread with a teaspoon of olive oil - it will serve as food for the oily areas of the face.

For many women, especially in the rhythm of the metropolis, grooming is a top priority. On the one hand, all the means for this are at hand, but on the other hand, there are harmful environmental factors that strive to complicate the task for millions of women. It is important to be able to neutralize the bad and take advantage of the benefits. For example, homemade masks for oily skin will help.

Girls with oily skin are often faced with the problem of excessive greasiness.

Causes of oily skin

Often the answers to all questions lie on the surface, and this is not a metaphor - dermal problems, as a rule, have a root cause in the form of health problems. A number of diseases can affect the face in the truest sense of the word. So that self-medication with cosmetic methods is not useless or even harmful, first of all consult with a specialist. Maybe aesthetic concerns are just the tip of the iceberg.

Proper use of masks for oily skin

It is an effective, affordable and effective remedy in use, which makes it literally a panacea for almost all aesthetic problems. Of course, you need to follow certain rules in the application, so as not to aggravate the situation and not nullify all our efforts.

  1. Do not dry your face. In the manic pursuit of eliminating grease, people - both men and women - can easily add even more trouble to themselves in the form of a "kickback": the fat will be released even more in response to the aggressor, who has deprived the "protection" of the outer covers. Therefore, no fanaticism.
  2. Use proven tools. Meet the composition very carefully, read the reviews, ask your friends. But when it comes to your beauty and health, you cannot save time (and preferably money). If it does not fit or does not suit something, feel free to change it.
  3. Find out if you have an individual intolerance to any of the components. An allergic reaction in the form of redness, rashes, itching, and so on is not what we need.
  4. If your lifestyle is replete with such harmful factors as lack of a daily regimen, abuse of strong drinks, an abundance of "food waste" in the diet, then you should not count on a healthy body and a beautiful appearance. Yet sometimes a slice of pizza or pancakes not eaten will bring more benefits than the most expensive and advertised cosmetics.
  5. As little makeup as possible. Choose decorative cosmetics wisely, do not skimp on it - something that is applied to the face every day and lasts for long hours should not be just anything, especially if there are problems.

Often, adherence to these basic principles can, if not completely eliminate, but also significantly improve the situation. Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle, coupled with the use of good products, is the best combination of care and treatment for you.

Face masks are essential for any skin type

Mask recipes for oily skin

There are a great many of them, both store and home. The choice is huge, but you still have to find an individual one for you. Do not be afraid to try new things and change the means - our body gets used to the same methods, and the effectiveness of even the best mask will decrease over time and with constant use.

Nourishing mask for oily skin

Even this type of dermis needs replenishment, despite the myth widespread everywhere that it nourishes its own abundant secret in abundance. This has nothing to do with reality, of course. Competent cleansing and competent nourishment are the key factors of facial beauty.


  1. Fresh leaves of this plant.
  2. Egg yolk.

This tool perfectly copes not only with grease, but also with the abundance of harmful bacteria in the pores.

Purifying mask for oily skin

Most importantly, the most important part of caring for this type is high-quality, deep and correct cleansing. The pores are often enlarged and susceptible to all irritants, which is why inflammation and rashes become commonplace. A remedy made from ordinary flour will help to prevent unpleasant symptoms!

In such a mask, consistency is important. It should resemble sour cream in tactile sensations.

It is enough to dilute the flour with water to a state resembling thick sour cream, stir well to avoid lumps and apply on the face for about 20 minutes. The effect will increase if you use sour milk or kefir instead of water.

Moisturizing mask for oily skin

Lack of moisture and excessive grease are not antonyms. Often these concepts are inseparable companions, because in the pursuit of "fat-free" skin, aggressive alcohol products are used, as well as products with a rough, traumatic structure. Dehydration is what will make the situation even worse.

In the fight against moisture loss, it is important to remember: take care of the natural secretion and hydration system and maintain it. That is, first get rid of the root cause: do not smother your face with drying methods beyond measure. The "swing" effect - a reverse rollback in the form of an even more uncontrolled secretion of the sebaceous glands - is a very real and very sad consequence of excessive "defatting".

A mixture made from aloe helps a lot.


  1. Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Honey - 1 tsp
  3. 10 ml. tea tree oil.

This remedy will also have an antibacterial effect.

For tightening pores

Huge, enlarged, visible with the naked eye, turning the face into a bumpy, unhealthy "area" of pores - this is perhaps the most terrible and hateful problem of the owners of this type. A burnt alum mask will help to cleanse, narrow and prevent further enlargement of pores.


  1. Alum - about 5 gr.
  2. The same amount of blue clay.
  3. Plantain broth.

When mixing, it is desirable to reach a sour cream consistency. It is impossible to keep it on the face for a long time in order to avoid dehydration, because burnt alum is a very potent remedy. Rinse off after about ten minutes.

For oily problem skin

Another nightmare for owners of this type is constant rashes, irritations, acne. Out of despair, many begin to squeeze them out, burn them, mask them with a thick layer of tonal means. But this is not the best strategy for us.

The remedy is strong, so it is often not worth using it, a couple of times a month will be enough.


  1. White paraffin melted in a water bath.
  2. 5 gr. alum.

Apply in a thick layer to cover the entire face, and leave until it hardens. As a rule, for half an hour. When you remove the product from the face, the pores will be cleaned like a vacuum.

Effect of paraffin on oily skin

Whitening mask for oily skin

Often this problem goes hand in hand with an unhealthy, sore complexion, increased gloss, sweating, and so on. First of all, this is one of the many reasons why people hate this type of epidermis so much. To combat these unpleasant aesthetic symptoms, a homemade remedy using lemon, a whitening agent known for centuries, will help.

  1. The juice of this citrus is about 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Egg white.
  3. Aloe juice - about 1 tbsp. l.

Aim for fifteen minutes when applying. As a result, using this product will also minimize the problem of pigmentation and scarring.

For oily skin from wrinkles

Great news: the owners of this type can boast that age-related changes overtake them much later than other types (especially dry ones). The dermis of this type is thicker and immune to environmental aggressors, and the abundant secretion nourishes better and better for a very long time.

To level out age-related changes even more, so that for sure it will help remedy with cucumber, egg white and olive oil.


  1. 1 cucumber, peeled.
  2. Egg white.
  3. Olive oil - about 1 tsp

This procedure, by the way, will eliminate the problem of the appearance of age-related pigmentation.

For oily skin from acne

Once again, burnt alum comes to our rescue - a very effective and powerful remedy. Combined with grapefruit oil and starch, known for their antibacterial properties, the action of this pharmaceutical remedy neutralizes acne and its consequences.

It is enough to mix ten grams of alum with five grams of starch and a couple of drops of oil. Before use, it is advisable to open the pores with a steam bath, and you cannot overexpose the composition - you will burn the skin. Five to eight minutes will be enough.

Face mask with honey

It is difficult to overestimate the properties of this wonderful gift of nature. Only the lazy did not mention the nutritional, moisturizing, stabilizing properties of this product. Indeed, when used correctly for each dermal type, honey will bring its benefits, and tangible ones. For the type we are considering, honey will saturate the face with moisture and nutrients for a long time, stabilize the secretion of fat.

The means for this can be prepared from cheap and affordable components: already familiar to us egg white and lemon juice.


  1. About 1 tbsp. l. honey.
  2. Egg white.
  3. Lemon juice - by eye.

Apply the composition by patting: this way you will vacuum all impurities from the pores.

Effect of clay on oily skin

Clay face mask

There are quite a few types of this remedy, and they all work in different ways. Depending on the individual characteristics and characteristics of each, one or another type of clay may or may not be suitable. But good, the choice is wide, and you don't have to limit yourself.

Clay is a remedy that has been tested for centuries and a whole string of generations. The pharmaceutical industry has multiplied its healing properties.

In order to achieve the perfect matte effect that many owners of this type desire so much, you need white clay. Mix a spoonful of powder with the same amount of starch, add five tablespoons of magnesium carbonate, a spoonful of burnt alum and boric acid, talc. Dilute the dry mixture of these powders to a consistency with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

The better the clay or its composition dries on the face, the better the effect of it. Therefore, after application, it is recommended not to move the face, not talk, and so on - in general, do not disturb the face, so that the product does not crack and crumble.

Do not cook clay formulations in a tin container. Only a bowl is suitable, the composition of which does not enter into a reaction with clay and does not level all the valuable properties of the composition: ceramics, glass. Do not apply the composition on the eyelids under any circumstances.

Gelatin mask

About this wonderful tool, we can say that it promotes cell renewal, regeneration, tightening a little sagging tissues, and also removes the hated shine. Combined with burnt alum, the effect on the aging dermis will be overwhelming.


  1. Alum - 5 gr.
  2. Gelatin - 1 pack.
  3. 2-3 ml. almond oil.

Pre-dissolve gelatin in water, add a melted and heated mixture of oils and alum to it. Keep it on for about 30 minutes, then hold your face in a water bath to soften the solidified mass, then remove.

Sour cream face mask

Like all fermented milk products, sour cream is just a godsend for oily dermis. Its consistency is very convenient for use, it is in good contact with other agents, it nourishes and stabilizes the secretion at the same time.

Together with tomato puree and raw potato puree, mixed in equal proportions, the low-fat product will have the best and most gentle effect due to the natural and non-aggressive ingredients. The starch in the potatoes will dry out, and the tomato will give your face a healthy color and glow.

Egg mask

And again, the permanent component in the struggle for beauty comes to our aid. You will also need the usual one - oatmeal, to be precise. Accordingly, pre-steamed with boiling water to a state of gruel, into which we add the protein of one testicle. This composition will deeply cleanse all comedones, because, when it dries, the egg pulls out all impurities and bacteria from the pores in a vacuum.

Banana mask

Both the peel of this fruit and the pulp are good. It has the effect of getting rid of toxins, energizes with vitamins, nourishes.


  1. Honey - 1 tsp, melted in a water bath.
  2. Lemon juice.
  3. The pulp of one banana, pounded into porridge.

To make it easier for yourself, you can use a mixer. A quarter of an hour will be enough to absorb useful components and get rid of harmful ones.

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