
How to treat deep cracks in the feet. An unpleasant detail of appearance is dry skin on the soles of the feet: provoking factors and methods of dealing with the problem. Causes and treatment methods for cracked fingers

Ever notice that your heels become rough and scratchy? Rough skin on the heels can interfere with the comfortable wearing of shoes, and in the summer it will darken the whole season with an unkempt appearance of the feet. Often, roughening of the skin is accompanied by the appearance of cracks that hurt and even suppurate. It is worth thinking about why this symptom occurs. To bring your feet back to normal, you need to assess the condition of your cracks and where they are located.

Causes of cracks in toes and feet

Most often, cracks appear on the toes or feet. The most common cause of their occurrence is dry skin, which can lead to irritation and minor injury. But dryness itself is caused by a number of factors:

In any situation, a fungal or bacterial infection can easily develop in places of damage. Particularly prone to secondary infection:

  • people with weakened immune systems due to recent infectious diseases;
  • pregnant women;
  • young mothers.

There are squamous (plantar) and interdigital forms of mycosis, which are characterized by peeling and cracking.

The skin is the largest organ. It performs the functions of protection against infection and water loss. And if there is even minor damage, it is worth eliminating it before a deeper wound forms.

The skin on the heels is much thicker because it is constantly under pressure when walking (compression). Therefore, the cracks that appear can be quite deep.

Localization of cracks on toes and feet

Cracks most often form in the area of ​​the big toe, on the heels, on the base of the foot from toes to heel, in the space between the toes, above the knuckles. Their localization may indicate a specific cause of the pathology:

There is always a chance that the disease will spread, the site of infection will increase, which will cause a lot of complications. Therefore, treatment should begin when the first signs appear.


It is best to contact a surgeon or dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis. Stages of determining the diagnosis and necessary treatment:

  • Conduct an examination and determine the causes.
  • Eliminate influence on the affected part of the foot and change shoes that pinch, rub or are made of poor quality material.
  • If fungal infections are detected, use medications to eliminate the pathogen and symptoms.
  • To eliminate the attached bacterial or fungal infection, carry out a course of treatment with antibiotics or antimycotics.
  • To completely heal the wound, use ointments that accelerate the regeneration of the skin.
  • Use plasters or bandages to prevent infection.
  • Observe hygiene rules and use special care products. Be sure to dry your feet after washing and apply moisturizers.
  • Do not forget about vitamins and consume foods in accordance with the diet prescribed by your doctor.

Drug therapy

To eliminate cracks, long-term treatment is necessary. On average it takes 2 weeks.

You can find many different products in pharmacies:

  • Glue BF-6. The glue is applied to clean feet in the area of ​​the crack, and within a few minutes it hardens. The product covers the crack well from the penetration of dirt and microbes. When it becomes necessary to treat the wound, the glue is simply removed like a film.
  • Products containing Floralizin. For example, creams Zorka and Strength of the Forest. The first is a veterinary product, the second is prescribed to humans. In fact, they are analogues, but the Power of the Forest is more expensive. The products heal wounds and relieve irritation and dry feet. They are applied at night after treating the feet, and rinsed with warm water in the morning.
  • Antifungal drugs. Prescribed if the cause of damage is. Use ointments (Mikozolon, Mikoseptin) or alcohol solutions (Nitrofungin, Ciclopirox).
  • Antibiotics for external use. Prescribed if there is a bacterial infection, the fissure is inflamed, and it is suppurating: Erythromycin, Tetracycline ointments, Levosin, Levomekol, Oflocaine.
  • Antiseptics. Prescribed to prevent attachment bacterial infection: Miramistin, Fukortsin, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine bigluconate.
  • Preparations that eliminate damage: Solcoseryl, Panthenol. They are used for dry wounds. Good for healing cracks. The action is based on stimulation of regeneration processes in the skin.

All products help eliminate skin damage in a short time.

Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of cracks

Zorka cream is veterinary, but its healing properties also help people Nitrofungin is a solution that is used externally to fight fungal infections Miramistin is an antiseptic, has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action Solcoseryl gel stimulates skin restoration processes BF-6 glue creates a film on the surface of the skin through which dirt and pathogens do not penetrate Levosin is a drug with antibacterial, local anesthetic and tissue regeneration improving effects Mycoseptin in the form of an ointment is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases of the skin.

This winter I developed a crack on my big toe that extended outward from the nail. At first I chalked it up to lack of care. Indeed, I was very busy at work and did not have enough time in the evenings for any procedures. But they didn't help baby cream(which usually helps with dry skin), neither moisturizing nor nourishing. Meanwhile, the wound began to hurt and became noticeably inflamed. The doctor recommended using Erythromycin ointment. Apply to the crack twice a day, cover with a bandage so that the ointment does not rub off. Improvement occurred already on the second day. After a week, the wound healed. And for prevention, again on the doctor’s advice, I took a course of multivitamins. Bigger problem didn't bother me.

Video: how cracked heels are treated by a podiatrist

Folk recipes

Traditional recipes allow you to get rid of external and internal manifestations of the disease:

Video: an effective remedy for smooth heels

Prevention of cracks

Follow some rules to prevent the formation of dry skin on your feet and cracks:

  • Buy only comfortable shoes made from quality materials. When trying on shoes, wear ankle boots.
  • Do not wear someone else's shoes, even slippers, when visiting.
  • In the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool, use only personal rubber slippers.
  • Give your feet more time and attention. Use emollients and nourishing products.

Pain when walking appears already in the advanced state of the cracks. It is important to prevent this from happening. Great importance has the prevention of dry skin on the feet. Special attention should be given to shoes. And at the first signs of the appearance of dry skin on the legs and its peeling, measures should be taken immediately.

  • cracks on fingers
  • cracks on the feet
  • weathering
  • itchy skin
  • diaper rash
  • dermatitis
  • peeling and dry skin
  • cuts
  • frostbite
  • abrasions
  • calluses
  • Cracks on the feet: causes of formation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cracks on the feet with KEEPER balm

    Cracked skin on the foot- a very unpleasant and painful phenomenon, especially in older people. In addition to discomfort, skin cracks on the foot are fraught with the development of inflammation, because... there is a high probability of contamination and infection of the wound.

    What are skin cracks and what causes them? Cracks are the name given to this type of dermatitis when the top layer of skin ruptures in the form of slit-like wounds or erosions, resulting from excessive dryness, roughness and loss of elasticity of this area of ​​the skin. Cracks can be superficial, when only the epidermal layer is damaged, and deep, when the tear penetrates deeper layers of the skin.

    Causes of cracks in the skin of the feet

    The skin on the feet is subjected to the greatest loads, since when walking vertically, the weight from the spine is redistributed to the legs and down to the feet, as a result, all our weight presses on the skin of the foot. At the same time, the fat layer in this area is distributed to the sides under the weight and force of pressure, and the skin keeps it intact, constantly stretching and contracting. That is why, in order to withstand such loads, it has special elasticity, resilience and sufficient thickness, providing it with the necessary strength. But under the influence of certain reasons, the skin on the feet can become excessively thick, dry, rough and lose its elasticity; as a result, the skin does not stretch under load, but bursts, forming cracks. In other cases, the skin may become too thin, become dry and inelastic, which also leads to tears – cracks.

    Several reasons leading to the formation of cracked feet

    • Increased sweating on the feet leads to the fact that the feet are constantly wet, in addition, sweat contains many micro- and macroelements, which generally leads to maceration, dryness, thinning of the skin and the formation of cracks.
    • Uncomfortable tight shoes, especially rubber or rubber-soled ones, lead to the development of corns, calluses and mechanical dermatitis, which occurs with roughening and dryness of the skin, and the formation of cracks. The condition may be complicated by increased sweating - the so-called “tennis dermatitis”.
    • Dry, hot and windy climates also cause cracked skin on the soles of the feet, especially around the heels and ball of the toe. Air conditioning or heating systems dry out the air and have the same effects on the skin as dry climates.
    • Wearing wet or sweaty socks, for example, among athletes and gym goers, walking barefoot, especially on sandy soil, frequent visits to the pool, especially if the water has a high concentration of chlorine, frequent baths or shower with hot water– all this leads to the formation of rough and dry skin, prone to cracking.
    • Fungal diseases most often develop on the legs and occur with coarsening of the stratum corneum of the skin, the formation of cracks and slit-like ulcers. In some cases, the cause of cracked feet can be a pyococcal infection.
    • Skin diseases of various etiologies leading to disorders metabolic processes in the dermis or epidermis and, as a result, the development of its dryness, coarsening or thinning. Most of these diseases are systemic in nature, such as eczema, scleroderma, psoriasis, and so on.
    • Diseases of other organs and systems may have in their symptom complex dysfunction of the skin, manifested by excessive dryness, roughness, and loss of elasticity. The most common skin symptoms appear in diseases endocrine system(diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism), disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, duodenal and/or gastric ulcers, hepatitis), neurological diseases (psychosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, convulsive conditions), vascular diseases leading to impaired blood microcirculation, therefore, nutrition and skin function.
    • Lack of vitamins A, E, C and PP, as well as magnesium minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The very first symptom of vitamin deficiency PP is roughening and dryness of the skin, the so-called pellagra.
    • Improper foot care is the most common reason formation of cracks. Moreover, as you age, skin care on your feet should be especially thorough and regular.

    Risk factors

    Some reasons for education cracks in the skin of the feet usually not enough, predisposing factors must always be present, which include:

    • living in a hot, dry climate or, conversely, a cold, sea climate with frequent winds;
    • physiological and individual characteristics of a person, which include age, genetic or hereditary predisposition;
    • the specifics of a person’s work (for example, swimmers, bathhouse attendants, beach workers);
    • low immunity - makes the body sensitive to various infections, in addition, in most cases, low immunity develops against the background of vitamin deficiency or other diseases;
    • Taking certain types of medications can lead to dry skin and mucous membranes, impaired keratinization or exfoliation of dead cells.

    Diagnosis of cracks in the skin of the feet

    In most cases, no special diagnostics are required and it is quite sufficient to clarify the presence of existing diseases, lifestyle, working conditions, foot care tactics and visual inspection of the wound. Usually, based on this, a specialist can select tactics for treating cracks and subsequent care for the skin of the feet. If a pyococcal infection is suspected, a smear of the contents of the wound may be taken for further examination to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. If allergic dermatitis is suspected, a skin test is prescribed to identify the allergen.

    Prevention of cracks in the skin of the feet

    For prevention cracked skin on the foot The following recommendations must be observed.

    • Get rid of tight, uncomfortable shoes, flip-flops and flip-flops;
    • Change your socks often and keep your feet dry;
    • It is advisable to use shoes made of genuine leather, and socks made of natural cotton fabric or natural wool. winter time;
    • Long and excessively frequent water treatments should be avoided, especially in hot, cold, salty or overly chlorinated water;
    • You should not walk barefoot on the street;
    • It is important to ensure that a too thick layer of rough skin does not form on the feet. To do this, you need to do pedicures regularly, following the rules of asepsis and antiseptics;
    • Do not use a razor to remove the stratum corneum4
    • It is necessary to wash your feet daily in warm water and soap and pat dry with a soft towel;
    • After water procedures, you should use a rich cream to soften the skin and retain moisture in it.

    Treatment of cracks in the skin of the foot

    What to do if cracks have already appeared? In addition to normal care, the following procedures must be performed. Cracks must be treated with aniline dyes (brilliant). Small cracks can be sealed with medical glue BF-6. And be sure to lubricate the skin on your feet with a special softening cream. In the presence of secondary infection ointments with antibiotic or nystatin are used.

    Taking a course of multivitamin preparations, which must include vitamins A, E, PP and the minerals magnesium, zinc and polyunsaturated acids, is almost always recommended for any peeling and roughening of the skin, including the formation of cracks. This is due to the fact that patients with dermatitis almost always suffer from vitamin deficiency.

    The Guardian balm can provide effective assistance when cracks appear on the skin of the feet. It combines the softening properties of the cream and has both a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply Guardian Balm to pre-cleaned skin and you will quickly feel relief.

    The active components and oils included in the balm have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, and also help restore damaged skin, increase the regenerative and barrier functions of the skin. Balm “Keeper” will help soothe pain, eliminate dry skin, accelerate the healing of cracks and help prevent their appearance.

    Cracks in the feet are not just an annoying nuisance that causes pain when walking. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the foot is subject to heavy loads and is hidden most of the time by shoes. This creates favorable conditions for pathogenic microflora to penetrate through breaks in the skin, after which suppuration appears.

    It becomes more difficult to treat violations of the integrity of the skin of the feet. Let's look at why the skin on the feet cracks and how you can quickly cure the wounds that appear.

    Causes of cracking and first signs

    The appearance of cracks in the foot area is difficult to miss due to severe discomfort. The person experiences:

    • itching or burning;
    • pain when walking;
    • local swelling (localized around cracking);
    • minor bruises (for deep injuries).

    The direction of the crack can be:

    • longitudinal (located along the foot);
    • transverse (directed transversely and appears relatively rarely).

    Sometimes a person can immediately establish a cause-and-effect relationship and say why the cracks appeared. But more often the occurrence of damage comes as a surprise, so it is worth considering what causes cracks in the feet.

    Both external and internal factors can provoke the development of pathology.

    External ones include:

    • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
    • shoes that squeeze or rub the foot;
    • long walking or standing still;
    • unprofessionally performed pedicure;
    • abuse of peeling;
    • frequent wearing of synthetic tights and socks;
    • climate change;
    • shoes that are not suitable for the weather (wearing even the most comfortable closed shoes in the heat will lead to diaper rash and cracking);
    • walking barefoot on hard surfaces (sand, asphalt);
    • water with a high content of chlorine.

    Internal causes of cracks are often:

    • diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroid pathologies;
    • violation of metabolic processes;
    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • vascular diseases of the legs;
    • foot fungus;
    • hyperkeratosis (corns);
    • foot deformities (flat feet);
    • vitamin deficiency (vitamins A and E are especially important for skin elasticity);
    • dermatitis;
    • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
    • insufficient water consumption;
    • unbalanced diet leading to cell depletion.

    The causes of cracks vary: from a relatively harmless lack of hygiene to the presence of a serious illness.

    Localization of cracks

    Cracks can appear on any part of the foot, but the following areas are most prone to damage:

    • heel;
    • metatarsus;
    • interdigital space;
    • sole of the foot;
    • joint area (usually the thumb);
    • places of natural folds of the skin.

    The most painful injuries for a person are considered to be those located on the sole and in the interdigital space.

    Principles of treatment

    Eliminating cracks begins with identifying the cause. If it is insufficient care or uncomfortable shoes, then no problems arise: after eliminating the provoking factors and using external products, the skin heals quickly.

    You should consult your doctor in the following cases:

    • there are somatic diseases or hormonal disorders;
    • infection has entered the cracks;
    • the patient is a child (in children, the first sign of a disease associated with changes in metabolic processes or hormonal disorders is often thinning and cracking of the epidermis).

    It is possible to treat cracks in the skin of the feet using pharmaceutical drugs, so folk ways.

    Drug therapy

    1. Cream "5 days". Has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens and disinfects the skin. Helps relatively quickly eliminate cracks and diaper rash on the foot, relieves unpleasant odor. It can be used not only for skin lesions, but also as a preventive foot care product.
    2. Balsam. Ointment based on glycerin and lactic acid with added vitamins. Not only increases tissue regeneration, accelerating healing, but also prevents the appearance of new cracks.
    3. Radevit. Ointment with emulsion wax, vitamins and glycerin. It has disinfectant and wound-healing properties. With regular use (twice a day), it ensures rapid restoration of damaged skin of the foot.
    4. Lamisil. The cream kills fungi and viruses and ensures cell restoration. They can even treat deep skin breaks by applying the cream directly to the wound.
    5. Zazhivin. Gel containing milk thistle, sage and tea tree oil. Thanks to its natural base, it is recommended for the treatment of cracks in children.
    6. Ambulance. Universal cream for bruises and wounds with herbal extracts, petroleum jelly, vitamins and glycerin. Softens the skin, helps with bruises and wounds. Counts universal remedy for any injuries.

    Attention! If an infectious process occurs in the crack, then, depending on the type of pathogen, antibacterial or antifungal ointments will be prescribed.

    When cracking of the skin occurs around the nail, it is recommended to use a special varnish (you can buy it at the pharmacy) to strengthen the nail bed.

    Home remedies

    If the body is healthy, and an external cause damaging the skin of the legs is identified, treatment should be taken home. conditions are allowed, it is allowed to try unconventional methods.

    The following baths can be used to steam your feet:

    1. Herbal decoctions. St. John's wort, oak bark, chamomile or sage can be used individually or made into an herbal mixture. 4 tbsp. l. Infuse crushed raw materials in a liter of boiling water.
    2. Starch and aromatic oils. For a liter of water you need 10 g of starch and a few drops of aromatic oils (tea tree or citrus fruits are recommended).

    The bath liquid is heated to 38 °C. The legs are steamed for 10 – 15 minutes.

    Note! Steaming is useful not only before use folk remedies. The procedure will increase the effectiveness of pharmaceutical creams and gels.

    Treatment at home is carried out using compresses. Here are the most popular methods:

    1. Paraffin, beeswax and salicylic acid, taken in equal parts, are heated in a water bath and mixed until a homogeneous structure is obtained. The warm mass is applied to the damaged area and, after drying, fixed with a bandage. You need to wear this compress for a day.
    2. Onion and apple. The paste is tied to the foot overnight and washed off in the morning. A moisturizing gel is applied to the skin.
    3. Tomato mass. Grind the tomatoes in a blender and drain off excess moisture. For treatment, thick tomato pulp is used, which is tied to the damage for 5 - 6 hours.
    4. Cabbage leaf. The leaves can be used without preparation, but it is better to lightly beat them with a meat mallet until the juice appears. Wrap the sheet around your foot and put socks on top. Leave the compress overnight.
    5. Honey (it is better to take liquid). The product is applied to clean natural fabric, applied to the damage and fixed with a bandage for 12 hours.

    How long does it take for a crack to heal when using folk remedies and when treated with medications? It all depends on the severity of the damage. For shallow skin breaks, 7–10 days are enough, and for advanced forms or infection, treatment can last several weeks.

    Preventive measures

    Foot cracks are not life-threatening, but cause excruciating discomfort. Their occurrence can be prevented if you follow the rules:

    1. Maintaining hygiene. You need to wash your feet 2 times a day and use deodorants to prevent excessive sweating.
    2. Combating dryness. It is recommended to treat dry skin on the legs with moisturizing creams.
    3. Removing calluses and corns. In areas of hyperkeratosis, the epidermis is dense and low-elastic, and is more susceptible to rupture.
    4. Treatment of somatic and hormonal pathologies. Skin is an indicator of health. With prolonged illness, the epidermis becomes thinner and less durable.
    5. Selection of comfortable shoes. It is important that the skin is not squeezed or rubbed by protruding parts and that it can breathe. It is recommended to choose shoes from natural materials.

    The appearance of cracks on the feet is not scary, but it causes discomfort. You need to start treating microdamages as soon as possible. Fresh cracks heal quickly, but advanced cases are often complicated by infections and the appearance of pus.


    The skin in some parts of the body is prone to cracking. They are especially common on the toes and heels. The condition is complicated by wearing shoes, which, in addition to discomfort, brings pain. The reasons for the appearance of such a symptom are sometimes pathological in nature, i.e. associated with a specific disease. Negative factors also influence the destruction of the upper layer of the epidermis. environment. To choose the right treatment for cracks, you need to study in more detail possible reasons their appearance.

    What are cracked toes?

    The appearance of cracks on the fingers is a type of dermatitis - a skin disease. This problem causes a number of physiological and aesthetic troubles. It is of particular relevance in the summer. Cracks are observed between the toes, on the heels and other parts of the foot. Due to increased dryness of the skin, small marks appear on it. Damage to the epidermis leads to the penetration of microbes. As a result, the notches become deep cracks that cause pain and serve as a place for the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, such as fungi or bacteria.


    A common cause of cracks is excessive dryness of the feet. This symptom is caused by a number of unfavorable factors. More often the problem is associated with uncomfortable shoes or low-quality materials. A shoe that is too narrow may cause a crack on the little finger. When walking, the moisture released by the foot is not absorbed, which creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Properly selected socks can help avoid this problem - they should be made of cotton or other natural fabric.

    Flip-flops are another cause of cracks, but this time on the heels. When walking, shoes constantly hit the skin, disrupting blood microcirculation. You can correct the situation by stopping wearing flip-flops. Among other external and internal causes of the formation of cracks in the toes are:

    • vitamin deficiency - a deficiency of mainly vitamins A, E and B;
    • violation of hygiene rules;
    • fungal infections;
    • Not proper nutrition;
    • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases;
    • skin injuries;
    • dehydration.

    On my feet

    Cracked feet are often accompanied by a number of other symptoms that make the skin condition worse. These include itching, bad smell, bleeding, burning and pain when walking. A combination of such symptoms can provoke the appearance of:

    • chlorinated water;
    • walking barefoot;
    • lack of personal hygiene;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • diabetes;
    • vitamin deficiency;
    • allergic reactions;
    • heart and vascular diseases;
    • hyperkeratosis;
    • hot arid climate;
    • fungal infections;
    • use of household chemicals with a high level of alkali;
    • wearing uncomfortable tight shoes.

    On the thumb

    If cracks are observed on the big toes, then the problem is not limited to this symptom. Many patients note that the appearance of the nail becomes unaesthetic. In addition, the plate may peel off and crack. All this is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin around the nail. All this indicates the development of a fungal infection. Gradually, the described symptoms spread to other nail plates.

    If cracks in the thumb are accompanied by excessive fragility and dullness of the nail, then the cause is a lack of fluid in the body or vitamin deficiency. Other factors in the development of this skin defect include:

    • endarteritis or atherosclerosis of the lower extremities;
    • hyperkeratosis;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • lack of personal hygiene;
    • summer, when the skin is prone to chafing and roughening, followed by the appearance of calluses;
    • varicose veins veins;
    • psoriasis;
    • insufficient hydration of the skin of the legs;
    • eczema.

    Between the toes

    The appearance of cracks in the interdigital space is characteristic feature fungal infection. If you have recently visited a swimming pool, sauna or bathhouse, then the risk of fungal infection is very high. Sometimes the cause is not related to the disease. In the absence of proper daily care the skin begins to peel off, cracks appear between the toes. Lack of grains also causes these symptoms. If the diet is low in eggs, milk and liver, then cracks between the toes may also appear. The list of reasons for their formation includes the following:

    • diabetes;
    • illnesses thyroid gland;
    • incorrectly selected shoes;
    • walking barefoot on asphalt, sand and earth;
    • effect of chlorinated water.

    Treatment of cracks between toes

    There are several ways to cure cracked toes. Any method is aimed at eliminating the cause of the development of this symptom:

    1. If the cracks are caused by uncomfortable shoes, then you need to change them to another one.
    2. In case of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.
    3. If you have fungus, it is recommended to wash your feet with regular laundry soap. This pathology requires treatment with antifungal drugs, otherwise complications in the form of suppuration and the addition of a bacterial infection are possible.

    Vaseline or lanolin cream can help eliminate dry feet. The fingers are generously lubricated with any of the products, after which cotton socks are put on. The main treatment for cracks is aimed at softening the skin and eliminating its dryness. For this purpose, the following methods and means are used:

    1. Soda baths. For 2 liters hot boiled water take a quarter of a bar tar soap(it is grated), 1 tsp. baking soda. After mixing the ingredients, the solution is poured into a basin. The feet are kept in it for about 20-40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the feet are thoroughly dried and lubricated with nourishing cream.
    2. Lotions. For these procedures, decoctions are used medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, calendula, sage.
    3. Lubrication with SixtuMed oil. This method is used when diabetes mellitus, because steaming your legs with this illness is prohibited. The basis of the oil is medicinal plants, which exhibit antifungal and antibacterial properties. Add a couple of drops of this product to warm water. The bath is taken for 15-20 minutes, then the feet are dried and lubricated with SixtuMed balm.
    4. Hardware pedicure. Helps with deep cracks, removes the upper stratum corneum of the skin. For complete recovery, one procedure per month is enough.


    Selecting specific medications depends on the reason why your toes are cracking. This is necessary so that the treatment eliminates not only the symptom, but also the provoking factor. Depending on the nature of the cracks, the following treatment regimens can be used:

    1. For dry calluses. Complex treatment with a compress with Shostakovsky balm, after which the skin is lubricated with Solcoseryl gel or Radevit ointment, is effective. If your skin is too dry, it is recommended to use Dardia cream. It provides hydration and elasticity to the skin.
    2. For fungal infection. It is necessary to use antimycotic agents, both local and oral. For external application, terbinafine-based creams are recommended: Lamisil, Thermikon. When local treatment does not help, you need to start taking pills that destroy the fungus from the inside. For this purpose, agents based on fluconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, and ciclopirox are used.
    3. For diabetes mellitus. In case of such a disease due to possible contraindications Not all medications are used. SixtuMed oil and balm are allowed, they moisturize and protect the skin.
    4. For painful cracks. Painkillers help relieve this symptom. An example is the drug Ketanov. It is very strong, so before using such a remedy you should try to relieve pain with Analgin, Ibuprofen or Nimesil.

    Each group of drugs includes several remedies that can be used for cracked fingers. You should not prescribe them yourself. If, after regular use of the medicine you have chosen, a positive effect does not occur, then you should seek help from a doctor. The cause of cracks may be fungus. In this case, medications are prescribed taking into account the causative agent of the disease, which can only be identified through tests. In general, the following drugs are effective and proven against cracked fingers:

    1. Solcoseryl. This is an ointment based on hemoderivat from calf blood. The main effect of the drug is to activate tissue metabolism, which helps stimulate tissue regeneration. Solcoseryl is indicated for the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, burns, frostbite, and trophic skin disorders. Before using the ointment, treat the skin with a disinfectant solution. Next, the product is applied in a thin layer to the wound surface. Do this 2-3 times a day. An adverse reaction may include allergies, swelling, urticaria, and hyperemia. Contraindication is intolerance to benzoic acid. The advantage of Solcoseryl is the safety of the composition.
    2. Lamisil. Available in the form of tablets, ointments and sprays based on terbinafine. They are used to treat mycoses, onychomycosis, foot fungus, ringworm of the trunk or legs, and lichen versicolor. Tablets are taken at 250 mg daily. The ointment and spray are applied to the affected area in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. Lamisil should not be used for liver diseases. Adverse reactions can occur from the nervous, immune, digestive, and musculoskeletal systems. Pros of Lamisil: compliance with international standards, wide spectrum of antifungal activity, safety, speed of action.
    3. SixtuMed. This special remedy for diabetics, which increases protective function skin, helps soften it and promotes rapid tissue restoration. The composition of the oil includes plant components: sage, clove, angustifolia lavender. They have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Oil is added to warm water (temperature up to 36 degrees). For 4-5 liters of liquid take 1 tsp. facilities. Leave your feet in the bath for 7-10 minutes. Then wipe the feet dry, especially the spaces between the toes. SixtuMed balm is applied to already dry skin. Do not use products from this line on open wounds and ulcers. Advantages of SixtuMed: high safety and hypoallergenic.

    Traditional methods

    If the cause of the cracks is not a fungus or another serious disease, then the problem can be eliminated using folk remedies. They can also be used additionally during drug treatment. Compresses, decoctions, and baths reduce inflammation and heal the skin. The following folk recipes help to achieve this effect:

    1. For 2 liters hot water take 1 tsp. mineral soap and 1 tbsp. l. soda Pour the solution into a bowl. Soak your feet in it for 10-15 minutes. Then dry the skin thoroughly and then apply cream.
    2. Apply to feet at night soft cloth, moistened with liquid honey. Wrap the top of the foot with a bandage. In the morning, rinse them, dry them and lubricate them with rich cream or olive oil.
    3. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of hot water. boric acid. Leave your feet in this solution for 10-15 minutes. Next, dry your feet thoroughly and generously lubricate them with Vaseline.


    An important condition for prevention is the right shoes. It should not be too narrow or wide. Shoes are selected according to the season. Best to wear in summer open models which will not lead to excessive sweating of the feet. The best option for any season - shoes made from natural materials. Other measures to prevent cracking:

    • maintain proper nutrition;
    • If your feet are very sweaty, wash them several times a day;
    • do not wear someone else's shoes;
    • regularly lubricate your feet with a softening cream;
    • perform foot massage with different essential oils;
    • choose socks only from natural materials;
    • When visiting the pool and sauna, use your own hygiene products and wear your own slippers.


    Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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    Cracks on the soles of the feet are a common skin disease that is classified as dermatitis. Cracks can appear in the heels, feet, toes, fingers, and spaces between the toes. Cracks in the soles of the feet cause pain and discomfort, psychological discomfort and spoil the aesthetic appearance of the legs. They accumulate various fungi and bacteria that can cause serious diseases.

    Violation of the hydrolipid balance of the skin

    Cracked heels

    People notice the appearance of most cracks on the soles at a young age. In adulthood and later, serious diseases can occur if the feet are not provided with proper care.

    Cracks are a violation of the integrity of the skin, which is caused by the fact that the skin bursts and loses its elasticity and elastic properties. Under the influence of various factors in the skin, the hydrolipid balance is disrupted and the amount of collagen fibers and elastin, which connective tissue is rich in, decreases. This destroys the linearity of the skin, which is why cracks form.

    Cracks may form on the legs small sizes and not cause serious pain. Sometimes they look like deep bleeding wounds that prevent you from moving normally and doing your usual activities. Small superficial cracks are called epidermal cracks because they occupy only the epidermis layer and are able to heal without visible marks.

    Deep epidermal-dermal cracks penetrate not only into the epidermis, but also into the upper layer of the dermis. They also heal, but often leave behind a noticeable scar. Such cracks are usually very painful and bleed. They are sometimes called breaks. It takes a lot of time and various medications to heal ruptures.

    Cracks can appear on almost any part of the foot. They are most common on the heels, big toe joints, between the toes, and wherever the skin of the feet forms natural folds.

    Diseases and infections

    Fungal infection on the feet

    When cracks appear on the feet, the reasons can be of a very different nature, both external and internal. Factors internal influence include a number of diseases and disorders in the body:

    • fungal infections;
    • diseases of the endocrine system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, skin and cardiovascular diseases;
    • allergic reactions and lack of vitamins A, B, E;
    • flat feet and other types of deformities of the feet or some fingers;
    • abnormalities in hormonal balance, obesity;
    • taking some medications.

    Fungal infections cause severe itching. The skin becomes rotten and produces an unpleasant odor. The top layer of the skin gradually peels off, after which cracks form, which cause discomfort and then pain.

    At endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes, the body is susceptible to dehydration. As a result, the skin dries out and begins to crack.

    Cardiovascular diseases are characterized by impaired blood circulation, which leads to oxygen starvation of cells. Deterioration in the nutrition of skin tissue leads to trophic disorders, a lack of substances necessary for the integrity of the skin and the formation of cracks in the legs. The same applies to the problem of vitamin deficiency. If the body does not have enough vitamins A, B, and E, the skin of the legs becomes dry and cracks.

    More than half of the cases of cracked legs are caused by fungal infections. The first sign of fungus is the appearance of cracks in the area between the fingers. With fungus, the skin on the feet begins to peel.

    Uncomfortable shoes and improper care

    External causes of cracks have a lot to do with how people take care of their feet. Among the external factors, the most common are:

    • uncomfortable airtight shoes and socks made from synthetic materials;
    • improperly performed pedicure;
    • violation of foot hygiene rules;
    • environment, hot and dry climate;
    • exposure to very high and low temperatures, chlorinated water.

    Too tight or uncomfortable shoes, narrow shoes or boots can several times increase the load that your feet experience while walking. In this case, the natural process of blood circulation is disrupted. The upper layers of the epidermis are damaged, which leads to cracks in the legs. When choosing shoes, you need to pay attention to the fact that they are comfortable, comfortable, and made from high-quality and natural materials. Synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through contribute to the disruption of the hydrobalance of the skin.

    In the absence of daily foot washing, bacteria gradually accumulate on the skin, which provokes the development of fungus and other defects. The skin on your feet requires regular use of pumice to remove dead skin cells and emollients that also moisturize the skin.

    Cracks on the soles of the feet can cause dry, thin skin and hyperkeratosis. These are dry cracks. The release of sweat in increased volumes also provokes the appearance of cracks, but already wet ones. Therefore, you need to know that the problem develops both when the skin is too dry and when the skin is constantly wet.

    It is imperative to strictly monitor the condition of the skin of your feet and also take care of them. Personal hygiene is especially important for people who constantly wear closed shoes, lovers of high heels and avid athletes.

    Cracks in the skin of the fingers

    Crack between toes

    Cracks in the toes occur for the same reasons as in the feet. There are two mechanisms that lead to cracked fingers. In the first case, this is a rough mechanical impact. It is quite enough for the dry skin of the fingers, which is much thinner than the rest of the feet. In the second case, the skin on the fingertips hypertrophies and becomes too thick. An increase in the stratum corneum of the skin leads to the skin becoming rougher and “dead.” To form cracks on such a surface, external influences are not needed; it will crack itself over time.

    There are a number of diseases that may include the formation of cracked toes:

    1. With constant injury to the legs, hyperkeratosis develops, which in itself is not dangerous, but too much growth of the horny tissue of the skin leads to cracks.
    2. Diabetes affects all organs, including the feet, and causes cracks in the fingers.
    3. Atherosclerosis reduces blood flow, causing the skin on the toes to become thin and crack.
    4. Impaired metabolic processes also lead to thinning of the skin on the fingers.

    Therefore, with all these diseases, cracks in the toes are almost inevitable.

    Deep cracks that appear on the fingers and feet can be treated well with a hardware pedicure. It painlessly removes dead skin tissue. A crack in the finger can be a companion to a certain disease.

    Methods of treatment and prevention

    The causes and treatment of cracked legs are closely related. The doctor determines the cause by examining the skin of the patient’s legs. If an infection or allergy is suspected, he takes a swab and conducts the necessary tests. Depending on the cause, he prescribes medications and tells the patient how to treat his legs. The doctor can prescribe both medications to treat the disease that caused the cracks to appear, as well as various ointments and applications for external influence on the affected area. Independent use of various ointments and creams can only aggravate the problem if there are internal factors of the disease.

    If there is a fungus that has caused cracks in the legs, treatment includes the use of antifungal ointments with terbinafine. To protect your feet from fungal infections, you must be careful when visiting saunas and swimming pools, and also use antifungal medications.

    If the occurrence of cracks is influenced by excessive dryness of the skin of the legs, and they have not penetrated further than the epidermis, they can be treated using simple soap baths with soda and medicinal ointments, which are made on the basis of Vaseline. Vaseline is recognized to help moisturize the skin of the feet and increase its elasticity.

    If the appearance of cracks is affected by one of the common diseases, then the patient should, first of all, carefully monitor the condition of his blood vessels.

    Therapy for cracked legs includes the use of ointments, gels or creams that have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. All of them are applied only to clean feet. Contrasting and softening foot baths are also actively used. For treatment, it is recommended to use nourishing creams.

    Proper nutrition, which includes taking multivitamins, plays a big role in the treatment of cracks. Mandatory are vitamins A, B, E, PP, as well as zinc and magnesium. During the entire treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor foot hygiene, namely, wash them at least twice a day, do not visit swimming pools, baths, saunas, and also refuse to play sports. Shoes should be chosen as comfortable as possible, and socks or tights should be made from natural materials.

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