
How threatened miscarriage is treated in the hospital. Threatened miscarriage in the early stages: symptoms, treatment. What to do if there is a threat of miscarriage

Threatened miscarriage is a condition in which there is a risk of rejection of the embryo from the endometrium of the uterus. Pathology occurs under the influence of provoking factors - infections, genetic and hormonal abnormalities, and poor lifestyle. It is not always possible to preserve the fetus in such situations, so a woman needs to know the first dangerous signs.

What it is

The threat of miscarriage is pathological condition, in which the loss of a child is possible for up to 22 weeks. After 22 weeks, doctors, if indicated, diagnose a threat of premature birth.


A variety of factors can provoke abortion. Some of them can be corrected before conception or during pregnancy.

The most critical periods are 2-3, 8-12, 18-22 weeks of gestation.


The main reason for miscarriage is insufficient production. This hormone is necessary for conception, maintenance and proper course of pregnancy.

Other hormonal causes:

  • estrogen deficiency;
  • excess androgens - hormones suppress the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone
  • hormone imbalance thyroid gland and adrenal glands.


Infectious diseases that can cause miscarriage:

In infectious pathologies, the temperature rises due to toxins between the fetus and mother.


Genetic disorders that threaten the condition of the fetus arise as a result of mutations in female and male germ cells. Provoking factors –, medications, viral infections.

Genetic defects are incompatible with the life of the fetus and most often cause a threat.

It is impossible to prevent spontaneous abortion caused by genetic abnormalities. But in order to reduce the risk of a dangerous condition, parents need it at the stage of pregnancy planning.


The risk of threatened abortion increases in women who have had abortions and become pregnant through IVF.

Dangerous gynecological pathologies:

  • syndrome;
  • and other neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system;

Rhesus conflict

Occurs if the woman has a negative Rh factor, and the fetus is positive. The body perceives the embryo as a foreign body.


After conception, you need to be careful when choosing medications; many of them are dangerous for expectant mothers.

What drugs can cause miscarriage:

  • narcotic analgesics;
  • antitumor drugs;
  • some .

Some herbs can cause abortion - nettle, tansy, St. John's wort, barberry, ginseng.

Bad habits

Any bad habits - alcohol, nicotine, drug addiction can lead to fetal death, development of abnormalities, and miscarriage.


Frequent and strong experiences negatively affect gestation. Stress itself does not cause the threat of interruption, but can serve as a predisposing factor.

The threat of miscarriage is facilitated by heavy physical activity, sexual intercourse, in the abdominal area, and deficiency. The possibility of conceiving and bearing a child is reduced if there is, chronic diseases kidneys, hearts, .

Causes of late miscarriage

In addition to all of the above reasons, miscarriage in the second or third trimester can be caused by additional pathological conditions:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • late ;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency.


The first symptoms are heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, vaginal discharge of scarlet or dark brown color, abdominal tension due to increased tone of the uterus.


Sometimes a woman does not experience any special symptoms; the doctor identifies the threat during a routine examination. The tone of the uterus is increased, the heartbeat of the fetus is abnormal, and the gestational age does not match.


A prolonged threat of pregnancy negatively affects the condition of the fetus:

  • hypoxia, sometimes occurring in the brain;
  • – for infectious pathologies in women.


If the pathology is not caused by genetic mutations, the probability of continuing the pregnancy if there is a threat is quite high. Provided you consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations.

Termination of pregnancy is a real tragedy for a woman. To reduce the risk of developing a dangerous situation, you need to start preparing for conception in advance and be attentive to your health while carrying a child.

The threat of abortion is often referred to simply as a “threat” by both doctors and patients. Will this condition lead to sad events or can they be avoided? Most often, this depends not only on the timeliness and competence of the doctors’ actions, but also on the behavior of the expectant mother herself.

The threat of miscarriage may occur throughout pregnancy; its reasons can be varied. If this condition occurs at a period before, we are talking about the threat of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and at a period from - about the threat of premature birth.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage

Stomach ache. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, a sign of trouble is cramping or nagging pain lower abdomen in the center. Often occurs in the first trimester discomfort in the sides of the abdomen. They are associated with changes in the ligaments of the uterus and are not related to the threat of miscarriage.

Tension of the uterine muscles, which is often referred to as hypertonicity. Here we should distinguish between hypertonicity, diagnosed using ultrasound, and hypertonicity, which is felt by the patient herself.

Pathological course of pregnancy may be one of the reasons for its interruption. Most often we are talking about gestosis in pregnant women, in which there is an increase in arterial pressure, swelling appears, protein in the urine. The cause of termination of pregnancy can be placenta previa, when the placenta is attached in the area of ​​the exit from the uterus: the conditions for the blood supply to the fetus in this case are worse than if the placenta is attached in the middle or upper part of the uterus. These conditions lead to premature birth in the second half of pregnancy.

Acute inflammatory and general infectious diseases such as sore throat, flu, viral hepatitis, appendicitis, pyelonephritis, causing an increase in temperature, impaired blood circulation between the mother and the fetus under the influence of toxins, can lead to termination of pregnancy at any stage.

Chronic diseases of the expectant mother diseases she had even before pregnancy, especially diseases of the cardiovascular system ( hypertonic disease, heart defects), diseases of the kidneys and other organs can cause termination of pregnancy at any stage. In these cases, the likelihood of complications depends on the severity of the chronic disease.

Injuries, such as bruises, fractures, concussions, especially abdominal injuries, can lead to termination of pregnancy. In this regard special attention deserve a head injury. Even those concussions and bruises of the brain that a woman suffered before pregnancy can lead to the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. This is due to the fact that one of the structures of the brain is the main endocrine gland - the pituitary gland, which regulates the functioning of other organs that ensure the normal course of pregnancy. With “fresh” and old injuries to the brain, blood circulation and the pituitary gland area may be disrupted, which will lead to a failure in ensuring pregnancy.

Stress, to which many are inclined to attribute a fatal role during pregnancy, in themselves, as a rule, do not cause the threat of miscarriage: they can only become a predisposing factor in the presence of the above reasons.

Comment on the article "Threat of miscarriage"

Help please. I’m 7 weeks pregnant. And I’ve had brown discharge for 2 days now. I’m taking Duphaston. I’m afraid of losing the baby. What should I do?

06/09/2016 19:50:30, Aidana

Hello, I’m 15 weeks pregnant, I was already in bed, now I’m worried about pain in my back and lower abdomen, I still have erosion, purulent discharge and something else. I don’t know what to do, please help me what to do. Thank you

04.05.2008 10:45:18, Didara

what are the first signs of pregnancy?

03/11/2007 14:12:07, nata

Total 9 messages .

More on the topic “Threat of miscarriage in the first and second trimester”:

Please advise. I went for the first ultrasound, they determined I was 4-6 weeks pregnant. The doctor who did the ultrasound said there was a risk of miscarriage, but did not explain why. The gynecologist prescribed Duphaston, Buscopan suppositories and vitamin E. The annotation says that Buscopan should be taken with caution during pregnancy, and the rest, in principle, too. Could I actually have a risk of miscarriage (I’m 26 years old, nothing hurts or bleeds) or are the doctors playing it safe?

My friend became pregnant on a business trip (in the Seychelles), a threat appeared, and now she is drinking Duphaston. There, pregnancy is not maintained for such a period, there is not even medicine for this (they gave it to her from here). We accidentally found a Russian gynecologist we knew. He “prescribed” Duphaston for her - 4 tablets at once, then 1 three times a day (naturally, he is not responsible for her, since he does not work there, but simply lives with his wife:(). She has about 12 -14 weeks. Is it really possible for her to continue this pregnancy?

I am 8 weeks pregnant. Not yet knowing that she was pregnant, she took medicines(Profluzac, Clonazepam) prescribed by a doctor. Now the gynecologist says that it may be necessary to terminate the pregnancy, because... the child may be born, to put it mildly, incorrectly. They send you for a consultation with a geneticist. I read about genetic tests, under local anesthesia they pierce the stomach with a needle and take amniotic fluid or even the child’s blood for analysis, it’s so scary.

The doctor said that I was at risk of miscarriage. This was about a month ago. How long can such a threat “stick”? I take all the medications he prescribed. I thought it was only in the first weeks. But then a friend said that her sister lost her baby at 12 weeks. I'm on my 10th now, so I'm worried, how long can this last? Is there some kind of critical period or can it be throughout the entire pregnancy?

Girls, I’m 35. I have an older child, 7 years old. I want the second one. This is not the first time I have had a miscarriage in the second trimester. What to do? Try again? On the one hand, I really want a baby. On the other hand, won’t I ruin myself in the end? After all, these are cleanings, antibiotics, hormones, etc. And I still have to raise the older one. Maybe forget about your desires and take care of your health? Any opinions and thoughts please.

I am writing here, and not while pregnant, so as not to upset pregnant girls - firstly, and secondly, there are many here who have suffered miscarriages and ST. Yesterday I met a friend’s relative, a doctor. And here is her opinion - that there is no need to continue the pregnancy with a threat.

I have a question for mothers whose pregnancy was threatening... they put me under the threat of miscarriage and, as usual, in addition to medication, they prescribed bed rest... I tried to lie down for a day... and it turned out to be simply unbearable ((actually the question: Has anyone led a moderately active lifestyle with a threat, did everything end well or does it not happen?

Hello! I’m coming to you for advice: today’s ultrasound revealed that I’m 4 weeks pregnant and there’s a threat of miscarriage. Papaverine and Magne B6 were prescribed. But! The instructions for papaverine say that during pregnancy the safety of the drug has not been established: - (advise whether it is worth the risk???

I am 30 years old. First pregnancy. Now on obstetric period 8 weeks and 3 days (from the first day of the last menstruation) an ultrasound was done. The period was determined to be 6.5 weeks (probably based on the size of the fertilized egg), but they did not see the embryo. Anembryony is questionable. There is no red-brown discharge. I feel great: no nausea, no pain anywhere.

They released me from the gynecology department for a short while, I am in danger of miscarriage, my cervix is ​​2 cm dilated, at the consultation today they scared me terribly, saying that if there was dilatation, then it won’t be better, I can’t get out of bed, I definitely can’t bear the baby, it’s sad and scary... This true? Has anyone encountered this?

My friend (2 obstetric months) suddenly had a threat of miscarriage. Yesterday I started bleeding and a slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. An ultrasound shows a living, good embryo and a detachment that has begun. The detachment is just a little bit. Small hematoma on the back wall.

The period is 5-6 weeks..., a bad smear is a threat... but I don’t feel ANYTHING, there is no pain... or foreign discharge. They prescribed Utrozhestan 1 capsule per day in the wet., and Duphaston 1 tablet 2 times a day. The doctor recommends going to the hospital.., to the Miscarriage Center at the 1st maternity hospital (St. Petersburg).. Do you agree? Go to bed? Or rest at home? Or better yet, score?

Yesterday I had an ultrasound, in the conclusion the doctor wrote: “Esographic signs of a threatened miscarriage,” so how to live with this? I couldn't sleep for half the night. What do you think?

This is the picture I have today. Today I had an ultrasound for the first time, they established 5 weeks and plus the diagnosis - threat of miscarriage (I came to the ultrasound with a full urinary bladder, maybe this had an effect?). When asked to comment on this somehow, I was told that EVERYTHING IS NORMAL. And the doctor at the hospital (I didn’t end up with him), looking only at the diagnosis on a piece of paper, wrote me a direction to lie in the hospital for a week for examination

Yesterday I had an ultrasound, 13 weeks, they said that the uterus is toned and there is a threat of miscarriage, although I feel good, sometimes the uterus tenses, but rarely.

Complications of pregnancy can not only cause the death of the fetus, but also seriously harm the health of the mother. It is important to notice signs of pathology in time in order to begin timely treatment.

The threat of miscarriage is one of the most common complications of gestation. This pathology occurs at any stage, but if in the first months it leads to miscarriage, then in the third trimester it leads to premature birth.

Threat of miscarriage early stages can be eliminated in a timely manner, and the remaining weeks of gestation will go quite well.


A wide variety of pathological processes can cause the threat of miscarriage. It is important to know the main reasons for the development of this complication in order to effectively develop and apply prevention methods.

The most common processes that cause interruption are:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. The main hormone of pregnancy is progesterone. If there is a deficiency of this substance in the body of the expectant mother, then in the first 16 weeks of gestation there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage. Progesterone deficiency can be congenital or secondary due to infectious and tumor diseases.
  2. Disorders in the immune system are a fairly common pathology, when the fetus is rejected due to autoimmune processes immune system. Antibodies to a foreign organism are produced for an unknown reason; it is quite difficult to eliminate such processes.
  3. Genetic abnormalities and chromosomal mutations - in these conditions, the mother’s body tries to get rid of a non-viable fetus. Mutations are caused by hereditary causes and the influence of environmental factors - teratogens in products, radiation, chemical substances in the surrounding air.
  4. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as sexually transmitted infections. These processes are always associated with the pathology of the female reproductive system. The entry of microbes or inflammatory products into the developing body of the fetus can pose a threat of abortion.
  5. Gynecological pathology – endometriosis, congenital anomalies of the uterus, fibroids. The listed diseases cause the inability of the reproductive organ to fully perform its function.
  6. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency - with this pathology, the cervix is ​​unable to reliably hold the fetus inside the organ cavity. This can cause contractions and miscarriage.

The reasons listed are only some of the possible causes of miscarriage. Trauma, stress, chronic somatic diseases and other conditions have an adverse effect on the child’s development.


It is extremely important to know the symptoms of an impending miscarriage; treatment in this case will begin early and will bring the greatest result. Unfortunately, there are no specific symptoms for this pathology, but there are still indicative signs.

A threat of miscarriage should be suspected if the following manifestations are present:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Hypertonicity of the uterus.
  3. Pathological discharge.

It's worth talking about each of these symptoms in more detail.

Abdominal pain

The earliest, but least reliable sign of pathology. Painful sensations are located in the lower half of the abdomen, in the projection of the reproductive organ. This symptom occurs at any stage of gestation, in case of threat of miscarriage.

The pain has the following characteristics:

  • They have a pulling, less often cramping character.
  • They usually occur in the middle part of the hypogastric region.
  • They may appear immediately after exposure to a damaging factor, such as injury.
  • They indicate detachment of the ovum and damage to the anatomical integrity of the uterine tissue.

By consulting a doctor promptly with abdominal pain, a woman reduces the risk of an unfavorable pregnancy outcome.


Another sign of an impending miscarriage. An increase in uterine muscle tone can also be felt as pain, but sometimes hypertonicity manifests itself differently. A feeling of discomfort in the lower half of the abdomen, as well as tension in the muscles of the organ, which is palpated already in the second trimester of pregnancy, are the main manifestations of hypertonicity.

The listed manifestations are valid only for a diffuse, generalized process that affects most of the myometrium. But sometimes a certain area of ​​the muscle wall becomes tense, in which case hypertonicity can only be detected using ultrasound.

It is worth distinguishing this symptom from physiological preparatory contractions in the third trimester of pregnancy. Their appearance is not a sign of a threat of interruption.

Pathological discharge

At any stage of pregnancy, emergence from the genital tract bloody discharge indicates a threat of miscarriage. Normally, there should be no blood in the vagina during pregnancy.

Such manifestations cause the following conditions:

  1. Detachment of the fertilized egg.
  2. Premature placental abruption.
  3. Placenta previa.
  4. Endometritis and other inflammatory diseases.

However, not only bloody discharge should alert the expectant mother. If even a small volume of clear or slightly cloudy fluid appears from the genital tract, leakage of amniotic fluid should be assumed. This pathology can also cause abortion. If there is leakage, the woman should be treated and observed in a hospital setting.

Knowing the main signs of a threatened miscarriage helps to suspect a pathological process in time, seek treatment from a specialist and receive qualified help.


The range of diagnostic measures for suspected threats of interruption is quite wide. All diagnostic methods can be divided into basic and additional. Most pregnant women with this diagnosis undergo the following tests:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Blood group test.
  • Coagulogram.
  • Ultrasonography.

These examinations help to make a preliminary diagnosis, and in some cases confirm it.

The ultrasound procedure plays a key role in diagnosis. This method helps to assess the condition of the fetus and surrounding organs, detect pathological formations in the uterus and appendages, and assess the intensity of blood flow in the most important vessels and placenta.

To confirm certain diseases that cause a threat of miscarriage, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Colposcopy.
  • Blood test for hormone levels.
  • Serological studies and PCR.
  • Bacterial culture.
  • Cytological examination.
  • Test for specific autoantibodies.

In addition, diagnosis may require the involvement of doctors of other specialties. Many somatic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory and nervous systems, and other organs can cause pregnancy pathology. In this case, diagnosis will require excluding such processes.


For any disease accompanied by the threat of miscarriage, a protective regime should be observed. It is necessary to stay in bed most of the day and reduce physical and mental activity to a minimum.

All methods of treating the threat of interruption can be divided into etiotropic and pathogenetic.

The first group includes measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the complication. These include:

  • Methods of treatment of somatic diseases.
  • Antibacterial drugs to treat infection.
  • Hormonal agents for the elimination of gynecological diseases.
  • Surgical removal of tumors of the uterus and appendages.
  • Treatment of congenital anomalies of organ development.

Pathogenetic agents

Pathogenetic methods of treatment affect the mechanisms of abortion, when the damaging factor has already acted and it is necessary to minimize its damaging effects.

For progesterone deficiency, specific hormonal drugs(Utrozhestan, Duphaston). These funds make it possible to replenish the endogenous deficiency of the most important hormone and eliminate the manifestations of its deficiency.

If isthmic-cervical insufficiency is detected, this condition is corrected. It is possible to apply special sutures to the cervix, which prevent the opening of the pharynx. A less traumatic and modern method is the application of an obstetric pessary. This device is a ring that wraps around the cervix and prevents it from expanding.

The following drugs are used to eliminate hypertension:

  • Magnesium sulfate – Magnesia.
  • Ginipral.
  • Partusisten.

The listed drugs are administered intravenously until one of the manifestations of the pathology is eliminated.

In the presence of bleeding, it is necessary to use hemostatic drugs in local or systemic forms. Sometimes surgical methods are used to correct ongoing bleeding.

Many of the listed treatment methods are performed only in a hospital setting. Do not trust traditional healers and their recipes in such a serious condition as the threat of miscarriage.


Any pathological condition is easier to prevent than to treat. This also applies to numerous reasons for the threat of miscarriage.

To minimize the risk of miscarriage, follow several rules:

  1. The most important point is preconception preparation. Even before conception future mom must compensate for all somatic diseases, find and eliminate sources of infection, cure gynecological diseases.
  2. Many causes of miscarriage are related to environmental factors. Avoid injury and repetitive stress, eat right, and ensure your body gets enough oxygen by walking and ventilating the room.
  3. Register during pregnancy in a timely manner, undergo full screening examinations in each trimester to detect hidden pathology. Follow the recommendations of your obstetrician-gynecologist.
  4. At the first signs of any disease, especially symptoms of miscarriage, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  5. Provide your specialist with the most complete information about your health status, past illnesses, and medications you take regularly.

The threat of miscarriage can be prevented and eliminated, so take the pregnancy process as seriously as possible.

This is a frightening combination of words, because it refers to a spontaneous process when a pregnant woman can lose a child who has not yet appeared, but is already beloved. To prevent it, it is worth knowing this problem “in person” in order to recognize the signs in time and seek the help of doctors. After all, this is not a death sentence and usually, with good treatment, a woman is able to bear and give birth to a completely healthy baby.

We immediately need to differentiate the concepts. Threats of miscarriage may occur throughout pregnancy. Before the 28th week, in medical circles it is customary to talk about the threat of miscarriage, and after this period - about early birth. The doctors’ task also directly depends on the timing of pregnancy - in the first trimester it is worth prolonging the gestation process, and in the third, it is sometimes more advisable to allow the child to be born prematurely, to keep it in an incubator until the child’s body is finally ripe for an autonomous existence.

Determination of threats of miscarriage

Pregnancy is not a disease, but it is one that must be monitored. Therefore, if possible, you should not put off registration so that a specialist can determine whether the process is going normally or not. Some threatening deviations, for example, the tone of some wall of the uterus, are not felt by a woman and can only be detected on an ultrasound, while others are more obvious.

Signs of a threatened miscarriage:

  • nagging obsessive pain in the lower abdomen;
  • lower back pain;
  • blood from the vagina (at the beginning of pregnancy indicates the process of detachment of the fertilized egg);
  • colorless, copious discharge;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus. The abdomen becomes hard and may be accompanied by pain.

Reasons for threatened miscarriage:

    genetic. During the development of an embryo from an egg, unexplained chromosomal abnormalities or abnormalities can sometimes occur. In this case, the fetus is not viable from the very beginning and, in accordance with the rule of natural selection, the pregnancy is terminated. This usually occurs before 8 weeks. It happens that there are anomalies, but they do not fundamentally affect the viability of the child (Down syndrome). Then the pregnancy can be maintained, although the threat periodically arises throughout the entire period of gestation;

  • hormonal. Reduced level in the blood of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) or, on the contrary, a high level of male hormones, can affect the ability to bear a child;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • infectious diseases to which pregnant women are especially susceptible due to weakened immunity;

  • stress, shock;
  • pathologies in the structure of the uterine cavity (bicornuate uterus);
  • weakness of the uterine cervix, which cannot support the developing fetus;
  • inflammatory processes that are not treated until the moment of conception.

Actions in case of threat of miscarriage

It’s very banal and simple here - contact ambulance. The faster doctors intervene, the greater the likelihood of preventing disastrous consequences. The question is how to save interesting situation if there is a threat, doctors decide based on the symptoms and timing. Most often, pregnancy is maintained in a hospital, where the expectant mother is isolated from external influences and feels relatively safe.

List of main methods for treating threatened miscarriage:

  • physical and psychological peace;
  • taking sedatives;
  • use of hemostatic agents;
  • the use of medications that relax smooth muscles;
  • treatment, if necessary, of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Intimate questions

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that sexual relations during the threat of termination of pregnancy are strictly prohibited. Especially in the first trimester during bleeding and isthmic-cervical insufficiency. At the same time, oral sex or self-satisfaction is also undesirable. All kinds of contractions of the uterus can provoke its hypertonicity. If there was no significant threat, sex can be resumed after some time, but very carefully and only if the doctor has given permission.

According to experts, every fourth pregnancy fails in the early stages, even before the onset of missed menstruation. In this case, the woman does not notice changes in her condition and perceives the bleeding as another menstruation. The only sign of such a failed pregnancy may be the detection higher level hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood and urine (in this case, a pregnancy test may give positive result). Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that in a healthy woman can only be produced by the tissues of the fertilized egg.

Starting from 5–6 weeks from conception until 22 weeks of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy is called spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. The fetus is not viable. If the loss of a child occurs after 22 weeks of pregnancy and the child weighs more than 500 g, then they speak of premature birth. The likelihood of a child’s survival at these stages is much greater, although the risk of developing various health problems in such newborn babies is very high.

Stopping an ongoing miscarriage or premature birth is very difficult, sometimes impossible, so we must try to prevent the development of such conditions. It is important to understand that when signs of a threatened miscarriage are detected, it is not enough to simply get rid of them; it is necessary to discover the cause of the miscarriage and, if possible, eliminate it.

Reasons for threatened miscarriage

Let's figure out what can lead to the development of a threat of miscarriage.

Genetic disorders

No matter how blasphemous it may sound, in most cases, early miscarriage is biologically expedient, since its cause is most often gross genetic abnormalities of the embryo. The shorter the pregnancy, the greater the likelihood that it will be terminated for this reason. Thus, the woman’s body gets rid of the non-viable embryo, so there is no need to stop such a miscarriage. Genetic causes, as a rule, do not recur. A woman who has lost her pregnancy for the first time has every reason to hope for successful outcome subsequent pregnancies even without examination and treatment. In this case, competent preparation for conception is sufficient.

Hormonal imbalance

Disruptions in the hormonal system can also cause miscarriages and premature births. For example, this can happen with a lack of progesterone, the ovarian hormone that maintains pregnancy. As a rule, women have menstrual cycle irregularities (the cycle is very short or, conversely, extended). The production of progesterone in the ovaries is stimulated by the hormone hCG. If the risk of miscarriage is high, then from the very beginning of pregnancy the doctor may order monitoring of blood tests for hCG over time (usually once a week). A decrease in its amount or maintaining the same level indicates a risk of miscarriage. Normally, hCG levels in the early stages double every 2-3 days. Progesterone levels do not rise as quickly, but a drop during pregnancy can also be a sign of trouble.

Infectious diseases

Cytomegalovirus, herpes, rubella and many other diseases can cause spontaneous abortion. Only competent and timely treatment of diseases can prevent fetal death.

Chronic diseases

If the expectant mother suffers from severe chronic diseases, life-threatening, then the placenta (the organ of nutrition and respiration of the fetus) becomes defective, which can lead to both miscarriages and premature birth. In this way, nature tries to preserve the life and health of a woman. In addition, constant use of certain medications and even medicinal herbs may also have a negative impact on pregnancy. Many substances have a teratogenic (capable of causing birth defects) or abortifacient (leading to miscarriage) effect. Of course, such women need to consult a doctor in advance and choose the optimal treatment before pregnancy.

Problems with the uterus

This group of reasons includes anomalies in the structure of the genital organs, previous abortions and curettage of the uterine cavity, leading to the impossibility of full functioning of the reproductive system. With such problems, the likelihood of pregnancy loss is especially high in periods up to 12 weeks, when the placenta is formed.

Rhesus conflict

Women with a negative Rh factor who are carrying a child with a positive Rh factor may encounter a Rh conflict: the mother’s immune system may react inadequately to the fetus, since it is half foreign to her. However, this happens only to 30% of women and most often to those who are carrying more than their first baby.

How does the threat of miscarriage manifest itself?

The threat of miscarriage in the first weeks of pregnancy rarely makes itself felt. If symptoms of this dangerous condition do appear, they differ little from the usual signs of pregnancy.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen is a fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy, as is a feeling of tension. Most characteristic feature threats of termination of pregnancy are aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, reminiscent of pain during menstruation. Such pain does not go away without medication, when changing body position, and sometimes even begins at rest. Often accompanied by discharge from the genitals ranging from light brown to deep red. If such symptoms occur, consult a doctor. Less dangerous are pains in the groin and lateral abdomen, which appear between the 10th and 20th weeks of pregnancy with physical activity. If such pain appears when walking or a sudden change in body position and quickly passes with rest, then, as a rule, they are associated with the load on the ligamentous apparatus of the growing uterus and do not require any special treatment other than limiting physical activity.

After 20 weeks of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back manifests itself as increased tone of the uterus (hypertonicity), which is periodically felt as tension in the abdomen (the stomach seems to be “cramping”, it feels harder to the touch than usual, and a pulling sensation may occur in the lower abdomen or lower back ). If such sensations are not painful, come no more than 4-5 times a day, last 1-2 minutes, pass with rest, then most likely these are so-called Braxton-Higgs contractions, which do not threaten the development of pregnancy. These training contractions in late pregnancy prepare the body for childbirth. If the pain during such contractions is quite strong and often repeated, does not go away completely after a couple of minutes, and other unfavorable signs are observed (an increase in the number of mucous membranes or the appearance of bloody discharge) - this may indicate a threat of miscarriage, which requires medical attention. For a fetus developing in the uterus, hypertonicity is dangerous due to impaired blood supply to the placenta and, consequently, oxygen starvation and delayed growth and development.

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta is also accompanied by pain. In this case, the placenta separates from the uterus prematurely (with normal pregnancy and childbirth, placental abruption occurs only after the birth of the child). In this case, severe constant pain occurs, severe bleeding from the genital organs may begin, which threatens the life of the mother and fetus. This is usually the result of a fall or blow to the stomach, but can also occur against the background of certain diseases (for example, hypertension). Ultrasound is used to diagnose placental abruption. If the diagnosis is confirmed, immediate delivery by cesarean section is indicated. During the fixation of the fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus, small fragments of its mucous membrane may be rejected, which causes the appearance of small bloody discharge from the vagina. This discharge may be brown, brown or intensely red in color, but it is not profuse, does not last longer than a few days and does not pose a danger to the normal course of pregnancy.

After the fact of pregnancy is established using a hCG test or ultrasound, any bleeding is regarded as a critical situation, forcing the woman to immediately see an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the early stages of pregnancy, uterine bleeding is most often caused by the threat of miscarriage. However, they can be minor and painless. In such cases, with timely treatment, pregnancy can be maintained. When termination of pregnancy is already inevitable, the bleeding will be prolonged, increasing and not stopping in any way, accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

See a doctor urgently!

Any symptoms characteristic of this is a reason to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If you are concerned about severe pain in the lower abdomen, bloody or watery discharge, it is better to contact the ambulance service and ensure complete rest until the doctors arrive. Do not panic. Fear increases uterine contractions, increasing the risk of miscarriage. In order to assess the amount of discharge, thoroughly wet the perineal area, replace a disposable pad or put a handkerchief in your panties, and lie on your side or back with your legs elevated. If the bleeding intensifies, the pad will quickly become wet; if it stops, it will remain practically uncontaminated. If you have abdominal pain, you should not eat or drink until the cause of the pain is determined. Also, you should absolutely not take painkillers, apply a heating pad to your stomach, or try to cleanse the intestines with an enema. Such actions sometimes have irreparable consequences. To alleviate the condition, you can only take antispasmodics.

If installed, you will need rest for the next 2-3 weeks. Sometimes the correct regimen can only be ensured in a hospital setting, in specialized pregnancy pathology departments. Treatment consists of creating a protective, often bed rest, using drugs that relax the uterine muscle, sedatives, and hemostatic drugs. In early pregnancy, analogues of natural pregnancy hormones are often prescribed. If necessary, they may offer surgical intervention to support the cervix - applying a special suture to hold the fetus. After discharge from the hospital, it is recommended to limit physical and emotional stress for several more weeks, as well as abstain from sexual contact.

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