
Love magic: conspiracies and rituals to attract love. Universal conspiracy for the fulfillment of desire. Ritual for money "Moon Meditation"

In the current article, we explore such an unusual topic as love magic. After all, the desire to find a soul mate at some point arises in everyone, but the opportunity is rare. And you can perform the described rituals to attract love yourself at home.

If we managed to interest the reader, we proceed to study the material and attract love into our lives!

Why do people turn to magic?

Many argue that now we live much better and more interesting than our parents and grandparents. However, it is difficult to object to statistics. After all, people used to communicate more in reality. We correspond more often in social networks or special applications. Moreover, some of our "friends" we do not know and will never meet. The reason is quite banal - there is no desire for this on both sides. And here we are each sitting in our own apartment, secretly dreaming of real faithful comrades and true love. It's just that the relationships that are formed on the Internet mostly lead to frustration and reluctance to keep trying. We withdraw into ourselves and accept our loneliness, over time we get used to it. But we don’t even notice how we internally slowly languish, we suffocate without the opportunity to at least just talk with a living person, and not with his profile photo. But we can no longer get out of the hateful rut. Is it really only left to come to terms with your fate and be content with communication with relatives and small friends? Professional magicians and sorcerers shake their heads and offer us their services to perform various rituals to attract love. Nevertheless, only a few decide to make an appointment, fearing a meeting with a charlatan. Which really can happen.

But in this article, we wanted to offer the reader magical ways that will help you achieve what you want on your own, without harming energy and karma, without consequences and God's punishment. If you want to achieve results in the shortest possible time, you will have to resort to dark and dangerous rites that have serious consequences. In any case, we can only describe the techniques, and the final decision should be made by everyone independently.

Saying goodbye to past relationships

Before you carry out any of the proposed rituals to attract love at home, you must complete past relationships. If there are any. For example, following this ritual:

  1. Buy a helium balloon in the store yellow color.
  2. On a piece of paper write the name of the former lover.
  3. Then tie the note to the ball and, feeling the moment of farewell with all the fibers of the soul, let go into the sky, setting yourself up for the fact that there is no road to the past. Life goes on, and soon the right person will enter it, who will love, appreciate you, it will be easy and calm with him, this will be the man or woman of your dreams.

If the reader has a good imagination, experts advise presenting the following image: a man stands on one side of the bridge, and his former lover on the other, the bridge begins to burn, separating the man and woman from each other forever.

If you do not take these rituals seriously, you can not experiment with rituals to attract love. Because they won't work. The sages of the East liked to say: in order to drink hot tea, you should first pour out the cooled one from the cup. That is, it is impossible to get something if the place is still occupied by another.

Let's start working on ourselves

The next step is to correct your own energy. After all, it has long been known that each person has his own energy field, which affects others. It is traditionally believed that one energy attracts people, and the other, on the contrary, repels. This explains the unknown antipathy that suddenly arises in relation to a complete stranger. That is why professional masters say that you can attract love only to special people. How to become one, we will tell in the current paragraph.

The most popular ritual for attracting love, by correcting your energy, consists in simple manipulations:

  1. On the full moon, seven red candles must be placed on the windowsill.
  2. Light them up and sit side by side so you can see the moon.
  3. Write the following text on pink paper with a red pen: “I am beautiful, sexy, charming. My inner light attracts others. They are drawn to me, they want to be closer, they want to achieve my love. I exude the energy of passion and sex. I attract people of the opposite sex to me. My man feels my love. By it he finds me.
  4. Put a note on the windowsill, put a glass on top of it plain water.
  5. Repeat the text 13 times.
  6. Then wait until the candles are completely burned out, and drink the charmed water.

Writing an ad

The next ritual to attract love into your life is performed on the growing moon. And for him you should prepare a red pencil, White list paper and two candles of the same color. On the right day, sit in front of a mirror, light candles and place them on the sides of a reflective object. The main thing is that they are not reflected in it. Then take a pencil and write the text of the ad on paper, starting it with the words “I am looking for a man / woman.” And then describe the ideal partner: his appearance, internal qualities and everything else that comes to mind. Next, write down your strengths. For example, you can do this: I promise to give my person love, attention, affection, care, tasty food, and so on.

When the announcement is ready, it should be pasted to the window. But it is important to do it so that the text is facing outward. Only then will the magic work, and the right person will respond to the call.

magic pen

Simoron rituals for attracting love are very popular and quite original. They are interesting in that they have nothing to do with magical practices. And rather aimed at the psychological side of the issue. Their task is to liberate a person, to encourage them to do unusual or even strange things. However, despite some playfulness of the form, they really work and help to achieve excellent results.

This unusual way implies the following actions:

  1. In the store you need to purchase your favorite pen. It is better to choose the most beautiful one.
  2. And proclaim it magical.
  3. Then, on the full moon, draw two hearts next to the left palm right on the line of fate.
  4. Dream up on the theme "Dream Partner".
  5. And then describe the romantic story of dating on a piece of paper.
  6. Keep it until the dream comes true.

The original use of iodine

According to the reviews presented on the Internet, the rite described in the current paragraph is especially popular. And all because it allows you to achieve what you want in a short time. At the same time, it is not required to deal with dark forces and prepare for dire consequences. You just need to buy iodine in the store and, having come home, perform the following ritual to attract love into your life:

  1. Draw an infinity sign on the buttocks with iodine.
  2. Place two hearts in it.
  3. Fill in the rest of the area with mesh.

The most important thing is that all actions must be done independently and preferably on a full moon. Nobody says that it will be convenient or easy. However, the result will definitely justify all efforts. After all, people who leave comments on the relativity of Simoron's practices note that at first they did not really believe in a favorable outcome. But then they themselves recommended them to friends. Because the ritual really worked. Perhaps the reader should try?

Pants to help

The following Simoron ritual to attract love is also very popular. For it, you will have to use the item indicated in the title of the current item. Therefore, many may not agree to such madness. And according to the adherents of the original practices, they will make a huge mistake. After all, it is one of the most effective ways to find a soul mate. In any case, we will describe the desired action and let the reader determine their own fate.

The technology is quite simple:

  1. Red shorts should be prepared. It is important to pay attention to the fact that a different color will not work. Only red is able to activate the desired energy. It is also worth noting that new underwear cannot be used to attract love in a ritual with red shorts. If the right panties were not available and you had to buy them, you should wear them for a week in order to “apply” your energy.
  2. Then the shorts should be soaked in cold water and squeeze well.
  3. Then throw it on the chandelier. And it is necessary to throw it. It will be difficult, but otherwise the ritual will not work.
  4. When the necessary manipulations are performed, all that remains is to wait heightened attention from the opposite sex. The ritual is best done on a full moon, then there are more chances of success.

Magnet Slippers

To achieve the desired result, a ritual should be performed on the growing moon to attract love. For him, you should purchase the most beautiful, cute and original slippers in the store that will suit a person of the opposite sex. In no case should you spare time and money for a purchase. Because it must be madly in love with the buyer. Then they need to be allowed to "acclimatize" in their apartment. This will take three days. And it is important to ensure that no one accidentally puts them on. It is also forbidden to try on a magical item yourself. These are important conditions that affect the result! When the right time passes, do the following:

  1. Wait until midnight.
  2. Open front door.
  3. Stand in front of her (outside the house or apartment) on all fours.
  4. Put slippers on, pointing socks into the house.
  5. And put your hands in them.
  6. After that, it is important to clap your palms with slippers on them three times.
  7. Say the words of a magical conspiracy: “Narrowed-disguised, sweet-beloved, with a good character and without bad habits! Appear."
  8. And then "as close as possible" to a magical item. You can carry it in your purse, carry it in the car, or even sleep with it. The main thing is to always keep him close to you.

Rose magic

To meet your true love, you can perform a ritual with a rose to attract love. For him, you need to get the most beautiful and freshest rose. Ideally, it should be picked in the garden. But if this is not possible, you can limit yourself to a store copy. The main thing is that the magic item should be very pretty. You will also need two candles of the same color. The ritual is performed on a full moon, all alone and accompanied by romantic music. At the right time, you should light candles, relax and mentally tune in to the energy of love. Imagine how a rose exudes it, fills everything around with magical power. Then you should bring the flower to your face and inhale its aroma. At this point, it is important to think about how love energy penetrates inside. When it seems that the desired effect is achieved, you can say the words of a love conspiracy three times: “Love was, love is, love will be. Love is my air, my sky, my earth. Love is all around me, love is inside of me. I breathe in love, I breathe out love, I attract love. Love rushes to me."

Having finished these manipulations, you should put out the candle, put the rose in a vase in the most prominent place and go to sleep. The action of the ritual to attract the love of a man or woman will not take long.

enchanted apple

To carry out this ceremony, you will need the specified fruit. However, experts note that it will be much more effective if you use fresh apple. Ideally, something that is personally plucked from a tree. This will enhance the magic and help you achieve the desired result much faster. However, if it is winter outside, you can get by with store-bought fruit. The main thing is to choose the most beautiful. Of course, if you want to meet a worthy person, and not some bum or loser.

So, when the main subject is chosen, we wait for the full moon and proceed to the execution of the ritual:

  1. We take a red pen and pink paper, you should also prepare a knife and red threads.
  2. We write the following phrase: "I am open / open to love."
  3. And we fold the note so that it fits in an apple.
  4. We cut the fruit into two parts.
  5. Insert a note inside.
  6. And we carefully rewind the two halves with red threads.
  7. The next day, you need to bury the apple under any tree.
  8. And say the following words: “I adopt the talent from Eve, who was able to seduce Adam. Now I can also attract my man. He will feel the energy of my love. He will feel my passion. He will find me anywhere."
  9. After that, you can consider the ritual to attract love on the full moon completed.

It is important to note that the above rite can be used to attract a specific person. That is, if the reader has a loved one who does not pay attention to him or, for some reason, does not dare to confess his sympathy, you can push him with the help of an enchanted apple. In this case, it is necessary to write in the note not the phrase indicated earlier, but the name and surname of the chosen one. Further steps remain the same.

miraculous water

In ancient times, young people at the moment when the moon was increasing - on the growing moon, stripped naked and plunged into a river or lake at midnight. Moreover, it was important that they walked along the lunar road, which was reflected in the water. It was believed that in this way you can attract love and happiness into your life. At the present time, few of us dare to do the same rite. And not everyone will have that opportunity. But if you suddenly get lucky, you should not refuse it. Because the old ritual to attract love to the growing moon will help to achieve results much faster than the one proposed below.

However, if you can’t dive into a pond at night, but you still want to meet your soul mate, you should resort to the home method. Which consists in the following manipulations:

  1. First of all, you should prepare dried petals of any flowers, a jug of plain water, a wooden comb, your favorite dress, a white towel. Also, for the ceremony, you will need a large mirror and a bath, it should be filled with water at a pleasant temperature.
  2. When preparatory stage completed, we proceed to the execution of the ritual to attract love on the new moon. We put a jug on the windowsill so that the light of the moon is reflected in it.
  3. We wait a few hours, the more the better. But it is important to conduct the ceremony in the dark.
  4. Pour the flower petals into the bath.
  5. Pour out the water from the pitcher.
  6. We undress, take a comb with us and climb into the bath.
  7. We pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “Mighty forces, I appeal to you. Change your destiny, give me true love, my man. May it be so! Amen".
  8. And we plunge into the water with our heads, we continue to hold a wooden comb in our hands.
  9. Then we get out of the bathroom, dry ourselves with a white towel and go to the mirror.
  10. We comb, imagining how a loved one strives with all his might to meet.

According to reviews, a ritual to attract love will definitely work. But the comb must be used daily. It is also best to carry it with you everywhere.

Rituals for love on the full moon are your reliable helpers, turning unrequited love, which brings many troubles and disappointments, into a holiday of the soul.

Thanks to the rituals for love on the full moon, you can make the person who has so far remained indifferent respond to your feelings.

And this ritual should be carried out precisely on the full moon, when the magic of space itself enhances the rites, making them incredibly effective. In addition, the magic of this time has scientific confirmation.

As you know, a person is 70-80% water, and the full moon makes all life processes in the body obey special lunar cycles. Thus, all the words of the full moon ritual for love "work" much faster. V female body there is even more water, which causes a greater influence of the moon on women.

On the full moon, every woman becomes a little bit of a sorceress, which allows her to perform love rituals almost like born witches. Apparently, this is due to the fact that life cycles women are "attached" to our only companion. For each specific case, a specific ritual is chosen.

For our ancestors, such magic was something mysterious and forbidden. Only the initiates could do it. Whereas modern women (however, like men) can practice this knowledge on their own.

  • According to the beliefs that exist among many peoples of the world, on the full moon, as it were, a kind of “Moon Path” opens, along which a person contacts the energy forces of the Universe, which gives him the opportunity to influence what is happening to a certain extent. All wishes made will materialize already in our world.

magic note

The so-called “note on desire” also belongs to the full moon rituals for love. The rite is quite simple and consists in the fact that in a note it is necessary to thank our night luminary in advance for a wish that has come true.

The text itself must be left on the window for three days so that the rays of the moon fall on it. No further action is required. The main thing is that the person who wrote this message firmly believes that he needs the love of this particular person.

  • By the way, a “note on a wish” can be used not only for love spells, but also to attract health or wealth and prosperity.

moon water

Full moon magic for love will be a hundred times stronger if you use consecrated water, which has an ideal harmonious structure. Water “infused” on the moonbeams should be given to drink to your chosen one, while looking into his eyes and mentally talking about your feelings.

This truly magical liquid will “work” like a miraculous elixir. The remaining water cannot be poured out. It can be used for washing, as well as for energy cleansing of premises, sprayed or added to cleaning water.

charged thing

In full moon rituals for love, there are rituals that are performed on any thing that belongs to your chosen one, for example, it can be a watch, jewelry, a piece of clothing. The fact is that a certain energy connection is established between a person and his things. If you act on such a thing, then part of the love magic will go directly to the owner of the thing and will affect him every time he uses the charmed item.

  • When the full moon comes, a candle is lit at midnight (necessarily red). Cumin seeds and salt (one teaspoon each) are placed in a saucer or bowl, everything is thoroughly mixed and closed on top with a clean napkin, on which the personal item of the chosen one is placed, on which the words of the conspiracy are spoken.

There are a great many texts of conspiracies. But here's what's interesting, even without knowing the words of the conspiracy, if you whisper love words that themselves come to mind, then the effect can be no less. As soon as the ritual is completed and the candle burns out, you must go to bed. The next day, the charmed thing is returned to the owner, and it is absolutely impossible to inform him of the actions taken.

Video: ritual to attract mutual love

Features of love magic

Rites and rituals for love are by no means zombies. With the help of a ritual for love on the full moon, you can literally open the eyes of your chosen one (or chosen one) to your good qualities and virtue. And he (or she) will be able to appreciate what has been hidden for them until now. No wonder they say that magic is not so much a miracle as possibilities for which scientists have not yet found an explanation.

All ceremonies require preparation and we must not forget that during their conduct special rules should be followed:

  • words should be pronounced with pure thoughts and not to the detriment of the one who is mentioned in the conspiracy;
  • before the ritual you can not drink alcohol;
  • intimate contacts are also undesirable.

There is a reason for this, since any energy costs before the ritual lead to the fact that the transferred energy may not be enough, and the conspiracy simply “does not work”.

In ancient times, practicing sorcerers and sorceresses, to whom people turned for magical help, led an ascetic lifestyle, carefully spent their energy forces and tried to live away from worldly temptations.

And on the full moon, the Moon significantly increases its attraction, energy costs also increase, which contributes to a significant increase in the effectiveness of conspiracies and other magical actions.

Return of loved ones

On the full moon, rituals can be performed not only to attract love, but also to return a loved one. For these purposes, you need two photographs. The first of the person who, for some reason, has lost interest in you. The picture should be clear, preferably in full growth. It is important that the photo carries a positive charge. And second, yours, which meets the same requirements. You will also need two small mirrors and a red ribbon.

  • Each photo is attached with the reverse side to the mirror, then both photos are connected face to face, tied with a ribbon and exposed under the rays of the moon for one night. In the morning they are hidden and stored in this form until the next full moon. When the next full moon arrives, the photos are split and turned to face the night star, saying the words for the beloved to return. The magic lies in the fact that a man and a woman are firmly connected by lunar energy, and thoughts of leaving remain in the past and do not return.

Another aspect is important when conducting all magical rites for the full moon for love - this is the location of the Moon in the zodiac sign. So the greatest success in a love spell or the return of a loved one can be achieved if the mistress of the night sky passes the constellation of Taurus, ruled by the planet Venus, or the constellation of Cancer, ruled by the Moon itself.

True love is a pure feeling and one should strive to make it bring joy to people. But, often, you have to fight for happiness to love. Magic is a tool given to us by nature itself. And not to use it in achieving lofty goals would be, at least, unreasonable.

Someone believes in magic, for someone all these romantic rituals are grandmother's tales. But the fact that the practice of conducting them dates back many thousands of years makes even outright skeptics think.

The full moon is a special mystical time of peak energy upsurge, so most rituals are recommended to be performed during this truly magical period. Experts believe that full moon rituals endowed with a special, miraculous power of the full moon, so when they are carried out, you can get maximum results with a minimum of effort.

What rituals and rituals are performed on the full moon?

Traditional techniques for the full moon are rituals for money, for love, and for the fulfillment of desires.

In this article, we will analyze in detail all the most powerful and effective practices carried out during the full moon period.


How to Prepare for Full Moon Rituals

Before you begin to conduct any rituals, you must first of all prepare well for them, and above all psychologically. Since all full moon rites are mainly performed at night, and this time of day traditionally causes natural fears and natural instincts in many people, they need to be overcome or neutralized.

Here are some ritual tips:

  • First of all, determine for yourself, do you really need it? Are you really ready to attract money, love, success and fulfillment of desires into your life in this way? If so, then boldly proceed and cast away all doubts.
  • Be sure to check out moon calendar so as not to be mistaken. All full moon rituals are performed during the period of the full moon, namely, from the 15th to the 17th lunar day. At this time, the “night mistress” concentrates in herself all the forces accumulated over previous periods and is in her most active phase.
  • Basically, all rituals and ceremonies are carried out with the pronunciation of texts aloud - conspiracies, sayings, whispers. Prepare well, learn them by heart, so as not to stray during the practice.

Well, let's move on to the rituals themselves, shall we?

Full moon rituals to attract money

If a money crisis has come in your life, if you are tormented by money problems, if you can’t get out of debt in any way, or if you just want to improve your financial situation, then wait for the next full moon and perform one of the rituals below to attract money.

Ritual for money "Money water"

You will need:

  • 1-1.5 liter bottle
  • melt water
  • paper
  • pen
  • paper glue

On the night of the full moon, pour melted water into a bottle and place it in front of you. Close your eyes and for about one minute create on your mental screen a picture of how money falls on you from the sky (paper or metal - it doesn’t matter). Then take a breath, open your eyes, grab the bottle with your hands and, as you exhale, mentally “transfer” this picture into the water, simultaneously charging it with your energy through your hands.

After that, write a dollar sign $ on a small piece of paper, stick it on the bottle and transfer it to the windowsill, which is exposed to moonlight. Look through the window at the full moon and say out loud three times: “Moon-sorceress - shine, charge some water!” Leave the water bottle on the windowsill for two to three hours. After that, allocate a place for her in the refrigerator and drink 2-3 sips of “money water” from it once a day.

Ritual for money "Money Magnet"

You will need:

  • 3 coins of any denomination
  • small magnet
  • small white or green candle

Before carrying out this ritual to attract money, it is necessary to cleanse the home, since money loves cleanliness and order very much.

Wait for the onset of complete darkness and carry out a thorough cleaning of the apartment or house. After that, arrange 3 coins in the form of a triangle, in the center of which put a candle. Light it up and let it burn to the end. Then put the coins in the left pocket of the clothes you wear most often. Place a small magnet in the right pocket. Carry all this with you for exactly 7 days. If you change clothes, put money and a magnet into it. Within a week, the monetary situation should improve.

Ritual for money "Money Bank"

This ritual to attract money should be carried out if you urgently need a specific amount of money.

You will need:

  • jar with lid
  • 7 coins of the same value
  • Paper
  • Pen

Wait for the full moon. Exactly at midnight, on a piece of paper, write with a pen the amount that you really need at the moment. Write it 2 times - in numbers and in words. Roll up the paper and place it in the bottom of the jar. Then, with the hand that you wrote with, take 7 coins and throw them into the jar in turn, while saying: “Coins ring, the light of the moon reflects, wealth and money attract me!”. Leave the jar overnight on the window sill on which the moonlight falls. In the morning, remove it from the window, hide it in a secluded place and every day, until the next full moon, add 3 more coins (of any denomination) to this jar, while repeating the same words.

Ritual for money "Moon Wallet"

You will need:

  • wallet or purse
  • paper money and coins

Wait for the full moon. After midnight, fill your wallet or purse with money "to capacity." Use both paper bills and coins. The main thing is that your wallet should be completely filled with money, as they say, “bursting at the seams”. Put it on that windowsill that is illuminated by moonlight, and looking at the moon through the window, say the following words out loud: “As the moon is full, so is my wallet full of money!”. Leave it on the windowsill until morning. You can start spending money from your wallet only from the 18th lunar day, when the moon is waning.

Ritual for money "Moon Meditation"

This ritual to attract money stands out from the rest, as it is based on meditative practices. It is very powerful, and if you are good enough in the technique of meditation, then the correct execution of this ritual will attract money to you with a very high degree of probability.

You will need:

  • A new banknote of any denomination (preferably larger)

Wait until midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and sit in a moonlit area. Take a comfortable position, take a banknote with both hands by the ends and look at it closely for 2-3 minutes. Imagine that the banknote is filled with moonlight, saturated with it and begins to glow and shine itself. And the moonlight begins to turn into a beam of light connecting the moon and the banknote. Come out of meditation when you feel that the banknote is filled with the power of the full moon to the maximum. Put this "charged" bill in your wallet and do not exchange it until the next full moon, it will serve as a money magnet for you and significantly increase the incoming cash flow.

Ritual for money "Coin of happiness"

You will need:

  • Coins of any denomination

After midnight on any of the full moon days, collect all the coins that you have in your house. Think of one of the sides of the coin that will be lucky for you (heads or tails). Gather them in a handful, shake them several times with the words: “I shake the fortune-teller, I find a coin of happiness,” and, like dice, throw them on some surface, for example, on a table.

After that, select only those coins that fell on the "lucky" side. Do this procedure several times until you have only one coin left. Happened? Congratulations! Now this is your "coin of happiness." Never waste it and always carry it in your wallet as a money charm. It can also be used in divination as an answer to the question posed (the happy side will mean "yes").

Do not be discouraged if at the very end the last coins did not fall out with the hidden side - it’s just that there was no “happy” among them! Just repeat the ritual on the next full moon.

Ritual for money "Money spices"

You will need:

  • a tablespoon of raisins
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • a tablespoon of walnuts

Mix all the ingredients well, wait until midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and address the Moon with the following words: "Mistress of the night - accept the gift, and bring a lot of money!" After that, you need to scatter this mixture around you, making 3 turns counterclockwise.

Full moon rituals to attract love

I would like to point out right away that rituals to attract love and magical love spells are NOT the same thing. The difference between them is that love spells are always directed at a specific person and act against his will.

The rituals that attract love are designed to attract the Energy of Love, to increase the frequency of a person's internal vibration to the level of the Frequency of Love.

Rituals to attract love, unlike love spells, are absolutely safe, they only help the practitioner meet his soul mate and become more attractive to people of the opposite sex.

Ritual for love "Note of love"

You will need:

  • 2 small red candles
  • small piece of paper
  • pen
  • scissors

Wait for the full moon. After midnight comes, place two candles on the table in front of you. One of them will be yours, the second - your betrothed. On a small piece of paper with a pen, write your love desire, for example: “This year I meet my soul mate and get married!”. Cut the “love note” in half with scissors and burn them in turn in the flame of a candle - one above yours, the second - above your fiancé's candle.

Ritual for love "Rose of Love"

As you know, the rose is an ancient symbol of love and it is very often used to attract love into your life. If you are single and longing to meet the love of your life, then you definitely need to perform this romantic ritual.

You will need:

  • red rose flower
  • vase
  • 2 red candles

On the full moon day, go to a flower shop and buy a beautiful red rose. Put it at home in a beautiful vase and look at the flower from time to time, creating a romantic mood for yourself. After the clock strikes twelve at night, light the candles and place a rose between them. Turn on a romantic melody, sit on a chair and look at this “composition” for several minutes, enjoy, inhale the pink aroma, mentally imagining the image of your soulmate. After that, say out loud three times: “Love in the present, love in the future, love forever. Love is the sky above me, love is the earth below me, love is all around me. I attract love, I welcome my betrothed!”

Watch this video. In it, I show 3 rituals for attracting love on a full moon.

Ritual for love "Talisman of Love"

This ritual to attract love can be performed at any time of the full moon, regardless of the time of day.

You will need:

  • personal photo
  • large flat plate
  • cinnamon
  • basil
  • big red candle with candlestick
  • Red thread
  • ceramic bowl
  • natural red fabric

Take a red candle, hold it between your palms, and with your eyes closed for a couple of minutes, visualize yourself happy next to your loved one. Try to "send" the "picture" through your hands into the candle. After that, put the candle in a pre-prepared candlestick and light it. Place a flat plate in front of the candle and put your photo on top of it (you should be alone on it).

On a plate around your photo, pour a circle of cinnamon clockwise, while saying: “Let love surround me!”. Above the circle of cinnamon, add another circle, this time of basil, repeating the same words again. And at the end, pour the third circle again from cinnamon (above basil), again saying out loud the plot “Let love surround me!”.

After that, pour the spices into ceramic dishes and mix them with your hands, while saying: “ magic herbs, send me a betrothed! Our love is mutual! May it be so!".

Then pour the spices from the ceramic bowl onto the red natural fabric and place your photo on top. Connect the ends of the fabric together with a red thread to make a bag. Now this will be your love talisman. Leave it near the candle for exactly 7 minutes, then hide it in a secluded place. Do not throw away the rest of the candle, but every day, putting your talisman of love in front of it, light it for 7 minutes until it burns out completely.

Ritual for love "Wax heart"

This ritual to attract love can be used both to find your betrothed, and to enhance the passion between spouses.

You will need:

  • red rose petals
  • juniper twig
  • Dill seeds
  • red wax
  • red bag made of natural fabric
  • scissors
  • tablespoon
  • wooden mortar
  • small plate

On a full moon day, after midnight, take the dry petals of one red rose, a dry sprig of juniper, and cut them into small pieces with scissors. Mix them together and put 2 teaspoons of this mixture into a wooden mortar. Add one teaspoon of dill to it and grind it all into powder.

Then put a small piece of red wax into a tablespoon and melt it over the fire. Add 3 pinches of "love" powder to the melted wax and pour it onto a plate.

Let the spiced wax cool a bit (so that it doesn't burn your hands, but still remains pliable), and fashion a small heart out of it. At the same time, imagine the image of your beloved and draw mental pictures of your happy future.

When you have finished this "love magic", put the heart in a pre-prepared red bag and attach it to hang at the head of your bed. If you are in a relationship and your bed is a marital bed, then hide the wax heart pouch under your pillow.

Full moon rituals for the fulfillment of desires

As mentioned above, the full moon is the period of maximum lunar activity and the peak time in terms of energy, so the fulfillment of desires made during this time period is much faster.

Indeed, for the realization of desire, for its speedy materialization in reality, energy is needed, and during the full moon, the energy background is maximally increased.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires "Magic Note"

This is a very simple ritual to perform, but its effectiveness does not decrease in any way.

You will need:

  • small piece of paper
  • pen

Wait for the full moon. After 12 o'clock at night, write your cherished desire on a piece of paper with a pen. It should be written in the present tense, without negatives and the word “I want”. For example: "I'm getting a well-paid job!". Put a magic note with written wishes on the windowsill, where the light from the moon hits. Leave the leaf on the windowsill for 3 nights in a row (take it from the window in the morning). During this time, your desire will be “saturated” with active lunar energies and will soon begin to come true. Hide the leaf with the desire away until the desire is fulfilled. After that, you need to burn it and thank the Universe for its execution.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires "Moon Magnet"

With the help of this ritual, you can fulfill any desire quite quickly.

You will need:

  • 2 candles (green, red or white*)
  • paper
  • pen
  • dressing tape (green, red or white*)
  • small magnet

*Note: the color of the candles and the dressing tape in this ritual is selected depending on the type of your desire (for money - green, for love - red, for the rest - white).

On one of the days of the full moon, after the clock strikes midnight, light two candles. Write on a piece of paper your desire in great detail, in all details. Avoid the future tense, the word "I want" and all kinds of negations (not, never, never). Place the wish sheet between two candles. Gaze at the fire and imagine your desire already fulfilled. Enjoy the emotions of its implementation! At the end, say the following words aloud 3 times: “The moon-mistress is filled with power - my desire has already been fulfilled!” After that, wrap a small magnet in a wish sheet, tie it with a bandage and carry it in your bag or pocket until the wish is granted.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires "Moon Mirror"

One of the most powerful lunar rituals that grant wishes. To carry it out, you only need one accessory - a small mirror.

Wait for the night of the full moon. After midnight, go outside near your house (you can go to the balcony). The main condition is that the full moon must be clearly visible and you must be in the stream of moonlight. Take in right hand small mirror, turn your back to the moon, catch the moon reflection in the mirror, and without taking your eyes off it, say out loud:

“The moon, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the moonlight, you intercede for me. What I want - let it come true, your strength will descend to me. Your light is poured on the earth, my desire is fulfilled. May it be so!"

After that, one cannot look into the lunar mirror until the next full moon. During this time, your wish should come true.

Watch this short video. In it, I show 2 rituals for the fulfillment of desires.

Friends, do not miss the wonderful time of the full moon and be sure to perform magic rituals to attract money, love and fulfill your desires!

Let your Dreams come true!

Alena Golovina

P. S. Receive a powerful Digital Amulet as a GIFT "EMERGENCY LUCK" :


Today is the first full moon of the new year, the peak of energy. The full moon is the most favorable time for various rituals: you can perform a ritual for desire, a ritual for money on a full moon, a ritual for love. This Full Moon on January 2, 2018 will be enhanced by a Supermoon. Therefore, all rituals for the full moon will be especially effective, the results will come very quickly. Also, it is good to carry out any rituals for cleansing from negativity: rituals for cleansing space, cleansing the biofield, removing damage, getting rid of everything unnecessary. On the full moon, rituals are performed to get rid of bad habits, from painful attachment to someone. If something interferes with your life, and you want to get rid of it, the full moon is the right moment.

During the full moon, the moon with its light well illuminates everything that is in a person’s life. At the same time, everything that is not needed and interferes with life becomes clearly visible. Therefore, on the full moon, rituals and conspiracies are held on the full moon, which help to get rid of unnecessary habits, things, situations, and exclude unpleasant people from your life. The full moon occurs on a different date each month. In order to calculate what date the full moon is, you can look into the lunar calendar for a month. There is a full moon calendar for each month, in which you can find out the date and time of the full moon, as well as in which zodiac sign the full moon will be.

Ritual for beauty

Pour into a glass boiled water throw a little salt with your left hand. Put the glass on the windowsill under the moonlight and read the plot for the full moon until the salt dissolves:

“Moon water, like a girl’s tear, let me be young, white-faced, carefree, let the one I love love me for my beauty, for complaisance!” When the salt dissolves, leave the glass on the windowsill until morning. In the morning, after washing, on an empty stomach, drink a sip of the charmed water, mentally saying: “Water is in me, beauty is in me!” Repeat these steps every morning until the water in the glass runs out.

Ritual for money on the full moon

On a full moon night, go under the open sky (to the street or balcony). Take your wallet in your right hand, and with your left, transfer large bills from one compartment to another three times. Cast a full moon incantation: "With the blessing of the Mother Moon and the power of the elements, I attract an endless stream of prosperity. I ask for help and support for the good of all. So be it." Next, apply to the green candle essential oil bergamot or patchouli. Place bills from your wallet around the candle and think about what you would like to buy with money. After the candle burns out, carefully put all the money back into your wallet, and in the next three days buy yourself something you want with this money.

Full moon rituals

Write down on paper 3 things you want to get rid of (habits, illnesses) and then throw them all into the fire. It is best to do it outside, in a group with friends. Stand in a circle around the fire and throw your papers with deliverances there. If this is not possible, then you can write on paper and burn with a candle flame, and then drain the ashes into the toilet.

Ritual of cleansing negative energy(evil eye, spoilage)

The best time to perform the ritual is in the evening before going to bed. It must be carried out on a full moon or on a waning moon. Prepare: 7 tablespoons honey, 7 tablespoons brown sugar, 7 teaspoons cinnamon. Mix everything and in the evening before the shower, apply the mixture on the body and leave for 7 minutes. At this time, read any prayer and imagine how cleansing takes place, the dirt drains and goes down the drain, and the body becomes clean. With heavy pollution, such a full moon ritual can be done for 7 days, starting on the full moon.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Village Magic Specialist. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

With the help of full moon rituals for love, unrequited feelings easily turn into a bursting bouquet of enjoyment of life. They help the other person understand and realize how you feel about them. A conspiracy to love on a full moon is the most effective, because the energy of the moon is added to the magical effect of the word.

How it works? Everyone knows that the natural satellite of the Earth controls the tides on our planet. The human body is practically continuous water, therefore, in the third phase, it can feel a special state. First of all, this applies to those who are endowed with the gift of intuition and magical abilities.

We conjure at the full moon

On the night when moonlight falls through the window, conspiracies have special power. A ceremony performed at this time can radically affect a person's everyday life. "Moon Path" connects our world with the powerful energy of the Universe, which realizes desires.

  1. Magic note. This ceremony is performed before the conspiracy. It is necessary to take a sheet of paper and write on it gratitude to the power of the night star, as if your wish has already come true. Leave the note on the windowsill for 3 days so that the light of the moon falls on it. What is important is your belief that the chosen one will become your life partner.
  2. Lunar drink. The rite with the filling of water with the energy of the moon precedes many magical actions. Take a bottle of water, it is better if it is consecrated, and put it for three nights on a full moon near the window. Then you need to give it to drink the subject of your dreams. At the same time, look intently into his eyes and mentally confess your feelings. The remaining "charged" water is perfect for washing, drinking and sprinkling rooms.
  3. A thing with the energy of the moon. The full moon ritual for strong love becomes stronger if at this time some object is “charged” with the energy of a heavenly body. This thing must belong to your chosen one. Great for watches, jewelry, clothes. On the full moon at 00:00, light a red candle. In a saucer, put cumin seeds and salt, 1 tsp each. Mix well and cover with a towel. Put a thing of your beloved on it. Now you can read the plot.

Each rite can be used individually or all together. In any case, their strength will remain on top. But if you add a conspiracy to the ritual, it will become much more effective. Do not miss any opportunity to reunite with the person to whom you have become attached to the soul.

Preparation for reading conspiracies and rituals

Any person can perform a magical rite. If this is not damage and not a frank love spell, there will be no consequences for karma. Love conspiracies help open the eyes of the chosen one. He immediately draws attention to the one who has long suffered from communicating with him. Here comes your time, a chance to change your destiny. Do not be passive, and everything will definitely work out.

Follow the simple rules when performing the ceremony:

  1. Read the plot from a pure heart, without evil thoughts and intentions to harm.
  2. Do not drink alcohol on the day of the ritual.
  3. Do not have sex on the eve of the ritual.
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