
Useful properties and uses of St. John's wort. What beneficial properties does St. John's wort have and are there any contraindications to its use. St. John's wort in scientific research

Found it wide application due to its numerous beneficial properties and beneficial effects on the human body. It is very important to know the medicinal properties of St. John's wort and the contraindications of the plant, since uncontrolled use of St. John's wort can cause serious harm to health.

What is this medicinal herb used for? St. John's wort is effective in treating many diseases; the plant is invaluable not only for adults, but also for children. The herb perfectly helps to cope with skin diseases, gastrointestinal problems, colds, infections, depression and a number of other diseases and pathological conditions.

A unique complex of substances in the composition

The above-ground parts of the plant have healing properties for the human body. St. John's wort contains a number of useful active substances:

  • plant polyphenols (red pigment and phytochemical compound) have psychotropic effects;
  • essential oils, which have an effect on the nervous system, helping with epilepsy and other types of nervous diseases;
  • diverse and complex organic substances soluble in water regulate the digestive system, prevent infection and relieve inflammation;
  • ascorbic acid strengthens immune system, regenerates cartilage tissue and prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors;
  • a flavonoid that protects the gastric mucosa, and the mineral rutile that strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • substances involved in many redox reactions;
  • a vitamin-like substance, a naturally occurring nitrogen-containing compound and perilla alcohol;
  • vitamin E, which protects the body from the effects of radicals;
  • carotyl regenerates skin cells, protects eyes and fights viruses;
  • active substances that stop the development of pathogenic bacteria.


The rich composition of unique substances provides the healing properties of the herb. So, let's look at how St. John's wort is useful for humans:

  • prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the body;
  • has antibacterial and antifungal effects;
  • instantly restores damaged areas of the body;
  • has a mild effect on the nervous system (has a mild psychotropic effect);
  • quickly eliminates foci of inflammation.

Important! Please note that only aboveground part plants are characterized beneficial properties who help in different situations. For making medicines Only stems are used, which are cut, tied into bunches and dried.

Healing properties

The herb is very beneficial for health, as it is characterized by many healing properties. These characteristics are actively used for the preparation of various herbal-based products that have the most beneficial effect on the human body. If we consider what St. John's wort helps with, we can note the following points:

  • decoctions of St. John's wort are recommended for use for colds, severe (migraine-like) pain in the head and various heart diseases;
  • St. John's wort tincture promotes a speedy recovery from cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the excretory system;
  • decoctions remove perfectly pain syndrome, spasms, help in the treatment of various pathologies of the digestive system (used to treat the liver, stomach, intestines), and gynecological diseases. You can learn about the benefits of the plant in the fight against pathologies of the “female” system from the article.
  • oils made from St. John's wort help eliminate various skin lesions, get rid of boils and ulcers.

What diseases is the plant used for?

Since ancient times, the medicinal plant has been actively used for a variety of diseases. What does this healing herb treat? St. John's wort is effectively used to treat a whole range of diseases:

St. John's wort is actively used in cosmetic products and procedures, since it not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also has a tonic, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.
The plant is used in many cases:

  • Pimples and acne can be destroyed if you wash your face every evening with a decoction or infusion of St. John's wort;
  • Oily skin will be greatly helped by a herbal decoction (washing, rubbing with frozen cubes of St. John's wort decoction, masks made from fresh leaves);
  • An excellent anti-wrinkle remedy would be an alcohol tincture of St. John's wort (we use the product as a tonic);
  • You can wipe your body with St. John's wort infusion to get a tan - fast, even and of high quality;
  • You can get rid of purulent rashes using lotions with a decoction of herbs;
  • To eliminate cracked heels, you need to use foot baths with St. John's wort;
  • Dandruff, seborrhea, sparse hair - all this can be corrected by rinsing with St. John's wort infusion, since using the herb for hair can not only strengthen it, but also improve growth and improve the scalp.

St. John's wort in conservative medicine

Numerous medicinal characteristics of the herb are recognized official medicine and are used to create medicines based on St. John's wort. Such medications are prescribed by doctors in the following cases:

  • inflammatory process (including acute) of the oral mucosa;
  • demotion blood pressure;
  • reduced stomach acidity;
  • increased irritability and sleep disturbances, moderate depression;
  • the appearance of purulent neoplasms on the skin;
  • inflammatory processes of the digestive tract;
  • weak immunity.

In alternative medicine

St. John's wort has been known in folk medicine since ancient times. Herbalists have effectively treated many diseases with various remedies based on this medicinal herb.. Why do people take folk medicines from St. John's wort (tinctures, decoctions, infusions)? Healers use the herb in the following situations:

Important! You can use medicinal herbs only if the diagnosis is confirmed and herbal medicine is approved by medical specialists. In other words, before you begin self-medication, you need to meet with a specialist who will advise and help you choose the appropriate treatment direction. It must be remembered that a complex disease cannot be treated exclusively with folk remedies.

St. John's wort: does this medicinal herb increase or decrease blood pressure?

St. John's wort has a pronounced effect on the heart and blood vessels. Healing decoction characterized by a tonic effect (in concentrated form), which is useful for low blood pressure. There is an opinion that the herb will help increase blood pressure only if you take strong decoctions for a long period of time. The immediate effect of St. John's wort on blood pressure is very weak.

However, you should not get carried away with consuming the herb for hypertension; the plant can only be used in the form of weak decoctions or infusions. In tincture form daily dose should not exceed 100 drops (this is the maximum dosage for hypertension).

You can use St. John's wort for high blood pressure in small doses and in weak teas and infusions. The herb is especially useful if blood pressure has increased due to stress or psycho-physical overload. In this case, St. John's wort will help reduce indicators due to its calming effect on the body.

St. John's wort for depression

Efficiency and safety are the main properties of herbal antidepressants based on St. John's wort. For this reason, herbal preparations practically do not cause a negative reaction in the body (side effects), unlike synthetic analogues. This explains the widespread use of phyto-antidepressants for a wide variety of age groups and categories of people. For example, such treatment is allowed for elderly people (does not cause side effects), motorists (does not reduce concentration).

Dosage regimen for depression

The leaves and flowers of St. John's wort will help you get rid of depression. They need to be collected, dried and made into an infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of flowers and 200 ml of herbs. Next, the resulting product should be left to infuse for about ten to fifteen minutes.

The plant can also be consumed as a powder, but you should not take more than 2–4 grams for about three days. This portion should be used for about three weeks. Mild depression can be overcome with the help of herbal extract-based drugs such as Negrustin and Gelarium. These remedies lift your mood and normalize sleep.

Important! Unlike synthetic analogues, St. John's wort does not depress the central nervous system, its intake does not affect the reaction, does not cause lethargy or drowsiness.

St. John's wort for vitiligo: restoration of pigmentation

The medicinal plant is excellent for combating skin diseases. The treatment of vitiligo with St. John's wort has proven itself well, due to the plant's ability to normalize skin pigmentation.

Medicinal ointment recipe

You need to collect fresh grass flowers and put them in a glass jar. Next, you need to fill them with vegetable oil and place them in the sun for 2.5 weeks. Then you need to pick the flowers of the plants again, put them in a glass jar and fill them with oil squeezed from the first portion. By analogy, expose the resulting broth to the sun for two weeks.

It is recommended to do this procedure 5 – 6 times. If you did everything correctly, the last time the oil will look like a thick viscous liquid. This liquid ointment should be lubricated on the affected skin and left for 30-40 minutes. If you want to know the most effective herbal recipes for treatment various diseases, it's worth reading the article.

St. John's wort for the stomach: use for various pathologies

Treatment of gastric pathologies with St. John's wort is actively carried out using decoctions and infusions. Note that a decoction helps very well with gastritis. To prepare it, you can use 1 filter bag of the plant or 1 tablespoon of raw materials. It is necessary to brew the plant in boiling water and leave to infuse for 1 hour. It is recommended to drink 15 ml of this decoction.

For stomach ulcers, this medicinal herbal mixture is perfect:

  • St. John's wort;
  • birch leaves;
  • gentian macrofolia;
  • elecampane root;
  • crowberry loach;
  • fireweed angustifolia;
  • sagebrush;
  • yarrow (flowers);
  • meadow geranium grass.

Everything must be mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to take three cups of this decoction half an hour before meals three times a day. This remedy will relieve pain and heaviness and help relieve inflammation.

An infusion of St. John's wort can help with poisoning, as it can normalize the condition of the stomach, eliminate vomiting, and remove toxins. However, to eliminate this condition quickly, you need to take St. John's wort at the first symptoms.

Herb St. John's wort: medicinal properties and contraindications for children

Any parents are concerned about the question: “can children take medicinal herbs?” Let's consider this issue in detail.

Children can take weak infusions orally from the age of 5 exclusively on the recommendation and under the supervision of a pediatrician.

At what age can you take medications based on St. John's wort? A child can take such drugs only from 12-13 years of age. Also, from this age, it is allowed to use infusions, decoctions (weakly concentrated) without strict medical supervision, as auxiliaries in some cases (weak immunity, colds, etc.)

You can use the herb externally from an early age. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can bathe your child in a bath with a decoction of St. John's wort from 6 months. But lotions and compresses can only be used after six years.

Possible harm

The plant of the St. John's wort family is clearly considered a useful medicinal herb, but has a number of contraindications . Thus, the plant should not be taken for the following diseases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • enlarged liver;
  • serious problems with erection (against the background of another pathology)
  • lack of appetite;
  • constipation;
  • allergic reaction.
  1. Should not be used by girls who use oral contraceptives, since St. John's wort limits the effect of combined OCs, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy.
  2. If used by people with very fair skin in the summer, it can cause sunburn.
  3. Breastfeeding mothers should not drink.
  4. Do not drink while taking medications at the same time.
  5. People with mental illness should absolutely refuse St. John's wort.

Side effects

Improper use of St. John's wort can cause a number of side effects, which can negatively affect human health. So, let’s look at the dangers of illiterate medication use:

  • sunburn if you take a decoction of St. John's wort before going to the beach;
  • drowsiness, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting - all this can be caused by an overdose of St. John's wort;
  • the condition worsens significantly if the herb is used together with other medicines for various diseases;
  • allergy, if there is personal intolerance to the medicinal plant.
Therefore, you should take St. John’s wort carefully, without violating the dosage, preparation rules and recommendations for use.

Descriptions and reviews of popular products from Iherb

If you decide to improve your health with the help of St. John's wort, you need a quality product that will bring tangible benefits to the body. Where can I buy a pure, natural product? There are 2 options: pharmacy and iHerb online store.

At the pharmacy you can buy herbal preparations or medicines based on St. John's wort, on the iherb website - the oldest and trusted supplier of nutraceuticals, you can buy 100% natural supplements with a medicinal plant.

To make your choice easier, you can look at products with St. John's wort extract that have earned greatest number positive feedback buyers of the iHerb website.

Medicinal capsules from Now foods

Each capsule contains pure extract of the plant. It is recommended to drink 1 piece. three times a day during meals.

St. John's wort also goes by other names. It is popularly called youth blood, red grass, blood grass and healthy grass. There is a fabulous legend about the origin of this plant, which tells that St. John's wort grew from the blood of a magical bird. There was a battle in the sky, and the bird was seriously injured by an evil monster. She descended to the ground, and St. John's wort grew from droplets of blood and lost feathers.

The Catholic Church attributes the appearance of St. John's wort to the blood of John the Baptist. After the executioner cut off his head, the falling drops of blood gave birth to St. John's wort.


St. John's wort is a low perennial subshrub. Belongs to the St. John's wort family. The stem of St. John's wort has four sides. Leaves with short petioles are located opposite each other. You can see small black gland dots on them.

Yellow and rather large flowers, each having five sepals and petals, are collected in inflorescences and are located mainly in the upper part of the plant. The center of the flower is the abundance of stamens. Flowers are not brightly saturated yellow, they have a brownish tint. The flowering period lasts from June to August.

The fruit of St. John's wort is a triangular capsule, which, after ripening, opens into nests. There can be from 3 to 5. Small seeds shaped like an oval fall out from there. The seeds ripen in late summer early autumn.

St. John's wort root is branched.


There are approximately 110 species of this plant. The most common:

  • The stem of this species is dihedral. The name speaks for itself. Black glands located on bright green leaves create the feeling that the leaf is full of holes.
  • Unlike the previous species, it has a smooth stem. It is not for nothing that it is called large, since its height is more than a meter. Accordingly, its flowers are very large in size. They are collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. St. John's wort is classified as an ornamental plant.
  • The height of this species reaches 50 cm. The leaves are also equipped with glands. There are many flowers. They are whitish-yellow. Flowering period May-July.
  • The height of mountain St. John's wort is from 20 to 60 cm. The stem is cylindrical in cross section. The leaves, which are located in the upper part of the plant, are equipped with glands.
  • It can be either 10 cm in height or 70. There are quite a lot of stems and they are covered with oval leaves with a few glands. The flowers form a paniculate inflorescence. The flowering period lasts until September.
  • The stem of this type of St. John's wort is purple. In the upper part the stem gives off many branches. The flowers are light yellow.
  • It is very similar to the perforated one, but its stem has 4 longitudinal edges, and not two, like the perforated one.
  • The height of this species reaches 40 cm. The stem has a brown or reddish color and is covered with small glandular growths.

Where does it grow?

When is it collected and how is it dried?

St. John's wort is collected during its flowering period by simply cutting off the stems with flowers. The root is not used. Moreover, when collecting raw materials, make sure that the root remains in place. Then on next year the plant will again delight you with its flowers and medicinal properties.

According to popular beliefs, St. John's wort, collected on the night of Ivan Kupala, has special magical and healing powers.

During the drying process of St. John's wort, good ventilation of the room is necessary. St. John's wort should be spread in the shade on paper or on a wire mesh. The layer of plants should not exceed 7 cm. The raw materials must be mixed. You can dry St. John's wort in bunches, hanging them, for example, in the attic. If the St. John's wort stems break with a crunch, then the drying process is complete. Bags are suitable for storing finished dry raw materials. Beneficial properties last for 3 years.


The entire above-ground part of the plant, its stems, leaves and flowers is used.


Does not have any distinct odor. The taste is bitter, a little astringent.

Calorie content and chemical composition

100 grams of dry St. John's wort contains 10 kcal. The following flavone compounds were found in the herb St. John's wort:

  • glycoside;
  • hyperoside;
  • routine;
  • quercitrin;
  • isoquercitrin.

IN chemical composition St. John's wort also includes:

  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • saponins;
  • carotene;
  • acids (nicotinic, ascorbic);
  • vitamin P;
  • ceryl alcohol;
  • choline;
  • trace elements (Mg, Zn).

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of St. John's wort from the following video:

Useful properties

  • Shows antispasmodic properties.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Stops bleeding.
  • Disinfects.
  • St. John's wort has choleretic properties.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves the body's regenerative ability.
  • Is a sedative.

You can easily find dried St. John's wort in any pharmacy.


Despite the fact that St. John's wort brings great benefits to our body, we should not forget about its name, which speaks for itself:

  • The use of this plant has a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman, or more precisely, on the fetus. Consumption of St. John's wort can provoke early labor or cause mental retardation in the newborn baby.
  • If a nursing woman consumes St. John's wort, her milk begins to taste bitter.
  • St. John's wort increases blood pressure.
  • St. John's wort contains toxic substances, so abuse is fraught with consequences: allergies and poisoning.
  • Negatively affects male potency. If corresponding problems arise, men should immediately stop using St. John's wort.
  • St. John's wort-containing preparations of strong concentration (infusions, decoctions) can harm the body.
  • Under the influence of St. John's wort, the body becomes extremely susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, its use should be limited on sunny days.
  • St. John's wort weakens the effect of contraception, drugs that treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, and antibiotics.
  • Completely neutralizes the therapeutic effect of drugs used to treat HIV.


  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypertension.
  • Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
  • HIV infection.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.

St. John's wort is slightly toxic and can cause an allergic reaction


  • Recipe 1. To prepare St. John's wort oil, you will need fresh crushed flowers and leaves of the plant (25 g), which need to be filled with vegetable oil (250 g). Olive, sunflower or flax oil will do. The oil is infused for about 3 weeks in a warm place. It needs to be shaken periodically. After the allotted time, strain the oil and pour it into a dark glass bottle in which it should be stored.
  • Recipe 2. Take 0.5 kg of fresh raw materials and fill them with a liter of olive oil and half a liter of white wine. The mixed ingredients are left for three days, and then everything is put on fire to evaporate the wine.

St. John's wort oil is used in the treatment of various burns (including sunburn), dermatitis and eczema, and wounds. It is used in compresses, for example, for lumbago. Heated, but not boiled, oil is applied to the cotton wool. Next, cotton wool should be applied to the affected area and wrapped well with a towel.


St. John's wort tea is especially useful if you use a glass or porcelain teapot to prepare it. It should be rinsed with boiling water and only then begin the brewing process itself. For 250 ml of boiling water you will need 1-2 teaspoons of herbal mixtures. After 10 minutes of infusion, the tea is ready to drink.

St. John's wort goes well with various herbs. Here are a few recipes for such mixtures:

  • Recipe 1. Take two parts of oregano and one part each of St. John's wort and dry rose hips. This tea is infused for 30 minutes. This time is necessary for rose hips.
  • Recipe 2. Mix St. John's wort and black currant leaf in equal parts. Brewed in the usual way. It turns out to be a very aromatic and healthy drink.
  • Recipe 3. Cranberry and St. John's wort tea. This is a necessary drink in the treatment of colds. It is noteworthy that decoctions of cranberries and St. John's wort are made separately from each other and then mixed. It is recommended to brew them in the evening to make the infusion especially beneficial. In the morning, the decoctions are mixed and sweetened to taste with sugar.

St. John's wort tea is recommended for weather-sensitive people. It helps the body cope with natural fluctuations. A mixture of lemon balm, hawthorn and St. John's wort is useful for older people. In essence, you will not feel a special taste and aroma in St. John's wort tea, which cannot be said, of course, about its medicinal manifestations.


  • Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort is a remedy that relieves inflammation.
  • She is being treated for a sore throat.
  • Treat wounds and cuts.

To prepare an alcoholic St. John's wort tincture, take dry crushed raw materials and vodka at a ratio of 1:5. A dark place is suitable for infusion. A week later the medicine is ready. It is consumed three times a day. Single dose – 40 drops.


St. John's wort infusion, like many other herbal infusions, is prepared in a water bath. To do this, pour 100 ml of water into the pan and pour in 10 g of dry raw materials. This mixture is placed in another container with a small amount of water. The broth needs to be heated in a water bath for half an hour. You can't let it boil. After this, everything should be removed from the heat, cooled and strained. The resulting liquid is added boiled water to make 200 ml.

Before taking the resulting medicine, it must be shaken.


  • St. John's wort extract is primarily an antidepressant with calming properties.
  • Beneficial for the nervous system.
  • Eliminates anxiety during sleep.
  • It has a positive effect on the performance of the body.
  • Recommended for pain caused by burns and injuries.

While using the drug, you should avoid driving a vehicle, as well as actions that require increased concentration. St. John's wort extract is a substance that can be either dry or oily. The oily extract is red in color and has a pleasant aroma. It has astringent properties and also relieves inflammation and pain caused by spasms; heals wounds, cuts and ulcers, providing a healing effect. St. John's wort extract is widely used in the cosmetic industry. It is added to toothpastes, shampoos and soaps, various lotions and tonics, etc.

St. John's wort oil extract relieves pain and burning in the legs

Medicines for depression are produced based on St. John's wort extract.


In cooking

St. John's wort imparts a tart note with a hint of bitterness to culinary dishes. St. John's wort is usually used in dry form.

  • An ideal combination of St. John's wort and fish dishes.
  • St. John's wort is added to vegetable and meat dishes.
  • It is a component of various tinctures and healing balms.

In medicine

  • One of the most important uses is the treatment of depression.
  • Used to improve the process of falling asleep.
  • It is a means of restorative effects.
  • St. John's wort treats tuberculosis and diseases of the respiratory system, stomach, and gall bladder.
  • With the help of St. John's wort they get rid of helminths.
  • Recommended for gout, arthritis, rheumatism of joints.
  • Fights liver diseases, eliminates flatulence.
  • Infusions and decoctions are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes that occur in the oral cavity.
  • St. John's wort infusion treats urinary incontinence. It is prepared as follows: infuse the herb with boiling water for 2 hours (3 tablespoons of raw material per glass of water). To achieve maximum effect, wrap the container with the infusion in a towel. The infusion is taken orally (100 ml) before meals.
  • It is used in complex therapy in the treatment of alcoholism.

In cosmetology

  • St. John's wort tones and rejuvenates our skin. It’s easy to prepare a lotion at home, which will become an indispensable tool for maintaining youth and beauty. Place a glass of water and 1 tbsp on the fire. a spoonful of dry crushed St. John's wort. Boil this infusion for 10 minutes. After cooling, it is filtered and boiled water is added to make a glass of the finished liquid. Pour 1 teaspoon of vodka into it (cologne will also work). You can wipe your face with this lotion before going to bed.
  • St. John's wort helps normalize oily skin. Just use the infusion as a cleanser. To prepare it, you need to take 20 g of dry raw material per glass of water. Boil the broth for 10 minutes. Next, he needs to brew for half an hour. Only then can the broth be filtered and used for its intended purpose.
  • For oily skin, a St. John's wort mask is recommended. The crushed dry raw materials are mixed with water to a paste-like state. Then it is heated over fire to +70°. Apply the warm mixture for 15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature. For the effect to be felt, about 20 such procedures will be required.
  • Many women suffer from cracked heels. This is both painful and unpleasant. To eliminate this problem, St. John's wort baths will help. The decoction is prepared from a liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. spoons of dry St. John's wort. The bath is made hot. After the procedure, steamed feet are wiped dry and lubricated with cream.
  • St. John's wort smoothes out fine wrinkles, preventing premature aging. A very good effect is obtained if you freeze a decoction of St. John's wort and then wipe your face and neck with the frozen cubes.
  • When taking a bath, add a little tincture, decoction, or simply throw a few branches of St. John's wort into the water. This will help you relax and relieve nervous tension.
  • A steam bath with St. John's wort will relieve acne and excess oily skin.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it destroys acne.
  • It is a wonderful product that strengthens hair and gets rid of dandruff. We rinse our hair with a decoction made from half a liter of water and 5 tbsp. spoons of dry grass.
  • Fresh St. John's wort juice is used to treat warts.

Baths with St. John's wort decoction tone and tighten the skin, help in the fight against cellulite

Oil cocktails based on St. John's wort and calendula are highly effective after hair removal

When losing weight

When losing weight, St. John's wort is used as part of a variety of herbal mixtures, which usually have the main goal of losing weight. St. John's wort promotes the metabolic process and the removal of fluid from the body. Thanks to this, a person loses weight. If you use only St. John's wort and hope that the extra pounds will go away, then it is in vain. The decisive factor is still a skillfully selected diet.

St. John's wort tea with lemon is very effective as an accompanying element. The combination of these two components transforms body fat into energy. In combination with a properly selected diet, this will allow you to lose extra pounds. To prepare such an effective drink, you will need 1 teaspoon of dry St. John's wort, which is poured with 300 ml of boiling water. After the temperature of the infusion reaches +50°, add a slice of lemon. The tea is ready to drink.

Do not forget that St. John's wort is a slightly toxic plant and using it for more than a month is dangerous to health.

In field conditions

When going on picnics or on hiking trips, none of us are immune from bruises, cuts and various troubles that lie in wait along the way.

  • If there is a bruise, then a mixture of herbs St. John's wort, plantain, burdock, wormwood, and dandelion will help relieve pain. Herbs should be finely chopped, mashed and applied to the sore spot. Change when dry.
  • For cuts and wounds, you can apply either St. John's wort leaves or a plant ground into pulp.
  • Sometimes it happens that the wound begins to fester. It is useful to take a decoction of St. John's wort internally.
  • If chest pain occurs, it is recommended to brew St. John's wort and drink the decoction.
  • If someone gets burned while hiking, St. John's wort lotions will help.

For women

  • St. John's wort is a plant that is beneficial for the female body. During menopause, women are recommended to have a soothing tea that any woman can prepare. The following components are taken: three parts each of St. John's wort and lemon balm leaves, two parts each of hop cones and mantle grass. Pour two teaspoons of this crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Take tea three times a day, 0.5 cups.
  • St. John's wort treats diseases of the reproductive system, various inflammatory processes (uterus, appendages, ovaries). Sterile tampons soaked in St. John's wort oil should be inserted into the vagina.
  • Helps normalize the menstrual cycle. Three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink St. John's wort infusion.
  • St. John's wort tea is very useful for premenstrual syndromes. He will help female body cope with increased nervousness and excitability, will have a sedative effect.

St. John's wort treats many women's diseases, but it is also useful for men - tea with St. John's wort stimulates potency


Grow on your own personal plot St. John's wort is not particularly difficult. You can use seeds, or you can use ready-made seedlings. Seeds are sown in the ground in autumn or early spring. +6°C is enough for the seeds to germinate. You are not required to take any special actions when growing. Like any other plant, St. John's wort needs bright sun, weed-free soil, watering, etc.

Please note that the plant does not produce flowers in the first year of life and generally grows very slowly. Remove weeds, as they interfere with the normal growth and development of St. John's wort. In one season, you can harvest two harvests with a one-month difference between them. St. John's wort can survive in one place for about 5 years.

During pagan times, St. John's wort was used to protect against evil spirits and witches. The juice of this plant was attributed magical properties. And branches of the plant, placed in a headdress or in shoes, protected from the evil eye.

In Rus', the plant was not accidentally called “St. John’s wort”. People noticed that many pets died after eating these bushes. Interestingly, herbivores with light coat color and usually on a sunny day were poisoned. Subsequently, scientists discovered the cause of the phenomenon. The herb St. John's wort contains substances that make the body overly susceptible to ultraviolet rays.

St. John's wort is one of the most famous and, perhaps, iconic plants. In ancient medical books you can find the saying: “Just as you can’t bake bread without flour, you can’t make medicine without St. John’s wort.”

The medicinal properties of St. John's wort have been known since ancient times, but not only about them. St. John's wort was used in their experiments by ancient alchemists who were looking for a way to transform base metals into noble gold - they discovered that a dye for fabric can be obtained from the plant (a cold infusion of flowers gives a yellow color, and a hot infusion - from pink to red). St. John's wort was very often used in magical rituals and was used as a talisman to protect the home from evil spirits. Bunches of dried grass can still often be found in rural houses, even if the owner of the home has no idea about traditional medicine - it’s just a tribute to tradition.

St. John's wort herb is included in the register of medicinal raw materials and is used in the pharmacological industry for the preparation of a variety of medications.

The distribution area of ​​St. John's wort is quite extensive - it can be found in the steppe, in forest clearings, on forest edges, near reservoirs, near human habitation, on roadsides. Unfortunately, the herb is often harvested by illiterate collectors, as a result of which the natural reserves of medicinal raw materials decrease annually, and therefore, for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry, St. John's wort is grown in specialized farms.

For medical purposes, only St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is suitable for harvesting, which is distinguished from related species by a number of characteristics:

1. The grass has a dihedral stem;
2. When viewed in the light, light dots are clearly visible on the leaves of St. John's wort (hence the name - perforated);
3. When St. John's wort flowers are rubbed between the palms, the yellow color changes to blood red.

St. John's wort blooms from June to September. The medicinal properties of raw materials are at their peak if the herb is harvested in more early dates- folk healers assure that the most optimal day for collection is June 24 (Midsummer's Day).

The grass must be cut with pruning shears at a certain distance from the soil surface - in no case should it be pulled out by the roots - this leads to the death of the plant.

The grass is dried, usually by hanging it in bunches in attics or under sheds. Only the flowering tops of the plant are harvested in pairs for medicinal purposes; in this case, it is convenient to dry the herb by spreading it on a bed of fabric or paper.

Chemical composition of medicinal raw materials

St. John's wort herb is incredibly rich in chemical compounds of organic nature (below is a short list):

1. Compounds of the flavone group [glucoside hyperoside (the highest concentration is observed in flowers - more than 1%; in grass - up to 0.7%), quercitrin and its isomer isoquercitrin, rutin, myricetin, anthocyanins and their leucobases].
2. Dyes the anthraquinone group is represented by hypericin (approximately 0.4%) and its derivatives (pseudohypericin, protopseudohypericin, etc.).
3. Essential oil consisting of a mixture of terpene and sesquiterpene compounds, isovaleric acid esters.
4. Vitamins C and E, approximately 50 mg% carotene, etc.
5. Plant-based antibiotic hyperforin.
6. Alkaloids, coumarins, saponins of the triterpene group, etc.

Preparations based on St. John's wort have a detrimental effect on large group pathogenic microorganisms. St. John's wort has an astringent effect, relieves inflammation, stimulates tissue regeneration processes, and also accelerates blood clotting (the hemostatic properties of the herb are reflected in the popular name “bloodberry”).

Internal use of preparations based on St. John's wort increases vascular tone and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

At intravenous administration St. John's wort preparations show an increase in blood pressure, an increase in the amplitude of heart contractions and other effects.

The use of St. John's wort and preparations based on it in medicine

Aqueous extracts (infusions, decoctions) of St. John's wort are used as anthelmintics used to combat roundworm and dwarf tapeworm.

St. John's wort tincture is a complete replacement for imported ratania, which is used in dentistry (stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding gums, etc.)

Pharmacological scientists have developed the drug imanin, which is used as an external remedy (treatment of infected wounds, cracked nipples, burns, abscesses, etc.). Imanin increases the effect of penicillin and streptomycin (increases the susceptibility of pyogenic pathogenic microflora to antibiotics).

St. John's wort preparations

— Infusion (Inf. Hypericum). Pour 3 tbsp. herbs with boiling water (200 - 250 ml), leave for 2 hours. A third of a glass is prescribed per appointment.

— Tincture (Tinct. Hyperici). For preparation, alcohol of 70% strength is used (at home you can use vodka - then in this case it is simply necessary to increase the dosage of the drug). The proportions of raw materials to extractor are 1:10. Duration of infusion is 2-3 weeks. To rinse the mouth, dilute 30 drops in 100 ml of water. Internal use of the tincture is indicated in the treatment of cystitis, colitis and stones in gallbladder or ducts.

A medicinal product obtained by infusing fresh St. John's wort flowers in vegetable oils. It is used as an external remedy, similar to the use of imanin. “St. John’s wort oil” is also used for rubbing in lumbago and rheumatism, in case of dislocations, sprained tendons, etc.

Internal “oil” is prescribed for treatment peptic ulcer stomach. In clinical trials, the oil was administered on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. (course of treatment from 1 to 2 months). As a mild choleretic drug, 1 tsp is prescribed. twice a day.

The drug is easy to prepare at home. For 1 liter olive oil(+ 500 ml of white wine) you will need 500 g of St. John's wort flowers (fresh, ground in advance in a porcelain mortar). In the first couple of days, do not close the container (transparent bottle) until the fermentation process is completed. Then the bottle is tightly closed and exposed to the sun.

The entire preparation process lasts about one and a half to two months. At the end of the infusion period, strain the liquid, then evaporate the wine in a water bath.

Some traditional healers suggest preparing “St. John’s wort oil” from powdered dried flowers. For 1 liter of sunflower (linseed, olive) oil you will need 100 g of powder. Pour the raw materials with hot (temperature within 60 - 80 °C) oil in a glass container and leave for two weeks.

The healing properties of St. John's wort for diseases of the female genital area

- Algodysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) during puberty (puberty). Prepare a herbal mixture: valerian root, rue and St. John's wort, mint and tripoli leaves (trifolia), chamomile and yarrow flowers - all ingredients are taken in equal proportions by weight. For 2 cups of boiling water you need to take 2 tbsp. medicinal mixture, leave for half a day. Drink 50-100 ml three times a day. The course of treatment is approximately 90 days. If you need to repeat the course, you must take a break of 30 days.

— Hypomenstrual syndrome (poor and infrequent menstruation). They often appear during puberty or menopause. Ingredients for collection: rose hips, parsley root and wormwood herb - 4 parts each; 2 parts each of fennel fruits, juniper berries, parsley seeds, St. John's wort, rue and cinquefoil. For 2 cups of boiling water you need 2 tbsp. collection of herbs. Leave for a couple of hours. Drink 100 ml 2 times a day. The duration of continuous treatment can be several months.

- Oligomenorrhea (abnormally increased interval between menstruation). It is often a manifestation of hypomenstrual syndrome. To prepare the collection you will need St. John's wort, valerian root and wild thorn flowers (take all ingredients in equal weight ratio). For 200 ml of boiling liquid, 1 tbsp is required. medicinal mixture. Leave until cool. Take in the evening.

- Hyper- and polymenorrhea. The collection includes: horsetail grass - 3 parts, 2 parts each of St. John's wort and centaury, juniper fruits and plantain leaves. For 1 liter of boiling water - 4 tbsp. herbal mixture. Leave in a cooling oven for half a day. Take 100 ml before meals. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days.

- Uterine fibroid. To prepare a medicinal collection, you need to take the following plants in equal parts: flower baskets of yarrow, chamomile, immortelle herb (annual dried flower) and St. John's wort, bearberry leaf. For half a liter of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. mixtures of herbs. Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes, leave until cool. The dosage is based on three times a day.

- Itching in the vaginal area. For 4 liters of water you need to take 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and bearberry leaves, as well as 2 tbsp. oak bark. Boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour (over low heat). At the end of cooking, add 6 tbsp. coarse table salt (you can use sea salt). When the temperature of the decoction drops to 37 - 38 °C, add 40 drops of eucalyptus tincture (sold in pharmacies). The composition is used for douching.

Medicinal properties of St. John's wort for gastrointestinal diseases

— “Universal tincture” of St. Peter. St. John's wort has been used since ancient times in the manufacture of medicines intended to treat a wide range of diseases of the digestive tract. From past centuries a recipe for a tincture has come to us, which, as legend says, St. Peter advised to take for the treatment of many diseases, including extremely dangerous ones, for example, during a plague epidemic in order to protect against infection. The healing tincture includes elecampane root, St. John's wort and centaury herbs, anise seeds - 20 g each, and 50 g of raisins. The quantitative composition is based on one and a half liters of grape wine. Leave for 10 to 14 days, then strain. Take 30-50 ml before meals.

— In case of chronic gastroduodenitis against the background of increased acidity, traditional healers advise using a decoction of a medicinal collection, which includes hop fruits, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, St. John's wort and cudweed - 1 tbsp each, as well as 2 tbsp. chicory root. Pour the prepared mixture of herbs with 3 cups of boiling water, cook for 7 - 10 minutes at moderate boil. After cooling, it would be good to add spirulina powder (3 g). Drink the decoction before meals, 100 ml three times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days, after which you need to use another herbal medicine.

— Infectious bowel diseases. The recipe below has shown quite good results in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases caused by the introduction of pathogenic microflora (Vibrio cholera, salmonella, dysenteric amoeba, etc.). The collection includes wormwood (0.5 parts), St. John's wort and agrimony (1 part each), mint, plantain and chamomile (2 parts each). The medicinal mixture should be brewed at the following rate: adults - 2 tbsp. for 200 ml boiling water; children - 0.5 tbsp. for the same amount of liquid. Leave for half an hour, then strain. Children are prescribed 1 tsp. per reception, adults - 1 tbsp. After stool normalization, the dosage is reduced by 2-3 times and taken to consolidate the results for another 2-3 days.

Food poisoning nitrates. The infusion should be consumed immediately after the first symptoms of poisoning appear. To prepare the medicine you need: St. John's wort herb, plantain (herb along with seeds), horse sorrel fruits along with the seed capsule. All ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2:1:1. For 2 glasses of liquid, 1 tbsp is required. herbal mixture. Cook after boiling for 2 - 3 minutes; leave for half an hour. Take the drug depending on the severity of poisoning - in especially severe cases, 1 - 2 glasses every 1 - 2 hours. Further, when the patient’s condition improves, the dosage and frequency of administration must be reduced. After the symptoms of poisoning disappear, for the purpose of prevention, the infusion is continued for another 2 - 3 days, half a glass 3 times a day. This herbal tea binds free nitrates and blocks their absorption through the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. To protect the liver from the harmful effects of nitrates, you need to take burdock infusion and milk thistle seed powder in parallel.

- Kidney tea. It is recommended to take the drug in case of inflammatory diseases, as well as in preparation for surgery. For a three-week course you need: 6 g of St. John's wort herb and 8 g of knotweed herb, 10 g of nettle leaf, 15 g of horsetail. Take a pinch of herbal mixture per glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After infusion, the liquid is drained, the raw material is poured with double the amount (of the original volume) of liquid and boiled for 10 minutes. The decoction and infusion are combined. Take the drug 1/2 cup three times a day: on an empty stomach in the morning, an hour and a half before lunch and before bed. You can repeat the course after a two-week break. Kidney tea is also recommended to be used for preventive purposes - 4 times a year for 3 weeks.

- Soothing tea. Ingredients: motherwort and St. John's wort - 50 g each, maral root - 100 g, lavender - 10 g. For 1 glass of water you will need 1 tbsp. herbal collection. Brew like tea (infuse in a porcelain teapot for 15 minutes). Take half a glass in the morning and evening.

— General strengthening tea. The product is recommended to be taken for the treatment or prevention of various diseases. Medicinal tea has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, has the property of normalizing metabolism in the body, and helps cleanse liquid environments of toxins and pathogenic microflora. As the adherents say traditional medicine, this tea serves as a sure prevention of heart attacks and strokes, stimulates the body’s protective functions and normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems. The health collection includes St. John's wort and wild strawberry herbs (along with roots), inflorescences of sandy cumin (immortelle), chamomile flower baskets and birch buds. For a course of treatment you need to take 100 g of each of the listed ingredients. You need to prepare tea in the evening: for half a liter of boiling water - 1 tbsp. mixture of herbs, leave for 20 - 30 minutes. Drain the liquid, dissolve 1 tsp. honey and drink (1 glass). In the morning, heat the rest of the infusion and drink on an empty stomach (an hour before meals). Preventive courses are repeated every 4 - 5 years.

St. John's wort preparations for external use

- Ointment-balm. The remedy is recommended by the Ukrainian healer M. Groza, who assures that this balm can even counteract gangrene. To prepare the ointment, you need 2 parts of pine resin, 3 parts of incense, 5 parts of honey, 10 parts of fresh St. John's wort flowers and 50 parts of olive oil. Vegetable oil preheat, add St. John's wort flowers and cook over low heat for 1 hour. At the end of cooking, strain the oil and mix with the remaining ingredients, stirring vigorously with a wooden (glass) stick until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The balm is used for dressings (compresses), which need to be changed morning and evening.

— A decoction of St. John's wort and oak bark. It is used to treat traumatic and other skin injuries, trophic ulcers, including burns, neglected and festering wounds, etc. St. John's wort and oak bark are taken in a 1:2 ratio. Pour the mixture with water (the volume of liquid should be 2 times more than the medicinal raw materials). After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and add 1 part of calendula flowers. Warm infusion is used for compresses on the damaged area.

Other uses of St. John's wort

- With involuntary urination. For 3 glasses of water you need 1 tbsp. elderberry berries, St. John's wort and lingonberry leaves. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, then leave for about 1 hour. You need to start taking the decoction after lunch (from about 16:00), half a glass 4 - 5 times at regular intervals.

- With high blood pressure. The collection includes the following components: St. John's wort and astragalus - 3 parts each; hop fruits, lemon balm, mint, calendula - 2 parts each; 1 part thyme herb. For 2 cups of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. mixtures. Leave for half an hour and take half a glass before meals.

Side effects and contraindications

There are no special contraindications for treatment with St. John's wort alone, but in the case of multicomponent preparations, the possible side effects of other ingredients included in the medicines must be taken into account. It should be taken into account that St. John's wort increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

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You will need

  • To prepare a decoction or infusion:
  • - 1 tbsp. l. chopped St. John's wort herb,
  • - 1 glass of boiling water.
  • To prepare alcohol tincture:
  • - 4 tbsp. l. chopped fresh St. John's wort herb;
  • - 200 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka.


St. John's wort is used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and tonic for hemoptysis, diarrhea, cough, liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract, to eliminate uterine bleeding. It has antiseptic properties; drugs such as “Novoimanin” and “Imanin” are prepared from it, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

St. John's wort is used to treat purulent wounds, severe burns, acute catarrh of the respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis), abscesses, phlegmon, mastitis, ulcers, rheumatism, gout. This plant is used as a diuretic and anthelmintic, as well as for depression.

To prepare an infusion of St. John's wort, pour boiling water over the crushed raw materials. Leave for 30 minutes and take 0.25 tbsp before meals. 3-4 times a day. To prepare a decoction of St. John's wort, pour boiling water over the crushed raw materials and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. Cool and strain. This amount should be taken in 1 day in several doses. A decoction of St. John's wort can be used to wash the skin for diathesis, skin tuberculosis, rashes,

To prepare an alcohol tincture, pour crushed fresh St. John's wort herb with alcohol or vodka and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this, strain. Store the alcohol tincture of St. John's wort in a dark place. Take 3-4 times a day, 40-50 drops. To rinse the mouth or throat, dilute St. John's wort tincture with boiled water (30-40 drops per ½ glass of water).

St. John's wort is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, and for hypertension. This plant has a mild toxic effect; decoctions and infusions from it cannot be taken for a long time. TO side effects St. John's wort uses include: discomfort in the liver area, bitterness in the mouth, urticaria, spasms and pain in the intestines.

After taking a decoction or infusion of St. John's wort, you should refrain from sunbathing, as this plant increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. St. John's wort should be taken with caution simultaneously with antidepressants, as this can lead to dizziness, migraines, confusion, and anxiety. People who require anesthesia should drink a decoction or infusion of St. John's wort with caution, since this medicinal plant can enhance or prolong the effect of anesthetics.

How to brew and drink St. John's wort

The soul will sing and the body will become healthier if you learn how to brew tea from St. John's wort. A healing decoction strengthens the immune system and nervous system, promotes rejuvenation of the body and normalization hormonal levels. “Good blood” will sparkle in your veins if you take St. John’s wort correctly, wisely using its medicinal properties for comprehensive health improvement.

Drink St. John's wort tea for good health!

Tea with St. John's wort is a herbal elixir of health. In Rus', it was believed that the plant was able to ward off evil spirits, since it grew from a torn feather and drops of the Firebird’s blood. Medieval healers prescribed a decoction of St. John's wort inflorescences to patients suffering from a severe form of melancholy - mental suffering caused by physiological reasons, became less intense. And steppe healers used the fresh juice of the plant to treat purulent wounds and made disinfecting compresses from the leaves.

Fans of herbal teas know that St. John's wort forms the basis of many medicinal infusions, which allows them to take the plant without having to study its properties in detail. However, herbal teas not only bring benefits, but can also have contraindications. You should not drink a drink that you are not 100% sure is harmless.

The benefits of St. John's wort drinks

You can safely take St. John's wort in moderate doses in the absence of individual intolerance. Only a fresh decoction is used - the correct infusion should have a slightly noticeable bitterness, which will completely cover the taste of other herbs in the collection. IN " pure form“The drink is taken in small portions, diluted with water to avoid excessive strength.

The medicinal benefits of the plant are determined by its impressive composition:

  • essential oils (hypericin), carotene and tannins;
  • flavonoids (natural antioxidant, antimicrobial agent);
  • acids (ascorbic, nicotinic, isovaleric);
  • vitamins (groups C, P and PP), tocopherols (vitamin E) and choline (vitamin B4);
  • ceryl alcohol and alkaloids.

St. John's wort tea relieves a lot of problems if taken in moderate doses for about two to three weeks. During treatment chronic diseases, after a week's break and agreement with the doctor, the course is repeated. Sensitive people prone to allergies should reduce the daily dose to 1 cup of weak brew.

What does St. John's wort save from?

  • Natural antidepressant

The benefits of St. John's wort are especially noticeable in cases of neuroses, chronic fatigue or depressive disorders. You cannot find a more positive tea; it is usually taken in crisis situations. The dosage is increased to 5 cups per day, reducing the course to a week. The medicine prevents mental exhaustion and calms the nervous system.

  • Hormonal control

Young girls can take St. John's wort a week before the expected start of menstruation - the plant reduces pain, reduces the intensity of hormonal fluctuations, and helps normalize the cycle. St. John's wort is no less useful for women experiencing menopause. Slavic sorceresses called it “bloody drink” or “red herb”, advising it to be taken balanced (in equal proportions) herbal decoction from lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops.

  • Mental activity

For children school age and men engaged in intellectual work should take St. John's wort in the morning (diluted in half with lemon balm). The magical properties of tea will improve concentration, relieve mental stress, and help you think clearly. If you sweeten the drink with honey, it will be a pleasure to drink!

  • Normalization of pressure

For men and women holding responsible positions, St. John's wort helps cope with headaches caused by stress (by normalizing intracranial pressure). If you experience dizziness or migraines due to overwork, you should drink healthy decoctions from St. John's wort, chamomile and mint.

Tangible benefits from taking St. John's wort are observed for gastritis, ulcers and high acidity. Being a mild antioxidant, the plant improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, removes toxins from the body and reduces pain symptoms. Medicinal properties allow you to use it in diets - the plant improves metabolic processes which promotes weight loss.

  • Colds

The antibacterial properties of St. John's wort make it possible to successfully use it to treat otitis, rhinitis, cough and sore throat. There will be no trace of a cold if you use herbal decoctions (externally and internally) at the first symptoms. The benefits of St. John's wort tea for children of high school age are invaluable - the decoctions perfectly strengthen the immune system and make it easier to survive flu epidemics.

  • Dental problems

In dentistry, St. John's wort tea is taken as a supportive agent in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontitis. A strong brew of the plant is used to rinse the mouth to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

The benefits of such tea are obvious, but you need to take it correctly - keeping a moderate dosage, wisely combining it with other medicinal plants.

Harm of drinks based on St. John's wort

Harm from St. John's wort can be caused by individual intolerance, overdose, or improper brewing. All contraindications should be taken into account in order to get the desired benefit from St. John's wort and not harm.

  • Overdose

There is never too much ordinary tea, but medicinal tinctures require extremely moderate consumption. Harm from the herb can occur with long-term use, so limit the treatment course to: a week when getting rid of mild health problems, two to three weeks for chronic or acute forms of diseases.

  • For children

You must be extremely careful if the decoction is prepared for children, whose bodies react more sharply to medicinal plants. The dosage of a herbal tea recipe for young children should be 2-3 times less than for adults. And it is best, given the contraindications, to refuse to take it completely or take it only after consultation with a pediatrician. As a rule, the packaging of herbal tea from St. John's wort indicates a restriction for children under 12 years of age.

  • Stale drink

St. John's wort tea can be very harmful if you drink a stale, over-brewed drink. When infused, the plant “gives” excess amounts of tannins, acids and dyes to the water, which can cause allergic shock, serious intestinal upset, or damage the liver and kidneys.

St. John's wort can only be drunk fresh. After standing idle for more than a day, the drink is not suitable for internal use. However, you can use “overstayed” liquid for wiping problem skin or creating compresses for wounds.

  • Increased sensitivity

St. John's wort tea causes unusual harm to people with fair skin - the plant increases sensitivity to solar radiation. Are you going on a beach holiday or planning a long day of work at the dacha? Avoid teas with St. John's wort, so as not to cause significant harm to the skin in the form of sunburn, the formation of age spots or allergic rashes.

  • Decreased potency

Long-term use of St. John's wort causes certain inconvenience to men - there is a temporary decrease in potency and a decrease in sexual desire. The harm is temporary and completely disappears within a week or a week and a half after stopping use.

  • Pregnancy and lactation

St. John's wort can cause harm to the developing fetus because it has a regulatory effect on metabolic and hormonal processes. When breastfeeding, a child receives substances contained in St. John's wort through mother's milk, which can cause an allergic reaction or poisoning.

  • Hypertension

St. John's wort impresses with its tonic properties, which are 5-6 times stronger than coffee. That is why doctors recommend that hypertensive patients stop using it - people with high blood pressure will only get harm from invigorating tea.

  • Incompatibility with medications

Medical contraindications cannot be ignored when taking St. John's wort. The plant can be harmful in combination with certain medications - when combining herbal medicine with traditional treatment, requires physician approval.

Are you afraid of the contraindications? Find your own recipe for St. John's wort tea - create your own health elixir!

Recipes for herbal teas with St. John's wort

The beneficial properties of the plant impressed you, but the potential harm did not scare you away? Don’t rush to experiment - find out how to brew St. John’s wort correctly.

St. John's wort drinks have pronounced medicinal properties, so it is necessary to carefully select recipes, giving preference to the calmest options.

Basic St. John's wort tea recipe

The standard brewing method involves using dried flowers or leaves of the plant. A pharmacy collection is suitable, although if possible it is better to collect and dry it yourself.

  1. Rinse a porcelain or ceramic teapot with boiling water.
  2. Brew St. John's wort, following the ratio of 1:20 - a teaspoon of medicinal herb (about 10 g) per glass of boiling water (about 200 ml). One serving of aromatic medicinal tea is ready.
  3. Let the drink stand for 5-10 minutes, and then strain through a strainer (gauze cloth) to prevent excessive concentration of the medicinal plant.

Healthy tea drinking can turn into harm if you ignore the body's reactions. Is the tea too bitter? Don’t force yourself – dilute with water and sweeten with honey/sugar.

Herbal teas for body and soul

Not all people like the pure taste of St. John's wort, so the plant is often included in various herbal infusions. Do not rush to conjure herbs - drink pure St. John's wort tea for about 4-5 days to make sure there is no allergic reactions. And then start experimenting and adding other herbs to the drink.

  • Anti-cold tea

The combination of sweet rosehip and bitter St. John's wort creates an excellent anti-cold tea. The drink is created based on a 2:1 ratio, i.e. For 200 ml of rose hips, you need to prepare 100 ml of St. John's wort. Pour a teaspoon of dried St. John's wort into the teapot, then add 2 tablespoons of dried rose hips and pour 300-350 ml of boiling water over the resulting mixture. Wait about half an hour and pour the resulting tea into another container.
If you have sweet rosehip syrup in the house, then you can brew only St. John's wort, and use the syrup to give the tea the desired degree of sweetness.

  • Anti-stress charge

Nowadays, who doesn’t need a recipe for tea that strengthens the nervous system and helps to cope with stress more easily? A great way to support your body is to drink a cup or two of a calming drink.

Buy dried flowers of St. John's wort, passionflower (passionflower), lavender and lemon balm at the pharmacy (you can use fresh lemon balm). To make one serving of the drink, you need 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort (20 g), a teaspoon each of passionflower and lemon balm (10 g), and half a teaspoon of lavender (5 g). After brewing for three minutes, the tea is poured into cups (strained from the grass) and the pleasant taste is enjoyed.

  • Antigastritis recipe

Those suffering from gastritis should master the recipe for St. John's wort tea with nettle and meadowsweet. Dried plants are mixed in equal proportions and then brewed as needed.

A similar medicinal decoction is brewed in a special way:

  1. a tablespoon of herbal mixture is poured into a glass of boiled water (sensitive people can increase the amount of water to 300 ml);
  2. After settling for an hour, the drink is filtered and poured into a clean container.

The drink is taken half an hour before meals, at least 3 times a day. The treatment course lasts 2-3 weeks. Students during a session, as well as working people with deadlines, should drink this tea as a preventive measure.

Individual approach to St. John's wort tea

Herbal tea lovers can experiment with adding different medicinal plants to St. John's wort infusion. A personalized prescription that targets specific conditions can be of great benefit. Remember that herbal teas should be drunk in moderation and only fresh, then Nature will renew your strength and restore your health!

photo:, rezkrr, Kassandra2, Kassandra2

The plant is widely used in official and alternative medicine. From dry or fresh raw materials, decoctions, tinctures, teas are prepared, and oil is obtained. Extracts of the plant are used to make medicines: natural antibiotics, antidepressants, septic tanks.

St. John's wort herb is used as a raw material for the manufacture of medicines - septic tanks, antidepressants, healing agents

The herb has about 100 varieties, but only two types are used as medicinal raw materials:

  1. Ordinary (perforated)
  2. Tetrahedral

St. John's wort: contraindications

Due to the high concentration of biologically active substances, there are extensive contraindications for St. John's wort. The herb is slightly toxic and can pose a threat to the body. Infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort are so rich that they should be taken with great caution, strictly observing the proportions and recommended doses.

St. John's wort belongs to the group of slightly toxic plants and has contraindications for use

St. John's wort contraindications are relevant for people who have been diagnosed with:

  • Hypertension
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy
  • Liver diseases

The herb is prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age and women during lactation. Treatment with St. John's wort should be avoided in the summer, as it reduces the natural protection of the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation.

St. John's wort contraindications must be taken into account when using decoctions for a long time - spasms and pain in the digestive organs, and nausea may occur.

For men, long-term use of the herb can result in a temporary weakening of potency.

Simultaneous use of St. John's wort is prohibited:

  • With antibiotics, painkillers
  • With drugs to treat the heart
  • With anticoagulants
  • With antidepressants
  • With oral contraceptives
  • With drugs to treat HIV

Treatment with St. John's wort is canceled for patients whose bodies contain transplanted organs. Taking the plant can provoke their rejection.

St. John's wort is contraindicated for use if the herb was collected in environmentally unfavorable regions - there are no beneficial properties in such raw materials. The plant tends to accumulate cadmium, a chemical element hazardous to health.

Useful properties of St. John's wort

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort are explained by its unique composition, which includes:

Coumarins – reduce the risk of blood clots.

Cineole is a substance that calms the nervous system.

Tanning components – have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, healing and astringent properties.

Geraniol is a substance that stops the development of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella. Has anti-influenza effect.

Myrcene – destroys Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Azulene – heals wounds, relieves inflammation.

Saponins – have a diuretic and laxative effect, remove cholesterol.

Hyperoside - restores the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces allergic manifestations, eliminates inflammation.

Hypericin – rejuvenates body cells.

Pinenes – strengthen capillaries.

Carotene, vitamins C, B3, P - strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels, promote the health of the epidermis, nails, and hair.

All components of the plant act combinatorially, not suppressing, but enhancing the effect of each component on the body. The beneficial properties of St. John's wort are manifested in its antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic properties. The plant is used to treat wounds and relieve inflammation from mucous membranes. Preparations based on St. John's wort are recommended for the treatment of the heart, blood vessels, diseases of the nervous system, digestion and urinary system.

Medicinal properties of St. John's wort

The basis for the manufacture of medicines, tinctures and healing compresses is St. John's wort or St. John's wort. It is this type of plant that contains resinous substances (about 17), tannins (12), saponins, flavonoids and essential oils (about 0.3). Herbal remedies from St. John's wort promote tissue restoration, strengthen the immune system, improve well-being during menopause, and eliminate depression.

St. John's wort is used to treat digestive ailments, gynecological diseases, and nervous disorders.

The plant is used in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Inflammation of the digestive system
  • Liver and gall bladder dysfunctions (bile stagnation, dyskinesia, cholecystitis, kidney stones)
  • Vitiligo
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Migraines, depression
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system
  • Worm infestation
  • Wounds, burns, purulent ulcers, eczema
  • Gynecological diseases
  • Mastopathy
  • Dental inflammation
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Sciatica, gout

St. John's wort is widely used for cosmetic purposes. Tinctures and masks based on it are used to treat acne, to rejuvenate the skin and fight wrinkles, and for baldness in men. Baths with St. John's wort decoction help get rid of cracked heels, soften the skin and heal tissue.

St. John's wort for men

St. John's wort flowers are used to prepare medicinal decoctions and tinctures for the treatment of prostatitis. They relieve swelling and normalize blood circulation in the genitals. In acute forms of the disease, herbal preparations are taken, including St. John's wort and calamus rhizome. The decoction is taken 1 spoon 4 times a day. Plant-based oil is used as microenemas at night.

St. John's wort is used to treat prostatitis and enhance potency in men, but the course of treatment should not exceed 20 days Important!

A large-scale study of cardiologists in five countries, lasting more than three years, dedicated to the problem of high mortality from cardiovascular diseases, has borne fruit. Sensational data was published on the website of the Russian Ministry of Health. Scientists have discovered the root of the problem. 70% of people have an exorbitant level...

Taking a decoction of the plant affects potency and enhances libido. St. John's wort is a powerful aphrodisiac that enhances sexual function. Decoctions and infusions are especially useful for men who have sexual problems due to stress, fatigue, and psychological tension.

However, it should be remembered that there are contraindications for St. John's wort for men. With long-term use of decoctions (more than 20 days), the opposite effect may occur in the form of a decrease in potency. Symptoms resolve on their own after discontinuation of this potent herb.

How to brew St. John's wort

The herb is mainly used as tinctures, decoctions and herbal teas, since it is very difficult to obtain juice from the plant. The herbal decoction is prepared in an enamel pan in a water bath. The cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes, as all the beneficial properties of St. John's wort will disappear.

Decoctions are prepared exclusively in a water bath to preserve the beneficial properties of St. John's wort.

There are two ways to brew dry or fresh herbs:

  1. Insist. Take 30-40 g of St. John's wort and pour a glass of boiling water. The infusion is kept in a dark place for 3-4 hours.
  2. Cook in a water bath. A similar amount of raw material is placed in a pan, steamed in a water bath for 20 minutes, and cooled.

St. John's wort tincture

An alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort is indicated for oral administration for vascular diseases, urolithiasis, depression, helminthic infestation, insomnia. The product is used externally for hair loss and for rinsing the mouth and throat.

The herb and vodka are taken in proportions of 1:5, placed in a dark glass bottle and infused for 10 days. The finished tincture is used in drops (50 drops 3 times a day). If rinsing is indicated, the product is diluted with water.

St. John's wort tincture is used to treat infected, purulent wounds, boils, and burns. Taking the product improves appetite, relieves spasms in stomach ulcers, improves immunity, helps with hemorrhoids and the treatment of gynecological ailments.

How to drink St. John's wort

Herbal medicines based on St. John's wort should be taken with caution and not combined with other medications. Treatment has the greatest effect when taken in courses, with breaks of a month or two.

Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort is drunk in the form of drops, decoctions - a quarter or half a glass

Tinctures and decoctions should be drunk in strict quantities, taking into account the contraindications of St. John's wort. Alcohol tincture should be taken:

  • After a stroke, for depression - 30 drops per 2 tbsp. L. water, during meals, treatment duration is 10 weeks.
  • For sore throat, dilute 6 drops of tincture in a spoon of water and take before meals. As a rinse 1 liter. Dilute the tinctures in a glass of warm water.
  • For nervous disorders, dizziness, insomnia - 30 drops before meals.

St. John's wort decoction is taken:

  • For cystitis and kidney diseases - 1/3 glass before meals.
  • For radiculitis - 2 tbsp. Spoons (4 times a day), treatment course 2 months.
  • Treatment of gastritis – 1/4 cup daily, 3 times a day.
  • For varicose veins - 1/4 cup three times a day, in combination with honey (2 tsp).

A decoction of the plant is used for inhalation and douching for gynecological ailments. Tinctures and decoctions help with menstrual irregularities, menopause, and cervical erosion.

Can St. John's wort be used for children?

Any preparations based on St. John's wort are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. In small quantities, the herb can be added to warm baths for children aged five. The plant relieves inflammation of the skin, calms the nervous system, and eliminates allergic rashes.

Oil and weak decoctions of St. John's wort can be used externally to heal small wounds on the child's body.

Scientists have not fully studied the effect of St. John's wort on the children's body. Due to the fact that the plant contains toxic components, the introduction of St. John's wort teas and decoctions into a child's diet is prohibited.

The soul will sing and the body will become healthier if you learn how to brew tea from St. John's wort. A healing decoction strengthens the immune system and nervous system, helps rejuvenate the body and normalize hormonal levels. “Good blood” will sparkle in your veins if you take St. John’s wort correctly, wisely using its medicinal properties for comprehensive health improvement.

Tea with St. John's wort is a herbal elixir of health. In Rus', it was believed that the plant was able to ward off evil spirits, since it grew from a torn feather and drops of the Firebird’s blood. Medieval healers prescribed a decoction of St. John's wort inflorescences to patients suffering from a severe form of melancholy - mental suffering caused by physiological reasons became less intense. And steppe healers used the fresh juice of the plant to treat purulent wounds and made disinfecting compresses from the leaves.

Fans of herbal teas know that St. John's wort forms the basis of many medicinal infusions, which allows them to take the plant without having to study its properties in detail. However, herbal teas not only bring benefits, but can also have contraindications. You should not drink a drink that you are not 100% sure is harmless.

The benefits of St. John's wort drinks

You can safely take St. John's wort in moderate doses in the absence of individual intolerance. Only a fresh decoction is used - the correct infusion should have a slightly noticeable bitterness, which will completely cover the taste of other herbs in the collection. In its “pure form,” the drink is taken in small portions, diluted with water to avoid excessive strength.

The medicinal benefits of the plant are determined by its impressive composition:

  • essential oils (hypericin), carotene and tannins;
  • flavonoids (natural antioxidant, antimicrobial agent);
  • acids (ascorbic, nicotinic, isovaleric);
  • vitamins (groups C, P and PP), tocopherols (vitamin E) and choline (vitamin B4);
  • ceryl alcohol and alkaloids.

St. John's wort tea relieves a lot of problems if taken in moderate doses for about two to three weeks. When treating chronic diseases, after a week's break and agreement with the doctor, the course is repeated. Sensitive people prone to allergies should reduce the daily dose to 1 cup of weak brew.

What does St. John's wort save from?

  • Natural antidepressant. The benefits of St. John's wort are especially noticeable in cases of neuroses, chronic fatigue or depressive disorders. You cannot find a more positive tea; it is usually taken in crisis situations. The dosage is increased to 5 cups per day, reducing the course to a week. The medicine prevents mental exhaustion and calms the nervous system.
  • Hormonal control. Young girls can take St. John's wort a week before the expected start of menstruation - the plant reduces pain, reduces the intensity of hormonal fluctuations, and helps normalize the cycle. St. John's wort is no less useful for women experiencing menopause. Slavic sorcerers called it “bloodberry” or “red herb,” advising taking a balanced (in equal proportions) herbal decoction of lemon balm, St. John’s wort and hops.
  • Mental activity. School-age children and men engaged in intellectual work should take St. John's wort in the morning (diluted in half with lemon balm). The magical properties of tea will improve concentration, relieve mental stress, and help you think clearly. If you sweeten the drink with honey, it will be a pleasure to drink!
  • Normalization of pressure. For men and women holding responsible positions, St. John's wort helps cope with headaches caused by stress (by normalizing intracranial pressure). If dizziness or migraines occur due to overwork, it is worth drinking healthy decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, etc. during stressful periods.
  • First aid for digestion. Tangible benefits from taking St. John's wort are observed for gastritis, ulcers and high acidity. Being a mild antioxidant, the plant improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, removes toxins from the body and reduces pain symptoms. Its medicinal properties make it possible to use it in diets - the plant improves metabolic processes, which promotes weight loss.
  • Colds. The antibacterial properties of St. John's wort make it possible to successfully use it to treat otitis, rhinitis, cough and sore throat. There will be no trace of a cold if you use herbal decoctions (externally and internally) at the first symptoms. The benefits of St. John's wort tea for children of high school age are invaluable - the decoctions perfectly strengthen the immune system and make it easier to survive flu epidemics.
  • Dental problems. In dentistry, St. John's wort tea is taken as a supportive agent in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontitis. A strong brew of the plant is used to rinse the mouth to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

The benefits of such tea are obvious, but you need to take it correctly - keeping a moderate dosage, wisely combining it with other medicinal plants.

Harm of drinks based on St. John's wort

Harm from St. John's wort can be caused by individual intolerance, overdose, or improper brewing. All contraindications should be taken into account in order to get the desired benefit from St. John's wort and not harm.

  • Overdose. There is never too much ordinary tea, but medicinal tinctures require extremely moderate consumption. Harm from the herb can occur with long-term use, so limit the treatment course to: a week when getting rid of mild health problems, two to three weeks for chronic or acute forms of diseases.
  • For children. You need to be extremely careful if the decoction is prepared for children, whose bodies react more sharply to medicinal plants. The dosage of a herbal tea recipe for young children should be 2-3 times less than for adults. And it is best, given the contraindications, to refuse to take it completely or take it only after consultation with a pediatrician. As a rule, the packaging of herbal tea from St. John's wort indicates a restriction for children under 12 years of age.
  • Stale drink. St. John's wort tea can be very harmful if you drink a stale, over-brewed drink. When infused, the plant “gives” excess amounts of tannins, acids and dyes to the water, which can cause allergic shock, serious intestinal upset, or damage the liver and kidneys.

St. John's wort can only be drunk fresh. After standing idle for more than a day, the drink is not suitable for internal use. However, you can use the “overstayed” liquid to wipe problem skin or create compresses for wounds.

  • Increased sensitivity. St. John's wort tea causes unusual harm to people with fair skin - the plant increases sensitivity to solar radiation. Are you going on a beach holiday or planning a long day of work at the dacha? Avoid teas with St. John's wort to avoid causing significant harm to your skin in the form of sunburn, the formation of age spots or allergic rashes.
  • Decreased potency. Long-term use of St. John's wort causes certain inconvenience to men - there is a temporary decrease in potency and a decrease in sexual desire. The harm is temporary and completely disappears within a week or a week and a half after stopping use.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. St. John's wort can cause harm to the developing fetus because it has a regulatory effect on metabolic and hormonal processes. When breastfeeding, a child receives substances contained in St. John's wort through mother's milk, which can cause an allergic reaction or poisoning.
  • Hypertension. St. John's wort impresses with its tonic properties, which are 5-6 times stronger than coffee. That is why doctors recommend that hypertensive patients stop using it - people with high blood pressure will only get harm from invigorating tea.
  • Incompatibility with medications. Medical contraindications cannot be ignored when taking St. John's wort. The plant can be harmful in combination with certain medications - when combining herbal medicine with traditional treatment, a doctor's approval is required.

Are you afraid of the contraindications? Find your own recipe for St. John's wort tea - create your own health elixir!

Recipes for herbal teas with St. John's wort

The beneficial properties of the plant impressed you, but the potential harm did not scare you away? Don’t rush to experiment - find out how to brew St. John’s wort correctly.

St. John's wort drinks have pronounced medicinal properties, so it is necessary to carefully select recipes, giving preference to the calmest options.

Basic St. John's wort tea recipe

The standard brewing method involves using dried flowers or leaves of the plant. A pharmacy collection is suitable, although if possible it is better to collect and dry it yourself.

  1. Rinse a porcelain or ceramic teapot with boiling water.
  2. Brew St. John's wort, following the ratio of 1:40 - a teaspoon of medicinal herb (about 5 g) per glass of boiling water (about 200 ml). One serving of aromatic medicinal tea is ready.
  3. Let the drink stand for 5-10 minutes, and then strain through a strainer (gauze cloth) to prevent excessive concentration of the medicinal plant.

Healthy tea drinking can turn into harm if you ignore the body's reactions. Is the tea too bitter? Don’t force yourself – dilute with water and sweeten with honey/sugar.

Herbal teas for body and soul

Not all people like the pure taste of St. John's wort, so the plant is often included in various herbal preparations. Do not rush to conjure herbs - drink pure St. John's wort tea for about 4-5 days to make sure there are no allergic reactions. And then start experimenting and adding other herbs to the drink.

Anti-cold tea

The combination of sweet rosehip and bitter St. John's wort creates an excellent anti-cold tea. The drink is created based on a 2:1 ratio, i.e. For 200 ml of rose hips, you need to prepare 100 ml of St. John's wort. Pour a teaspoon of dried St. John's wort into the teapot, then add 2 tablespoons of dried rose hips and pour 300-350 ml of boiling water over the mixture. Wait about half an hour and pour the resulting tea into another container.

photo:, rezkrr, Kassandra2, Kassandra2

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