
Diet after removal of the stomach and gallbladder. Diet after gallbladder surgery. Example of a meal plan by the clock

The gallbladder is not one of the vital organs. Therefore, its removal does not bring a significant deterioration in the quality of life. If you follow the rules regarding nutrition after surgery, you can avoid many serious complications.

How does the body work after cholecystectomy?

Removal of the gallbladder is carried out according to strict indications, when its function is greatly reduced or completely stopped. Sometimes a person lives without suspecting that this organ is gradually removed from the digestive process:

  • does not collect or store bile;
  • does not concentrate it;
  • does not throw it away at the moment of active digestion, that is, does not fulfill its main task.

This means that the patient's body has already adapted to the new conditions. The same thing happens after laparoscopic surgery to remove the bladder. Bile continues to be produced, but there is no reservoir for it. And the restructuring of biochemical reactions and some processes in the digestive system begins.

The functions of the "storage" of bile are taken over by the ducts. But their volume is small, they cannot save a large number of bile. Therefore, nutrition should be fractional, and portions should be small. Gradually, the ducts will increase in size until they contain the amount of digestive fluid that the body needs.

All the unpleasant sensations after the operation are associated with the fact that bile, regardless of food intake, enters the duodenum, since the sphincter that blocks its access to the intestine for a while "turns off" and is in a "shock" state. Gradually, his work is getting better, and postoperative syndromes disappear.

The main task during the rehabilitation period is to help your body make the restructuring shorter and less painful with the help of a diet. What can you eat after gallbladder removal?

What can you eat for the first 45 days?

After laparoscopy the patient receives general nutritional advice.

Strict adherence to the diet is prescribed for the entire first year after the operation, until the restructuring in the body is completed.

Even after a sparing laparoscopic operation, the patient is in intensive care for a day.

At this time, eating is excluded, you can drink only a small amount of water. Over the next one and a half months, the diet changes by day:

Period Recommendations Rules for eating
Second day after surgery
  • mucous decoctions;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • tea without sugar;
  • jelly.
  • single serving no more than 100 ml;
  • meal once every three hours.
3 - 5 days
  • semi-liquid mashed potatoes;
  • homemade juices from vegetables and fruits (not sour);
  • soups-puree on vegetable broth;
  • fruit jelly;
  • protein omelet;
  • on the fifth day, it is allowed to eat a little dried bread (no more than 100 g).
  • eight meals a day;
  • servings no more than 200 g.
6th and 7th day
  • mashed cereals;
  • finely chopped or pureed boiled meat or fish;
  • low-fat dairy products, including cottage cheese;
  • protein omelet;
  • drinks - rosehip broth, sweetened tea, juices, kissels (the total volume of liquid can be brought up to 2 liters).
The power supply remains the same.

With a favorable course of the recovery period, on the 8th day, the patient is transferred to a special diet - table number 5. Diet numbers can vary - 5A, 5B, 5Sch, 5P, depending on the presence of concomitant pathology or complications that have arisen.

From the eighth day to a month and a half, food remains as sparing as possible. Meat dishes should be served only in the form of minced meat - meatballs, meatballs, steam cutlets. Soups should be pureed. Recommended puddings, soufflés, casseroles. Mucous cereals (oatmeal), kissels and non-acidic juices are useful.

Products banned within 1.5 months

One and a half months after the removal of the gallbladder, you can not eat following products:

The last limitation is related to the prevention of bile stasis.

Of course, fatty, salty, spicy, smoked dishes are prohibited, and not only during this period, but also in the subsequent menu throughout the year.

Food must be thoroughly chopped, it should not be cold or too hot.

Prevention of complications

With the help of nutrition, you can prevent some complications and restore impaired functions. If the cause of cholecystectomy was the presence of stones in the bladder, complications such as duodenitis, dyskinesia, cholangitis, as well as insufficiency of the sphincter of Oddi may develop.

In order to correct the condition, all foods that contribute to increased bile secretion are removed from the diet:

It is also necessary to reduce or eliminate the use salt And drink less liquid. Products harmful to the pancreas are excluded - everything that is rich in fiber, contains uric acid and extractives (offal, some varieties of fish, seafood).

Principles of nutrition throughout the year

In the future, in order to adapt the body to new conditions, it is necessary to build a diet in such a way as to normalize the process of bile separation and lower cholesterol levels. What can and what can not be eaten next year?

Prohibited and allowed foods after cholecystectomy

There are not many food restrictions. they relate to food that is not very useful even for a healthy body.

Types of products and dishes Allowed Forbidden
flour products
  • white and black slightly dried bread;
  • biscuits;
  • diet bread;
  • biscuit.
  • cooked dough dishes
  • fresh bread;
  • muffins and cakes;
  • cakes.
Sour-milk Any with a low percentage of fat.
  • any with a fat content above 5%;
  • cheeses.
Meat, by-products
  • poultry (quail or chicken white meat);
  • rabbit;
  • veal;
  • beef liver;
  • beef tongue.
  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • salo.
Fish Any cod breed.
  • herring;
  • flounder;
  • stellate sturgeon;
  • saury;
  • halibut;
  • sturgeon.
First meal
  • on vegetable broths from potatoes and carrots with the addition of cereals and pasta;
  • meat on rabbit, chicken breast, veal.
  • beef;
  • pork;
  • fish;
  • mushroom
Eggs Only in the form of omelettes (no more than 2 eggs per week). Soft-boiled eggs, fresh.
  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat.
Porridges from any legumes
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • cauliflower);
  • beet.
Very limited - tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • radish;
  • White cabbage).
Fruits Any
Fats Only vegetable, better olive oil. Butter.
Sausages and fast food products Only boiled sausages All smoked meats, any semi-finished products and fast food.
  • herbal decoctions;
  • any weak tea;
  • berry juices and fruit drinks;
  • fruit juices;
  • compote and jelly;
  • mineral water without gas.
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • soda;
  • alcohol.

All pickled, salted and canned foods are prohibited. You can drink only homemade compotes prepared for the winter, diluting them with water.

How to make a menu for the week?

The list of allowed products includes everything you need for a delicious nutritious diet. It is not difficult to follow such a diet, especially if you show imagination.

Removal of the gallbladder is prescribed when complications and pathologies appear. Nutrition before and after removal of the gallbladder is the most important condition for the best course of the operation and recovery after it.

Preparing for gallbladder surgery

Gallbladder surgery involves maintaining a diet to reduce liver congestion.

The following adjustments should be made to the daily menu:

  1. Refrain from fried, fatty, spicy foods, marinade and pickles, mushrooms.
  2. Eliminate the use of alcohol.
  3. Separate and multiple meals, at least 5 times a day.
  4. For 2-3 days before the operation, it is recommended to refrain from products that increase gas formation (black bread, legumes, kvass).
  5. On the night before the operation, do not eat or drink anything.

When the operation is over

After the operation, it is required to strictly adhere to the appointments of specialists and adhere to the treatment menu. Violation of prescriptions can cost the patient his life.

Nutrition after surgery, in the first days, is built as follows:

  • The first 4-6 hours liquid is forbidden. It is allowed to wet the lips with water.
  • After 5-6 hours, you can rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions.
  • After 12 hours, it is allowed to drink water without gas in a sip for 15-20 minutes. But a maximum of 500 ml.
  • On the second day, after the operation, fat-free kefir, unsweetened tea, jelly are added. It is allowed to drink no more than half a glass, once every 3 hours.
  • Food is allowed only 3 or 4 days after removal. For those who have had their gallbladder removed, it is allowed to eat liquid grated potatoes, grated soup, egg white scrambled eggs, fruit jelly, a teaspoon of sour cream, grated boiled fish. The serving size is 150-200 gr., You should eat 8 times in 24 hours. Sweet tea juices are allowed.
  • On day 5, it is possible to add biscuits and a maximum of 100 gr. dried bread.
  • On the 6th day, pureed oatmeal with buckwheat, chopped and boiled fish and meat, low-fat pasty cottage cheese, vegetable puree, and sour-milk products are added.
  • After 7 days, diet No5 is prescribed. Assessing the indicators, varieties are written out: 5a, 5, 5p, sometimes 5 shch. With the development of extensive inflammation, for 3-4 days the doctor may prescribe a “table” 5c.

The specifics of the diet after removal of the gallbladder

The prescribed regimen is complete, focused on lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood and stabilizing the reproduction of bile. Separate and multiple food is issued.

To reduce bile, add salads with vegetables flavored with oil. In addition, steam dishes are included: meatballs, fish, vegetables, etc. The presence of fat should tend to be reduced.

In order to avoid negative complications, a light diet is observed for a month and a half, then it is replaced by a general one, with a more extensive diet.

Allowed in the diet of the patient

When recovering, you should consume:

  • cereal porridge;
  • boiled, steamed meat. Fish is allowed to be consumed;
  • vegetable, dairy first;
  • with the smallest value, seafood is allowed to be consumed;
  • yesterday's bread;
  • biscuits;
  • boiled, stewed vegetables, in addition to legumes;
  • yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream;
  • tea, jelly, fees, juices.

It is forbidden to use the following

Consumption prohibited:

  • muffins;
  • non-vegetarian soup;
  • fatty meat, smoked meats, pickles;
  • cream, fermented baked milk, fatty cottage cheese;
  • legumes;
  • fried and boiled eggs with yolk;
  • radishes, garlic, radishes, green onions, mushrooms;
  • sour berries and citrus fruits;
  • ice cream;
  • soda, cocoa, coffee, alcohol.

Diet menu after gallbladder surgery

After the operation, you should carefully choose the ingredients. By compiling the menu by week, it will be easier to maintain prescriptions.

Approximate version:

Breakfast: muesli, cheesecake, tea;
Lunch: fat-free cottage cheese, crackers, wild rose collection;
Lunch: beetroot, meat soufflé, compote;
Afternoon snack: fruit jelly;
Dinner: rice porridge, scrambled eggs, sweetened tea.
Kefir for the night.

Breakfast: carrot-apple salad, beef stroganoff, tea;
Lunch: pomegranate;
Lunch: pureed potato soup, braised cabbage with cod, jelly;
Afternoon snack: biscuits, collection of wild rose;
Dinner: mashed rice, mineral water.

Breakfast: cottage cheese, grated buckwheat, tea;
Lunch: carrot curds with honey, tea;
Lunch: soup, vegetable pudding with chicken;
Afternoon snack: dumplings;
Dinner: tuna with vegetables, grated potatoes, tea;

Breakfast: protein omelette, 2-3 biscuits, tea with milk;
Lunch: baked pumpkin;
Lunch: noodles, cabbage rolls, jelly;
Afternoon snack: berry mousse;
Dinner: pasta, cheese, mineral water.
acidophilus milk.

Breakfast: semi-viscous buckwheat, cottage cheese, tea;
Lunch: carrot puree;
Lunch: pumpkin soup, kissel;
Afternoon snack: pear;
Dinner: pureed rice porridge, tea;

Breakfast: pasta with meat, butter, tea with milk;
Lunch: baked fruit;
Lunch: pea soup, chicken pilaf, rose hips;
Afternoon snack: juice;
Dinner: grated potatoes with boiled pollock, compote;

Breakfast: potatoes with meatballs, tea;
Lunch: carrot puree;
Lunch: milk soup, cottage cheese pudding, compote;
Afternoon snack: jelly;
Dinner: semolina, mineral water;

Diet food can be varied and tasty. Thanks to the knowledge of the list of permitted and prohibited foods, the planned menu, it is quite easy to choose the appropriate recipes. The main thing is to adhere to manufacturing technology.

Pros and cons of the diet

Dieting has its pros and cons.

Positive points:

  • simple, inexpensive edibles;
  • balance;
  • stabilization of the formation and secretion of bile.

Negative points:

  • duration;
  • the presence of culinary skills;
  • individual cooking.

After a month and a half, the diet increases, so some patients begin to deviate from the diet, which leads to disastrous consequences. You should know that the diet in the first 3 months is required, as there is a change in the functioning of the organs.

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Diet in the treatment of the gallbladder during the chronic course of the disease and exacerbations

Nutrition system in the treatment of the gallbladder - this is one of the forms of non-drug therapy, which shows its viability and effectiveness. Dieting brings relief to people, as total load on the gallbladder decreases, and certain foods accelerate the excretion of stagnant bile.

For gallbladder disease there are various pathologies associated with a violation of the process of bile production: chronic and acute cholecystitis - an inflammatory process of various pathogenesis; biliary dyskinesia - a violation of the formation and excretion of bile, its stagnation; gallstone disease - an inflammatory process as a result of blockage of the ducts by stones.

Along with medicinal treatment, specially formulated menu helps to relieve exacerbation and creates favorable conditions for the success of therapeutic therapy.

Even Soviet doctors and nutritionists proved, on the basis of numerous clinical studies, that a correctly composed for children and adults, a therapeutic diet during the period of illness is half the success in the fight against any ailment, at any age.

Gastronomic causes of gallbladder disease

The whole life of a person, his health, mood, performance depend on nutrition. Many diseases are caused by a diet that is unhealthy or frankly harmful to human health.

Of course, we must not forget about heredity and genetic predisposition as possible causes for problems with gallbladder , but, as the modern picture of this disease shows, often the person himself provokes the appearance of the first symptoms and rooting them into a chronic form.

Frequent consumption of fried, fatty, smoked, salty, spicy foods that are heavy for the body makes the gallbladder work hard and release an excessive amount of bile for the digestion process.

If you ate fried potatoes with fried sausage, filling this miracle with ketchup - nothing will happen if this happens occasionally. Such a table every day or several times a week will lead to problems.

Diet table for exacerbation of the gallbladder

For such problems nutrition person is greatly improved. Many products and ready meals fall out of his usual diet.

For a person, the disease itself is a difficult test and the fact of its sudden appearance in life is not immediately accepted by the psyche, but the most difficult thing is to switch to a completely different form of nutrition.

The pleasure of food is a drug that very few people do not depend on. Delicious food makes everyone happy, and especially this happiness becomes tangible when it is no more.

Many chroniclers passed into the acute phase of the disease precisely because they could not follow a diet and provoked acute attacks with heavy food, the way out of which is often an operation to remove the gallbladder.

For example, stones acquire a size that does not allow them to pass painlessly through the ducts into the duodenum - they increase, and the attacks become more severe and dangerous.

At the very peak of the attack, it is better to refrain from eating altogether and consult a doctor about heating pads and water. Do not put down a heating pad and do not take decoctions from the Internet unless your doctor has prescribed such therapy for you. for pain!

Do not drink water with lemon - citrus fruits are prohibited for gallstone disease. If such relapses happen regularly, you need to clearly know the sequence of your actions.

With an exacerbation of the gallbladder , diet food becomes even more limited and rigid. In the first days after an attack, only mashed, soft consistency or liquid food is recommended. Pureed vegetable soups, grated low-fat diluted cottage cheese, herbal teas, vegetable juices diluted with water.

Juices from the store are not juices, so it is better not to use them during an exacerbation. Vegetable or apple puree diluted with water. Food temperatures are semi-warm, moderate portions - 200-300 g.

All that is possible in the first days - it's all liquid, unsalted, tasteless. No raw vegetables and fruits - everything must be heat-treated. This is unloading for the gall and freeing it from work - if in a simple way.

Only after a few days, when the attack and its consequences will pass, you can start eating cereals and everything else. It is the doctor who must determine the period when it is time for the patient to switch to a special, but complete and balanced diet.

Healthy diet for gallbladder prevention

For liver diseases and for all types of pathologies of the gallbladder and biliary tract, table No. 5 according to Pevzner is recommended. This diet is used both in specialized institutions and at home.

This diet is built on strict eating principles, but table setting is a personal matter, so recipes you can choose yourself.

There are a lot of cooking options in books about steamed food or about a vegetarian diet - they can come in handy in creating a healing menu.

Soups: vegetable and vegetarian; dairy with vermicelli diluted with water. Soup dressing is not fried - that's what what is Can. It is impossible: broths, cabbage soup, okroshka. Rich vegetable broth.

Kashi: semolina on milk diluted with water 1:1, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal on the water. It is impossible: millet, barley, barley, crumbly cereals.

Meat and fish dishes only boiled or steamed. Minced meat can be finely chopped. Chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef, lean fish. It is impossible: goose, duck, pork, barbecue, smoked meats, salted fish, caviar, canned food.

Bread: wheat dried or yesterday's. Not allowed: fresh wheat and Rye bread, muffin, sweets from puff, choux pastry.

Dairy products: milk, low-fat kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, snowball. Creative casseroles. It is impossible: cream, confectionery cream, cheese.

Vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers. It is impossible: mushrooms, cabbage, sauerkraut, salted and pickled, garlic, onion, sorrel, radish, radish, legumes.

Fruits and berries: sweet and soft, dried fruits. It is impossible: hard and sour berries.

Drinks: tea, compote, decoctions, herbal teas, rose hips. It is impossible: coffee, cocoa, jelly on starch, soda.

Eggs: boiled without yolk or scrambled. Restrict admission.

The food is undersalted, with a minimum amount of butter and refined sunflower oil.

Desserts: jelly, pudding, mousse, compote, marmalade, meringue, biscuits, biscuits, jam, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, caramel. It is impossible: cake, chocolate, cakes, sweets, desserts, ice cream - everything sweet that stores offer.

For a child the nutrition system for problems with bile is determined by the form of dyskinesia. The menu is compiled depending on whether you need to increase the outflow of bile or slow down. But, as for adults, table number 5 is prescribed for babies for 3-6 months.

Sample menu table number 5 for one day a month after the operation

Nausea and pain after surgery

Gymnastics for recovery after surgery

Herbs and fees after surgery

The correct diet after removal of the gallbladder is a guarantee of a mild postoperative period and the absence of pronounced dyspeptic symptoms (nausea). Nutrition after cholecystectomy can be varied, and it depends only on you. Strict restrictions apply for the first months, and then the body adapts to the changes and is rebuilt for full-fledged work and digestion of food.

Gallstone disease affects 10% of the world's population. Every 8 years, the number of cases increases by 2-3 times. Since the formation of stones in gallbladder occurs as a result of violations metabolic processes, it makes no sense to carry out the removal of only calculi - they quickly form again, requiring repeated surgical intervention. Cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder) is a solution to the problem of calculous cholecystitis and gallstone disease. And for a smooth and safe adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract in the early and late postoperative period, they must follow a diet.

Why do I need a diet after gallbladder removal

The gallbladder is a reservoir where the bile produced by the liver is located, which is actively involved in digestion, the breakdown of fats and the activation of enzymes. It is excreted through the bile ducts into the duodenum. After cholecystectomy, bile flow changes. It enters the duodenum immediately from the liver, but in a smaller amount, since the body no longer has the previous reservoir of bile.

In the absence of the gallbladder, the body cannot digest food in the same mode. But over time, compensatory mechanisms are activated, and before that, certain dietary restrictions will have to be observed. They relate mainly to fatty and fried foods, the digestion of which takes a lot of bile and strength.

Benefits of dieting after gallbladder removal:

  • quick and easy adaptation of the body;
  • prevention of nausea, pain, diarrhea and the appearance of other symptoms of postcholecystectomy syndrome in the first months after cholecystectomy;
  • maintaining satisfactory well-being and health of both individual organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system;
  • prevention of exacerbation of other diseases that may recur due to a decrease in bile production and temporary indigestion.

High-quality medical nutrition after removal of the gallbladder is a prerequisite for the gradual restoration of impaired functions. But the severity of the diet will gradually decrease.

How long should I stay on a diet after surgery?

Many are even more afraid not of surgery, but of nutrition with a removed gallbladder, believing that they will have to observe strict restrictions all their lives. In fact, the diet after cholecystectomy is not so strict, and the doctors themselves advise a few months after the operation to start eating habitual dishes a little bit in order to adapt faster.

The presence of stones in the gallbladder is already an indication for the rejection of fatty, fried and spicy foods. Calculi are a time bomb, because at any moment they can lead to colic, perforation and the need for urgent surgical intervention. And the diet after removal of the gallbladder will not last forever, and as soon as adaptation occurs, you will be able to eat almost all foods, with the exception of excessively fatty and spicy dishes.

What happens if you do not follow the diet after surgery

Diet after surgery to remove the gallbladder avoids complications and problems with the digestive tract. If it is not observed, especially in the first months, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided. There are neuro-reflex and hormonal connections between the gallbladder and other organs of the digestive tract. If after cholecystectomy to give an increased load on the gastrointestinal tract, this will contribute to the formation of not only pain, but also dyspeptic disorders:

  • a feeling of discomfort in the stomach and intestines caused by the decay of unprocessed food residues;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching;
  • constant heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation and diarrhea.

In the absence of a gallbladder, bile that has not undergone primary processing enters the intestines, and it has certain irritating properties. If the food causes inflammation, the pain syndrome cannot be avoided.

Most people with gallstone disease have concomitant diseases: chronic duodenitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, pathological changes in the hepatic and bile ducts, dysbacteriosis. The stomach, liver, duodenum and other organs are under attack in the first months after cholecystectomy. If you do not follow a diet, the risk of exacerbation and deterioration of well-being increases dramatically. refusing to medical nutrition after removal of the gallbladder, you do not allow your body to gradually recover and start adaptive mechanisms.

Is there a difference in diet for laparoscopic and abdominal surgery

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the choice of most surgeons and patients who have gallstones. Unlike abdominal surgery, the minimally invasive technique involves the removal of the organ through just 4 micro-incisions, the length of which ranges from 0.5 to 2 cm. After surgery using laparoscopic technique, patients quickly recover and are allowed to start walking earlier. On the nature of nutrition, this is not much different - the restructuring of the body against the background of the missing organ still occurs, but due to the least invasiveness, it is perceived more easily.

Diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy is also necessary, as with abdominal surgery. The attending physician must provide all the necessary information, moreover, in writing, regarding the principles of nutrition by months. After laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder, the patient goes home almost immediately, and it is important to convey to him the importance of time constraints in order to avoid mistakes and complications in the future.

As with the classical operation, and with the removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy, the diet involves the use of treatment table No. 5 in its various variations.

General rules of diet number 5 and its types

Therapeutic diet 5 after removal of the gallbladder is observed for 4-6 months. After its completion, you can eat a little bit of almost all dishes, with the exception of very fatty, rough and spicy foods.

Table number 5 is divided into diet 5a, which is designed to protect the intestines from mechanical irritation, and diet 5p, restoring work internal organs and relieving stress from the liver and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order not to get confused, you can simply follow the simple recommendations for nutrition after gallbladder removal:

  • restriction of the use of fats, which give an increased load on the liver and can cause its fatty degeneration;
  • reduction of salt to 5-8 g per day;
  • the volume of liquid is at least 1.5-2 liters per day, and in the first weeks after the operation - up to 1 liter;
  • a complete ban on alcoholic beverages;
  • nutrition after removal of the gallbladder should be fractional, so that the amount of bile is enough to process incoming food, you need to eat up to 5-8 times a day, but in small portions;
  • try not to drink a lot of water during meals, so as not to dilute the amount of hydrochloric acid, which is also involved in the digestion of food;
  • the diet after gallbladder removal should be balanced, contain the required amount of minerals, acids and vitamins;
  • it is allowed to drink only 1-2 cups of tea or weak coffee per day, sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited;
  • limit or completely exclude cocoa, chocolate, which often aggressively affect the sensitive mucosa of the digestive tract;
  • drinks and dishes should be warm or moderately cool, but not hot or cold;
  • in the presence of excess weight from the diet, it is necessary to exclude sweets, muffins and bread, even in dried form.

Diet No. 5a involves the exclusion of foods that irritate the intestines, causing fermentation and putrefaction, as well as fried and spicy foods. It is mainly recommended to observe it in the first months after the operation.

Table 5p is prescribed for exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies. It excludes sweets, fatty foods, coarse fiber.

Can I drink alcohol after gallbladder surgery?

During the year, alcohol is contraindicated in any form! It is advisable to continue to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and not to drink alcohol! Only as an exception, 1.5 months after the operation, you can occasionally drink no more than one glass of dry or semi-dry wine on a holiday. Strong drinks are strictly prohibited.

Features of cooking

Culinary food processing directly affects the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and the production of bile. The presence of a crust on meat, fish, bakery products increases appetite, but it has an extremely adverse effect on the entire digestive system of a person who has recently undergone an operation to remove the gallbladder. When frying, a huge amount of carcinogens and aggressive substances are released that can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, cause stagnation of bile and spend huge energy reserves on the digestion of unhealthy food.

After cholecystectomy, the body adapts, adjusts to a new job, and it is important to unload it as much as possible in order to leave strength for the restructuring of the digestive system. Therefore, nutrition should be both well-saturating and sufficiently high-calorie, but at the same time light.

If you follow a diet after removal of the gallbladder, the following methods of food processing are allowed:

  • cooking;
  • steam cooking;
  • light stewing, sautéing vegetables without adding tomato juice, mayonnaise and sauces;
  • cooking food in a multicooker.

During boiling and stewing, coarse fibrous fiber, which greatly irritates the already inflamed intestines, becomes soft and safe. At the same time, the body receives the necessary nutrients and sparing fibers needed for regular stools and the prevention of constipation.

Nutrition in the first month after surgery

The purpose of nutrition after removal of the gallbladder in the first month is to quickly adapt the body to the changes that have occurred and unload the organs of the digestive system. The early postoperative period continues, which is usually divided into weeks. On the first day after cholecystectomy, you can’t eat or drink anything, rinsing your mouth with decoctions of lime blossom, chamomile and other anti-inflammatory herbs is allowed.

During the first month, all foods that can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and provoke metabolism are prohibited. You can not eat legumes in any form, corn, tomatoes, ketchup, sauces, canned foods and marinades. Restrictions apply to fats and carbohydrates, but protein should be enough - up to 100-150 g per day. The amount of fat per day - no more than 60-80 g, and carbohydrates - 300-500 g.

Nutrition in the first week after surgery

In the first 5-7 days, nutrition after the operation to remove the gallbladder should be as sparing as possible. What does it mean? Dishes should only be mashed. The mushy state of food relieves the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which should be minimized in the first weeks of the rehabilitation period. Eating is allowed only 2-3 days after the operation.

From foods and drinks you can use:

  • frayed mucous oatmeal on the water;
  • light vegetable soup on the water;
  • infusion of linden, wild rose;
  • mashed carrots, zucchini;
  • low-fat mashed cottage cheese;
  • jelly from non-acidic fruits (pears, apples);
  • dried fruits compote.

By the end of 5-7 days, you can start eating protein omelet, meat and fish puree from low-fat varieties, mashed buckwheat porridge. It is better not to salt food at all or add salt in a minimal amount - 3-5 g per day. The volume of a serving of food is no more than a woman's fist. You need to eat little, but very often. This main principle nutrition in the early postoperative period.

After the first week of dieting, you can gradually expand the diet and introduce other foods into it. But do it carefully and smoothly, trying new allowed dishes literally by a tablespoon.

Nutrition in the second week after surgery

In the second week after the removal of the gallbladder, people feel satisfactory, they begin to eat their usual dishes little by little, except for fatty and fried foods and spices. You can drink weak tea, mineral water without gas 1-2 times a week.

  • meat puree from rabbit, chicken, veal;
  • vegetable puree based on potatoes (no more than 1-2 times a week);
  • chicken broth on the second water (when cooking, you need to remove the skin from the chicken);
  • steam cutlets from rabbit or chicken;
  • vinaigrette without pickles, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil;
  • steamed protein omelette (no more than 2 eggs per day);
  • weak tea with honey or a spoonful of sugar;
  • rosehip decoction, dried fruit compote;
  • diluted juices (non-acidic);
  • pureed vegetables (except cabbage);
  • fresh apple puree without peel;
  • unsalted cheese;
  • soup with vermicelli on low-fat broth;
  • any cereal porridge on the water, except barley, millet.

It is allowed to eat up to 50-100 g of dry bread or lean oatmeal cookies. The main thing is to continue to limit foods that irritate the digestive tract and cause gas. In the second week after cholecystectomy, you can not eat legumes, chocolate, muffins, coffee, tomatoes, grapes, sour juices. Of dairy products, only kefir (1%) is possible. Milk is contraindicated due to the increased risk of flatulence and digestion difficulties in the first weeks after gallbladder removal.

If you are prone to constipation, use soaked dried fruits (prunes and dried apricots). Soak them washed overnight in warm water, and in the morning mash a little with a fork and eat. Dried fruits have a rich composition, do not cause flatulence, like vegetable fiber, but at the same time help to normalize regular stools after surgery.

Nutrition in the third week after surgery

A diet in the absence of a gallbladder in the third week also excludes legumes, fatty, fried foods, spicy foods, marinades. It is allowed to drink weak coffee, jelly on berries and fruits, dried fruit compotes.

  • steam turkey cutlets;
  • rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet porridge on the water;
  • weak coffee or cocoa with a spoonful of milk;
  • cottage cheese with a minimum fat content;
  • baked pears and apples, fresh fruit purees without skins;
  • vegetable salads seasoned with a spoonful of sour cream with a minimum fat content;
  • steam cutlets, meatballs without sauce and tomatoes;
  • pasta with cheese;
  • protein omelet.

In the third week after the removal of the gallbladder, the diet is varied, many dishes are allowed. But the restrictions still apply to legumes, corn, fatty, fried foods, soda, chocolate, muffins, pickles, spices and other unhealthy foods. Avoid temperature irritants: food should be comfortable, but in no case hot or, conversely, cold.

Nutrition in the fourth week after surgery

The fourth week after cholecystectomy is the end of the early postoperative period. If the operation was performed laparoscopically, then by this period the patient's condition returns to normal, he gets used to dietary restrictions and no longer reaches for forbidden dishes.

It is allowed to gradually consume all other lactic acid products, including milk (no more than a glass a day). In the fourth week, you can eat boiled or stewed cabbage. They also cook cabbage soup and borscht, soups with the addition of meatballs, pieces of poultry meat. Tomato juices, ketchup are still not allowed, since tomatoes irritate the digestive tract, often cause heartburn and belching.

In the first month after the removal of the gallbladder, the diet implies the maximum sparing of the digestive system. It seems to many that in the fourth week they can try forbidden foods, but this is not so. Errors in nutrition at this time are dangerous dyspeptic disorders and malfunctions of other organs. gastrointestinal tract.

The main problem for everyone who has recently removed the gallbladder and wants to eat right is the lack of visibility. A person receives a list of prohibited foods from a doctor, but does not know what to do with it. Therefore, we offer you to get acquainted with the approximate menu of diet No. 5 for one day.

Sample menu table number 5 for one day 3-4 weeks after the operation

First breakfast. Oatmeal with low-fat milk, a teaspoon of sugar or honey. Weak tea. Low-fat cottage cheese with jam or honey.

Lunch. Applesauce from fresh apples. Unsweetened tea.

Dinner. Steam cutlets on lean meat. Stewed vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, carrots). A piece of yesterday's bread or crackers. Soup with noodles in meat broth.

afternoon tea. Cottage cheese casserole. Dried fruit compote or rosehip broth. Galette cookies.

Dinner. Mashed potatoes with rabbit meatballs, a slice of toasted bread. Weak tea or coffee.

2-3 hours after dinner, you can drink a glass of homemade yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir with a fat content of 1%.

The presented diet for people without a gallbladder for one day is just a guide for those who are just learning information about therapeutic nutrition after cholecystectomy. The menu is not designed for the early postoperative period. It can only be used closer to 3-4 weeks of recovery. As a rule, a month after the operation, there is a desire to abruptly move away from the diet, which is the reason for the increased pain in this period.

Diet and nutrition in the first year without a gallbladder

On average, a strict diet with a removed gallbladder is observed for the first 2-4 months. But at the same time, it is important not to make a common mistake: you can’t completely refuse meat and fish dishes, fiber, otherwise the body will be “lazy” and will stop responding normally to familiar dishes. Pureed meat is introduced as early as 2-3 weeks (depending on the state of health and the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract). And gradually the liver will learn to allocate the optimal amount of bile for processing such dishes.

In the first year after cholecystectomy (excluding the early postoperative period), the following foods and drinks are prohibited:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet sparkling water;
  • citrus;
  • sour juices;
  • legumes, corn;
  • marinades;
  • fast food;
  • grape;
  • fresh buns and pastries;
  • sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats.

You can not eat fried foods. Heat treatment - only stewing, baking or boiling. During the preparation of dishes in the first 1-2 months, you can not use seasonings and spices, but you can season the food with stewed onions, finely chopped herbs (in a small amount).

The diet after removal of the gallbladder should include vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, fish. You can eat a little soy (contains a large amount of protein, a minimum of carbohydrates and fat), but it is important to remember about forbidden foods that should not be consumed even a year after cholecystectomy.

Diet number 5 - a list of allowed and prohibited foods

When following a diet after gallbladder surgery, you must constantly monitor the fat content and type of cooking. If you do not eat anything fatty and fried, then the risk of digestive problems will be minimal.

List of allowed products

Table 5. Diet. Table

Dishes Product range Cooking method
Bread and bakery products Bran and rye bread, wheat flour of the 2nd grade, non-bread biscuits Dried bread (second day), crackers
Lactic acid products Low-fat milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. Kefir 1%, unsalted cheese (Dutch, Russian) Fresh or baked
Fruits and berries Prohibited sour varieties, citrus fruits In the form of compotes, jelly, jelly. Raw - only after 2-3 weeks of the rehabilitation period
Soups On vegetable or low-fat broths, you can use cereals, noodles, vermicelli, vegetables, diced or pureed The first dishes are made without overcooking
Meat and poultry Low-fat diet varieties: rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal Bake, boil, stew, make steam cutlets, meatballs
Fish Low-fat varieties: pike perch, pollock, hake Boiled, you can bake, stew with vegetables
cereals Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. Millet and barley can only be 3-4 weeks after the operation and in limited quantities Boiled in water and milk, add berries, fruits, dried fruits, honey and a little sugar. It is allowed to cook cereals as a side dish for meat or fish
Seafood It is allowed to eat no more than 1-2 times a week Only boiled
Egg dishes Protein omelette, occasionally hard-boiled eggs or in salads Cooking, steaming.
Bakery Biscuits, oatmeal cookies, dry biscuit, pastry products, including those with fruit, berry and vegetable fillings Baking
Vegetables All vegetables, except those that cause fermentation. Cabbage is allowed to be consumed by the end of the first month of the recovery period. Legumes and corn are banned Stewed, raw or boiled
Sweets Soy chocolate, marmalade without dyes and flavors, marshmallow. Can jam and preserves Finished

As you can see, nutrition after gallbladder removal only seems strict at first glance. Every month the diet will expand, opening up new opportunities for culinary experiments. The list of allowed foods after gallbladder removal includes dishes that many of us are used to.

It is recommended to buy a slow cooker with a built-in steamer in order to cook tasty and healthy meals in it quickly and without much hassle. With its help, you can boil or stew vegetables, poultry meat, rabbit, veal, fish in just 15-20 minutes. At the same time, dishes retain not only excellent taste, but also useful substances.

List of prohibited products

The gallbladder removal diet includes the following list of prohibited foods:

  • fresh bread, muffin, fried pies and puffs, cake with cream;
  • okroshka on kvass, strong fish, meat and mushroom broths;
  • salted, smoked, canned fish, especially fatty varieties;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • fatty pork, offal, domestic duck and goose, sausages, kidneys;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • legumes;
  • canned corn;
  • fast food;
  • marinades;
  • sour berries and fruits, citrus fruits;
  • ice cream, sweets and pastries with rich cream and chocolate;
  • carbonated sweet drinks, strong coffee and strong tea;
  • alcohol in any form.

After removing your gallbladder, you must come to terms with the fact that certain foods and drinks are forbidden for you to consume. But absolute bans are rather conditional. Many people a few years after the operation can afford to occasionally drink wine and eat something spicy. And some eat even without any restrictions, but not immediately, but after at least a year.

Focus on your feelings and remember the sense of proportion. If you eat one pickled cucumber a few months after your cholecystectomy, chances are there won't be any bad health effects. But after 3-5 cucumbers, pain, nausea, and exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases can occur.

Diet and nutrition one year after surgery

A year after the removal of the gallbladder, the diet is not much different from ordinary people. Don't get hung up on the fact that you had a cholecystectomy. By this time, the body is fully adapting, rebuilding for a new job and learning to produce the right amount of bile to support all digestive processes and provide a person the right substances. It is 12 months - the standard period for recovery.

If you feel good, there are no pains, problems with the stool, then you can only adhere to some restrictions and follow certain nutritional rules:

  • give up alcohol and highly carbonated drinks;
  • exclude fatty, smoked, spicy and overly spicy foods from the diet;
  • eat fractionally, 4-5 times a day, in no case overeating;
  • do not drink sour juices, but you can sometimes eat a slice of lemon with sugar;
  • do not abuse sweets, limit simple carbohydrates, chocolate (it is allowed to eat a little biscuit, eat oatmeal cookies daily, 1-2 times a week - a piece of chocolate).

As you understand, the main thing in nutrition without a gallbladder is a sense of proportion. Learn to listen to your body, avoid overeating and eating potentially dangerous foods. This sense of proportion does not come immediately, but, as a rule, a few months after the operation and following the diet.

Fruits, berries and vegetables after surgery

Fruits and vegetables are vital for a person after gallbladder removal. They contain most of the nutrients, fiber, which supports the functioning of the intestines and a normal balance between beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. On the second week after the operation, it is allowed to eat baked apples and pears, fruit puree, compotes, fruit, berry jelly. From vegetables, you can eat almost everything, with the exception of those that can increase metabolism (cabbage, peas, beans).

Forbidden fruits, berries and vegetables

Under the ban are sour fruits and berries, as well as vegetables that contribute to flatulence. In the first week, you can not eat foods with coarse fiber. If there are fruits and vegetables, then only after boiling or baking. So they are as safe as possible for the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. But such restrictions apply only in the early postoperative period.

List of prohibited fruits, berries and vegetables:

  • citrus;
  • pomegranate;
  • a pineapple;
  • sweet cherry and cherry;
  • grape;
  • gooseberry;
  • currant;
  • radish;
  • plum;
  • onions and garlic;
  • tomatoes;
  • turnip;
  • sorrel;
  • cabbage;
  • green onion;
  • watercress;
  • peas.

The listed products are not recommended for use in the first 3-6 months after removal of the gallbladder. But this period is also quite arbitrary. If for a long time to exclude from the diet, for example, the usual onion, then in six months the digestive system will “wean” from it and will react to its inclusion in the diet after a long break with pain, belching and nausea.

Remember that each body reacts differently to certain foods. In one person, even from a small amount of cabbage or potatoes, pronounced gas formation appears, while in another, these products do not cause any swelling. Before compiling a diet for a removed gallbladder, it is recommended that you take into account such individual characteristics.

Allowed fruits, berries and vegetables

The correct diet after gallbladder removal includes various vegetables, fruits and berries. They should be primarily safe for the gastrointestinal tract and not irritate the mucous membranes of internal organs. Berries (non-acidic) are allowed to eat fresh only 2 weeks after laparoscopy. From fruits at an early stage, it is better to use ripe sweet apples and pears without skin: they can be mashed or baked in the oven. Vegetables can be eaten already in the first week after cholecystectomy, but boiled, grated.

List of allowed fruits, berries and vegetables:

  • apples;
  • raspberries;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberry;
  • pears;
  • apricots, peaches and nectarines;
  • bananas;
  • persimmon;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • leaf salad;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkin.

When choosing fruits and berries, give preference to non-acidic varieties. Some of the forbidden vegetables can also be consumed if they do not irritate the digestive tract. For example, white varieties of onions are quite sweet and safe - you can afford a few small pieces even fresh, of course, not in the early recovery period.

Sample diet menu after gallbladder removal for a week

For the convenience of following the principles of therapeutic nutrition with a removed gallbladder, use the approximate menu for the week. The diet is suitable both for the late postoperative period (2-3 months after cholecystectomy), and for maintaining therapeutic diet in the first 3-4 weeks.

Table 5. Diet. Menu for the week.

meal Menu
First breakfast Protein omelette (no more than 2 proteins).
Oat milk porridge (90 g).
Weak tea with milk (200 ml)
Lunch Kefir 1% fat (100 g).
Red Apple
Dinner Vegetable puree soup (200 g).
Puree based on boiled chicken breast(80 g).
Stewed zucchini (100 g).
Kissel from permitted fruits and berries (200 ml)
afternoon tea Homemade berry jelly (raspberries, strawberries - to choose from) (100 g)
Dinner Steam cutlets from turkey or rabbit (100 g).
Vegetable stew (150 g).
Compote from allowed berries or fruits (200 ml)
Second dinner Kefir or homemade low-fat yogurt (200 ml)
First breakfast Buckwheat porridge (200 g).
Compote or tea (weak) (200 ml)
Lunch Cottage cheese casserole (60 g).
Oatmeal cookies (50 g).
Carrot juice with pulp (200 ml)
Dinner Soup with noodles and vegetables in chicken broth (200 g).
Steam cutlet (100 g). Wheat crackers (50 g).
Stewed vegetables from the permitted list (100 g).
Rosehip infusion with honey (150 g)
afternoon tea Biscuits (50 g).
Cottage cheese casserole (100 g).
Tea (100 ml), half a banana
Dinner Braised rabbit with vegetables (150 g).
Vinaigrette without pickles (150 g).
Kissel based on permitted berries and fruits (200 ml)
Second dinner 1% kefir (100 ml)
First breakfast Buckwheat porridge (180 g).
Curd mass without raisins, with dried apricots or prunes (60 g).
Tea with honey or sugar (200 ml)
Lunch Kefir, fermented baked milk or homemade yogurt (150 g).
Lime blossom decoction (200 ml)
Dinner Vegetable cream soup (200 g).
salad based raw carrots and boiled beets with a spoonful of vegetable oil (130 g). Wheat crackers (50 g).
Boiled lean fish (150 g).
Rosehip decoction (200 ml)
afternoon tea Cookies lean (70 g).
Kissel from permitted berries and fruits (200 ml)
Dinner Beef mousse (100 g).
Stewed zucchini (150 g).
Morse from non-acidic berries (200 ml)
Second dinner Kefir 1% fat (200 ml)
First breakfast Oatmeal with milk (200 g).
Rosehip decoction (200 ml)
Lunch Low-fat cottage cheese (160 g).
Dinner Vegetable cream soup (170 g).
Boiled carrot salad (100 g).
Protein omelet (100 g).
Rice porridge on the water (90 g).
Weak tea (100 ml)
afternoon tea Baked apple.
Low-fat cheese (60 g).
Compote (100 ml)
Dinner Steamed chicken cutlets (150 g).
Mashed potatoes (150 g). Wheat crackers or second-day bread from flour of the 2nd grade (50 g)
Lime blossom decoction (100 ml)
Second dinner Kefir 1% fat (100 ml)
First breakfast Cottage cheese casserole (100 g).
Wheat crackers (50 g).
Tea (100 ml)
Lunch Ryazhenka (150 g).
Unbread biscuits (50 g).
Apple juice (100 ml)
Dinner Vegetable cream soup (200 g).
Macaroni with low-fat cheese (200 g).
Kissel (100 g)
afternoon tea Baked fruits (150 g).
Chamomile decoction (100 ml)
Dinner Fish cutlets (150 g).
Stewed vegetables (150 g).
Morse (100 ml)
Second dinner Kefir 1% fat (200 ml)
First breakfast Buckwheat porridge (150 g).
Protein omelette (100 g).
Tea (100 ml)
Lunch Curd mass with fruits and berries (200 g)
Dinner Chicken soup with vegetables (1500 g).
Salad of grated boiled beets (80 g).
Chicken steam cutlets (110 g)
Dried fruit compote (100 ml)
afternoon tea Rice pudding (200 g)
Dinner Veal gravy without tomatoes (120 g).
Stewed cabbage with carrots (150 g). Dried bread (50 g).
Linden decoction (100 ml)
Second dinner Kefir 1% fat (200 ml)
First breakfast Pumpkin milk porridge with millet (150 g).
Kefir 1% (100 ml)
Lunch Cottage cheese (70 g).
Unsweetened biscuits (50 g).
Rosehip infusion or decoction (100 ml)
Dinner Meat soup puree (200 g).
Stewed zucchini (150 g).
Tea (100 ml)
afternoon tea Curd with jam (200 g).
Compote (100 ml)
Dinner Stewed turkey in small pieces with vegetables (150 g).
Mashed potatoes (80 g).
Vinaigrette without pickles (170 g).
Fruit puree (100 ml)
Second dinner Kefir 1% fat (200 ml)

Serving size depends on the level of daily exercise, gender, age and many other factors. A person of physical labor who spends a lot of energy should consume at least 2500-3000 calories per day. Sugar is allowed to be added to drinks, lean pastries, but not more than 50-80 g per day. Bread (dried) per day can be eaten no more than 100-150 g.

Dish recipes

When following a diet after gallbladder removal, it is very important to eat varied. The diet should contain vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals, greens. You can use the recipes below to prepare simple, healthy and safe meals.

Potato soup with chicken

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • 3 medium sized potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt to taste.

Cut the chicken breast into pieces and boil until fully cooked. While cooking, peel the potatoes, carrots and onions and cut the vegetables into small cubes. Boil them in a separate pan until fully cooked. Transfer the boiled chicken to them with a small amount of broth, grind everything with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.

Diet pilaf

Many people think that pilaf must be fatty, but in fact it can be cooked without harmful additives on dietary meat. Such a dish is allowed to be consumed 2-3 weeks after the removal of the gallbladder. A clove of garlic in a boiled form will not irritate the mucous membrane, but will give a delicious flavor to the pilaf. Put at least 3-4 carrots to make the color of the finished dish more beautiful.

You will need:

  • 500 g of rabbit or lean veal pulp (you can take chicken breasts);
  • 700 g rice (not steamed);
  • 4 carrots;
  • bulb;
  • salt;
  • a clove of garlic.

Boil the meat in a double boiler or pan until soft and cool. Start cooking vegetables. Rinse, peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into small cubes, rub the garlic. Put the vegetables in a cauldron greased with vegetable oil. Add chopped boiled meat and washed rice there. Fill all this with water so that its level is 1-2 fingers higher than the rice. Put the cauldron on a slow fire and cook until cooked until all the water is absorbed. At the end of the pilaf, salt and mix.

It is easier and faster to cook pilaf in a slow cooker. It turns out crumbly and fragrant. Instead of a cauldron, add vegetables, rice and boiled meat to the multicooker bowl and set the appropriate program (15-20 minutes).

Dishes with rice should not be consumed more than 2-3 times a week. They can strengthen and provoke constipation.

lazy dumplings

Cottage cheese dishes occupy one of the main places in the diet of people with a remote gallbladder. To make lazy dumplings you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt to taste.

Mix egg with cottage cheese and salt. Add the required amount of sugar, flour to the mixture, knead the soft dough, which should be slightly moist and sticky enough. Moisten your hands with water, roll the dough into a bar and cut it into equal pieces, from which you fashion dumplings. Boil them in lightly salted water for a few minutes until they float to the top. Extra raw dumplings can be frozen in order to prepare a tasty and healthy dish for yourself or your family at any time.

cottage cheese pudding

From cottage cheese you can cook a simple and tasty dessert - cottage cheese pudding. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp semolina;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 20 g of mild cheese;
  • 3 chicken proteins;
  • some milk and butter.

Fill semolina with milk to swell. Wipe cottage cheese with whipped proteins, add grated cheese and swollen mother. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and place in the oven. Top the casserole with a piece of butter and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

Baked apples with dried fruits

For this delicious dessert you will need:

  • 4-5 apples;
  • 2-3 prunes and dried apricots;
  • a spoonful of honey and butter.

Rinse the apples thoroughly and remove the cores from them. Fill the resulting void with chopped dried fruits mixed with honey and butter. Bake apples in the oven until tender (15-20 minutes).

Steamed turkey cutlets

Turkey is considered dietary meat, is actively used in diseases of the digestive tract, including after removal of the gallbladder. To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 500 g turkey fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 70 g of yesterday's bread;
  • 1 egg;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • salt.

Soak bread in milk. Pass it and turkey meat, as well as onions through a meat grinder. Break the egg, salt a little and mix with the rest of the mass until smooth. Shape into patties and steam them for 40 minutes. You can use a multicooker.

Festive menu for those who have had their gallbladder removed

During festive feasts, it is difficult to follow a diet that cannot be broken after removal of the gallbladder. But you do not have to restrain your appetite or, even worse, break your diet - just prepare dietary holiday meals that will not only be delicious, but also very healthy.

Salad with boiled broccoli and chicken

Broccoli is rich in vitamins and minerals. When cooked, it goes well with chicken meat. To prepare a festive hearty salad, you will need:

  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 g broccoli;
  • 50 g low-fat cheese;
  • fat-free yogurt without additives.

Weld chicken fillet and cool it down. Separate the meat into small fibers. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences, boil it, at the end of cooking, put it in a colander and dip it in ice water (to give a delicious crunch). Mix boiled broccoli, cheese, stripped chicken meat, dress the salad with yogurt. Salt a little if desired.

Zucchini stuffed with turkey meat

Zucchini with dietary turkey meat are great for a festive table. This dish looks aesthetically pleasing, it is very satisfying and tasty. In addition, zucchini improves the absorption of meat, promote good digestion.

To prepare stuffed zucchini you will need:

  • 700 g minced turkey;
  • 1.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 ml low-fat cream;
  • salt.

Add a few cloves of minced garlic to the minced turkey meat. Wash the zucchini thoroughly, let them dry at room temperature. Cut them into rings 2-3 cm high. Carefully cut out the inner part with a knife, leaving a small layer of pulp and peel. Finely chop the zucchini pieces, mix with minced meat. Add this composition to the inside of the vegetable, pour in the cream and bake in the oven (standard temperature is 150-180 degrees).

Pear jelly

On holidays, it is customary to treat yourself to various sweets. The diet after removal of the gallbladder excludes the use of chocolate, fatty creams, flavorings. But if you wish, you can cook a delicious dessert for the festive table - pear jelly.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of pears;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin.

Pour gelatin with half a glass of water and leave to swell. Boil the pears in water until soft, rub through a sieve, removing the hard core and seeds. Add a glass of water, sugar to the resulting puree, boil it all in a saucepan until the liquid boils. Pour in the swollen gelatin, stir and heat again until thickened. You can pour jelly into molds. Leave in the refrigerator. After 40 minutes, the dessert will be ready.

Do's and Don'ts after Surgery

After removal of the gallbladder, a rehabilitation period begins, which lasts several weeks. The possibility of performing minimally invasive operations has made it possible to radically change the principles of patient management. If during abdominal surgery in the first days it is necessary to prescribe narcotic analgesics, then after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, patients feel satisfactory and do not have significant abdominal pain.

But in any case, in the postoperative period, certain restrictions must be observed for 14-30 days:

  • it is forbidden to lift heavy objects more than 3-5 kg;
  • limit physical exercise(except for walking);
  • you can not take a hot bath, visit the solarium and public pools;
  • it is recommended to wear a bandage and carry out regular dressings of the postoperative suture.

After laparoscopic or abdominal removal of the gallbladder curative hunger continue 1-2 days. Gradually, the diet is expanded, taking into account the well-being of the patient. It is recommended to start walking on the 2nd day after laparoscopy in order to restore bowel function faster.

The first 2-3 months, despite the end of the rehabilitation period, be careful. You can not make sudden movements, jump, perform actions that can cause harm to health.

Be especially careful during the period of active spread of SARS and influenza. After the operation, a person is weakened, his immune system is in tension, so infectious agents can easily attack and cause various diseases. In the first months of the recovery period, it is important to eat well in order to gradually restore strength and impaired functions.

Nausea and pain after surgery

Even following a diet after gall removal, many people feel bouts of nausea. In medicine, this is called dyspepsia, which is part of the postcholecystectomy syndrome. It occurs as a result of characteristic changes in the work of the biliary system. But main reason nausea and pain in the right hypochondrium after cholecystectomy is a dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi. This disorder occurs in 20% of people who have had their gallbladder removed.

As a result of the natural restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract, not only attacks of nausea appear, but also bloating, stool disorders, heartburn, belching, and even vomiting. The situation is aggravated by concomitant diseases of the digestive tract. But if you follow a diet after removing the gallbladder, discomfort gradually decreases and completely disappears.

Drug treatment of postcholecystectomy syndrome depends on the general condition of the patient's gastrointestinal tract. It is important to identify all possible diseases, adjust the diet to reduce the burden on the liver and intestines.

What to do for nausea and persistent pain after gallbladder surgery

With constant nausea and pain, reduce the amount of fat in the diet to 50 g per day. Analgesics are used to relieve pain.

If during the diagnosis the doctor detects obstruction of the bile ducts, it is necessary to perform endoscopic sphincteroplasty. But in most cases, the appointment of painkillers and strict adherence to the diet makes it possible to quickly get rid of pain, nausea and other dyspeptic manifestations.

Normalization of stool after removal of the gallbladder

The problem of constipation and diarrhea is relevant for everyone who has undergone cholecystectomy. In the first weeks after surgery, many people find it difficult to empty their bowels on their own due to abdominal pain and internal fear. Therefore, in the early rehabilitation period, specialists prescribe mild laxatives.

Diarrhea with cholecystectomy usually occurs after a violation of the diet, when the patient allows himself to consume spicy or fatty foods. The risk of diarrhea is increased in the first months after gallbladder removal. Therefore, during this important period, completely abandon fatty foods and prohibited foods and drinks.

Frequent diarrhea is an indication for a comprehensive examination of the intestine. Diarrhea may be associated with concomitant infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If no additional pathologies are found, fixing agents are prescribed. It is recommended to use more rice porridge on the water.

The hardest thing to deal with is chronic constipation and bloating. Since it is forbidden to consume coarse vegetable fiber in the first week, many people completely refuse vegetables and fruits, even in boiled form. This is a common mistake that should not be made. Boiled, baked fruits and vegetables do not irritate the mucous membrane, but provide the intestines with the necessary amount of fiber, which is used, among other things, for the synthesis of their own beneficial bacteria.

Gymnastics for recovery

Restoration of physical activity after removal of the gallbladder begins with hiking better - outdoors. Try to inhale deeply and exhale - with a full chest. This stimulates the diaphragm and the flow of bile from the liver. The first physical exercises can be done starting from the 3rd week after laparoscopy. If you had an abdominal operation, you should wait 1.5-2 months.

Regular physical activity is useful not only for the psyche, but also for the work of the digestive tract. During sports training, the active work of the intestines is maintained, and the hormonal system is gently stimulated. By exercising, you prevent stagnant processes, the appearance of excess weight and postoperative residual pain in the right hypochondrium.

Approximate set of exercises

  1. Take the starting position - standing with legs apart shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms out to the sides and twist your body as you take a deep breath. As you exhale, you should be back in the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. Take a starting position - sitting on a chair. Gently lean back on his back, and put your hands on the armrests. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, leaning on your legs and arms, slightly raise your pelvis. Get down on a chair. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  3. Take the starting position - lying on your side. Stretch your legs in a straight line. One hand should be at the waist, the other should be behind the head. Bend your top leg at the knee deep breath. As you exhale, put it back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Starting position - lying on your back. Simulate cycling. Do not make sudden movements while doing this. Do exercises smoothly. Repeat 5-7 times.

Herbs and fees

Traditional medicine suggests regularly drinking restorative and anti-inflammatory preparations for quick recovery after removal of the gallbladder. Medicinal herbs especially recommended for people who during the rehabilitation period feel a dull pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, often complain of bloating and instability of the stool.

Gastrointestinal collection Fitogastrol

Gastrointestinal collection Fitogastrol has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains the following plants:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • dill fruits;
  • licorice and calamus roots.

Fitosbor is prescribed for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver as part of complex therapy. After cholecystectomy, it can be used to prevent the onset of pain, flatulence and dyspepsia. Fitogastrol has a calming effect on the entire digestive system.

The duration of treatment depends on the general state of health. Phytocollection can be taken for several months. It is convenient to use a product that is sold in filter bags. In this case, you do not have to carefully measure the dosage and additionally filter the infusion. Just brew 2 packets with 1 cup boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes. Dilute the resulting solution in 200 ml boiled water. Take orally half a glass half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.

Gathering against pain and nausea after cholecystectomy

Try using the following herbs regularly:

  • coltsfoot;
  • yarrow;
  • bearberry;
  • tansy;
  • St. John's wort;
  • motherwort;
  • swamp cudweed;
  • centaury;
  • lingonberry leaf;
  • valerian root;
  • cherry berries.

Take a teaspoon of each herb. Brew it with a liter of boiling water, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Then turn off the gas and put in a warm place to languish for 2-4 hours. After the composition, strain and take shortly before meals several times a day, 50 ml. The course of treatment is 2 months, then - a break for 1-2 months. The collection helps with a difficult course of the recovery period.

Rosehip infusion

To achieve a restorative effect and prevent vitamin deficiency, it is useful for patients after removal of the gallbladder to drink rosehip infusion. It contains not only vitamin C, but also beneficial trace elements, antioxidants, and increases protection against infections. Rosehip tea can be drunk in long courses, but if your stomach often hurts or you have gastritis, then drink the infusion an hour after eating in short courses - 2-3 weeks each.

Rose hips are thoroughly washed, added to glassware or a thermos and poured with boiling water. Insist 1-2 hours. For 100 g of fruits, 1 liter of boiling water is consumed. It is recommended to strain the infusion before use. Since rose hips contain a lot of vitamin C, rinse your mouth with warm water after drinking the infusion to prevent tooth sensitivity.

Chamomile tea

It is helpful to take chamomile tea regularly after cholecystectomy. It does not have a choleretic effect, but relieves inflammation from the gastrointestinal mucosa. Chamomile flowers are sold in any pharmacy. If you wish, you can prepare them yourself. But collect inflorescences away from tracks and plants.

Boil clean and dried flowers (2 tablespoons) with a liter of boiling water, close the lid and let stand for 20-30 minutes. Strain the finished infusion and take it warm 2-3 times a day as a tea, but not more than 150 ml at a time. You can add honey to it. The duration of admission is not limited.

Lime tea

Linden flowers contain a lot of vitamin C, phytoncides, flavonoids, carotene and tannins. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. In addition, linden helps to get rid of abdominal cramps.

For 2 tablespoons of inflorescences take a glass of boiling water. Insist linden for 20-30 minutes. Drink infusion with honey, can be combined with chamomile tea. The duration of admission is not limited. Linden infusion can be taken on an empty stomach to avoid morning sickness.

If you feel worse after cholecystectomy, you should immediately contact your doctor. After such operations, many patients experience temporary health problems, nausea, heartburn, and frequent belching. With the help of modern analgesics and enzymatic agents, it is possible to maintain high-quality digestion and good health in the acute period, when the body is adapting. Also, do not forget about the importance of following a diet after gallbladder removal.

Health to all, a full life, recovery after surgery!

After laparotomy and laparoscopy, during which the gallbladder is cut out, diet is the most significant component of the rehabilitation period. It is especially necessary to reduce the functional load from the digestive system during adaptation. The diet after gallbladder surgery is strict, however, it depends on whether the body responds with the development of complications.

How does the work of the digestive system change after the removal of the organ

Bile is produced by the liver all the time, not just during meals. The secret accumulates in the gallbladder and is released into the duodenum only after stimulation of chemical and mechanical receptors. The fatter the food, the stronger the receptors are irritated and the bile ducts contract more strongly.

Thus, the amount of bile thrown out depends on the amount of food that has entered the stomach. Being in the gallbladder, the secret becomes more concentrated, which means that enzymes break down nutrients faster (hepatic bile has pH 7.3-8, and gallbladder bile, since bicarbonates are absorbed, pH 6-7).

After removal of the gallbladder, the hepatic secret does not “settle”, but immediately enters the duodenum. And since the bile is not concentrated and it is not enough, it takes a long time to break down nutrients, hence the occurrence of reflux (reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach), increased gas formation as a result of the processes of decay and fermentation, inflammation of the duodenum

To speed up digestion, you need to follow a diet that involves eating foods that do not require a lot of enzymes and organic substances to break down. After cholecystectomy, it is important not only what the patient eats, but also the meal schedule. It is necessary for a person to develop a conditioned reflex that triggers the separation of bile at a certain time.

To do this, you need to eat at one time of the day and in small portions. Within a month after the operation, it is recommended to organize six meals a day, you need to eat every 3 hours. 10-15 minutes before a meal, it is advisable to drink a glass of water to stimulate the work of the gland and the separation of bile.

What diet is prescribed

Food after the operation is limited, within 4-6 hours the patient is not allowed to drink and eat. After that, you can only rinse your mouth with water or a decoction of herbs. You can drink only 12 hours after the operation. It is allowed to drink plain water 1-2 sips every 10 minutes, but in total you can drink no more than 0.5 liters per day.

24 hours after the removal of the bubble, the patient can drink low-fat kefir, tea without sugar, jelly. In total, you can drink 1.5 liters per day (half a glass of liquid once every three hours). On the third or fourth day the patient can eat. It is allowed to eat semi-liquid mashed potatoes, mashed vegetable soups (without meat), protein omelet, mashed boiled fish, jelly, a little sour cream.

You can drink apple and pumpkin juice, tea with sugar. You need to eat every 2 hours, but in portions of 150–200 g. On the 5th day, the postoperative diet allows you to introduce dry cookies, dried White bread. The next day, the menu can already be diversified with buckwheat or oatmeal (boiled), boiled fish or meat soufflé, low-fat cottage cheese, sour-milk products, vegetable puree.

A week after the operation, the doctor determines which diet is more suitable, which depends on the severity of the cholecystitis clinic or concomitant disease, as well as complications.

In the absence of complications, on the 8th–10th day after the removal of the organ, a N o 5A diet is prescribed, which provides sparing of the affected organs and contributes to the normalization of the functions of the hepatobiliary system. It assumes a normal intake of protein (80–100 g) and carbohydrates (350–400 g), but limits fats to 70–80 g and salt to 8–10 g. The calorie content of the diet should be about 2300–2500 kcal.

For patients who have developed postcholecystectomy syndrome with severe inflammation of the duodenum or recurrence of chronic gastritis, hepatitis, a diet N o 5Sch (sparing) has been developed. Against the background of cholelithiasis, pathologies of the biliary system are often formed, which provoke the release of low-concentrated bile.

The diet promotes maximum sparing of the organs of the digestive system and reduces the production of bile. Adhering to this diet, a person should completely exclude vegetable fats from the diet and limit the intake of simple carbohydrates to 30-50 grams.

It is necessary to refrain from eating raw fruits and vegetables, fatty meat and fish, smoked meats and spicy dishes, rich broths. Chemical composition food is as follows: 90–100 g of protein, 50–60 g of fat, 300–350 g of carbohydrates. Calories should not exceed 2000-2400 kcal. The 5Sch diet should be followed until the disappearance of the clinical manifestations of the disease (2-3 weeks), and then switch to the N o 5 diet.

If in the postoperative period a cholestasis syndrome has developed, in which the motility of the biliary tract is reduced, then a diet N o 5G is prescribed. Unlike the 5Sch diet, on the contrary, it stimulates bile secretion. Also, clinical nutrition has a lipotropic effect (“burning” of fat in the liver tissues), since it introduces polyunsaturated fatty acids and complete proteins into the diet.

According to the diet, the patient should include in the daily diet 100 g of proteins, 120–130 g of fats (half of which are vegetable), 400–450 g of carbohydrates. Protein products with lipotropic properties (dietary meat, egg white, cottage cheese, fish), bran, vegetable refined sunflower or olive oil, and vegetables are added to the diet.

The calorie content of meals eaten per day should not exceed 3100-3400 kcal. On the 3rd-4th day after the operation, with a developed inflammatory process, a N o 5B diet can be recommended, which limits the amount of food taken. The patient's daily diet includes 1600–1700 kcal (55–65 g of protein, 250 g of carbohydrates, 30–40 g of fat).

Mucous cereal soups and semi-liquid porridges are ground and served without adding oil (it is allowed to add a little low-fat milk to the porridges). The menu may contain compotes, vegetable juices, jelly, steamed meat cutlets, boiled fish, low-fat cottage cheese, crackers and dried bread.

Dishes are recommended not to salt. Eating at least five times a day in portions up to 200 grams. It is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid daily (up to 2.5 liters). After a week of such a diet, a less strict diet of N o 5A or N o 5 is prescribed, which depends on the degree of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to eat at the right time

Diet N o 5 is physiologically complete, so it is prescribed for a long time. Its purpose is to normalize bile secretion and reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. It involves the use of a large number of vegetables (with the exception of those that contain a lot of oxalic acid or essential oils), which are preferably seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

Also, to enhance bile secretion, it is recommended to eat berries and fruits, chicken eggs. To prevent bile stasis, easily digestible carbohydrates (candy, jam, sugar, honey) are removed from the diet, and the amount of salt is reduced to 8–10 g per day. Total daily calories 2800-3000 kcal (90 g fat, 100 g protein, 450 g carbohydrates).

If, after cholecystomy, the inflammatory process in the pancreas has aggravated, then a dietary table N o 5P is prescribed. The patient is recommended to halve the intake of fats, proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates for several days, caloric content daily ration should not exceed 1300-1800 kcal.

After reducing the pain syndrome, the patient can switch to the second diet option and diversify the menu, as well as increase calories to 2300-2500 kcal. The chemical composition is as follows: 120 g of protein, 70 g of fat, 300–350 g of carbohydrates.

Table "5P" prohibits the use of hot, spicy, sweet, sour and fatty foods, as well as foods containing a large amount of fiber, purines and extractives, as they stimulate the functions of the pancreas.

Diet must be followed for three months

What can you eat after the removal of the organ

After the operation, you can eat the following foods and dishes:

  • soups with vegetables and cereals;
  • wheat bread (not today's baking), crackers, biscuit, dry biscuits;
  • lean meat (rabbit, beef, chicken, veal);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk, mild cheese);
  • chicken eggs and protein omelet;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • salads from permitted vegetables (eggplants, broccoli and cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini), seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • fruit and berry juices;
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, almonds, hazelnuts, prunes);
  • sweet fruits and berries (apples, bananas);
  • marshmallow, marmalade, marshmallow;
  • black and green tea, rosehip broth, non-carbonated mineral water.

It should be remembered that all dishes must be cooked in a double boiler or boiled, they should be chopped before serving (soufflés, cutlets, meatballs are made from meat and fish), cereals should be well boiled, and salads should be finely chopped.

It is better to add vegetable oil to the finished dish, since it is not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment, and milk, on the contrary, is better not to be consumed raw. At first, it is necessary to grind all products, even apples from compote, and later it is recommended to develop the habit of chewing food thoroughly and for a long time.

What you can eat after surgery depends on individual food tolerance and on concomitant diseases.

What to avoid after surgery

After removing the gallbladder from the diet, it is necessary to exclude:

  • soups on broth (meat, mushroom, fish);
  • lard, fat;
  • fatty meat (goose, duck, pork);
  • smoked products, canned food;
  • freshly baked bread, rich and puff pastry;
  • fried or hard-boiled eggs;
  • fatty and salted fish;
  • whole milk fatter than 6%, cream, fat cottage cheese and sour cream, salted cheese;
  • sauces (mustard, mayonnaise, horseradish);
  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • products with cream, chocolate, ice cream;
  • sour berries;
  • black coffee, cocoa, alcohol.

You should also limit the use of foods that are difficult to digest, contain essential oils or purines. These are all types of legumes, radishes, radishes, mushrooms, sorrel, green onions, spinach, garlic, pickled and canned vegetables. After cholecystectomy, you need to follow a diet on an ongoing basis.

Many patients, noticing the absence of dyspeptic disorders, soon after the operation begin to eat, as before, which provokes the development of gastrointestinal diseases. In the first three months, eat strictly adhering to therapeutic nutrition and allow the body to adapt to new conditions.

Over time, you can deviate a little from the therapeutic diet, and add your favorite foods to the diet, but you still have to forget about fatty, spicy, heavy dishes. Be sure to follow the rules of fractional nutrition after surgical removal of the gallbladder.

Persons after the operation are prohibited from fasting and skipping meals, since bile constantly goes into small intestine and with a lack of "work" damages the mucous membrane. According to patients, after a year they do not really notice the consequences of the operation and can switch to a healthy diet without pain and indigestion.

Removal of the gallbladder is a serious intervention in the digestive tract. But performed according to clear indications, it contributes to the normalization of functions disturbed by the inflammatory process and compaction of stones. Proper nutrition ensures its long-term effect. After all, removing the gallbladder does not mean at all that you will protect yourself from the formation of stones in the future. Without a proper diet, they can re-form, but already in the bile ducts.

Risks after surgery

The gallbladder is an auxiliary organ in the digestive system. Bile is not formed in it, but only accumulates, and at the time of food intake it is thrown into the duodenum. If the function of bile formation is impaired, conditions arise for the formation of stones (calculi).

Their education is facilitated by:

  • stagnation of bile due to improper diet with long breaks between meals;
  • infectious diseases of the biliary tract, provoking inflammation;
  • metabolic disorders due to an incorrect diet with high cholesterol levels.

As a rule, a complex of problems leads to the formation of stones. And after the operation, some of them remain. Incorrect eating habits, a diet rich in animal fats, excess weight and associated metabolic disorders contribute to the further formation of stones directly in the liver ducts.

A proper diet after removal of the gallbladder ensures the correct absorption of products, normalizes digestion, protects against the formation of new stones and other problems in the digestive tract.

Consider the characteristic problems of the postoperative period.


Bile takes part in digestion in a concentrated form. Produced by the liver, it accumulates in the gallbladder, where its composition becomes more saturated, enzymatically active. If there is no gallbladder and there is nowhere to accumulate, bile in small volumes constantly flows out of the liver and enters the duodenum.

At the same time, not only its composition changes, but also its quantity. Therefore, the digestive tract cannot cope with "heavy" fatty foods, as well as with its large volume. After a plentiful meal or the use of "forbidden" foods, digestive disorders occur. They are manifested by heaviness in the abdomen, pulling pains, nausea.

Re-formation of stones

For the first time faced with stones in the body? The main reason for the appearance of stones is a violation of the composition of bile, which leads to its stagnation and further Negative consequences. Some time after the operation, the cause of the disease does not disappear. Abundant and rare meals, eating fatty foods, sedentary image life will support your liver in the formation of new stones. You can not overeat, especially eat fatty foods at night.

Flatulence and bloating

These problems often accompany people in the first months after surgery. It causes their growth of unfavorable intestinal microflora, which was previously oppressed by bile saturated with enzymes. Weakened and not concentrated, it is no longer so active against pathogenic microflora, which causes the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines. By "helping" pathogenic bacteria with certain types of food, you contribute to the aggravation of the problem.

“Compliance with the principles of a healthy diet is the most important dietary rule after gallbladder removal surgery,” comments a gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Myasnikov. - Vegetables and fruits, less meat and more fish, instead of regular dairy products - fat free, this is what you can eat. Traditionally, doctors recommend frequent and fractional meals.

Diet principles after gallbladder removal. What food is good after surgery

“Stone formation is caused by metabolic disorders. They need to be corrected with the help of the diet, - says dietitian Lyudmila Denisenko. “By choosing the right products, you can avoid post-operative problems and prevent new stones from forming.”

The composition of the diet should be adjusted taking into account the body's need for the main components of nutrition.

  • Fats. Calculi consist of cholesterol, which is present in large quantities in animal fats. The volume of its consumption should be reduced as much as possible by excluding fatty, cholesterol-containing foods from the menu: liver, fatty meats and fish, egg yolk. At the same time, valuable unsaturated fats in the diet should be preserved, as they contribute to the dilution of bile and prevent stone formation. We are talking about vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, linseed, olive.
  • Carbohydrates . The most important component of the diet, but their choice should be approached deliberately. The fact is that the carbohydrates contained in pastries and cereals stimulate the acidification of bile, which serves as an additional factor for the formation of stones. Easily digestible carbohydrates contained in sugar and dishes with it (marmalade, jam, marshmallow) do not have such an effect, but contain too many "empty calories" that stimulate weight gain and metabolic disorders.
  • Squirrels. Sufficient intake of protein food in the body is necessary to normalize the functioning of the liver, stimulate the renewal of its cells. Complete protein is found in egg whites, cottage cheese, lean fish and meats.
  • Vitamins. Particular attention in nutrition after surgery to remove the gallbladder should be given to vitamins involved in the functions of the liver. To support its regeneration, it is necessary to consume foods or vitamin complexes containing ascorbic acid, vitamins of groups B and K. Include complexes with retinol in the diet. Its deficiency contributes to the crystallization of bile.

The daily diet should include the main food groups in the following proportions:

  • 25 percent protein- easily accessible, well-digestible dishes from meat, poultry, fish, dairy products;
  • 25 percent fat- unsaturated vegetable oils, a small amount of animal fats from dairy products;
  • 50 percent carbs- the right "slow" carbohydrates from cereals, vegetables and fruits, in a small amount from simple sugars.

“Cholelithiasis is extremely rare in vegetarians,” says dietitian Lyudmila Denisenko. - And also in people who often consume legumes, oranges and nuts. There is no consensus on why these particular foods reduce the risk of stone formation. Perhaps the reason for this is fiber, and perhaps vegetable proteins. They are known to thin cholesterol and prevent the formation of dense fat clots.”

Eating Rules

Also, proper nutrition after gallbladder removal should be based on the following principles.

  • Drink alkaline mineral water. The magnesium salts contained in it alkalize bile and prevent its stagnation.
  • Avoid coffee and strong tea. Caffeinated drinks stimulate the contraction of the bile ducts. After using them, you are likely to experience discomfort from hepatic colic.
  • Don't starve. It has been proven that diets with a sharp restriction of the volume of food consumed and low levels of fat provoke stone formation. This is due to a decrease in the need for bile in digestion. It accumulates, stagnates in the gallbladder, and in its absence - in the ducts, thickens and crystallizes. The risk of stones during fasting increases by forty percent.
  • Don't take long breaks between meals. For healthy person it is safe to rest the digestive system for eight hours, that is, during the night's sleep. If a person has an early dinner and a late breakfast, the risk of stone formation increases. In the vast majority of cases, they are found in people who prefer to skip breakfast. After the operation, the rest period for the digestive system should be even less - no more than five to six hours. In this case, your body will be able to produce enough fatty acids that can dissolve cholesterol.
  • Watch your weight. Excess weight is a stimulating factor for stone formation. According to statistics, overweight people are six times more likely to suffer from this disease. Even an excess weight of ten kilograms doubles the risk of gallstone disease or recurrence of stone formation. Particularly susceptible to the disease and its recurrence are overweight women over the age of forty.
  • Eat fat. It is believed that the menu for every day of the diet after removal of the gallbladder may include exclusively low-fat foods. This opinion is wrong. The complete exclusion of fat, on the contrary, stimulates the formation of new stones. Fat is needed by our digestive system to encourage the biliary tract to release bile. When there are no foods in the diet that require bile to break down, it stagnates and thickens. Consume vegetable oil daily, at least three meals a day. Add at least two teaspoons to meals.
  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol consumption is another controversial dietary factor. On the one hand, it is necessary to take care of the health of the liver, and on the other hand, alcohol reduces the risk of stone formation. According to studies, alcoholic beverages in small quantities reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease by forty percent. “You need to be careful with alcohol, but you can use it little by little,” says dietitian Lyudmila Denisenko. “Half a glass of red wine a day will only do you good.”
  • Drink water. A sufficient volume of water in the body reduces the density of bile. Drink at least one and a half liters a day, gradually bringing this volume to the recommended - 30 milliliters for every kilogram of your weight.

The diet after removal of the gallbladder is sparing, but containing a sufficient amount of food. Its calorie content is 2500-2900 Kcal per day, which is adequate for the energy needs of an adult man. The total volume of products should be divided into small portions and consumed throughout the day. There can be 5-7 such meals, and the maximum break between them is no more than six hours.

Daily diet

The diet after removal of the gallbladder is determined by the period that has elapsed since the operation.

In a week

How much after the operation can not eat? The operation under general anesthesia excludes the possibility of eating in the first 12 hours. The menu for the week is determined by the attending physician, in accordance with general recommendations.

  • First hours. It is forbidden to drink liquids and any food. To reduce thirst, it is only allowed to wipe the lips with a damp sponge or rinse the mouth.
  • On the second day. A diet of 0a is recommended, including liquid and jelly-like dishes: low-fat meat broths, mucous cereal decoctions, fruit jelly, jelly,.
  • On the third or fifth day. Expansion of the previous diet with slimy cereal soups on vegetable broth, liquid porridge from, oatmeal, rice cereal, steam protein omelet, soft-boiled egg.
  • On the sixth day. Transfer of the patient to diet 5a, which should be followed for a week. It includes lean meats, poultry and fish, stewed or steamed, low-fat dairy and lactic acid dishes, boiled and steamed vegetables, milk soups. Menu after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy. Is it necessary to follow a diet after the operation

During laparoscopy, the diet after removal of the gallbladder will be less rigid by the day. Smaller surgical intervention in the body, as a rule, excludes a complex and lengthy rehabilitation period.

  • First hours. The patient is allowed to take liquids, not allowed to eat solid food.
  • After 12 hours. Choice of food according to the doctor's recommendation. Liquid food is allowed in a small volume (jelly, soup).
  • On the second day. Reception of liquids without restrictions, light food in small quantities is recommended. Eat lean boiled meat, fish, steam omelet, broths, cottage cheese, fruits.
  • On the third day and beyond. It is allowed to switch to normal nutrition in accordance with diet 5. The patient is recommended to adhere to "table 5" throughout his life.

Your task during this period is not to load the digestive tract with food. He needs to adapt to new working conditions. In addition, you should eat foods that will stimulate bowel activity and prevent the risk of constipation. The latter are especially dangerous in the postoperative period, as they entail the risk of divergence of fresh sutures.

Recipes for this period are extremely simple. They include only two or three components. On the third day after the operation, vegetable souffles are allowed, which serve as a good prevention of constipation.


  1. Grate a medium-sized carrot or beetroot on a fine grater.
  2. Put in a saucepan, pour hot water and simmer until soft.
  3. Transfer to a baking dish, add a tablespoon of low-fat milk and beaten white of one egg.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Steamed, boiled or stewed vegetables should form the basis of your diet in the future. Try to cook a variety of dishes from them, and you will see how rich your menu will become.

A week later

At this time, the body only reconfigures the functions of digestion. Therefore, it is now especially important to avoid disruptions in the work of the digestive tract. As a rule, a person is already at home, so it is possible to cook a variety of dishes and carefully introduce new foods into the diet.

  • Boil, steam, stew food. It is forbidden to fry in a pan, under the grill. Cook meals in a slow cooker, double boiler, oven.
  • Eat foods that are the right consistency for you. It is not necessary to grind or puree it unnecessarily.
  • Eat 6-7 times a day. This will help your body digest food more efficiently.
  • Eat at the same time. Train your body to produce bile at a certain time. In view of the fact that she has nowhere to accumulate and "wait in the wings", she should be provided with the possibility of immediate use.
  • Eat dinner two hours before bed. Early dinner and a long break in food during sleep contribute to the retention of bile in the ducts and the formation of stones.
  • Keep track of food temperature. Dishes must be warm.

Prohibited for the first two weeks fresh vegetables and fruits. The reason is their irritating effect on the digestive tract.

Therefore, include the following dishes in the menu for the week:

  • milk soup;
  • cottage cheese casserole with egg white;
  • steamed meat soufflé;
  • chicken breast roll baked in the oven;
  • yogurt and kefir with lactobacilli;
  • liquid cereal porridge;
  • protein omelet;
  • low-fat cheese (curd).

These dishes are equally well suited for a child and an adult in the first month after surgery. Despite the seemingly limited menu, you will be able to cook and consume a wide variety of dishes and products. For example, try making milk and vegetable soup.


  1. Pour milk and water into the pan in equal proportions.
  2. Add chopped vegetables after boiling: onions, carrots, potatoes.
  3. Pour the washed polished rice.
  4. Boil until the components are ready.
  5. Salt.

Sweets are not prohibited during this period. Along with weak tea, you can use natural jellies, marshmallow or marshmallow.

A month later

“The diet after a month of removal of the gallbladder is aimed at further restoration of the body,” says dietitian Natalya Semennikova. “In the normal course of the process, you can gradually expand the list of dishes, using only allowed products in it.”

In fact, the current diet will remain unchanged after 2 months and after 6 months. It is based on dietary table number 5 (), recommended for people with impaired liver and biliary system.

You should remember the list of prohibited foods and avoid them.

  • Fatty meats. Under the ban lamb, fatty beef, pork, duck. Salt is not allowed.
  • Rich meat broths. Low-fat poultry broths are allowed.
  • fried foods. They require a high concentration of bile to digest, which your digestive tract can no longer produce.
  • Ice cream and other cold foods, including drinks. Cold can provoke a spasm of the biliary tract and the occurrence of pain.
  • Spicy spices and dishes with them. Cause active secretion of bile and disruption of the digestive process.
  • Confectionery with margarine, butter. Cakes, pastries with cream are prohibited.
  • Carbonated drinks. The carbon dioxide they contain irritates the digestive tract.

Eat protein dishes: lean chicken meat, cottage cheese in the form of a casserole, meat soufflé with egg white. Such foods stimulate the thinning of bile, which reduces the risk of recurrence of stones.

  • soups on vegetable or lean broth;
  • boiled meat;
  • steam or stewed vegetable side dishes of zucchini, carrots, cabbage, beets;
  • boiled potatoes in pieces or mashed with a small amount of low-fat milk;
  • stewed low-fat fish;
  • boiled seafood - squid fillet, mussels;
  • cheese casserole;
  • fruit desserts - marmalade, marshmallow.

Boiled meat, especially cooked without spices, seems insipid. But it is not necessary to use it only in this form. We offer you a recipe for veal baked in foil.


  1. Rinse the veal fillet, put in a container.
  2. Pour in whey and leave overnight.
  3. Shake the meat, rub with salt, wrap in foil.
  4. Bake for 2 hours at 180 degrees.

Thanks to soaking in whey, the fillet will acquire softness and a particularly delicate taste. Eat it with a vegetable side dish.

In three months

As a rule, after 3 months, the diet includes the entire set of allowed foods. According to reviews, during this time, eating habits and preferences have time to develop, due to which the original “restrictions” turn into a way of life and nutrition.

Your digestive tract is used to the new working conditions. Of course, all prohibited foods remain the same for you. But you can afford fresh fruits and berries. Gradually try strawberries, raspberries, peaches, apricots, avoiding sour foods and preferring sweet ones. In the summer, eat watermelons - they are especially valuable to you.

During this period and in the future, you can consume a sufficiently large number of dishes without fear.

Table - Diet options 3 months after gallbladder removal

mealProducts, dishes
Breakfastboiled or mashed potatoes;
cereal porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, barley);
vegetable salad, vinaigrette;
steam protein omelet;
steamed meat or fish;
a cheese sandwich
LunchBaked apple;
unsweetened fruits;
dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes)
DinnerThe vinaigrette;
vegetable salad;
vegetable soup, borscht;
soups meat, fish, with meatballs;
boiled, baked meat, fish;
vegetable side dishes stewed from cabbage, zucchini, carrots, pumpkins, beets, potatoes
afternoon teaYogurt;
curdled milk;
milk with biscuits;
fruit or berry jelly;
unsweetened fruit
DinnerCottage cheese casserole;
steam protein omelet;
casserole of vegetables and cereals
Before bedtimeYogurt;
curdled milk;
fruit juice;
unsweetened fruit
  • weak tea;
  • milk;
  • tea with milk;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • fruit juice;
  • dried fruits compote.

Take Special attention dairy products in the diet. Biokefir, yogurt with a high content of lactobacilli will help in the normalization of intestinal microflora, disturbed in the absence of concentrated bile.

If flatulence or bloating persists, see a doctor. The specialist will recommend you preparations containing bifidobacteria and prebiotics that will help maintain the correct intestinal microflora.

A diet after removal of the gallbladder is the only way to maintain health and teach the body to live in new conditions for it. Understanding the value of proper nutrition will allow you to create a correct and healthy diet. It will include most of the products that you are used to seeing on your table, but probably in a different processing. And eating in small portions, the correct drinking regimen and the rejection of spicy, sour foods will protect against discomfort and pain.

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