
Severe stress symptoms and consequences. What can be the consequences of stress? Features of stress in women

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Constant worries have a negative impact on a person. Under their influence, the ability to adapt decreases, and undesirable changes occur throughout the body. The heart, stomach, intestines and other organs suffer from this, and the structure of hair and skin also deteriorates.

And that's not all negative consequences chronic stress. Let's figure out how it actually affects a person.


The fast rhythm of life of modern man will gradually destroy the nervous system. The body is forced to work non-stop, experiencing irregular work schedules and constant quarrels in the workplace or in the family. And when the nervous system is in this state every day, chronic stress occurs.

For most people, this concept has become the norm of life. A person gets so used to this condition that he doesn’t even want to think about whether this is normal and whether the help of a specialist is needed. But sooner or later similar situation ends with disastrous consequences. Health has its limits, and when we cross them, we end up with serious illnesses.

Everyone may have individual stressors. For some, one problem is a mere trifle, but for others, it is the tragedy of the century. It has been proven that chronic stress has a hereditary predisposition (autoimmune diseases, diabetes).

Psycho-emotional overload can be the main reason. The following factors lead to it:

  • Misunderstandings in personal relationships with people;
  • low self-esteem, in one’s own abilities;
  • difficult life situation;
  • loneliness and inability to cope with it;
  • special characteristics of the nervous system (fatigue, sudden mood swings, emotional instability);
  • complications after serious illnesses, such as influenza.


In situations where increased concentration is needed, the body experiences stress. This is a time of emergency for the brain. As a result, absolutely all systems begin to function, giving 100% effort.

The problem is that this mechanism is so developed that it comes into action even when it is not needed.

Small everyday problems become a kind of green light. Everyone finds their own reasons, for example, a quarrel with a loved one, a conflict with a friend, or a serious conversation with their boss.

Experts have learned to accurately diagnose stressful conditions. This process is not difficult at all.

Symptoms of chronic stress may include:


    loss of appetite, headache, changes in digestion, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia.


    frequent depression, feeling of irritability, tearfulness.


    craving for drugs, errors in the work process, decreased coordination.

It’s not worth diagnosing yourself immediately when the first signs appear. Often the symptoms coincide with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, etc. That is why you first need to be thoroughly examined, and then begin to act actively.

Effect on the body

Most people think of chronic stress as just a minor nervous strain that doesn't require much treatment. This opinion undoubtedly aggravates the current situation. A person is not trying to find help in medicine, he is simply waiting for some kind of relief. We do not notice that previous stressful situations are a thing of the past, and they have been replaced by new troubles. At the same time, your health is rapidly deteriorating.

Chronic stress results in consequences such as neuroses, psychoses, alcoholism, heart failure, problems in the gastrointestinal tract and others. It becomes more and more difficult to get rid of it, and the likelihood of myocardial injury and stroke increases rapidly.

Strange things happen to a person that are difficult to explain: severe headache, low performance, chills, trembling, nausea, pain in the heart and muscles.


When the body is exposed to stress for a long time, it does not have time to recover and gradually loses all vital reserves.

This condition leads not only to mental depression, but also to the destruction of the immune system. The immune system weakens and cannot fight off various infections, as a result the person begins to constantly get sick.

Consequences of stress

  1. Suffering gastrointestinal tract . In the acute period, a person is forced to go to a gastroenterologist to find the necessary treatment, but, unfortunately, it does not eliminate the true causes. These medications relieve the symptoms for a while, after which everything starts all over again. That is why it is important to eliminate the main sources - stress, then complex therapy will be effective.
  2. It becomes difficult to exist in society. He cannot concentrate in time, collect his thoughts, or solve the problem that has arisen. His vulnerability increases significantly. And in the event of some unforeseen events, the condition may even worsen to the limit, for example, nervous breakdowns, thoughts of suicide.
  3. The physical condition of the skin changes for the worse. A person loses his natural beauty and looks older than his age.

Constant stress greatly affects our well-being and social life.

Pathological conditions caused by stress

Long-term exposure to the above factors can lead to the development pathological conditions. Experts identify diseases that are included in the group of psychopathological ones, these include:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system– arterial hypertension, stroke, ischemic disease hearts;
  • nervous system disorders– migraine, neuroses;
  • digestive diseases– ulcer;
  • ailments endocrine system – diabetes mellitus;
  • skin problems– eczema, psoriasis;
  • illnesses musculoskeletal system – arthritis;
  • allergic manifestationsbronchial asthma, urticaria, dermatitis;
  • disorders in the reproductive system– disruptions in the menstrual cycle, decreased libido.

A person’s well-being can suffer both because of stress itself and because of its undesirable consequences. Constant fatigue, weakness knocks you out of the usual rhythm of life. There is a feeling of emptiness and uselessness inside.

People who live in constant stress become irritable, unbalanced, and quick-tempered. Another danger lies in the fact that they are trying to cure this condition with the help of alcohol and drugs.


When a person begins to feel the first symptoms of stress, you can try to get rid of it yourself.

Fighting methods

  1. Yoga. Even in ancient India, these simple exercises helped people get to know themselves and protect themselves from the surrounding bustle. They have a positive effect on the respiratory system, digestion, heart, and nervous system.
  2. Breathing exercises. Not everyone can afford it, but the simple ones breathing exercises can be completed at any time and anywhere. They allow you to calm down, concentrate, while saturating the brain with oxygen. As a result, all processes in the body are normalized.
  3. Relaxation method. This technology helps not only to relax, but also to improve blood circulation, metabolism, and relieve muscle spasms. Massage, baths, and acupuncture are especially popular.
  4. Lifestyle change. A properly structured daily routine and a varied diet help you survive in the most unfavorable situations, while completely controlling the course of events.

The main thing is to learn to take time for yourself and your health, this will help reduce your stress levels.

From a psychological point of view, a psychotherapeutic approach is quite appropriate in this situation. Often it is mental instability that can be the cause of constant stress.

To reduce the risk of nervous disorders, you should work closely on yourself and correct your behavior.

Personality types that react differently to stress



Ambitious They live in pursuit of success, their energy is overflowing. Chronic stress can develop due to constant activity.
Calm Such people are inactive, they like to dream in their free time and practically do not experience stress. Problems in the family can throw them off balance, but this does not last long.
Conscientious These are true conservatives who unquestionably believe in authority. They are capable of being exposed to stressful situations, especially when their plans are disrupted.
Unprincipled Such people do not conflict because they never defend their interests. Chronic stress can arise from interpersonal relationships.
Life-loving They are energetic, relaxed, love change and do not tolerate monotony. Chronic stress overtakes them very rarely.
Alarming It is typical for such people. Responsible work It can be really stressful for them.

According to experts, a psychotherapeutic approach helps to overcome any crisis situation, and this applies to all types of personalities.

The following principles should be adhered to

    Satisfaction Rule

    In any adverse situation, emotional well-being should be sought. This is quite possible, even if it is short-term.

    Reality Rule

    You should look at the world around you with sober eyes. To achieve your goal, you don’t always need to follow one straight road; most often you have to create detours. This develops patience in a person.

    Value Rule

    Often a person who does not know how to search alternative options, is exposed to stress. Anyone who knows how to find them, and in large quantities, will learn to easily bypass the most crisis situations.

    Rule of creativity

    Every problem must be seen as an opportunity for improvement. The more creative motives in the chosen approach, the more likely it is to reduce stress levels.

It takes time to learn how to implement the above principles. This method treatment can be effective throughout life.

When you need specialist help

A person who understands that for certain reasons he cannot cope with the problem should visit a therapist (home doctor).

He is obliged to assess the general condition, conduct tests and refer to specialized specialists, such as an endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist.

They will conduct diagnostics that will help identify possible hidden problems, since very often the true symptoms of chronic stress are similar to serious illnesses. When the diagnosis is carried out and any of the ailments are discovered, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If no comorbidities are found, the therapist should make a referral to a psychotherapist. This specialist has special anti-stress therapy methods that can be very effective.

People suffering from chronic stress are prescribed a course of vitamins and infusions of various herbs. When choosing medications, it is important to follow the dosage, since many of them increase nervous excitability.

Not all people know what stress leads to and how seriously this overload affects our body. In some cases, even minor but prolonged stress can lead to serious physiological and mental changes.

Why is stress dangerous?

It is difficult to predict what consequences will be fraught with certain psychological shocks; the reaction to stress of men and women differs significantly, and the level of resistance of each organism is individual. For some people, stress is simply a temporary difficulty that disappears after the stimulus; for others, even a short-term uncomfortable state can be considered a serious malfunction that can disrupt appetite, cause weakness, fear, and illness.

If we look at stress as long process impact on the human body, which causes a depressed general condition, provokes severe dizziness, headache, nervous and mental disorders, disrupts the functioning of organs and systems, becomes an impulse capable of causing physiological and mental diseases, then we can conclude that such a phenomenon cannot be called useful .

Constant stress can not only affect the emotional component of a person’s life. Against this background, the degree of concentration deteriorates, performance decreases, stress can provoke various diseases and will certainly affect appearance. The consequences of stress are not only nervous overload, severe headaches, physiological disorders, but also conditions that can cause serious hormonal imbalance.

For example, after prolonged stress, you are guaranteed to give the impression of a tired person, have not only an unhealthy complexion, a stale appearance (which causes particular irritation in women), but can also lead to aggravation of the situation, give rise to weakness, apathy and indifference, become cause of depression or chronic illness. Often external manifestations of stress in a person can also be weight changes, the appearance of edema, hair loss, and brittle nails.

With prolonged stress, a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of various diseases:

  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial;
  • immune.

Many who have experienced prolonged stress note that they often experienced dizziness and headaches, skin diseases worsened, hormonal disruption, adaptation disorders, fears, weakness, mental illness and various diseases appeared, the existence of which a person may have heard of, but I couldn’t even imagine that someday they would become a part of his life.

Stress and its consequences

The consequences of stress are very diverse, and for each person they can manifest themselves in a malfunction of one or more parts of the body. The consequences of severe stress depend on the state of health, gender, age, duration of emotional stress, the presence of chronic diseases or disorders in the functioning of organs and systems.

If you are constantly in a state of nervous tension, you may experience the following consequences of stress:

  • Changes in attitude towards life (manifestation of irritability, vulnerability, resentment, lack of self-confidence, panic attacks, hysteria).
  • Changing your daily routine. Insomnia, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, and lack of feeling of relaxation are often noted.
  • Eating disorders - stomach upset, decreased or increased appetite, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Poor concentration - restlessness, inattention, memory lapses.
  • Changes in libido, up to frigidity in women and impotence in men.

Prolonged stress and increased frequency of nervous breakdowns can lead to depression, which is very difficult to get rid of alone, without the help of specialists. That is why we urge you to be extremely attentive to your health, and if you feel that the process is being delayed, and you yourself can no longer cope with the current situation, do not hesitate - consult your doctor!

How to recover from stress

The manifestations of stress in each person, both men and women, are very individual. It also happens differently for everyone. For one person, communication with loved ones allows him to come to his senses, while for others, the best way to rest and relax the body is to rest in solitude and peace. Summoned negative experiences or someone removes pain from memory with the help of relaxation or yoga, while others choose active recreation, travel, sea cruises, and hiking routes to adapt to new living conditions.

There are many ways to calm down after stress; we will present below the most universal, acceptable and simple ones, so that every reader can easily use one or more options.

Recovery methods

  • Take a break.

This type of problem solving is effective if you have experienced a nervous shock of an emotional nature. Switching attention to any other object is a very good attempt and the right action! Think about your favorite hobby. Maybe you used to draw well, write poetry, or embroider? Or maybe visited the pool or rode horseback? Today, hippotherapy is a fairly popular method of treating many ailments and a good method of recovery from illness or stress.

Communication with animals is a unique chance to regain peace of mind and be filled with new impressions and emotions. A very good way to regain strength, feel renewed, and restore the functioning of the body for men can be a bathhouse, and for women - spa treatments, visiting beauty salon or massage room.

  • Another inexpensive way to adapt is walking.

Walking is not only good way to tone the body, but also an opportunity to calm down, switch gears, feel better, overcome weakness, and regain interest in life. Hiking Walking in a beautiful park or along elegant city streets will not only distract attention, but will also improve your physical condition. During a leisurely walk, you will be able to forget the pain and bitterness of defeat, analyze the current situation, and try to formulate the main tasks that need to be resolved immediately.

Walking makes it easier to bear stress and its consequences, restore appetite, overcome weakness, and help restore a positive emotional mood. If you have children, make it a rule to go with them to the zoo, cinema, cafe, water park, participate in joint entertainment, go on picnics or to the country house. Children are a real “bottomless well” of positive emotions and incredible positivity. Spending time together in a fun, relaxed environment can be your best medicine.

  • Another way is hydrotherapy.

It is not necessary to carry out water procedures on the sea coast in the summer or in an expensive spa. A hot bath with sea salt, aromatic oils, and decoction will help you calm down after stress and strong emotional arousal. medicinal herbs. However this procedure may have contraindications, so before using it, you should consult your doctor. It is also recommended to listen to calm music or meditate.

Against the background of pleasant calm melodies, drinking a cup of herbal tea with chamomile and mint, you can relax, abstract from a difficult situation, try to look at the problem from the outside and come to a solution to issues or problems, while also receiving emotional release.

  • Get a massage.

Activation of body points and nerve endings will switch the body’s “attention”, help you calm down, relax, and let go of the problem. Massage of the head and fingers works very well. Massage is an excellent prevention of many diseases, as well as effective way treatment of various ailments and diseases. Massage allows you to restore the basic functions of the human body, relieves the consequences of a nervous breakdown, physical pain or disorders and psychological disruptions, is an excellent way of adaptation, an opportunity to overcome weakness, restore appetite, neutralize hormonal imbalance, etc.

  • Breathe correctly.

If your breathing is measured, deep, infrequent, rhythmic, calm, your body will automatically adjust to this rhythm and relax. To breathe correctly, you need to monitor your posture, inhale deeply, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Breathing exercises are a great way to adapt to different conditions V everyday life, the ability to neutralize the consequences of almost any disease, nervous disorder, or can be an effective prevention of physical or mental illnesses.

  • Smile as often as possible.

A smile not only decorates women and men, but makes them more attractive. Scientists back in the 80s proved the relationship, which they called “body-brain”. Those facial muscles that are used when smiling activate nerve endings. They send a signal to the brain, which takes a smile as a state of happiness, and increases the secretion of endorphin and serotonin - the hormones of happiness and joy. And, as you know, these chemicals- the main enemies in the fight against stress. These hormones increase the body's resistance and reduce anxiety. A smiling person feels more confident and calm. There is also an inverse relationship. A frowning face causes the opposite reaction of the brain, and any disorders against this background intensify even more.

  • Don't avoid communicating with people and friends you like.

Try to get in touch with relatives more often, and do not deny yourself small pleasures. Do you like sweets? Have you not been to the cinema or theater for a long time, or visited museums? Or maybe you have always dreamed of “talking” with dolphins or taking part in bowling competitions? Give yourself pleasure, realize your dream, positive emotions are the best medicine!

  • Don't concentrate on your own worries, best way adaptation, forget your own pain and start helping others. The more active you are, the easier and faster you will find peace of mind, which means your ability to withstand stress will increase many times over!

Increased nervousness, aggression and apathy are the most common symptoms of prolonged stress. Prolonged stress on the psyche leads to the following consequences: a person’s physiology, moral state, and social relationships suffer.

Apathy is one of the manifestations of prolonged stress

The consequences of stress depend on the stress tolerance of the individual, the type of occupation and status of the person. Long-term and short-term stress can change the behavior and character of a man, woman, teenager or child.

Stressful state

The consequences of this condition appear after prolonged stress on the nervous system. The central nervous system functions in two processes - relaxation and a state of excitation. Violation of one process entails a number of symptoms: irritability, headaches, insomnia, absent-mindedness and aggression. The consequences of severe stress are chronic changes in behavior, treated with tranquilizers, sedatives and deep psychoanalysis.

What does stress lead to? The reaction of the human body is unpredictable. The symptoms of the consequences depend on the person’s life, his environment and the factors that trigger stress. Why stress is dangerous:

  • irreversible changes in the victim’s personality;
  • pathologies internal organs;
  • development of mental disorders;
  • adaptation disorder;
  • destruction of the relationship between the stressed person and his environment.

Stress and its consequences depend on the frequency of stressors (events, people, memories that frighten a person). Fear is normal. Short-term emotional protection creates minimal harm to the body.

Constant tension is dangerous for mental and physiological health: the more often a person is in fear, the harder it is to get rid of the root cause of stress.

Causes of stress

Negative emotions arise against the backdrop of difficult life situations. The reasons for a difficult moral situation can be hereditary factors, hormonal changes in the body, physical changes, psycho-emotional stress, disruption of the daily routine, and relationship problems.

Avoid the causes of stress in modern world It won’t be possible, but every person can develop resistance to stress.

The body's protective reactions can be regulated through breathing exercises, sports, yoga or other activities that require concentration and strength.

Reaction to stress

The reaction to stress is the consequences that have to be dealt with. Frequent panic attacks or insomnia create the preconditions for the development of mental disorder. The frequency of human diseases directly depends on the frequency of reactions to stress. A weakened body cannot resist even the slightest threat: infectious or viral diseases. Symptoms of stress:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • headaches;
  • confusion;
  • memory loss;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in the chest and heart;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • chills;
  • speech disorder.

Headache is one of the symptoms of nervous tension

Smells, sounds, memories, or hallucinations of the traumatic event may lead to the development of symptoms. The “stimulus” ended, but the signs of fear remained.

The negative experience experienced forces the psyche to defend itself: a person falls into forced apathy and escapes (the brain partially blocks memories or distorts the perception of reality). Psychoanalysis and a set of exercises help to get rid of the effects of stress.

Health effects of stress

Stress and its consequences are dependent concepts: severe trauma takes longer to resolve. A tense state disrupts the rhythm of life. It is difficult for the patient to navigate what is happening, to recover from severe stress without feeling devastated. The victim’s internal organs also suffer from mental stress: the cardiovascular system, stomach and intestines, endocrine system.

The human body weakens, and irritability gradually turns into apathy. People with stress from work or problems in their personal lives develop indifference to loved ones and the world around them. Because of DC voltage sleep is disturbed: the brain does not relax, confusion appears, and the severity of reactions weakens.

Psychosomatic diseases

The psychosomatic consequences of a severe stress state appear against the background of weakened immunity. Reduced activity and lack of appetite deplete the body: reduced immunity cannot resist diseases. Consequences of severe emotional stress:

  • stroke;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • decreased concentration;
  • migraines;
  • depression;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • asthma;
  • atherosclerosis.

The pathologies that arise depend on the state of the human body before the stress experienced. Increased anxiety, aggression and neuroses are accompanied by inflammation of chronic diseases. Eczema and dermatitis occur in people who cannot cope with anxious thoughts.

Stress is dangerous due to mental illnesses, such as split personality, penetrating trauma syndrome. For sick people, reality changes and adapts to their fears.

Children who have experienced domestic violence suffer from attention deficit disorder: the child exhibits symptoms of a fictitious disease. Over time, this syndrome develops into severe chronic diseases. A stressful state reduces professional activity. During home treatment and taking sedatives, the conductivity of brain neurons decreases. Memory is impaired, work ability decreases, and concentration is lost.

Asthma may be psychosomatic in nature

Chronic fatigue and chronic stress

In psychology, there are three types of human behavioral reactions to stress. The first reaction is conventionally called “foot on the gas” - the person is angry and constantly agitated. Under the pressure of circumstances, he literally boils, only negative emotions arise in him. The second state - “foot on the brake” - is characterized by isolation and withdrawal of the victim from the outside world. He closes himself, hides behind a mask of indifference. The last and most dangerous reaction to stress is “feet on both pedals.” The person is tense and constrained, it is difficult for him to pull away, but he is not able to throw out his emotions.

Chronic stress occurs against the background of any reaction of the body: the decisive factor is the duration of the symptoms of a serious condition. The body is weakened by violent emotions and attempts to escape consciousness. Long-term stress leads to complete emotional burnout.

Some people become lethargic under stress

Symptoms of burnout

The consequences of emotional instability, burnout, are accompanied by special symptoms. Signs of emotional burnout are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Cognitive. The victim exhibits memory problems. He only focuses on negative situations. Constant anxious thoughts accompany emotional burnout. Changing the victim's mindset is the most difficult task. The anxiety does not go away during the day, and at night the anxiety results in nightmares. The person feels tired, insensitive, lethargic.
  2. Emotional. The consequences of burnout are expressed in the acquired character traits of the victim: he is capricious, demanding, and quick-tempered for any reason. A person suffering from stress is overcome by feelings of loneliness and isolation. Depression and sadness are the main symptoms of burnout.
  3. Behavioral. The behavioral consequences of burnout are more common in adolescents and children. The victim is undernourished or overeating, hides from other people, and suffers from insomnia. The victim of stress cannot and does not want to complete the assigned tasks.

The effects of burnout manifest themselves in one or more symptoms. Loss of control over their emotions by expressive people occurs with increased aggression: a person destroys himself, his environment, and relationships.

In women, burnout is expressed by frigidity and sexual coldness. In men, burnout can manifest as sexual dysfunction.

Chest pain and tachycardia are two symptoms that indicate chronic stress. Fatigue coupled with aggression or inaction characterize chronic stress. Only a specialist can determine how advanced the disease is. It is very difficult to get rid of a protracted problem without the help of a specialist.

Destruction of relationships

Stress itself cannot lead to antisocial behavior of the victim; the consequences of a stressful state are responsible for the destruction of relationships in the family and at work. Psycho-emotional changes affect the perception of the world and people around you. A person in a state of constant tension is not able to objectively assess the situation. Conflict is a consequence of chronic stress: an aggressive attitude turns into a constant response. Irritability leads to a narrowing of the social circle. If a person feels morally bad, he splashes out negativity on loved ones, friends or colleagues.

Intrafamily relationships also suffer from the effects of stress. Communication between spouses is disrupted. Hot temper and suspiciousness disrupt harmony in the family: a person tries to relieve tension by splashing out negative emotions. In intimate terms, the victim is cold and uninitiative. Lack of sex life affects the relationship of spouses.

Prolonged stress is dangerous for work relationships. Conflict and temper lead to confrontation in the workplace, dismissal and loss of stable income. People with an apathetic state due to depression lack zeal for work - the employee receives constant criticism from colleagues and superiors, which aggravates his condition. The body launches additional defense mechanisms: the employee quits, falls into even greater depression, and loses the meaning of life.

Family relationships suffer greatly from stress

Combating the effects of chronic stress

Comprehensive exercises will help get rid of severe nervous tension: a person undergoes emotional therapy and performs physical exercises. Complex activities lead a person to inner harmony. To treat chronic stress use:

  1. Yoga. Yoga classes allow you to concentrate your attention, focus your thoughts and let go of anxiety. Daily yoga practice has a beneficial effect on the physical condition of the body.
  2. Breathing exercises. Breathing techniques can be used at home, at work and even on public transport. Holding your breath and breathing calmly will ensure the supply of oxygen to the brain. Through breathing, a tense body relaxes and internal processes are normalized.
  3. Relaxation techniques. Massage and acupuncture will improve the functioning of the digestive system, blood circulation and muscle tone. Relieving tension will help you get rid of the effects of work stress.
  4. Lifestyle organization. Normalization of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle changes thinking. If a person takes care of himself, his stress level decreases.

To combat stress, it is not necessary to attend paid classes.

A person who has suffered emotional burnout can do home exercises. Morning jogging And balanced diet will establish internal metabolic processes.

Quiet activities such as reading, knitting, art therapy are useful to improve morale. Concentrating energy and attention on one process has a beneficial effect on people with anxious thoughts.


The human body is an integral system. Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system lead to changes in behavior and perception of the surrounding world. And these are the first strong consequences of stress. The causes of stress can be troubles at work or in family life, sudden changes in living conditions or traumatic events.

A long period of nervous overstrain manifests itself in the following consequences: a person withdraws into himself, is constantly sick, and isolates himself from loved ones. To eliminate the consequences of stress, a person looks for the root cause of a severe mental and physical condition, eliminates stressors and creates comfortable conditions for a gradual recovery from severe stress.

The theory of stress was proposed by the Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selye, and since then it has undergone virtually no changes.

Stress is a normal reaction of the body to something new or unexpected. For example, you were attacked by a maniac with an axe. Your body triggers a response, it comes

the first stage of stress is anxiety, or mobilization

The sympathetic nervous system is turned on - part of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of internal organs. The invigorating hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine are released into the blood, followed a little later by the glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone. They are called stress hormones. As a result of the joint work of the autonomic nervous system and hormones, a number of changes occur in the body.

The body's energy resources are mobilized. The liver releases glucose into the blood, and the body begins to break down adipose tissue so that the cells receive enough energy. Breathing becomes deeper so that more oxygen goes to the heart and muscles. The heart begins to beat faster so that the blood flows faster.

Your reaction speed increases, your sensitivity to pain decreases, and due to vasoconstriction, the risk of bleeding is lower. The immune system is activated at the first stage: injury is possible, it is necessary to protect the body from the penetration of bacteria.

Also, during a severe stress reaction, the intestines may empty and bladder so that nothing distracts you from dealing with the stressor.

This reaction is activated in a few seconds. Now you have a better chance of running away from the maniac or taking the ax from him. Under acute stress, some people are capable of doing the impossible: e.g. bare hands stop a wild beast or lift an unbearable weight. From a biological point of view, such stress is a good helper in the fight for survival. In a normal state, you are unlikely to be able to figure out how to get down from the 5th floor to escape a fire, or climb a tall tree from a pack of angry dogs.

The bodily reaction is called physical stress. But there is also a psychological one, which is found in people and some higher animals. We can cause a stress reaction with thoughts alone: ​​you don’t see an evil maniac, but you watch a horror movie and imagine that he is about to attack. This way you can achieve the same effect as if an angry killer from the screen was standing in front of you.

The second function of stress is adaptation. The founder of the theory of stress, Hans Selye, called it an adaptation syndrome, the body’s way of adapting to various stimuli. Adaptation occurs during

the second stage of stress - adaptation, or resistance

If the stress factor does not disappear or is repeated frequently, then resistance to stress is developed and the body adapts. For example, when you speak in public every day, it’s only scary the first few times, then you calmly go on stage.

Stress itself is a reaction nonspecific. This means that the body reacts equally to any stimuli: bad and good. It doesn’t matter whether you saw a maniac or your first love at school - the body produces the same hormones and gives the same stress reaction. Pleasant surprises are just as stressful for us as unpleasant events. Or let's take another example: the body reacts differently to the effects of heat and cold, but the stress response still occurs in the same way: activation of the sympathetic nervous system, release of adrenaline and cortisol.

Stress is nonspecific, but the body’s adaptation to a stress factor is always specific: the body gets used to heat in one way, and to cold in another way. Regularly encountering the same stressor, the body adapts to it. If the stimulus changes, for example, from heat to cold, the stress response will again become high - it will not be possible to get used to the stress itself, although trained people can tolerate it more easily.

It seems that everything is fine: stress helps us escape, allows us to get used to various stress factors. Everything is fine, except for one detail: stress causes adaptation if you can get used to the stimulus - that is, it is not beyond the body's endurance.

If the stress factor is too strong or prolonged, the body cannot cope with it,

the third stage of stress is the stage of exhaustion,

It can lead to various illnesses and even death.

Imagine that a maniac with an ax attacks you every day. You don’t know at what time and where he will appear, whether you have enough strength to escape this time. How many days or weeks can you hold out, constantly expecting an attack? Most likely not for long.

Stress that affects the body for a short time and helps it adapt is called eustress, the prefix “eu” means “good, correct.” Stress that destroys the body is called distress, “dis” - “disturbance, disorder.”

During distress, the body is constantly in tension, the level of hormones in the adrenal cortex is increased, the body is always ready for battle, and the brain feels anxious.

What factors cause stress and what determines the strength of the reaction?

Sometimes stress is considered only as a reaction to strong influences. In fact, even minor changes can trigger a stress response if they are new and unpleasant. Much depends on life experience, the degree of anxiety of a person and the state of the body. In addition, the level of stress depends on the significance of the situation for a person and his emotional attitude towards it.

For example, for a village resident, traveling on the subway is stressful, but spending the night in a haystack is a common occurrence. For a city dweller the opposite is true. For an introvert, interacting with people can be stressful, but for an extrovert it can be pleasure.

There is a misconception that stress occurs in response to harmful influences. However, the body reacts both to pleasant changes and to events that may be beneficial in the future.

Stress occurs if:

  • You are faced with new factors or situations, with something unusual. For example, the sound of an alarm clock is an unpleasant stimulus, but it does not cause stress; we hear it regularly. But the first flight on an airplane may well lead to a stressful response.
  • You are faced with a strong stimulus. For example, normal summer temperature does not cause stress, but if the thermometer reads +40, the body will react.

The strength of the stress reaction increases when there is a lack of time to solve the problem. The less it is, the greater the stress. The more time to look around, collect information and make a decision, the less the body reacts.

Another important factor: the characteristics of your body. Some people are genetically predisposed to extreme stress. So, if your body produces more cortisol or there is increased activity in the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for anxiety, you will worry and experience stress more and more often than other people, sometimes for reasons that they consider insignificant.

How stress can be beneficial

Under stress, endogenous opiates - enkephalins and endorphins - are intensely released. These compounds cause euphoria. This is why pleasant experiences are rarely associated with the unpleasant word “stress”: the body experiences the same stress reaction, but anxiety seems like a pleasant excitement.

The normal stress response can be used for good, even if the situation seems unpleasant. For example, you may be afraid of talking with your boss about your salary, like meeting a maniac, but you cannot run away or fight - we need to agree. Here the stress reaction can give you strength, energy, and excitement.

If you perceive stress positively, you can set yourself up to complete the task - argue with your boss and get the desired increase. Under the influence of the sympathetic-adrenal system, your body and brain are in optimal conditions for victory; stress increases your motivation to succeed.

In moderation, stress factors increase a person’s psychological and physical resistance to negative influences - this helps to cope with difficult situations more easily. Small short-term stresses can be considered training the body. There is a theory by psychologist Richard Dienstbier that experiencing controlled stress and recovering from it makes it easier to overcome difficulties in the future.

Stress should not be treated as an evil - a lot depends on how often you experience stress, how you feel about it, what other negative factors affect your body and brain. Maybe a stress reaction is just what you need to feel the taste of life.

Full development of personality requires some kind of external influence. This impact can be people, events and... stress. It is this last factor that interests us.

Stress can be physical and psychological. Physical - arise from a feeling of hunger, heat, thirst, cold, infection, etc. Psychological - are a consequence of severe nervous strain.

The effect of stress on the human body can be both positive and negative. Positive changes are brought about by stress that is not too strong and prolonged. However, if the impact of stress is intense, sudden, and prolonged, then it is destructive. In an attempt to compensate for growing internal dissatisfaction, a person begins to use psychoactive substances, alcohol, drugs, changes sexual preferences, commits rash acts, and plunges into the world of gambling. This behavior only aggravates internal discomfort and adds problems.

If stress has a negative impact, then a number of indicators may change, including physical and mental health, social circle, success in implementing professional plans, relationships with the opposite sex.

Stress and its consequences are directly proportional phenomena; the stronger and longer the stress, the greater negative impact It has a first and foremost effect on health.

Stress disrupts the usual rhythm of a person’s life. Due to severe nervous overstrain, the most vulnerable systems of the body are “attacked”: the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system.

It is possible to develop diseases such as:

  • angina pectoris
  • increased blood sugar
  • hypertension
  • heart attack
  • increase in fatty acid levels
  • gastritis
  • insomnia
  • stomach ulcer
  • neuroses
  • chronic colitis
  • cholelithiasis
  • depression
  • decreased immunity, resulting in frequent colds, etc.

The effect of stress on the human body may not appear immediately, but may have a delayed development of a serious and sometimes life-threatening disease. It’s not for nothing that doctors warn us that “all diseases come from nerves.”

The hormones produced by the body during stress are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body, but the volume of these hormones should not be high. A high amount of such hormones contributes to the development of various diseases, including cancer. Their negative impact is aggravated by the fact that modern people lead sedentary lifestyle life and rarely use muscle energy. For this reason, active substances “wander” throughout the body in high concentrations for a long time, thereby keeping the body in a state of tension and not allowing the nervous system to calm down.

Thus, a high concentration of glucocorticoids causes the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids, which ultimately contributes to muscle dystrophy.

In bone tissue, hormones lead to suppression of calcium absorption, resulting in a decrease in bone mass. The risk of developing osteoporosis, a fairly common disease among women, increases. In the skin – they inhibit the renewal of fibroblasts, thereby causing thinning of the skin, promoting poor healing in case of damage.

The consequences of stress can manifest themselves in degeneration of brain cells, growth retardation, decreased insulin secretion, etc.

In connection with such an extensive list, a new direction in medicine has emerged - psychosomatic medicine. She deals with all kinds of stress that act as the main or accompanying pathogenetic factors that provoke the development of diseases.

Stress and social circle

Stress itself has no effect on your social circle. However, the consequences of stress, expressed in psycho-emotional changes, can become one of the main factors that disrupt interaction with members of society. First of all, these violations are associated with a reluctance to maintain previous relationships, which leads to a narrowing of the circle of friends.

In addition, conflict, sharp negativism and outbursts of anger are common in this situation, which naturally affects the interaction with communication partners.

As a result, a person who has experienced a stress disorder, under the influence of acquired characteristics, loses his usual social circle, which contributes to the strengthening of post-stress reactions.

Stress and family

Stress and its consequences negatively affect family relationships. Regardless of which spouse has experienced stress, certain difficulties arise in the family. They are associated with violations:

  • in communication (temper, conflict, suspiciousness do not strengthen communication between spouses)
  • in the intimate sphere (refusal to fulfill marital duties)
  • in professional activities (loss of job, deterioration in the financial well-being of the family).

How to avoid negative consequences

We have already said more than once that personal strength lies not in the ability to “hide” from stress, but in the ability to control one’s condition. It is this ability that will subsequently protect against negative influences. stressful situations. There are many techniques for restoring a normal psycho-emotional state.

  1. First of all, after suffering from nervous overstrain, you should “let off steam.” An effective remedy is an exercise consisting of an ordinary strong cry. To fulfill it, one condition is necessary - ensuring privacy so as not to frighten others. You can go out into nature and there in its bosom, throw out everything that has accumulated. To do this, you need to concentrate on negative emotions and have the strength to shout. You can shout any sound or word. Three approaches are enough.
  2. Well restores internal balance breathing exercises. The connection between breathing and human condition has long been established. For example, in a moment of severe fright, you lose your breath. By restoring the normal rhythm of breathing, it is possible to restore the emotional state. There are many different options for gymnastics. To calm down, you need to slowly inhale through your nose, slightly holding your breath for a couple of seconds, and also exhale slowly, but already through your mouth. This exercise can be combined well with exercises to relax body parts or facial muscles.
  3. Physical activity helps cope with the effects of stress. This could be sports activities (team games or individual exercises) or ordinary household work that allows active movement (washing floors, weeding the garden). In addition to the fact that as a result of muscle work, the body gets rid of unnecessary stress products that have formed in its tissues, these activities will allow you to escape from unpleasant thoughts.
  4. The support of loved ones is of great importance in overcoming the results of stress. The opportunity to speak out, throw out accumulated thoughts and at the same time receive approval will allow you to “heal” mental trauma.
  5. A good Russian bath will rid the body of stress hormones.
  6. The power of art helps to cope. Singing, music, dancing affect emotions, relieve tension, and allow you to express experiences. In addition, singing and dancing help normalize breathing (we wrote about its importance above) and increase physical activity, the role of which is invaluable in anti-stress therapy.

Thus, it is possible to cope with stress and its consequences without harm to health and loss of social connections. It is important to want this and know some of the secrets that we share with you. Once you defeat this “monster”, you will be able to go through life feeling like a winner and master of your life.

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