
Why does hair fall out so much in summer? Why does hair fall out in summer? How to prevent hair loss

From the article you will learn why hair burns out and falls out, as well as get acquainted with the most effective methods of dealing with this problem.

Almost all people adore summer, because it is during this period that we can lead a more carefree life than usual. We walk a lot, ride bikes, go on picnics or just sunbathe.

But such an active pastime is not very beneficial for our hair. Hair falls out, becomes dull, dry and brittle. But still, if you approach the solution of this problem correctly, then your hair can remain quite healthy and silky. All you have to do is not be lazy and give your hair at least a few minutes a day.

Why does hair grow faster in summer?

The body of each person is individual, therefore, the hair of one grows faster than the other. But any trichologist will tell you that if you want to grow your hair, then you need to start doing it in the summer.

During this period, the intensity of hair growth increases by at least 15 percent. This is due to the fact that in the warm season we do not wear hats, and blood flow increases in the skin.

And since the scalp breathes well, the nutrition of the hair follicles is enhanced. Also during this period we eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. A large number of beneficial vitamins and minerals also help hair grow faster.

How to keep beautiful hair in summer?

In summer, every woman strives to look perfect, and a beautiful hairstyle plays an important role in this. But it often happens that it is during this period that the fair sex notices that her hair is falling out.

If you want to avoid this situation, then follow these rules:

  • Treat your hair with special sunscreen
    Wash your hair with a mild, gentle shampoo and be sure to use a conditioner
    If you do not have the opportunity to buy specialized products, then before going to the beach, apply on your hair, for example, olive or almond oil. Shampoo thoroughly when you get home.
    Make nourishing masks at least a couple of times a week

Why is hair dry in summer?

In the summer we spend a lot of time in the sun, we swim and sunbathe a lot. But salt water and a lot of ultraviolet radiation cause great damage to our hair and usually we begin to notice that our hair grows dull and falls out.

This is due to the fact that they become dry and brittle. In the warm season, the amount of moisture in the human body decreases, as a result of which the skin produces much less subcutaneous fat, and this immediately affects the hair.

In addition, the following factors affect the condition of the hair:

  • Frequent staining
    Being in the sun without a hat
    Combing wet hair
    Drying with a hair dryer
    Wrong care

Hair protection in the summer from burnout

Every girl knows that hair color gets a little lighter in summer. We get this effect because the pigment that is responsible for color saturation is destroyed. But, in addition to the fact that the hair burns out, visually they begin to resemble straw, and this, as you understand, is not at all attractive.

Here are some simple tips to help you avoid this problem.:

Try not to wet your hair in salt water while swimming.
After bathing, rinse your head with ordinary drinking water.
Eat lots of vegetables and fruits
Try to use a hair dryer as little as possible
Be sure to wear a hat on the beach
Treat your hair with protective gels and sprays

How to prevent hair loss in summer?

Very often, the fair sex, noticing that their hair is falling out, run to the pharmacy and buy a huge amount of medication. But not always pills and vitamins help to put the hair in order.

After all, if your hair has suffered from the sun's rays, then only nourishing masks and natural oils can be used for treatment.

Hair masks in summer

In summer, it is quite easy to find fresh, and most importantly, healthy ingredients for nourishing masks.

RECIPE: Take one small onion, grate it and mix the resulting slurry with high-quality olive oil. You should get a mixture that is somewhat reminiscent of sour cream. It must be carefully rubbed into the roots of the hair and make a light massage of the scalp.
After that, wrap your head with cling film and a towel, and do household chores for about half an hour. After the time has elapsed, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Also helps to fight hair loss mask of red pepper.

RECIPE: Pepper is poured with medical alcohol, infused for 10 days and filtered. The resulting tincture is diluted in warm boiled water (1:10) and rubbed into the hair roots in a circular motion. For a positive result, such manipulation should be carried out at least twice a week.

Hair oil in summer

Now on sale you can find a huge number of different oils. And if you can choose it correctly, then your hair will not only stop falling out, but will also look shiny and silky.

Bergamot oil fights hair loss very well. It stimulates the sebaceous glands and strengthens the hair. Burdock oil has the same qualities. It contains so many different vitamins and microelements that even the rarest hair after regular use is covered with a thick and lush mop of hair.

Why does hair fall out after summer?

Veronica: This summer my hair started falling out a lot. I decided that it was the shampoo and went to buy myself another one, but this did not give a positive result. A close friend of mine suggested a mustard mask to me. I decided to take a chance and try. Of course, it immediately seemed to me that it did not work either, but after three weeks of use, the first result became noticeable.

Galina: And I think that no masks will help to put the hair in order if the body is sick inside. Therefore, as soon as I notice a problem, I immediately buy vitamins for myself, and wait patiently. It usually helps me.

Video: Rescue mask for severe hair loss

Every hour our head loses a few hairs. Normally, daily loss of up to a hundred pieces is permissible. Hair that has stopped growing leaves its place to give way to new ones. Thus, the cover is constantly renewed without a noticeable loss of density.

When the head vegetation replacement mechanism is disturbed for some reason, a person notices that the hair has begun to fall out strongly, and the hair has thinned noticeably. If the situation is serious, its logical outcome is complete or partial baldness. Whether it is possible to prevent it, and what to do if hair falls out very much, depends on the cause of the pathology. In most cases, hair loss is a reason for a medical examination.

The hairline is an organ that is sensitive to the state of the body. Hair reacts to poor nutrition, diseases, hormones, external influences and stress: from changes in the structure and appearance of the hair to the appearance of visible foci of baldness.

Let's single out the main groups of reasons why hair falls out a lot:

  1. Errors in the care of hair and scalp. The use of unsuitable cosmetics, aggressive coloring, frequent drying with a hot hair dryer and other factors negatively affect the hair shafts and roots, disrupt the nutrition and blood circulation of the scalp. Minimizing the negative impact and hair restoration measures help to eliminate increased hair loss, which in this case is more related to cosmetic defects than to ill health. The same group includes exposure to cold, wind, sun - the head must be protected from climatic factors so as not to expose the skin to hypothermia, overheating and harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Diseases of the scalp. Dermatitis, seborrhea, fungal infection often lead to weakening of the roots and hair loss.

  3. Chronic diseases and unhealthy habits. Poor blood supply to the bulbs is the result of vasospasm that occurs both for objective reasons, for example, due to cardiovascular pathology, osteochondrosis, and as a result of smoking, caffeine and alcohol abuse.
  4. Weakened immunity. Long-term illnesses, taking antibiotics, disturbed intestinal microflora are not the best way to affect the condition of the hair.
  5. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. The main reason for this condition is malnutrition, diets, seasonal beriberi.
  6. Physiological reasons. Active hair loss can occur due to natural causes. In particular, in women, fluctuations in the hormonal background associated with pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives first lead to an increase in the density of hair, and then to “molt” against the background of the so-called withdrawal effect. So, at the time of bearing a child, female hormones slow down the development of follicles, delaying them in the growth phase. Hair falls out strongly after childbirth, when the action of estrogens returns to normal, and all the hair that has not fallen out begins to “crumble” with a vengeance. Contraceptive hormones work on a similar principle.

  7. Hormonal disorders. Unlike natural hormonal fluctuations, endocrine pathologies are not the norm, and baldness caused by one of these diseases can be irreversible. Problems with the thyroid gland, an imbalance of sex hormones in both men and women contribute to thinning hair. Hair falls out strongly in a woman with hyperandrogenism, in a strong half of humanity, the male hormone dihydrotestosterone is also the culprit of alopecia. In hormonal alopecia, a large role belongs to the hereditary factor.
  8. medicinal effect. A number of drugs cause a negative reaction of the body, from allergic to toxic, resulting in damage to the hair follicles. Antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants, chemotherapeutic substances have a strong effect on the follicles.
  9. Anemia. Pathological lack of iron in the body is accompanied by low hemoglobin, weakness, increased fatigue and drowsiness. Outwardly, this disease is expressed by dull, pale skin and sparse hair.
  10. Stress. Chronic stress is one of the factors of spasm of the vessels of the head and poor nutrition of the follicles.

Treatment for baldness is aimed at 2 goals: stop hair loss and activate hairline restoration. To solve these problems, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of alopecia. In addition to a trichologist (dermatologist), it is necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist and other specialists according to indications. In some cases it is required:

  • correction of the hormonal background - with endocrine disorders, menopause in women;
  • the use of medications (for example, antifungal drugs);
  • other specific treatment that only a doctor can prescribe.

Pharmacology against baldness

Today, there are quite serious drugs against alopecia, the use of which is justified only in difficult situations:

  1. Minoxidil is a topical steroid for men and women. Stops age-related and hormonal hair loss, slowing down their life cycle, as a result of systematic rubbing into the scalp for six months or longer. Sold in two versions - 2 and 5% of the active ingredient. After discontinuation, a withdrawal effect follows.
  2. Spironolactone is an effective drug for the treatment of female alopecia during menopause. The first results appear after a few weeks from the start of treatment. The drug has a number of serious side effects, including teratogenicity, so it is prohibited for use by women of reproductive age. Sold by prescription only.
  3. Propecia (Finasteride) is an expensive pill for the treatment of male pattern baldness. It stops hair loss and promotes the growth of the cover on the head, but at the same time it negatively affects the sexual function of a man. Reduces the production of dihydrotestosterone - the male sex hormone responsible for the reduction of active hair follicles. It is used in combination with Minoxidil.
  4. Cimetidine - a drug with the effect of blocking histamine in the body, is prescribed for women with androgenic alopecia, since it has an antiandrogenic effect.
  5. Oral contraceptives are a series of pills that help normalize hormonal levels in women. Reduces the production of male sex hormones in the ovaries and increases the blood levels of estrogens, which helps to stop hair loss associated with excess androgens. They are prescribed by a gynecologist, the most common pills from this group are Zhanin, Yarina, Diane-35.
  6. Hormone replacement therapy is a course of treatment with steroid drugs intended for menopausal women. Replenish the estrogen deficiency in the body, fight the manifestations of menopause, including hair loss.

Reviews of doctors about the treatment of severe hair loss with hormonal drugs indicate the lack of effectiveness of this method, since there is a high risk of serious side effects and continued baldness when the course of therapy is stopped.

vitamin therapy

Taking vitamins is a prerequisite for the effective treatment of alopecia. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in itself can provoke increased hair loss. If hypovitaminosis is the main cause of the disease, vitamin therapy can stop thinning and strengthen hair follicles.

In other types of baldness, saturating the body with the necessary substances is just as important. Since nutrition is not able to quickly and effectively compensate for the deficiency, vitamins are used in a medicinal form - in the form of tablets and injections:

  • A, F and B5 help strengthen the hair roots;
  • B1 - helps to resist stress;
  • B2 - restores damaged follicles;
  • B3 and B6 - improve metabolic processes in the scalp;
  • biotin - activates hair growth;
  • B8 - helps the absorption of other vitamins;
  • B9, E - accelerate cell renewal;
  • B12 - enriches hair roots with oxygen;
  • C - strengthens the immune system.

It is possible to take complex preparations and bioactive additives designed specifically for hair density:

  1. INNEOV - the ingredients that make up the dietary supplement prevent hair loss, activate dormant follicles. Contains taurine and other substances beneficial for hair.
  2. Hair expert - a line of products from the company Evalar based on keratin, yeast and vitamins. Stimulates hair growth.
  3. Pantovigar - treats baldness by strengthening the bulbs. In the composition - yeast, vitamins, minerals, keratin.
  4. Revalid is a multivitamin complex that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

Transplantation is a radical treatment for baldness. It is used in cases of irreversible alopecia, mainly in men, but can also be shown to ladies. The procedure consists in obtaining material from the area with preserved hair (occiput, beard) and implanting it in the area of ​​baldness.

The operation is long and expensive, but effective. There are other methods of surgical treatment of baldness - patchwork, removal of bald spots, but they are more traumatic and limited to a small number of indications.

With hair loss, regular procedures are recommended to activate the blood supply to the hair follicles. In order for the follicles to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrition, it is necessary to improve microcirculation in the scalp with the help of massage, physiotherapy and salon procedures:

  • frequent combing with a massage brush;
  • self-massage of the scalp with fingers dipped in burdock, castor, almond and other oils;
  • the use of a laser comb that acts with light beams directly on the hair follicles;
  • ozone therapy - deep oxygenation of the scalp and follicles;
  • cryotherapy - activation of the activity of follicles due to shock exposure to low temperatures;
  • : hyaluronic acid, vitamins, vasodilators, antioxidants, etc.;
  • plasmolifting - the introduction of altered plasma into the scalp, which leads to the enrichment and purification of the bloodstream;
  • iontophoresis - delivery of medicinal substances to the deep layers of the skin by exposure to a weak current;
  • myostimulation - "charging" for the skin and muscles of the head with low-pulse currents to restore their tone, enhance microcirculation and improve metabolic processes.

Folk methods are an effective weapon in the fight against severe hair loss. Their main secret is the regularity and systematic use, the ability to use at home. Trichologists also approve of alternative treatment if the patient has previously been examined and consulted with a doctor.

  • After washing, it is better to rinse your head not with water, but with herbal infusions. St. John's wort, sage, nettle, burdock root, marigold, immortelle and other plants are famous for their strengthening properties.
  • Regular application of oils helps to moisturize and nourish the scalp, eliminates flaking, restores damage. Burdock, castor, jojoba and other oils have a positive effect on the hair if they are rubbed into the roots in a heated form and left as a compress for several hours or overnight. It is better to wrap your head with a warm hat over polyethylene.

  • Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. A few drops of essential oil added to a comb or hair mask help strengthen the bulbs and prevent hair loss. Ylang-ylang, rosemary, mint, petit grain, lavender, etc. are suitable for these purposes.
  • Indian natural dyes and Ayurvedic powders (henna, basma, brahmi, amla) strengthen hair well. These products can dry out hair, so it is better to apply them only to the roots.
  • With strong hair loss, numerous masks, shampoos, and lotions prepared with your own hands from homemade and herbal ingredients help to fight. Their meaning is in restoring blood circulation in the scalp, in enhanced nutrition and strengthening of the roots.

Mask recipes for severe hair loss

Hair masks have a dual effect: therapeutic and cosmetic. Regular treatment with nutrients stops hair loss, makes the hair thicker, stronger, shiny, and gives it a healthy look.

For the greatest effect, the mask should be applied to a clean head, rubbed into the roots with massage movements and left under the film and insulation for a long time, from half an hour to the whole night. The course consists of 8-10 or more procedures every 2-3 days.

So the recipes:

  • Grate the head of the onion and squeeze out the juice. Add 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 tsp. liquid honey, cognac, calendula in alcohol, beat in the yolk. Mix well, apply to hair. If the onion smell bothers you, rinse with acidic water and lemon juice. Onion activates blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Yeast mask. A bar of pressed yeast (50 gr.) Dilute with warm water to a state of thick sour cream, leave for 30 minutes. Then pour in a small spoonful of honey, the same amount of cognac and yolk. This mask saturates the skin with B vitamins, helps to strengthen the roots.

  • Keep a fresh leaf of aloe in the refrigerator for a day, squeeze out the juice, mix with castor and burdock oils, honey - all 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac mask. Add 1 tsp to a tablespoon of an alcoholic drink. honey and yolk. Rinse without shampoo, rinse with lemon water. The mask nourishes the scalp and activates microcirculation.
  • Mustard mask. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder with boiling water, stir until the consistency of sour cream, add butter, egg yolk, honey. Apply to the hair roots and hold until the burning sensation is tolerable. A mustard mask is one of the best remedies for activating hair growth, it helps to cope with very strong hair loss and restore the density of hair. The tool warms the skin, irritates the nerve endings, causes a powerful rush of blood to the follicles.
Baldness prevention

To prevent early baldness, you should pay attention to the amount of hair falling out and the appearance of the hairstyle. If visible changes occur, it is necessary to identify their cause and try to stop thinning. It is better to do this together with the doctor, but a lot depends on the patient himself:

  1. Take care of your hair and take good care of it. Use suitable shampoos, avoid aggressive coloring and drying.
  2. Do not overtighten your hair, do not make tight hairstyles.
  3. Take vitamins.
  4. Eat well, don't go on a strict diet.
  5. Try to wash your hair no more than once every 2 days for oily skin types and even less often for dry ones.
  6. For washing, use water at a temperature of 36 - 42 degrees. The fatter the hair, the cooler the water.
  7. Consult a doctor in a timely manner for the treatment of chronic diseases, do not treat yourself with antibiotics, regularly take tests for hormonal levels.
  8. With the onset of loss, do not start treatment with strong medications. Try to strengthen your hair with folk recipes.

Watch the video: What to do if hair falls out badly? Why Is Hair Falling Out?

Watch the video: Terrible hair loss: Treatment, tests, care, my story

Hair loss is a problem that worries every second woman. Many have noticed that at certain times of the year the losses become more tangible. If more and more hairs remain on the comb, then it is time to take action, but first you should find out the cause. Often seasonal loss is explained by a simple temperature change, curls are very sensitive to it, but sometimes the source of the disease is deeper.

At certain times of the year, curls are affected by various factors. Fall is classified according to the season and is divided into:

  • winter;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • spring.

If a person notices that his hair begins to fall out more intensively at certain times of the year, then eliminating the cause will solve his problem. Among the many factors that affect the process of hair growth, the following are distinguished:

  • chemical, physical or thermal effects;
  • climate change;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • diet change.

There are also factors that do not depend on the time of year, but can exacerbate the situation. These include:

  • constant stress;
  • bad heredity;
  • bad habits;
  • improper nutrition.

The duration of the period of intensive loss can be from 1.5 to 3 months. If it coincided with the time of the natural renewal of the strands, which usually follows the growth phase and lasts 3-4 months, then the hair will thin even more significantly.

1. Why did my hair fall out in autumn?

Loss in women in the autumn is associated with a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen. It is usually temporary and ends on its own. The duration of this period is up to 1 month. The growth of curls stops, and outwardly they do not look the best, this is genetically incorporated. At the first symptoms of a problem, you need to start taking action:

  • wraps;
  • salon procedures, for example, mesotherapy;
  • massage.

This will help strengthen the roots, improve metabolism and blood circulation in the scalp. Proper care will shorten the period of loss and reduce losses.

During this period, it is also not necessary to carry out coloring and perming. It is necessary to protect the hair from external negative factors, for example, from cold and rain.

2. Why does hair fall out in winter?

In winter, useful substances are actively consumed, which the body stocked up throughout the summer and autumn. Intensive loss may begin due to a change in temperature and the need to wear a hat, in particular, made of synthetic materials. Frequent colds, hypothermia and reduced immunity also have a bad effect on the condition of the hair.

It is known that low temperatures contribute to a strong narrowing of the blood vessels in the head. As a result, the roots receive less oxygen and nutrients. Curls are damaged by prolonged exposure to frost. The strands dry out, become brittle, begin to fall out. Therefore, the hair must be protected and it is imperative to wear a headdress made of natural materials in winter.

Synthetic fabrics are not suitable for the cool season, as they are absolutely unable to retain heat and do not allow oxygen to pass through, which means that the hair may lack it. A hat made of artificial material stimulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so you will have to wash your hair more often. This also affects the process of baldness. Oily and dry curls suffer the most in winter. Frequent washing also worsens the condition of the hair. The natural lubrication is washed off, and the scalp loses its protective functions. For this reason, you should choose winter clothes only from natural fabrics - wool, mohair and cotton.

3. Why does hair start to fall out in the spring?

Usually, after the winter, the curls look weakened and dull, they need additional care and nutrition. The situation can be aggravated by the premature removal of the headdress, dyeing and curling, which women sin during this period. It is better to postpone all this until the summer, when the hair will be in almost perfect condition.

In the spring, many women go on a diet to prepare for the beach season. It also weakens and depletes curls. Seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases in the spring can worsen their condition and cause prolapse.

4. Cause of summer precipitation.

Summer is a favorable period for storing vitamins and other useful substances in the body. Usually at this time there is increased growth, but there are also negative factors that explain why hair falls out in the summer. The main reasons are the sun and salt contained in sea water.

Moderate ultraviolet radiation is useful for humans, it helps to saturate the body with vitamin D. But in summer it is so intense that it can harm the hair - make it brittle, dull and provoke loss. Therefore, in sunny weather, it is recommended to use a hat - a panama or a hat.

Swimming in the sea can lead to dry hair and scalp. It turns out that in the summer more hair falls out, they become brittle and lose their shine. Therefore, it is imperative to take a shower after contact with sea water. To protect yourself from salt, you can wear a bathing cap.

When do you need medical help for hair loss?

Medical assistance is necessary if the hair began to fall out after the treatment of a serious illness and does not stop falling for a long time - more than 6 months.

In this case, it is best to consult a trichologist. Perhaps the cause of baldness was chronic diffuse alopecia. This is a serious disease that needs urgent treatment. A clear symptom of it is rapidly thinning hair. At the same time, the curls continue to grow, new hairs appear. The specialist will most likely prefer complex therapy. With baldness caused by alopecia, pills are prescribed and physiotherapy is prescribed.

Care tips against shedding in different seasons

In winter, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Wear a warm hat made of natural material.

2. Avoid sudden changes in temperature.

3. To wash your hair, use warm, but in no case hot water, so as not to stimulate the sebaceous glands and avoid blockage of pores.

4. You can not go out with not completely dried curls to prevent hypothermia.

5. In winter, use special cosmetics designed for this time of year.

6. It is useful to take iron preparations, as well as enrich your diet with foods containing it. This element is responsible for the appearance of the hair, the blood supply to the roots and their strengthening.

In the spring, you should also take care of the curls:

  • diversify the diet, make it more complete;
  • do not torment hair with dyes and curls;
  • take a multivitamin complex.

To prevent seasonal hair loss in the summer you need:

  • wear a hat;
  • drink more liquid;
  • apply sunscreen;
  • Rinse well with fresh water after swimming in the sea.

In order for the curls not to fall in the fall, it is recommended to use folk recipes to strengthen them. You can minimize the amount of hair loss at any time of the year if you find out the cause of baldness, as well as choose the right care.

Summer is a time for relaxation and positive emotions, because we are waiting for it all year and try to relax in full. Everything seems to be fine, the long-awaited vacation is coming, the gentle sun gives us its rays. But why, at this amazing moment, can our hair feel uncomfortable and look dull or even fall out? What contributes to such a detrimental effect on them, because there seems to be no time for beriberi, and the negative effects of cold? What may be missing in the hair and how can they return their former well-groomed appearance?

Why does hair suffer in the summer?

The problem is that they are affected in a similar way by an overabundance of everything - the scorching sun, salty sea water, dry air. From this, they become brittle and dull, and a large amount of hair on the comb indicates that they need to be healed and strengthened. Often this phenomenon is only seasonal, but, of course, you should think about how to return a beautiful and well-groomed look to your hair.

How to protect your hair in the summer?

An important factor of protection is the use of a hat or any other headgear in this case. This will help protect the hair from harmful UV rays, which in turn destroy the cuticle. Therefore, a light and cute headdress can help in this situation.

The next point can be called the protection of hair from salt water. It also has a detrimental effect on them with daily repeated exposure. Therefore, it is better not to wet your hair or try to wash the salt from your hair when you return home.

Also, experts advise using special cosmetic masks in the summer, which will help to supply the hair with the missing vitamins and moisturize. You can also use special oils at home, for example, olive, burdock, castor or linseed. After mixing a small amount of oil with lemon juice, this mixture is applied to the hair and left for 30 minutes. Then you need to wash your hair with water using shampoo. This will create an invisible film on the hair, which will protect them from exposure to sunlight. Another factor that adversely affects our hair is general dehydration. That is why in the summer you should drink plenty of water and drink alcohol in moderation.

The sun and heat can have a bad effect on the hair, but with proper care and care for them, this problem is easily solved. After all, if rest has a beneficial effect on a person, it can be seen with the naked eye! So, you need to rest properly, taking care of your health and appearance, so that the fertile time with an abundance of natural vitamins has only a positive effect on your appearance. Well, in case this problem cannot be solved at home, any beauty salon can offer its services, which will not only return your hair to a shining luxurious look, but also bring a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions!

The prospect of losing your hair looks terrible, especially if you are a woman. Lush and shiny curls have always been a sign of health and beauty, a trump card of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Abundant hair loss is always depressing. You begin to peer into the foreseeable future with horror, fearing cardinal changes in appearance. The good news is that you can always stop or slow down this nasty trend.

Before you panic, read the basic information about the daily rate of hair loss. So, the owners of thick red, brown or black hair painlessly part with 75-100 hairs a day. For blondes with thin strands, the loss rate is even higher - 150 units daily. You can also do a simple test. Pinch a strand of small thickness between your fingers (about 60 units). Then slide your hand down, applying some effort. If you have 5 to 8 hairs left in your palm, this is a normal result. It is only necessary to worry when these indicators are exceeded. Next, we will voice the causes of hair loss, which we might not have suspected.

The same hairstyle on a regular basis

Some fashionistas are haunted by the laurels of the sexy Ariana Grande, whose distinctive feature is the ponytail - hair gathered in a tight bun at the back of her head. Some women love braids or overload their hair with metal accessories and don't let it rest. These and other factors provoke the so-called tension alopecia - a condition that occurs due to the constant tightening of hair for several hours in a row over a long period of time. In this case, the nature of baldness depends on the variant of the hairstyle. Thinning areas can form a horseshoe shape or resemble individual islands. Tight braids provide baldness along the weaving row. Normally, natural hair growth resumes when you let your hair rest. Also, do not forget about a balanced diet and quality rest.

Hormonal imbalance

Hair loss is not always associated with external factors. The processes that take place in a woman's body are also important. For example, hormonal imbalances can lead to lower levels of hormones responsible for hair growth. To correct the situation, you need to understand the causes of these changes in the body. Be examined by an endocrinologist, as well as by a gynecologist for the detection of polycystic ovaries. Review the list of side effects that your birth control pills have.

Hormonal contraceptives

Regular use of hormonal contraceptives solves many problems. Tablets help women plan their births and significantly reduce pain symptoms during menstruation. When you regularly take birth control pills, you save yourself from mood swings and your face from unwanted breakouts. However, as soon as you stop taking hormonal drugs, it will immediately affect your appearance. According to experts, the beginning or end of taking pills significantly affects the level of hormones in general. If you want to keep your hair, but are going to choose one of the oral contraceptives, opt for those that are based on estrogen, not progestin.

physical injury

Any traumatic event for the body, whether it is childbirth, surgery or a car accident, can lead to disruption of the hair growth cycle. When a woman has a serious stressful event behind her, this can make its own adjustments by increasing the duration of the catagen stage (follicle atrophy). Be patient, because after your body has fully recovered from the injury, the hair growth cycle will return to normal.


Emotional stresses also provoke excessive hair loss, making their own adjustments to the growth and rest phases. When the natural renewal of the strands accelerates, this in itself looks like stress on your head. Healthy habits will help return the hair growth cycle to the right track: meditation, regular exercise, proper nutrition. Even the use of multivitamins and firming masks do not have such an effective effect as a healthy lifestyle.

Improper nutrition

Another common cause of excessive hair loss is malnutrition. Please pay close attention to the intake of individual micronutrients. For example, vitamin A is a rather capricious component. Its deficiency in the body provokes dryness and brittle hair. Its excess has a toxic effect on the strands, as a result of which the hair thins and becomes stiff. Once vitamin A intake reaches a healthy range, regular hair growth will resume. If your eating habits are far from ideal, dermatologists recommend enriching your diet with protein and iron, which can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs and seafood. For vegetarians, there are healthy alternatives in the form of legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, lentils, and spinach.

Autoimmune diseases

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. In this case, any changes in the body are due to confusion, in which the immune system considers the hair to be a foreign material and seeks to get rid of it. Alopecia areata is treated with steroid injections and special drugs, the most famous of which is Rogaine. However, newly regrown hair may fall out again. Lupus also causes hair loss on a regular basis. In this case, you need to consult highly specialized specialists (immunologists and dermatologists).

Side effects from taking medications

If you are currently being treated for another disease and notice that taking medications has begun to provoke hair loss, tell your doctor about this. Unfortunately, the side effects of many modern drugs are not limited to nausea and increased drowsiness. Most often, the body of patients suffers disproportionately large losses. At the top of the list of hair loss medications are antidepressants, blood thinners, gout medications, beta-blockers, blood pressure pills, and anabolic steroids.

You rarely wash your hair

If you use dry shampoo often, you may notice certain changes when you wash your hair normally: your tub may become clogged with hair. This fact has a simple explanation. You rarely massage your head, rarely use water. It turns out that hairs with already dead follicles remain in the total mass. Any mechanical impact causes them to leave the limits of your head. To avoid this phenomenon, we advise you to use a scrub once a week, which can be prepared by adding sea salt or sugar to your regular shampoo.

Problems with the scalp

Some scalp problems can cause alopecia. See a dermatologist if you suspect seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or ringworm.

Change of seasons

If you live in a temperate region, you're familiar with extreme diurnal temperature fluctuations as well as changes in humidity. Whenever the weather changes, it not only affects your joints, but also your hair. Keep in mind that hair grows faster in the summer, so in the fall you can compare the condition of your head to withering trees shedding their leaves.

Fascination with styling products

The first step to preventing hair loss is diagnosing the health condition. If a problem is found, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Remember to follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid stressful situations whenever possible. Well, in conclusion, we have prepared for you advice from stylists. Even thinning hair will look healthy and lush if you make a trendy short haircut. For example, the Bob hairstyle will transform you beyond recognition. Remember that hair care should be regular, but not fanatical. Washing your hair on a daily basis, as well as using weighting agents to fix your hair, leads to premature brittleness. Until your hair regains its former splendor, refrain from using flat irons, curling irons and hot hair dryers.

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