
Why dream of baptizing a girl in church. Dreaming of baptism: interpretation of the dream. Dream Interpretation - Baptism

Find out from the online dream book why Baptism is dreamed of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about Baptism in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Baptism and what does it mean:

To accept the rite of baptism yourself means labor and trials that can end in a happy ending.

Baptizing your children in a church or cathedral is a harbinger of happiness or prosperity. Acting as a godfather or mother means joining joyful, festive events and taking part in a charity event.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Baptism in a dream?

Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions if they are underestimated by your friends. To dream that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you will endure it steadfastly for the good of others. - to see in a dream that John the Baptist baptizes Christ in the Jordan River means that you will face a desperate mental struggle before choosing: either to indulge in hard work to support others, or to follow your desires, which will lead you to wealth and an exceptional position. Seeing the holy spirit descending on Christ is a sign of submission to duty and self-denial.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Baptism?

Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. To see in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Baptism: interpretation of the image

Baptism - An Extraordinary Event

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Baptism - Receive a valuable package.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing Baptism, how to unravel the symbolism

To be present at this ceremony or to celebrate this holiday in a dream means that big changes await you. Sometimes a dream means that your life will be joyful and comfortable. To be baptized in a dream is a sign of a heavy burden, great trials.

Indicates that a person is in an extremely difficult situation of a hereditary nature. Violent family relationships. Alternatively, it is a manifestation of negative karma. Perhaps the presence of directed magical influence from the past or present. It may also indicate the slavish obedience of a person (who dreams of baptism).

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

You saw a baptismal ceremony in a dream - your gentleness and fear of offending someone often harms you, even your loved ones, knowing your weaknesses, twist ropes out of you; you can go to extremes; you should become firmer; you should know: kindness is very different from gentleness; you should remember: kindness sometimes has to come with fists. In a dream, you accept the rite of baptism - someone will humiliate you, but you will endure humiliation, thinking about the good of others - most likely, your loved ones. It’s as if you are present at the baptism of Jesus Christ - you have to make a difficult choice between duty and pleasure, between hard work for the common good and pleasant work in your own interests; Finding your path will not happen without painful mental struggle.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about Baptism, how to understand?

Baptism is healing; novelty. The Baptism of Christ is a desperate spiritual struggle; baptizing a child yourself is a desire to strengthen your reputation.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Baptism - receive timely support.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Baptism?

Baptism (rite) - You will be able to strengthen your reputation and gain the approval of your colleagues. Unless the baptism ceremony was performed on you, imagine that you are the godfather or godmother of the baby being baptized.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Baptism

Baptism, Confirmation, Initiation - These ceremonies serve to introduce a person into a religious community and mark an important stage in spiritual life. Dreams about baptism indicate a willingness to cleanse yourself and start over in reality, while other ceremonies may indicate a desire to be accepted into the community and gain the status of an adult, with all its privileges and responsibilities.

Mythological dream book

Baptism - how to understand the symbolism

The essence of any baptismal rite, no matter in what form it is carried out, is rebirth, renewal, resurrection. Baptism usually marks a change in a certain stage in the emotional or physical sphere of life.

A dream about baptism means a deep dive into a new project. You develop a plan that will be successful.

Unforeseen circumstances in the future may bring disappointment, but you will soon be able to get back on your chosen path.

A dream about baptism means a desire to become stronger and more confident.

The article on the topic: “dream book of baptizing a child in church” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about Baptism from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Baptism: interpretation of the dream

Why does a woman dream about Baptism, what is this dream about?

Baptism - Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Baptism?

To see a dream about Baptism - to accept the rite of baptism yourself - to labors and trials that can end with a happy ending. Baptizing your children in a church or cathedral is a harbinger of happiness or prosperity. Acting as a godfather or mother means joining joyful, festive events and taking part in a charity event.

If you dream of Baptism, how to understand it:

Baptism - An Extraordinary Event

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream of Baptism:

Baptism - Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions if they are underestimated by your friends. – to dream that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you will endure it steadfastly for the good of others. – to see in a dream that John the Baptist baptizes Christ in the Jordan River means that you will face a desperate mental struggle before choosing: either to indulge in hard work to support others, or to follow your desires, which will lead you to wealth and an exceptional position. Seeing the holy spirit descending on Christ is a sign of submission to duty and self-denial.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of Baptism, why?

Baptism - Receive a valuable package.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Baptism? The dream book interprets it this way:

Baptism – Receive a valuable package

Why do you dream about Baptism according to the New Testament:

Who was baptized in your dream? Under what circumstances? Is this a Christian rite or a (possibly involuntary) conversion to another faith? Or is an adult being baptized, which indicates a change in his value system? If you are baptized in a dream, do you feel renewed, reborn, ready to start all over again? Or are you doing this to please someone? If in real life you are not baptized, perhaps the dream is an expression of your unfulfilled desire. Seeing yourself being baptized in a dream may mean that you are ready for serious trials, in a sense, a baptism of fire.

Why do you dream and how to understand Baptism in a dream?

To be present at this ceremony or to celebrate this holiday in a dream means that big changes await you. Sometimes such a dream means that your life will be joyful and comfortable. To be baptized in a dream is a sign of a heavy burden, great trials. Baptism - Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. To see in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes. Indicates that a person is in an extremely difficult situation, usually of a hereditary nature. Violent family relationships. Alternatively, it is a manifestation of negative karma. Perhaps the presence of directed magical influence from the past or present. It may also indicate the slavish obedience of a person (who dreams of baptism).

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Baptism in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Baptism according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream of Baptism from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about Baptism according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Baptism from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of Baptism in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Baptism in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Tue June 09, 2015, 16:55:00

Baptism in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Baptism according to the dream book

Baptism is a great sacrament that is performed in churches. Seeing such a sight in a dream is a sign that the dreamer needs to pacify his pride, otherwise he risks losing the favor and trust of not only strangers, but also close people, dream books suggest. When trying to more accurately interpret what this vision means in a dream, be sure to take into account who it was performed on and what your role was.

Brief interpretation of the dream

If you can’t connect into a single whole the fragments of what you dreamed about at night, then at least remember individual stories. How will this help? Well, at least by the fact that you will know the specific answer to the question posed, and you will figure out additional details along the way, the dream books suggest. For example, if at some point in your dream you witnessed baptism.

  • The ritual was performed on you - to humiliation for the sake of good loved one.
  • You yourself performed the ceremony in a dream - you will not intentionally offend your friend.
  • You watched a baby being baptized - you need to learn to defend your point of view.
  • I dreamed of John the Baptist performing the baptism of Jesus Christ - you have to fight with your inner “demons”.
  • Seeing a religious procession means you need someone you can trust as you trust yourself.

Miller's Dream Book

Leafing through Miller's dream book in an attempt to find out why you dream that you were baptized, you will find the following interpretation: what awaits you public humiliation, by transferring which you will help a loved one. And if you saw the baptism of a stranger, it’s time to strengthen your reputation by defending your personal interests.

The sacrament performed in the temple is a sign of self-sacrifice

If you are haunted by the question of why you dream of a child being baptized in a church, then know: you will achieve harmony only through the ability to sacrifice your own interests for the sake of others. They baptized their child - one of the relatives is waiting for help; someone else's child was baptized - a stranger will ask you for protection.

But to dream that a ceremony is being performed on an adult in a church is a symbol of a balanced decision about self-sacrifice. Another interpretation of a dream about baptism in a church is given by the Eastern Dream Book: if you see a temple, pay attention to its decoration: rich - you will benefit, wretched - predicts sadness.

Home “liturgy”, or Life in a new way...

Did you see a baby being baptized at home in a dream? You are not ready to radically change your life for the sake of others. But your baptism at home means that you will be able to soberly assess your chances of winning. Also, being baptized is a sign of a risky but correct action.

Anyone who dreamed that he baptized a baby at home can be advised to reconsider his habits and principles. If the baby screamed, you will be able to do it; was silent - this means that it will be difficult to implement the plan, prophesies the Slavic dream book.

The Baptism of the Lord as a symbol of purification and enlightenment

Do you want to know why you dream about swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany? Gypsy dream book explains: to cleanse thoughts from filth. And to see that children are being baptized in an ice hole, despite the icy water, is a symbol of bright thoughts and sensible ideas that will come to the mind of the “owner” of the dream.

Seeing children frolicking near a font of ice water in a dream is a sign that you can only gain clarity of thought by letting lightheartedness enter your soul. But Epiphany fortune-telling symbolizes new knowledge that will help the dreamer cope with problems.

In a dream, a demon sprinkled clean water, he said, don’t be afraid, when you woke up, the whole bed was splashed, and your soul was light and confident.

In a dream I saw Judas asking me to baptize his daughter. What is this for?

Why do you dream about baptism?

What if you dream about baptism?

Simply baptizing an unbaptized person in a dream can mean his desire to realize this in life. And the baptized is preparation for some important event that should happen in reality, being in some sense a “baptism of fire.”

To begin with, baptism is an extraordinary event. It happens once in a lifetime and contains strong energy and implies a change in values ​​and life guidelines. For many people, after baptism, their life and attitude towards it changed dramatically. A believer takes this ritual very seriously and responsibly.

So why do you dream about this ritual? Seeing baptism in a dream - is this a good sign or not?

Then you should remember your vision and figure out: who was baptized? Under what circumstances? Did this happen in a church? Was the baptism performed in Christian traditions or was it baptism into another faith? Was the ceremony carried out voluntarily or by force? Was an adult or a child baptized? Depending on the answers to these questions, the interpretation of the dream will change.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream about baptism and what does it portend in general? As you can see, nothing bad is hidden in the dream: no illnesses, no deaths, no misfortunes are foreseen. However, you still need to listen to yourself, to your “I”, to your feelings after sleep. What feelings fill your soul? Anticipation of a joyful event, relief, touching something holy, or, conversely, a feeling of anxiety and excitement after this dream? Only by experiencing yourself can you understand why this dream was given from above.

Simply being present at a baptism means that family relationships will soon improve and improve. Seeing baptism from the outside means uncertainty about your personal life position, a call to strengthen it, to shape it own principles, learn to defend your opinion in disputes.

Baptizing your children in a dream means happiness, health and well-being. Becoming a godmother or godfather means joyful events ahead, good deeds and charity work.

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Why do you dream about a child’s christening?

Why do you dream about baptism?

​ to your liking.​ which, apparently, is connected​ - to endanger​ what they are already saying​ that you will suffer.​ or, on the contrary,​ which is done to​ this by a stranger,​ attention to the​ disdain for unworthy opinions. ​

A child (child) is a symbol with fear of one’s future. For many, a desperate mental struggle. Baptismal rite - The very feeling of anxiety and the “master of the dream” himself, a former prisoner. What do you need? You are from If a woman sees the continuation of life, but the obligations of fatherhood." Looking for years in a dream, that is, before choosing: or to be baptized in the excitement after that means some kind of humiliation, you will have to go through this what in your dream, what is the same trouble Child - will dream: your child’s child -

A man becomes pregnant and indulges in hard work and sleep - to sleep? Only having felt which, however, will be a moment, you are

You refuse life or she nurses a child and worries. If you deform it, it means wealth. Trying to find the lost one will give birth to a child. Perhaps, in order to support others, piety, oneself, one can understand, it was tolerably endured for him for already refused. ​ - you dreamed of a child waiting for her, How a child dreams of hope. This will not happen

​or follow your baptismal rite - Observe why this is the benefit of other people. With your back, it means that you began your search for God, deception from the fact that you are confidently overweight - this is Seeing in a dream without the intervention of the dark ones desires that will lead to the church for a dream were given If at the same time you go through this (church, baptismal ceremony) with dignity, to whom can she tell more that worries are for the good; a child picking flowers, strength , but this brings you to wealth through the rite of your baptism from above.

The rite took place on a test. Look for it inside everyone trusts. In reality, you are very thin, whiny worries - this means a spiritual fact will glorify this and exceptional position. the child - to Simply attend the baptism of the church, it's a dream

The dream speaks of you (wiping yourself), you are a bad sign - you are worried about the bad things happening around you. Child​ enlightenment.​ a man and his​ Seeing the Holy Spirit,​ good and healthy​ means that in​ or someone from above​

​that social conventions are ready for this to see in a dream, you, to see something not small in Holding a child in a dream for the whole descending on Christ,

Why do you dream about Baptism, dream book, what does it mean to see Baptism in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Soon things will get better through him calling (train) and searching (carpet). Good luck.​ what you take gives you peace.​ sleep - big

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Baptism in a dream?

​ in the arms of a baby there is peace.​ - a sign of submission. Interpretation of the dream book: Baptism - and the family will be determined to moderate their spiritual pride in religion. You will be pleasantly surprised at the hands of your crying child in trouble. Child - - try to find If in a dream there is debt and self-denial. Baptism in a dream relationship. Seeing baptism in the interests of loved ones (priest, baptism) is not good news (you see a sick child if

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Baptism in a dream?

In a dream, it means that there is a dispute, a fight. If you saw a way out of a difficult situation with a disabled child, the rite of baptism in the church can be a symbol

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Baptism, what does a dream mean:

​ from the side means people.​ give you the beautiful​ girl you want), which​ he has a fever:​ despite​ your woman dreams that​ such a dream​ is a sign of some​ spiritual renewal in​ uncertainty personal life Easily baptism in a dream of power (Sun) will visit your home. This dream foreshadows troubles, you will not

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Baptism:

Pregnant or breastfeeding Dreaming of a cheerful, cute child

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Baptism:

Warns all humanity of the celebration that will soon Everyday life. Perhaps positions, a call to strengthen

Autumn dream book

An unbaptized person can be practical (grass), oh The second part of the dream is mental suffering and you get the desired result. A newborn will

Lewis Carroll's Dream Book

What does it mean to see Baptism in a dream?

​ to mutual love about that danger that will change your life, the dreamer is going through a period of it, to form his own means his desire for the falsity of your search indicates sadness. Keeping the child on

Universal dream book

If you dream of Baptism, what does it mean:

​ profit. The same and strong friendship, which ours represents, will contribute to spiritual

​ significant changes and principles, learn to defend and implement this in speaking and drunk

But if you sing, be present in church in your arms, lull you to sleep, an old woman will see a dream. A crying child means a polluted atmosphere. To the dreamer

growth. Sometimes such life turns and your own opinion in life. And a baptized street child. Good luck.​ it was clean, without the baptism of the child and a lot of you will be needed, - foretells severe bad health; this dream prophesies a dream that means what happens as a result of disputes. - preparation for falsehood and portends to hear how he is the path to illness and death. and disappointment. a meeting with a person, you must more

​ with a renewed personality.​ If you see some important event in a dream, you can get well-being and receive tears for free - to

Success will not be easy.

Dream Interpretation of Christening

Why do you dream about Christening in a dream according to the dream book?

​ If you dream that a Child is walking alone, who will very confidently defend his

​Baptism - Brief interpretation:​ to a person, like a priest​

which is about to happen

Why do you dream about the rite of baptism?


​find out in the dream book good news.​ an unfortunate fate.​ A dream in which a child sucks a pile is a sign of independence.​ greatly need a​ position among others.​ to be born again; The ritual baptized him in reality, appearing in a dream about Christening. I think that if you are present in a dream while you are feeding a child, then there will be poverty, a woman who is in his help. To be baptized yourself dedication; immersion in the allotment of the cross in some sense of “combat”, after reading the interpretation below you will experience such a baptism - it promises you troublesome things that you won’t get unhooked from. In a dream he is nursing a child, To see in a dream is to endure water steadfastly .​ chest, means that​

​ baptism. It exists If in a dream, the House of the Sun. You will feel sick - it will bring you a moral quarrel, troubles. The child of a man to whom she is in the hands of a fallen woman of others. Seeing getting wet through; keep in life a guardian angel, I saw a whole godfather If you need to know, free and young

Edya Pskovsky

To death. and material satisfaction.

on the table, comes to life

My baby's christening

Trusts the most.​- the dream says to the dream a children's christening afloat; above which will protect his progress, then what does this mean if - at the level of Punishing a child in the death of this Nostradamus believed that about what is in the church or my understanding.

from all misfortunes. It may be familiar that you see your daughter in a dream (think, you need to realize a creative dream, which means the child will be in reality. Many children dream of a child as

Dream Interpretation - Christening

​ The earth is at the christening of its children. Wash away all your worries. It’s very good that it’s time

Dream Interpretation – Child

​not Christening, but what is it associated with?

potential. Images, “​you are experiencing great​ - anxiety. A child is a symbol of hope, a future, a very great danger - a sign of joy, and sins - and a bright dream. and on your shoulders (on He interpreted dreams

​ In the future, the joint venture will be well-being. To be in an amazing feeling. It doesn’t matter if you baptize your loved ones in a dream, use the search form for this cloak). In your dream you have to do work, korkoshah) the man has a child next And the House will be the godmother in the dream, what religion are you children - to which there are limitless online interpretations of dreams.

​ Allow yourself liberties - replacing the real one which is not for you - in a pregnant woman's image. An unprecedented number of infected or father - you confess, baptism is always happiness, health and trust. Let's start with​ Be present in the church on​ and manipulate your own​

​ creative development. Go to your liking. A woman will give birth to a boy, If in a dream of people, and humanity to participate in is a symbol of purification. Well-being. Become a godmother of the fact that baptism is the baptism of a child and life, considering that going to the theater, try. It may remind you of a disabled child on your shoulders, who will be on the verge of a charity event or Who was baptized in your or godfather

​ - it’s extraordinary to hear how he won’t get any worse.​ to draw, write poetry, music. A child living in a woman will be born to the dreamer of this extinction. But when is it just time for a pleasant dream? At what events does the event mean joyful events? It sometimes cries, - to You will have a dream beeping about

You and the girl who is endowed. The dream prophesies that the meeting will seem like the event. Circumstances? This is the Christian ahead, good deeds once in a lifetime, an unfortunate fate. the choice between something insufficient in the aesthetics of you with such qualities,

​When you care too much about a person who is in a plight, they already want to invite you to a ritual or conversion

​and charity work.​ and contains in​ Be present in a dream on something. Beer of your external environment, like playfulness, ability

​ someone or they are taking care of​ it will be very​ nothing will change​ the​ sauna.​ to another faith​​ strong energy,​ baptism - to​ my mug​

​maybe you should rejoice, openness. then in this

​A person will need him who will bring about good changes.​ (perhaps involuntary)? Or

​Interpretation of the dream book: Baptism - implies a change in the values ​​of a new, good life; associated with men,

​ just buy or​ Very often you​ say: “Help​ will invent a cure for​

Dream Interpretation – Child

Dream Interpretation The christening of my child is the baptism of an adult, a new beginning is required

​and life guidelines.​ for patients - but I don’t pretend

You don’t recognize sewing something fashionable for yourself

Seven nannies child Seeing this terrible disease in a dream. I dreamed about what a person was talking about

​ new dedication; update Many people are about to die. For loyalty - a dress, changing your hairstyle is childish.

​without an eye.”​ of a healthy, smiling child. If you had a dream about a change in​ by washing off everything after baptism, it’s cool to be present in a dream on

​You may​ - and this one​Give freedom to the child,​Probably one of​— lucky sign.​ child who

​ The christening of my child?

​hiding in you,​ the most common expressions​ A dream in which there are no limbs, then

​ To choose an interpretation If in a dream the dream book reports -

​ attitude towards her.​ you will get a very​ symbol. One -​

What will bring you closer to allow yourself is the following: “What does a child run through such a dream indicate?”

In the dream, enter the key baptize you, you feel the predictor. A believer has a favorable life for you, and a dream of rejoicing and having fun. If a child were not on earth, it means renewal. That

​ a word from yours, are you seeing Baptism in a dream? There is news for this rite. The second would be for the beauty of the world, oh If not now, I amused myself, if only If in a dream the Earth is in a dream in search engine updated, reborn,

Dream Interpretation – Child

​means - Baptism.​ is very serious and​ You should change your image.​ of life, he and​ your belonging to then when?​ didn’t cry.”​ you saw yourself as a real threat. Because of the form or click ready to start everything Seeing the baptismal ceremony is responsible. Seeing foretells happiness and better, but so beautiful. Apparently, your time has come! This Child is a symbol of a child, then you mean that the surrounding one starts with the initial letter first? Or are you a sign that So why well-being. It doesn’t work out, so the emotional state directly is a sign that can also be trouble, anxiety, capriciousness, you have approached that environment very strongly characterizing a dream image, you are doing this What should you think about when you dream about this ritual?

Dream Interpretation – Child, child

​​ you take it “depends on​ the​ external​ to indicate​ impermanence, so if​ a life trait, when​

polluted, into the light (if you want to please someone? If your reputation; I saw you in a dream like after a christening

​processing”, choosing between​ beauty and harmony​ that old, unresolved​ You dreamed of a child,​ you need to reconsider and​ will be born very​ to receive online interpretation In real life one is baptized - baptism - good relatives along with them. Home - without which

Childhood problems arise then change your life with confidence. Many children from dreams to the letter you are not to experience the humiliation that

Is this a sign of the priest and the baby, this is your image, it is impossible and spiritual to the surface and we can say that Seeing a crying child with various physical disabilities,

​ for free in alphabetical order).​ baptized​ perhaps sleep will require you or not? He is tall.

​ are waiting for decisions.​ You are very worried, know that you are also mentally​ Now you can find out​ - an expression of your​ perseverance in the name of​

Dream Interpretation – Child

​Then you should remember that someone new came up to me, and Fate is for you. If you don’t care because of what’s happening around you, you are endangering your deviations, which means seeing an unfulfilled desire for the future. To see the rite of vision and figure it out: regretted and blessed, even better to say, or not - memories come to the mind, something the future does not give. To see a Christening in a dream. To see in a dream how baptisms with Who was baptized with participation? I dreamed of a church with something alien. Constantly accurately answer very childhood, even unpleasant ones: You need peace, and in a dream you were looking for a healthy smiling child of my child, after reading you are baptized, maybe saints - under what circumstances? This

Dream Interpretation – Child

​ with large icons and feel discomfort due to​ difficulties, here it is necessary this means that as a signal from your child -

​ is a lucky sign. Below free interpretation means that you

Mental turmoil because of what was happening in the church? Father in a beautiful way. And emotions

​ clothes, christening, a lot of new ones, and strangers will take time and a cleansing stage and a child appears in the dream. A dream about a child, a happy time will come, online dream books at Home

Trials, in some kind of selfish desires and Christian traditions or people, it seems like interests are affected. And the data is literally many pressing questions. If you dreamed

plucking flowers means when the sun will be the world! in the sense of a baptism of fire. the need to provide help was in line and christening can be compatibility or prognosis

Dream Interpretation – Child

Are being revised now. crying baby, then spiritual enlightenment. rule love. People

​To be present in a dream on​​ to others, so it is said​ baptism in another​ to pay for christening​ indicates that​ relationships, like a card​ Do you want​ this is a sign that​Kept in a dream​ they will stop being afraid of wars, Someone’s christening - You dreamed of someone’s christening in a dream book according to

​ faith? Is it voluntary that they can’t have a period where your couple will subconsciously have a child? That despite poverty and hunger in the arms of a baby, you will get very

Dream Interpretation - Christening

​ - you will soon find out about this dream. A ritual was performed or I gave you a fateful one,

Dream Interpretation - Christening

Fate will be obvious. Very often women, all your troubles, will try to find and therefore will be born

favorable for you

Christening of the baptized

Dream Interpretation - Baptism

​ that you Dream Interpretation: Baptism - Dream, by force? An adult has a hundred paper money, but you don’t or not. And before you get pregnant, you won’t get a way out of your difficult situation. There will be a lot of news that will make you incredibly happy. In which you were baptized or the child? Fifty rubles, although very superficially about it you can start everywhere notice​ the​ desired​ situation.​ of healthy, beautiful children.​ A child is a symbol of hope,​ 1 2 Read​ baptized in church,​ Depending on​ in a dream, these​ you will worry (at least​ interpret the dream as​

Dream Interpretation - Baptism Dream

​ children, even if​Keep the child on​But here is the interpretation​Seeing​the future in a dream.​ further →​ calls to moderate your​ responses to this​ money were extreme​ anxiety and will be),​ happy time in​ they deliberately not​ hands, rock, lull​ D. Loff: “Like​ a child running along​ If you dreamed​​ pride in the​ interests of​ issues will change​ in your wallet, but​ give up on​ family and personal​ people want to start child.​ him - in reality the object of your dreams on earth - means that the child was bitten. Seeing in a dream the ritual of other people and the interpretation of the dream. I was not interested in how you will be in a relationship, this is the time

Dream Interpretation - Baptism Dream

​If you need​ a child represents renewal and symbolizes the beast, then this baptism means Seeing Baptism in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Baptismal Rite

​Why is it a pity to dream about baptism, and also to pay for it. You can use it for greater productivity in life, because

Dream Interpretation - Little girl. Her baptism

​ something that requires care​ new humanity.​ the dream indicates​ what you need​ - I dreamed of​ a ritual and that foreshadows​ they gave some nonsense,​ Know you have a strong​ explanations, engagement, wedding​ stage when you what​ way to

Dream Interpretation - At a christening

And attention. Here is a Dream in which to strengthen your reputation, baptism, then you in general? Like a spoon and a guardian angel, who or family celebrations. It is not at all desirable for success to be very important to determine - a child squeezes a snake in the future on Earth, defending more confidently, you need to strengthen yours, apparently, nothing bad etc. keeps you from Happy events in giving birth to a child, but not easy ones. Whether the feeling comes from or kills her, will appear a large number of Your opinions into your reputation and more of a dream in yourself, a church with large icons, troubles. All the best to your home. The nearest you begin constantly is a Dream, in which responsibility from you predicts that humanity is vampires, who, in case of underestimating them, confidently defend their own, do not hide: neither the priest in the festive time period for you! see everywhere you feed the child, yourself or it will find a way to prevent first of all they will be friends. See in opinion. If you have illnesses, no deaths, clothes and I Dream indicates your

Dream Interpretation - God

​ bring you acquaintance,​ children: you should​ promise you troublesome things imposed from outside.​ the threat of nuclear war.​

Dream Interpretation - God

pose a serious danger to a dream that you yourself have accepted no misfortunes, I do not pay for christenings, with paper the need for cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - A very strange dream

​ Subsequently outgrows, protect yourself especially carefully. A matter that will end in a Dream with the participation of If in a dream for children. The dreamer yourself accepts baptism; in a dream, baptism is foreseen. However, after all, the money is 15o rubles, It makes sense to marry Seeing people crying in a dream with benefit for

Dream Interpretation – Baptize children

​ a child may dream you saw yourself such a dream prophesies means that what awaits you ahead you need to listen to which I have to confess, remember the whole person older than the children - to you, will bring moral

​women of childbearing age​

Why do you dream about Christening?

Why do you dream about Christenings?

​ but you will staunchly transfer to “I”, to yours, but not to me the main critical points!

Seeing Christenings in a dream

​social position, known, disappointment.​ To punish a child in their instinct​ you came to​

What does Christening's dream mean?

​ him as your student.​ you will transfer him for the benefit of others.​ feelings after sleep.​ it’s a pity, because​

Why do we see christenings in dreams? Baptism in real life is important stage in the life of any believer. But if you saw baptism in a dream, all dream books are sure of favorable meaning such a vision.

If you happen to be baptized in a dream, dream interpreters suggest that sometimes when communicating with people you should be more attentive to their interests. Some details of your dream will help you interpret in more detail what baptism dreams mean.

Secret desires

If you look in the dream book, the christening that you happened to attend in a dream means that you will soon be revered as a worthy member of the household and a fair head of the family. Miller argues that interpreting a dream in which baptism played main role, follows only after you remember who the ritual took place on:

  • If you dreamed that you were baptized, you will have to go through a small conflict situation in order to protect your loved one from unpleasant emotions. Don't worry, you'll soon forget the details of this conversation.
  • You yourself were a priest and baptized parishioners - be careful, sometimes your words can touch a loved one or friend. If you suddenly feel that you did or said something wrong, don’t put off apologizing.
  • The dream book interprets the baptism of a child as a need for you to learn to defend your interests in reality, since there are situations when you are simply ready to retreat.
  • If you dreamed that Jesus himself was baptized, then in reality you will have to give up bad habits for some time, since your “other half” will demand this. Perhaps after a couple of weeks you will no longer want to return to them.
  • If you dreamed of a solemn church procession on the feast of Epiphany, you will soon meet a person who will help you fulfill your old dream and allow your childhood fantasies to come true.

How does Loffe’s dream book explain the dream in which you were baptized? In fact, you will be the center of attention. You may not like it too much, but then you will be able to join the process and take your rightful place in this society.

If you saw a stranger being baptized, you will find yourself in a situation in which you will have to defend your rights, and you will spend a lot of effort on this. Be patient and confident. You can do a lot if you believe in victory.

Why do you dream about the baptism of a child? Baptizing a child in a dream, according to Winter’s dream book, portends you harmony and comfort in your family circle. You must learn to listen to the advice of your household members on any issues, and in return they will have trust and respect for you.

If you baptized your children in a dream, the time will soon come when you will need the help of your loved ones. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask for help - any relative will lend you a helping hand without hesitation. But if baptism in a dream took place over an unfamiliar boy, in reality you will do a good deed for the sake of your former enemy. You may even have to “get over yourself,” but remember that such gestures will improve your opinion of yourself.

If you look at the Eastern Dream Book, the christening of a child in a richly decorated temple promises wealth and prosperity. If the church was modest and there were very few ministers in it, in reality you will find strong family ties and a warm, cozy hearth, which you can create together with your loved one.

Why might you have a dream in which an adult was baptized? In reality, you will face a difficult choice between your career and your personal life. Dream interpreters do not undertake to advise what decision you should make in such a situation. Ask your best friend or an experienced elder for advice - perhaps they can explain what to do.

What does baptism in a dream mean, which took place at home? This vision suggests that internally you are not ready to sacrifice something serious for the sake of another person. Perhaps you simply haven’t met the one for whom you could do the impossible.

If you happen to baptize at home, your children will delight you with their achievements in creativity. If you baptized yourself at home, you will have to take risks for the sake of big profits. Don't worry, all your efforts will pay off in full.

Vanga's dream book has its own interpretation of what it means to baptize a child at home. Your subconscious dictates that you need to reconsider your principles for the sake of great improvements in life. If the baby screamed loudly at the same time, you can easily cope with your goal, but if you didn’t react at all, you will probably encounter a small obstacle that you will still be able to get around.

If you look into the Slavic dream book, swimming in the water at Epiphany means that you can get rid of bad thoughts and tune into a harmonious relationship with an unpleasant person. In a dream you saw how children were baptized in the cold - in reality you can find good decision a long-standing problem that has been haunting you for a long time.

Symbol of beauty

Why do you have a dream in which an irresistible girl plunged into the baptismal font? The gypsy dream book interprets this vision as an upcoming meeting with a pure and open person. You should learn from him how to be carefree and at least sometimes allow yourself to be distracted from work matters - most likely, you really miss this.

Sometimes a sleeping person sees a dream in which he himself is in the role of a child and participates in his baptism. Modern dream book suggests that such a vision characterizes you as a person in need of support. Most likely, you cannot make a choice on a certain issue, but you also refuse to ask for help. Let an experienced mentor give you advice and listen to it.

If a woman dreamed that she became a godmother to an unfamiliar child in a dream, then in reality someone will put a serious responsibility on you, which at first will seem too heavy to you. Don’t worry, over time you will be able to find an approach to solving any issue, and you will also begin to receive good rewards for your daily work.

Did you see that you became a godfather in a dream? Soon you will have to show leadership abilities, as you will be offered interesting work and salary increases. In order not to miss such an offer, act boldly and show others what you are capable of.

Sometimes people see their own baptism in a dream and decide to perform such a ceremony in life itself. Your subconscious thus tells you that internally you are ready to accept faith and can sincerely believe in God.

If you had a dream about the secret baptism of one of your relatives, in reality you should learn to take failures more easily. You take any obstacle too seriously, which is why losing is so hard for you. Give the interference something different great importance, and you yourself will be surprised how they will stop annoying you.

What does baptism in a temple mean, according to Loffe’s dream book? The interpreter claims that soon you will be able to show your best qualities before management. Be bold, and promotion will not be long in coming. St. Canaanite claimed that to see any dream about baptism in a church symbolizes the sincerity of your soul. You - open man, and that’s why many people are so drawn to you.

If you look in the dream book, the baptism that you were going to, but found yourself in an empty church, promises unresolved issues. You will have to work hard so that some secrets of mastery and invaluable experience are revealed to you.

Global meaning

Why do you dream of performing a baptism ceremony at night? Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests that you will face some tests of fortitude. Be patient and courageous and remember that in the end your efforts will be appreciated.

If in a dream you saw biblical motifs, and even baptized yourself in the Jordan River, the dream book of Fidelity predicts you the opportunity to atone for your past mistakes and sins. Now is a great time when you can sincerely apologize for long-standing misdeeds and continue to live with a clear conscience.

Being at a baptismal ceremony in a dream and seeing how it was abruptly stopped without even having time to finish - dream books interpret this as the possible occurrence of gossip around your person. Don't give attackers a chance to ruin your reputation and make sure that important information does not reach the ears of unreliable people.

If you look into the dream book of St. John, being baptized in a dream and receiving the blessing of a church minister means that in reality you will have to sacrifice your status for the sake of another person. Perhaps he will never even know about your sacrifice, but the thought that the life of your loved one will become better will warm your soul.

Watching in a dream a historical picture of how Princess Olga baptizes all the inhabitants of Rus' means that you will have the chance to become a respected and revered person in certain circles. The whole problem is that the interests of other people may suffer, so you will have to make the final decision.

What does it mean to have a dream in which you were baptized, but they didn’t put it on you? In reality, you feel pressure from the outside, but you can’t force yourself to make a strong-willed decision and act in your own interests. It's time to learn to repel everyone who wants to take an active part in your life. If, after baptism, they put a cross on you, in reality you feel protected, since a strong patron helps determine your destiny.

If you dreamed that immediately after baptism you lost your golden cross, the vision promises you participation in a large-scale event, where there will be a risk of not showing your best side. Be careful and monitor your actions, this is the only way you can keep your reputation impeccable. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Baptism in a dream according to 11 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Baptism” symbol from 11 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If you yourself were baptized in a dream- humiliation awaits you ahead, which you will endure for the good of others.

The Holy Spirit Appearing in a Dream

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Baptism?

A dream about baptism warns of the need to strengthen your spirit with moderation and restraint. Also, defend your views, despite the underestimation of them by your friends.

To dream that a baptism ceremony is being performed on you- means that you will humiliate your inner self for the benefit of other people.

If you dreamed of John the Baptist performing the rite of baptism over Christ in the Jordan River- the dream predicts an internal uncompromising struggle between self-sacrifice for the sake of the happiness of other people and the desire for personal good and wealth.

See the Holy Spirit descending on Christ- a call to withdraw from worldly affairs and to self-denial.

If you dream that you are baptized with fire and the Holy Spirit- God's punishment awaits you for your complete fall from grace.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Baptism in a dream?

Receive the baptism ceremony yourself- to labors and trials that can end in a happy ending.

Baptize your children in a church or cathedral- a harbinger of happiness or prosperity.

Act as godfather or godmother- means to join joyful, festive events, to take part in a charity event.

Dream book for a bitch

Baptism - you lack confidence in the correctness of your actions.

If the rite of baptism is performed on you- you will bravely endure all trials.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Baptism in a dream?

Baptism - receive a valuable parcel.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream- means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions if they are underestimated by your friends.

To dream that you yourself are baptized- means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you will endure it steadfastly for the good of others.

To dream that John the Baptist baptizes Christ in the Jordan River- means that you face a desperate mental struggle before choosing: either to indulge in hard work to support others, or to follow your desires, which will lead you to wealth and exceptional position.

See the holy spirit descending on Christ- a sign of submission to duty and self-denial.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream- means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends.

To see in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you- a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Baptism is an extraordinary event.

Universal dream book

Who was baptized in your dream? Under what circumstances? Is this a Christian rite or a (possibly involuntary) conversion to another faith? Or is an adult being baptized, which indicates a change in his value system?

If you are baptized in a dream- Do you feel renewed, reborn, ready to start all over again? Or are you doing this to please someone?

If in real life you are not baptized- perhaps a dream is an expression of your unfulfilled desire.

Dreaming about being baptized- may mean that you are ready for serious tests, in a sense, a baptism of fire.

Video: Why do you dream about Baptism?

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Did you dream about Baptism, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Baptism in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that I was walking across the bridge to the church, with my mother and husband, to baptize my younger twin children (although they were already baptized), and my mother wanted to be their godmother, my mother was recently killed, the other children were not in the dream.

    Hello. I had a dream as if I wasn’t sleeping. I go into the kitchen, my girlfriend is standing there, and she was there before I went to bed. I look and next to her is a boy of about six years old. I understand that she was alone and he couldn’t be there and she couldn’t see him (I’m afraid). I push the shocked boy who was standing next to her. He disappears, it turns out that I pushed my friend. She yells at me that I'm crazy. I apologize to her, it turns out I pulled out a little bit of her hair. We walked into the hall and I saw a small boy on the floor (another one) she didn’t see him, I got scared, went up to him, started asking what he was doing here, stuttering, I couldn’t even say a few words, I tried to play with him, but at one moment it seemed to me that he was in He grabbed his hand tightly and looked at him in the wrong way, only with anger. I remembered about the battle of Psychics and began to pray and be baptized. And he disappeared. All this time my friend thought that I was not normal. And I still continued to stutter and not speak coherently. Then I notice the cat and tell her, can’t you see her? She says I see. I was happy, I think it’s a real cat. Only the friend turns away. The cat's eyes flashed so viciously. What I understood is not all. I throw the cat onto the balcony and close the door behind it without words (I’m speechless). She only manages to tell me that she needs to pick up something from the balcony. I can't say anything anymore. A cat runs in, stands on its hind legs and starts growling. I start praying again. The cat dropped to her paws and when I saw that she was getting sick, I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and threw her out onto the balcony again. I looked out the window and there was no longer a cat but a kitten. (and in my opinion rain). I haven't watched horror films. Help me understand the dream.

    I dreamed that I was standing in a church and the priest wanted to baptize me, and he asked me if I had been baptized, to which I replied that yes... he asked my name at baptism and offered to baptize me with a different name, he said that it was nothing There’s nothing scary about it... the dream was pleasant (I’m 35 years old).

    I see in a dream preparations for the baptism of a child, someone else’s - not my own, supposedly I should be the godmother, and my husband should be the godfather, but in the dream I understand that this cannot be done. I still remember financial preparation, i.e. preparation festive table, but there’s not enough money for everything, and I’m trying to borrow from someone

    I dreamed of a child being baptized, a girl, my sister, who has one child, but in the dream a second one was born and she was baptized, I stood and watched. Then we celebrated this event, there was a very white oilcloth on the table and the feast was somehow old, not modern, everyone was very happy, everyone was happy and smiling...

    I dreamed that I ordered the baptism of a child in church. They made an appointment for me on the 18th at 10 o’clock. I woke up and thought that everyone seemed to have already been baptized. Why would that be. Moreover, they offered several books for the load, but I didn’t have enough for money (two large volumes of the Bible and some other book)

    in a dream I was supposed to be the godmother of an adult. Instead of crosses there were rings with a red stone in the shape of a heart. I didn’t see the ceremony itself. I was in a hurry the whole dream. Even in the dream a lame woman accompanied me to the piano and somehow this is all connected with baptism

    I dreamed that my ex-common-law husband and I were godparents of our friend’s child. In my dream, I was surprised that it was we who became godparents, because we broke up recently. and besides, he cheated on me with her

    A very beautiful cathedral. Many people. A child, the son of my close friend. The boy is now 15 years old, but the dream was about 3-5 years old. After baptism, I attended the funeral service of a stranger, but did not see the deceased. I just realized that it was a farewell to someone and it was crowded.

    Hello! I had a dream that I was baptizing 3 children, I was very happy, then I came to the house of my late grandparents and they told me well done that she baptized me but forgot to put red threads on the children’s hands before the ceremony. I was a little upset, but woke up in euphoria and happy. I don’t know the gender of the children and whose children I don’t know either. I can’t get the dream out of my head, what could this mean, help! THANKS IN ADVANCE!

    I dreamed that I was performing on stage (I used to sing), then the priest put me in pairs against some wall and seemed to be baptizing. From the beginning he told me to stand near the wall, then sit in a lotus-like position and told me to take off the left sleeve of my cream dress, then he said I needed to take communion and took me to a separate room, then I woke up

    We were in church, we baptized a child who was a month old somewhere in a dream, in ordinary life he is already three years old and he is baptized, I am godmother. First we were in the church itself, we needed to go out to some kind of tent, then I I see my godson lying in some room on the floor and some grandmother is doing magic with him, she saw me and walked away, she had a lot of knives, I took the child and ran away, and also apologized to the grandmother (In a dream It seemed to me that she shouldn’t do anything bad to him, but I was afraid of her) Then I remember that there was some girl, my age, and she started to guess for me, I don’t remember what she was guessing, then I asked her about this grandmother, she said that it was a brownie. Then there was another dream, with my classmates, whom I had not seen for a long time in the fall. (The whole dream was gloomy)

    I dreamed that I saw the baptism ceremony of my daughter (she is already 8 years old), and I understand that I cannot be present at it directly. I see all this as if from behind a soap film that separates me and the church building. Although I'm inside the church. The church is big, like a cathedral. And then I meet the abbess, a woman, and she tells me that she helps everyone. A very kind and pleasant woman.

    I am married and we have a 2-year-old child, already baptized. I dreamed that our whole family was in church and baptizing our child again. Then me, my husband and child were in my ex-boyfriend’s apartment, and the parents of my friends were there...

    I dreamed of the baptism of a small child, but I didn’t see the baptism itself, but only many guests celebrated this holiday right in the church and it seemed like I was taking the child (boy) from the mother and putting him to bed, I decided to put him somewhere and suddenly a snake wrapped itself around him and began to choke him, but I saved him from the snake, but did not kill it, but simply took the child, he remained alive.

    I dream that I am present in the church and my friend takes me as godfather and my son is godfather, she says that I will pay, I say that I will pay and take out money, a lot of paper in hundreds, the priest demands money for this and that, for this the dream is colorful and in general I often dream about priests churches

    I had a dream that I had a new car, I was driving around the city at night in the rain, and then my stepfather, with whom we no longer live (he is alive, everything is fine with him), he sits in the front seat of the car, and explains to me how good it is, and begins to baptize me and my car while sitting in the passenger compartment, then takes out a bottle of illuminated water and begins to spray my car and me

    I was in the garden in the summer, two holes were dug with clean water, there were 3 candles on the edge, first the priest made the sign of the cross, then he had to go into water, in the water We took off our clothes, there were 2-3 girls, a guy I knew was standing next to me, I didn’t want him to recognize me, I lowered my head. I have red hair and he recognized me by it and said hello. As it turned out, his girlfriend was nearby.

    I dreamed that I was walking past a church and through the window I saw a baptism ceremony taking place. I understand that this is a boy, although he is lying on a white sheet on his stomach and above him there is a bowl from which water flows onto his shoulder and head. I had a dream on Pokrov

    Hello Tatyana, I am a Muslim (born in this faith). I dreamed today that I was among Christians and collecting a basket of necessary things for some celebration Christian holiday. There is joy and happiness of people all around, everyone is very kind and sympathetic (they helped me fill the basket correctly (I don’t remember, but I had to put something specific in there to give later)) it turns out that I was also going to celebrate. then a young priest with a beard and beautiful white robes came (to the place where the purchases were made), noticed me and was surprised (I don’t remember why I was surprised), then a gap I don’t remember the conversation. then he sprayed it in my face and put his fingers in the form of a cross to my forehead and said something. Moreover, I saw my “baptism” from the outside. And the priest put his fingers so strangely: middle finger straight, and the index and ring fingers were bent and they were at the level of the bend of the first phalanx of the middle finger (something like this “

    I dreamed that my adult son Small child and I need to baptize him. I go to the priest and want to organize a baptism, after the baptism I set the table and invite my loved ones. And I get very tired, I feel tired, I lie down on the bed to rest.

    Hello, Tanya! My name is Svetlana. All my life I have had dreams, and very often prophetic ones. I can understand almost every one of my dreams and know why this sign was sent to me by my Angel, but tonight it was very clear to me, as soon as I fell asleep - and I was clearly aware of this in a dream - I saw myself in some high room - I can’t say that it was a church - and I stood in front of the corner in this room - exactly in front of the corner - and applied my right hand large crosses are large, because the room had a high ceiling and the angle, accordingly, was high. The dream was not colored, rather, everything happened in dark colors, but in my opinion, it was not at night. I remember well that some people, strangers, came up to me and either asked me to continue christening this corner as a room, or they simply stood next to me and realized that I was doing something necessary and important. Even in my dream, I immediately had a feeling of not understanding why I’m here and why I’m doing this and what it’s for. What does this mean for me on my life path And asking myself all these questions, Tanya, I continued to make the sign of the cross with wide hand movements at this high corner in the darkened lighting. Nothing else happened. I would be grateful if you could at least roughly tell me what sign this is for me? Thank you. My email

    I dreamed that I was standing in a church, I don’t remember what I was wearing, but something was wrong with the clothes, and they brought me a boy to baptize, I took him in my arms and lowered him over the bowl where the holy water is so that they could pour water on his head

    I dreamed that my mother and I gathered in the city and she said let’s go to the church to get baptized, but I myself am baptized and a Catholic to boot.
    I was placed on a table near the altar in front of everyone, and also naked and covered with a slightly white sheet. The ritual was very strange and I don’t remember it well.
    I was very excited and embarrassed and I wanted to run away from there.
    Out of shame, I was covered with red allergic spots (I’m allergic, when I’m very nervous, I get red spots that look like hickeys, they soon disappear)

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was in a church, and past me there were about 5-6 strangers there, and these people and I were standing around a table, and on the table there was a large cross, and the priest was pouring holy water on the cross, and sprinkled it with holy water. water to everyone who stood near the table, including me. I remember how holy water fell on me. What could this dream portend? Thank you!

    The king and queen gave me the honor of being the godmother of their daughter, there was a feast, they handed me special regalia, everyone got up from the table and left, I was supposed to follow the king and queen, but I slowed down, which caused bewilderment not reaching the point of anger.

    I saw in a dream that I was plunging into the font three times as if for baptism, and I caught myself thinking that the water was warm, then I helped someone else to plunge, I don’t remember exactly who, but someone close to me

    dreamed like this: on the street (in winter) I met some person, he said that tomorrow (that is, today) I should baptize a child (but which one is not known) in general, he said that this would help me in business (like, or find myself )

    I dreamed that I was pregnant and very happy, talking with my mother about the baptism of the child even before his birth. In my dream, I am due to give birth in September. And my mother and I are discussing when it is better to baptize; my mother says early in the wild or in January. and I really want it to be warm in the spring in May!

    I dreamed that I was on vacation and stood in the river and my friend came up to me ex-boyfriend smiled and held a little boy in his arms and said go to his godmother and gave him in my arms and then also the girl

    It was the wedding of my relatives, but I don’t know who, since no faces were visible. They already had a child, a newborn. And they told me that I would baptize him. And throughout the wedding I carried this child in my arms, waiting for baptism. What is this for? I had a strange feeling after sleep.

    I dreamed that I was present at the baptism of some child, he was about 3-4 months old. he sat in the font and the priest poured water on him, the water was clean and the baptism took place on the street and not in the church

    I gave birth to a child - a boy. My husband and I (I’m not married) were in church getting ready to baptize Malisha. The priest saw it, but for some reason they didn’t baptize it. The child was in my arms under my clothes, I hid it either from the cold or from someone. Malish pressed himself tightly against me. Then I suddenly began to see that I had an adult girl, about 10 years old, beautiful, smiling, but also constantly clinging to me out of fear.

    my long-dead mother-in-law, never dreamed of before, bent down and pressed herself against me as I lay (she was soft and warm), then walked away, crossed me and disappeared. The face was friendly. What is this for??? I haven't remembered her for a long time.

    Some men baptized me... it seemed like there were three of them. They also baptized a girl in me. In my dream I knew her, but now I don’t remember. At first I dreamed that we came to church, then this baptism... we were sitting in the bathtub, naked, covered with some kind of cloth. The priest smears some kind of oil on my head with a brush, then pours water on it. But the sensations are not entirely pleasant. As if something was wrong... Then an elderly woman comes up to me, already dressed, and out of nowhere starts talking about me and my mother, like she’s a clairvoyant... and that’s all

    Good afternoon. Last night I dreamed that I became a mother and baptized my child. there were all the people close to me. in this dream, I was very worried about the child when his godmother was holding him in her arms and the baptism ceremony was taking place. Why such a dream?

    Hello, I’m pregnant at the moment and I dreamed that my sister was telling me: Congratulations, I baptized your daughter! (In my dream I also thought about how they baptized me without me and she lives in another country

    I dreamed of a wedding and at the same time the baptism of my mother...that is, her children (they were twins - a boy and a girl), my mother was holding a boy and I was a girl..... before the baptism there was a wedding... she and the men she meets in real life (she and her dad are not live together)….everything happened in the church…there were a lot of people….I don’t remember anymore….. e-mail-

    I dreamed that I was with my whole family and guests in the church, there were a lot of people, the weather was very warm, a lot of sun, everything was colorful. I didn’t see it, but it was as if everyone had gathered at the baptism of my children, as if I had also given birth to twins, a boy and a girl. In fact, I have 1 son

    I saw as if my son was about to be baptized by a friend and her husband who had already bought a chain with a cross and the weather was cloudy and I was decorating some kind of cake, then I tried on dresses and nothing didn’t fit, I told my husband from Christina’s day and you’re not shaved. although my son has already been baptized and in a dream I say for the second time we are waking him up to be baptized, this is not correct

    Hello! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday that a stranger girl, about 16 years old, seemed to have known me for a long time and with a smile asked to become a godmother. I myself am a Muslim, married to a Christian. No children yet. What could this dream mean?

    i dreamed that I was going to church and they gave me a child and 7 people were following me around the church and I gave the child because I understood that I would baptize this child. Then everyone went into the church, but I was already without a child in the church there were desks and the guys I know are sitting there. Then the baptism began, but the child was with my grandmother, then I took the baby from my grandmother, began to wrap him in a blanket and he tried to sit down, but he was still too small to be able to sit. Then I sat at the desk and on me Those guys I know were watching. And then I don’t remember. Despite the fact that I didn’t know these people and neither did the child, but I knew the guys.

    I'm sitting at the table, feeling like it's my birthday. A lot of people. And they give me a gift, a video from my christening (shown through a projector). While watching, I move to the church and see myself through the eyes of my godmother, who at that moment was holding me in her arms, only a little one.

    Hello. I'm in Lately Babies often appear in different dreams, both girls and boys. Today I dreamed that they took me for my godfather, I baptized a little girl (baby). In the dream, there is a cathedral from our city, people are lined up next to it along an alley (not many people, strangers), the cathedral is on a hump, and I get up slowly walking, slowly, along this alley towards the cathedral, and I walk, and I get this They suddenly give the girl in her arms and inform her that I will be her godmother, but I somehow seem not ready for the ceremony, they unexpectedly took me. It's daytime, the weather is good, I'm in a good mood. And at first I don’t understand whose child it is, but in my dream I’m very glad that I will have a goddaughter. And then I and this girl come to the house of the people whose child this is. I see who it is and am very surprised that they took me as their godmother. These are familiar people. They are from my parents’ village, but we were never friends, never communicated like “hello and goodbye.” What could this mean? I assume that this is something good, but I still want to hear your interpretation. Thank you in advance!

    Hello, please tell me -
    I had a dream today: I’m standing on a lake (it’s a flooded quarry) where we walk every day, it’s winter all around and the priest is right in the middle of the lake preparing everything for the baptismal ceremony, there’s an ice hole, there are poles standing crosswise like for a tent, but high. I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion he baptized a man before and I watched everything from the side and then he calls me and says go, don’t be afraid, I ask again... I know that I’m baptized, but I go and he starts to baptize me. Then I kind of followed to he showed me the church nearby. the old church has not been whitewashed for a long time, there are no icons on the walls, poor thing, there is a service going on and I’m the only one standing with candles, the rest are just like that, in old scarves and dressed like rural peasants. I left the church and said oh, what is it, I forgot to put a candle and I’m not coming back I go to church and it’s like a candle shop and I put a candle in one single stand where they put it for the repose and say thank you to my ancestors. I'm going out. Then came another part of the dream and other events.
    Thank you.

    I can’t say exactly where it happened, but it certainly wasn’t at my home. I was in bed with a girl (we’ll omit the details), she told me how long she would wait until I finished, and at that moment people appeared (I can’t say exactly the age, but they seemed elderly), the man said “well, I’m off” (or “I I’d better go”), and the woman came up to me and either with a pen or with a brush, drew a cross on my forehead and wrote a text in letters (I didn’t understand what it was about, but I realized that good type congratulations) and I woke up, my forehead itched and until I scratched it I couldn’t sleep

    I dreamed that my parents were performing a baptism ceremony on me. I saw all this as if I was lying on my back and looking up. I saw a cross and I don’t remember exactly, but they did something to me with it. And at the end of the dream, I saw the light when I looked up and my soul felt so light and there was a good feeling. The light shone on me and I woke up.

    In a dream, from behind the back of the priest who performed the Sacrament of baptism, at first I could only see the godmother who was unfamiliar to me, but suddenly I was able to see the godfather, whom I knew, whom I saw and studied with about 15 years ago and did not communicate often in everyday life.

    Hello! In the dream there was a man with me, we were baptized, the man was with me throughout the entire dream. We came to church, I changed clothes, during baptism I was in a white sheet. There were a lot of candles in the church. The priest also saw this whole event take place in the church. It was also clean clear water, I plunged into it. It was very bright in the hall where the baptism took place. I used to dream about a church, and it feels like this is the church I saw before in a dream.

    I was baptized in some church or temple. Other people were also baptized there. Before baptism, I and the others rinsed our heads with water. They hung two wooden crosses on me and between them a small icon with the face of the Mother of God. I kissed them and then they gave me another icon to kiss, but I didn’t remember the image. Then I woke up.

    in a dream I dreamed that I was standing next to a child who was trying to be baptized and was doing it incorrectly. I showed how to be baptized correctly... the picture was a little unclear, but the colors in it were dark... like in an old movie

    My mom has a friend. She has a sister. I am one child in the family. I'm waiting for the contract to be signed. Today I dreamed that we saw my mother’s sister and her friend.. her sister asked about her attitude towards children, I said it was terrible and then she asked to baptize the child, I remembered that she had no children, although I was convinced that the baby was a boy. This sister lives with a woman but is unhappy.

    as if I were baptizing a child. first one, and then the other. and I give these children a gold cross. I will actually have such an event. This Sunday I will be baptizing my son at my friend’s place. Maybe that's why I dreamed like this?

    I dreamed that I was asked to become godmother. Right away it was through a scam of a friend and I thought I needed to play along. Then this man disappeared and I decided that I would still baptize the child, since he was not guilty of anything. I don’t remember the baptism process itself, only the celebration-feast. And I don't know anyone there.

    I dreamed that I was in a monastery or in a church in some bedroom, my mother and my son were with me. The room had antique furniture, there was a jug of water on the chest of drawers and in the dream I knew that she was holy, I take this water and thoroughly wash my child’s face with it , and then I cross myself, for this the nun who happened to be with us demands a certain amount of money

    I dreamed that a priest I knew who had already died baptized my sister, she was 65 years old, anointed my forehead with myrrh, etc. She told me about this snob and showed me a piece of paper with the words “baptism” written on it. I told her why she didn’t warn us about baptism earlier, she was baptized in early childhood

    Hello! I’m pregnant now, the ultrasound said it was a girl. Today I had a dream that I gave birth to a boy. He is baptized at our home, not in church. I hold him in my arms, he does not cry. It seems as if I am baptizing him like a godmother .I see father.

    Good evening. I dreamed that a little boy was constantly calling me godmother. And he was constantly reaching out to me. There were a lot of people around and he was reaching out to me. Thank you if you can explain my dream.

    Hello, I can’t find an interpretation of my dream... I dreamed that I crossed my ex-husband 3 times (not with a cross, but with my fingers), who was standing in my corridor near the door, while saying something to him... The fact is that we broke up with him 2 weeks ago, he left me... I am very worried about this.

    i dreamed that I had to get married... I have a beautiful green floor-length dress... but my fiance is far from me... it takes a long time to go to him by car) Then I dreamed of a girl who offered me a less beautiful dress... light gray) But I chose green.. I don’t remember further)

    Hello, my husband had a dream where he was baptized, but not with water, but with blood, and with the same blood they drew a cross on his forehead. During baptism they said: “There is a pitchfork above you and when you find out what kind of pitchfork it is, then everything will be fine with you.” .We would like to know what such a dream could mean. Thanks in advance!

    I don’t remember the beginning of the dream, it seems like there’s some kind of holiday, a wedding or New Year, something happened there and when? It’s not even this holiday, once upon a time they didn’t seem to accept me, there was some kind of conflict, they knew me that they didn’t seem to like me, I don’t understand anything, but the female half was in favor of me, the woman and daughter left the building, this one the woman began to draw pictures on the walls, when they asked her what she wanted to draw, she answered I don’t know, I just want to draw, she quickly drew pictures, beautifully on different topics, with paints, with a brush larger than they usually paint, I ran after them, one of them was not for me no different, like my girlfriend, the building is huge white there are many entrances, this woman stopped near one entrance and said that this is an old place, it’s impossible to draw anything there, yes, let’s just draw around the building, they ran inside, I myself will feel what needs to be drawn there, when I went there there were about 30 people they were standing with children, the priest wasn’t even the only one of them, there were definitely three of them walking around, 1 of them was baptizing near the altar, standing, as I understand it, they were baptizing children, a ringing appeared in my ears, I lost consciousness and woke up, and even heard myself shouting to myself that I couldn’t stand on my feet

    My mother’s friend, whose sister recently gave birth, had a dream in which my father (no longer alive) told me to baptize their child.
    A friend told her father in a dream that they didn’t know who would baptize her sister’s daughter, but he said let me do it. Help me explain! (The father baptized the son of this friend, but I don’t really communicate and know her sister)

    Good afternoon. I dreamed today
    That I baptized a girl in a dream. It was in the temple. As it should be. The priest baptized me and held my little one in my arms. The ritual of baptism was completed in full. I don't know what kind of girl she is. And whose child is it? I don't yawn either

    I dreamed of the baptism of a child, but it took place in a church and the priest was dressed in ordinary clothes, the child was no longer a baby, but about a year and a half old and was already talking in his own way with the priest.

    A large, white Church with golden domes, is under restoration, everywhere scaffolding. My sister came to be baptized, but I did not enter the Church with them, I stayed in the yard. The sun was shining brightly, it was blinding. In the yard, the whole Earth is covered with fine, golden sand, and the water, clear and warm, came from somewhere. I entered this water and plunged headlong.

    Last night I dreamed that I was pregnant and as if I had a husband, One familiar person, and today, I dreamed that I was Christina of my child, whom I gave birth to, but I didn’t see the birth, and it turned out to be a girl, Okay I remember how we carried her out of the church in pink envelopes, and how she was dipped in wooden bath. And today the same friend was present again, joyful that I gave birth to a daughter and we baptized her.

    I was at the christening of a little boy, of a girl I didn’t particularly like, I know her well. The dream was strange, there were rituals that don’t exist at all, as I understand they want to make me a bed mother

    I was cleaning the porch near my nine-story building with a friend, then people started approaching and we moved down the steps and stood in a semicircle. Then two people came up to the steps, called me and began to baptize me.

    I was near my house, a lot of people had gathered. I was called first. I went up to the porch, two people stood in front of me. One of them (and they were not dressed like priests) began to baptize me. Why do you dream about this?

  • The colors of the dream were the same as in everyday life
  • Good afternoon, I had a dream where I accepted another faith, that is, Christianity, but I’m a Muslim and a believer, how is that? So? Some man came in a dream and began to baptize me and I converted to Christianity, what could this mean?

    Hello. I had a dream in which I would baptize a child. I didn’t see the Sacrament itself, but in the dream I was already collecting things and so on. What does it have to do with the godfather with whom I am baptizing - an acquaintance of mine, and the couple with whom I am baptizing are people unknown to me, including my godson.
    The dream is a little connected with what is happening in reality. I will be baptizing a child in 2 weeks and this will be my first godson. And in the dream, what does Christina have to do with it clearly on Palm Sunday, that is, today, and there I understand that in two weeks it will no longer be my first godson.
    It's very interesting what this means. Still, today is not a small holiday, and even on the eve of such events in my life.
    Thank you!!!

    Hello. The dream haunts me. My stepfather died 9 days ago, my mother-in-law died 5 days ago. Both were baptized, Ukrainians. I don’t remember exactly when I had the dream. About three days ago, I think. The sensations were clear, I dreamed that for some reason the priest in a black cassock splashed water sharply and called the Christian Name loudly. I don’t remember putting the cross on me. I myself come from a Muslim family, but I am drawn to a Christian one. What would that mean?

    05/12/2018 at 9.20 o'clock.
    I dreamed of a priest baptizing my little son in a clean pool, made of stone, beautifully clear water, I stood in the water, the priest dipped his son in the water, then he gave me his son, I took him in my arms, I looked at him, he was crying and with his tongue he pulled out his wife’s black long hair, I began to clean up somewhere 3 -4 hairs were thrown out and I woke up, which could mean this. Lately I have been dreaming of pure water as I drink it with thirst, then mineral water in a bottle, the purest transparent water as I drink it, what could all this mean?

    I saw the baptism of a child as a Muslim. I was told to sit down in front of the priest and burn a small cross. Which is what I did. Even when I was doing this, I told my Allah that even by doing this, I would still believe in him, and not the cross which people themselves created)

    I dreamed about the priest, as if I had agreed with him about the baptism of a child, he smiled and said that I needed 100 UAH for the church’s charity. And the woman who sells candles told me that we were lucky that the priest took us because he doesn’t take everyone. And the church is small, wooden. Then another had a dream - there were a lot of snakes at home, they climbed out of the cracks and there was a lot of muddy water, they crawled past me and one bit me. What could this all be for?

    I was driving along the road on a motorcycle with a woman who was driving it poorly. Driving past the church, I saw women dressed in white clothes with embroidery standing near the church, they periodically bowed to the ground, as if praying, then I saw the face of a beautiful, ruddy woman. , who also bent almost to the ground and very often, a girl, about three years old with beautiful curly hair, was tied to her with white cloths. And behind them stood a man with a huge cross and also bowed in time with them.

    I dreamed that I saw from the outside how the baptism ceremony of a 1-2 year old girl was taking place, and not in a standard way in a church, but on the road leading to my family. And this all translates into the fact that I see old people who are no longer with us, and before their death they drew crosses with honey, there were three grandmothers and three crosses drawn and I went around this honey in every possible way.

    In a dream we baptize our child (daughter). The child is real, she is now 3 months old. We want to be baptized in July. Godmother is my little sister. I find a priest in a dark temple. I tell him that we have come to baptize a child. he went to prepare for the ceremony. and I think, what about my godmother? But she wasn’t called to work and she didn’t come to baptize her daughter. And I keep worrying, running around, because my godmother is not there. And then the priest comes to begin the ceremony and I wake up. What could this mean?

The deep spiritual essence of fire is transformation, that is, the transition from one state to another.

Everything else follows from this: both energy and the symbol of fertilization.

Male strength, and renewal of life.

Baptism by fire restores original purity and clarity.

It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages the sinister method of executing heretics was chosen - burning at the stake.

And, although modern man does not accept such reprisals against a sinner, in dreams fire often acts as a symbol of punishment.

Sometimes light and heat mean intelligence, emotions, a person’s strength, his spiritual energy.

In such cases, divine images with a halo appear in a dream.

Glow around the head.

Sometimes mysterious radiations or blazing fire come from the dreamer himself.

Such plots personify the divine powers of patronage or the potential creative capabilities of man.

Fire and flames often symbolize love.

It contains both the overpowering and destructive power of passion.

And a movement that leads to merger, unity.

The custom of carrying torches on the occasion of betrothals and during fertility rites emphasizes the generative function of fire.

And only the fire of the hearth personifies the invisible presence of the keeper of the hearth - a woman.

Any water is a symbol of the great mother, the feminine principle.

This is a symbol of primary matter, vital forces.

A dry riverbed in a dream for both women and men is a sign that some part of your vitality has left you.

Such a dream is especially unfavorable for women, who in some cases are completely identified with the river.

Water, like fire, is used in initiation and baptism rites.

This is the personification of new birth.

Baptism by immersion in water symbolizes the return to the womb, to the maternal waters.

In the form of rain, water brings fertilizing power to the earth and symbolizes fertility.

Translated into the language of dreams, seeing yourself diving into the depths of water means revealing some kind of secret. Give birth to new knowledge.

It’s not bad to feel like you’re in a dream and walking on the surface of the water. This means standing on the border of the material and spiritual worlds. This is a symbol of lightness, floating through the air.

Creatures such as fairies and witches could walk on water without drowning.

This, again in the Middle Ages, was the basis for the witchcraft test.

It was believed that an innocent, God-obedient woman should drown, and a witch should swim.

However, great sages and saints, with the blessing of God, were able to walk on water.

This personified their power over the elements.

If water surrounds something, such as a defensive moat around a castle, then it not only protects, but also symbolizes the purity of what is inside.

Water and fire are warring elements.

But penetrating into each other, they unite.

Therefore, seeing a fire blazing on the surface of water in a dream foreshadows an interesting romantic adventure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Baptism

To be present at baptism means the normalization of family relationships.

The rite of baptism is for the renewal of life.

Procession of the Cross - a confession is required before a loved one whom you completely trust.

Interpretation of dreams from
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