
The magical properties of indoor plants. The magical properties of herbs


Symbol of immortality. Crayfish were made from some varieties of acacia to store the relics of saints. According to some reports, the prickly crown of Christ was woven from acacia. It carries wisdom, connects a person with the mystical world.


Bamboo as a material for amulets appeared in Russia recently, when Eastern philosophical teachings came into fashion. Symbolizes resilience, longevity; happiness, spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.


It has healing and protective properties. In the mystical rituals of shamans of many peoples, it is a cosmic tree that connects the earthly and spiritual worlds. In Asia, the central pole of round Asian tents was made from birch, and therefore it was a symbol of life, the spiritual ascent of man, and cosmic energy. In Russia, birch is planted near houses to call for good spirits. It is a symbol of spring, girls and young women. Birch, as a symbol of purity, is credited with the ability to exorcise evil spirits. Witches and people possessed by demons were beaten with birch rods.


The magical properties of hawthorn go back to the Greek god of marriage, Hymen, who blessed the wedding wreaths of hawthorn. Protects chastity, keeps marriage bonds. However, hawthorn flowers cannot be brought into the house - for many nations this foreshadowed death.


In Northern Europe - a magical tree-amulet against evil spirits on Walpurgis Night. By picking twigs or elderberries, people apologize to the tree.


An ancient pagan symbol of the spring rebirth of nature. In medieval Europe, it was used in some necromantic rituals, with the help of which sorcerers tried to restore life to the deceased. With the spread of Christianity, it becomes a symbol of the passions of the Lord and the Resurrection. No wonder for Easter, many people put at home a bouquet of several willow branches with fluffy buds. The people attributed to the willow special properties that give strength and health, which increased after the consecration of the willow in the church. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, willow branches could prevent or stop a fire, a storm, save crops from hail. Willow also had medicinal properties- willow earrings could be eaten or carried with you to heal from infertility and protect yourself from fever. Wearing crosses carved from willow on the body also protected human health.


A symbol of fertility among many ancient peoples. AT Ancient Greece and Rome, the vine was associated with Dionysus and Bacchus on the one hand, and with Apollo, god of light and the arts, on the other. In Mithraism, where Apollo was associated with Mithra and the sun, grapes become a symbol of the sun. In Christianity, it is a spiritual symbol of rebirth.


The tree of the samurai of Japan, therefore, magical properties are attributed to it, endowing the owner with strength, will, and loyalty. In China, it is a symbol of good luck and spring. In Christianity, it sometimes replaces the apple tree as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

A calm tree that transmits its properties to people. Helps to get rid of the fuss, petty worries over trifles.


A tree growing in the Far East is little known in Russia. Its magical properties are of interest - it is believed that amulets made from its wood contribute to the appearance of milk in women. Ginkgo is also a symbol of immortality or longevity and devotion.


Promotes fertility. Helps people who strive for wisdom or who have the gift of foresight. In China, love amulets were made from the fruits and wood of this tree.


Pear amulets are made mainly for women, as the pear is a symbol of motherhood and love.

It has tremendous energy - gives strength, promotes wound healing, recovery. Oaks symbolize wisdom, longevity, power. The cult of the oak, in one form or another, spread throughout Europe.

One of the New Year and Christmas trees. A symbol of eternal youth, strength. A person who wears a spruce amulet in nau-ze is believed to have an unbending will.

A symbol of sexual love, it helps to quickly restore mental and physical strength, it is easier to endure separation from a loved one. For Buddhists, willow is an emblem of compassion and meekness, patience. According to many legends, it promotes good health, easy childbirth. This probably comes from the fact that painkillers were made from its bark.


Thanks to the white candles of its colors, it has become an emblem of light, purification, goodness and marriage. It also symbolizes calm strength and self-confidence.


The owner of a product made of cedar wood receives a constant supply of energy from this tree, peace and self-confidence. Cedar helps to remove toxins and cleanse the body.


A symbol of mourning, sadness for a dead person. In pagan cults, it symbolized the new life of a person in the afterlife.


Promotes the rise of mental strength, protects against energy vampires.


The personification of victory. Laurel wreaths were awarded to soldiers and poets. Helps in the search for secret knowledge. It serves to cleanse from sin, carries protection of the most general nature. During epidemics, branches of laurel or products made from its wood help to ward off the disease from home. If you have a piece of laurel wood with you during a thunderstorm, it can protect against lightning. In Christianity, it is a symbol of eternal life.

Hazel (hazel)

Brings wealth and fertility. Like all nuts, it symbolizes rich harvests and a large offspring of livestock. It was believed that hazel was most suitable for making a magic wand. With the help of a forked hazel wand (vine), people have been looking for underground water, deposits of coal and metals.


Protects true friendship from accidental quarrels that can lead to a quarrel. Helps in business negotiations and cooperation. Promotes easy delivery and health of the newborn.


Thanks to its solid wood, it has become a symbol of immortality. It personifies strength (in a broad sense - from the strength of feelings to good health). For the peoples of Siberia - a symbol of rebirth.


Helps in the search for true love, the conclusion of a happy marriage. Associated with sensual love, longevity and harmony. It is used during childbirth to facilitate them and gives the newborn strength and ability.


Has a strong tonic effect; among some peoples, juniper is endowed with protective magical properties that protect the owner of a juniper product from evil forces. Protects from diseases.


Brings joy, abundance, victory. Protects purity and chastity. In Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ancient traditions - a blessed tree. Charm of brides, helps in marriage, facilitates childbirth. Helps to keep inner peace, devotion in friendship and love.


It neutralizes the bad emotions of a person, calms him down, instills in him the ability to think soberly and act decisively.


A tree that protects against evil forces, primarily from the undead (vampires, ghouls, etc.). A blow to the heart with an aspen stake can kill the undead, a smaller copy of the stake worn in the bow will scare them away, especially when combined with garlic and silver. Absorbs pain, removes negative emotions from a person.


Brings victory, success, fame, longevity. Especially helps athletes, scientists, politicians. In the Christian tradition - a symbol of the Resurrection, victory over death. A palm wreath, along with laurel and myrtle, crowned the heads of winners in competitions, etc.


Pieces of peach wood have a protective power during marriages, help to preserve youth and beauty for a long time, symbolize prosperity. Peach wood was used to expel evil spirits and to protect against them.


Strength, strength of mind and body


Fertility and productivity. Rowan branches with berries are stuck in winter fields as a symbol of a good harvest. Tree of thrifty, thrifty people. To others who do not possess these qualities, he brings them. Bunches of rowan branches red from berries are tied in the form of a cross with red thread to protect doors and windows.


Beauty, splendor, rebirth. An amulet made of lilac wood brings girls an abundance of suitors, women - happiness in marriage. Men under the influence of the properties of lilacs make more deliberate decisions, less sharply express their thoughts - a practical benefit in negotiations. Amalia, the heroine of one of the chivalric romances of the Middle Ages, adorned her hair with lilac flowers, and sewed the faded flowers into a pillow and belt. The story of her happy love with the knight Eliot often served as an example for spouses.

Fig tree

Buddha tree - helps people with contemplation, spiritual training and improvement, meditation.


Protects a woman in marriage. Strengthens fidelity, determination, wisdom in men.


Like other conifers, it symbolizes the Christmas tree. Bestows courage, determination and luck. AT Western Europe It was believed that pine wood used in amulets contributes to a rich harvest, a high offspring of livestock, which goes back to ancient pagan beliefs.

Yew wood, according to legend, supports the strength of the owner of the amulet, helps him in contact with otherworldly forces. In some countries, they are used to make vines - a tool for searching for water, coal, and metals.


Removes irritation, calms, gives self-confidence.

Fig tree

Symbolizes fertility, abundance, prosperity, numerous offspring. Fig leaves have acquired symbolism with sexual meaning.

Apple tree

The tree of knowledge in the Christian tradition. Probably, in this regard, the wood of the apple tree in the beliefs acquires the meaning of a talisman against temptations and temptations, on the other hand, it helps in the mystical search for knowledge. Apple blossom is a symbol of spring, renewal, fertility.


Items made from ash wood help the owner in communicating with both good and evil supernatural beings, give physical and spiritual strength.


A plant with great medicinal and magical powers. In Central and South America, sorcerers wore dried aloe leaves, stems and roots around their necks, and during healing rituals, a bag of aloe roots was hung on the patient's chest. There is also another way - the fleshy leaves of aloe are finely chopped, the resulting slurry is wrapped in a leather shred and hung around the patient's neck. Evil spirits of illness think that this is another victim, they attack the bag, and the magical power of aloe and the conspiracy of the sorcerer kills them.


A plant with a strong aroma. One of the most important properties is the ability of this plant to scare away the forces of darkness with its smell - the smell of anise is unpleasant for them. It is useless to use in combination with garlic - garlic is stronger and interrupts the smell of anise for otherworldly forces. In Thrace, it was once considered a plant of evil, probably due to the fact that evil magicians collected it and tried to accustom their creations - evil monsters to the smell of anise. Anise root, worn on the chest, helps a person to maintain sobriety of thought - literally and figuratively. It probably comes from an unusual intoxication from aniseed vodka. Aniseed amulet helps a person stay sober in the right situations, does not allow him to say too much.


They gather on dark moonless nights, dry in the dark, so that not a single ray of the sun falls on them. A powder is made from the petals, which is poured into the wine of a loved one for a love spell, and the stems, leaves and roots are worn around the neck in order to be successful with the opposite sex. They heal from sad, gloomy love memories, support bright and kind memories.


Like many spices, ordinary people associated with something demonic. Used in alchemy and magic. It was believed that the basil attracts the spirits of the air and a person who has an incense with a mixture of basil and lavender on his chest can control them. At the same time, there should be quite a few bags of basil in the room. The famous magician of the early Middle Ages, Allobius, died in his castle when his cook used stocks of basil to prepare a festive dinner. The spirits of the air got out of control of the magician and destroyed the castle. The castle was sprinkled with holy water, but even after that, tornadoes often circled over the castle.


Solar symbolism. The roots of the marigolds were used to evoke the younger fiery spirits. It was believed that these spirits fed on solar energy through the inflorescence, and hid in the roots so that no one would think that fire spirits could live in the earth.


The expression "Have you eaten henbane?" did not come about by chance. Henbane is poisonous and appears to have little-studied narcotic properties. Ancient sorcerers ate henbane in certain proportions with other herbs and fell into a trance. A bundle of henbane worn around the neck protects a person from insanity. Henbane also protects against hypnotic influences.


Folk beauty. A very dangerous poisonous plant. Like many other Solanaceae, it has a narcotic effect in carefully adjusted doses and after processing. Used for medicinal purposes against spasms. From here, probably, there is a belief that if a patient with epilepsy carries dried belladonna leaves with him, then the attacks will not be so severe, and over time they may pass.

Bogorodskaya grass See thyme


Valerian drops are used in modern medicine as a sedative, while in the past our ancestors used the dried leaves and roots of this plant in exactly the opposite way. Frankincense with dried valerian root was worn on the chest as a powerful tonic. People with such amulets did not get tired, they could overcome great distances. The valerian root was tied into bows hanging on the bridle of horses so that the horses were fast and tireless.

verbena officinalis

Assembled properly (using a rope tied to a dog's leg), vervain is used as a talisman in nauzas from all diseases obtained through the evil eye and damage. Nauz with verbena protects a person from evil spirits and temptations.


The red carnation is traditionally considered a symbol of engagement and betrothal, and only then it became a symbol of the world proletariat. In its first meaning, it appears in magical rituals. Carnation inflorescences and roots are worn to keep the love of the betrothed, to awaken love if it is an engagement of convenience.


It is often confused with a sunflower, but the heliotrope, a southern plant that grows in the Mediterranean countries, only outwardly resembles our sunflower. However, their symbolism is very close - they are dedicated to the gods of the sun. Seeds and roots of heliotrope, tied in a rag and worn around the neck, were given to Roman legionnaires who went to fight in the distant northern lands - Gaul and Britain, so that the warm sun of Italy would always be with them.


Quite rare in the system of magical symbols. Its properties depend on the variety. Narrow leaves of fragrant geranium are placed in the ears to relieve ear pain. Due to its smell, geraniums were sometimes rewarded with the ability to drive away the forces of evil. At the same time, there are references that geraniums, as a flower most loved by goats (a goat is a symbol of sin), attracted evil spirits. Not recommended for use without deep knowledge.

Highlander bird

Knotweed. In the people - weed-ant. In importance to sorcerers, it is, after heliotrope and sunflower, the third herb of the sun. The dried root of this herb, placed in a nauz, worn on the chest, protects and heals from nervous shocks and diseases caused by evil people. Nauses with knotweed help those in love to remain faithful to each other, disperse longing. If the spine is worn on the stomach, then it protects the psyche from shocks and madness in turbulent times - political unrest, wars, etc.


Popular names are yellow eye, heart grass. It is believed that this plant has nine powers, one of which removes damage and the evil eye, the other relieves love spells. Grass is harvested before sunrise on the eve of Ivan Kupala. Placed in an amulet, worn on the chest. For love purposes, they are mixed with incense, worn on the chest for nine days, and then quietly sewn into the dress of the woman they love. It is not recommended to use together with the centaury (seven strong). Their powers may conflict.

loosestrife loosestrife

Plakun-grass. It got its name because the people believe that the plant grew out of the tears of the Mother of God, who mourned the Son. Thanks to the same belief, grass has a protective power against evil spirits. A cross made from its root, worn on the chest, removes damage and the evil eye from a person. In addition, such a cross protects a person from various kinds fever. Nauz with a mixture of loosestrife and nettle removes fear, inspires confidence in one's own abilities.

St. John's wort

Due to its healing properties of a weak natural antibiotic, people have given it many additional magical and mystical properties. So, in different regions of Russia, the name of the grass is interpreted differently. According to one version, it gives a person such strength that he can fight with any animal, according to another, it increases the vigilance of a hunter-shooter. If you wear an incense with dried sprigs of St. John's wort on your chest, happiness and health will accompany a person. It goes well with nettle, the magical properties of the two plants enhance and complement each other. According to legend, St. John's wort, sewn into the floor of a warrior's clothes, protected him from the blows of enemy sabers. St. John's wort was an obligatory and integral component of herbal preparations, which were placed in the amulets of soldiers who went to war.

Centaury umbrella

The popular name - seven-strength - reflects the properties attributed to this plant. A person who has a nauz with a seven-strength does not get tired for a long time, quickly rests. In a foreign land and on the road, such an amulet protects a person, guarantees his return home. Included in herbal preparations for warriors and travelers.

Ivan da Marya

The symbol of the day of Ivan Kupala, which is why its many mystical properties and meanings come. Denotes the inseparable connection of male and female principles, is widely used in love magic. Also for the magicians of the past, it meant the unity of the elements of air and earth, was used to summon the corresponding elementals (elementals are the spirits of various elements).


It personifies purity, protection and at the same time sadness and grief. An iris tuber must be dug up when the sun has just set and the moon has not yet appeared, boiled in an infusion of St. John's wort, dried next to the images. Such a charm worn around the neck saves a person from colds and viruses.


The popular name is marigolds. Solar symbolism. Longevity, in the West - the flower of the Virgin Mary. The flower turns its head to follow the sun. Dried inflorescences help a person to endure the cold more easily. In the snowfall, the amulet with marigolds does not allow its owner to get lost, leads to warmth.


For Christianity - a symbol of the Trinity. In Ireland, the clover leaf has become the symbol of Ireland, which is called the Green Isle. This goes back to an ancient Celtic legend about a kind green island where the souls of all the righteous go. Clover is a symbol of rebirth, honey plant. Dried clover inflorescences protect from the evil eye, help in righteous deeds.


A symbol of prosperity and abundance. Strawberry roots were used in divination, probably due to their weak narcotic properties. For the same reason, it is believed that strawberry roots worn on the chest enhance magical abilities and help to conjure.


One of the industrial plants for the Slavs. Hemp was used to make ropes and shoelaces. Thus, it was directly connected with the nauzes.

Cat mint

Due to the fact that it looks like a real mint in appearance, it often replaced it in rituals, carrying properties opposite to mint. By burning a mixture of plants, which included catnip, demons were summoned.


It was known to our distant ancestors from time immemorial as a remedy for bleeding. Ancient warriors, going on military campaigns, had powder from dried nettle leaves in their pouches. They covered the wounds received in battles. Nettle accelerated blood clotting and contributed to the speedy healing of wounds. The magical and properties of nettle lie in its ability to drive away evil spirits that are afraid of burns. Nettle, dried and worn on the chest, restores calmness, cures insomnia. Nettle also gives a person courage. It is necessary to collect nettles from July 19 to August 23.


As one of the first spring flowers, it represents the renewal of life and nature. Very powerful amulets are prepared from crocus roots - they are dug up in late autumn, dried all winter in the attic near the chimney. It is believed that such roots are able to smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin of the face. They can return the love of spouses.

Water lily white

The popular name is overpowered-grass. The name contains a popular idea of ​​​​its capabilities. With this herb, a person is able to overcome all life's adversities, to achieve success in life. This herb can also be useful for travelers - an amulet filled with overpowered grass protects a person from troubles on the way and contributes to the safe reaching of the destination.

Kupena unburned

The burning, but unburned bush kupena in biblical symbolism depicts a fiery angel who appeared before Moses. In the fiery symbolism of the Vedic ancient Indian tradition, we find similar motifs. Later, in Christian medieval painting, a burning bush symbolized the virginity of the Virgin Mary. The Slavs had great respect and reverence for the plant, which lit up with a bluish flame, but did not burn itself. It was believed that if you store parts of this plant at home, then the dwelling will not suffer from fire. And amulets with kupena, its roots, crosses carved from its root, protected their owners from fire, lightning and wolves, whose eyes flickered in the dark, like lights. At the root, bought from last year's leaves, traces remain in the form of a kind of seal. It is believed that this seal "seals" a charmed hernia, for which the patient needs to wear an amulet or a cross from such a root.


A plant with a very strong specific smell. In the Western European tradition - the grass of sorcerers and wizards. She had power over the spirits of the wind. It was believed that lavender helps people who communicate with the other world, sharpens the abilities of mediums.

A symbol of fertility and productivity, one of the most significant crops for the Slavs. All parts of the plant in dried form were worn on the chest, added to herbal preparations. He protected the traveler on the road, made his mind flexible, like a stalk of flax, and his spirit strong and durable.


In the Middle East, lilies are a symbol of fertility, abundance, carnal love. In many nations - the flower of power, in France - the coat of arms of the royal house. Different varieties of lilies have different meanings. Bright red lilies are associated with witchcraft, usually evil. They were used to set evil spirits on the victim's trail. On the other hand, a dried flower of such a lily in a medallion on the chest warded off evil forces from its owner. White lily is a symbol of spiritual sublime love, faith, purity.


A symbol of the cosmic beginning, birth and rebirth, the spiritual growth of man, the ability of the soul to improve. The main symbol among plants for the peoples of India, the Far East, Ancient Egypt. In practice, the lotus has become a symbol of perfection.


A symbol of frivolity, carelessness and lightness in general. Powder from dried buttercup petals in some countries is advised to carry with you to relieve stress, mental overwork. The main thing is not to overdo it!

The emblem of the gods of sleep due to its narcotic effects. Opium poppy tinctures were used by soothsayers and sorcerers. Poppy is the flower of the night, the forces of darkness often obey him. In Christianity, it is a symbol of Christ's self-sacrifice.


Used to make narcotic concoctions that helped wizards in contact with the forces of other worlds, it is universally associated with magic, both white and black. Amulets from the mandrake root, resembling a man in shape, according to the beliefs of many peoples of Europe, contributed to sexual strength. Also, the mandrake root was used as a love spell - the man himself wore pieces of the root on his chest, and quietly sewed his beloved into clothes. In Russia, the little-known mandrake acquired precisely this Western European love and love meaning.


In Christian and pre-Christian traditions - a symbol of resurrection. Dried mimosa blossoms on the chest were worn by people who drew strength from the fire element. It was believed that mimosa can transmit the energy of the sun to a person.

Hellebore black

The hellebore root is dug up by hand without using a shovel on the eve of Ivan Kupala Day. Boiled in the collected morning dew before sunrise and dried under the images of the saints. Put on the neck of raging, seizure patients. Such roots serve to exorcise demons from a person. They are worn on the body on a cord or hung in a dwelling in which evil spirits live. For medicinal purposes, hellebore is brewed and drunk to maintain immunity.


Due to its strong smell and taste, mint was considered to be able to ward off demons. If dried mint is sprinkled on a ghoul's face, he must retreat and run away. In the Middle Ages, an analogy arose between the moon among the luminaries, silver among metals, pearls among stones, and mint among plants. Such symbolism of mint endowed it with the ability to subjugate the spirits of water and air. Mint was often included in the general protective herbal collection, along with St. John's wort, nettle, and other plants.


Symbol of immortality, rebirth. Brings wealth, fertility, healing and protection. The Celts considered her a product of lightning and worshiped her. Their druids tied mistletoe stalks around their necks during sorcery to cure various diseases and prevent infertility in women. With mistletoe branches in their hands and with mistletoe flowers around their necks, the Druids asked the fertility deities to grant a fruitful year. Mistletoe branches were tied to the horns of livestock to ensure a large offspring and high milk yields. The amulet with mistletoe provides protection for the heavenly forces, protects against the most serious diseases. Mistletoe is a powerful amulet against evil spells aimed at sexual disorders. It protects the physical functions of the body, increases libido, does not allow envious people and evil sorcerers to destroy family happiness.

Magic properties of pansies

According to the ancient language of flowers, pansies evoke peace, peace of mind. Apparently, it is no coincidence that many people call this flower the "flower of dead souls." Places where pansies grew have long been considered in Western countries a haven for the soul of the deceased. This opinion subsequently spread to Russia. Therefore, they began to grow them mainly in cemeteries. According to Russian folk belief, if you want it to rain, pick a bunch of pansies on a warm sunny day and put them in the water. In the evening or the next day, it will certainly rain.

The magical properties of pine

Pine loves people and wishes them well. In addition, this tree very subtly senses the accumulating evil and throws all its considerable strength to dispel it. That is why pine trees survive with great difficulty in cities - there is too much bad energy there, and this tree always "takes fire on itself." If you have the opportunity, always choose pine. Pine boards, pine furniture (even haphazardly crafted in a factory) will always be a good defense against evil forces. And pine branches with cones should decorate any home, especially at that time of the year when the night is longer than the day and the weakened winter sun does not have time to drive away the creatures of darkness from human dwellings. Pine especially patronizes the Lions.

Razluchnik lily of the valley

magical plants. Sedge

Sedge (some argue that the famous "gap-grass" is akin to this marsh plant) protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch you, scatter fresh sedge on the floor (and be sure to put it in bed) at home. The sedge root, carried with you, is a good protection against unclean thoughts from the side of the stronger sex. Flowers, on the other hand, help drive away love obsession, showing the chosen one as he really is.

The magical properties of nettle

Nettles were placed under the soles of the shoes or boots of the bewitched, so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. It is said that the autumn nettle can name the name of an enemy plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn, you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer “anger” and run an unprotected palm along its stems from bottom to top, listing people who may wish you harm. When you name the enemy, it will burn your hand. A prerequisite for the experiment should be a preliminary "check" of the nettle. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, sing a song to yourself. If, sorting through the nettle, you do not feel a burn, then the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.

The magical properties of garlic

Protects from vampires and other otherworldly predators. The flowers of this plant are especially good. Sometimes one bouquet is enough to remove the ineptly imposed damage. Garlic flowers and some love spells are removed (in particular, those that arouse lust and desire in a person immediately and at any cost to possess the one who cast the spell). A wreath of woven garlic at the doors and windows will not allow uninvited "guests" from the subtle world to get into the house. The Spaniards believe that garlic stew will indicate an envious person - he will smell several times stronger than others who have tasted the same dish. Garlic juice will not allow the sentry to fall asleep at the post, even if they try to "bewitch" him (which is why garlic is traditionally included in the guards' menu). And, among other things, this vegetable is extremely useful.

The magical properties of spruce

In some countries of Western Europe, it was believed that spruce has the ability to bring good luck to hunters and fishermen. Therefore, very often, going for another booty in the forest, men stuffed their pockets with fir cones plucked from a tree before dawn. In addition, there was an opinion that a spruce cone buried in the courtyard of a house or in a garden would save the hunter from hunting accidents and severe death from the attack of a wild beast. Freshly cut branches of a spruce tree were also used by healers in their healing practice. Spruce needles were cured of diseases associated with damage to the joints, rheumatism and pain in the bones and muscles. Spruce paws were laid out around the sick man's house, under the windows and behind the door, and the disease was spoken.

The magical properties of thistle

If we translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, we get "frightening devils", which is consistent with the abilities of this herb. In order not to let evil spirits into the dwelling, this plant was hung at the entrance to the house. He was planted on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent the devil from dragging their souls into hell. Thistle grows in bad places, protecting our world from evil. They said that where the thistle settled, either people are evil, or the place is not good; Either way, it's best to stay away from him. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flowers bloom.

The magical properties of wormwood

A very strong anti-demonic herb, which is now rarely used. The smell of wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. To protect against the machinations of evil spirits, wormwood was hung in houses, and bonfires were burned near the houses with the addition of wormwood. A safe method of applying wormwood is to hang a small bunch of this herb around the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway). The buds, not the stems, have the greatest strength in this plant, so when you collect wormwood, do not cut it to the very root, take only the top. In addition, in this way you save the plant, since wormwood grows slowly and does not germinate well from seeds.

The magical properties of asters

Asters embody the principles of Faith (scarlet and purple), Hope (pink, lilac, lemon), divine Love (white) and Wisdom-Sophia (lilac). These flowers keep from bad thoughts, strengthen the soul in trials, and alleviate moral suffering. A dream about asters promises happiness and good luck. If you dream of blooming asters, then a certain person will make you an interesting offer that will touch the secret strings of your consciousness. Do not believe this man and his promises, because they will never come true. The dream predicts to you that your diligence will help you become a real ace in your business.

The magical properties of willow

Many traditional Russian rituals were associated with this plant. The ancient healers attributed rare magical and healing powers to the buds hatched on willow branches. Peasants associated their hopes for a future rich harvest with Palm Sunday. There is still a sign: if the weather is clear and warm on Palm Sunday, then you should expect a good harvest of bread and vegetables. Willow twigs, which are placed in the room, bring good health to all the inhabitants of the house, remove misfortunes, evil eye and damage from them. Seeing a willow branch in a dream or holding it in your hands is a sign of success in business and honor.

The magical properties of the water lily

Water lilies (water lilies) are very beautiful, but it is dangerous to take them in your hands. These flowers are under the special patronage of water spirits, who are very jealous of their property. By picking a water lily, you run the risk of incurring the wrath of the "owner", who will begin to harm you to the best of his ability. You should not buy them either, these flowers are able to take on other people's troubles and transfer them to a new owner. If you still really want a water lily, throw a few coins to the water lily and pick no more than two flowers.

The magical properties of white lily

One of the most mysterious plants. What kind of properties it is not endowed with! This is the "flower of death" and a symbol of the Annunciation, a sign of oblivion and fidelity, a symbol of purity and debauchery. Lily is a strong talisman, the properties of which depend on the circumstances and the desire of the person. The buds of white lilies, given at sunrise, are able to engender a bright feeling in a young girl, and blooming Flowers at sunset or at night, with their aroma, plunge the most virtuous into sin. A branch of lilies, from which one flower is cut, presented as a sign of farewell, softens the pain of separation.

The magical properties of cherries

This is common in our gardens. fruit tree carries a huge supply of positive energy. In past centuries, in European countries, it was considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In Russian villages, young girls, guessing by cherry stones, tried to find out their fate: will they get married? To do this, the cherry pits remaining on the plate were counted, put aside one at a time, and they said: “This year, in a year, not soon, never.” If the last bone foreshadowed an imminent marriage, that is, it turned out to be fifth in a row, the girl threw it over the threshold into the courtyard, repeating three times: “The fifth bone, bring a rich groom.”

The magical properties of the plant Laurel

The laurel tree was especially revered during Roman times. He was credited with the magical power to protect a person from death. The ancient Romans considered this plant a symbol of immortality and took laurel leaves with them on harsh military campaigns and bloody battles. With the help of a sprig of laurel, people also tried to protect themselves from accidents associated with natural disasters: it was believed that laurel protects houses from lightning strikes and floods. A bad omen was the sudden twisting or falling of leaves from a bay tree growing in the yard. This meant the announcement of the imminent death of someone living in the house. Traditional healers advised putting a sprig of bay tree in the bed of a person exhausted by long insomnia or nervous disorders. The smell of laurel leaves should bring calmness to the patient and restore normal sound sleep.

The magical properties of the poppy plant

Poppy flowers and seeds have been widely used in witchcraft since time immemorial. According to rumors, if you pour a few poppy seeds into the ears of a person when he is fast asleep, and then utter a special spell, then you can bring misfortune and illness on him in this way. If the red poppy petals are placed on the eyelids of a sleeping enemy, then he will go blind, and therefore become weak and helpless. To save a woman from infertility, healers poured poppy seeds into women's boots, and scattered the petals in the attic of the house in which the barren woman lived. Poppy petals had to be kept under the roof of the house for as many days as the patient had been barren for years. After that, the dried petals were collected and thrown into the oven. It was believed that in this way the disease leaves the house of a sick woman through the chimney.

The magical properties of sunflower

The well-known sunflower has the strongest protective property. Even sunflower oil and seeds are a good help against evil forces. If you go to a hostile society and are afraid of encountering energy vampires, and even the danger of the evil eye, lightly touch your temples, the bridge of your nose, the dimples at the base of your thumbs and the point in the middle between your chest and navel with your fingers soaked in sunflower oil. Rare sunflower seeds, poured at the threshold, will prevent the “induced” evil from stepping over it, and sunflower flowers in a vase are not only very effective, but also help to cleanse the house of negative energy. If you plant sunflowers under the windows, the number of small annoying troubles that happen through no fault of yours will decline.

The magical properties of wild rose

Rosehip removes the barriers erected by social conventions, money, difference in position and age, momentarily making the impossible possible. A branch of white rosehip is able to rekindle the love of the queen for the page, and the king for the shepherdess. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch (both the one who plucked the branch and the one to whom it was intended were scratched on the thorns of the rosehip), fatal passion may arise. Rose hips are one of the important ingredients of the love potion, dry branches of rose hips, harvested in November under the full moon, protect against evil forces and, along with garlic and aspen stakes, are weapons against vampires. Moreover, what is especially valuable, energy vampires.

The magical properties of physalis

It helps individuals whose horoscope is dominated by the elements of fire and air (heat and dryness). This plant increases vitality, eases the course of the disease and protects against bad thoughts.

Dry physalis flowers placed on the windowsills or hung over the door protect the house from the penetration of various entities from the subtle world, both malevolent and, unfortunately, good.

In addition, it is believed that these flowers make it difficult to conceive.

The magical properties of cyclamen (alpine violet)

Flower of pride and self-respect. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the spirit of a person during business turmoil. It has been noticed that if cyclamens grow in the windows of an institution, then (especially at the time of their flowering) subordinates put the presumptuous bosses in their place. Purple and scarlet cyclamens help keep your face in love. If you understand that slavish obedience to your beloved will not lead to good, and you don’t have enough strength to “endure character”, make the window sill bloom with scarlet cyclamens.

What to plant for good luck

If you want to restore your physical strength, then plant a noble laurel, ordinary celery, honeysuckle, calendula, roses or thyme. Blooming in the garden, these plants will help you and your home adjust to change. In addition, the flowers, leaves and seeds of these plants can be used in magical rites to enhance their effect. Those who want harmony in the house can plant such common plants and flowers as garden primrose, mint, tomato, tricolor violet, pansies, jasmine and catnip. So that there is always happiness in the house, put pots with hyacinths, lavender, oregano, catnip and morning glory on the windowsill.

If you have money problems, you should choose mint, onion, snapdragon, Japanese camellia, noble navel, clover, dill, basil, and perhaps sow a strip of wheat. Pine, oak, ash and apple tree, banana tree planted next to the house will also protect your home.

To keep thieves away from home, be sure to plant garlic, cumin, a thistle bush, a cactus, or a juniper bush. Myrtle in boxes on the window, planted by a woman, also brings good luck.

2 May 2017

Acacia is a tree that gives birth to life. It is from the acacia that they ask for the birth of a child, but the spouses need to communicate with her together. The influence of acacia promotes fertility, awakens the instinct of procreation equally in both men and women. Acacia flowers and resin are used for protection, tranquility, and money magic. Acacia resin (catechu) is used to rub the altar.

Aloe tree
Increases immunity, protects against diseases, strengthens fortitude, helps to endure loneliness.

Wealth, abundance, money.
Brings money and protects against financial failures. Burn not a large number of in the ritual cauldron, collect the ashes and place them in the magical amulet.

Fossilized resin.
Success, fortune, happiness. Powerful cleansing and healing agent. Absorbs negative energy. Helps to restore the family, keep oaths and promises. Brings good luck to warriors. Strengthens the element of fire in the body, warms the heart, makes it kind and responsive. Improves understanding between people.
When burned, it gives off a fragrance with cleansing properties.

Exorcism, purification, protection.
To expel evil forces, it is enough to burn a small amount of asafoetida. Being thrown into a fire or a censer, it destroys the negative impact of evil spirits during magical rites.

Asters embody the principles of Faith (scarlet and purple), Hope (pink, lilac, lemon), divine Love (white) and Wisdom-Sophia (lilac). These flowers keep from bad thoughts, strengthen the soul in trials, and alleviate moral suffering.

Gives joy, love, courage and healing, increases psychic abilities. Protects the house, prevents burglaries. Maintains a peaceful environment in the home and promotes reconciliation after a quarrel. It is also used for cleansing, healing and endowing with vital energy.

Balm Gilead
Kidneys are used for magical purposes.
Love, protection from evil forces, healing of wounds, intellectual abilities.
Kidneys are carried with them to calm a "broken" heart or attract new love, they are burned to create the material basis for the appearance of spirits during the performance of appropriate rituals, and they are also placed in bags of dry herbs in order to attract the attention of a loved one and protect themselves from evil forces. . Other names: Indian balsam poplar, Mecca balsam.

Smoothes out tension in the house, protects from despondency, develops the ability to see the good.

Marigolds protect from evil forces, ignite a love interest that turns into passion. Keep from someone else's eye during secret dates - just put it on the window and front door bouquets of marigolds, and unexpected guests heading towards you will remember the urgent matter and pass by.

Begonia royal
Useful for slow people, those who do not know how to make decisions.

Birch is a favorite tree of our people, personifying the Russian soul, a tree of extraordinary kindness. It is also called the tree of life. With a birch, the esoteric teaching of trees connects two runes of the Elder Futhark - Berkan and Uruz. Since time immemorial, birch has been associated with fertility and healing magic, birch branches have been used to endow fertility not only on the land, but also on livestock and newlyweds. Cradles for newborns were made from birch wood (in almost all European countries). Symbolically and magically, the birch appears as a protection against all misfortunes, both physical and spiritual. Birch is extremely useful and very favorable in healing spells, spells aimed at strengthening the crop. Birch branches (especially spring ones that have just blossomed) are rightly considered an excellent talisman that drives away sorrows and illnesses, protects children from illnesses and many other troubles). Birch is gentle and compassionate, with a very soft, affectionate and at the same time strong influence. In contrast to the oak, the birch should be addressed to sick, weakened, convalescing people. It will ease suffering, help restore lost strength, make it easier to endure illness, and speed up the healing process.
Communication with a birch is useful for people with upset nerves who are in a state of depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes Negative consequences everyday stress, helps to restore spiritual harmony. A birch growing near the house drives away nightmares. The impact of this tree is long lasting. It is better not to come to him, but to live nearby, then it will be able to heal you. Birch has always been attributed the ability to drive away evil spirits.

Tonka beans
Fulfill desires, give love, courage. Also known as "wish granting beans".
Carried around, Tonka beans attract money, bring good luck, give courage and ward off illness. Seven beans thrown into a river or stream make a wish come true. Used in rituals of pagan magic and Voodoo magic.
Seeds of a tree of the genus Dipteryxin, native to tropical South America. They contain coumarin, an aromatic stimulant that is used in the manufacture of incense, perfume, soap, tobacco, etc.

2 May 2017

The hawthorn, with which the runes Turisaz and Odal are associated in esoteric teachings, was considered the "tree of the goddess of carnal love." Popular beliefs considered this tree enchanted and predicted an evil fate for anyone who was reckless enough to encroach on it. The death of children or the loss of livestock, the loss of accumulated money - the fate of those who had the audacity to destroy this thorny bush. And yet, either by virtue of custom, or out of due respect for the hawthorn itself, strips of matter are tied to its branches, clearly reminiscent of offerings to the goddess. A similar custom is still preserved in Ireland and some parts of Germany. At the same time, hawthorn was also revered as a protective plant: tea was brewed on its flowers, which relieves anxiety, improves appetite and blood circulation. In ancient Greece, hawthorn was seen as a symbol of hope and marriage. And only with the onset of the Middle Ages did they begin to associate it with witchcraft. Hawthorn is especially useful in the protective and love magic, in spells that should speed up marriage or strengthen it.

In all countries of Northern Europe, this tree is revered for its great magical power. As a rule, rune masters associate the runes of the world of people - Fehu and Odal - with elderberry. New branches on the elder grow easily to replace broken old ones, and any branch that is on the ground is able to take root. The flowers of the elderberry are used to brew a tea "to purify the blood", the bark makes a soothing infusion, but the fumes emanating from this plant are reputed to be disease-causing and even fatal to those who linger under its canopy. According to the Elder Edda, the goddess Freya chose the black elder as her home. Folk beliefs warn against burning elder wood in the house, as this brings inevitable misfortune. In the Middle Ages, the elder was considered a witch tree, the twigs of which the witches used for night flights. Elderberry is the darkness of the Underworld. It provides an opportunity for active aggressive defense, and therefore it is believed that when the elder grows at the gate of the house, it is good, but it is not worth bringing it into the house. And therefore it is worth thinking seriously before breaking an elderberry branch and carving runes on it.

In the esoteric tradition of the North, the beech, with which the Nautiz and Perth runes are associated, acts as a symbol of ancient knowledge revealed in relics, ancient temples, spells and manuscripts. Beech appears here as a guide from the knowledge of the past to the acquisition of knowledge of the future.

witch grass
Happiness, love, passion and exorcism. Carried around or scattered under the bed attracts new lovers.
Often used in rituals to remove spells, damage and the evil eye. Scattered in a room (or other places) dispels evil forces.

Love, protection, cleansing, peace, money, youth, sleep, healing, banishes obsessions, averts fevers and poisonings; the altar is sprinkled with a decoction of verbena before the rituals of love magic are performed; charges of vervain are laid in the bed for the newlyweds.
Verbena gives a woman beauty and charm. This is the grass of seductresses and fatal women. The combination of verbena and sedge has an interesting effect. A woman who skillfully uses these two herbs will turn any man's head, but she will always be able to stop in time and get out of the situation without compromising her honor.
Prevents mental seizures.
Used in magical cleansing baths, cleansing incense and various amulets to protect against evil forces. Hang vervain over your bed to relieve nightmares. Verbena will help a soldier escape from captivity. Buried in the field, it is the key to a generous and plentiful harvest. Sometimes amulets are given to children, as it is believed that vervain will help their development and learning. Use in a variety of dry herb bags to ward off evil forces and to attract the attention of a loved one. Burn pure vervain (or together with frankincense in equal proportions). You will get a very effective cleansing incense.
Attracts wealth. Used in general love spells.

Love, removing spells, luck and luck, money, protection from thieves. Soothes, stabilizes, promotes associative memory.
Vetiver strengthens the central nervous system. Gives emotional peace, helps in overcoming depression, insomnia and nervousness. Reduces anxiety and nervous tension.

Water lilies (water lilies)
Water lilies are beautiful, but it is dangerous to take them in your hands. These flowers are under the special patronage of water spirits, who are very jealous of their property. By picking a water lily, you run the risk of incurring the wrath of the "owner", who will begin to harm you to the best of his ability. You should not buy them either, these flowers are able to take on other people's troubles and transfer them to a new owner. If you still really need lilies, throw a few coins to the Waterman and take no more than two flowers.

Elm in the esoteric tradition is associated with the Gebo rune. Elm is an exclusively male tree, a tree of true spiritual qualities of a real man. It is men in the full sense of the word that he prefers, supports all their undertakings, but does not like losers. Only the one who fights to the end does not “go limp”, he gives strength. Sometimes one good contact with an elm can last a person for many years. In the Middle Ages, knights made spears from elm, not only because of the strength of the wood. It was believed that elm spears instill courage in the warrior and bring good luck in battle. In magic, the elm brings stability and support to the spell.

Wear gardenia flowers to win love or make new friends. Fresh flowers help to attract the attention of a lover. Dry and crush the petals, mix them with orris root powder and dust your body with it a little to please the opposite sex. Use the plant as a link to the moon.

carnation wild
Parts of the plant used: flower buds.
Carry a carnation with you to avoid the influence of hostile and negative forces, as well as to stop gossip. Affects the strengthening of memory and is added to bags of dry herbs that help attract attention from the opposite sex. A necklace of carnations (they should be strung on a red thread with a needle) has protective properties for young children. Hang it up where they can't get it.

Carnation garden
Protection from evil forces, energy.
Attracts wealth, helps in the realization of desire.
In the old days, witches wore a carnation to avoid a sudden death on the scaffold. Cloves are used in potent incense and placed on an altar for additional energy. Dry nine red carnations in the sun, crush them, detaching from the stem. Pour in a few drops of clove oil and mix well. The mixture smoldering on charcoal is a very effective fragrant substance that produces a huge amount of energy!

Main properties: foresight, exorcism.
Place under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams, especially if you want to know who robbed you. Heliotrope is also used in incense to expel evil spirits and in dry herb healing bags.

Main properties: love, healing, protection from enemies, including energy ones.
It extinguishes the fire of rage, anger, develops a sense of humor, helps people who are under pressure from life circumstances. Serves as a wonderful harmonizer and neutralizer of unfavorable zones.
You can wear geranium flowers or place them in herbal bags to attract the love or attention of a loved one. Bright red geranium radiates vitality and energy, heals, protects from evil forces. Pink geranium favors love, protects from evil forces. White geranium promotes the birth of children.

Peas help in various complex, especially legal cases. Dried pea pods make speech more convincing, confuse opponents, make them listen to the one who prudently took them with him. Especially located peas (and the whole family of legumes) to Virgo.

2 May 2017

Seduction, visions, sensuality.
An aphrodisiac - can be smoked in a pipe (like tobacco) or brewed like a tea. It is a powerful herb of love. Increases sexual energy. When burned, it is a conductor of visions and enhances their understanding.
Damiana was used as an aphrodisiac in the ancient Mayan civilization, as well as for "dizziness and loss of balance." Spanish missionaries were the first to report that the Mexican Indians made a drink from the leaves of damiana, added sugar to it, and drank it to increase their ability in "love."
Damiana is traditionally used to terminate a pregnancy.

Dragon's blood, dragon's resin (dracaena)
Energy, cleansing, protection from evil forces. It is used to attract love, protection, exorcism and strengthen sexual potency.
Add a pinch of resin to incense to increase its effectiveness. Use in dry herb bags and talismans to attract a loved one. Put a piece of dragongrass under your mattress to cure impotence.

Oak is a symbol of power and stability. Things made of oak strengthen the position of their owner. The interior, finished in oak, is connected in some mysterious way with the growth of the authority of the institution located in it. Even cognac, so beloved by high ranks, is also prepared and aged in oak barrels. Oak wood jewelry adds weight to the words of the woman wearing them. Oak protects the house as such from various financial and business shocks and crises, promotes professional growth. If you want to properly receive a significant person, it is good to decorate the room with oak branches. Acorns picked up "for good luck" help to get support from the authorities, stimulate promotion. Especially good for Sagittarius and Pisces. Bestows wealth (abundance), fertility, protection, awakens psychic abilities. Oak is completely incompatible with spruce. Never put a Christmas tree on an oak table, and do not mix these two plants in one composition. Even oak and spruce boards in the same house will have a bad effect on the moral atmosphere, stimulating intrigues and conspiracies. Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of great vitality, longevity, revered by all northern Europeans as the sacred tree of the thunder god (Torah, Perun). The Celts, on the contrary, tend to revere oak as the tree of the supreme deity, the tree of wisdom and spiritual strength. By the way, it is from the Celtic stem, which has two meanings - "oak" and "wisdom", that the term "druid" itself comes from (the same stem dru / drw sounds in the Russian word "tree"). Throughout the Northwest, the oak (as well as the thunderbolt) is associated with a certain day of the week - Thursday, which in the northern languages ​​​​is called Thursday, "Thor's Day". The esoteric teaching connects as many as six runes of the Elder Futhark with the oak - Turisaz, Evaz, Raido, Teyvaz, Yaro and Dagaz. Due to the physical properties of oak, such as the reliability and strength of its wood, the size and longevity of the trunk, as well as the connection with the supreme deities in the magical practice of the North, oak was generally used in spells aimed at protection, increasing physical strength, and achieving stable success.
Oak is an energy donor. With direct contact with him, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy.
However, one should not forget that this is a strong, but severe tree. His aura is very powerful, it only perceives healthy people well. It is better for a person who is seriously ill and suffering from chronic diseases not to communicate with this tree.
Communication with oak charges a person with activating energy, calms the soul. It has long been noticed that walking through the oak forest normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and nervous system.
Oak always prefers warriors, fighters, strong and healthy people. He heals wounds received in battle, heals the souls of warriors, shares a part of his longevity. Veterans, former soldiers, the elderly benefit from contact with him.

Moss growing on the bark of certain trees. Of particular interest for magical purposes is moss growing on oak bark.
Clairvoyance, divination, magic. Monetary growth, abundance, calmness, the beginning of new business.

Spruce offers its energy support all year round. It does not carry particularly strong properties, but its energy is constantly available to those who feel a lack of strength in themselves in winter. It will give you no more energy than you need.
Spruce helps to control emotions, tunes in a philosophical way. The smell of burnt dried pine needles is an excellent remedy for cleaning the home from harmful influences.

Symbol of the moon and night mysteries. Used to bewitch a loved one. Main properties: love, well-being
Jasmine flowers are used in dried herb bags used to attract the attention of a loved one, as well as in a wide variety of rituals designed to enhance well-being. Jasmine attracts pure love.
Stimulates creativity, birth original ideas. Strengthens self-esteem, a sense of well-being, helps to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings.
Develops extrasensory and mental abilities, attracts money, love.

star anise
Mental development and protection, predictions and foresight, prevention of nightmares, dreams.
Burn anise seeds as an incense to gain clairvoyance, or use the plant to make a pendulum. Sometimes anise is strung on a thread along with nutmeg, tonka bean and other herbs and plants, resulting in a necklace charged with magical energy and emitting a very strong aroma.

St. John's wort
One of the strongest anti-demonic herbs middle lane Russia. It is a herb that absorbs sunlight, acts immediately on the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort helps with depression, fatigue, the first signs of colds. It opens a person's heart, allowing his soul, mind and body to unite into a single whole. All evil spirits are afraid of him, just as they are afraid of sunlight.
Heals, gives happiness, courage, love, protection. Helps divination.
St. John's wort gains the greatest strength by mid-July. Previously, it (like all magical herbs) was collected on Ivan Kupala (July 7, according to a new style). St. John's wort is a very proud and whimsical plant that remembers the pain caused to it, so if you cut off the strongest shoots that caught your eye, then next year you run the risk of not finding it at all in this place.
St. John's wort is not used in smoking, as it does not have the power to drive evil spirits out of the room. It simply very powerfully fills the body with the solar energy contained in it. Therefore, St. John's wort is used in infusions or in aromatic oils, that is, for a direct effect on the body. Previously, in Russia, St. John's wort often replaced tea, which was very good, since in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy, which the body has to extract from other sources.
Hyssop (blue St. John's wort) acts immediately on the subtle energy plans of our body. It is used in incense, incense, infusions, but it gives our body the greatest strength when in contact with the skin. This allows you to quickly clean the human energy from the accumulated dirt. And the rest of the nature of its action is similar to the usual St. John's wort.

Willow is a water-loving tree, which is probably why the water rune Laguz is traditionally associated with it. The concepts of cyclicity, rhythm, as well as ebb and flow are associated with it. Willow is a tree of female magic. She is associated with the Moon, all the rites dedicated to the earth and water that women perform. Willow energy cannot be called good, it is indifferent to the problems of good and evil, it serves only nature, obeying the laws of balance and justice. The energy of willow gives amazing strength to women who are able to bewitch, turn away, bring damage to the offender, spoil his fate. Willow is extremely sensitive, she may not want to communicate with you. In Western tradition, the weeping willow leaning towards the water has become a symbol of unhappy love and sorrow.

2 May 2017

Ivan da Marya
Another of the widespread anti-demonic herbs in Russia. It practically does not affect a person’s thoughts, therefore it is used only in infusions. This herb allows the body to achieve harmony of Yin and Yang energy, helps a person achieve happiness in life, attracts to him what he lacks. She removes evil spirits due to the fact that with the help of the reserves of the organism itself, it eliminates energy holes into which evil penetrates. It calms the nervous system, with the constant use of this herb, a person becomes noticeably prettier.
But this herb retains its strength for a very short time. Having collected it near the day of Ivan Kupala (when it ripens), you will be able to fully use it for no more than a full lunar month. Dried, it loses about 10 percent of its healing properties every lunar month, although chemical composition her stays the same. But even more so, try not to miss the opportunity to wash yourself with a whisk of Ivan da Mary on the evening of July 7 (on the day of Ivan Kupala) in order to wash off those entities that, having stuck to you, devour beauty and well-being.

Bestows money, success, power and love.

Saturn Grass: Contains sulfur and also gives indigo dye. Used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat sore throats, hepatitis, fever (reduces high temperatures). Antiseptic. In some countries, in times of famine, it was eaten with oil and salt in order to prevent inflammation. In Europe, it was used as a poultice to relieve pain and irritability, to treat skin ulcers and stop bleeding.
In magic, it is used in the manufacture of magical ink.

Calendula (marigold)
Causes prophetic dreams.

Chestnut - we are talking about a female chestnut. Direct contact with this tree is tantamount to communicating with a stormy mountain river. A clean and strong flow of his energy will wash away your ailments, but do not expect energy replenishment from him. Chestnut is busy with himself. He is selfish.

Cypress is also a typically male tree, it affects the sexual strength of men, sexual activity and not only enhances potency in healthy men, but heals the weak.
Cypress does not perceive the female body, but brings harmony and novelty into family relationships through a man. True, it does not work at a distance. For full interaction with this tree, a person needs only direct contact or being in close proximity to it. Then the energy of cypress gives the man an aura of irresistibility, which is difficult to resist.
Cypress requires immediate satisfaction of the desire that has arisen, he willingly contributes to this those who turn to him for help.

Maple is a tree that helps to find peace of mind for people of all types, brings calm, self-confidence. It is a tree of inner strength and balance. It is not touchy; takes over all emotional explosions, frees from boiling passions.

Copal is the North American equivalent of frankincense. When ignited on charcoal, it gives off a rich, delightful pine-lemon aroma. When incense is burned on charcoal for some time, the aroma eventually becomes too bitter. The aroma of copal, however, never changes when burned.
This native of Mexico and Central America has been used as an incense in religious and magical ceremonies for hundreds of years, possibly dating back to Mayan times or even before.
The resin is excellent in mixtures for cleansing, protecting and expelling evil forces. It is effective for increasing spirituality.
Burn for protection, purification, sharpening of spirituality, purification of quartz crystals and other stones before using them in magic.

Root of John the Conqueror
The hard, woody rhizome of a plant related to the sweet potato. Gives strength, faith, control over any situation, success, victory in gambling, luck, money, love, health, protection. Before gambling, wash your hands in an infusion of the root. In magical practice, this root is used as a whole, without grinding, and stored in a pocket or a special bag, which is intended to attract money, good luck in the game, or increase male power. Useful in all rituals related to wealth and prosperity.

2 May 2017

Gives success, excitement, develops good motives (aspirations).

This burning herb has the ability to counteract evil sorcery. It was used when the body was weakened and impotence, they were placed under the soles of boots or boots for an enchanted person so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. Nettle brooms swept the floors in an enchanted dwelling in order to drive evil spirits out of it. Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles in order to deprive the evil power of those who entered the house. Nettle was also used as smoking to drive evil spirits out of the house, in the form of infusions and baths, in order to restore former strength to a person. Nettle was also part of the ancient elixirs of youth and beauty. In magic, adult and old nettles have always been used. In order to destroy the power of evil, an old plant is more suitable. The nettle on the young moon has the greatest anti-demonic power. But in order for it to help you or someone with your hands, you need to tear it without fear and without anger at burns. Nettle by nature is a warrior plant, does not like cowards and aggressors. If such people pluck it, the plant begins to drive burning (almost poisonous) juice along the leaves, and loses 70 percent of its healing properties. Nettles are torn with bare hands for special purposes... For better preservation of its healing properties, nettles are best cut with a knife; this plant cannot be uprooted - half of its strength is lost, as it loses contact with the place where it grew. It is said that the autumn nettle can name the name of an enemy plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn, you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer "anger" and think about who exactly can wish you harm by running an unprotected palm along the nettle stalks from the bottom up. When you call the name of the enemy, your hand will burn. A prerequisite for the experiment should be a preliminary "check" of the nettle. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, hum some song to yourself. If, sorting through the nettle, you do not feel a burn, it means that the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.
Nettle is a good talisman for all Aries and Scorpions. If you carry an ax with spring nettles, it will be difficult to catch you by surprise. In addition, the nettle is a friend of women, it discourages the desire to get involved with those under its protection from random bullies or rapists.

Red sandalwood
Main properties: protection, fulfillment of desires, healing, expulsion of evil entities, spirituality. Used in alternative medicine for bruises, indigestion, fevers, in sacred and magical rituals, in clairvoyance.
Red sandalwood has been used for over 4,000 years in India and the Middle East. It also has a calming and stabilizing effect on the mind, spirit and body, which is why sandalwood has been used for centuries for meditation in traditional Hinduism and Buddhism.

Blood Dragon Cane
Protection from evil, return of lost lovers.
Promotes healing of wounds, stops bleeding. It helps with chest pains, heals internal injuries, problematic menstruation, impotence.

Love, protection, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, peace of mind, money. Helps to relax and calm down, promotes balance, attracts good forces.
Great for attracting romantic love.
This plant has the ability to concentrate the forces of the human body to fight evil spirits. It is used in the form of smoking and infusions. In large doses, lavender can cause aggression and hatred for everything, so it must be used carefully, little by little.
Lavender is one of the ingredients in the herbal purifying bath pouch and is also used in purifying incense. Witches threw lavender into the fire on Midsummer Day as a sacrifice to the ancient gods. It is not uncommon to add lavender to dry herbal medicine bags, especially bath mixes, and to sleep-inducing incense. At one time, lavender was used along with rosemary to maintain chastity. On the other hand, the plant has been used to establish intimate relationships with a man. Wear lavender to see the spirits. In ancient times, girls, before parting with their lover, put lavender flowers under his pillow and made a wish, which would come true in the future. The smell of lavender is not liked by animals and insects that are carriers of evil: mice, rats, moths... Therefore, lavender oil was often placed in places where food and clothes were stored. Lavender plucked on the young moon has a milder effect on the human body.

Bay leaf
Removes obstacles and protects from the influence of evil forces.

Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley is the keeper of fidelity and purity, but in evil hands it can become a lover. These flowers cannot be collected, bought or given on the eve of the new moon, when their fragrance, according to legend, awakens lust and throws women into the arms of sin. Lily of the valley berries, used by a homegrown magician, can make him a victim of creatures from the subtle world, eager to master someone's will. Lily of the valley flowers, plucked in the morning on a full moon, on the contrary, contribute to high romantic love, make the loss of virginity less painful. It is believed that a man becomes more tender and careful, and a woman more passionate, if there is a bouquet of lilies of the valley at the head of the bed, collected during the growing moon.

A well-known herb is Hoodoo Voodoo.
Passion, psychic powers, exorcism of snakes.
Lemongrass was planted around the house, and all the snakes left the garden. This herb is used in some potions to induce passion and sexual desire, and also helps in the development of psychic powers.

The white lily is one of the most mysterious plants. This is the "flower of death" and a symbol of the Annunciation, a sign of oblivion and fidelity, a symbol of purity and debauchery. Lily is a very strong talisman, the properties of which depend on the circumstances and the desire of the person. Buds of white lilies, given at sunrise, are able to engender a bright feeling in a young girl, and blooming flowers at sunset or at night, with their aroma, plunge the most virtuous into sin. A branch of lilies, from which one flower is cut, presented as a sign of farewell, softens the pain of separation. They say that while the giver keeps the cut flower, it will not be forgotten, and from the petals of this flower you can make a "return" potion. White lilies grown on graves or near the church have especially strong magical properties. You have to be extremely careful with them (this, however, applies to all "graveyard" colors). In addition, the lilies standing in the room give prophetic dreams.

2 May 2017

Larch is a soothing tree. If a person is not left with fears, doubts, unreasonable anxiety, contact with larch will bring him great relief. It heals severe nervous disorders, especially those accompanied by bouts of melancholy and depression. Her influence helps to see the best aspects of life.

bulbous flowers
White daffodils, hyacinths and lilies are often used to bewitch loved ones. The land is taken, on which the one in whom it is supposed to engender love has passed. This earth is mixed with earth, to which soil is added from under the threshold of the house where a person lives, thirsting for love. Then, on the first day of the moon, a flower bulb is planted, which is carefully looked after, naming it by the name of the beloved.
The night following the opening of the bud is favorable for love. This method is effective for attracting a person with a "free heart"; in order to break the existing union, similar methods are used, they contain elements of black magic.

Mandragora is rightfully considered one of the first on the list. magical plants.
Magicians are interested in this plant for its magical properties, and the common people considered it a powerful remedy against the forces of evil. All this is known, as well as the fact that Mandragora is a strong narcotic substance that can soothe pains and put a person into a state of sleep. Its psychotropic qualities, the halo of legends, myths, dreams around the Mandragora testifies to a nature close to the sign of Pisces (ruler Neptune).
Plant Parts Used: Root.
Mandragora has such a strong narcotic and anesthetic property that a person under its influence seems to be dead. Probably the mandrake excites sensuality; the visions, hallucinations and delusions it causes can lead to dementia, which was once noticed by Hippocrates. The Assyrians used it as a sleeping pill and pain reliever. Hippocrates specified that in small doses it is effective tool from fear and depression. In larger quantities, it causes strange sensory impressions, close to hallucinations. In even larger doses, the mandrake has a sedative and hypnotic effect and, finally, causes deep sleep, accompanied by complete insensibility. Homer mentioned that epileptics were treated by inhaling mandrake vapours.
In the Middle Ages, mandrake was used in syrups and other drugs taken against insomnia and various kinds of pain. In order to fall asleep quickly, it was enough to hold a mandrake apple in your hand before going to bed. The rind of the rhizome and the juice, mixed with cognac, were given to patients before surgery as an anesthetic.
The mandrake has been compared to the spirit of the dead. For many millennia and until recently, the mandrake was considered a plant par excellence sacred. In the Middle Ages, this plant was called "harmful to livestock."
There are many legends about the origin of the mandrake and its properties. The ancient Arabs and Germans believed in mandrakes, demonic spirits resembling little beardless men that lived in these plants. In ancient Greece, the mandrake was called the plant of Circe, the goddess of witches, who prepared juice from the root and used it to turn Odysseus's companions into pigs. It is said that medieval witches gathered roots at night under the gallows, on which unrepentant criminals, vicious from birth, died. It was understood that the root grows from the place where the decaying body of the criminal seeps. According to Christian teachings, witches wash the roots in wine and wrap them in silk and velvet. Then they are fed with sacred prosphora stolen from the church during communion. Mandragora has a reputation as a plant that can increase love attraction and fertility, known as love apples. In the Book of Genesis, the barren Rachel, wife of Jacob, ate mandrake roots and conceived Joseph. Mandrake is given to women to give birth to as many sons as possible, Arab men wear mandrake roots as amulets to enhance their masculinity. From the legends it is known that the mandrake shrinks when a person approaches. Touching her can be fatal. A mandrake uprooted screams and oozes blood, and the one who pulls it out dies in agony. But why experience such inconvenience for the sake of acquiring the root? The mandrake was used as a doll in voodoo witchcraft, witches could conjure, representing the figure of the one against whom they directed their magic. In the place that the witch damaged at the mandrake, a person will inevitably be injured. In Germany, the peasants made eyes for their mandrakes from millet grains and treated them very kindly: they bathed, dressed, carefully wrapped up for the night, sometimes laying them in a coffin. They did all this in order to be able to consult with the mandrake on important issues. In France, these plants were considered close to the elves and were called main-de-gloire (hand of glory) or magloire. They were often hidden in secret lockers, as it was dangerous to possess a mandrake. After all, its owner could be prosecuted for witchcraft. Clairvoyants used it to enhance their abilities, allowing them to see strange and wonderful things. Some claim that it can always be found at night because it glows in the dark like a lamp. According to legend, it grew under the gallows from the sperm of a hanged man and could only be removed from the ground with special precautions. It was said that at the same time it emitted a deadly, heartbreaking cry, which is why it was possible to tear it out of the ground only with the help of dogs, which had to die at the same time. Probably, similar stories were designed to increase the value of the alraun root, and thanks to this, it grew, of course. faith in its magical effect. As numerous legends testify, she was both highly valued and feared. In antiquity, it was a symbol of the sorceress Circe, among the Jews - a well-known remedy for infertility, in general it is considered as an indication of forces that a person should handle only with the greatest care. It is also believed that the root can predict the future: it shakes its head in response to questions asked.
The fleshy, starchy roots of the mandrake often resemble a human figure with their branching, and often in magic they are an analogue of a person, and are used as a volt.
Healers use mandrake as an anesthetic and sleeping pill, as a drug during operations. This action is associated with the presence in the root of the mandrake, poisonous in large quantities, the alkaloid hyoscyamine, which is also found in other plants from the nightshade family: belladonna, dope, henbane, scopolia. There are also other alkaloids in the composition of the mandrake - scopolamine, mandrake. It is also worth noting that this is a rather rare plant.
The mandrake root is kept in the home as a powerful protective talisman. Mandrake root is used in image magic. Small pieces of the root are placed in bags of dry herbs to protect against evil forces.
When working with mandrake, remember that not only is it dangerous for its magical properties, but it is both toxic and hallucinogenic!

Love, fertility. Purifies, protects, enhances psychic abilities. One of the most common plants that strengthen love.
Add to dry herb bags to grab the attention of a loved one. Carry with you to stay young.

Juniper is a shrub with strong cleansing properties. Its power is mainly directed not at people, but at the objects around them. If you burn its needles in the apartment, you can get rid of adverse effects.
Juniper can help a person remove the evil eye or damage, get rid of the effect of a love spell.

Promotes luck in gambling, gives love, fertility, prosperity.

Spearmint (curly) mint:
Promotes prosperity, bestows money, helps to easily endure long trips. Protects and heals.
Cat mint:
Gives love, happiness, courage.
Increases extrasensory abilities, bestows love, cleanses.

Olibanum, antique incense
Protection, purification, concentration, exorcism.
Obtained from a yellowish resin flowing from incisions in the trunk of a Boswellia tree growing in Africa (Somalia), also known as antique incense.
Burn incense to obtain vibes for the purpose of purification, sanctification, protection from evil spirits and its expulsion. Often used in talismans and dry herb bags. Causes visions and promotes meditation. Burn while performing a variety of magical rituals at sunrise. Mix with cumin and burn for a powerful incense to ward off evil forces.

Esoteric tradition associates the rune of man Mannaz with alder. The resinous, rot-proof alder wood was used to make piles, which were traditionally used throughout Europe for laying foundations for buildings in swampy areas. Alder piles support the foundations of Venice and Rotterdam, Winchester Cathedral and water mills in the Scottish Isles. Alder is also associated with the production of swords, gunsmiths valued its wood for the best coal for melting metal. Like the yew, the alder is a "bleeding" tree, and cutting it was considered blasphemy, capable of bringing fire to the dwelling of the one who cut it down. Probably due to its practical use, alder is understood in the esoteric tradition as a kind of bridge connecting the lower, underground kingdom with the above-ground kingdom of air. In Irish and British mythology, the alder, as a sacred tree, personifies the deified King Bran. Tradition reports that all the prophecies that Bran's embalmed head uttered while it was carried across the country came true, and therefore the alder is associated with protection, the ability to foresee the future and divination.
Alder - a tree that patronizes the family; the more children and grandchildren there are in the family, the stronger the alder supports its members. It strengthens family ties, unites all family members, it tends to unite people into a clan.
If you come to the alder with relationship problems, she will be happy to help you find a solution. This tree is for women - the keepers of the hearth, the tree of the "big house". Alder will help you "tie" your husband to the house.

Love, diligence, concentration of forces, fertility, kindness, healing from ailments, keeping from temptations; protects from evil spells.
Mistletoe is a powerful love spell. White mistletoe heals, gives pleasant dreams, eliminates the state of despair, protects against theft.
In Europe, mistletoe has been an object of superstitious worship since time immemorial. Mistletoe sprigs, along with four-leaf clover and a horseshoe, were considered universal talismans and amulets that bring happiness and ward off evil spirits. Sorcerers and healers of the Middle Ages attributed the ability to protect mistletoe from witchcraft, and also considered it a universal master key.
Mistletoe is considered the herb of salvation.

2 May 2017

Another sacred tree of the northern tradition, the tree of wisdom and magic, dedicated to Odin (Meadow, Veles). Along with ash, it was widely used for the manufacture of magical tools - wands and staves, as well as for the formation of magical protection. In the latter case, walnut twigs were stuck into the ground along the perimeter of the fenced area, inside which, as it was believed, no magic from the outside could penetrate. Thus, in Scandinavia, for example, battlefields were fenced off so that none of the spectators could influence the course of the battle with magic. Hazel is a very influential tree with a strong character, one of its main qualities is justice. Its energy will help turn your mind to an objective consideration of the situation from different angles. The concept of justice for him applies not only to the sphere of human relationships. For a hazel, there are no cases that are not worthy of attention, even the smallest injustice must be eliminated.

Aspen is a tree that absorbs negative energy. This property of aspen was previously considered magical. Everyone knows the best way fighting werewolves and vampires - aspen stake. In the old days, it was believed that aspen drives away evil spirits, so it was planted near housing. In an aspen grove, you can find a refuge from the persecution of an energy vampire, to some extent alleviate the effects of damage and the evil eye.
Direct contact with the aspen will cleanse your aura of harmful influences. This quality is possessed not only by a living tree, but also by products made from it.
Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, causeless fear. In magic, the aspen is considered a tree that averts death. It promotes the manifestation of the inner healing powers of a person, providing access to our true essence, sometimes hidden under a deceptive outer shell.

Sedge protects from love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to "bewitch" someone, scatter fresh sedge on the floor of his house (and be sure to put it in bed). The sedge root carried with you is a good protection against unclean thoughts from the side of the stronger sex. Flowers, on the other hand, help drive away love obsession, showing the chosen one as he really is. If you have a serious suspicion that your loved one intends to connect his life with an unworthy one and at the same time does not want to listen to any arguments, arrange so that both heroes of the novel end up in the house in the evening, at the four corners of which bunches of flowering sedges are hung, and on the table a candle burns. Dinner in such a room will open your eyes to your beloved.

Plant for pleasant dreams and restful sleep.

Protection, passion and seduction, love, predictions. Attracts money, returns lost love, eliminates enemies.
It has the ability to attract the attention of men and women. Wear alone or in combination with other love-enhancing herbs. To evoke passion, wrap some of the herb in cheesecloth and soak it in a tub of water. Scatter around green candles during money rituals. It is usually burned as part of incense that helps clairvoyance and divination. A strong enchantment.

The well-known sunflower has the strongest protective property. Even sunflower oil and seeds are a good help against evil forces. If you go to a society where they are hostile to you, and you are afraid of encountering at least energy vampires, or even the danger of the evil eye, lightly touch your temples, nose bridge, head (where the "third eye" is located with your fingers dipped in sunflower oil). "), dimples at the base of the thumbs and a point halfway between the chest and the navel.
Unroasted sunflower seeds, sprinkled at the threshold, will prevent the "induced" evil from stepping over it, and sunflower flowers in a vase help cleanse the house of negative energy (just like pine branches). If you plant sunflowers under the windows, the number of small annoying troubles that happen through no fault of yours will decline.

Wormwood is a very strong, but at the same time very whimsical plant. It grows slowly and grows poorly from seeds, so when collecting wormwood, try not to cut it to the very root. Cut off only the top - this plant has the greatest strength in its buds (the stem is not needed for work).
The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase on the waning moon.
This is the second most powerful anti-demonic herb in Russia, which is now used extremely rarely. Among others, it drives away evil spirits of water origin. Mermaids are madly afraid of her, and in the mermaid week, to protect against their machinations, wormwood was hung in houses, and bonfires were lit near the houses with the addition of wormwood.
The smell of this herb is able to expel almost any evil spirits from the house. Wormwood loses some of its strength in an aqueous infusion, and it tastes very bitter, so it is more often used in the form of incense (besides, the strength of wormwood is very high, and it can only be used inside in microdoses).
Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world - this is the second reason for such a rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.
An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or corridor). The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to any evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present. Ritual wreaths of wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They guessed about future fate, a sacred wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala at the fire all night) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this spoke of the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

Love, money, reflection of negativity.
It is believed that a person who carries a cinquefoil with him will be granted love, money, health, power and wisdom. The cinquefoil also reflects any evil caused by the person's five fingers (such as a curse).
The cinquefoil was a component in many spells of the Middle Ages, and was also used in love predictions.
In one old version of Witches' Ointment, cinquefoil is used along with babies and wolf bones. It is assumed that this herb was mixed with the fat of babies dug up from the grave and added to wheat flour.
AT medicinal purposes cinquefoil has been used since ancient Greek times to treat fevers and diarrhea. This plant was chewed to get rid of sore gums and toothache. This is a powerful astringent. Large amounts of cinquefoil can damage the kidneys.
Hang a bag of weed on the door as protection. Use in all spells that deal with wealth, cleansing, healing, strength, and wisdom.
The cinquefoil is a universal magical plant. To make a powerful dry herb pouch that promotes well-being, mix together equal parts cinnamon, clove, lemon balm, and add whole vanilla or tonka beans. The mixture should be prepared on Thursday after sunset, when the moon arrives. Pack the mixture in a purple cloth bag and carry it with you to increase your wealth.

2 May 2017

Rose and wild rose
The rose has no pronounced magical properties. Her weapon is beauty. But the older brother of the rose hips (the product of Mars and Venus) is endowed with magic in abundance. A branch of white rosehip is able to rekindle the love of the queen for the page, and the king for the shepherdess. Rosehip removes the barriers erected by social conventions, money, difference in position and age, momentarily making the impossible possible. If blood "mixes" on a rosehip branch (both the one who plucked the branch and the one to whom it was intended were scratched on the thorns of the rosehip), fatal passion may arise. Rose hips are one of the important ingredients of the "love potion", dry branches of rose hips, collected in November under the full moon, protect against evil forces and are a weapon against energy vampires. If you have to deal with a person after communication with whom you feel like a squeezed lemon, surround yourself flower arrangements, which include dry rosehip branches, hawthorn berries, reed panicles or pine branches. Gives love, peace, happiness, cures heart disease.
Rosehip stimulates manifestations of tender feelings, is responsible for the emotional side of love, supports tenderness, passion, spiritual harmony in people. If you pick a flowering rosehip branch and give it to your loved one, and it leaves him indifferent, it means that his feelings are not as deep and strong as you thought. The good magic of wild rose is concentrated in flowers and fruits.

Rosemary is the keeper of your priceless energy, it protects from damage and the evil eye.
Provides protection, exorcism, cleansing, healing, induces sleep; restores or maintains youth brings love, strengthens intellectual powers. The Greeks and Romans considered rosemary sacred. It symbolized love and death, it was used in the rituals of weddings and funerals. Rosemary was burned to protect against infectious diseases and to purify the air. It was believed that rosemary preserves youth. Main properties: purification, love, intellectual potential, protection from evil forces. Add to dry herb bags for cleansing baths, as well as love incense, exorcism blends, and protective incense. Burn for protection, exorcism, cleansing, healing and sound sleep, increased intellectual powers, love and eternal youth. An excellent antidepressant, removes from a state of indifference and apathy. Stimulates mental faculties, favorable for weak memory, poor concentration and mental fatigue. This plant has a connection with the sea, therefore it is used in all sea rituals, as well as in bags of dry herbs designed to ensure safety on the water. A good protective amulet in the form of a bag of herbs for those sailing in a boat or ship can be made from rosemary, garlic (prevents storms) and mistletoe (protects from lightning). Prepare an infusion of rosemary and wash your hands in it before practicing magic if you do not have time to regularly take a ritual bath. Drink rosemary tea right before various tests or exams to be completely sure that your mind is fully alert and functioning properly. Burn rosemary and juniper as a healing and revitalizing incense.

It calms, brings good luck and luck, helps to find a future spouse.

Drives away evil forces, eliminates the evil eye, damage and evil spells. Attracts love.
Used in general love spells, excellent for talismans, helps break love curses.
The plant averts the evil eye, suppresses envy, counteracts black magic and bestows a blessing. Ruta, along with other protective herbs, is worn in a special pouch around the neck as an amulet against evil forces. Rue used to be worn on the body to protect against plague, but nowadays it is placed in healing pouches of dry herbs or pouches that protect you from illness. Ruta is used to get rid of the mental pain that unsuccessful love brings. Add to incense intended for exorcism,

3 May 2017

Mountain ash With mountain ash, the esoteric teaching of trees connects the runes Nautiz and Algiz. Protective runes were usually carved on the wood of the mountain ash, since the mountain ash was known for its ability to protect against witchcraft. In addition, it was believed that mountain ash could protect against the evil eye and spoilage, from evil will, so bunches of mountain ash were hung on poles at the entrance to cattle pens and placed at the door lintel. It is believed that mountain ash sharpens perception and develops the gift of foresight. In the past, sacred rowan groves grew on the inviolable places of the sanctuaries of the ancient gods, since the rowan provided magical protection and contributed to predictions. In addition, skills such as the ability to control one's feelings and protect oneself from other people's spells were associated with mountain ash. Until now, in many villages from Britain to the Urals, little girls string rowan berries on a string in the fall and wear them like beads, having long forgotten what exactly they are doing - and yet such a talisman has always been considered the best protection against someone else's magic of any kind (some researchers believe that in the North such a rowan necklace was considered a reflection of Brisingamen, the sacred necklace of Freya). Rowan is the best ally for women who find true pleasure in the physical side of love. Direct contact with mountain ash can awaken the dormant sexuality in a woman. For mountain ash, the favorite female age is about 40 years. In love, she gives such women a particularly warm autumn, full of strength.

Myrrh Resin Magic, meditation, protection, exorcism, healing, peace, cleansing, consecration, spirituality. It has strong cleansing and rejuvenating properties.
Burn to cleanse and provide protection from evil forces. The smoke is used to consecrate, purify and bless items such as rings, amulets, talismans, tools used in rituals. It is also used for healing, protection, exorcism, achieving peace, consecrating a place, meditation. Light the resin while performing rituals of healing magic and performing cleansing rites. Often used in talisman bags, especially with incense. This is one of the classic magical plants.

Pine loves people and wishes them well. In addition, this tree very subtly feels the accumulated evil and throws all its considerable strength to dispel it. That is why pine trees survive with great difficulty in cities - there is too much bad energy there, and this tree always "takes the fire on itself." If you have a choice, always choose pine. Pine boards, pine furniture will always be a good defense against evil forces. And pine branches with cones should decorate any home, especially in winter, when the weakened sun does not have time to drive away the creatures of darkness from human dwellings. Especially the Pine patronizes the Lions.

Pine has a beneficial effect on gold. If you hang a gold chain on a freshly cut pine branch in the first quarter of the moon and remove it at noon on the day following the full moon, you will get a good amulet against evil forces looking for easy prey (this talisman is not suitable to deflect a blow aimed specifically at you).

Perhaps, in Russia, where yew almost does not grow, pine can be called a local analogue of yew. In esoteric teachings, the Kano rune is associated with it (as the embodiment of light dispersing darkness). In the dark, the pine tree looks lighter than other trees and, like the eight ifins of ogham and the Kano rune made of pine, it appears as a symbol also on an intellectual and spiritual level. Such a connection with the fire of insight can be traced with the ritual of burning a pine cone, which is present in almost all northern peoples. This resinous fruit symbolizes the storehouse of wisdom that keeps the entire material world intact. The Dagaz rune, dedicated to Asu Heimdal, is also associated with the pine tree in its protective function. And you can also remember that in the Scandinavian runic systems the name of the Eyvaz rune - the rune of protection - sounded like Yr, which means "pine".
Pine is a tree of peace and high spirits. If in your life it has come important point, your fate is being decided and you need to answer a number of serious questions in a calm atmosphere, you can’t do without communication with a pine tree. The aura of this tree is very strong, it will help the person who turns to it to rise to an unprecedented height of spiritual insight, creative take-off. With direct contact, the power of pine will take away the irritation and annoyance that accumulates daily in your soul.
Pine energy will help you get rid of nervous disorders, stress. No neurosis can withstand its influence.
Pine is a merciful tree. It must be approached with an open mind. Pine is able to cleanse the human aura from extraneous influences, partially remove damage. In the old days, it was believed that the smell of pine helps to get rid of feelings of guilt.

Thyme Purifies the aura, prevents nightmares.

Yew Probably, yew could be called a sacred tree in the northern tradition. Very often, yew grows near sacred places; in Western Europe, it was often planted near churches and along the road to them. The yew is directly connected with many Futhark runes - Hagalaz and Algiz, but first of all with the Eyvaz rune, which in its graphic design primarily depicts a magical two-pointed wand of life and death. The yews planted around the burial grounds were designed to both protect the dead and serve as a kind of bridge, or a door to another world. Exit to this other world was made in ancient times during shamanistic rites, which in the northern countries were called \"zeyd\". An invariable part of the zayd was the incense of incense substances from the bark, leaves or resin of the yew tree. That is, the magicians of the past used yew to enhance magical and psychic abilities and induce visions. On the other hand, since the yew tree is considered the most durable on the European continent, it has become a symbol of eternal life, an attribute of many deities who rule over death and rebirth to life. From the yew wood in the northern countries they made the shafts of spears and arrows and heavy combat bows. Over time, protective properties were attributed to the yew itself, and many protective amulets were made from it.

Poplar is a tree that is completely indifferent to humans. Its peculiarity is that it, like a sponge, absorbs everything negative from environment. Therefore, in cities, poplar plays the role of a nurse, improves the environment.

Yarrow Promotes divination, love, happy marriage. Yarrow is placed at the head of the head to protect against damage - this is a very strong plant, but it works while the evil spell is only gaining strength. In addition, yarrow gives young people strong patrons, it can awaken a romantic feeling in a girl for an elderly famous person.

Dill This herb grows in any garden. But few people know that witches cannot stand her smell. The smell of dill dispels the effect of witchcraft spells, removes trouble from a person. An infusion of dill helps to expel the undead sent by evil sorcery from the body. The problem with its use is that dill itself is a weak herb. It works well as an aid in cleansing the body and home, but it would be irrational to rely only on it in protection from evil forces.

Violet Root Love, attractiveness, harmony, relationships, physical and spiritual protection, predictions, attracting money.
Carry a root (or a piece of root) with you to find your love. Add crushed root powder to dry herb bags and bath water to attract the attention of a loved one. Together with lavender and rosebuds, put in a bag in clothes so that they are saturated with the scent of love. A small amount of orris root is used in love incense, which should be used to fumigate the house before a date.

Physalis (lanterns) helps individuals whose horoscope is dominated by the elements of fire and air (heat and dryness). This plant increases vitality, eases the course of the disease and protects against bad thoughts. Dried physalis flowers placed on the windowsills or hung over the door protect the house from the penetration of various entities from the subtle world, both malevolent and, unfortunately, good. In addition, it is believed that these flowers make it difficult to conceive.

Hop is an assistant to players and adventurers. He helps in the game, especially for beginners, but the hop is capricious and does not like greed and malice. If it seems to him that its owner is not playing out of pure curiosity and a desire to tickle his nerves, but for the purpose of profit, and in addition he is plotting against rivals, hops will not only stop helping him, but will turn his luck against him.

Thyme (Bogorodetskaya herb) A strong herb, which, unfortunately, does not have a universal effect. Her sphere of influence is fertility. But it always helps to restore fertility to the soil, animals, plants, people. Smoking from thyme calms the nervous system, allows you to find a solution to a difficult problem, cuts off the action of energy sexual vampires. Infusions work in the same way. Washing and bathing in thyme infusion contribute to the preservation of female beauty.
This herb is at its strongest around the full moon.

Bird cherry is a tender tree, friendly to youth, heals the spiritual disappointments of the young, helps to show tender affection, youthful passion, but does not allow anything vile. If it is not the soul that speaks in you, but the body, bird cherry will not do you any good.
Even if you are no longer young, tired of the vicissitudes of fate, come to the bird cherry. Her aura will help you love people again, life.

Thistle Promotes divination, love, happy marriage.
Thistle in translation from Old Russian means "frightening devils." This is quite consistent with the abilities of this "weed". The devils are really afraid of her, so this plant was hung at the entrance to the house so as not to let evil spirits into the dwelling. They planted thistles on the graves of sorcerers and cursed people to prevent evil spirits from dragging their souls into hell.
This plant was not used in smoking - thistle smoke is very bitter, eats the eyes and throat.
Thistle grows in unkind places, protecting our world from evil. People living nearby were judged by this plant: thistle grows - either people are evil, or the place is not good; Either way, it's best to stay away from him.
The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flower blooms.
Thistle is a reliable protection against damage caused by envy. It is said that a dry thistle flower, on which the owner's hair is wound, not only protects against many spells, but also "returns" them to the one who cast them. The flower must be changed every summer, cutting it off on a hot afternoon preceding the new moon. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no strangers around. Before the onset of the full moon, both flowers should be worn together, and then the old one should be burned on a live fire, after saying goodbye to it and thanking it. It is characteristic that each subsequent talisman absorbs the power of the previous one.

Garlic It is believed that garlic is an excellent protection against vampires and other otherworldly predators. The flowers of this plant are especially good. Sometimes one bouquet is enough to remove the ineptly imposed damage. They remove garlic flowers and some "love" spells (in particular, those that arouse lust and desire in a person immediately and at any cost to possess the one who cast the spell). A wreath of woven garlic at the doors and windows will not allow the named "guests" from the subtle world to get into the house. The Spaniards believe that garlic stew will indicate an envious person - he will smell several times stronger than others who have tasted the same dish. Garlic juice will not allow the sentry to fall asleep at the post, even if they try to "bewitch" him (which is why garlic is traditionally included in the guards' menu).

Sage Purifies, gives wisdom, protects, removes negative energy from the environment.

Eucalyptus Brings Healing

The apple tree is the first tree in the horoscope of the Druids. In European symbolism, the apple tree is considered the tree of rebirth to eternal life. The Greeks left us a legacy of the golden apples of the Hesperides, the Scandinavians - of the goddess Idunn and the apples of immortality, the Celtic epic tells of the blessed Island of Apples Avalon, the Slavs - these are fabulous "rejuvenating apples". Thus, the apple tree itself, as well as the rune Inguz associated with it, personifies eternal life. The apple tree is one of the first cultivated trees, and therefore in esoteric teaching it is associated with a conscious choice. Mentioning in his description of the runic fortune-telling \"fruitful tree\", Tacitus is most likely referring to the apple tree. Associated with choice and probably divination, the apple tree is of great help in predictions, and in addition, its wood has long been used in love and healing magic. This tree of female power, female sexuality, awakens the sensual side of nature in a woman. If you want to experience a surge of erotic forces, then go to bed in the summer under an apple tree, however, she is more willing to share her powers with young girls. Under the influence of the energy of an apple tree, a girl can imagine the image of an ideal man suitable for her, and in a dream she can see her betrothed. But you must beware of the temptations that this tree can surround you with. There are no moral rules for the energy of the apple tree, it is guided only by the call of nature.

Ash - the tree of the world axis, symbolizes the divine nature of mankind. It helps to understand our destiny, sometimes its energy awakens the ability to clairvoyance, allows you to know the future, but helps only those who are sincere in their desire for knowledge. Ash is a tree of rebirth and renewal, with which the esoteric teaching associates the bright and joyful runes of the Elder Futhark - Gebo and Vunyo. In addition, the ash tree represents the connection between what is above and what is below, that is, the connection between the world of the gods and the world of people, or the spiritual world and the material world, and therefore this tree corresponds to the rune of Odin Ansuz, as well as the rune of travel between the worlds Evaz. Ash is a tree traditional for all kinds of magic and divination. It is from its wood that the best sets of divinatory runes are made, it was it that the masters of the North-West preferred to use for making weapons and tools, especially those that had a magical purpose. So, for example, in Scandinavia it was often believed that a spear with an ash shaft was magical simply because ash was used: such a spear was likened to the sacred spear of Odin, Gungnir, because it was made from the wood of this particular tree. In addition to the manufacture of magical tools and weapons, ash wood is very widely used to make protective amulets that protect the owner from almost any harmful effects, up to (as is still believed in some places in Europe) to bites. poisonous snakes. In addition, a special magic is traditionally attributed to a fire kindled on ash wood. The smoke of such a fire is considered sacred incense, and the power emanating from the fire is beneficial and healing. According to N. Pennik, once upon a time there was a tradition to wash a newborn child for the first time near the ash fire.

Orchis The magical herb of Venus is orchis, a humble orchid of the northern forests. This plant has the ability to forever bind hearts destined for each other. It is as impossible to deceive an orchid as to avoid Cupid's arrow. How many people have remained unhappy for the rest of their lives, never having met their soul mate, or having met, but not recognized! If you have a dried orchid flower with you, you will never pass by your Romeo.

Barley relieves pain

3 May 2017

witch herbs
Mandragora (Circe's herb), the most powerful of witchcraft plants. Stemless, large leaves are collected in a rosette, a knotted root resembles a human figure. This root has properties to enhance sexual desire, its juice causes prophetic visions and helps to fly. According to legends, the mandrake root contains a small demon that, if bathed in wine and wrapped in silk, will offer advice or divination of the future. Among the sorcerers of the past, the mandrake root was highly valued. The extraction of the plant was complicated by the fact that when pulled out of the ground, it emitted a terrible cry of pain, and everyone who heard it fell dead. Therefore, the gatherers covered their ears with wax, tied the plant with a rope, the end of which was tied to the dog's collar, and then threw meat in front of the dog and ran away. The dog pulled out a root from the ground and died from a demonic scream, and the gatherer took the root.

Melissa (or lemon mint), a symbol of friendship and positive emotions in communication. Melissa flowers will attract the sympathy of the people with whom you communicate.

Nettles, along with salt, make up a mixture that supposedly has a powerful magical effect against witches. It is believed that if you carry a dried nettle leaf with you, it will give courage.

Odolen-grass, the Old Slavonic name for a water lily. It was used by healers, serving as an antidote and a remedy for toothache. As a symbol of purity, it is considered a talisman that protects against evil spirits, the evil eye of unkind people.

Gap-grass, a legendary plant, described as having cross-shaped leaves and fire-like flowers. It tends to destroy any walls and locks, being brought to them, it also neutralizes the power of many talismans (for example, charmed needles and horseshoes). It blooms at midnight on Midsummer Day (June 24) and keeps the color no longer than necessary to read "Our Father", "Virgin Mary" and "I Believe". Gap-grass is distinguished by throwing it into the river: it, unlike other magical herbs, begins to swim against the current. Its extraction is allegedly associated with deadly danger.

Ruta, shrubs with yellow inflorescences, grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The plant is poisonous, and over the centuries it has been given a variety of witchcraft properties. Dried rue is used to fumigate rooms, as a means to drive out evil spirits.

Ulika-grass, described in herbalists as a plant of red-cherry color with paw leaves and yellow flowers. Used to make a love potion. Preparing a drink from it for someone who has fallen out of love, they read a conspiracy:
"Just as you, grass, bowed your head to the ground, so would he (she) bow his head to me and be with me heart and soul to the grave!"

Hops, is among the natural amulets. Dried hop flowers are used in love potions.
Chernobyl, a type of large wormwood. It is used as a talisman against evil spirits and the evil eye, frightening and averting the "evil eye" due to its strong pungent odor.

The thistle is attributed the same properties as Chernobyl due to the presence of thorns (similar to needles). Keeps witches away from home; from misfortunes on the road, an amulet can save - a thistle covered with wax in an amulet.

Garlic, due to its strong odor and disinfecting properties (contains a lot of phytoncides), is considered a strong amulet, widely known for its use against vampires.

In general, powerful magical properties are plants that have a strong smell or thorns, thorns, as well as poisonous plants. In "white" magic, rose petals are widely used, which, along with dry lavender, fill popular pouches, amulets, mint, bay leaves, apples, orange tree leaf oil, almonds, myrtle.

In particular, there was an "apple" love spell. The most beautiful apple was plucked from the apple tree, cut, and sheets of white paper were inserted between the halves (on one - your name and the name of your beloved person written in blood, on the other - some kind of magic word), as well as the hair of the object of adoration connected by a "knot of love". An apple was dried in a bread oven, then it was covered with myrtle and bay leaves, imperceptibly placed at the head of a loved one (this ceremony is described in different variations, for example, a nettle leaf had to be inserted between the halves of an apple, etc.) Occultists claimed that in a matter of days the desired result.

In quackery practice, many herbs are used in such a way that their action is directed at the person who resorts to their help.

Potentilla grass (it is easy to find both along rivers and in forest clearings in coniferous forests), if you hang it around your neck, it will clarify your mind and win over influential people.

A sprig of willow will protect from nightmarish visions.

Cuckoo's tears will attract love, protect against marital disagreements, if their dried stalk is woven into a braid for hair and worn on the head.

Poison witches most often used yew berries, aconite (very poisonous plant with purple bell-shaped inflorescences). Various herbs are used to make potions that cause nightmares. Even an innocent water lily goes into action - it is part of a potion that allegedly allowed witches to fly.

Datura with pale gray flowers veined with purple, nightshade with sweet and deadly blue-black fruits, henbane with ghostly white cupped buds, hemlock with umbrellas of small white flowers (its juice can cause impotence, and in large quantities is deadly poisonous) are often used in "black" magic. Rose oil is a part of love potions.

You have problems? No happiness in your personal life? Problems with children? Does your husband drink? Are you chronically short of money? Or maybe not career development Or just can't find a decent job?

Take a look at your colors. Maybe the flowers in the house need to be rearranged or transplanted. It may be necessary to purchase new flowers, and some will have to be disposed of.

And all this because flowers have mystical properties, and the knowledge of these amazing properties of flowers can make your life happy and harmonious. Below we will look at what flowers to keep at home and describe the main ones.

Let's review your colors in the house.

Probably, you have been growing for a long time fat woman or "money tree" . Remember, they gave it to you with the wish that money would flow and it was a long time ago. She has a lot of branches, but the leaves are tiny. Here is the answer - as there was no money, and no, only a trifle rings.

It's time to transplant it. They say that you need to take a red pot, put coins on the bottom and transplant the fat woman. If the fat woman is fine, she will grow large leaves, then expect wealth.

Well, if you don't want to wait a long time, go to the flower shop and buy more and plentranius . Together, it will be easier for them to solve all your financial problems.

And here it is on the windowsill uzambara violet and, if not for her amazingly beautiful flowers, no one would have noticed her - that's good, do not touch her.

This flower, if it stands correctly - away from prying eyes, preserves your family happiness, the happiness of your children and takes care of your health.

Nearby is a wonderful geranium. Talk to her, because she knows how to listen. They say that such communication with geraniums is better than going to a psychotherapist, because you don’t have to pay money.

And she will listen, and give strength, and relieve me of the blues. You will grow wings and with new strength you will rise above the hustle and bustle of life.

Here is the beloved oxalis . No wonder they say that it is a flower of love. As soon as he appears in the house, the problems of his personal life go away, a beloved man appears on the horizon.

It has the same remarkable property hibiscus or " Chinese rose» . And if you don't have hibiscus yet, try to get it, it will give your love relationship a lot of passion.

Well, if, suddenly, the problems of your intimate relationships are associated with excessive shyness, buy an avocado, plant its seed and sexual problems will go away from you.

And here is ficus - a flower with a very strong positive energy. This noble flower is said to create a good atmosphere, well-being and tranquility in the family.

If the ficus is in your kitchen, thank him for your comfortable and well-fed life. And if you want to give birth to a baby, put a ficus in the bedroom and it is better if it is a small-leaved ficus.

Well, if for some reason you don’t like ficus, because it takes up a lot of space, then you will be provided with a calm and happy life chlorophytum .

People call this flower "family happiness" or "spray of champagne."

It will not interfere in your house and this tree with bright sunny fruits - lemon . According to popular beliefs, it is believed that the cultivation of lemon and all citrus fruits will thank you with good luck and prosperity.

Your priority is work, career, then it’s clear why you have on your desktop bamboo . After all, bamboo has long been considered a powerful symbol of financial wealth and good luck. If bamboo feels comfortable with you, then your life will be truly comfortable.

Next to the computer on the desktop is located cactus . And rightly so, cacti absorb harmful computer radiation. But you need to know that cacti also have such properties that can lead to undesirable consequences for you.

A prickly miracle in your home can lead to alcoholism in loved ones or problems with the marriage of a young girl.

We continue our review

You love ivy ? Be careful. This is quite a dangerous plant. Ivy is considered a vampire plant, and is sometimes even referred to as "husband".

There is an opinion that ivy dares a man out of the house. In addition, if conflicts often arise in the family, relations between spouses have gone wrong, ivy may be to blame.

Energy vampires, and very powerful ones, also include monstera . First of all, children and the elderly can suffer from monsters.

And it is better not to put the monstera in the bedroom next to the bed, or in extreme cases, put it away from the headboard.

But monstera has one wonderful property that migraine sufferers should be aware of. If you have a headache, sit next to the monstera and the pain will subside. It probably makes sense to think about whether you need such a vampire in your house?

Endowed with magical properties ferns . And if there is already a fern in your house, then, according to popular belief, your house is protected from the evil eye and damage. You will never know what a poltergeist is.

Watch your flower closely. And if suddenly the fern withered, do not be upset. The fern averted damage from you, which means that you did not acquire it in vain and looked after it.

In every house, there is probably such an easy-to-care and cute plant as tradescantia . Its long branches clean and humidify the air well. People call Tradescantia "baby gossip" . This is probably why, according to popular belief, if you want to protect yourself from gossip, you must have Tradescantia.

As an energy indicator of the premises, it is recommended to have in the house dracaena . If the dracaena feels good, then everything is in order with the tenants.

Also, if you are a gambler or like to buy lottery tickets in the hope of winning, get a dracaena and it will bring you good luck.

No matter how you feel about this information, love your flowers, take care of them and they will certainly thank you with their healthy appearance and flowering. Buy only the flowers you like. If you were given a flower that you do not like, it is better to give it to good hands. This will be better for both you and the flower.

Communicate with flowers in the morning, because during the day the plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from negativity. Choose the right place where your flower will grow. Now you know which flowers should be kept at home and which flowers should not be kept at home.

Our ancient pra-earth is the most complex symphony of solar colors, folk beliefs, rituals, and the art of magical actions. And all this for one thing: to be the master on your land, in your home, to follow the successive traditional way of life, to glorify the gods of your relatives, ancestors. traditional medicine there are many methods of influencing the heart, mind and ailments of a person. Our ancestors had their own hygienic culture, i.e. their specific attitude to their body and soul, a high general spiritual culture, a kind of interaction with their housing, a peculiar way of eating.

Around 200,000 are known worldwide. medicinal plants. Of these, over 20 thousand grows on Ukrainian soil. Therefore, it is not surprising that our ancestors knew well and effectively used a healing potion - a real gift from the Gods.
It was considered a great injustice to pluck and give flowers, as well as unripe fruits, as this means death (flowers were carried only for funerals: they covered the last earthly dear to the deceased, put them on the grave). A plucked and presented flower is a sign of causing evil, i.e. people want the same thing that they did with the plant. Only plants consecrated by the rite can be plucked. Even a mature tree was cut down only with the permission of the spiritual manager of the clan. This attitude of our ancestors to nature followed from the knowledge of the trinity of the world, the connection of all manifestations of being in a single body.
Our ancestors knew that each potion has its own magical time when it has the greatest healing power. They began to collect herbs on the Zelnik holiday (on Wednesday at the Mermaid Week). They were considered healing and digest, with which they are currently strewn with forgery. The Kupala collection of herbs began from the night of the elderly solstice (June 20-22). The potion currently collected is granted magical properties: it cures all diseases. The next collection of herbs began on Poppy Spas (Makovey). Since ancient times, this holiday has sanctified the gathering, consumption and donation of ripe fruits of the Earth and the Sun. On this day, mainly garden plants that grow near the house are harvested: poppy, sunflower, carrot, dill, lovage, mint, rue.
The gathering of plants has long begun towards the east of the sun, until the dew falls, as then the potion loses its medicinal properties. The collection of herbs should take place in the first half of the day, before 12 o'clock, "until the day arrives, so that the strength arrives." Sometimes, as on Kupala, they began collecting herbs at night. It is at night that the herbs absorb more moisture and nutrients, removing harmful elements from themselves, i.e. self-cleaning.
The best places for collecting medicinal herbs were considered unsociable places, "where not to hear the voice of a rooster."
For every disease there is a time for collecting medicine. If the plant is used to strengthen the body, an increase in hemoglobin, an increase in weight, for "strength", should be collected on the Youngster, "to increase as the month increases." When it is necessary to get rid of ulcers, skin diseases, warts, the grass must be collected for a full month, which will decline, decrease.
With the collection of a healing potion, very old customs are associated, which are of a ritual nature. We must thank the earth for the donated medicine. Therefore, before the start of the collection, plants put bread and salt, or a coin, under the first bush or sapling, and say: “Do not grieve, Zemlitsa, that we have bared you, we have put bread on you, Zemlitsa.” Plants were collected by praying and always dressed in a clean shirt. They turned to the Gods and spirits of plants so that the collected potion would be an assistant from any ailments: “Father-Heaven, Earth-Met, bless the potion to take.”
From the depths of ages it is known that plants have not only healing, but also magical powers. In the most difficult moments of their lives, our ancestors always turned to herbs and flowers for help.
So, it is believed that girls plant red rue and lovage to be always loved and desired, and young women - to have a strong family. Cockerels protect from evil spirits. Poppy is the same talisman. Its seeds, consecrated to Makovei, are sprinkled on people and livestock. It is woven into the girl's corollas. Wormwood and garlic are also used as amulets. Thyme (evshan-potion) also possesses magical powers.
It often happens that in inexpressive-looking plants lies considerable strength. With its help, it is possible to fulfill one's desires, recover, remain faithful, get rid of evil spirits, remove love spells, or vice versa - predispose attention to oneself, gain wealth, cause a prophetic dream or spirits, remove damage and the evil eye, preserve youth and beauty.
The magical power of plants has always been kept secret by sorcerers, priests, healers, as it made it possible to help people heal and could influence the inner world of a person, his psyche, opened the way to unknown worlds and states.
Gender: female
Element: water
Planet: month
Goddess: Makosha
Strength: fertility, love, sleep, money, cottage
Poppy, consecrated to Makovey, was used by those in charge as a remedy for the evil eye and evil forces. They make a careful circle with its seeds, sprinkle the estate, people and livestock. Poppy flowers are woven into a braid so that the head does not hurt, and the hair is lush and does not fall out. Poppy seeds are used to make rain: when there is no rain for a long time, you need to go to the well and sprinkle poppy seeds there - it will be a fine rain. And when the priestesses all together sip into the well handful - it will be a downpour.
In love magic, the poppy is collected personally, in the evening on the Youngster, in right hand. For the ceremony, you can not collect grains in any dishes or bags. The same evening, bring home and divide into three parts, knead the usual yeast dough, divide it into three parts too, and bake with poppy seeds. Put the baked loaves at night not far from the head. The next day, go with him to your chosen one, give him one loaf to eat, eat the second one yourself, and divide the third and eat it together. All actions must be performed with a good heart. To appeal to love, carry a few poppy seeds in your pocket.
Pharmacological properties:
poppy has a calming effect on the nervous system, has mild hypnotic and analgesic properties. Infusion of petals is used against cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, insomnia; against diarrhea and dysentery, for pain in abdominal cavity. For topical treatment, it is used as a powder, as a hemostatic agent, or as a lotion. A decoction of the heads is most often used for acute coughs, palpitations, pain in the abdominal cavity, and in case of irregular and miserable periods. Also, extracts from poppy seeds show antitumor activity. Poppy fruits are used for oncological diseases of the abdominal organs, for sarcoma, condyloma, and for external forms of cancer.
-poppy petals.. 3 parts; black elderberry (flowers) .. 2; linden 2; rolls.. 3; pidbil 2; buckwheat..2; medicinal lungwort..3.
Pour 40 g of the mixture with one liter of boiling water into a thermos, leave overnight and drink half a cup every hour during the day with a strong cough, and as a diaphoretic.
Poppy petal syrup:
50 g of raw materials are poured with 2 cups of boiling water + 1 g of tartrate or citric acid, incubated for 4 hours, filtered, 650 g of sugar are dissolved in the filtrate and the syrup is boiled. Give children 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day when coughing.
Externally: powdered poppy petals for sprinkling wounds that bleed.
Infusion: 2 tablespoons of petals per 200 ml of boiling water insist 1 hour, cool, filter and use as a face lotion for dry skin and morels.
Thyme (Evshan - potion)
Goddess: Makosha
Gender: female
Planet: Venus
Element: water
Strength: health, healing, sleep, psychic power, love, courage, purification.
For Ukrainians, this particular plant is a symbol of the Motherland, they took it with them when they left for a foreign land, as a symbol of their native land. Thyme is one of the herbs that have been used in worship even for a day in Trypillia.
It ensures the well-being of the family, brings health, improves memory and mental abilities.
Thyme is able to evoke memories of the past and provides an opportunity to look into the future, provides courage and strength. If you put it in the pillow you sleep on, it will drive away bad dreams and cause happy prophetic visions. Meditating on a mixture of herbs from thyme, nagodkov and oregano, you can see the insults of the beloved (beloved).
A drink was made from thyme, which was used on Green holidays, when the dead were commemorated, and also - from the evil eye, witch powers on Kupala, on Sparrow Night.
With this drink, the girls bewitch the guys who have cooled off to them; and those that were “on the pore” lubricated themselves with it, so that the evil forces would not harm the future conception.
Pharmacological properties:
Detects expectorant, antibacterial, antispasmodic and analgesic effect, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. It is used for laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, gastro-renal diseases (decrease in gastric secretion). Also - in the treatment of whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, insomnia, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer, hemorrhoids, joint disease, paralysis, eye diseases. Thyme is treated for alcoholism, it improves metabolism.
As an external remedy, it is used for incendiary diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx (rinsing), in case of nervous and skin diseases, rheumatism (baths), incendiary diseases of the vagina, especially in elderly women (douching).
Thyme preparations are contraindicated in pregnancy, cardiac decompensation, liver disease and diving.
Internally: infusion (2 tablespoons of raw materials per 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours) half a glass 4 times a day before meals. 1 teaspoon of raw materials is brewed with 1 bottle of boiling water and drunk, sweetened with honey, like tea.
Externally: rinsing with infusion (10 g or 2 tbsp.
spoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water);
15 g of raw materials are poured with 2 bottles of boiling water, insisted to be cooled, filtered, diluted with boiled water to 1 liter and the resulting infusion is used for douching (morning and evening); 100 g of raw materials are brewed in 2 liters of boiling water, filtered and added to the bath.
Witch's beauty potion
The word "witch" comes from the word "know" and means a woman who knows more than others, and in addition, armed with female intuition. Witchcraft is understood as the ability to reveal the feelings and motives of people's actions, phenomena and laws of nature, and, above all, the art of conspiracies and a variety of "potion" to influence certain aspects of people's lives: affection, sympathy, attractiveness and, in the end, beauty.
Attractiveness is not so much a natural gift as the ability to preserve the beauty of youth and the immediacy of youth. Taking care of your appearance is, first of all, taking care of your health. Here and the regime of the day, and rational nutrition, and the skillful use of cosmetics.
There is a folk experience in the use of natural cosmetics, which are based on natural products of plant and animal origin. The long-known use of extracts and juices of plants to preserve the freshness of the skin, improve hair, reduce sweating ...
It is known that plants contain substances necessary to preserve the beauty, freshness and elasticity of the skin. Washing, rubbing with fruit and vegetable juices, extracts from roots, shoots and leaves are useful to everyone, without exception, not only to restore withered skin, but also to maintain its softness and flawlessness, for its whitening and velvety.
Since ancient times, people have been able to make cosmetics from flowers, tree bark, foliage and fruits of plants. This skill has been passed down from generation to generation. Witches have long known and skillfully used means for whitening the skin of the face, softening the skin of the hands, and for hair care.
Skin aging is a natural process, and if it cannot be avoided, then it is in our power to keep it for
a certain period of time.
The first wrinkles are a signal that indicates that it is necessary to pay more attention to caring for your appearance, face and neck skin.
skin care methods
Oily skin
Two tablespoons of St. John's wort put in a basin or bowl, pour 2-3 liters of boiling water. Covering your head with a towel, take a steam bath for 10-15 minutes. Rinse face after bath cold water. Such a steam bath is recommended once every two weeks to cleanse oily skin, it provides it with freshness and elasticity.
Crushed oak and willow bark (1 teaspoon each) pour a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and add a tablespoon of food vinegar. Then add boiled water to the mixture in a ratio of 1:10. Lotion wipe, and in the heat rinse oily skin.
Flowers of yarrow, nagodkov, medicinal sage, tricolor violet - equally. Pour three teaspoons of the mixture with a bottle of boiling water, strain. Use the infusion for compresses, and the thick - adding milk powder, starch or torment - for masks. Wash off the mask applied to the face after 15-20 minutes.
Dry skin
In the evening it is useful to cleanse the skin of the face with a decoction oatmeal(without salt): Boil 2 tablespoons of cereal for 5-10 minutes in 1 liter of water, strain, cool. The decoction softens weathered and rough skin. Especially useful for sensitive skin.
Zucchini mask
Cut into thin long strips of raw zucchini, put them on the face and neck. After 20 minutes, remove the strips and wash your face with raw milk. It is recommended not only for dry, but also for rough skin to prevent wrinkles.
normal skin
Pour half a cup of dry mint grass to the top with boiling water, cover the dishes, leave for half an hour. Then strain and add a tablespoon of glycerin. Wipe the face in the morning and evening instead of washing.
A decoction of chamomile (half a tablespoon of inflorescences in half a glass of water boil for 5 minutes) mixed in equal doses with the yolk and cream. Wet the washcloth and keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes. The mask tones, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.
There are many cosmetic
products made on the basis of herbal preparations, which were used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and which we will talk about next time.

Our ancestors were in many ways more worthy than us. Through legends and myths, they tried to convey to their descendants how nature should be treated so as not to lose themselves.

Inspiring and endowing the surrounding world with the qualities inherent in man, they determined the only possible path - the path of harmony: how you relate to the plant kingdom, so it will answer you. Each plant has a huge energy power, its own magic.

Sorcerers are well aware of this, preparing their mysterious potions with the addition of various plants. The magical properties of each magic drink depend on the "miracle herbs" laid by the sorcerer in the cauldron.

Medicinal properties of plants are given not only by various components, vitamins contained in them. With their bioenergy, plants correct human bioenergy. Having learned about these properties of plants, people came up with various rituals and conspiracies.

Modern scientists have experimentally proven that the plant not only feels pain, but also remembers the person who caused it. Moreover, each plant senses other plants and exchanges information with them. Think more than once before you just, without permission, break a branch from a tree: how will this broken branch affect your fate?

In Japan, it is believed that a flower is the only creature in the world, how beautiful, just as defenseless, which gives a person joy and takes on his pain. They believe that the mute beauty of a tree and a flower is the path to Salvation.

Lovingly touching a flower, a person absorbed by its beauty forgets about himself, and forgetting about himself, his beloved and the only one, he suddenly begins to hear the breath of a flower, and then a conversation of hearts arises. To see something for real means, having removed the veil from the eyes, to bring this "something" back to life - they say in the East.

When the Buddha was asked to give another sermon, he simply silently showed the audience a flower. Without words, the Buddha conveyed the Way to Enlightenment: directly from heart to heart.

Many folk beliefs are associated with the magical power of plants. It has long been believed that you can learn to read other people's thoughts if you grow magic peas on your own. To do this, in the spring you need to kill a snake (an animal with powerful magical powers), sew three peas into its belly and bury it in the ground.

The grown flower is picked and eaten at midnight. From my own experience, I know that if you seriously puzzle over the question of reading other people's thoughts (telepathy), grow any edible flower, carefully care for it during its growth, constantly think about why you cherish it, tune in to the plant every day, try to understand what he lacks, and then you also perform the ritual of “eating”, then during this time your telepathic abilities will definitely increase, you will learn to listen and hear plants.

And there, from plants, close to animals, and then - a stone's throw to people. That's all telepathy. It turns out that reading thoughts, the ability to feel and understand without words are completely natural for a person! However, this is not entirely about plants ...

Here is another belief that has come down to us from antiquity: whoever wanted to become smart and rich needed to find a fern flower. It was necessary to look for his brilliant light exactly at midnight under Ivan Kupala and, having torn off, rush at full speed from the forest, not paying attention to the howling of the pursuing devils.

And if you turn around, you will die or remain an idiot until the end of your days. Is it worth looking for a fern flower or is it just a fairy tale? But fairy tales do not develop in a vacuum.

Plakun-grass is harvested at the dawn of Midsummer Day. You need to tear it off only with your hands. Plakun-grass brings evil spirits into fear, inclines them to reconciliation and humility. Only the root and flowers of the plakun-grass have magical powers.

Until now, with its help, all sorts of evil spirits are expelled from the house. Our ancestors gave this name to the grass because it makes evil spirits cry. Dried flowers and roots are kept in the house all year round so that evil spirits do not disturb the peace of the owners of the house.

Grass Roots kept in the house to gain strength in overcoming all obstacles, and also used in love spells.

Sleep-grass is harvested in May. On the full moon, sleep-grass is placed under the pillow, after which the sleeper should have a prophetic dream that will answer all the important questions of interest to him.

Many magical actions are associated with gap-grass. With her, no castles are terrible: at least drive the evil spirits from the treasure, at least “breed” people.

Required help:

  • Grass of Ivan Kupala - Hypericum perforatum.
  • Gap-grass or Perunov fireflower - serpentine fern.
  • Odolen-grass - a white water lily.
  • Sleep-grass - mandrake, dope.
  • Plakun-grass - loosestrife loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria).

Nettle has the ability to determine whether the patient will survive or not. To carry out plant diagnostics with the help of nettle, several freshly picked nettle leaves were thrown into the patient's fresh urine.

If after a day the leaves of the nettle shrank, shrank, lost color, it was considered bad sign, the patient is terminally ill. If it remains green, the patient will recover.

Having become acquainted with the magical properties of wild plants (they are energetically stronger than cultivated forms), you can strengthen the Ba-gua zones with them, and if you wish, then perform some magical action with the help of plants in a certain zone, after which the influence of this zone on desired events will intensify even more. But you need to start with a simpler one, that is, with indoor plants.

The selection of plants in the house must be approached very seriously, since these living beings will live with you, share joys and sorrows, help to the best of their ability and ability. For example, it is very good to have a lotus flower in the house, but you can use other flowers that have soft rounded shapes.

It is considered very favorable for the house if the houseplant forms a fluffy green "hat". Any spherical shape establishes the correct energy balance in the room.

Green spaces need to be carefully monitored. Dried and dying plants in the house should not be. If it is not possible to save a flower, it must be thrown away without regret. Otherwise, instead of the positive energy of growth created by a healthy plant, you will receive the disease-causing energy of withering.

We should not forget about one important quality of flowers - during the day, in the light, they produce oxygen, and at night, in the dark, they absorb it. At night, plants deplete the energy of sleeping people, so it is not recommended to keep a lot of plants in the bedroom. If there are still a lot of flowers in the bedroom, then be sure to open the window at night.

It is undesirable to hang the whole house with climbing and hanging down plants, since such species do not have sufficient energy to fill the house with vitality.

Moreover, such plants can weaken the energy available in the house. Simply put, you can use such plants in the interior, but you should not overdo it with them. climbing plants used strictly for its intended purpose.

They are excellent reflectors of attacking radiation from the corners and ledges of walls and furniture, but their leaves should not be narrow and sharp. In the corners of a house or apartment, you can hang pots of ivy.

To activate the energy, flowers with rounded fleshy leaves are chosen. It is better to start plants with stems and leaves directed upwards in the house - they are energetically stronger and feed the house with vital energy.

It is recommended to treat cacti with extreme caution. Now these plants are in vogue, and in connection with this, many people began to grow them in huge quantities. Cacti radiate negative energy (instead of positive), and their harsh energy beams permeate the space of the room.

Therefore, they can only be used for a specific purpose. Cacti neutralize radiation from computer monitors, TV, microwave oven etc. By placing a green friend next to working devices, you will significantly reduce the negative impact of magnetic vibrations. Instead of a cactus, you can put a fern next to the monitor.

Azalea is also not a very welcome guest in the house.. She, like a cactus, has negative energy. This "company" of energy enemies also contains wax ivy, which, in addition to releasing negative energy, has the ability (according to folk omens) scare away from the girl for marriageable suitors.

palm trees with their sharp thin leaves are a source of hard radiation.

Aloe and Kalanchoe- Healing antiseptic plants. Their presence in the house helps people to achieve the fulfillment of desires.

Better than other domestic plants, various negative energies are repelled geranium, mint and chrysanthemum. If something bothers you at night or you feel someone's unkind presence in the house, get these peace-keeper plants in the house.

Myrtle is a symbol of family well-being, it brings happiness in marriage.

Roses and violets contribute to the birth of love and passion. If there are no children in the family, put a cyclamen in the bedroom - it will definitely help to conceive a child. Camellia in its energy action is similar to a rose, but it attracts more sublime and pure love feelings into the house.

Cypress is a symbol of eternity and provides a link between the world of the living and the dead. The dead often try to give us clues, to help us, but usually we don't hear them. Cypress can help hear their advice.

All types of citrus fruits help to cope with stress and headaches.

Balsam- a wonderful flower, it creates a surprisingly bright atmosphere in the house.

Begonia helps to increase the material well-being of the family.

ficuses maintain an even energy balance in the house.

Capsicum and Chinese cherry (decorative nightshade) attract a lot of positive energy into the house.

dieffenbachia, hemanthus, arrowroot, primrose attract material wealth.

Almost all the furniture that is in our houses and apartments is environmentally dirty.. It releases harmful substances into the air that affect the entire body. Plants are able to process these poisons and purify the air. Fully filter the air lily, pepper, crow's feet.

Some types of plants do not want to grow next to each other, they may not like some location. If you notice that a flower is not growing well, move it to another place.

Coloring flowers is also important for the energy balance of the house. The same rules apply to colors as described in the Color Palette chapter.

AT last years in our country there was a fashion for bonsai (a tree on a tray - Jap.). It should be noted right away that the energy field of any tree, even the smallest one, is many times stronger than that of any other plant.

Bonsai are specially grown in the conditions of a city apartment low (no more than 50 cm tall) wild trees. An adult, well-formed bonsai tree over 10 years old covers the entire apartment with its energy field.

Bonsai, despite its diminutiveness, has all the protective and healing abilities of ordinary trees. The radius of their action, depending on age, ranges from 1 m to 1 km.

Ancient bonsai trees over 100 years old cover a much larger area, influencing the lives of many people. Growing in a small bowl, miniature, but, nevertheless, a real tree looks magical. It pleases the eye with beauty and grace. Growing a real bonsai is difficult.

Adult bonsai are very expensive and not available to everyone. What is sold in flower shops under the guise of bonsai are artificially aged and mutilated trees, which also differ from real bonsai, like a fake diamond from a real one.

Bonsai trees are ordinary trees that are grown using special techniques to give them miniature form. At the same time, the natural properties, the energy of the tree do not change, they remain related to its wild counterparts.

This is the special attraction of bonsai, together with them a miniature corner of the wild forest can appear in the house.

The magic of trees and flowers is simple - choose what you like, thinking about what you want to get from life (our tastes and desires are closely related). Take care of the tree, communicate with it as with a friend, and it will give you an invisible helping hand, protecting you with its strength from many troubles and giving you the abilities inherent in itself.

However, it is foolish to rely only on the power of plants; we must live and act on our own. Not a single tree can protect against an event to which a person is moving himself, although the tree will greatly yearn for the misfortune that happened to the person he liked. If the house or one of the family members is in trouble, the trees become sick, their leaves droop.

Sometimes they even cry: small cracks open in the bark, through which amber tears ooze - drops of resin. These are tears about someone's fate. The tree may even die in the event of the death of a person if they were strongly connected.

The tree retains its power even after its death. Just as the relics of saints are able to heal hundreds of years after physical death, so the wood of a healthy tree is able to transmit the energy it has accumulated many years after it was cut down. The magic of wood talismans is based on this property.

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