
Scientific article on accounting financial statements. International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. If, after sending the report, a negative report came from the tax office

Account 97 “Future expenses” takes into account expenses of the current period that need to be written off in the future. In the article you will learn what relates to deferred expenses and how to take them into account on account 97 “Deferred expenses” in 2019. 44724

September 6, 2019

Deferred income is the income that the company will receive in the future on the basis of contracts and other documents. In the balance sheet, the line “Deferred income” reflects subsidies, technical support funds and other similar income. In this article you will learn how to correctly reflect such income in accounting and balance sheets. 14688

June 29, 2019

What are assets and liabilities of a balance sheet? By what principle do assets and liabilities take their place on the balance sheet? In what terms should transactions be measured and should indicators be rounded in order for the balance sheet to be accurate? Detailed answers to these questions will be useful for both beginners and experienced accountants. 7905

June 14, 2019

In 2019, companies that meet certain criteria must undergo a mandatory audit. For example, the amount of revenue and assets matters. You will learn in the article all cases when it is necessary to undergo a mandatory audit. 30447

May 28, 2019

Tax officials have updated the average tax burden by type of activity for 2019. To reduce the risk of an on-site audit, it is safer to stick to the new metrics. In the article you will learn the safe tax burden by type of economic activity in 2019. 205147

April 5, 2019

Before you begin reforming the balance sheet, check that all documents have been submitted to the accounting department and all transactions are reflected in the accounts. To do this, take an inventory. And only after that you can carry out balance reformation. 34163

March 29, 2019

Accounts receivable in the balance sheet on line 1230 are the amounts that counterparties owe the company as of the reporting date of the year - December 31. Correct formation of the indicator will show reliable information about the financial reliability of the company. 23499

March 25, 2019

What are considered deferred expenses, what are advances, and what are current expenses of the company? What are the rules for recording deferred expenses? When should they be rechecked? You will learn about this from our material 63217

March 20, 2019

Section V “Short-term liabilities” consists of six lines - 1510, 1520, 1530, 1540, 1550 and 1500. This section must reflect information about the organization’s liabilities with a maturity of less than 12 months after the reporting date. 59501

March 13, 2019

February 28, 2019

Report on financial results in 2019 - this is a form for income, expenses and financial results for 2018. In the article we provided a table with a breakdown of the report articles. You will also find samples of filling out the form, you can download the form and fill out the report online. 127113

Traffic report cash in 2019 the rent will be for 2018. Take the form from Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n. In the article you will find a sample of filling out a report for 2019. The report shows all the company's income from current, investment or financial operations. 13359

The report on changes in capital (Form 3) for 2018 is a turnover sheet that is filled out at the end of each year. You can download the form and a sample of filling out the form that will be taken in 2019 for 2018 in the article. 42354

The company's balance sheet for 2018, or as it is also called Form 1, is submitted in 2019 no later than April 1. The form is taken from Order No. 66n of the Ministry of Finance. There are two types - for ordinary companies and those who have the right to conduct simplified accounting. You can download the forms for free using the links from the article. 219594

January 31, 2019

January 28, 2019

The balance sheet form for 2018 was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance 66n. Download the balance sheet form in Word and Excel directly from the article. You can fill out the reports using either a standard form or a simplified form. But the second option is not suitable for all companies. 17821

January 25, 2019

The balance sheet under the simplified tax system for 2018 is required for submission. Companies can use either a standard form or a simplified form. True, not everyone can simplify reporting. How to prepare reports and an example of filling out a balance sheet, see the article. 61108

January 18, 2019

Accounting statements for 2018 show the size of the property and financial condition companies. Compound financial statements The Ministry of Finance has revised it, but not for everyone. Changes in reporting for 2018, deadlines and report forms in Excel can be found in the article. 39897

January 14, 2019

In 2019, prepare an explanatory note for the balance sheet and income statement. This mandatory document is needed for internal users and external users - investors, analysts and other interested parties. You will learn how to draw up an explanatory note to the balance sheet for 2018 in 2019 in the article. 75964

December 25, 2018

An interim balance sheet during the liquidation of an LLC is drawn up when the deadline for creditors' claims expires. The report form has not been approved, but there is a list of required information. We will tell you how to fill out the liquidation balance sheet for 2018 - 2019 and provide a current example. 28733

December 13, 2018

In 2019, issue a certificate of the value of assets or fixed assets to confirm the solvency and reliability of the company. In what cases and by what rules it is necessary to draw up a certificate, you will find out in the article. 36052

December 5, 2018

Explanations to the balance sheet and income statement for 2018 are part of the financial statements that companies must submit in 2019. The information in the explanations deciphers the numerical indicators of forms No. 1 and 2. 41992

November 27, 2018

November 20, 2018

November 7, 2018

In 2019, the deadline for submitting the balance sheet for 2018 to the tax office falls on Sunday - March 31. This means that the deadline is automatically postponed to April 1. You will find out in the article who must report to the inspection and within what time frame. 101842

October 23, 2018

October 11, 2018

Simplified accounting (financial) statements for 2018 are relevant for companies that have the right to conduct simplified accounting. Primarily for small companies. Take the form from Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n. We provided a sample filling in the article. 72325

September 7, 2018

A balance sheet is a document that reflects the financial position of a company at a specific date. The balance sheet structure consists of two parts – assets and liabilities. We have provided a breakdown of the balance sheet lines in convenient tables. 45639

August 31, 2018

The Federal Tax Service approved average data on the tax burden and profitability for 2017. Information is available on the official website of the tax service. If your organization’s indicators are below average, the Federal Tax Service may request clarification. An on-site inspection is also possible. 575

August 21, 2018

July 26, 2018

July 6, 2018

At the beginning of the year, account balances 201 00, which reflect the institution’s money, must be transferred to zero BCC. If this is not done, the reporting will be generated incorrectly. We'll tell you what date to arrange for the transfer of balances to new CPS. 1601

June 22, 2018

Financial result is determined to find out whether the organization performed successfully during the year or quarter. The indicator is used to analyze profitability and pay dividends. We will tell you what a financial result is, how to calculate it and reflect it in accounting. 10023

Net assets are not just an indicator of financial statements, but a guarantee of security for employees, counterparties, and founders. In the article you will find detailed instructions, how to calculate net assets on the balance sheet. Look at the formula for calculating their value. 2805

June 20, 2018

June 18, 2018

To ensure that the GRBS or the financial authority does not have any questions regarding the reporting, we suggest checking its indicators with accounting data. It will take a little time, and you will have convincing evidence in your hands. Find out how to check your balance. 569

April 23, 2018

April 4, 2018

March 12, 2018

Form 5 is an explanation of the financial statements - the balance sheet and the financial results statement. The form is submitted annually by all companies as part of their accounting reports. The exception is small enterprises that are not subject to mandatory audit. 9074

March 6, 2018

The cash flow statement (Form 4) must be submitted as part of the financial statements for 2017 no later than April 2, 2018. The report includes three types of cash flows: current activities, investment and financial. 70194

February 26, 2018

February 21, 2018

February 2, 2018

January 29, 2018

When to submit the balance sheet for 2017 if the company has not been operating for the first year or, on the contrary, has just started operating, has been reorganized or liquidated? In each case, the reporting deadlines are different. If they are violated, both the company and the director face a fine. But sometimes these fines may not be paid. 28954

January 14, 2018

January 9, 2018

December 4, 2017

Companies are required to reflect information about mandatory audits in the Unified Federal Register of Information on the Facts of the Activities of Legal Entities. Directors may be fined for failure to provide information. Look at the algorithm. 668

November 28, 2017

November 22, 2017

November 21, 2017

November 6, 2017

September 20, 2017

June 29, 2017

In 2017, there was more tax reporting; officials allocated more time for information about SZV-M employees. So as not to lose sight important changes for reporting deadlines and late fees, see the reference tables in this material 406264

May 17, 2017

Along with the balance sheet, companies must submit a cash flow statement for 2017. Find out what kind of report this is, who is obliged to submit it and within what time frame, according to what rules to fill out. You can download the report form for free in the article. 8771

May 16, 2017

March 29, 2017

The accounting and tax annual reporting of the developer has its own specifics, which often raises questions among tax authorities. What indicators should you pay attention to in the balance sheet and declaration when constructing a facility for an investor? How to write explanations for the report? We'll show you with samples. 3520

March 20, 2017

March 17, 2017

All companies are required to submit financial statements for 2016 by the end of March 2017. Small companies have the right to take advantage of privileges. In this article we will show you how to draw up a balance sheet for 2016 using simplified and conventional forms, and provide ready-made samples. 14228

March 15, 2017

Most directors always ask to show profit, loss or an explanation of what a particular amount means on Form 1 of the balance sheet. We want to make this task easier for you. This article is a ready-made explanation for those who do not have accounting knowledge. 15760

March 9, 2017

How to keep accounting records and prepare reports if the company has a branch and representative office abroad? What taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset? About this - in the article 3235

March 6, 2017

The algorithm for correcting an accounting error depends on how significant it is and when you discovered it. In this guide you will find ready-made solutions for different situations. Determine in which period you made a mistake and move on to examples 3400

March 2, 2017

Small businesses submit financial statements in a reduced volume. They create only a balance sheet and financial statements in a simplified form. But some small companies will still have to pass complete set reporting. And all because they do not have the right to use simplified accounting. 31666

February 28, 2017

The table given in this material will help you fill out the balance sheet for 2016 without errors. In it we provided information about which accounts accounting you need to take information to fill out each line of form No. 1 37813

February 10, 2017

February 8, 2017

February 3, 2017

February 1, 2017

January 31, 2017

January 23, 2017

December 21, 2016

December 14, 2016

December 7, 2016

October 26, 2016

No later than March 31, 2017, financial statements for 2016 must be submitted to the tax office and the territorial statistics department. In this article we will talk about general rules filling out reports and how to fill out the balance line by line 24153

September 23, 2016

No later than March 31, 2017, tax inspectorates and statistics departments are expecting financial statements from companies for 2016. And before you take it, you need to check the ratios of indicators between different forms. 6160


Abstract: The article reveals the issues of organizing the preparation of accounting (financial) statements of commercial organizations. The levels of regulatory regulation of accounting and accounting (financial) reporting are analyzed. The types, purpose and composition of interim and annual reporting are considered. The general requirements for the formation and disclosure of information in accordance with regulations and national accounting standards are reflected, as well as directions for its improvement in the context of adaptation to international financial reporting standards. The periods for compilation and presentation of accounting (financial) statements are determined. The main directions of analysis of reporting indicators are given to assess the property and financial position of the organization, study the composition and structure of assets according to the balance sheet, the procedure for generating income and expense indicators for the main type of activity and for other operations, including revenue from the sale of products, their cost, commercial and administrative expenses. Emphasis is placed on the use of accounting (financial) reporting information for making management decisions on development production process, expanding the material base, strengthening the financial position and sustainability of the organization.

financial statements


accounting policy


reporting users

1. Ageeva O.A. Requirements for reporting according to IFRS // Accounting. – 2014. – No. 14. – P. 51–54.

2. Bobrova E.A. Intangible assets in the IFRS system // International accounting. – 2006 – pp. 14–17.

3. Bobrova E.A., Emelyannikova N.N. Comparative characteristics accounting of fixed assets in accordance with IFRS and RAS // International accounting. – 2009. – No. 8. – P. 27-34.

4. Vakhrushina M.A. International Financial Reporting Standards: training manual for universities. – M.: Omega-L, 2014. – 568 p.

5. Kyshtymova E.A. Concept equity in international and Russian accounting and reporting standards // Audit statements. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 58-63.

6. Kyshtymova E.A., Bobrova N.A. Formation of information on production costs for cost calculation // Audit statements. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 72-82.

7. Kyshtymova E.A., Lytneva N.A. Concept for the development of accounting support for profit management of small businesses in the agro-industrial complex // Bulletin of OrelGAU. – 2012. – No. 3(36). – P. 46-51.

8. Kyshtymova E.A., Lytneva N.A. Recognition of organization expenses: typical mistakes, identified during the audit process // Audit statements. – 2010. – No. 10. – P. 64-75.

9. Parushina N.V., Kyshtymova E.A. Audit: basics of auditing, technology and methodology for conducting audits: textbook. allowance. – M.: Forum, 2009. – 560 p.

10. Posherstnik N.V. Accounting in a modern enterprise: a textbook for universities. – M.: Prospekt, 2015. – 560 p.

11. Sokolov Ya.V., Pyatov M.L. Reflection in accounting of the facts of the economic life of an organization // Accounting. – 2012. – No. 13. – P. 49-52.

12. Sysoeva O.N., Lytneva N.A., Kyshtymova E.A. Modern innovative techniques in the process of profit management of consumer cooperation enterprises // Bulletin of OrelGAU. – Orel: OrelGAU Publishing House, 2013. – No. 1(40). – pp. 146-152

To effectively manage a commercial organization, it is necessary to have complete and reliable information about the economic process occurring in the organization, the reflection of which can be observed in the accounting (financial) statements.

Reporting is a set of indicators generated in the accounting system, presented in certain tables and characterizing the movement of property, capital and liabilities, as well as the financial condition of the organization for the reporting period (quarter, half-year, nine months, year).

Information from accounting (financial) statements is intended for external and internal users to solve assigned problems and make management decisions. External users use the data reflected in the reporting to assess the effectiveness of the organization's activities, as well as for economic analysis of the results of the organization's functioning. External users of reporting information can be divided into the following groups:

  • users with a direct financial interest in the organization's activities (investors, suppliers, creditors);
  • users with indirect financial interest (tax service, audit firms).

The main types of reporting are accounting, operational and statistical. Reporting forms, including accounting, are approved by the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation and are recommended for commercial organizations for generating reports. The adopted unified system of reporting indicators for a commercial organization makes it possible to compile reporting summaries for individual industries, republics, economic regions and the entire national economy as a whole.

The most reliable are accounting (financial) statements, which represent a unified system of data on the property and financial position of the organization, as well as on the results of its economic activity for the reporting period.

Operational reporting is based on operational accounting data and contains information on key indicators for a short-term period (day, five days, week, decade, month). This data is used for operational control and management of the processes of production, supply and sale of manufactured products for making timely decisions.

Statistical reporting is generated based on data from all three types of accounting and reflects information on individual indicators of the organization’s economic activity, both in value and in physical terms.

According to the frequency of preparation of reports, they are distinguished:

  • intra-annual reporting;
  • annual reporting.

Interim reporting includes reports for a quarter, half a year, and 9 months. Intra-annual statistical reporting is called current statistical reporting, and intra-annual accounting reporting is called interim accounting reporting. Annual reports are reports for the current reporting year.

Currently, organizations are required to submit interim and annual financial statements. Accounting statements are prepared for established periods on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting year. In accordance with national standards for all organizations, the reporting year is equal to the calendar year - from January 1 to December 31 inclusive, with the exception of newly created commercial organizations for which the first reporting year is the period from the date of state registration to December 31 of the year in which the organization was created and registered. The last calendar day of the reporting period is the reporting date as of which the data is presented in the accounting (financial) statements.

Interim financial statements are prepared during the year according to established reporting periods. It must be generated within 30 days after the end of the reporting period. External users are provided with quarterly reporting no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting quarter. Interim financial statements consist of the following forms: “Balance Sheet”, “Income Statement”, which are interconnected.

The balance sheet is a way of grouping business transactions by investment objects and source of education at a specific point in time in monetary terms. The balance sheet serves to compare in value terms and summarize information about economic assets and the sources of their formation, the composition of assets and liabilities as of a certain date. Balance sheet information is necessary to determine the ability of a commercial organization to fulfill its obligations to creditors, investors and other counterparties.

A study of the balance sheet indicators of the agricultural enterprise Jupiter LLC made it possible to assess its property and financial position over three last year(table).

The table data indicates that on the balance sheet of the agricultural enterprise Jupiter LLC there is property worth 1,025,662 thousand rubles, for which there was a decrease in reporting year in comparison with last year by 33,441 thousand rubles, and in comparison with 2014 by 222,365 thousand rubles. The main types of property are fixed assets as part of non-current capital worth 823,600 thousand rubles, inventories as part of working capital, worth 161,789 thousand rubles. and financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) in the amount of 30,150 thousand rubles. The decrease in the total value of property in the reporting year was mainly due to a decrease in the value of fixed assets by 41,380 thousand rubles. in comparison with 2014 and by 14,705 in comparison with 2013. The increase in the total book value of the property of the analyzed enterprise was influenced by the increase in the value of inventories and financial investments (except for cash equivalents). This change indicates an increase in the mobility of working capital, which is a positive factor for the functioning of an agricultural organization.

Balance sheet indicators of Jupiter LLC, thousand rubles.

Indicator name


I. Non-current assets

Fixed assets

Financial investments

TOTAL for section I

II. Current assets

Accounts receivable

Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)

Cash and cash equivalents

Other current assets

TOTAL for section II

III. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)

Additional capital (without revaluation)

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

TOTAL for section III

IV. Long-term liabilities

Borrowed funds

TOTAL for section IV

V. Current liabilities

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

Estimated liabilities

Other obligations

TOTAL for Section V

The main share of the organization's sources consists of long-term liabilities, the amount of which in 2015 amounted to 802,661 thousand rubles. Compared to previous years, there is a decrease in the liabilities of Jupiter LLC. Long-term liabilities were repaid in comparison with last year in the amount of 27,392 thousand rubles, and short-term liabilities decreased by 17,233 thousand rubles.

A positive factor is the increase in the organization’s own capital, the amount of which in 2015 amounted to 119,253 thousand rubles. Compared to last year, equity capital increased by 11,174 thousand rubles. The main source of replenishment of equity capital is retained earnings, which in the reporting year amounted to 54,265 thousand rubles, which is higher than last year by 20,054 thousand rubles.

The composition of the sources of own funds of Jupiter LLC is presented in the form of a diagram in Fig. 1.

The results of a study of the sources of equity capital according to the balance sheet of Jupiter LLC indicate an increase in equity capital and a decrease in liabilities, which positively characterizes the financial position of the agricultural organization.

According to the Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ and PBU 4/99 “Accounting statements of an organization”, the annual financial statements of organizations, with the exception of reporting budgetary organizations includes: balance sheet; financial performance report; appendices to them provided for by regulations.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of sources of equity funds of Jupiter LLC

To confirm the reliability of the organization’s financial statements, external users are provided with an audit report by organizations whose activities are subject to mandatory audit in accordance with the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”.

As part of the applications, commercial organizations provide: a statement of changes in capital, a statement of cash flows, explanations of the balance sheet and a statement of financial results.

In addition, commercial organizations can draw up an explanatory note, which can provide an assessment of the organization’s business activity, the criteria of which are the breadth of markets for products, including the availability of export supplies, the reputation of the organization; the degree of implementation of the plan, ensuring the specified growth rates; level of efficiency in the use of the organization's resources, etc. Disclosure in the explanatory note of data on the dynamics of the most important economic and financial indicators of the organization over a number of years, characteristics of future capital investments, ongoing economic activities and other information, allows to increase the interest of possible users of the annual financial statements. Since at present, accounting information is more aimed at satisfying the interests of external users, including providing more detailed information to shareholders.

The formation of accounting (financial) reporting indicators in compliance with the principles of completeness and reliability should be based on compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating its composition, content, procedure for compilation and presentation, and disclosure of information of public organizations. The accuracy of the assessment of the organization as a property complex, the determination of the level of solvency, dependence and autonomy, as well as the adoption of management decisions by users and financial well-being economic entity.

The rules for the preparation and presentation of accounting (financial) statements, as well as the composition of its indicators, are regulated at the legislative level. Currently, in the system of regulatory regulation of accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements, there are four levels: legislative, regulatory, methodological and organizational (Fig. 2).

First-level documents reflect the mandatory rules and principles of accounting for all business entities. Main normative document regulating accounting is Federal Law No. 402 FZ “On Accounting”. Second-level documents establish the basic principles of accounting for individual sections (For example, PBU 6/01, PBU 5/01, etc.). Documents of the third level are advisory in nature and are developed on the basis of documents of the first and second levels (Chart of accounts for financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its use). Fourth level documents are developed by the organization independently.

Rice. 2. Regulatory regulation of accounting and accounting (financial) reporting in Russia

The requirements for maintaining accounting records and preparing accounting (financial) statements are mandatory for all organizations, regardless of ownership and legal forms. The main requirements for accounting (financial) reporting are:

1. Accounting for obligations, property and business transactions of organizations is carried out in the currency of the Russian Federation - rubles.

2. Property that is the property of an organization is accounted for separately from the property of other legal entities owned by this organization.

3. Accounting is maintained continuously from the moment of registration of the entity as legal entity before reorganization or liquidation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. The organization maintains accounting records of property, liabilities and business transactions by double entry on interconnected accounting accounts included in the working chart of accounts.

5. Compliance with the equality of analytical accounting data with turnover and synthetic accounting balances on the first day of each month.

6. Conducting an inventory of assets and liabilities.

Thus, reliably compiled accounting (financial) statements are necessary tool to manage the organization’s activities and strengthen its financial position, increase sustainability.

Bibliographic link

Lytneva N.A., Shklovets E.S. COMPOSITION AND PURPOSE OF ACCOUNTING (FINANCIAL) REPORTING // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. – 2016. – No. 10-2. – P. 315-319;
URL: (access date: 09/10/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The signed annual financial statements are subject to revision if, after signing but before approval, a significant error from the previous reporting year is discovered.

Reporting to the Pension Fund for the quarter of 2015

Due to the fact that companies submit a single reporting form to the Pension Fund, it is safer to follow the recommendations of Article 8 of Law No. 27-FZ. Article 8 of Law No. 27-FZ states that in the number of employees, performers under civil contracts, for whose remuneration insurance premiums were calculated, must also be taken into account. That is, if the number of employees in a company in 2014 was 25 people, it must submit a report in electronic form. Otherwise, she faces a fine of 200 rubles.

Determination of net asset value in 2015

New Order determining the value of net assets was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 28, 2014 N 84n. The document came into force on November 4, 2014. The procedure for determining the value of net assets was adopted, among other things, in accordance with clause 3 of Art. 35 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ and clause 2 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law of 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ. These standards note that the value of the company's net assets is determined based on accounting data in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

If, after sending the report, a negative report came from the tax office

The log states: “XSD schema file not found.” This error is due to incorrect processing of files by the Federal Tax Service. If the deadline has not yet arrived, please resubmit the report. But let's say the target date is behind. Then check the availability of the declaration in the inspection database through the ION or in person. If your declaration is not available, be sure to notify the Federal Tax Service about this in writing. Attach the special operator's report on sending the report to your request. In such a situation, inspectors should not issue a fine.

Preparation of simplified financial statements by a company

Companies that are small businesses (hereinafter referred to as small enterprises), which include simplified organizations, have the right to draw up only two forms - a balance sheet and a statement of financial results. It is enough to give the indicators in them in general, without detailing (clause 6 of order No. 66n). However, clarification may be necessary if simplified reporting forms do not contain important information and do not allow an assessment of the company's financial position. This was stated in a letter from the Russian Ministry of Finance dated April 3, 2012. No. 03-02-07/1–80.

Closing the year: balance sheet reformation

Before moving directly to the closing of the year, you need to make sure that all documents are submitted to the accounting department and all financial and economic transactions are reflected in the accounting accounts. Only an inventory can provide complete confidence that the accounting records reflect all the assets and liabilities of the organization. Let us remind you that before preparing annual reports it is necessary to carry out an inventory. According to Art. 11 of Federal Law N 402-FZ, assets and liabilities are subject to inventory, which identifies the actual presence of the relevant objects and compares them with data from accounting registers.

We submit reports: by mail, on a flash drive, on paper, via TKS

Tax reporting on telecommunication channels must be submitted by those companies whose average number of employees per year is more than 100 people. All organizations with an average number of employees of more than 50 people must send calculations for insurance premiums electronically. Accordingly, if the organization has exactly 50 people on staff, it will have to report to the Pension Fund electronically. But other companies have the right to choose one of four methods for submitting declarations and settlements: by mail, in electronic form on a CD or flash drive, in in paper form(including you can print a reporting form with barcodes), via telecommunication channels. Below are details about each delivery method.

We present personalized reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using new forms

Insurance premiums calculated at the additional rate are used to finance the insurance part of the labor pension, and to replenish the joint part of it. Such amounts are not reflected in the general part of the individual personal account of the insured person. But the management of the Fund still considered it advisable to receive information on the accrued amounts of payments and rewards for each insured person who has the right to early assignment of an old-age pension. In connection with this, Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of January 28, 2013 N 17p, amendments were made to Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of 07/31/2006 N 192p, which approved Forms of documents for individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and Instructions for filling them out.

Simplified accounting (financial) reporting for small businesses

The trend toward a simplified procedure for presenting financial statements for small businesses was identified in Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 N 66n “On the forms of financial statements of organizations.” Only the balance sheet and profit and loss account were included in the annual reporting of these entities. After the release of Law N 402-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/17/2012 N 113н introduced amendments to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07/02/2010 N 66н, in particular, new forms of balance sheet and profit and loss statement for small businesses were presented, which are necessary apply starting from reporting for 2012

Advances in balance with or without VAT

Financiers traditionally express their point of view on some of the nuances of preparing financial statements in annual recommendations for conducting an audit of annual financial statements. The most recent of them - on the audit of financial statements for 2012 - were sent by Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01/09/2013 N 07-02-18/01. But, perhaps, never before has the opinion of officials caused so much excitement and controversy - and on several positions at once. And one of them was precisely the instructions on the procedure for assessing debt for advances paid and received (advance payment). The essence of the requirements of the specialists of the financial department is that the balances of outstanding advances and prepayments must be reflected in the balance sheet minus the corresponding amounts of VAT. The point of the financiers' proposal is to “collapse” the amounts of advances and prepayments and the VAT amounts related to them. In other words, subtract from the balance of received (“unprocessed”) advances and prepayments the corresponding VAT that was charged on these receipts in order to obtain a “net” accounts payable in terms of advances and prepayments received.

1. All organizations are required to prepare financial statements based on synthetic and analytical accounting data. 2. Accounting statements of organizations, with the exception of the statements of budgetary organizations, as well as public organizations (associations) and their structural divisions that do not carry out entrepreneurial activities and do not have turnover in the sale of goods (works, services) except for disposed of property, consists of (paragraph as amended , put into effect on July 30, 1998 by Federal Law of July 23, 1998 N 123-FZ, - see the previous edition): a) balance sheet; b) profit and loss statement; c) appendices to them, provided for by regulations; d) an audit report or a conclusion of the audit union of agricultural cooperatives confirming the reliability of the organization’s financial statements, if in accordance with federal laws it is subject to mandatory audit or mandatory revision (subparagraph as amended, put into effect on November 19, 2006 by the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 N 183-FZ, - see previous edition); e) explanatory note. The composition of the financial statements of budgetary organizations is determined by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. For public organizations (associations) and their structural divisions that do not carry out entrepreneurial activities and do not have turnover in the sale of goods (works, services) other than disposed of property, a simplified composition of annual financial statements is established in accordance with Article 15 of this Federal Law (the paragraph is additionally included with July 30, 1998 Federal Law of July 23, 1998 N 123-FZ): 3. Forms of financial statements of organizations, as well as instructions on the procedure for filling them out, are approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Other bodies that regulate accounting approve, within their competence, the forms of financial statements of banks, insurance and other organizations and instructions on the procedure for filling them out, which do not contradict the regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. 4. The explanatory note to the annual financial statements must contain essential information about the organization, its financial position, comparability of data for the reporting and preceding years, valuation methods and significant items of the financial statements.

The explanatory note must report facts of non-application of accounting rules in cases where they do not allow a reliable reflection of the property status and financial results of the organization, with appropriate justification. Otherwise, non-application of accounting rules is considered as evasion of their implementation and is recognized as a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting.

In the explanatory note to the financial statements, the organization announces changes in its accounting policy for the next reporting year. 5. Accounting statements are signed by the head and chief accountant (accountant) of the organization. The accounting statements of organizations in which accounting is maintained by a centralized accounting department, a specialized organization or a specialist accountant are signed by the head of the organization, centralized accounting department or a specialized organization or by a specialist accountant conducting accounting. 6. Accounting statements are compiled, stored and presented to users of financial statements in the prescribed form on paper media. If there are technical capabilities and with the consent of users of the financial statements specified in Article 15 of this Federal Law, the organization may submit financial statements in electronic form in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (the clause was additionally included on April 13, 2002 by Federal Law of March 28, 2002 N 32-FZ).

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