
Step-by-step preparation for colonoscopy. Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy. What to choose: medications, enemas or colon hydrotherapy

Colonoscopy can give a positive result, provided that recommendations regarding preliminary preparation are followed, carried out by analogy with the cleansing methods that precede x-ray and endoscopic examination methods. Without preparation, the results may not correspond to reality.

Preparing for a colonoscopy is a must!

There are two stages to go through:

  1. a slag-free diet is a prerequisite, without which it is impossible to get the right results;
  2. intestinal cleansing, carried out in various ways.

The preparatory stages should be completed in advance; you should not postpone diet and cleansing until the day of the procedure.

Residue-free diet before colonoscopy

The most common questions that arise when discussing a slag-free diet: what foods can be consumed, and what should be avoided without fail?

The category of waste foods includes foods that result in bulky stools and bloating. These products must be abandoned 3 days before the examination. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • fresh vegetables (carrots, white cabbage, onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, radishes, beets);
  • millet, pearl barley, oatmeal;
  • greens (spinach, sorrel);
  • legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils);
  • nuts;
  • black bread;
  • berries (raspberries, gooseberries)
  • fruits (apples, dates, oranges, apricots, peaches, grapes, raisins, bananas, tangerines);
  • kvass, carbonated products;
  • milk.

The following products can be consumed:

  • fermented milk products;
  • lean fish, beef, poultry;
  • bakery products made from wholemeal flour.

The last meal of the day before the procedure can be no later than 12-00. You can drink plain and mineral water, tea. For dinner - exclusively tea. On the day of the colonoscopy, you can have breakfast only with liquid.

Enema for colonoscopy

Thorough cleansing of the intestines is a prerequisite, without which it is impossible to achieve positive result. Until recently, the most common method was enemas. Many patients prefer this method to this day.

How to do enemas correctly?

Proper cleansing through enemas involves two stages:

  1. in the evening preceding the day of the procedure;
  2. in the morning before the colonoscopy.

In the evening, two cleansing procedures will be performed, at approximately 19-00 and 20-00, or the time will be shifted by several hours, depending on the patient’s daily routine. The minimum enema volume is 1.5 liters; intestinal lavage must be carried out until clean water.

To enhance the effect, you can take laxatives. For example, before washing, take 100 ml of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, 40 - 60 g of castor oil. It is recommended to take the funds before 16-00. In the morning, the enema is also done twice: 7-00, 8-00.

The cleansing procedure through enemas has its pros and cons. The indisputable advantages of the method are its simplicity and minimal costs. The disadvantages of this method include inconvenience; it is quite difficult to carry out the procedure without outside help: it is necessary to control the flow of fluid and retain it in the intestines for a certain period of time.

Patients who have problems with cracks in the rectal mucosa or hemorrhoids should be careful when using enemas; there is a high probability of injury from the tip.

IN lately It is practiced to use a more gentle method of cleansing: special laxatives, which are recommended to be taken according to certain regimens.

Fortrans drug for preparation for colonoscopy

The effect of the drug Fortrans is to cleanse the intestines without absorption into gastrointestinal tract, the product is removed unchanged. Preparation is extremely simple: a packet of product is diluted in 1 liter of water. For 20 kg of patient’s body weight - 1 liter of solution. There are two methods of using the solution:

  • The drug is taken in the evening, starting from 15-00, 1 glass, at intervals of 1 hour;
  • Half of the solution is taken in the evening, the rest in the morning.

The last time you should take Fortrans is 3-4 hours before the examination. The drug is intended directly for the cleansing stage preceding X-ray, endoscopic examinations, and operations on the colon.

Preparation with Duphalac

Duphalac belongs to the category of laxatives, is characterized by a mild effect on the body and effectively cleanses the intestines. 2 hours after the dietary lunch, the drug is started. 200 ml of the drug is diluted in 2 liters of water, the entire solution should be drunk within 2-3 hours. The drug begins to act after 1-3 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. The main advantage of Duphalac is its gentle action, eliminating pain for the patient.

Preparation with Flit

Flit is a drug that appeared relatively recently, its popularity is rapidly growing, the effectiveness of the drug on own experience Many patients were convinced.

Rules for preparation using the drug Flit

  • Take in two doses.
  • 45 ml of the product is diluted in half a glass of water and consumed immediately after breakfast;
  • the second dose (45 ml) - in the evening after a diet dinner.
  • If the patient has time, you can take another dose in the morning on the day of the examination, no later than 8-00.
  • Breakfast and dinner should include only 1 glass of water.
  • Lunch should be dietary and include no more than 750 ml of water.
  • Each dose of Flit should be taken with 1-3 glasses. cold water, after taking the drug, the liquid can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
  • Fleet begins to act approximately 30 minutes after administration.

Choosing a cleansing method

Modern medications designed to prepare for colonoscopy have many advantages compared to enemas, this has been confirmed by patients and doctors.

Regardless of which method of cleansing you prefer, the main thing is to follow the recommendations regarding the sequence of procedures and the volume of liquid.

Only high-quality cleansing can give results that are beyond doubt. The choice of cleansing method depends on several factors:

  • Experience in performing enema procedures. If you plan to carry out the procedure yourself for the first time, it is better to refuse and give preference modern methods, excluding injury. If you have sufficient experience, you do not have to abandon the usual method of cleansing.
  • Convenience of using modern drugs. The choice of a modern drug depends on the patient’s personal preferences and the characteristics of his body. Fortrans involves taking a large amount of liquid, this can cause a gag reflex and nausea. and Duphalac are drugs with which preparation begins in the evening; accordingly, the patient must have sufficient free time. Flit is taken on the day of administration, the drug takes effect after a short period of time.

Each drug has contraindications, products intended for cleansing are no exception. Fleet and Duphalac are strictly forbidden to be taken during pregnancy or by diabetics. Castor oil should not be taken by patients suffering from gallstone disease.

Approximate cost of preparation

The most affordable method that does not require material costs is an enema. also has a low cost. Duphalac and Fortrans are more expensive, but the ease of use and effectiveness of the drugs fully justify the cost.

There is another drug that is in quite high demand - Lavacol. It should be noted that currently most clients prefer Fortrans. Before preparing for a colonoscopy, it is recommended to seek qualified advice from the doctor who will perform the procedure, especially if the patient has no experience in cleansing the intestines; it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that be sure to consult with the doctor who prescribes the examination for you () - he will certainly recommend the most suitable way for you to prepare for the procedure.

You can see how a colonoscopy is performed in the video:

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Fortrans belongs to the group of laxatives used as an emergency and effective cleansing of the intestines from feces, including stagnant deposits. In clinical practice, Fortrans is widely used before invasive diagnostic procedures and before surgery. The appropriateness of use is determined solely by the doctor based on the patient’s clinical history, his age, the need for anesthesia and other criteria.

Colon cleansing before colonoscopy with Fortrans - main indications for use

Fortrans powder is recommended for cleansing all parts of the intestines from feces if necessary in preparation for operations and various diagnostic studies: endoscopic examinations, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy.

The main indications for use are::

  1. Preparing for surgery for hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps of any location (how quickly polyps grow in the intestines);
  2. Manipulative diagnostics: sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy;
  3. Emergency bowel cleansing before other interventions;
  4. Preventive bowel cleansing after surgery.

Many patients use Fortrans when trying to lose weight, but the risks of dehydration remain. Cleansing the intestines with the powdered drug Fortrans in one procedure is much more effective than repeated enema cleansing.

Please note! After the medical cleansing procedure, doctors recommend taking a course of probiotics, eubiotics and lactobacilli to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Analogues and comparative characteristics

Considering some contraindications, special instructions and the likelihood of side effects, Fortrans is not suitable for all categories of patients. In this case, analogues of drugs are used, the differences of which lie not only in the manufacturer, but also in the dosage of the main component, the degree of similarity of pharmacological properties.

Several main groups are known with a laxative effect on the intestinal muscles:

  • Based on macrogol (Fortrans, Realaksan, Endofalk);
  • Based on lactulose (Portalak, Duphalac syrup);
  • Based on a salt component (Microlax, Picoprep, Moviprep).

Other similar drugs are Tranzipeg, Osmogol, Lavacol, which contain macrogol in different dosages. The choice in favor of analogues may also be caused by the price aspect, which is taken into account when prescribing the drug before a colonoscopy.

Fortrans is a powdered laxative that is effective and available for use at home.

Endofalk and Fortrans

When comparing both drugs, it should be noted that they are similar in terms of active component and effectiveness. The main therapeutic component is macrogol. Endofalk contains macrogol 3350 (polyethylene glycol) - 52 g, Fortrans contains a little more active substance - macrogol 4000 in a volume of 64 g. The drugs are sold from pharmacy chains in powder form.

Both drugs act only on the gastrointestinal tract; the components are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and have no effect on other organs and tissues.

Attention! Medicines to cleanse the intestines should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, without a doctor’s prescription.


Moviprep contains macrogol 3350 in a volume of 100 g, while Fortrans contains macrogol 4000. In the second case, a longer therapeutic effect is provided, especially if it is planned for the evening.

The use of Fortrans with prolonged use or exceeding the dose often provokes in patients:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • hemorrhages in the sigmoid colon segment;
  • local reactions in the form of skin itching, redness.

When taking Fortrans, you need to drink 4 liters of liquid, and in the case of Moviprep, only 2 liters. In the second case, the problem with the unpleasant taste was solved with the help of a sweetener.

If you have the opportunity to choose between drugs, then the choice should be given to Moviprep. It is easier to tolerate and can be washed down with sweet fruit juice and water.

Note: Moviprep is ideal for patients with reduced renal clearance and reduced glomerular filtration rate (signs of renal failure). If the gag reflex is poorly developed and there is no complicated clinical history, then you can choose Fortrans.


If Fortrans is based on a synthetic component, then the active substance of Duphalac is lactulose - a substrate substance for normal microflora. As a result of fermentation, the substance breaks down into organic acids, helping to reduce acidity in the intestines and thereby changing osmotic pressure. Peristalsis of the rectum increases, stool softens and passes freely during bowel movements.

When taking laxatives, fluid is washed out of the body, so it is not recommended to use them for more than 3-4 days. During use, it is important to take plenty of fluids to restore water-salt balance and eliminate the risk of dehydration.

Many patients falsely mistake the loss of fluid from the body for weight loss and use this method in the future. However, when taken, only liquid is lost, and not extra pounds, leading to serious consequences if used uncontrolled.

How to prepare with Fortrans at home?

The main advantage of Fortrans is the availability and possibility of colon cleansing before colonoscopy at home.

Patients should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not take drugs such as Loperamide, Imodium, Lopedium, which harden the stool;
  • Avoid using fiber, which retains water in the body;
  • Patients with a history of diabetes should not fast.

On the eve of a colonoscopy, preparation is important for a reliable assessment of the diagnostic study, as well as to eliminate errors in the presence of old feces in the intestinal lumens.

Patients with constipation should prepare for the procedure several days in advance.

How to take the drug if the procedure is in the morning?

If a colonoscopy is scheduled for the morning, then patients need to follow the following schedule:

  • Fortrans solution is used during the previous day;
  • The last meal should be no later than 15.00 the previous day;
  • The last bowel movement should be clear water.

After the colonoscopy examination, you can have breakfast or lunch with slimy porridge or soup. Then you can return to your usual diet.

How to prepare if a colonoscopy is at lunchtime (at 12 noon or later)?

If the procedure for examining the intestinal lumens occurs during the day at lunchtime, then the instructions for use will be as follows:

  • The drug is taken in two stages to enhance the effectiveness of intestinal lavage;
  • The day before, you should start drinking the drink with the powder from 14 to 17 hours of the drug in small doses;
  • In the morning, cleansing should be repeated until absolutely clear water without admixture of feces;
  • Before the lunch procedure, it is important to repeat the therapeutic cleansing no later than 6 am.

This is important! If the patient is suffering diabetes mellitus, then a light breakfast and a second breakfast are allowed so that insulin replacement therapy can fully work without compromising the patient’s health.

Reception regimen in the afternoon after 16 hours

If the procedure is scheduled for the afternoon, then on the eve of the examination you must take a full lunch no later than 15.00. The morning before the examination, have a light breakfast, and for lunch you need to drink jelly or a simple soup. Between 8.00 and 10.00 pm you need to take a portion (2 packets diluted in 2 liters of water) of the drug.

On the morning of surgery or colonoscopy, you must take another dose of the drug (2 sachets). To enhance the effect, it is recommended to perform cleansing enemas for several days before a colonoscopy examination.

If patients do not have diabetes, then, if possible, a fasting day should be organized to fully cleanse the intestines.

How to take the drug correctly before a colonoscopy with anesthesia?

Anesthesia for colonoscopy is a determining factor in compliance with a special diet and preparation. Deep cleansing of the intestines with Fortrans begins two days before the procedure. On the eve of the examination, the last meal should be no later than 16.00.

The procedure with anesthesia should be performed on an empty stomach to avoid negative reactions.:

While taking the drug, you should maintain a drinking regime and consume about 2 liters of liquid per day. The end of cleansing procedures should occur before clear, watery stools.

In case of diabetes mellitus, anesthesia can be replaced with local anesthesia to preserve the ability to take food and insulin.

Diet - is it possible to eat before the procedure after taking the drug?

An important aspect of colon cleansing therapy is nutrition. Patients should follow a diet that will further help cleanse the intestines.

Perfect fit:

  • steamed fish
  • buckwheat or rice,
  • low-fat kefir,
  • jelly with minimal sugar content.

For drinking, you should use clean water, avoiding juices, rich compotes or fruit drinks.

It is better to limit yourself to breakfast the previous day:

  • slimy dairy-free porridge,
  • low-fat yogurt,
  • green tea with crackers.

You can eat low-fat cottage cheese throughout the day. All day before the colonoscopy diagnosis, it is recommended to eat low-fat broths, tea, boiled water and crackers.

Important! If the procedure is scheduled for morning, lunch or evening, then the nutritional principle is identical. All meals should be stopped no later than 16.00 the previous day.

What can you drink besides Fortrans?

During preparation, patients are advised to drink enough fluids. Considering that the solution itself is prepared in 4 liters of water and it must be drunk all, then clean water is drunk in small sips in the intervals between using the solution. Drinking allows you to soften stool and smoothly remove it from the intestines with regular bowel movements.

How to take the drug so as not to feel sick?

Fortrans does not have a pleasant taste, so if the patient has a high vomiting reaction, severe nausea is possible. Unpleasant sensations provoke severe vomiting, and therefore the solution may either not work or lead to severe dehydration. To prevent dehydration, you can drink water in small sips.

For unbearable nausea, anti-nausea tablets prescribed by your doctor are suitable. A Motilium tablet will help.

It is effective to use a Fortrans solution on a bite with slices of orange, tangerine and other citrus fruits. This way you can slightly improve the taste of the drug and get rid of the negative consequences.

Colonoscopy requires serious preparation. The success and informativeness of the entire study depends 70% on the patient’s discipline. It is unacceptable to use the drug contrary to contraindications or special instructions in case of a burdened clinical history of the patient.

You can make an appointment with a doctor directly on our website.

Be healthy and happy!

Colon cleansing before colonoscopy is based on diet, laxatives and enemas. Despite the apparent simplicity and existence of detailed instructions for preparing for this examination, about 25% of patients come to the procedure insufficiently prepared.

What to do before a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method that allows you to visualize pathological processes in the mucous membrane of the large intestine. A high-quality examination depends on proper preparation, with the help of which you need to completely empty the colon.

Insufficient bowel cleansing for colonoscopy may result in missed colon disease and the need for repeat examination. As mentioned above, bowel cleansing is achieved through a special diet, laxatives and enemas.

What else needs to be done before a colonoscopy:

  • Tell your doctor about all medications you are taking. You should also ask your doctor about which ones you can take on the day of the examination.
  • Tell us about any allergies to medicines, including anesthetics.
  • Tell your doctor if you have bleeding disorders or are taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications.
  • If a person has undergone an X-ray examination of the digestive tract over the past 4 days, you need to tell your doctor about it.
  • It is very important to disclose your pregnancy.

The doctor may advise the patient to stop taking aspirin or iron supplements 7-14 days before the colonoscopy. If you regularly take blood thinners, the person being examined should discuss the issue of discontinuing or continuing their use with a doctor.

If a patient has any questions about the need for a colonoscopy, its risks and methods, or the results of the examination, he should contact a specialist with them.

Since the examination is often carried out using anesthesia or medicated sleep, the person needs to make sure in advance that there is someone to take him home after the procedure. You need to cancel all your business and meetings for two days: the day before the study, when the bowel cleansing is performed, and the day when the colonoscopy will be performed.

How to cleanse the intestines?

Colon cleansing before colonoscopy using laxatives, enemas and diet - necessary condition quality survey.


Allowed and prohibited foods on a low fiber diet

Product type Authorized Products Prohibited Products
Dairy products Milk, sour cream, cream, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt Yogurt mixed with nuts, muesli, seeds, peeled fruit
Flour products Bread and flour products made from white flour (including buns, muffins, bagels, pasta), white rice, crackers, low-fiber cereals Brown rice

Whole grain breads, rolls, pasta and crackers

Whole grain or high-fiber cereals, including muesli, bran, and oatmeal.

Bread or other baked goods containing nuts or seeds.

Meat Chicken, turkey, lamb, lean pork, veal Tough meat with cartilage
Legumes No allowed All types of legumes
Fruits Fruit juices without pulp.

Ripe melons, peeled apricots and peaches.

Canned or cooked fruits without seeds or peels

Raw fruits with seeds, skins or membranes, including berries, pineapple, apples, oranges, watermelon.

Canned or cooked fruits with pits or peel.

Raisins and other dried fruits

Vegetables Canned or cooked vegetables without peeling, including peeled carrots, mushrooms, turnips, and asparagus.

Potatoes without peel.

Cucumbers without seeds or peel

Corn, potatoes with skin, tomatoes, cucumbers with seeds and skin, Brussels sprouts, green peas, beans, onions
Nuts, nut butters and seeds Peanut and almond butter Nuts, including peanuts, almonds, walnuts.

Seeds, including fennel, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Fats and oils Creamy and vegetable oil, margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressings without seeds and nuts Salad dressings with seeds and nuts
Soups Broth, consommé, liquid soups.

Milk and cream soup

Thick soups.

Bean or lentil soups, corn and pea soup

Desserts Custard, pudding, ice cream.

Jelly without fruit and purple or red dyes.

Cookies or cakes made from white flour, made without seeds, dried fruits or nuts


Any desserts with nuts or seeds, with red or purple dyes.

Cookies or cakes made with seeds, dried fruits and nuts

Drinks Coffee, tea, hot chocolate or cocoa.

Fruit juices without pulp, sparkling water

Fruit and vegetable juices with pulp.

Drinks with red or purple dye

Other products Sugar, salt, honey, syrup, lemon juice, eggs, fish and seafood Popcorn.

Jam, confiture.

Seasonings, olives.

The day before the colonoscopy, to cleanse the intestines, switch to a diet consisting only of clear liquids:

  • water;
  • tea and coffee without milk and cream;
  • clear light fruit juices without pulp;
  • drinks without red and purple dye;
  • clear broth made from chicken or vegetables.

Cannot be consumed:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • milk;
  • milkshakes;
  • orange and grapefruit juice;
  • tomato juice;
  • drinks with red or purple dye.

You should not eat or drink anything on the day of your colonoscopy.


Before a colonoscopy, doctors usually prescribe various laxatives to cleanse the intestines. Each of them has its own dosage regimen, which must be carefully followed.

Medications to cleanse the colon before a colonoscopy include:

  • Fortrans . One of the most frequently prescribed medications. It comes in a sachet that needs to be diluted in 1 liter of water. The dose for an adult is 1 liter of prepared solution per 20 kg of weight. A liter of diluted Fortrans should be consumed within 1-1.5 hours. Take this remedy to cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy in the evening, the day before the procedure.
  • Lavacol . Osmotic laxative drug. It is taken according to the instructions, 1 sachet per 5 kg of weight. The sachet should be dissolved in a glass of water, drinking from it every 15-20 minutes. To cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy, you should start taking it 18-20 hours before the examination.


Most often, enemas are used to prepare for colonoscopy when the patient is inpatient. To do this, you have to perform several enemas (to clean rinsing water) in the evening, the day before the colonoscopy, and in the morning, on the day of the colonoscopy. It is best to combine enemas with laxatives.

What can't you do?

Once you start cleansing your colon with laxatives, you should not stray too far from the restroom.

Colonoscopy is a highly informative and valuable method for examining the large intestine. However, the effectiveness of its implementation largely depends on the correct preparation of the person for the procedure. The main condition for a quality colonoscopy is cleansing the intestines with the help of laxatives, enemas and diet.

Useful video about preparing for a colonoscopy

The endoscopic diagnostic method called colonoscopy is the only one that allows you to examine the entire colon, visually determine the presence of ulcers, tumors, polyps, perform a biopsy, and remove the affected areas.

An important pre-stage of the examination is preparation for it; the accuracy of the final results depends on the degree of intestinal cleansing. Many experts recommend that patients refuse enemas for cleansing and give preference to medications, for example, Fortrans.

Preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans, if the procedure in the morning should be started in the afternoon, almost a day before the examination, this is very important point, allowing cleansing to be carried out correctly and without consequences.

Fibercolonoscopy: the essence of the procedure and preparation for it

Fibercolonoscopy or FCS is a medical examination method inner surface colon through an endoscope.

The FCS procedure is indicated for patients to diagnose and confirmation of the following pathological changes:

  • Suspicions of the formation of low-quality tumors, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Internal bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Polyposis;
  • The presence of such symptoms: causeless loss of body weight, pain of unknown etiology, anemia.

FCS is contraindicated in progressive ulcerative colitis, in order to avoid intestinal perforation.


The goal of preparation before the examination is to completely empty the intestines.

There are several diagnostic methods similar to colonoscopy, but distinctive feature fibrocolonoscopy is the ability to examine the entire large intestine, and not just the lower part as with sigmoidoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.

The main goal of preparation Before the examination, the bowels are clean and empty. Your doctor will tell you how to prepare for the FCS procedure correctly and safely.

Fortrans - description of the drug

Preparing for a colonoscopy examination with laxatives can begin after your doctor’s approval. Fortrans is one of the effective methods of thorough and painless bowel cleansing before examination or surgery.

– a laxative drug with an osmotic effect, based on macrogol. The medicine retains water in the body, significantly diluting and increasing the volume of its contents, thereby having a laxative effect. Fortrans is not absorbed from the intestines and does not penetrate the blood.

Release form– powder, 4 sachets in a package, 1 sachet of powder is designed for 15-20 kg. weight and 1 liter of clean water for dissolution.

The effect of the drug begins 1-2 hours after administration and can last up to 5 hours. Cleansing with Fortrans, if the procedure is in the morning, should begin in advance, namely the day before the colonoscopy examination.

Taking Fortrans is contraindicated and prohibited in the following cases:

  • Age under 15 years.
  • For intestinal diseases with damaged mucous membrane;
  • Use is strictly prohibited if intestinal obstruction is suspected;
  • In case of disturbance in the general health and condition of the patient.

Elderly people should prepare for examination with Fortrans with extreme caution and under medical supervision. Fortrans is approved for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, since it does not contain sugar.

The drug should not be used before colonoscopy or in combination with other medications, due to the slow absorption of drug components.

To avoid side effects and undesirable effects, before using the drug, you should consult a doctor, you should pay attention special attention The Fortrans dosage regimen must be read before cleansing.

Stages of preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans

Exactly following the instructions before cleansing eliminates side and unwanted effects.

Preparation for colonoscopy using Fortrans should begin the day before, if the procedure is in the morning. The last meal at lunch is exclusively liquid: broth, tea, water.

Step-by-step preparation is the main requirement before the procedure.

The regimen for taking Fortrans in case of morning colonoscopy is as follows:

  • Prepare a solution: dilute one sachet of powder with one liter of water. The finished drink is designed for 15-20 kg of weight, so a person weighing 60 kg. you should drink 3 liters of a similar solution;
  • It is not possible to easily drink one liter of solution at once, so it is recommended to drink Fortrans every 15-20 minutes, one glass, to reduce nausea, wash it down with juice, or eat it with lemon.
  • When to start the cleansing procedure will depend on the time of your last meal. If lunch was at 13:00, then the first dose of the solution should be taken two hours later.
  • You are only allowed to drink weak tea, juice, water after starting to take Fortrans; you cannot eat until the morning. A light breakfast is allowed in the morning before the colonoscopy.
  • You need to drink the entire required amount of Fortrans within 3-4 hours.
  • Taking Fortrans should be completed 4 hours before the start of the examination procedure.
  • It is important to take Fortrans correctly, according to the instructions, to avoid unwanted and unpleasant effects.
  • Promotion of diet and laxative.

The right tandem of a slag-free diet and taking Fortrans will help you effectively and painlessly cleanse the intestines and prepare for fibrocolonoscopy. Sample menu for a few days before the FCS procedure.

Day oneDay twoDay threeDay four
Steamed omelette, white bread sandwich with cheese and butter.Dairy-free Hercules porridge, boiled egg.Rice porridge with skim milk.Low-fat yogurt.
Light soup with noodles, a piece of boiled veal.Potato soup on vegetable broth, steam chicken cutlet.Turkey meatballs, light chicken broth.Vegetable or lean chicken broth, without vegetables and cereals.
Afternoon snack
Cottage cheese 0-5% with sour cream 10-15% fat.Biscuit, yogurt without additives.Kissel, cracker.Take the first dose of Fortrans.
Rice with a piece of boiled fish.Steamed fish cutlet, buckwheat porridge.Kefir, mashed potatoes.Take the last dose of Fortrans.

Other methods of cleansing, which method is better?

You can effectively cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy using other methods and means. How to replace Fortrans, you can find out from your doctor; other laxative medicines become analogues. Fortrans

EndofalkEnema Action The effect of Fortrans begins after 1-2 hours and can last up to 5-6 hours.It begins to act after about 1-1.5 hours and lasts up to 4-5 hours.An enema is given at least twice on the eve of the FCS procedure and once in the morning before a colonoscopy, the effect depends on the composition of the solution and the volume injected, on average it begins after 10-20 minutes. Contraindications Patients with acute gastrointestinal pathologies: obstruction, Crohn's disease, etc.
Children's age up to 15 years.Children under 18 years of age. Patients suffering from: erosions, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, gastric stenosis, intestinal perforation, etc.Cleaning with an enema is prohibited for patients suffering from hemorrhoids, ulcers, acute intestinal inflammation, and polyposis. Side effects At the beginning of use, nausea and vomiting may occur, then symptoms disappear, rarely: bloating, rash.Rarely: nausea, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, vomiting.Excessive use of the procedure leads to disruption of the normal balance of microflora. Advantages The solution has no effect on the intestinal mucosa and does not disturb the water-salt balance of the body.Tolerable taste qualities of the solutionCheap procedure. Flaws Large volume and specific taste of the solution.Possible side effects in the form of bloating, a large volume of drinking solution.The procedure is not the easiest when preparing for an examination.

After a complete diagnosis of the colon, the presence of damage can be determined and a biopsy can be performed.

Allows you to accurately diagnose intestinal diseases, primarily inflammatory, tumor, and scar changes. But this procedure is quite unpleasant for the patient and requires preparation of the large intestine. This article will discuss in detail how to prepare for an intestinal colonoscopy.

What is a colonoscopy and when is it prescribed?

Before figuring out how to prepare for a colonoscopy, you need to understand why this bowel examination is prescribed. The purpose of the examination is to identify pathologies of the intestinal wall, take a biopsy, perform minimally traumatic interventions, and remove colon polyps.

For the procedure, a special soft colonoscope is used, which is inserted into the anal hole and against intestinal peristalsis it moves up to the sigmoid colon. The device is equipped with a light bulb, a video camera and a set of tools for performing interventions on the walls of the large intestine.

Indications for colonoscopy are frequent intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain after surgery, intestinal discharge, blood or mucus in the stool, preparing the patient for gynecological operations. Since the colonoscopy procedure is quite informative, the list of indications for this procedure also includes suspicion of various diseases intestines.


Contraindications for colonoscopy are divided into absolute and relative. Absolute indications for examination are severe pathologies of the heart and lungs, conditions after acute myocardial infarction, peritonitis, perforation of the intestinal wall. If present, colonoscopy should be avoided.

Relative contraindications are diseases in which the procedure may adversely affect the patient’s condition, but colonoscopy is prescribed if necessary. Such conditions include the general serious condition of the patient, blood clotting disorders, improper bowel cleansing before the procedure, and intestinal bleeding.

Preparing for a colonoscopy plays an extremely important role in the procedure. Feces, flatulence and impaired peristalsis disrupt the examination, so bowel cleansing becomes fundamentally important. For this, laxatives, a special diet and regimen are prescribed.

Preparation for a colonoscopy begins 1-2 weeks before the procedure. To begin with, the patient is recommended to stop taking antidiarrheal and iron-containing medications. Secondly, you need to limit physical activity, thirdly, drink more water.

Three to four days before the procedure you must take a general analysis blood and urine to confirm the safety of the examination. Another important analysis is a coagulogram. It is also carried out before the study to make sure that there is no bleeding.

At the doctor’s appointment, it is necessary to tell about all the medications that the patient is taking. Some of them will have to be abandoned, since iron-containing drugs can give a false positive reaction when examining for occult blood, blood thinners can provoke bleeding during the test, and antidiarrheal drugs distort the visible result.

Menu: slag-free diet

Preparation for a colonoscopy involves prescribing a special slag-free diet 3-4 days before the examination. It includes drinking plenty of water and limiting foods that cause fermentation and flatulence. Also, 4-5 days in advance you need to give up foods that can damage the intestinal wall, for example, berries with seeds.

The patient should drink up to 3 liters of water or other liquid per day. Recommended drinks include fermented milk products, fruit juices diluted with water, and weak tea (black or green). You should not put sugar in tea, but you can eat 1 spoon of honey per day.

Before the examination, you can eat dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, veal, lean beef), lean fish, buckwheat or rice porridge(with water or milk), white bread, cottage cheese, some fruits are acceptable (as recommended by a doctor). The food before the examination should be easily digestible, the last meal should be in the evening of the day before the examination. On the day of the study, drinking water is allowed. large quantities, but 1-2 hours before the start of the procedure it must be stopped.

The diet for preparing for colonoscopy is called slag-free, since it involves excluding from it foods that form a large amount of feces and gases in the intestines.

It is necessary to exclude legumes, mushrooms, yeast baked goods, and carbonated drinks from the diet. Before a colonoscopy, you should not eat fatty foods or overeat. The amount of liquid consumed should be checked with a doctor - in some cases, restrictions are also imposed on water consumption.

Read more sample menu for 4 days

Colon cleansing - enema or laxative?

Colon cleansing – important stage preparation for colonoscopy. Fecal masses significantly complicate the examination of the intestines, and sometimes make it impossible. Therefore, they must be completely removed before the procedure. This can be done in two main ways - by performing a cleansing enema the evening before and in the morning before the test, or by taking laxatives. Both of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

The use of enema is the oldest and effective method removal of feces from the intestines. The procedure is carried out 4 times - 3 of them in the evening, 1 in the morning of the day when the manipulation is performed. This method of preparation is applicable only in a hospital. The first enema is given at approximately 7 pm. The second and third are placed with an interval of 1.5 hours. A morning enema completes the preparation process for a colonoscopy.

The essence of the procedure is that the patient is given 1.5 liters of warm water during each enema. The use of saline solutions is undesirable because they irritate the intestinal mucosa. In addition, the large amount of injected fluid and the complexity of the manipulation require mandatory hospitalization of the patient and create a risk of mucosal ruptures, therefore this method is gradually giving way to the use of laxatives.

Colon cleansing with laxatives can be done at home. This method is safer for the mucous membrane and does not cause damage or ruptures, which can lead to bleeding after completion of the procedure. In pharmacies you can buy several products designed to prepare for a colonoscopy. Before using each of them, you must carefully study the instructions. Drugs used to prepare for colonoscopy:

  • Fortrans;
  • Duphalac;
  • Flit.

The most popular remedy is Fortrans. It is used to prepare patients for rectal surgery and research. The method of use is quite simple - several sachets of the drug are dissolved in a large amount of water at the rate of 1 sachet per 1 liter. A liter of the finished product should be per 20 kg of the patient’s body weight. Simply put, a person weighing 60 kg requires 3 liters of ready-made solution..

You can take Fortrans gradually during the day before the procedure or drink half in the evening, the other half in the morning. In this case, colonoscopy is recommended only 3 hours after taking the medicine. The laxative effect of the Fortrans solution ensures the gradual removal of feces from the intestines.

Two more popular solutions for preparing for colonoscopy are Duphalac and Flit. Duphalac is medicinal product in the form of an emulsion in a bottle. It should be taken by diluting the contents of the bottle in 2 liters of water. It is recommended to drink it a day before a colonoscopy; in the morning of the same day when the study is carried out, it will not have time to have the desired effect.

Flit's technique is somewhat less convenient. The drug is taken in two doses - morning and evening (or vice versa, depending on what time the examination is scheduled for). In addition, it is necessary to drink as much fluid as possible, and the diet becomes even more strict - after taking Fleet, it is advisable to only drink and replace food with broth.

Features of preparation at home and in the hospital

Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy can be carried out both at home and in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. The decision on the possibility of one or another preparation option is also made by the doctor after preliminary diagnostic procedures. Diet is an integral stage of the procedure in any case.

The advantages of training in a hospital are that it occurs under the supervision of a doctor who can always explain the intricacies. It is easier for a specialist to monitor how well the patient is following a diet, choose a method of cleansing the intestines - an enema or taking solutions (most often Fortrans), notice and respond in time to a deterioration in the patient’s condition (for example, after an enema).

But such preparation takes time - the patient needs to take sick leave not only for a few hours of the study, but also for the next few days before it, and possibly after it, if any risks are identified.

At home, patients usually prefer to take medications rather than undergo enemas. But it should be remembered that preparation in familiar conditions takes time. The effect of laxatives will not allow you to lead an active lifestyle, and the patient will need to go to the toilet every 2-3 hours. But in general, this method allows you to save the patient’s nerves and continue to work (with a few exceptions) during preparation.


The colonoscopy procedure takes no more than an hour, but can detect many intestinal diseases. Proper preparation for it is an important part of the study, allowing you to make the result reliable.

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