
How to make a stove from an iron barrel. Vladimir Knurov: “Bubafonya” is a miracle stove made from a barrel. Barrel stove for a greenhouse, application options

» today we will look at detailed instructions to create a simple oven from 200 liter barrel with your own hands for heating a garage, industrial premises, country house or heating the water in the pool. This stove was made directly for heating the garage, as well as heating the water in the pool due to a system of pipes and a coil, the stove is portable, that is, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Making a stove from a barrel is not so difficult, especially since today you can buy a kit for a potbelly stove, which includes a door, legs, and a chimney base with an adjustable damper. Or do everything yourself, which will be much cheaper and more economical.

You will need an empty 200 liter barrel, a technological hole is made in the front end part for installing a firebox, and in the upper part we make a hole for the base of the chimney with a damper. It is necessary to place a grate inside, and for a longer service life of the metal, you can line the lower part with refractory bricks, or ordinary red ceramic (in the absence of the former). The legs can be made stationary, removable, or you can come up with a separate frame.


  1. 200 liter barrel
  2. set: door, chimney base with damper, legs
  3. fire brick
  4. grate
  5. pipe


  1. Angle grinder (grinder)
  2. drill
  3. screwdriver
  4. hammer
  5. ruler and marker

Step-by-step instructions for creating a stove from a 200 liter barrel.

You can use a ready-made, commercially available kit for barrel stoves, or do it yourself.
Today, a 200 liter barrel can be purchased for little money, or you can get it somewhere through someone you know.
Using an angle grinder (grinder), we cut a hole in the end part for installing the firebox door.
A chimney base with an adjustable damper is installed at the top of the barrel.
The intensity of combustion is regulated by a damper like this.
It is advisable to paint the stove with heat-resistant paint for stoves or automotive paint for manifolds. The main thing is that it can withstand high temperatures. Also, a painted stove looks aesthetically pleasing and does not rust.
Inside the furnace you should make a grate from fittings or pipes, steel mesh.
It is best to line the bottom of the furnace with refractory bricks, this way the metal will last much longer and will not burn out.
A neatly painted stove looks quite solid; you can make a stand or frame for it, so the room will warm up much faster.
A stove made from a 200 liter barrel can also be used to heat water in a pool, for which it is necessary to make several turns metal pipe around the body of the barrel and loop with the pool. The water will circulate naturally through the pipe and warm up. In this simple way you can make a simple oven from a 200 liter barrel with your own hands. We hope the material presented was useful to you. Thank you for your attention!

Homemade stove from a 200 liter metal barrel: drawings, stove diagram, photo and video. A barrel stove can be used for heating garages, work spaces, greenhouses and other premises.

A standard 200 liter metal barrel has a height of 860 mm, a diameter of 590 mm and a weight of 20 - 26 kg.

The dimensions of the barrel are almost ideal for making a stove from it, the only caveat is the thin walls of the barrel 1 - 1.5 mm, which will quickly burn out from the high temperature. As an option, the inside of the firebox can be lined with refractory bricks.

To make a stove you will need:

  • Two 200 liter barrels.
  • Oven door.
  • Grate bars.
  • Sheet metal, angles and rods.
  • Chimney pipe.
  • Fire brick.
  • Grinder with cutting wheel.
  • Welding machine.
  • Electric drill.

Stove from a 200 liter barrel: diagram.

Using a grinder, we cut off the top of the barrel and cut out a side opening for the fire door.

Using a welding machine, we weld the combustion door to the barrel. At a height of 20 cm from the bottom of the barrel, we install grates for ash.

You can make a separate door under the ash pan; by opening it slightly, you can adjust the draft force in the oven.

To prevent the metal walls of the barrel from burning out over time, you need to lay out inner surface fireboxes with refractory bricks. To fit the bricks more tightly, we file them with a grinder.

To lay the chimney labyrinth, you need to weld crossbars from the corners for bricks.

The bricks are laid out on the kiln mortar. The composition of the oven mortar is 1 part clay to 2 parts sand, the mixture is mixed with a minimum amount of water until it reaches a very thick consistency.

The thickness of masonry joints should not exceed 5 mm.

To increase the heat transfer of the stove, you can install another barrel on top. You need to make a hole in the barrel for the chimney and weld a piece of pipe under the chimney.

The chimney will have to be periodically cleaned of soot, so it is better to make it collapsible, I recommend reading the article - how to make a chimney for a potbelly stove.

Hello to all craft lovers, summer has come to an end, you need to think about how to heat yourself and the room in winter. As one of simple options I suggest you consider simple design ovens made from a metal barrel. Despite the fact that the barrel is made of thin metal, it does not burn out, since the firebox is located separately and it is in it that combustion occurs at a high temperature. The interesting thing is that the stove has a vertical loading firebox, and you can even heat the stove with fuel pellets. If you are interested in a homemade product, I suggest you study the project in more detail!

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- barrel with a lid;
- sheet steel;
- piece square pipe for the firebox;
- chimney (from a hardware store);
- heat-resistant paint.

List of tools:
- rivet gun;
- Bulgarian;
- welding machine;
- drill;
- tape measure, marker.

Furnace manufacturing process:

Step one. Upper part
The whole essence of making a stove comes down to one single part, which is installed in the lid. This part contains a pipe for installing a chimney, and there is also a firebox here.

We cut out the base for the part from sheet steel, cut out holes in it for the firebox and smoke pipe.

The firebox is made from a piece of square pipe large diameter, the edge of the pipe is cut, bent and welded to form a grid that will hold firewood, pellets or other fuel. The firebox is then welded into the sheet steel base.

As for the smoke pipe, to obtain the desired diameter, the pipe can be made from a steel plate. We simply make a series of cuts, bend the plate into a ring and weld. We also make holes in the barrel lid in the appropriate places.

Step two. Painting and assembly
To paint a barrel, you need to remove old paint, the author decided to light his stove, it works great, but the body of the stove did not heat up to such a temperature that the paint could burn. As a result, the author put firewood directly into the barrel and calcined it well. After firing, the paint can be easily removed using a grinder and a wire brush. Well, then we paint the barrel with heat-resistant paint.

The stove can be assembled; we attach the part with the firebox and smoke pipe to the lid using rivets or screws with nuts. We install the lid itself on the barrel. After this, the oven will be almost ready.

Step three. Finalization
As a modification, a dividing partition needs to be installed inside the barrel so that the hot gases reach the base and heat the entire body of the furnace. The partition is made of sheet steel and is removable.

Also, as a decoration, you can drill out a symbol or inscription that will glow in the dark when the stove is burning.

Stoves – practically free or very cheap material, and at the same time they can make large stoves, including long-burning ones.

Manufacturing progress.

First we delete top part barrels, then cut through the side for the door.

We take welding and attach the door of the future stove. We measure 200 mm from the bottom and install grate bars.

It is advisable to install another door under the ash pan to control the draft.

You will need fire bricks to protect the walls. We lay them out from the inside.

For the chimney bricks, we install the structure as in the figure below.

The bricks are laid out on the kiln mortar. The composition of the oven mortar is 1 part clay to 2 parts sand, the mixture is mixed with a minimum amount of water until it reaches a very thick consistency.

The thickness of masonry joints should not exceed 5 mm.

To increase the heat transfer of the stove, you can install another barrel on top. You need to make a hole in the barrel for the chimney and weld a piece of pipe under the chimney.

Two barrel oven

One of the highest quality barrel stoves made with my own hands, based on the large capacities available to us. The stove for kindling wood consists of two barrels: one for 200 liters, the second for 100 liters. A certain novelty, which not everyone will think of, is the increase in heat transfer due to an additional container, the walls of which are heated by hot air rising up to the pipe. The fuel also burns out in the second barrel.

Stainless steel pipe made from exhaust from truck. The pipe is specially made curved to increase heat transfer into the room.

Looking at the previous video, the thought arises: what if you use the second additional barrel as an oven? The next model implements just such an opportunity!

Three-barrel cooking oven

The oven for outdoor cooking is made up of three barrels. In the video you will see how bread is baked in one of these barrels.

We made a stove for burning garbage at the dacha

Another stove for burning leaves and firewood in the country, and at the same time you can cook food on it. This oven is much simpler than those described above, but ease of manufacture in some cases is simply necessary, and this is its advantage.
There is a big advantage to burning waste in a barrel. It's convenient and safe. A domestic 200 liter barrel was used for the stove. Its top is cut off by 16 cm. Firewood is placed and lit in the ash pit, and then leaves are thrown over the top. The author made a special bottom for the firebox from reinforcement and a hoop from a barrel. The bottom is placed on protrusions-corners in order to bring the fire from the wood closer to the top of the stove. A lid with a pipe is placed on top. You can cook food.

A potbelly stove made from a 200 liter barrel can be installed in different rooms: in a garage, in a country house, in a warehouse, etc. Its main advantage is high speed heating It quickly heats the air in the room and cools just as quickly due to the properties of the metal body.


The most popular homemade model is considered to be a potbelly stove made from a barrel. Its manufacture and installation does not require expensive materials or special skills. It is designed so simply that you can easily assemble it with your own hands.

About the design

A homemade potbelly stove made from a barrel has a height of 89 cm, a diameter of 60 cm and a weight of 21 - 25 kg, has a solid hearth and a fairly high chimney. Used as fuel sawdust, shavings, dry firewood and fuel briquettes. Due to the rather thin metal walls and the height of the body, the efficiency of such a furnace does not exceed 15 - 20%.

The principle of its operation is quite simple: wood is placed in the firebox and ignited. When burning, wood releases large number thermal energy that is transferred to the body of the potbelly stove. The heated metal releases heat into the surrounding atmosphere and heats the room. The amount of heat increases due to the long chimney through which hot smoke moves to the street.

Expert opinion

Nikolay Davydov

Stove maker with 15 years of experience

For the correct flow of gas-dynamic processes in a potbelly stove made from a 200 liter barrel, the blower should be located as low as possible. Otherwise, the lower part will take a significant part of the thermal energy and redirect it to the ground. If you need to place the ashpit higher, you can wall up the lower part of the container with bricks.

Choosing a quality barrel

To make a potbelly stove, you can use any steel barrel used in the petrochemical, paint and varnish, chemical, and metallurgical industries for storing and transporting technical products:

    bulk - oils, solvents, paints, diesel fuel, sodium liquid glass;

    pasty - thick lubricants, bitumen;

    bulk - caustic soda, various plasticizers.

They are produced in two types - with an open and closed top; they also differ in the thickness of the bottom, lid and shell.

Any of these containers can be used as a potbelly stove if you first thoroughly clean and rinse its inner surface. However, the thinner the walls of the container, the faster they will burn out and the stove will fail. Therefore, for a potbelly stove you need to choose a product with a metal thickness of more than 2 mm.

Expert opinion

Nikolay Davydov

Stove maker with 15 years of experience

Well, the most best option- stainless steel barrel. High-alloy stainless steel is most resistant to high temperatures in the fuel combustion zone, which means that a stove made from it will serve for a longer period.

Additional materials

To build a heating device, in addition to the 200 liter metal barrel itself, you will need the following additional building materials and stove fittings:

    small steel sheet;

  • fireclay brick for a vertical model or a reflector for a horizontal one;

    a small piece of channel;

    steel pipes for the chimney;

    fittings for the grate;

    sand, clay for making mortar;

    asbestos cord;

    combustion door;

    blower door;

    basalt wool for chimney insulation.

Required Tools

To build a high-quality potbelly stove from a 200-liter barrel with your own hands, you need to prepare a minimum set of tools, consisting of:

    welding machine;

    grinders or hacksaws for metal;

    standard hammer, pliers and chisel;

    steel brush;

    drills with a set of drills;

    measuring instruments: tape measure, level and plumb line.

Personal protective equipment is also needed when welding: a protective mask, dielectric gloves, protective clothing made of thick fabric and closed shoes.

Manufacturing Instructions

During operation of the stove, its body heats up strongly, so such a heating apparatus must be placed on a monolithic fire-resistant surface. This could be a layer of concrete, asphalt concrete, a metal sheet, or just earth. The stove must have its own chimney; connecting the device to the chimney of other heating devices is prohibited.

There are two options for assembling such a furnace: with a horizontal and vertical arrangement of the barrel.

Vertical model

Vertical potbelly stove from a barrel

Scheme of a vertical potbelly stove made from a barrel

The manufacturing process of a vertical furnace model looks like this:

  1. Prepare an opening on the side surface of the barrel to allow loading of firewood;
  2. The door can be purchased in advance or a cut-out part of the wall can be adapted: hinges and a handle can be welded to it, making it convenient to close and open the combustion chamber;

    A little lower than the combustion door, cut another hole for mounting the blower door. To make the blower itself, a thick-walled pipe, cut lengthwise, is used. It should be able to move along the metal slats, but not be completely removed;

  3. At a height of 20 cm from the bottom of the container, install grate bars - a metal plate with holes or a welded cellular structure made of reinforcement. To fix them, use a regular steel corner.

    Option 1 - mesh grid

    Option 2 - fittings

  4. You need to weld metal legs at the bottom of the barrel or simply install the structure on bricks;

    Role hob will be made of steel wire, which can be welded to the top cover of the furnace;

    Brick lining (optional)

    To protect the walls of the container from burning, the inner surface of the firebox can be additionally lined with refractory bricks, giving it a semicircular shape using a grinder. Masonry should be carried out using a kiln mortar consisting of 1 part fatty clay and 2 parts sand. The mixture is made with a minimum amount of water and should have a thick consistency;

  5. Next we make a chimney (more details below).
  6. Hole under chimney with a diameter of at least 15 cm, cut out from the side of the container in its upper part (or side). The height of the pipe must be at least 4 m. When installing it, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

    It is advisable not to install the pipe strictly vertically; the presence of horizontal and inclined sections increases the amount of heat received, but the number of turns should not exceed 3 times;

    the bending angle should be 30 degrees, and only in exceptional cases reach 45 degrees;

    horizontally located chimney elements cannot be longer than 1 m;

    to prevent condensation, the part of the chimney facing the street should be insulated with basalt wool;

    To reduce the load on the device body, the chimney must be attached to the wall.

You can install a rotary or sliding valve on the chimney of a potbelly stove. Using this element, you can adjust the intensity of heated smoke removal and completely block the chimney during the period when the stove is not heated.

Horizontal model

The efficiency of a potbelly stove made from a 200 liter barrel will be higher if it is made and placed horizontally.

Potbelly stove from a barrel - horizontal version

Scheme of a horizontal potbelly stove made from a barrel

Algorithm of actions for horizontal placement capacity will be as follows:

Nikolay Davydov

Stove maker with 15 years of experience

You should not place flammable things near the stove, and when moving you should be careful of accidental contact open areas skin with its body to avoid burns. The room where the potbelly stove is installed should be well ventilated, at least naturally.

Features of operation

When operating the stove, it is necessary to alternate its lighting cycles, which include:

    fuel storage;

    ignition of the stove;

    direct combustion process with room heating;

    cleaning of ash products from the combustion and blower sections.

The most important stage is the placement of fuel, which must be placed in a certain order to facilitate the ignition process. First you need to put paper and thin dry firewood on the grate, light a fire and close the door.

Once the kindling material has ignited, larger logs can be added. Wood must be loaded carefully to prevent the fire from dying out. Once the wood has been fully loaded, the fire door must be closed tightly.

The draft in a potbelly stove can be adjusted by using a valve on the chimney or by slightly opening the ash door.

While the stove is burning, you must not touch its body to avoid getting burned.

To restore draft after a long period of burning, it is necessary to periodically disassemble the chimney and clean its elements from accumulated soot.


Potbelly stove - quite simple heating device, and it is for this quality that it is considered a brilliant invention. How to make a potbelly stove from a barrel can be understood from the instructions and you can build it yourself. A potbelly stove will bring considerable benefits: it will solve problems with heating outbuildings and country houses, remote from the central gas supply lines. In addition, it is easily transported and installed, and can be moved to another room if necessary.

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