
Why You Shouldn't Drink Protein. Should You Drink Protein? What proteins are better for girls to drink for weight loss

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Everyone knows that protein helps in the set muscle mass and in muscle retention while burning fat. Very often, people who are faced with this drug ask questions - is protein needed at all?

He, of course, is needed, but not for everyone, but for those who want to achieve sports and physical goals. But should you drink protein for those who just want to keep their body in an athletic state? It is about protein and - that's what will be discussed in our article.

What should be the dose of protein for maximum results?

Many do not know whether it is possible to drink protein at all? Or what is the best way to use it? But everyone consumes protein differently, and the options that we'll look at in this article may not always be ideal for you, but you can take protein in your own way. The main thing is that everything is correct.

What should be the dose of protein

First, we will deal with how much protein is needed. The dose itself depends on your weight. The more you weigh, the more the dose will be. In general, with a weight of 80 kilograms, it is advisable to take about 120 grams. protein throughout the day. But having settled on a specific dose, it will not be possible to change it until your weight changes. The dose itself will not depend on your training at all.

How to use protein for beginners?

You will need to stir the protein with water or milk. You can do it with juice too. The liquid and how much it will be there is completely unimportant. The main thing is that the liquid is not very hot, because when hot water this drug will lose all its properties. As for the daily dose, it should be divided into two separate doses. After all, the body may simply not absorb so much protein, and this dose will be in vain.

How to consume protein

Many people ask - is it possible to take protein during breakfast and lunch breaks and after the end of a workout? Our answer is even necessary, because it is during these periods of time that you will get the best effect, and the protein will be absorbed even faster. If on some days you don’t have training, then you can take protein shortly before dinner.

In general, protein can be consumed at least ten times a day, the main thing is that the total dose is correct. But for you it will be just an extra trouble. Of course, you can drink the entire required daily dose at one time, but the body simply will not absorb the excess protein.

Proper use of protein for weight loss

Can you eat protein to lose weight? Of course you can, because protein can not only help you gain muscle mass, but also with weight loss. But you need to take protein when losing weight in a completely different way - it should not complement food, but be its replacement.

Proper use of protein - video

Of course, you don’t need to completely refuse food and consume only protein, because this can have a bad effect on your health, but it’s quite possible to replace morning breakfast and dinner with protein. This will increase the amount of protein, but will not increase the total calories.

Wrapping up your protein intake

The main thing is not the timing of protein intake, but the dose. If the body needs protein, then it will be able to take it from the protein that you consumed both in the morning, afternoon, and evening. You do not need to save the drug and drink it, very little, because you will not be able to get any effect. Doing an overdose is also not worth it, you will not get harm from this, you will simply transfer the protein.

Is protein harmful to the human body?

There are many opinions that nutrition for sports, including proteins, have great harm for health and many are wondering - is protein harmful? Protein is a harmless drug, and it can be taken by both athletes and ordinary people. There are no age restrictions in the use of protein, and it does not bring any harm. Therefore, when answering the question, you can be sure that the protein is absolutely not harmful, because it consists of proteins. And the proteins themselves are necessary not only during training, but during stress, movement. Protein is always necessary for our body, even just to make us feel normal. Also, without the proteins themselves, an athlete will not be able to be in great shape.

Anyone who wants to take protein should pay attention to the very reaction of your body to this drug. After all, there are many people who have an allergic reaction to the protein itself. This can lead to both digestive upsets and the usual itching or burning sensation. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a small examination and consultation with a doctor before taking the protein, in order to be completely convinced that the protein cannot bring you any harm. And the protein itself can be harmful when a person has diseases with the kidneys or the liver.

But no studies have yet shown that the protein itself can cause these diseases. If, when taking protein, a person feels pain in the kidney area, then this means that they have already been damaged to the protein itself. If, after taking the protein, you have identified an allergy or pain in the liver or kidney area, then the best option in this situation would be to simply stop using the protein.

Do beginners need protein and how to do without it?

Who needs supplements and proteins? The protein itself is needed only by those athletes who are already experienced and have managed to acquire a lot of knowledge, strength and endurance during this time. As for beginners, they should not use protein yet, as well as various supplements.

But there are also athletes who nevertheless changed this opinion and proved that protein is really necessary for both beginners and professionals. Protein is necessary for a beginner in order to gain muscle mass or burn excess fat. It must be remembered that muscles are proteins, and if there are no proteins, then, accordingly, there will be no muscles.

Do Beginners Need Protein?

If you want to gain muscle mass, but at the same time are thin, then there will not be much difference in the form of protein for you. There are also many lean athletes who don't want to put on extra fat and rely on a drug to help. But such a choice is not correct, since you are thin due to a lack of energy, when fats and carbohydrates are needed, but they are not.

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Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Before starting training, it will be useful for girls and men to learn how to drink protein for weight loss, which one is better - whey, isolate or soy. Information about the type of protein, its correct intake and amount will become important. The use of protein shakes will compensate the body for the energy lost during a lesson or training and will allow you to use fat reserves for weight loss.

What is protein

The term protein refers to protein. In the sports version, these are special powder mixtures taken by athletes for the full intake of protein in the body. For those who are actively involved in fitness, more of it is required - amino acids that are more energy-consuming compared to fats and carbohydrates are absorbed longer. Use protein powder and in order to reduce weight. To do this, you should learn how to drink protein for weight loss.

Is Protein Necessary for Weight Loss?

There is an erroneous opinion that protein powder only gets better and those who are struggling with excess weight should not include it in the diet. So is it possible to drink proteins for weight loss? Yes, because they have the following functions:

  1. Increase immunity, normalize protein synthesis in the connective layer of the dermis, restore elasticity, moisture level and skin tone. Supplements protect against early aging, menstrual irregularities with a low-calorie diet.
  2. Protect against muscle loss, speed up the process of fat burners, keep satiety longer.
  3. They help the body use fat reserves to compensate for increased energy costs.
  4. They maintain homeostasis, lower the rate of fat synthesis, increase the absorption of carbohydrates to prevent insulin surges and reduce hunger.

What is the best protein for weight loss

To understand the problem of which protein is best for weight loss, you should understand the subtypes. There are main types:

  • egg - natural, expensive, it does not contain cholesterol;
  • whey - contains 60% amino acids, is quickly absorbed by the muscles;
  • whey isolate - contains 90% amino acids, well purified;
  • whey hydrolyzate - 95-98% amino acids, is expensive, has a bitter taste component;
  • casein - with slow activity, 60% amino acids;
  • soy - suitable for vegetarians, allergy sufferers, low-calorie, cheap, 50% amino acids;
  • complex - includes all types, even wheat, is expensive, the popular Proteine ​​Whey brand.

For beginners, a system of rules has been developed for taking the best of the above species:

  • it is better to choose those that are absorbed faster;
  • for weight loss, egg or whey is suitable, but not soy;
  • for weight loss, it is good to use the complex active powder Sportvik.

Soy protein for weight loss

One of the cheapest types of protein is soy protein for weight loss, which is not the most nutritious. Experts attribute low calorie content to positive qualities, cheap raw materials - soy, and negative ones - a low amount of essential amino acids in the composition. The powder is only half pure protein, so using only a slimming drug will not be enough.

Whey protein for weight loss

The most popular is Whey Protein when losing weight. It is inexpensive, the basis is whey, rich in essential amino acids. The downside of the powder is the low content of pure protein - 60%. To increase the amount of amino acids, whey is further purified. Get an isolate containing 90% protein and hydrolyzate. The latter is a pure 100% protein, is expensive, is used by professional athletes, and has a bitter taste.

Casein protein for weight loss

A little more expensive than whey is casein protein for weight loss, which is made from curd protein. Casein differs from all other types of assimilation by a slow rate, therefore it is drunk at night to protect muscle cells from a lack of nutrients during this period. Pure protein in the casein type contains up to 60%. For a pronounced result of losing weight, this is not enough, so it is combined with other types.

How to drink protein

Coaches and professional athletes are advised to drink protein correctly, mixing it with any liquid of different concentrations. It is important that it is not boiling water, because the protein denatures, folds and loses beneficial features. How to use protein for weight loss: divide the daily dose, calculated individually, into two doses. If there is a strength training, you can drink a concentrated mixture before and after training. If the day is free from fitness, drink a protein shake before lunch and dinner to burn fat.

When is the best time to take protein?

It is best and best to take protein in the morning a couple of hours before training and an hour after it. To maintain muscle, drink protein between meals, and if you want to lose weight, replace it with lunch or dinner. Each serving of the cocktail is considered a full meal, so you do not need to supplement it with anything. For maximum protein action, review your diet: eat more legumes, cereals, vegetable oils, fish, meat.

How many times a day to drink protein

There are no restrictions on how many times a day to drink protein, but the only advice is not to consume the daily allowance at one time. Protein simply will not be absorbed, the body will lose energy, training will not be as high quality. It is optimal to divide the intake into two, but if the volume is still large, then you can drink a drink in 3-5 doses. It is consumed without the accompaniment of additional food.

How much protein to drink per day

Important information for beginners will be how much protein to drink per day. Daily rate for a person without health restrictions, 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight is considered. If you eat high-protein foods, then you need half the supplements. If the diet is protein-free or low in protein, use the powder at 1.5 g per kilogram. An approximate portion of the cocktail will be 30 g of powder diluted in water or milk.

Is it possible to drink protein without training

Those who are interested in whether it is allowed to drink protein without training should be advised to calculate the protein rate. If daily dose incoming amino acids with food are normal, there is no need for a protein shake. The extra intake can even be harmful. In the absence of protein in the diet, turn on the intake of cocktails that will help balance the body's energy costs.

What protein to drink after a workout

Experts recommend drinking protein after a fast type workout. It helps muscles recover quickly, avoid microtrauma. A little later, it is recommended to take casein or another slow protein that will provide the muscles with amino acids for a long time. The supplement will help to restore the muscles qualitatively and avoid pain due to the formation of lactic acid.

Protein at night for weight loss

To achieve a quick effect in losing extra pounds without harming the muscles, it is recommended to take protein at night for weight loss. If it is better to use a whey type for morning and afternoon intake, then at night, replace it with casein or soy. They are considered slow species, digested for a long time, allowing the muscles not to weaken from lack of nutrition overnight.

Protein instead of food

For weight loss, it is important to take protein instead of food, replacing one or two main meals with shakes. It can be breakfast and dinner, lunch and dinner, breakfast and lunch. While maintaining the daily calorie content, you can achieve a significant loss of extra pounds under the condition of physical activity. It is useful to drink protein shakes and as snacks, the choice is up to the athletes.

Protein for weight loss for girls

Protein is very important for women. Its basis is a protein that builds muscles, hair, bones, skin and nerve endings. Modern powders to maintain the protein balance of the body do not contain impurities, help to lose weight with intense load, accelerate muscle growth and reduce trauma. The use of protein shakes restores muscles faster after a workout, improves women's health and their appearance.

  • balance your diet, give up unhealthy foods, reduce the amount of fat consumed by up to 20%, and increase protein;
  • when calculating daily dietary calories, consider protein calories;
  • choose a good training regimen and competent exercises, do the first time with a trainer;
  • eliminate alcohol, cigarettes and stress from your lifestyle, ensure the quality of sleep;
  • get tested to determine the level of female sex hormones.

Slimming protein for men

It is useful for everyone to know how to drink protein for weight loss for men, but it is worth remembering that only taking protein will not help to cope with accumulated kilograms and fat reserves. The main sports function of protein substances is considered to be the transport of amino acids to the muscles to restore and maintain their volume during fat burning. The danger of improper intake or an incorrectly calculated amount of proteins is the "burning" of the muscles and their destruction from the inside.

The more amino acids enter the male body, the faster the body synthesizes new muscle cells that replace the spent ones. Protein affects weight loss and at the same time maintains maximum muscle volume. It is recommended to take it in an integrated approach with regular physical activity and the right diet. Otherwise, weight gain will only grow.

Men are advised to take protein shakes between meals or replace them with dinner. You need to drink the mixture an hour after a workout for the rapid absorption of protein, providing the body with building material for restoring mass and its speedy regeneration. Trainers advise choosing supplements with the maximum amount of protein (from 80%).

At night, it is better to drink slow protein shakes that help nourish the muscles. Contraindications for admission are liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system. Side effects unlikely, at first bloating and increased gas formation may occur.

Many girls who work out in the gym include sports protein blends in their diet. Protein shakes will be a good addition to the training process and will help create a slender toned body, if taken rationally. In this article, we will talk about the features of taking protein supplements and their significance for girls in the process of losing weight and modeling a figure.

Why should girls drink protein?

Before answering this question, let's remember what protein is.

Proteins are called vegetable or animal proteins, which are the building material of our body. During digestion, they are broken down into amino acids, which are involved in the formation of muscle cells, bones, skin and hair, and contribute to energy production. Protein deficiency leads to changes hormonal background, disruption of vital organs, deterioration of muscles, bones and skin and other negative consequences.

The lack of amino acids is especially acute for girls who are on a diet, when it is difficult to get the required amount of protein with food. Skin deterioration, muscle flabbiness, hair loss and brittle nails are the consequences of a protein deficiency. To avoid unpleasant consequences, girls drink protein shakes.

Do girls need to drink protein to lose weight?

There is an opinion that protein, while helping to build muscle, leads to weight gain, therefore, it should not be taken when losing weight. This misconception arose due to the fact that initially only bodybuilders and athletes who wanted to increase body weight drank protein.

Regular exercise along with protein supplements will help create a lean, toned body without loose skin and cellulite. Isn't that what every girl aspires to?

Of course, you won't be able to lose weight just by taking protein. But protein supplements will not only help maintain muscle mass during the diet, but also make the skin more elastic.

Also with protein blends easier to stick proper nutrition. A protein shake can replace the usual high-calorie snack or even become a full meal.

At what age can girls drink protein

Protein is a product of natural origin, so it has practically no contraindications. You can drink protein shakes from any age if you need an additional source of protein. For example, for teenagers involved in professional sports, coaches recommend starting protein drinking from the age of 14-16.

However, it should be remembered that at a young age the body is able to grow on its own, so to increase muscle mass, it is enough to eat regular high-protein foods. The natural growth of the body stops at the age of 18-23, then an additional intake of amino acids should be started.

What proteins are better for girls to drink for weight loss

There are several types of protein shakes that differ in protein content, lactose, carbohydrates, and digestion time. The most popular protein supplements among girls for weight loss are those that are high in protein, but with a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Let's see which proteins are better for girls to drink to lose weight:

  • Whey protein is a protein derived from whey. It is well absorbed and has an optimal amino acid composition. There are several subspecies: concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate, which differ in protein and lactose content. The concentrate contains from 25 to 89% protein and about 4% lactose, is well absorbed and is cheaper than other proteins. But not suitable for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Whey protein isolate costs a little more than concentrate, but it contains less than 1% lactose and 90-95% protein. There is also a lactose-free isolate that can be consumed by people with hypolactasia. The hydrolyzate contains 80-90% protein and up to 10% lactose, and is more expensive than other types of whey protein. But its indisputable advantage is the speed of assimilation.
  • Casein is also widely popular among girls. This type of protein is formed during the curdling of milk and is similar to the proteins contained in cottage cheese. It takes more time to digest it, so it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. It is recommended to use casein as evening snack or dinner.
  • Soy protein is made from soybeans and has a lower amino acid profile than animal proteins. But it is suitable for vegans and people who, for various reasons, limit their intake of animal proteins.
  • A complex protein is a multicomponent mixture of proteins. The components of protein shakes are selected in such a way that proteins are broken down into different time, thereby providing an influx of amino acids to the muscles for a long time.

To choose the right protein complex, you need to determine when you will take it. Whey protein is good to drink before and after an intense workout, casein is good before bed, and complex protein can be drunk at any time of the day.

Can pregnant and lactating women take protein?

During pregnancy, the body's need for protein increases dramatically. The average woman needs 80-100 grams of protein per day. During pregnancy, this figure increases to 150-170 grams. This amount of protein can also be obtained from regular foods, but some girls prefer to drink protein mixtures.

It should be noted that unflavored pure protein shakes are safe during pregnancy. But the flavorings, colors, and sweeteners that can be found in protein can cause an allergic reaction and lead to negative consequences.

The same goes for protein during breastfeeding. Newborn babies have an immature digestive system, so they are prone to allergies, colic, and intestinal disorders. Maternal intake of extra protein may cause allergic reactions at the baby. Doctors recommend starting protein intake 6 months after giving birth, when breast milk becomes not the only food of the child, and the intestines of the baby have already developed enough.

If you are in doubt about whether you can drink protein during pregnancy or lactation, carefully study the composition of protein shakes and consult your doctor.

What harm can protein do to girls?

Despite the fact that protein shakes contain pure plant or animal protein, controversy often arises about the harmfulness of the supplement. Is protein harmful, you can read in our article "Protein: Harm and Benefit".

Prime Kraft Expert Opinion

Should girls drink protein? Experts say you should if your goal is a beautiful and healthy body. Whether your goal is to lose weight or build muscle, the right protein complex will help you achieve the results you want.

The question of the benefits and harms of sports protein worries people who are starting to seriously train or simply strive to bring the figure to the ideal. Without a doubt, the importance of protein for human life and health cannot be overestimated - it plays a fundamental role in the structure and regeneration of tissues and cells, and its deficiency in the body leads to destructive processes.

A little about what protein is

IN sports nutrition protein is offered in the form of a powder from which shakes are made. They can be taken throughout the day and thus make up for the lack of protein in the body. On each can of protein powder, the manufacturer indicates an amino acid matrix that determines the concentration of nutrients in the product. Vitamin-mineral complexes, glutamine and creatine are often added to sports protein, which together provide the highest level of supplement effectiveness.

15 undeniable advantages of sports protein

1. The right protein will help you quickly and safely build lean muscle mass and achieve maximum athletic performance.

2. There is nothing superfluous in the sports product - it is a pure protein without fats and carbohydrates, with a low calorie content and a balanced amino composition.

3. Protein satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time and blocks the appearance of appetite. This effect is achieved by lowering blood sugar levels and increasing the amount of free amino acids.

4. Easy to consume, a protein shake is a great way to go at work, on the road, at home, or at the gym.

5. This is an indispensable product for vegetarians, vegans, as well as for those gourmets who do not like meat and seafood. With the help of sports protein, you can easily gain the required daily protein intake.

6. Maximum simplicity and ease of preparation. Simply mix protein powder with water, milk, or your favorite juice and you're ready to enjoy your protein treat.

7. Sports protein has a high level of biological digestibility, it does not create heaviness in the stomach and does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Absorbed almost 100%.

8. High-quality protein provides the body with a complete complex of amino acids, the main building material for cells and tissues.

9. Taking sports protein will help normalize insulin levels, as in healthy people and in patients with type 2 diabetes.

10. For athletes, a protein shake is a great source of energy, strength and endurance. It helps to increase the efficiency of the body to the limit and bring the results of training to a whole new level of quality.

11. Protein is the ideal post-workout meal as it is easily digested while blocking catabolism and restoring energy.

12. Protein supplement, unlike standard food products, has a long shelf life. Powder can always be taken with you on the road.

13. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of flavors of protein shakes, so choosing the most delicious is easy: strawberry, banana, vanilla, chocolate, etc.

14. Protein in sports supplements is 100% natural and physiological, therefore it does not cause allergies and is quickly absorbed by cells.

15. Sports protein, when used correctly, is completely safe for health.

5 main disadvantages of sports protein

1. Protein can cause an eating disorder, especially in lactose intolerant people. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully study the composition and give preference to whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate.

2. If you regularly exceed the dose of protein, then there are risks. negative impact on the liver and kidneys. People with chronic diseases these bodies should be attentive to the intake of sports supplements.

3. Sports protein does not contain vitamins and minerals after cleaning. However, many manufacturers specifically enrich the formula protein product beneficial substances.

4. Pure protein tastes rather unpleasant, so manufacturers improve the taste of the product with the help of sweeteners, colors and flavor substitutes.

5. The high price of sports protein makes it inaccessible to buyers with low incomes. There is only one advice here - monitor prices in online stores and look for the best deals.


Protein functions in strength training. Features of protein intake on rest days.

Professional athletes know own experience that it is almost impossible to achieve how significant results in sports without taking special supplements. At the same time, today one of the main assistants of a bodybuilder is protein. This is not surprising, because it is protein that is the basis for the growth of muscle mass. In its absence or shortage, how significant success in sports, the acquisition of relief and an increase in muscle volume can not be counted on. But how to drink protein? Is it needed on rest days, or is it only necessary to drink it on training days? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Briefly about protein

For many beginners, the presence of many types of protein is a real revelation. Most do not know about the existence of whey, soy, milk, casein and other types of protein. But this is very important point. The type of protein directly depends on the time of its intake, dosage and effect.

It is important to know that protein can be "fast" and "slow":

  1. "Fast" proteins are distinguished by a high rate of assimilation by organisms. They have unique indicators of biological activity, so they are suitable for taking in the morning and after training. These supplements include all types of whey powder - isolates, concentrates and hydrolysates.
  2. "Slow" proteins are digested much longer - up to 6-8 hours, so it is better to drink them at night or during long breaks in food. Their feature is the continuous supply of muscle fibers with amino acids and the prevention of catabolism processes. Slow proteins include:
    • soy protein is digested in the stomach for a very long time (especially if you buy a low-quality cleaning product). But, despite this, this type of protein is very popular among athletes. Its reception allows you to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and lose excess fat;
    • casein powder is also digested slowly, so it is best to drink it before bed. The disadvantages include an unpleasant taste and poor solubility in water, which complicates the process of preparing a protein shake;
    • egg protein, like casein, has a "long-playing" effect and begins to act only after 4-6 hours.

So, we have mentioned the main types of proteins that are most in demand in bodybuilding today. All of them can be drunk on any day, regardless of the time of rest and training. But more on that below.

Reception features

You need to drink protein wisely, otherwise you will throw money away, and tedious exercises will not bring the expected result. However, a lot depends on whether you drink supplements on training days or rest days. Let's look at each option in more detail:

  1. Training days. So, the optimal dosage for an athlete who is actively involved in the gym is about 2-2.5 grams per kilo of weight. Therefore, if your scales show 90 kilograms, then you need to drink about 200 grams of protein per day. Naturally, it is impossible to consume protein at one time - it simply cannot be absorbed. The total dosage must be divided into 5-6 equal parts, each of which should contain no more than 30-40 grams of protein:
    • after waking up. A serving of protein powder stops catabolism and provides the necessary supply of amino acids to starved muscles. The best way- whey protein, which is perfectly digested and after 30-40 minutes provides muscle fibers with a "package" of amino acids;
    • between meals. Allows you to keep the level of amino acids in the body at a consistently high level. Here it is desirable to take “fast” proteins, but for long periods without food, you can also drink “slow” proteins (for example, the same casein);
    • immediately before class. About an hour before a workout, you can take another serving of protein, which will increase the body's performance and increase its endurance. At the same time, muscle fibers will receive the necessary nourishment already during training, which will increase the effectiveness of classes;
    • after visiting gym. An hour after class, you can drink another portion of the supplement in order to close the "protein window" as quickly as possible. And here again, whey protein comes to the rescue with its almost instant digestibility;
    • for the night. Here, a portion of the protein is necessary to stop the process of catabolism and nourish the muscle fibers with amino acids during sleep. But fast proteins will be useless. The best option is casein or soy powder.
  2. Rest days. As practice shows, it is necessary to drink protein even on non-training days. The only thing is that the dosage in this case should be more loyal. For example, you can leave the morning meal intact (it is mandatory), the second serving can be drunk somewhere between 5-7 pm, and the third just before bedtime. The total serving on rest day should be about half of the maximum serving (for example, if you need 200 grams of protein on training days, then 80-100 grams will be enough on rest days).

If there is a desire to save money, then on the same days you can leave only a nightly portion of protein, and during the day lean on fish, cottage cheese, milk and eggs. Sometimes this option looks even more preferable.

Prices and where to buy protein


Thus, the protein can be taken on any day, regardless of the training. The main thing is to correctly distribute portions and calculate the time of admission. And remember that in bodybuilding, quality training is only 30% of success. Everything else is a well-chosen diet. Good luck.

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